Card file of observations of nature in the senior group. Observations on a walk for every day for the older group

diets 05.07.2019

Galina Bubnova
Card file of observations in nature (senior group)

Card file of observations in nature

Senior group


observation in nature

Children's activities on the site

1. To teach children to independently determine the state of the weather and its effect on vegetation and animal world (strong wind plucks leaves from trees, it is difficult for sparrows to jump, feathers swell from the wind, etc.)

Sad time! Oh charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love magnificent nature wilting,

Forests clad in crimson and gold…

2. Sun watching. Look at the landmark on your site for the movement of the sun in the morning, afternoon and evening. Mark significant changes: the sun no longer rises as high as in summer; do conclusion: his path is shortened, and the day is reduced.

3. Draw the attention of children to the fact that in September there are still thunderstorms, lightning flashes, thunder rumbles, but these are the last autumn thunderstorms. Check folk I will accept: "Thunder in September heralds a warm autumn".

4. Fog watching. Explain to the children that these are chilled water droplets hanging in the air.

5. Pay attention to the first frosts on the soil. In the morning, the roofs of the houses, the grass, the paths are covered with hoarfrost - everything is white. watch as it quickly disappears under the rays of the sun, only shiny drops remain.

6. Observation of trees and shrubs. Admire the beauty of color foliage: the maple turns yellow-red, the leaves of the mountain ash turn red, the outfit of the aspen, the birch and the golden linden become bright red. Invite the children to name the trees, remember how their leaf differs

7. Pay attention to the appearance of a silver web. Where does it come from? These are young spiders. Remind the children that spiders are useful, do not interfere with them, let them fly to a new place.

8. After the first frost, insect life stops. Ask the children where have they gone?

9. At the beginning of autumn, show the children the departure of cranes. They fly at an angle, in two diverging rows. Read a poem by M. A. Poznanskaya "Cranes".

Cranes are flying, chirping

Send the latest "goodbye"

They call summer behind them

Taken to a warm land.

I feel sorry for the colored meadows

And my cranes!

Only I won't grieve

I will meet them in the spring.

10. Draw the attention of children to frequent gusty cold winds. watch how the wind rips the leaves from the trees and spins them in the air.

Children activities in the corner nature

1. Working with plants in the corner nature. Watching them grow.

2. Transferring plants from site to group(marigolds, daisies, asters)

3. Harvesting and drying plants for winter bouquets.

4. Harvesting seeds of watermelon, melon, acorns, chestnuts, cones, leaves for crafts from natural material.

Folk proverbs and sayings

3. September is cold and full.

4. Autumn is coming and brings the rain with it.

5. If it is clear, then autumn is beautiful.

6. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is with fruits.

Introduce children to folk omens, observe and test them on your natural environment and human activities.

1. A lot of acorns on oak - for a harsh winter.

3. Thunder in September portends a warm autumn.

4. Large ant heaps - for a harsh winter.

5. Abundant night dew - to clear weather.

6. September morning fog - to the wind.

1. Air and methods of its detection (in water, in earth).

2. The need of plants for water (signs of plant revival from the sketch).

3. "A lot - a little": find out why plants with large leaves need to be watered more often than those with small ones.

Working with parents

2. Make a folder - a clamshell City of Kropotkin. Family Day in our city».

3. Spend Parent meeting (organizational). Topic: "Preparation for the new school year, recreational activities for children in kindergarten; selection of the parent committee, answers to questions.

Observations in nature

Children's activities on the site

1. With the help of a teacher, be able to determine the weather, note the condition of plants, animals, human activities. Observations accompanied by excerpts from the classical poetry:

Is in the autumn of the original

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day stands as if crystal,

And radiant evenings.

F. Tyutchev

2. Inspection of the site. Mark where the leaves on the trees still hold and bushes. Look for linden, maple, oak seeds on the site. Consider acorns. Read a poem by S. Marshak:

With a cap on his head

As if ready to go

He hides in the leaves

Golden oak.

Into this sleek box

Bronze color

Hidden little oak tree

Next summer.

3. Walk in the garden. See in what form the garden was left for the winter, what still needs to be completed.

4. Inspection of the flower garden. What flowers are still blooming, which ones will bloom and what can be dug up to bloom in group(daisies, marigolds, pansies, which have already faded.

5. Harvesting branches, leaves, fruits for the game “Whose branch are the kids from?”

6. Observation on a walk for the work of adults (digging the garden, flower garden). Assistance in the collection of tops.

7. Observe for planting trees and shrubs. Show children shrub with roots entangled with wheatgrass. Show above-ground stems of wheatgrass. Recall proverb: "Wheatgrass - the fire of the fields". Ask to explain.

Children activities in the corner nature

1. Introduction of the weather calendar, sketches in the album.

2. Watering, spraying, cutting dry leaves from flowers in vases.

3. Put the last autumn flowers brought from a walk into the water, monitor their freshness, change the water.

4. Arrange in a corner nature exhibition: "Gifts of Autumn".

5. Observation per indoor plants, transplantation, acquaintance with new plants.

Proverbs and sayings

2. Late leaf fall - to a harsh and long winter.

3. The tit squeaks - it broadcasts winter.

4. In autumn, birds fly low - to a cold winter, high - to a warm one.

1. "Can a plant breathe?"- identify the needs of the plant in the air, breathing. Understand how the process of respiration occurs in plants. (book "Unknown near", page 55)

2. Do plants have respiratory organs - determine that all parts of plants are involved in respiration.

3. Do roots need air? - identify the cause of the plant's need for loosening, prove that plants breathe in all parts.

4. What does the plant secrete? - establish that plants emit oxygen.

Working with parents

1. Design a parent corner "Familiar Strangers"

2. Prepare a consultation for parents "Developing environment for hyperactive children"

3. Visit N. Levkovich at home - find out where the boy plays, what he does, how he helps at home.

Ekaterina Guzenko
Observations on a walk for every day for the older group

September, senior group

Plant observation:

1st week: Observation of vegetables grown in the garden. Collect ripe tomatoes, ask why you can’t eat unwashed vegetables and fruits. Make riddles about vegetables and fruits.

2nd week: Watching flowers in a flower bed. Repeat the names of familiar plants. Which ones are late flowering? Collect ripe seeds. Riddles about flowers.

3rd week: Watching dahlias. These are late flowering plants. Show annual flowers and perennials. Collect seeds from annuals. Tell that after flowering, some perennial plants are dug up for the winter.

4th week: Note what changes have occurred in nature with trees. Celebrate the beauty of autumn foliage. Repeat the names of the trees. Consider the fruits of hawthorn.

1st week: Take three transparent jars for a walk. Pour sand, earth, clay into them (into each separately, pour water and stir. The sand settles quickly, the clay stays in the water for a long time, and the roots are visible in the ground. Introduce the properties of sand and clay.

2nd week: Look at the tops of the trees in windy weather - they sway. Note that cold winds often blow in autumn. To form an understanding of autumn phenomena.

3rd week: Watch the autumn rain from the veranda. Offer to remember the summer rains. Ask why people say: "Autumn cools the water." Systematize ideas about seasonal changes in nature.

4th week: Air temperature monitoring. The air became cooler, therefore, the temperature dropped. In the morning we put on jackets and berets. Compare autumn weather with summer weather.

Animal Watching:

1st week: Dog observation. Offer to remember what the guys know about the wolf. How is a wolf different from a dog. To consolidate the ability to distinguish similar and different in the structure and behavior of animals.

2nd week: Bird watching they gather in large flocks and fly, preparing to fly to warmer climes. Expand the horizons of children, develop observation.

3rd week: Cat observation. Consider adult animals and kittens. How does a mother take care of her children? Reveal their similarities and differences. Name pets.

4th week: Ask why the swallows are not visible. What do these birds eat. What are the birds that fly away in autumn called? To consolidate the concept of "migratory birds".

Watching people at work:

1st week: Supervision of the work of assistant teachers. What does the nanny do, how can the guys help her? Why does the group need to be kept clean?

2nd week: Talk about doctors. What are the doctors, what do they treat? Why is the medical profession so important? Why you need to take care of your health. If any of the children have parents who work as doctors, ask them to tell about them.

3rd week: Flowerbed work. Remove dried plants, collect seeds. What kind of work do people do in the garden in the fall? The game "Garden - round dance."

4th week: Car surveillance. How do they make life easier for people? How can passenger transport be public (taxi). Fix modes of transport.

1st week: Excursion to the school. The guys go to the line. Consider their clothes, briefcases. With what mood do they go to school, why? Did they want to go to school on their own?

2nd week: Consider a large puddle. Offer to lower wooden, metal objects, stones into the water. Which ones don't sink? To consolidate knowledge about the properties of water, wood, stone.

3rd week: Excursion around the territory of the kindergarten. Repeat the names of the trees. The area is kept clean and tidy. Learn to keep your area clean.

4th week: Wasp watching. They are almost gone, as frosts are approaching, and insects fall asleep because they have nothing to eat. Talk about the benefits of insects, their diversity.

October, senior group

Plant observation:

1st week: Pay attention to the color of the leaves, how diverse their color is. Watch the fall leaves. Fix the signs of autumn, educate careful attitude to nature.

2nd week: Compare pine and spruce with deciduous trees. Tell why they remain green, and if the needles fall, then young green needles grow in return. Needles are leaves that are not afraid of the cold.

3rd week: Involve children in collecting seeds on trees (for a herbarium). Consider and compare maple and linden seeds. Why is the maple fruit called a dipteran? Clarify ideas about plants in the immediate environment.

4th week: Pay attention to the bark of trees. It is different in color (for aspen it is light green, for birch it is white, for maple it is brown. Expand and clarify ideas about trees, develop observation.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Pay attention to the fact that the days have become shorter, it gets dark earlier. Based on observations, bring the children to the conclusion that in autumn the days are shorter and the nights are longer.

2nd week: On a walk, pay attention to the traces that remain on the ground after the rain. In one soil, the legs get stuck, in the other they do not. Offer to explain why. To consolidate the idea that sand allows water to pass through, and clay and earth hold it back.

3rd week: Wind observation. With the onset of autumn, it became cold, impetuous. Compare with the breeze that blew in the summer. Choose adjectives for the word wind.

4th week: Show frost on the grass, benches, rooftops. Watch it melt under the sun. Ask why he disappeared. Draw conclusions based on observations.

Animal Watching:

1st week: Offer to find insects on the site. They are not here. Ask about why insects disappear in autumn. Systematize children's ideas about the life of insects depending on the season.

2nd week: Look at the feeder. There are more and more birds that winter with us. To bring children to the understanding that with the onset of cold weather, birds approach human dwellings in search of food.

3rd week: Observation of the magpie, its habits. Ask when she cracks. List the characteristics of birds. Make riddles about birds.

4th week: Talk about pets. What did they do in the summer? What did they eat? What will people feed them in winter, why are animals transferred to a warm room for the winter? Name baby animals.

Watching people at work:

1st week: Talk about how people prepare rooms for winter. Watch how the windows are insulated. To consolidate the ability to notice seasonal changes in nature and related work activities.

2nd week: Ask the children for what purpose the autumn digging of the earth is carried out. To consolidate the concept that this is done to maintain moisture in the soil and destroy weeds, since the roots freeze faster from frost.

3rd week: Watching people's clothes. Name the clothes and their parts. Why do we wear warmer clothes with the onset of autumn. What can happen if the clothes are out of season.

4th week: Surveillance of an ambulance. What functions does it perform. Doctors of what specializations children know. Name the specifics of each of them. Talk about how to stay healthy.

Excursions, observation of the surroundings:

1st week: Ask each child which tree they like. Admire the beauty of trees in autumn dress. To form the ability to characterize the features of a particular tree.

2nd week: Go around the site, note what changes have occurred in nature. Strengthen the ability to see the relationship in nature.

3rd week: Watching the autumn rain. Rain riddles. Offer to pick up epithets for the rain. What other types of precipitation do children know?

4th week: Transport talk. What kind of traffic do we encounter every day? What types of transport do the guys know. P / and "Drivers and Pedestrians".

November, senior group

Plant observation:

1st week: Invite the children to show a tall and a short tree in the area. ask what they are called. Determine the similarities and differences in the structure, color of the bark. Fix the characteristic features of trees.

2nd week: Offer to consider trees and shrubs. Find common and different. Teach children to take care of shrubs and trees, not to break branches and not to cut off foliage.

3rd week: Cedar observation. From all the trees the leaves flew around, and coniferous trees stand green. Compare conifers and deciduous trees, call them distinctive features.

4th week: Observation of the foliage of trees. Are all the trees standing bare or do some still have leaves?

1st week: Fall observation. Pay attention to how smoothly the leaves fall in calm weather and how quickly in a strong wind. To teach to notice differences, to lead children to conclusions based on observations.

2nd week: Wind observation. Strengthen the ability to determine the strength of the wind. Strengthen the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

3rd week: Observation of clouds, their movement. To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name the state of the weather. Pay attention to the fact that the days have become shorter, it gets dark early in the evening. To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

4th week: Soil observation. She is hard, frozen, because it is cold outside. Bring the children to an understanding of the relationship: it's cold outside - the soil is frozen.

Animal Watching:

1st week: Cat observation. Ask what benefits a cat brings as a pet. Define the term "pet". Name the wild relatives of the cat.

2nd week: Birdwatching. Bring the children to the conclusion that with the onset of cold weather, wintering birds move closer to human habitation. What is it connected with?

3rd week: Note which birds are more on the feeder. Vorobyov. They are always with us. Consider them, fix the features of the appearance of sparrows in color, size, and methods of movement.

4th week: Dove watching. They fly in flocks, are not afraid of people, take food from their hands. Talk about carrier pigeons.

Watching people work

1st week: Pay attention to what they sell in a vegetable stall. Ask who grew the crop. Remind. That people prepare some fruits and vegetables for the winter. To form an understanding of the relationship between the increase in cold and the state of plants.

2nd week: Pay attention to the fact that people are dressed in warm clothes. The conversation is that many animals are also preparing for winter, changing their coats to warmer and less noticeable ones. To form an understanding of the relationship between the increase in cold and the preparation of animals for winter.

3rd week: Watching a police car. Consider features. Ask when we turn to the police for help. Who knows the phone number of the police?

4th week: Supervision of the work of the janitors. They collect the last fallen leaves in bags. A conversation about why it is impossible to burn leaves in the city.

Excursions, observation of the surroundings:

1st week: Walk around the site, note the changes that have taken place in it: the trees are without foliage, insects have disappeared, it is cloudy and cold outside, people are dressed in warm clothes. Systematize children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature.

2nd week: Pay attention to the thin ice in the puddles. To form ideas about the transition of substances from a liquid to a solid state. To consolidate knowledge about the properties of ice.

3rd week: Supervision of construction work on the roof. What can workers do there? What precautions should be taken when working at height?

4th week: Ask the children to name the signs of the coming winter. Compare winter and autumn. A conversation about what entertainment the new season brings us.

December, senior group

Plant observation:

1st week: Check out the trees in the area. Offer to remember how trees were recognized in the fall, how you can recognize them now. Offer to find birch, maple, aspen, cedar. Note their characteristic features.

2nd week: Consider spruce and cedar. To consolidate the ability of children to distinguish between these conifers. Clarify the knowledge that spruce and cedar are coniferous plants.

3rd week: After a heavy snowfall in the presence of children, be careful not to break the branches, shake off the snow from them. Explain that in frosty branches are very fragile and can easily break under the weight of snow.

4th week: Compare trees and shrubs. Name their distinctive features, parts of plants. To consolidate the ability to distinguish trees from shrubs.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Watch how the snow falls (snowflakes, flakes, grits). Tell that depending on the weather, snowflakes can have a different shape.

2nd week: Pay attention that all the trees are, as it were, decorated with snow fringe - this is hoarfrost. Admire its beauty. To consolidate knowledge about the properties of frost.

3rd week: Consider the wonderful patterns on the trees. Read the poem:

“Our windows are like a brush

Santa Claus painted ... ".

Develop emotional responsiveness to the beauty of the winter landscape.

4th week: Put water into molds. By the end of the walk, the water will freeze. To lead the children to understand that ice is water that has changed its appearance under the influence of cold. Make a riddle: “In the yard there is a mountain, and in the hut there is water.”

Animal Watching:

1st week: Birdwatching. Offer to listen to their melodic whistling. Recognize wintering birds by their coloration and sounds. To consolidate the ability to behave calmly around birds.

2nd week: Watching magpies and crows. Consider footprints in the snow. Determine the appearance of birds by size, sounds made. Develop observation and comparison skills.

3rd week: Watching sparrows and tits. Pour food into the feeder. Clarify ideas about the living conditions of birds in winter. Cultivate a desire to take care of birds.

4th week: Sparrow watching. They sit ruffled, spread their feathers, as they are cold. Fluffy feathers warm them better. Recall Prishvin's story "The Disheveled Sparrow".

Watching people at work:

1st week: Roof construction supervision. The roof is finished with slate. Why do you need a strong roof? Why is working at height dangerous?

2nd week: Invite the children to shovel the snow to the tree trunks. Ask what is the purpose of this. To cultivate an active attitude towards plants, the ability to take care of them.

3rd week: Supervision of the work of locksmiths serving heating networks. Ask why you need to take care of the integrity of the pipes. In winter, hot water flows through them, bringing warmth to our homes.

4th week: Supervision of the work of the janitors. They sprinkle the paths with sand, slag, remove the ice. Ask what is it for? Review the ice rules.

Excursions, observation of the surroundings:

1st week: Propose to measure the depth of the snow cover with a conditional measure after a snowfall. Develop observation and comparison skills.

2nd week: Show the children that water bodies are covered with ice in winter. To consolidate the ability to establish a relationship between air temperature and the state of water bodies: it is cold in winter - the water turns into ice.

3rd week: Remember what snow and ice turn into under the influence of heat, water - under the influence of cold. Continue to form elementary ideas about the transition of a substance from a solid state to a liquid state and vice versa.

4th week: Walk around the territory of the kindergarten. Note the changes that have taken place, the depth of the snow cover, the condition of the trees. Compare deciduous trees with cedar.

January, senior group

Plant observation:

1st week: Observation of trees in winter decoration. To consolidate the ability to recognize familiar trees by structure, color of the bark.

2nd week: Ask why trees don't grow in winter. Do they have leaves? To consolidate the concepts that conditions are necessary for growth, and in winter they are absent in nature (cold, not enough light, since the days are short).

3rd week: Ask why it is necessary to shake off snow from fruit trees after a snowfall. Expand your horizons, cultivate a caring attitude towards trees.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Examine the footprints in the freshly fallen snow. To consolidate the ability to compare and distinguish between traces of birds and animals. The game "Guess whose fingerprint."

2nd week: Measure the depth of snowdrifts in different places on the site. Offer to think about why near the fences, bushes, the snow lies in a denser layer. Develop the ability to think logically.

3rd week: Offer to admire the beauty of high snowdrifts on a clear winter day. Throw snow and see how it glitters in the sun. To consolidate knowledge about the properties of snow on a frosty day (light, fluffy, crumbly, crispy).

Animal Watching:[

1st week: bird watching in cold weather. In the cold they sit ruffled, and in the thaw they are animated, chirping merrily. Show the change in the behavior of birds depending on weather conditions.

2nd week: Ask what migratory birds eat, why they do not fly to warmer climes. If the children do not remember, then remind them that one hundred migratory birds feed on insects that are not there in winter. Strengthen the ability to compare and draw conclusions.

3rd week: Look at the birds that come. Compare sparrows with titmouse, nuthatches. Strengthen the ability to distinguish them by appearance.

Watching people at work:

1st week: Supervision of the work of the janitors. They clear sidewalks and roadways from snow. What is it for? Review the rules of conduct during a snowfall. Invite the children to clear the paths in the kindergarten themselves.

2nd week: People watching in cold weather. Why do they have red cheeks and noses, do they cover their faces from the wind? Familiarize yourself with the rules of first aid for frostbite.

3rd week: Supervision of the work of locksmiths. They eliminate the gust in the pipes. Explain what their job is. What dangers may lie in wait for them.

Excursions, observation of the surroundings:

1st week: Consider frosty patterns on the windows. Admire their beauty. Develop an aesthetic perception of the environment. Riddles about the winter season. Invite the children to draw frosty patterns on paper.

2nd week: Freeze water in molds. Consider transparent ice. To clarify the knowledge that in the cold water turns into ice, which has the following properties: hard, slippery, smooth, transparent.

3rd week: Invite the children to make patterns in the snow. If there is a lot of snow, build a snowman. Develop imagination, a sense of collectivism.

February, senior group

Plant observation:

1st week: Compare the buds of poplar and linden. Offer to touch the kidneys, smell them. In poplar, they are sticky, fragrant, stringy, and in linden, the buds are almost round. To expand the horizons of children, the ability to analyze and draw independent conclusions.

2nd week: Take a sprig of aspen. Consider swollen buds. Invite the children to take a twig and put it in a group. Watch how the buds open. To form the idea that light, water and heat are necessary for plant life at the same time.

3rd week: Observation of trees after the thaw. The branches are covered with a thin layer of ice. Ask why? Lead the children to the simplest conclusions based on observations. Show that water freezes under the influence of frost, so the branches of trees are iced over.

4th week: Consider the location of the kidneys of poplar, willow, birch. Find similarities and differences. Develop observation.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Watching snow in a blizzard. Offer to see where the snow lingers. Lead children to the simplest conclusions based on observations.

2nd week: Watching the drops from the roof on a sunny day. Lead the children to understand its appearance depending on the air temperature.

3rd week: Explain with an illustrative example. What is ice. Offer to think about what needs to be done so that the kids do not fall. Propose to establish links between air temperature and the properties of ice and snow.

4th week: Sun watching. Learn to fix the starting point and the line along which the sun moves, to determine the nature of the movement.

Animal Watching:

1st week: Observation of crows and magpies. Compare them, pay attention to how they move on the ground. Expand knowledge about wintering birds.

2nd week: Pay attention to how tits and nuthatches eat. They crawl along the bark of trees, looking for insect larvae. Talk about what else birds eat in winter.

3rd week: Watching dogs. They run in a pack because it is more convenient for them to defend themselves. A conversation about safety rules when meeting with stray dogs.

4th week: Cat observation. Watch her habits. Ask who has a cat at home. Encourage children to speak. To consolidate the concept that animals have nicknames, and people have names.

Watching people at work:

1st week: Overseeing the operation of a crane. A conversation about what work is done with it, why is this work dangerous?

2nd week: Aircraft surveillance. To fix the concept of "air transport".

3rd week: Military surveillance. Talk about the valor of the defenders of the Motherland, a conversation about the day of the defender of the fatherland.

4th week: Supervision of the snowplow. Why is it necessary to remove snow after a snowfall, why do they use equipment?

Excursions, observation of the surroundings:

1st week: Ground observation. Pay attention that along the road, as if sweeping it, snow is rushing. Read Marshak's poem "February".

2nd week: Pay attention to the color of the sky. Offer to remember how it was in December in clear and cloudy weather. To consolidate the concept that the color of the sky changes depending on the time of year, weather conditions.

3rd week: Monitoring the length of the day. Note that the day is gradually increasing.

4th week: Pay attention to the snow. It becomes gray, settles, a crust forms on top - crust. Develop observational skills, the ability to draw conclusions based on observations.

March, senior group

Plant observation:

1st week: Compare the branches of poplar, maple, birch in size, shape, location of the buds on the branch. To consolidate the ability to determine, without the help of a teacher, from which tree a branch. Develop the ability to compare and draw conclusions.

2nd week: Examine the buds on the trees. Offer to play the game "What tree branch" to consolidate children's knowledge about trees.

3rd week: Observation of the awakening of plants on the example of aspen. The snow had just begun to melt, and silvery fluffy buds appeared on the aspen. Pay attention to the fact that they are covered with down - so they are protected from the cold.

4th week: Offer to find the first green grass near the heating pipes. Try to find her in the flowerbed. Why did the grass appear near the pipes, but it is not in other places?

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Observation of the movement of clouds. They move fast or slow. Strengthen the ability to determine the nature of the movement. Ask what determines the nature of the movement.

2nd week: Icicle observation. Listen to them drops. Pay attention that there are icicles not on all sides of the roof, not all of them melt. Ask why? Develop elements of independent thinking under the influence of search activities.

3rd week: Continue to celebrate changes in nature. The sun has changed its course - the day has increased. The sky turned bright blue, the snow began to melt.

4th week: Continue to celebrate the change in nature. The sun has changed its course - the day has increased. The sky turned bright blue, the sun warms, the snow began to melt.

Animal Watching:

1st week: Observing the habits of the cat. She tumbles on her back - it's warm. If the cat curled up in a ball - wait for frost.

2nd week: Pay attention that the birds at the feeder are getting smaller. Offer to remember where wintering birds fly in the spring. To consolidate knowledge about different non-migratory birds.

3rd week: Watching rooks. To say that rooks are heralds of the coming spring. To consolidate the ability to distinguish a rook from other birds. To give an idea that rooks are the first to return to their native lands. Before starting observations, make a riddle: "Black, agile shouts" Krak "- the enemy of worms."

4th week: Observation of the first insects. Pay attention that the sun warmed up, the soil thawed and the insects woke up. What insects can we see in early spring.

Watching people at work:

1st week: Ask how collective farmers prepare for spring work (prepare seeds, repair equipment? To consolidate knowledge about the content and significance of agricultural work.

2nd week: Supervision of the work of the janitor. What are his duties, how difficult this work is. A conversation about what we can do to make the cleaners' job easier?

3rd week: Flowerbed work. Offer to remove last year's foliage, dead wood from the flower bed. check if the soil has thawed. Offer to sow seeds for seedlings in a group.

4th week: Offer to look at people's clothes. How is it different from winter? Why do people change their wardrobe? Learn to establish cause and effect relationships.

Excursions, observation of the surroundings:

1st week: Measure the height of the snow cover, examine the snow. Note the changes that have taken place. develop the ability to observe and draw conclusions based on observations.

2nd week: Why doesn't snow disappear everywhere at the same time? Remember that thawed patches appear where the sun warms and shines the most. Strengthen the ability to draw conclusions from the observed.

3rd week: Go around the territory of the kindergarten. Pay attention to where the snow still lies, and where the ground is already bare. Where exactly is the snow, and why? Learn to draw your own conclusions.

4th week: Invite the children to cut and put branches in the water different trees. And keep a close eye on them.

April, senior group

Plant observation:

1st week: Ask what caused the growth of herbs, swelling of the kidneys. To consolidate the knowledge necessary for plant growth.

2nd week: Find green grass near the heating pipes. Has she grown in these days? To consolidate knowledge about the conditions necessary for the growth of plants.

3rd week: Pay attention to the tubercle of the earth and the sprouts protruding

from under the soil. Soon there will be a coltsfoot. Develop observation, respect for nature.

4th week: Consider shrubs. Offer to smell the wild rose, viburnum. Lead the children to the conclusion that shrubs differ not only in appearance, but also in smell.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Cloud observation. Determine the speed of their movement (slow or fast). Develop the ability to observe and draw conclusions.

2nd week: Continue through the colored glass to observe the movement of the sun in different time day. To fix the ability to fix the line along which the sun moves. Note that the higher the sun, the warmer it is. Develop observation skills and the ability to think logically.

3rd week: Pay attention to puddles. Ask where the ice went, why did it melt? Develop logical thinking, the ability to see the causal relationship of occurring phenomena.

4th week: Earth observation. By the end of April, the soil had already thawed everywhere. It is moist, warm, friable. Offer to dig up a flower bed, plant seedlings, sow seeds.

Animal Watching:

1st week: Watching rooks. They are revitalized, repairing nests. Refine your knowledge of migratory birds.

2nd week: Sparrow watching. Consolidate knowledge about sparrows. Cultivate respect for insects.

3rd week: Mosquito watch. They have already woken up from their winter hibernation. A conversation about how they interfere with people. Offer to consider whether they are of any use.

4th week: Watching bees. Listen to the rumble near flowering trees. Ask what the bees are doing there. Learn to connect with nature. Many bees - a good harvest of fruits and berries. Explain the saying: hardworking like a bee.

Watching people at work:

1st week: Watching the cars coming to the kindergarten. What are trucks transporting, why are their bodies closed? Repeat the classification of transport.

2nd week: Supervision of the work of the laundress. Ask what her job in kindergarten is. take the kids to the laundry. Tell about how they used to wash clothes and how their work is now facilitated.

3rd week: Supervision of the work of firefighters. They came to the kindergarten to check the operation of the hydrant in case of fire. Review the rules of conduct in case of fire.

4th week: Watching people's clothes. They wear thin jackets and hats, why? What is the danger of hypothermia or overheating

Excursions, observation of the surroundings:

1st week: Ask what needs to be done to remove water from the site. Together with the children, walk along the path of streams, show where they flow. To develop observational skills, the ability to draw conclusions from the results of observations.

2nd week: Walk through the area. Clarify and systematize children's ideas about the signs of the coming spring.

3rd week: Go to the neighboring house and look at the flower bed. Compare seedlings in this flower bed with seedlings in a flower bed in kindergarten.

4th week: Offer to dig a small hole in the area covered with sand and see what is in the deeper layers (soil, clay).

May, senior group

Plant observation:

1st week: Pay attention to the sequence of appearance of leaves on the trees: first the bird cherry turns green, then the birch, poplar, linden. Develop observation.

2nd week: Offer to find a dandelion. Consider it, compare it with coltsfoot. To consolidate the ability to recognize and compare early flowering plants.

3rd week: Consider tulips and daffodils in the flower bed. Compare their color, flower and leaf shape. Ask what these plants have in common (early flowering, bulbous). Tell that their life in winter is preserved in underground organs - bulbs, and in spring, overwintered plants grow rapidly.

4th week: Go to the flower bed near the neighboring house. consider flowering plants. Admire their lush flowering, name familiar plants.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Walk through the site, note the changes, consolidate the ability to establish relationships between air temperature, elongation daylight hours with the growth of plants, the appearance of insects.

2nd week: Offer to touch the soil at different times of the day. Say when it's warm and why. Strengthen the ability to install causal connections.

3rd week: Rain watching. How does the rain fall, straight or oblique? Say that if there is a strong wind, then the rain falls askew. Show that the direction of rain depends on the wind.

4th week: Observations of nature after the rain. Show the dependence of plant growth on the abundance of moisture, heat, light, human care.

Animal Watching:

1st week: Insect observation - butterfly. Note that they appear with the onset of heat. Consider them unusual coloring. Talk about how butterflies reproduce.

2nd week: Offer to find beetles. To consolidate knowledge about them, develop interest in them, the ability to observe, highlighting the main thing (in structure, movement).

3rd week: Swift watching. Ask the children what they know about these birds. Consolidate knowledge about swifts. Raise a caring attitude towards birds.

4th week: Spider watching. Examine the web, touch it: it is sticky and durable. Why does a spider need such a web? Talk about the fact that the thread of the web is one of the strongest in the world.

Watching people at work:

1st week: Observing the work of painters. They paint the front of the house. Ask why they do it. What other work and where do painters perform?

2nd week: Observation of the work of a gardener in a flower bed. It loosens the soil, weeds out the weeds. Ask why this is being done, why should these works be carried out carefully?

3rd week: A conversation about what games you can play in warm time of the year. Name summer sports.

4th week: Watching people's clothes. People go without jackets, often with short sleeves, why? Compare how people dressed at the beginning of spring and how they dressed at the end.

Excursions, observation of the surroundings:

1st week: Offer to find cherry, bird cherry. Say that after flowering, fruits appear. If you plant their bones, take care of them, water them, then a cherry or bird cherry tree will grow. Strengthen the ability to distinguish garden plants.

2nd week: Offer to touch wooden and metal surfaces. Lead the children to the conclusion about the different degrees of heating various items during the day (morning, afternoon, evening)

3rd week: Consider clouds. Pay attention to the variety of their forms, the variability of movement. Remember what the sky was like at different times of the year and at different times of the day. Develop observation.

4th week: Invite children to compare plants growing in the shade and in sunny places. Offer to observe which of them will bloom faster. Lead the children to the conclusion that light is necessary for the growth of plants.

Walks in autumn in kindergarten with goals, games and observations.

Card 1

Subject: Autumn has come - warmly taken away


To give children the idea that when autumn comes, the height of the sun changes, it stops warming the air, the days become shorter and the nights longer, people dress warmer.


Summer has flown by, and autumn is just around the corner. Its first manifestations are barely noticeable, in the morning and in the evening it becomes cooler. And so we dress warmer, although it is still warm during the day, just like in summer. And the sun, which warmed us with its rays all summer, became gentle. In the morning it rises later, and in the evening it sets below the horizon earlier - the days become shorter and the nights longer. The first month of autumn is called September.

Dictionary. Cooler, rises, sets, shorter, longer.

art word

Proverbs about autumn

Every summer ends, and autumn begins.

Don't expect the sun from autumn.

This month is the most beautiful

The first red leaf appears,

The earth cools down a little

Harvest decorates the fields.

The air seems to be filled with goodness

This month is called September.

N. Grigorieva

Mobile game "Earth, water, air, fire"

Children join hands, forming a circle, the leader is in the center. He throws the ball to the child and at the same time says one of the words: "earth", "water", "air", "fire". If the leader said "land", then the player, having caught the ball, must quickly name some animal. For the word "water" you need to name a fish, for the word "air" - a bird. If the leader says “fire”, everyone, waving their hands, should spin in place. Inattentive players are out of the game.

Walk on a log, putting your foot off the toe;

Jump off the log.

Card 2

Theme: Gifts of autumn


To consolidate the knowledge of children that vegetables and fruits ripen in autumn, people harvest and save it for consumption in winter.


People call autumn "generous" precisely because it brings a rich harvest.

What vegetables are harvested? What fruits and berries ripen? The grown crop is harvested in the fall and they try to save it for the winter, because vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins and their use in winter is useful.

How are vegetables and fruits stored?

Dictionary: Vegetables, fruits, ripen, "generous" autumn.

art word

Explain why they say so

August prepares the food, and September serves it to the table.

September smells like apples, and October smells like cabbage.

Who whole year lazy, he goes hungry in September.

There are many ridges in the garden,

There are turnips and lettuce.

Here and beets, and peas,

Are potatoes bad?

Our green garden

We will be fed for a whole year.

A. Prokofiev

Mobile game "Broken pumpkin"

The pumpkin is attached on a peg above the shoulders of the players. The peg is inserted into the ground.

At a distance of 10 steps, a line is drawn, on which the player stands facing the pumpkin, holding a stick 1 m long and about 3 cm thick in diameter.

The player is blindfolded with a handkerchief, wrapped several times on the spot, after which he must guess where the pumpkin is, go up to it and hit it with a stick.

The one who hits the pumpkin the first time wins.

Basic movements while walking:

Throw and catch the ball;

Climb stairs at variable pace.

Card 3

Theme: September cobwebs


Show spiders to children, tell how they adapted to the conditions of existence, justify their benefits in nature.


Have you noticed that a lot of spiders appear in autumn? They settle, flying on cobwebs: they are looking for a place higher. To do this, raise the abdomen and release the thread of the cobweb. A jet of warm air picks up a rather long thread and thus transfers the spider. After landing, the spider hides under leaves or dry grass and falls asleep there until spring. And cobwebs fly over fields, gardens - and shine under the rays of the sun. This time is called "Indian summer" because it is the last warm autumn days.

Dictionary. Spider, spider, cobweb.

art word

Signs of September

If there are a lot of cobwebs and spiders in September, the autumn will be clear and the winter will be frosty.

The warmer and drier September, the later winter will come.

When there are a lot of cobwebs on plants, the weather will be warm for a long time.

Gossamer webs fly

With spiders in the middle

And high from the ground

Cranes are flying.

E. Trutneva

Mobile game "Pebbles"

Each participant must have ten pebbles, one of which is different in color. The player throws pebbles low and puts his hands in the place where they should fall.

Those pebbles that fell on the hands, the player throws up again and tries to catch them on the fly.

If the number of pebbles caught is not a pair, one is set aside and the player tosses the pebbles again. It may happen that the player does not catch any. Then he passes the right to move and the remaining stones to the next player. It is believed that the player will also lose when he catches a pair of stones or, together with other stones, catches the marked one. When all the pebbles are in the hands of the players, they calculate who got how much. Whoever has the most pebbles wins.

Basic movements while walking:

Jump on two legs moving forward;

Get into the hoop.

Card 4

Theme: Autumn mists


To acquaint children with a phenomenon characteristic of autumn - fog, tell how it is formed, observe it.


This morning, it was as if a cloud had descended to the ground and enveloped everything around: houses, trees, roads. It is very difficult to see anything from a distance. And if you keep your palm open for a long time, it will become wet.

These are small drops of water that hang in the air. The same droplets are noticeable on the grass, leaves. This is fog. But as soon as the sun will rise- it will dissipate. The weather will become sunny and clear, the sky - high and bottomless - it only happens in early autumn. Fogs are most common in November, because the air cools faster than water and soil.

Dictionary. Fog, creep, dissipates.

art word

Check if it is

In the morning, the fog rises, forming clouds, - for rain; falls to the ground - in dry weather.


Someone dragged the forest away at night.

He was there in the evening and disappeared in the morning.

There was no stump, no bush,

Only a white circle of emptiness.

Where is the bird and beast hiding?

And where for mushrooms now?

I. Tokmakova

Mobile game "Grey cat"

All participants in the game are "mouses", the leader is the "gray cat". All players become a chain and, holding each other's hands, walk around the court in different directions: in a straight line, in a circle or along some kind of curved line. The first in the chain is the “gray cat”.

While driving, he asks:

- Do you have mice?

- There is! - answer "mice".

Are they afraid of the cat?

- Not! - answer "mice".

Let's check it out, watch out!

With these words, the "mice" rush in all directions, and the "gray cat" catches them. The caught player becomes " gray cat", and its predecessor - "mouse".

Basic movements while walking:

Crawl under the cord left and right side;

Throw a bag of sand from behind your back over your shoulder into the distance.

Card 5

Theme: Multi-colored flower bed


Draw the attention of children to the changes that occur in the fall in the flower garden, teach them to collect seeds, to distinguish what flowers they are from; show the shape and structure of seeds.


All summer we admired the beauty of our flower bed.

What flowers grew on it? Autumn has come, the flowers have withered, but everyone wants them to grow again next year, bloom and delight us with their colors. To do this, flowers keep their seeds in boxes, inflorescences - these are marigolds, poppies, asters. Dahlias and chrysanthemums are asked to dig up their roots and save until next spring in a cool room.

And what about lilies and irises (cockerels)? It turns out that they are not afraid of the winter cold. They will cover themselves with their stems and leaves and will sleep until the spring heat arrives.

Dictionary. Flower garden, seeds, soil, collect, save.

art word

Autumn has come

dried flowers,

And look sad

Bare bushes.

Wither and turn yellow

Grass in the meadows

Only turns green

Winter in the fields.

A. Pleshcheev

Mobile game "Find a flower"

The kids all get together.

The adult invites them to turn their backs and close their eyes. At this time, he hides an artificial flower. At the signal of an adult: “You can search!” children open their eyes and start looking for a flower. You can’t take it in your hands or show your find with a glance. The one who finds the flower comes up to the adult and quietly tells him about it, and then returns to his place.

The game continues until all the children have found the flower.

Basic movements while walking:

Throw the ball on the ground and catch it with both hands;

Walk on the log left and right side.

Card 6

Subject: Insects hiding


Draw the attention of children to the fact that insects disappear in autumn, explain what this is connected with autumn changes in nature.


Autumn days pass, and we stop finding insects. They prepared to survive cold winter and wait for spring warmth. Here on a leaf, which is about to be torn off by the wind and thrown into dry grass, small eggs are attached - insects will hatch from them in the spring. The nests of striped bumblebees are in the ground. Only young bumblebees remain to winter, which will build new nests in the spring. Ants climb as deep as possible into the anthill, close the entrance to it and hibernate there. Insects hibernate in the ground, dry grass, under leaves, in the crevices of buildings.

Dictionary. Hide, lay eggs, hibernate.

art word

What happens in autumn?

Large anthills - for a cold winter.

The appearance of mosquitoes late autumn- for a warm winter.

Mobile game "Bell"

Of the willing players choose a "bell". The rest of the players, holding hands, become around him. The “ringer” with his chest from a running start or, leaning on the hands of two neighboring players, tries to break the “chain” that surrounds him with the weight of his own body. Having broken the "chain", he runs away, and all the participants in the game catch him. The one who catches it becomes a "bell".

Basic movements while walking:

Jump over the cord from a place, pushing off with two legs;

Walk with a bag on your head.

Card 7

Theme: Birds fly away


Draw the attention of children to the fact that in autumn the birds gather in flocks, prepare to fly to warmer climes; consolidate knowledge of which birds are called migratory.


Autumn silent skies come alive from time to time with merry bird voices- These migratory birds are going to fly to warmer climes. They will spend the winter there, because they cannot survive in our area. White-breasted swallows, swifts, starlings are the first to fly, because the insects that they feed on are hiding. Later, the inhabitants of reservoirs fly away: ducks, geese, swans. Sometimes the dreary chirping of cranes is heard in the sky: kurly-kurly... Sparrows, magpies, crows appear more often in the plots - they stay to spend the winter with us. Oh, and it will be difficult for them.

Dictionary. Gather in flocks, fly away to warmer climes.

art word

Signs about birds

Cranes fly low and fast, silently - bad weather will come soon.

Jackdaws are going big flocks and very screaming - in clear weather.

The rooks have flown away - wait for the snow.


Leaves fall from aspens

A sharp wedge rushes in the sky (Cranes.)

Do not hear the cuckoo in the grove,

And the birdhouse was empty.

The stork flaps its wings -

Fly away, fly away!

E. Blaginina

Mobile game " forest birds and cuckoo"

On the playground, children draw small circles around themselves with chalk and stand in them. This is "birds' nests". One child is a "cuckoo", she does not have a nest and stands aside. Adult says:

“The birds have flown!”, the children run out of the “nests” and run, “fly” all over the site. "Cuckoo" flies with them. The adult gives the command: “Birds, go home!”, And everyone runs to their nests! "Cuckoo" is also trying to take some kind of "nest". A child who is left without a "nest" becomes a "cuckoo".

Basic movements while walking:

Throw a sandbag at a vertical target;

Walk on a rope laid on a path.

Card 8

Theme: Trees in autumn


To teach children to find, distinguish and name the fruits of different trees, compare leaves, find similarities and differences in them.


Look what a beautiful mountain ash grows on our site.

Its berries turn red in autumn and peek out from under the leaves. They attract birds and make excellent food in late autumn and winter. Each tree has its own fruit or seeds. Look at this big basket. Let's name what's in it. Acorns and chestnuts are the seeds of trees, if planted, new trees will grow. Look at the cute acorn beret hats! What about chestnuts? They looked like hedgehogs on the tree, and when they fell, shiny brown balls rolled along the path. What other seeds are in the basket? (Ash wings, alder cones). But the poplar does not have seeds - its fruits scattered in the form of fluff in all directions in the spring.

Dictionary. Chestnut, acorn, rowan.

art word

Walk and watch

If there are a lot of acorns on the oak, the winter will be harsh.

A lot of mountain ash - autumn will cry with rain, winter - with snow.

Cones grew on spruce from below - by early frosts, and from above - by the early end of winter.


green in spring,

Sunbathed in summer

put on in autumn

Red corals.

Mobile game "Basket"

The group of children is divided into two teams.

Each team is given a basket. According to the condition, you can put in it: flowers, leaves and fruits from different trees, toys, as well as verbally add proverbs, poems, riddles, etc.

Teams collect it all. Then a check: they take out one object at a time, naming it. If they want to win, but there are not enough items, they switch to reading poems, proverbs, riddles. The one who runs out of all objects and riddles, poems, proverbs loses first.

Basic movements while walking:

Jump over the cord sideways from a place;

Roll the ball to each other.

Card 9

Topic: gold autumn


Learn to distinguish and name trees, their leaves, admire the beauty autumn trees, understand why autumn is called "golden".


In autumn, the trees celebrate their last ball. Autumn is called "golden" when the trees put on their autumn attire. It is very beautiful and colorful. Here birch and linden have leaves only yellow color, on maple - yellow, red, crimson, on oak only brown. But the poplar leaves are green.

What is the most beautiful tree? Let's stop near it and admire its beauty. After cold days, the leaves will begin to change color quickly. Let's collect beautiful leaves and together we will make an autumn bouquet. From the leaves of which trees did we make a bouquet? "Golden Autumn" comes in the second month of autumn - October.

art word

Check folk tales

If in October the leaves from the birch and oak fall completely, it will warm winter, and if not completely - the winter will be severe.

Leaves fell from the tops of the trees - for early winter.

The leaves from the linden fell off early - it will be a cold winter.

Autumn at the edge of the paint bred,

On the foliage quietly brushed:

The hazel turned yellow, and the maples blushed,

In autumn purple only green oak

Autumn comforts:

- Do not feel sorry for the summer!

Look - the grove is dressed in gold!

3. Fedorovskaya

Mobile game "Find a mate"

Children become couples, whoever wants with whom.

At a prearranged signal from an adult (a tambourine, a bell, etc. are used), the children scatter around the playground and find a leaf of some tree. On the command: “Find a mate for yourself,” the child is looking for a mate with the same leaflet as his. When the couples have gathered, the children name which tree they have leaves from. Then, at a prearranged signal, the children again scatter in all directions and, at the command “Find yourself a mate,” again rush to become pairs as they stood before. The game is repeated several times.

Basic movements while walking:

Throw the ball in pairs from below with both hands;

Squat with a bag on your head.

Card 10

Theme: Autumn rain


Draw the attention of children to the fact that in the fall there are many cloudy days and it often rains, the air is humid, the puddles do not dry out, at the first frost they freeze.


Sometimes you can hear that autumn is a sad time.

Yes, there are days when the clouds float low and hide the sun for a long time. And it also rains very often, and we see how the drops flow down the glass. Autumn rains are called mushroom rains, because after them mushrooms appear in the forest. Autumn rains, unlike spring and summer ones, often come with small droplets, drizzle, everything around becomes wet: roofs of houses, trees, bushes, paths. The air is also humid, puddles underfoot do not dry without the sun. And when the first frosts come, they freeze into small lakes.

Dictionary. Cloudy, rainy, drizzling.

art word

Folk omens about rain

In September, the rain, which began in the morning, will not last long.

Wind at night - expect rain tomorrow.

Thunder in September reminds of a long warm autumn, and in October - of a little snowy winter.

A cloud covers the sky

The sun doesn't shine

The wind howls in the field

The rain is drizzling.

A. Pleshcheev

Mobile game "Rain"

Players use a rhyme to choose a leader. He stands in the center with a pot and a wooden spoon, walks in a circle and “cooks” porridge, “kneading” it with a spoon.

Children, holding hands, walk around him and say:

Go, go, rain

We'll cook you a borschik.

You have porridge, and we have borscht,

To make it rain harder.

The children stop, the leader, closing his eyes, turns, raises his hands with the pot up. Then he goes to the children. Without opening his eyes, he hands someone a pot, and he becomes the leader, leads the game further.

When the game ends, the children with the words: “Rain, rain, stop it!” jump on one leg and run.

Basic movements while walking:

Jump into the hoop and jump out of it;

Throw and catch the ball with both hands.

Card 11

Theme: Late autumn


Show the children that after the first frost, frost forms above the ground: on dry grass, on bushes, and when the sun warms it, it melts. Learn to determine if there is wind using turntables.


Now we have late fall. And what kind of miracles we have in the morning: as if someone had powdered the grass with flour. Yes, it was the first frosts, so in the morning we saw frost on the grass - small frozen droplets of water. The sun came out and the frost melted. Frosts no longer harm plants much, since their stems have already lost their color and dried up, the main thing for them is to keep the roots until spring. And in the spring they will wake up, and again it will be green around. The wind in autumn is angry - cold, piercing. He plucks the last leaves from the trees, shakes their branches, as if warning: get ready, winter is just around the corner. And the clouds obey the wind: they move fast, but low. We can play with the wind using turntables.

Dictionary. Hoarfrost, frost, sway, bend.

art word


If it snows early in autumn, then spring will be early.

The first snow fell on wet ground- will lie, on dry - will soon melt.

From the first snow to the sledge track - a month and a half.

Boring picture!

Clouds without end

The rain is pouring down

Puddles on the porch...

A. Pleshcheev

Mobile game "Don't get your feet wet"

Two parallel ropes are laid on the site at a distance of 4-5 m from one another. Between them is a large stream. Along the "stream" at a distance of one step, small hoops or circles made of cardboard - "bumps" are laid out. Each child takes turns jumping over the "bumps" to the opposite side of the "brook". The winner is the one who never "wet" his feet, will not stumble.

Basic movements while walking:

Pass the ball in a column back and forth with straight arms;

Get under the cord.

Card 12

Theme: Falling leaves


Watch the leaf fall with the children, explain this phenomenon, pay attention to which trees the leaves fall off earlier and which ones last longer, admire the beauty of the leaf fall.


How colorful rain, the leaves fall off in late autumn. Falling, the leaf rustles a little. And when you walk on fallen leaves, you can hear their rustle. We see the phenomenon of leaf fall when it becomes cold and the tree cannot absorb much water with its roots and nutrients, cannot water all the leaves, so they gradually die off and fall off. The tree seems to fall asleep until spring, but it is alive and needs to be protected. Last month autumn is called November. But not all trees are left undecorated.

Just look: spruce and pine will turn green in autumn and winter. Their leaves-needles (needles) do not crumble.

art word

Remember it's interesting

Late leaf fall - to a harsh and protracted winter.

November opens the gates to winter.

November is not February, but he will ask: are you dressed, shod.

Not a leaf, not a blade of grass!

Our garden has become quiet.

And birches and aspens

Boring stand.

Only one Christmas tree

Cheerful and green.

It can be seen that she is not afraid of frost,

Apparently she's brave!

O. Vysotskaya

Mobile game "Fox"

Holding hands, the children form a circle.

The "fox" is chosen as a counting room. He becomes the center of the circle. Children move in a circle, saying:

Ha ha ha, hee hee hee

Laugh, chickens, sparrows,

And fly up and down

A fox has been caught in our trap.

The bird yard was alarmed:

The thief broke free.

Run away somewhere

If he gets caught, there will be trouble.

When the children finish pronouncing the words, they scatter, and the "fox" catches them. Whom he catches - he becomes a "fox" and the game starts over.

Basic movements while walking:

Long jump from a place through the "brook";

Walk with side step (left and right side).

We recommend reading
