How to interest a man: a set of rules. Ways to arouse male interest How to interest a man in yourself

diets 25.10.2020

Modern men are spoiled by the attention of women. For this reason, representatives of the strong half of humanity make rather high demands on girls. You will no longer surprise them with short skirts or catchy makeup. You have to look for new tricks to attract the attention of the one you like. young man. Today we will look at the main tricks that will help you achieve what you want.

Look after yourself

  1. A modern woman cannot afford to be ugly. You need to constantly maintain the image, monitor the appearance and be careful. First of all, pay attention to the hair, nails, skin.
  2. Even the most beautiful girl with an ideal appearance and figure will not be able to attract the attention of a man if her nails and hair are in an untidy condition.
  3. Get manicures regularly. Wash your hair as needed. Keep your skin clean, be sure to get rid of black dots on the nose and age spots.
  4. Do not forget about hygiene, as well as epilation of the armpits, legs, bikini area. Wash your clothes so they always look fresh. Neatness is your main ally.
  5. Pay special attention to makeup. It shouldn't be flashy. If your skin is in order, your eyes are beautiful without makeup, your lips are plump, there is no need to put a ton of different products on your face. Stick to naturalness, hide imperfections if necessary.

Choose the right style

  1. No one will pay attention to your rich inner world, if the outside wrapper will not cling. So take the time to go shopping, review your wardrobe, and throw in the trash all the things that don't fit perfectly.
  2. Don't make the mistake of many women who opt for frilly outfits in the hope of getting a man's attention. It is better to stick to a simple style that looks expensive.
  3. To give an image of high cost, get a beautiful watch, shoes and a handbag. Buy simple, solid-color jeans, a blouse, or a cashmere turtleneck.
  4. You can choose a different option, the main thing is that the image does not seem pretentious or frivolous. Dress according to men's wishes. You should not look like a moth, so give up clothes that are too revealing right away.
  5. It is important to find a suitable style for yourself and stick to it, improve it. Understand that you can attract attention with a modest outfit. It is not necessary to wear a short skirt or a transparent top.
  6. Look at expensive underwear. It gives a woman confidence, even if no one sees him. But at the most opportune moment you will be "at the parade." A woman's underwear should be sexy.

Build Your Confidence

  1. It is confident girls who will be able to attract the attention of equal men. You do not need a closed satellite that will constantly complain? If not, then develop confidence and attract a partner who is similar in spirit.
  2. Confidence can be developed in several ways. First - sign up for a gym, get yourself in shape. Second - learn to speak in public, become the soul of the company. Third - develop sexuality and restraint at the same time, radiate femininity.
  3. There are many personal growth courses that help you become more confident. Also, such a trait can be obtained if you achieve financial independence and take place in a career. Look for your own ways, write down small victories in your personal diary.
  4. Be sure to watch your posture, you're a girl! Do not stoop, master a beautiful walk, radiate sexuality. This is how you will be able to attract male gazes. It is important to pay attention to one point - do not confuse the concepts of "confidence" and "arrogance".
  5. Be easy to communicate, but not easily accessible. With all your appearance, show the guy that you do not have problems with insecurity. But at the same time, learn to be weak when needed. Refuse the phrases “I feel good without a man”, “I can handle it myself”.

Be kind

  1. No need to be aggressive, such people repel. Aggression can be equated with rudeness in any sense of the word, tactlessness, incontinence.
  2. Before you openly state your position to people, think about whether you will touch the tender feelings of your opponent. Perhaps, in your own words, you will hurt a piece of his soul, which is the most intimate. This applies not only to men, but to the whole environment.
  3. Women have an unpleasant feature of talking without thinking about the feelings of others. Due to such emotionality, relationships with loved ones collapse, it is not possible to build a family. In everything you need to be benevolent, because there are few such people in the world.
  4. Don't use swear words, even if things get out of control. Learn to remain calm, always think with a cool head. With your restraint, you will let the man know that you are worthy of his attention.

radiate sexuality

  1. Often girls believe that outfits, catchy makeup or a vulgar tone make them sexy. In reality, the situation is different. Even the most modest girl can look sexy in the eyes of the opposite sex.
  2. So, it is enough to regularly play sports, walk in the fresh air, selectively treat clothes and accessories. It is also worth working on your facial expressions, gestures, speech, body position and gait.
  3. Learn to walk from the hip. Buy not sneakers, but feminine boots or shoes. Give up the sporty style, prefer it to a lighter, more romantic look.
  4. Coquettishly twist a lock of hair around your finger when talking to a man. Sit with your back straight. Cross your legs. Do not make sudden movements, gesticulate smoothly.
  5. Give up loud exclamations, your voice should be gentle and romantic. Live in harmony with your own "I", sexuality cannot be learned. It must come from within.
  6. Be sure to let the man conquer himself. Don't take matters into your own hands so you don't seem to need attention. Every man is a hunter by nature. When he chooses a worthy "wolf", he will do everything to subdue her.


  1. In practice, flirting is a great success. It is important to understand that such actions must be carried out correctly and wisely. You should not look stupid or uninhibited. If you have already noticed an object for yourself, you can start with a slight beautiful smile.
  2. At first, you can practice in front of a mirror or with a friend. Next, learn to control your gaze. It should be sexy and languid. Here, without prior practice, you can find yourself in a stupid situation. There must be a mystery in the eyes.
  3. In your eyes, a man wants to see interest. In this case, it is also necessary to learn how to "shoot" with the eyes. Immediately look away as soon as the gentleman tries to catch you. Look at the man for a moment.
  4. If you are at a sufficient distance from each other, you can look at the satellite with a closer look, slightly squinting. Let the gentleman know that you are interested in him. Don't set the bar high and don't act like a bitch.
  5. After meeting, it is recommended to pay attention to unobtrusive touches. If you are sitting and talking closely, say that you need to leave for a couple of minutes. Stand up and lightly touch it with your chest or thigh.
  6. Thus, you will make it clear to the man that you want closer communication. Then you can touch a little longer.
  7. If the gentleman tells funny story, in a funny moment, sincerely laugh and touch his arm, shoulder or hip. Do not overact, everything should happen for real.

Show a healthy interest

  1. Do not show excessive curiosity, such actions will not please anyone. Can you imagine if you stranger I climbed into my personal life and was interested in some little things. In this case, only negative emotions appear.
  2. Curiosity is inherent in a person, but it should be shown only to a lesser extent. You can direct your curiosity to a superficial study of a person. Take an interest in what the satellite does, what are his life positions.
  3. Do not go too far and do not cross the permitted boundaries. Ask simple questions and get general information.
  4. Don't forget to tell more interesting facts About myself. You should interest a man not as an object for sexual pleasures, but as an interesting and wise girl. It is pleasant and interesting to spend time with you.

Keep Mysterious

  1. Men like girls with a mystery, a twist. You should not lay out everything about your life to a potential partner at the first meeting. Otherwise, the satellite will quickly lose interest.
  2. Try to communicate with hints and intriguing gestures. An unusual representative of the fair sex is able to seriously interest a man. Each time, the companion will look forward to meeting.
  3. A man should not have thoughts only about sex. You must become a full-fledged companion for him. Have dignity and in some cases show character. Observe the measure in everything, you also should not seem strange.

To attract the attention of a man, you need to learn how to behave correctly. Do not rely on the fact that you know everything. In advance of the “hunt”, practice with a friend. Hone your gestures and facial expressions to automatism. Keep it mysterious and flirt the right way. State your position and always be sincere.

Video: how to attract the attention of a potential groom

There is a widespread belief that the first step must be on the part of the guy. It is so, but modern world girls quite often have to take the initiative into their own hands. Yes, and everyone knows the famous words from the song, where there are only nine guys for ten girls. So it turns out that if you wait for the first step from the guy, you can grow old alone. But now it's not about sad things.

In order not to miss her happiness, every girl should be able to attract the attention of the opposite sex. This is the first step towards acquaintance, which in the future may turn out to be fateful. But what to do to interest a guy?

1. Appearance.

To attract the attention of men, any girl must first look stunning. Even if the young lady uses the most incredible psychological ways to attract attention, but turns out to be a gray mouse, consider that she has no chance with a worthy partner.

Therefore, first of all - pleasant, but unobtrusive appearance: neat manicure, light makeup, elegant hairstyle, stylish clothes, decent figure and other feminine charms. Believe me, appearance is the calling card of any woman.

2. Competent speech.

Once the Greek philosopher Socrates said: "Speak so that I can see you." This aphorism has a place in the modern world. Indeed, behind a beautiful wrapper (appearance) a deep soul, a sensual nature, an educated person should be hidden. And nothing else characterizes a person as much as his speech.

If a woman has a pleasant timbre of voice, a moderate pace of speaking, then it will be pleasant and calm to communicate with her. In addition, she must correctly formulate sentences, use literary vocabulary, and in no case swear. This will help to complement a pleasant appearance with an equally pleasant manner of speech, which, you see, is very good in achieving your goal.

3. Self-confidence.

A trait characteristic of strong, strong-willed and purposeful women. Men like such candidates. After all, today not every guy is ready to support his beloved girl. Representatives of the weaker sex did achieve equality.

Therefore, in order to be popular with men, every girl from her youth must cultivate a very important trait in herself -.

Of course, you will have a question: how can you interest a guy more? More on this later. It all depends on the situation in which the girl and her potential “victim” are.

4. Eye contact.

For a female audience, it has long been no secret that a man can be interested in one glance. But it must be correct and clearly thought out. And here many girls have problems, as they say, they do not know how to build eyes. In this case, a simple psychological trick will help, which over time for every woman will come from the subconscious.

If a guy looks at a young lady, then she should answer him with a short look straight into his eyes, then smile and look away in the other direction, or better, turn away altogether.

If the guy does not notice the girl, then she needs to look at him until he pays attention to her. After an awkward meeting of eyes, the girl should look down in embarrassment. Through this behavior, the guy will see that the girl was embarrassed because she was taken by surprise. And that's all a lady needs! But with such a demonstration, the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, while Mademoiselle will be "embarrassed", another "hunter" can take the guy away. Therefore, after 2-3 seconds, the young lady should again look up and look the man in the eyes, then smile, be embarrassed again and once again look away. Such a game of eyes cannot leave indifferent any man. Of course, if he does not yet have a lover.

But while establishing eye contact, one must be extremely careful, because a meaningless and downcast look, as well as an excessive number of insincere smiles, will only repel a potential “victim”.

5. Telephone conversation.

There are situations when appearance and looks do not help to interest a guy. These include, for example, a telephone conversation. It would seem that a playful smile, a warm look and other feminine features will not work, which means that it is a losing business. But it was not there!

To know how to interest a guy during a telephone conversation, you need to follow simple but very useful tips:

  • a girl should adapt to the guy’s manner of speaking, copy his timbre and intonation as much as possible;
  • do not chatter into the phone, do not talk quickly, so as not to put the man in an awkward position due to the fact that you have to ask again;
  • a woman needs to choose interesting ones with a guy, be attentive to details, show sincere interest.

6. Interest a man in a personal conversation.

To begin with, as in any conversation, whether it be a telephone, correspondence or a personal conversation, one must show a sincere incorruptible interest. In any case, sincerity will put a girl in a much better light than a lie trap, when a young lady tries to seem different from what she really is, and lies, being interested in what doesn’t bother her in real life.

Regarding what question to interest the guy, everything is individual here and to a greater extent depends on the topic under discussion. The only thing that can be advised is to listen carefully to the interlocutor and ask him about some details of this or that case. Attention to detail will once again confirm that the young lady is really interested in the topic, and will favorably present her in the eyes of the guy.

7. Electronic correspondence.

Correspondence is even more difficult than with any other types of communication. Here you will not be surprised either by appearance, as in a personal conversation, or by voice, as in a telephone conversation. The only tool is writing.

To interest a man, during correspondence, a woman should adhere to some tips:

  • first- sincerity. In any kind of communication, this trait will be able to show the girl in the right light;
  • second- literacy. An ideally literate written language is an indicator of a young lady's education;
  • third- originality. In no case should a girl use standard phrases or signs. It is necessary to seem to the guy not as an ordinary average young lady, but as a special person.

Finally, we need to add a few more tips that will help beautiful ladies achieve the desired result:

  • a woman should forever forget about two extremes: to be obsessive and afraid to be like that;
  • Every girl should strive to be in harmony with herself. If some psychological trick for a lady seems wrong, then it is better not to use it;
  • if a guy has a lover, then it’s better not to count on him, so that later you don’t disappoint in life and in these tips.

So, everything seems to be fine, but then your gentleman suddenly disappears. Some men do not even try to explain their sudden disappearance.

How? Why? Most ladies will refer to the fact that for him it was only a passing fad. But there is another option: to delve into yourself. Perhaps you did not interest a man in anything? About what ways you need to intrigue your chosen one and stir up interest in yourself, I will tell in this article.

How to attract a beloved and loving man into your life

With women who attract their own, everything is clear. That is, nothing is clear, but that's why they are interesting. Details in the given link.

This method of intrigue works at first, when a man does not know you yet, but is eager to find out.

And you, like a closed book, must hold the line:

  • give out information about yourself to a minimum,
  • suddenly disappear and suddenly appear,
  • smile mysteriously,
  • periodically take unpredictable steps.

What can I say, while you must be dazzlingly good-looking.

Are you sick? Then you should not appear in front of a man. Believe me, the period will come when he will gladly take care of you, heal and spoon-feed you when you feel bad. But not in the first months of dating.

Without makeup, with a swollen nose and a scarf wrapped around your throat, lie at home. At this moment one of better ways intrigue a man - disappear for a while.

And you don’t need to open your cards that you just have an acute respiratory disease. You are not there, you have disappeared somewhere, you are busy with something.

IN this case, it will be better to communicate with the chosen one:

  • through social networks.

The less details the better.

How to interest a man by correspondence, what questions to ask him?

If he himself is not looking for communication, you can write something unexpected and extraordinary yourself.

A banal "hello, how are you" will not work. Well, he will answer that everything is fine (but how else?). And that's it. Not bad if in response he takes an interest in your affairs. Boring, uninteresting.

But if you ask this type of question:“Do you happen to know someone who breeds Sumatran otters?” There will be a lot of questions here. From the simple: “Why do you need this?” to "Who are the Sumatran otters?".

Subscribe to updates and soon you will receive a lot of intriguing phrases, SMS, which
you will be able to intrigue and generally interest in communication any man by correspondence in in social networks or just by SMS. Doesn't matter!

If we talk about virtual communication, it is better not to write long sentences, which sometimes there is no time to read at the present time. A couple of phrases are enough.

If the relationship lasts more than a month, you can write something sweet and pleasant, like "I miss the way you look at me."

It is better to write about sadness and melancholy occasionally, but all the same, such phrases sound very touching. If you have candy-bouquet period, they will be on topic.

You can intrigue a man by writing SMS at short intervals.


  1. The first will contain only the word "I".
  2. Wait a few seconds, send the second, with the word "I want". The man is intrigued: what do you want?
  3. The following should be sent with the word "you".
  4. Wait another 5-10 seconds and send the last SMS by writing the word "see".
  5. Rest assured he smiled as he read the penultimate word.

Virtual communication is good because you can write everything that in reality you are afraid to say. If you are modest beyond your years, try to relax in correspondence with your lover. Send him a couple of photos of sexy underwear, offering to choose one of them. Not for myself, of course, for you. Like, I can't choose what to wear.

Even if you don’t have such underwear in real life, you can simply find plausible photos on the Internet.

A man will certainly be intrigued by this:

  • firstly, he will be interested in how you look now,
  • secondly, for what occasion do you choose underwear.

What to do to interest a man

To intrigue a man, you need to be an excellent conversationalist, communication with which would bring him only pleasure. The male half of humanity also loves with their ears.

  • Grammatically correct speech,
  • a pleasant voice,
  • attention, which is manifested in the ability to listen,

no less valuable to us than a spectacular appearance.

In the end, one can recall the beautiful and clever Scheherazade, who captivated the king with her stories.

Among other things, a man will be interested if you:

  • Playful. Nobody likes bores. If you intend to plan your whole future life with your chosen one immediately after meeting, and already on the second date you offer to get a mortgage or rent a house together, the man will undoubtedly run away. Be cheerful and carefree. After all, moments spent together should bring joy. Do not immediately load it with your problems. You will have time to do all this after the solemn registration of marriage, but for now, you are satisfied with everything and wish to have a good time.

  • Independent. As an addition to the first point, you should have a lot of worries (work, hobbies, communication with parents, relatives, friends) that do not require the presence of a man. You are busy with a career, repair or playing with your nephews - a man must understand that your time is valuable. If you show that you have nothing to do without him, he will immediately lose interest. Your chosen one should think every time, do you have time for him? Then he will appreciate the time spent together, and you will very rarely hear the phrase: “Unfortunately, plans have changed” from him.
  • Sexy. Many do not quite understand this word. It's not about lips puffed up with silicone and painted in red lipstick, frank neckline and short miniskirt. Such an image rather scares away, which intrigues men. All it takes is one bright accent and a glance thrown at the man. Do you have beautiful lips? Then highlight them. And waving your cilia, look at your lover, smile slightly and look away.

Sometimes just one touch is enough to intrigue a man. I don't mean some indecent groping. You can casually touch his shoulder when passing by, or touch his arm while talking. The male half of humanity loves gentle touches no less than women.

How to get your husband interested

It would seem that you have known each other for a hundred years, and there is nothing to intrigue a man. And even when you do unexpected things in your opinion, he is not surprised. The advice will be simple. Review your behavior. And in the situation when he expects a scandal, keep silent. Or vice versa, express your opinion.

An example from my own experience.

I'm used to my girlfriend being unhappy with something every day. Every evening she scolded me for my scattered socks, the TV not turned off at night, complained about my snoring and other household trifles.

And then one fine day, returning from work, I found that she was sitting on the couch and reading a book. All evening she spoke quite calmly, but not detachedly, talked about the events of the day and was interested in my affairs.

I was so used to her having evening quarrels that immediately a bunch of questions arose in my head.

  1. First, why the girl changed her anger to mercy.
  2. Secondly, what happens if I ask her directly about it.
  3. And thirdly, how long will her calmness last.

Of course, I was intrigued by the unusual behavior.

Useful tips, tricks and tips for girls on how to make a guy look at you.

1. Have someone draw their attention to you.

It is very difficult for the guy you like to say about feelings, but it is easy to discuss these same feelings with girlfriends. Tell everyone about your love, someone will convey your love to HIM, and he will begin to look at you more attentively. And there, before the first date is within reach.

2. Tell a friend about your passion

Instead of girlfriends, you can choose the most direct path - talk to his friend, ask his advice. Girls can show solidarity and keep silent about your suffering. The boys cannot be silent. It's just that women are considered very talkative, in fact, men are still those givers of secrets, in five minutes the object of your attention will be aware that someone is interested in them. And your appearance nearby will be met with understanding.

3. Draw his attention to you

Do something that will make all heads turn to you. If you are at a disco, dance an unusually incendiary dance. If at a party, “push” a heartfelt speech. If at a picnic, show a trick or tell a good story.

❢ It is necessary that he at least look at you, then things will go faster.

4. Surprise him

Are you in the same class and he walks past you like a desk? Put a trip to him, stand in his way and silently look directly into his eyes. If he demands an explanation why you did it, say that you decided to check whether he notices you or not. Are you transparent?

You can try to change your hairstyle or clothes drastically. This method must be used with caution. The boys are careless. Would you cut your head or dye your hair in green color, and he - everything is also past. Such suffering is down the drain. Although he is likely to notice a shaved head, but the green hair color can be the first and last to be seen by the teacher, who will send you home to be repainted.

If you manage to surprise the guy, then the ground for further communication will be prepared.

5. If you don’t know each other and he doesn’t respond to your winks and loud laughter, five girlfriends left with messages about your feelings and didn’t return, then you have to act on your own

Breathe in more air, close your eyes and tell him that your name is Katya, that you are here for the first time and completely lost. Without letting him come to his senses, "drive" the conversation further. You yourself understand that with this approach, topics for an exciting conversation need to be prepared in advance.

When talking, you need to remember the basic laws of communication - look at the interlocutor, and not to the side, call him by name, do not turn your face away and do not cross your arms over your chest - this is a sign of closeness, unwillingness to communicate - do not yawn, otherwise the guy will think something else that you are bored.

If you don’t have the strength to come up, then just look at him. People usually feel stares. If he catches your eye, give him a friendly smile; he will understand without words that they are interested in him. He, too, can answer your smile with a smile and turn away, nod and approach, completely leave.

Be prepared for these options.

Scroll through them in your head. But this method should not be used often, attentive glances are annoying, or your innocent desire to get acquainted may be misunderstood. Therefore, once catch his eye - and now let him look out for you.

6. No joke - not a minute

Smile, be friendly with everyone, tell jokes and funny stories. Become the soul of the company. He, too, will want to come up and listen, and then direct your charm right on target.

7. Send him an anonymous note

This old and proven method can be very useful.

Tell in a note about yourself, about your feelings, that you would very much like to meet, talk, that you have known him for a long time, but you are afraid to approach him, that he is the best. Moreover, it is better to agree on a meeting not in the first note, but in the second or third.

Let him get a little worried, think about who it could be, tell fortunes, ask a couple of stupid questions to the surrounding girls, like “didn’t they write?”

At the meeting, carefully observe his face. Will he be glad that it's you and not Lizka? Disappointed that it's you, not Masha? Surprised it's you?

By the first reaction, you can find out how he treats you.

Even if the reaction is bad - remember, you can change your opinion about yourself! If you don't like his reaction at all, turn it into a joke.

8. Do not try to find his home phone number after getting to know him, do not ask for this number

Create a situation for him to ask you for your phone number. For example, through you, he will be able to get the necessary information or find the phone number of mutual friends.

9. Get him interested

For example, you know that he is looking for a certain book, computer program, music CD or movie. Get ahead of him, let the film he needs be with you. You will start the most profitable relationship based on mutual interest, and there, you see, it will come to love.

10. Learn his interests

What he reads, what he looks at, where he goes. Do the same yourself. Watch films about martial arts, find out how a forward differs from a goalkeeper.

If he goes to a section or a club, try to get there too. Study with noticeable zeal, common interests bring you together, and the first steps in this direction are very easy to take.

11. Praise him

Even if you don't know each other yet, come up and say a few kind words.

Guys like to be praised, when they are publicly called strong or cool. Just don't go for flattery. If you start praising him for every step, he will move away from you with a displeased face. Praise once for a job. He told how he helped someone or now, in front of everyone, he gave way to the girl - not yet feats, but there is already something heroic in this.

12. Perform ritual deeds

If you meet a guy you like every day at school, in a club or on the street, then repeat the same actions.

Every day, say hello the same way, ask for a pen, touch his desk with textbooks, drop your briefcase next to him, sigh as you pass by.

At first he will not pay attention to it. Then you will definitely notice. And as soon as you see that he is used to your behavior, stop your ritual. The guy will feel uncomfortable - something is missing and he has lost something.

Then you sigh again, drop and ask. He will begin to wait for your sighs and requests, because in this way you will develop a habit in him for your actions. He will think about you, at a convenient moment he will come up and speak.

after all, it is a man's privilege to meet and court a girl.

13. Ask him for help

Guys like it when once again they emphasize their masculine power. You are a “weak woman”, so let him help you drag the mats in the gym from one corner to another, move the desks during the general cleaning, get a dusty globe from the highest cabinet. He can even carry a half-empty bucket of water to the toilet.

He is strong - he can do anything.

Thanks for the help.

And then you can talk about your further relationship.

14. Method of assault and onslaught

This is an extreme option, and without special need it is better not to use it. Because if you get a refusal right away, it will be impossible to approach a second time.

The method is simple - come up, say hello, introduce yourself, tell him about your feelings and offer to meet, go somewhere.

He gets confused.

He's supposed to propose dating.

From confusion and awkwardness, he will not be able to refuse immediately. The next time you meet, you will already conquer it.

Do not approach him when he is standing in the company of friends. When there are a lot of boys, they begin to behave impudently, swaggering in front of each other. You will be laughed at.

If he refuses you, says that he is not interested in you, that he already has a girlfriend or silently turns away from you, you should not approach you a second time, in his eyes you will look like a laughing stock, he will start avoiding you or mocking you. Do you need it?

15. Children's way of contradiction

Set up nasty things for him, complain about him to the teacher, openly mock him, invent funny rhymes and anecdotes about him, reward him with offensive nicknames.

He will answer.

A small war will start between you. And if he turns out to be a worthy opponent, then consider that you already have one common interest - the ability to have a good time. And while throwing mops at each other, you can get to know each other better.

To really intrigue a guy, you need to make him think that you are charming and make him want to continue. You can't tell him everything all at once, or make him recognize you in the first five minutes, or not want to get to know you better at all - or think about you while you are somewhere far away. So how do you create the perfect combination of mystery and excitement that can keep a guy intrigued? Start with Step 1.


Part 1

Intriguing Behavior

    Show a little interest. If a guy doesn't have something to work on, you won't get anything in return. You will not intrigue him if you treat him indifferently, and he will feel that you are not at all interested in you. So smile at him, wave, and start a light conversation with him. Flirt a little so he thinks you might like it, but don't let him know you want him. Just give him enough to make him think of you and want to meet again.

    Show him that you are having a great time. If you want to intrigue a guy, then you need to make him want to be with you. If you're in his line of sight, make sure you're having a great time with your friends, laughing, having fun chatting, or even dancing. If you are in public, let her think: "What an interesting, funny girl. It would be nice to get to know her better." If he constantly sees that you are moping or looking bored or sad, will he want to deal with you? Sure, you have to pretend to be having fun just to get his attention, but be that girl who has a great time.

    • He should be glad to be in your way - not that you are looking for a guy who will make you happy.
  1. Don't always be there. If you get to know a guy a little and he wants to spend time together, you should be happy about it, but don't act like your schedule is always free. Make him guess. Maybe you have a whole list of other interesting dates. Maybe you have some fun plans for the weekend with your girlfriends. Maybe you like to spend your Friday evenings alone translating Latvian poetry into English. He doesn't have to know what you're up to, but the fact that you're not always free means he should value time with you and that you're a dynamic person with lots to do.

    Don't give up on alternatives. If you've started dating or just hanging out with him a lot, you shouldn't show him how much you like him right away. He needs to feel special to want to date you, but don't tell him that he's the only guy in your life and you want to be his girlfriend as soon as possible. He needs to understand that he should offer to date you (if you want to), and not that he is the only one. This does not mean that you should be cheating - you just have to be open to any options.

    Don't push too hard. Playing hard to get can help you intrigue a guy. Even if you think he's the one, you shouldn't jump on him, tell him how sexy he is, or compliment him all the time. Most guys like to give it their all; if you want him to think you deserve it, show him that the hunt never ends. In addition, many happy married couples say that the key to their love is that the hunt never stops; if you want to intrigue a guy, you don't have to lay everything out at once in the first five minutes.

    Don't tell him everything about yourself. If you want to intrigue a guy, then you can't let him think that he knows everything about you after the first conversation. Show him your creative side by talking to him about your poems and then show him your knowledge of the sport by giving your opinion on who will win the World Cup next time you meet. Don't tell him your biography; let him know that you spent half a year in India or were born in Alaska, over time, and not because you shared with him all the details of your life.

    Leave him to languish in anticipation. If you want to intrigue a guy, then you should leave as soon as everything is fine. Do not allow great conversation escalate into a discussion of your grandmother's skin fungus; when you feel like everything is going well, tell him that it was nice talking to him and that you need to leave. Don't do it abruptly if it doesn't make sense in the context or might seem rude; but if you're in the hallway, for example, don't talk to him until the bell rings and you're late for class. Have a few words to make him want to continue the conversation, and wave goodbye to him.

    Part 2

    Intriguing Qualities
    1. Be independent. Men are intrigued by women who know what they want and go about their business. If a guy thinks that you are one of those girls who will grab onto him and want to do everything together, he may be overwhelmed with emotions and he will be scared. Instead, show him that you have your own interests, friends, and goals and that you want to do your favorite activities with or without him.

      Be playful. Don't be too serious from the start. Remember that if a guy likes you, there's a chance he's already imagined dating you, so you need to be fun, easy-going, and able to have a dynamic, engaging conversation when you're together. Do not find fault with him and do not start long, meaningless conversations and do not show him your Bad mood. Be fun, don't take yourself too seriously, and tease the guy a little if he likes it. He will be intrigued by your ability to enjoy life and have a great time.

      Be happy. Men are intrigued by strong, confident women who are comfortable in their own bodies. You don't have to make him think that you're insecure and want to fill a void in your life by dating him, or he'll feel a lot of pressure around you. Instead, show him that you like the way you look, that you love what you do, and that you are happy with the people around you in life. If you are already happy, then he will most likely be happy with you too.

      Be unpredictable. If you don't want a guy to think he can read you like an open book. Surprise him. Go on an unplanned journey. Make a wheel. Show off your perfect French in the middle of a conversation about Paris. Show him what can be expected of you, anything, and you can always interest him. Change your outfits and hairstyles, and don't let him get used to your look.

      Be impressive. Show him that you are an accomplished, amazing woman. Stand out for something, your achievements in sports or career success. Help at a homeless shelter. Make decorations. Do something unique and impressive because you love it and show him what you can do. We're not saying that you should do something just to impress the guy you're putting on this show for. Show him that you are talented, hardworking and amazing and you will intrigue him even more.

    • Don't be superficial or moody. Guys are annoyed, even such girls are angry. Always smile and be friendly. So you will become even more mysterious.
    • Is there a special event coming up in your life? A birthday, a hike, the movie you've been waiting for is coming out, or your favorite restaurant is opening near your house? Casually mention it before the event, but don't tell him what it will be. Then, invite him the day before the holiday! He will be pleased that you invited him.
    • Don't overdo it, don't ignore or push him away. For someone to be truly interested in you, you need to give them half of the information and have them beg you to tell you the rest.


    • However, don't be too mysterious. He might think you're emo, weirdo, or hiding something. Be interesting, not mysterious.
    • Don't refuse to give him your number. 9 times out of 10, he'll think you're not interested or get upset when he finds out you're playing with him. If a guy is so "intrigued" by you that he asks for your number, make him happy. So HE will have to call YOU to ask you out on a date.
    • Be careful when you try not to go into details. If a guy asks you what kind of music do you like and you say “I like rock…”, and about food: “I like Italian food…”, and then: “I like ballet flats… I like ice cream… I love animals…” , you may seem extremely boring. Change it. Mention that you like chocolate ice cream or that dolphins are your favorite animals. Don't make him think you don't have your own opinion.
    • Mysteriousness may or may not help you get a boyfriend. It all depends on his character. Get to know him a little first before trying this to see if these techniques will work for him.

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