weather. Dialogues and texts in English about the weather

Pregnancy and children 21.07.2019
Pregnancy and children

Dialogue is an integral part of any communication process. It is reading and building your own dialogues that help to recreate a picture of communication that is as close to reality as possible.

Memorizing ready-made dialogues on English language, using whole passages from them or composing and playing your own mini-scenes, you memorize the necessary phrases that you can automatically use in real communication.

Dialogue phrases on the topic "Weather"

Active vocabulary on the topic "Weather" will help you start and maintain a conversation of a neutral nature. Before proceeding directly to reading and memorizing dialogues about the weather, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with common phrases in English with translation:

What is the weather like today? What is the weather today?
It is cold/hot. It's cold/hot today.
It's getting warmer / colder. It gets warmer/colder.
The weather is fine / good / bad. The weather is wonderful / good / bad.
It's windy / sunny. Windy/sunny today.
The snow is melting. Snow is melting.
It's terribly cold. Terribly cold.
It is raining / snowing. It is raining/snowing.
It looks like snow / rain. It looks like it's going to snow/rain.
What is the temperature? What temperature?
It is about 5 above zero. About 5 degrees above zero.
I like warm weather. I like warm weather.
I hate when it's cold outside. I hate it when it's so cold outside.
I hope it would get warmer soon. Hope it warms up soon.
My favorite season is spring/summer/autumn/winter. My favorite season is spring / summer / autumn / winter.

Dialogue 1: ‘Autumn surprises’

Mary: Hey, John! Let's go for a walk today. Mary: Hi John! Let's go for a walk.
John: You know I hate when it is so cold outside! John: You know I don't like it when it's so cold outside!
Mary: But it's getting warm. It is about 15 above zero. Mary: But it's getting warmer. It's about 15 degrees above zero now.
John: Oh yeah?! Is spring coming? John: Oh yeah! Spring is coming?
Mary: Unfortunately it is still autumn but we'd better enjoy fine weather! Mary: Unfortunately, it's still autumn, but we should enjoy the good weather.
John: Ok, I'll be ready in five minutes. John: Okay, I'll be ready in five minutes.

The dialogue is devoted to the discussion of weather conditions by two friends. The conversation uses standard evaluative phrases and phrases that describe the speaker's attitude to the weather: I hate when it is so cold outside (I hate it when it's cold outside), it's getting warm (it's getting warmer), we'd better enjoy fine weather (we should enjoy the good weather).

In addition, in order to bring the situation closer to real conditions, in the dialogue in English, phrases are used that are typical for colloquial and live speech: You know (you know), Oh yeah (Yes, well).

Dialogue 2: ‘New Year spirit’

The dialogue presents a conversation in English between two friends about the weather on the eve of new year holidays(with subsequent translation close in meaning). Typical phrases used to evaluate winter weather:

It looks like snow (it seems it will snow), I like when it snows (I love when snowing), it is sunny and warm (sunny and warm), The weather is fine (the weather is wonderful), the sky is clear (the sky is clear), the sun is shining brightly (the sun is shining brightly).

Dialog 3: ‘The weather forecast’

The dialogue discusses the weather forecast for the coming days using phrases typical for this topic in English: What is the weather forecast (what is the weather forecast for tomorrow), It will stop raining (the rain will stop), windy, cloudy and chilly (windy, cloudy and chilly). dank), What a nasty summer (what a disgusting summer).

In this lesson you will find dialogues and texts in English about the weather:

weather. Dialogues and texts in English about the weather

The weather is a particularly important topic of conversation in Britain. Everywhere, except for the British Isles, they talk about the weather when there is nothing to talk about, but THERE it is always an interesting and exciting topic! Therefore, if you are going to England, be prepared to be able to keep up the conversation. Read and translate texts and dialogues about the weather! It is recommended to study first

Grammar constructions for memorization

Remember English grammatical constructions that are often used when talking about the weather:
1. be like - represent yourself
2. be as cold as - as cold as
3. be not so warm as - not as warm as
4. It is going to ... - Going to ...
5. It looks like ... - It looks like ...
6. It is sure to ... - It will definitely be ...

Translate the sentences with these constructions: like- pretend to be

What is winter like in Russia?
What is summer like in America?

2. be as + adjective + as ours- be the same as

Winters in America are as cold as ours.

3. be not so + adjective + as yours- be different from

Summers in America are not so cold as yours.

4. It is going to+ verb - Going to ...

5. It looks like+ noun – Looks like ….

6. It is sure to+ verb - It will definitely be ....

7. Expressions with the construction there is / are in the context of the topic "Weather"

There is a lot of snow everywhere.
There is no snow at all.
There is a lot of rain this autumn.
There is not a single cloud in the sky. (Not a cloud in the sky.)
There are clouds in the sky.

You will encounter these expressions in the dialogue and texts below.

Dialogue #1. I got Caught in the Rain

  • get caught in the rain - get caught in the rain
  • bad luck. - Bad luck.
  • It didn't look like rain. It didn't look like it was going to rain.
  • It is sure to rain. - It's bound to rain.

A. You got caught in the rain, didn't you?
B. Just a little. The shower came on all of a sudden, but I was already near home.
A. It didn't look like rain at all this morning, did it? But you can never tell…
B. I usually carry an umbrella all the time in season. But I forgot to take it this morning
A. Bad luck!
B. Yes. As they say it's sure to rain if you don't take an umbrella.
A. That's right.

Dialogue #2. thunderstorm

  • There's a thunderstorm coming on. - A storm is coming.
  • What a flash of lightning! What a flash of lightning!
  • There's a clap of thunder. “Here comes the roll of thunder.
  • A gust of wind - a gust of wind
  • What a shower! - What a downpour!
  • It will lay the dust…- He will beat the dust…

A. Look at those clouds. How black they are! There's a thunderstorm coming on. Aren't you afraid?
B. Oh no! I like it. Oh, look what a flash of lightning!
A. Yes, and there's a clap of thunder. The first thunder this year.
B. Shall I turn off the TV?
A. What? The thunder is so loud, I can't hear you.
B. I say, shall I turn off the TV? Mom says it's better to turn it off during a thunderstorm.
A. Yes, do. And I'll shut the window. A gust of wind may break the pane.
B. Oh what a shower!
A. It's good. It will lay the dust and revive the flowers in the garden.

Text #1. It Looks Like Rain (Joke)

  • village inn- country hotel
  • war time- war time

A man came into a little village inn and sat down at a table near the window. It was war time, and food was hard to get.

"We've got only soup today, sir," said the waiter to the man.
"OK, bring me a plate of soup," he said.

The waiter nodded and left the room. Soon he came back with a plate of soup. He put it on the table before the man and looked through the window, "It looks like rain, sir," said the waiter.

The waiter was thinking of the weather, but the man was thinking of the soup, which he had just tasted. "Well," he said, "and it tastes like rain, too."

Text #2. Talking about Weather

In Britain, it is considered rude to ask personal questions. At the same time silence is also rude. So the weather is a very convenient topic ‘ to fill the gap‘(fill in the pause).

  • on the Continent - everywhere except the British Isles
  • should it hail and snow - let it hail or snow
  • uproot - uproot
  • fair chance - a great chance
  • to pass as - pass for, pass for
  • witty - witty
  • sharp intellect [ʃɑːp ‘intilekt] - high intelligence
  • keen observation [ˌɔbzə'veɪʃ(ə)n - amazing observation

This is the most important topic in the land. On the Continent, people usually say, ‘He is the type who would discuss the weather with,’ to describe someone who is very boring. In England, this is an ever-interesting, even thrilling topic, and you must be good at discussing the weather.

There is a very important rule: you must never contradict anybody when discussing the weather. should it hail and snow, should hurricanes uproot the trees from the sides of the road, and should someone say to you: ‘Nice day, isn’t it?’ - answer without hesitation : ‘Isn’t it lovely?’

Phrases For Good Weather
'Lovely day, isn't it?' 'Isn't it beautiful?' 'The sun…' 'Isn't it gorgeous?' 'Wonderful, isn't it?' 'It's so nice and hot…' 'Personally , I think it's so nice when it's hot, isn't it?'

Phrases For Bad Weather
‘Nasty day, isn’t it?’ ‘Isn’t it dreadful?’ ‘The rain… I hate rain…’ I don’t like it at all. Do you?'
‘Just think - such a day in July. Rain in the morning, then a bit of sunshine, and then rain, rain, rain, all day long.’

Learn these phrases by heart. If you are a bit slow in picking things up, learn at least one conversation, it would do wonderfully for any occasion. If you do not say anything else for the rest of your life, just repeat this conversation, you still have a fair chance of passing as a witty man of sharp intelligence, acute observation and extremely pleasant manners.

Text #3. How to Predict Weather

  • tip - hint
  • to predict - predict

Here are some tips for weather prediction.

watch animals. They are very sensitive to atmospheric pressure and they are very good as weather predictors. For example, insect-eating birds usually fly higher in good weather, but they often fly lower if a storm is approaching.

Watch a fire. If fire smoke rises steadily, the weather is going to be fine. If it turns or comes closer to the ground, a storm or snow is approaching.

watch nature. When wet weather is on the way, sounds are heard more clearly. The smell of flowers and other plants becomes more distinctive before the arrival of rain. A gray evening sky means that rain is going to happen.

Finally, remember a few weather expressions in english
1. It is not a good day to go out. It's better not to leave the house today.
2. It is not a good day for outing. “It’s better to go anywhere today.
3. This heat gets on my nerves. This heat is getting on my nerves.
4. It depends on the weather. - It depends on the weather.

– Hey, guys, we’re lucky today. The weather is fine. It's ideal for our picnic.

Yes, Mark. The sky is clear today and the breeze is so gentle. What could be better! Let's sit on the blanket and eat our sandwiches and fruit.

Is it always like that in this place, Polly?

– Certainly not. It depends on a season and on a month. It's spring, the middle of May now. So it could be damp, rainy now and even stormy sometimes.

– You don't say so! Stormy? Do you mean thunderstorms with lightnings?

- Oh yes. And clouds and heavy showers as well. But most of the time the weather in spring is wonderful and quite warm, with a lot of sunshine. Summers are always sunny and hot here.

– Summer is my favorite season. The weather is absolutely fantastic in my country and the nature is fabulous! And how about autumns?

– In autumn it's windy, chilly, wet and gray as a rule. The temperature can drop to zero at nights. As for winters… well… They are always different. It could be rather mild this year but extremely cold - the next year.

– Do you have much snow? It is my dream to celebrate Christmas when there is white snow outside. It feels like a fairy tale.

– Then you should come here for your Christmas vacation. We have much snow and sometimes even terrible snowstorms. Kids have a lot of fun making snowmen and playing snowballs. But I prefer to stay indoors in winter, I barely go out.

Thank you for the invitation, Polly.


Hey guys, we got lucky today. Wonderful weather. Ideal for a picnic.

- Yes, Mark. The sky is clear and the breeze is so gentle. What could be better! Let's sit on the blanket and eat our sandwiches and fruit.

“Is it always like this in these places, Polly?”

- Of course not. It all depends on the season and month. It's spring now, mid-May. Therefore, now it can be damp, rainy, and sometimes there can even be a storm.

- What are you saying! Storm? Do you mean thunderstorms with lightning?

- Oh yeah. And more clouds and heavy showers. But most of the time the weather in spring is wonderful and quite warm and very sunny. Summer here is always sunny and hot.

- Summer is my favorite season. The weather is just fantastic in my country, and the nature is amazing! How about autumn?

– In autumn, as a rule, it is windy, cool, wet and gloomy. Temperatures can drop to freezing at night. Well, winters ... well ... They are always different. This year it can be quite mild, but extremely cold next year.

- Do you get a lot of snow? I dream of celebrating Christmas when there is white snow outside the window. It looks like a fairy tale.

“Then you should come here for the Christmas holidays. We have a lot of snow and sometimes even terrible blizzards. Children have fun making snowmen and playing snowballs. But I prefer to stay at home in winter and rarely go out.

Thanks for the invite, Polly.

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Hello friends!

To learn how to keep up a conversation about the weather, check out the following examples of typical conversations. They will help you learn how to ask and answer questions about weather conditions outside the window.

  • In this dialogue, the conversation is between mother and daughter.
  • Dialogue about the weather between strangers at the bus stop.
Hello! Do you know which bus I can take to go to the British Consulate?- Hello! Do you know which bus I need to take to get to the British Consulate?
Hello! You should take No. 7a or No. 24.- Hello! You need to take number 7a or number 24.
— Thank you! The weather is very nice today, isn't it?- Thank you! The weather is wonderful today, isn't it?
— Oh yes! I hope it'll stay like this for the whole weekend.- Oh yeah! Hope the weather stays like this all weekend.
— We can only hope. The weather has been changing so fast lately.“One can only hope. weather in Lately changes very often.
  • telephone conversation between sister and brother about the weather in Hawaii.
— Hey, sis! How are you? How are Hawaii?- Hi sister! How are you? How is Hawaii?
— Hey Sam! This is the best weekend ever! Lauren and I spend the whole day on the beach.— Hey, Sam! This is the best weekend ever! Lauren and I are at the beach all day.
— How is the weather?- How is the weather?
— Marvelous! It's so hot in here. Sunny and humid but I like it.- Awesome! It's so hot in here. Sunny and humid, but I like it.
- I'm happy you're enjoying it. have fun! Bye!- I am glad you like it. Have some fun! Bye!
— I will! Bye!- Will! Bye!
  • Girl shares with her friend impressions of a trip to Hong Kong.
Hi Karen! I haven't seen you for ages! How are you doing?- Hey, Karen! I haven't seen you in years! How are you?
— Hey! Glad to see you! I'm fine, thank you. And you?- Hello! Good to see you! OK, thank you. And you?
Fine. Traveling a lot. Just came back from Hong Kong.- Fine. I travel a lot. Just got back from Hong Kong.
— Wow! How did you like it?- Wow! Did you like it?
— I didn't see much because of work. But the air was so suffocating, it was hard to breathe. I don't know how people live there.“I didn’t see much because of work. But it was so stuffy in there, it was hard to breathe. I don't know how people live there.
— Yeah, I also heard that the climate there is very hot and humid.— Yes, I also heard that the climate there is very hot and humid.
  • Dialogue about climate and weather in Russia.
— What's the weather like in Russia, Mary?— What is the weather like in Russia, Mary?
— It depends on the region. Usually it's very hot in summer and also very cold in winter. For example, in Moscow during winter the temperatures sometimes drop to 25-30 degrees below zero. It's also snowing a lot.- Depends on the region. It is usually very hot in summer and very cold in winter. For example, in Moscow in winter the temperature can reach 25-30 degrees below zero. And a lot of snow.
— Oh my God! I can't even imagine it! The coldest temperature that I’ve ever experienced was minus 7. And I have never seen snow in my life!- Oh my God! I can't even imagine it! The most low temperature where I lived, minus 7. And I have never seen snow in my life!
Well, you get used to it.- Well, you get used to it.
  • Friends are discussing favorite season.
— What is your favorite season, Ann?- Which your favorite time of year, Ann?
— I like autumn. When it's not too hot but not too cold. I also like when it's raining. I think it's the most romantic season of all. And what about you?— I like autumn. When not too hot and not too cold. I also love it when it rains. I think this is the most romantic time of the year. And your?
— I prefer summer. I like to spend time outside, camping or just chilling on the beach. I like when it's hot and sunny.- I like summer. I like spending time in nature, hiking or just relaxing on the beach. I love when it's hot and sunny.
— What about winter?— What about winter?
- I don't like winter very much. It's beautiful when it's snowing but I cannot stand cold weather.— I don't really like winter. It's beautiful when it snows, but I can't stand the cold.

I hope these dialogues will help expand your lexicon about the weather and help keep the conversation going.

"When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather".
When two English people meet, their first words are always about the weather.
Samuel Johnson

Hello! Who better than the British to talk about the weather? Shouldn't they scold the weather on damp foggy days, and shouldn't they rejoice if it's a fine day? Often, the British, meeting on the street with acquaintances, first of all say such phrases:

- It "s splendid weather, isn't it? - Great weather, isn't it??

— What a terrible day! — What a terrible day! Weather in English in expressions Weather in English is the topic of our conversation today

Weather in English in expressions and dialogues

In many countries, talking about the weather is considered the most neutral and acceptable to communicate with unfamiliar people, acquiring the status of "secular" conversation, probably due to the fact that it reflects only real weather conditions without causing disputes and disagreements. Let's take a look at the most common expressions about weather conditions in English.

Four seasons - all have different weather!

Expressions about the weather in different seasons





Phrases and expressions about the weather in English

Translation of interesting phrases and expressions about the weather

In any foreign language there are words, the translation of which is somewhat surprising. I think the translation of the following words and expressions in English related to weather phenomena will surprise you a little.

Rain (rain)

Snow (snow)

Wind (wind)

cloud (cloud, cloud)

Dialogue as a way to learn new expressions

Let's see how to maintain a dialogue about the weather in English, namely:

  • ask about weather conditions
  • talk about the weather in your hometown, etc.

Here are some similar dialogues on the topic of various similar conditions

The first topic of the dialogue:

Meeting in the park on a fine sunny day

Hello, Nick! What a beautiful day!
Hey Nick! What a nice day!
Hello, Kate! Oh indeed, the weather is fine!
Hey Kate! Oh, the weather is really great!
We had a lot of heavy rain this morning. I thought that it would be terrible weather today.
It was raining this morning. I thought the weather would be terrible today.
— Yeah! Now it doesn't look like rain.
Yes! But it doesn't look like it's going to rain right now.
— It is sunny and probably about 20 °C.
Sunny and probably around 20°C.
— Enjoy yourself, Kate.
I wish you a good time, Kate.
— Thank you!
Thank you!

The second theme of the dialogue:

Autumn changeable weather

Hi, Tom! The weather is nasty today!
Hi Tom! The weather is disgusting today!
Hi, Ann! What's the forecast for today?
Hey En! What is the weather forecast?
— I didn't weather forecast for today. But it is cold today.
I don't know today's weather forecast. But it's cold today.
Yes, also the sky's overcast. It looks like rain.
Yes, the sky is overcast. Seems it will rain.
— The sun's just gone in.
The sun has disappeared.
— We have to go back.
We must return.
— I agree. I don't want to be wet through.
I agree. I don't want to get wet.
- Let "s hurry! It's starting to rain. It's necessary to keep the rain out.
Let's hurry up! The rain starts. You need shelter from the rain.
— That sounds like thunder!
Looks like thunder too!
— The bus stop is very close. Let's go.
Bus stop nearby. Went.

The third theme of the dialogue:

Phone call from a foreign friend in winter

Hello, John!
Hey John!
Good afternoon, Alex! Nice to hear from you! Are you right? It seems to me that your voice is chanced.
Good afternoon Alex! Glad to hear from you! Are you all right? I think your voice has changed.
- I "ve caught a cold.
I caught a cold.
— Oh! I forgot that now it's so cold in your country.
ABOUT! I forgot that it's so cold now, and your country.
- It's very cold. Besides, the strong wind blows.
Very cold. In addition, strong winds blow.
— What's the temperature?
How many degrees?
— It's 12 degrees below zero.
12 degrees below zero.
Is it snowing?
— No, now it isn't.
No, it's not running right now..
— But it was snow-storm 3 days ago.
But there was a snowstorm 3 days ago.
— It's difficult to imagine such weather conditions.
It's hard to imagine such weather conditions.

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