Interesting and little-known facts from the life of Vladimir Putin. Little known facts about us presidents Interesting facts about the work of the president

Health 01.07.2020

Many authoritative publications, such as Forbes, have repeatedly called the president Russian Federation Vladimir Putin is the most powerful person in the world. Newspapers often write about his wit, quote his funny anecdotes, but few people know that the life of Vladimir Vladimirovich is full of interesting events. Below are the most interesting facts about Putin, including little-known incidents from the life of the head of state.

Family of Russian President Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Vladimirovich was born on October 7, 1952 in Leningrad. His father, Vladimir Spiridonovich, after serving in the Navy, went to war. There he was wounded, but for his courage he was awarded a medal. The president's mother, Maria Ivanovna Shelomova, also went to work at the plant after the war. Vladimir's grandfather, Spiridon Ivanovich Putin, was a good cook. Then he prepared dishes for the highest party and state officials. He was Lenin's chef and cooked for Stalin a couple of times.

Few people know that there were two more children in the family of the head of state, one of whom died before the war, it was a boy named Albert, and the second child named Victor was born during the Great Patriotic War but died of diphtheria. The child was buried in his hometown at the Piskarevsky cemetery.

Facts about the education of the president and the first steps in a career

As for the choice of profession, it is little known that Putin has dreamed of becoming an intelligence officer since childhood. He knew history well, was interested in politics and had an excellent memory. Moreover, he has always been a secretive child, which is rarely seen even in children's school photographs. A childhood dream led the future president to KGB School No. 1 in St. Petersburg. But there he was refused admission to school, explaining that for this it is necessary either to serve in the army or to get an education at the military department at the university.

In 1970, Vladimir Vladimirovich entered the Faculty of Law at Leningrad State University. Five years later, with a diploma in hand, Putin again came to the KGB school, but this time he was enrolled. After completing his studies, he was sent to work for the State Security Committee for Distribution. Putin ended up in the Office's secretariat. In the same year, he received the rank of Senior Lieutenant of Justice. And in 1977 he moved to work in Leningrad department The KGB is the counterintelligence department where Putin worked for half a year. Thanks to his efforts, the young man quickly attracted the attention of foreign intelligence officers. Putin was sent to the capital for special training. After training, he returned to his hometown and worked in the "first department", that is, the intelligence department for another four years. Already as an intelligence major, Putin was again sent to the capital to the Red Banner Institute, where he was preparing for a special assignment in Germany. For six months he intensively studied German. An interesting fact is that the first pseudonym of Vladimir Putin was the fictitious surname Platov. At that time, many students who studied at the intelligence institute had to keep their real names secret. The fictional nickname had to be short, sonorous and begin with the first letter. real surname: Putin - Platov.

Putin's first trip abroad: how his career developed after serving in Germany

Before the trip to the GDR, great changes took place in the life of Vladimir Vladimirovich. He met his future wife. During the performances of Arkady Raikin in the theater, the future president met his future wife Lyudmila Shkrebneva, who then worked as a flight attendant on domestic airlines. On July 23, 1983, the wedding of Vladimir Putin and Lyudmila Shkrebneva took place. Two years later, the first child appeared in the family, a daughter, Maria.

In 1985, Putin and his family went on a mission to Germany, where he would spend another five years. In the same place in Germany, in 1986, the second daughter of the future president, Catherine, was born.

In 1990, Putin and his family returned from service in Dresden. He received the rank of lieutenant colonel, and in 1989 he was awarded the bronze medal "For Merit to the National People's Army of the GDR." As the president himself later commented: “Then it was considered normal if you were promoted after foreign business trips.” Vladimir Putin was promoted twice.

After arriving from Germany, Vladimir Vladimirovich was offered a job in the central office of the KGB, but he refused. In 1990, Putin got a job at Leningrad State University as an assistant to the rector. There he met the future mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak. Putin became his adviser.

In 1991, Vladimir Putin leaves the KGB. A little-known fact is that Putin left the KGB when he wanted to get power State Committee on the state of emergency, against which Anatoly Sobchak opposed. Some experts believe that the departure of the future head of state from the KGB is connected with this event.

Since 1993, during business trips abroad, Anatoly Sobchak, who became the mayor of St. Petersburg, was replaced by Vladimir Putin. In 1994, Putin became the first deputy chairman of the government of St. Petersburg. A year later, he is appointed head regional office NDR party.

Facts from Putin's political career

In 1996, Vladimir Putin moved with his family to Moscow, where his political career began. The first position in Moscow is the position of Deputy Presidential Affairs Manager. Here, Putin was to control the legal administration and management of Russian foreign property. During his stay on this post Putin diligently and honestly did his job, thanks to which he quickly climbed the career ladder. known fact is that Putin ordered a large-scale inspection of the effectiveness of fishing in Russia, as a result of which the overfishing of sockeye salmon by Japanese vessels was discovered using a prohibited method. As a result of this operation, in the next ten years, the catch of sockeye salmon by Russian vessels increased.

At the same time, Putin managed to engage in scientific work at Leningrad University. In 1997, he defended his thesis at the Mining Institute on the topic: "Strategic planning for the reproduction of the mineral resource base of the region in the conditions of the formation of market relations."

In 1998, Putin received the post of head Federal Service Russia's security. Rapid growth on the career ladder was well deserved, because the future president tried not to ignore the problems in the unit. So he carried out a reorganization in the FSB of the Russian Federation: he abolished the administrative staff for economic counterintelligence, created six new departments of the FSB, and so on.

In 1999, Putin received the post of Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, but he did not leave the post of head of the FSB. At the same time, Russian President Boris Yeltsin invited Putin to become the country's prime minister. After taking office, Putin conducted a major operation against militants in Dagestan who had invaded the republic. Having led this operation, Putin organized all the assigned tasks and did an excellent job.

The result of the work was the complete expulsion of militants from Dagestan after a short time. In the same year, a series of terrorist attacks took place across the country, including in Buynaksk, Volgodonsk, and Moscow. More than three hundred people suffered, as it turned out later, at the hands of the Dagestan and Karachai Wahhabis. Vladimir Vladimirovich took control of this incident as well.

One of the most memorable events in the life of Vladimir Putin was the fact that Boris Yeltsin, when leaving the presidency, offered Vladimir Vladimirovich to take this position.

Presidency of Vladimir Putin

In 2000, Vladimir Vladimirovich became the President of Russia, having won the elections. Putin was elected three times as president: in 2000, in 2004 and in 2012.

Success also accompanied the new political movement Putin's "Unity", which won 23.3% of the vote in the elections to the State Duma. The second place awarded was proof of the growing popularity of Vladimir Vladimirovich.

In 2008, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev became president. Shortly before his election, Vladimir Vladimirovich announced Medvedev as his successor. Putin himself became Russia's prime minister in 2008.

In 2010, the authoritative Forbes publishing house included Vladimir Putin in the list of the most influential people in the world. Putin occupies the fourth position in the Forbes rating. In 2011, the magazine raised the surname Russian President to the second line.

Little-known facts from the life of Vladimir Putin

The life of the Russian president is oversaturated with interesting events. Some stories are known even to those people who have never been interested in the President of Russia and politics in general, but you simply never knew about other facts from the life of Vladimir Putin.

The Russian president is very fond of reading spy novels. Putin once remarked: “What amazes me most is how one person can achieve more than entire armies.” The President is fluent German, speaks good English, and one of his daughters is fluent in Chinese.

The President has been collecting maps and postage stamps with images of prominent personalities for many years.

Vladimir Vladimirovich is fond of hunting and fishing. In the summer of 2013, during a holiday in Southern Siberia the head of state managed to catch a 20-kilogram pike. This was a surprise not only for the president, but also for the local huntsman who accompanied the head of state in the taiga.

Putin loves animals very much, especially. Many politicians prefer to give the president a dog or some other animal for his birthday. Now Putin has three dogs. The fourth dog, the most famous named Connie, recently died of old age. It was a gift from Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. Associated with her interesting story: During an informal meeting between German Chancellor Merkel and Vladimir Putin in a country residence, a black labrador Connie unexpectedly entered the hall, which greatly frightened the guest. Merkel pulled herself together with difficulty, and Putin asked: “Does the dog scare you?” In addition to dogs, horses, a leopard, a goat, and a tiger cub were presented to Putin as a gift. Of course, the president did not leave two leopards and a tiger cub in the house, wild animals went to the zoo, where they are given the best care.

One of the features of the president: when Vladimir Vladimirovich changes his office, he never starts a reshuffle. This is very unusual. As a rule, officials first of all seek to get rid of everything that was left after their predecessors, and try to adapt the workspace for themselves. Putin has never even changed the furniture in his office.

head of state only right hand. He explains this by the fact that the crown of the watch does not rub the brush. After this statement, some famous brands even began to produce watches with a crown on the opposite side.

Once upon a time, the expression "Putin-crab" was very popular. This is another nickname for the president, which appeared after his statement that he “plowed like a galley slave” for eight years of the presidency. Then the expression was simplified even more and only “Putin-crab” remained.

Few people know that one unpleasant event happened in the life of the country's leader even before Putin became president. His dacha was completely burned down with all the things and savings that were there, and family members barely managed to escape. On the ashes, Putin accidentally discovered his cross. He lay on the ashes and glowed brightly from the falling sun rays. The cross was not damaged at all. After this incident, Putin and his family moved to the capital, where he began to build his political career. The president himself considers this event symbolic. He even shared this story with US President George W. Bush during one of his informal meetings.

13 films have been shot about the head of state, 12 of which are documentaries:

  1. "Unknown Putin",
  2. "Comrade of the President"
  3. "Putin's system"
  4. "55",
  5. "Wall",
  6. "Putin, Russia, West",
  7. "Bridge over the abyss"
  8. "In the body of Vladimir Putin",
  9. "The Real Putin"
  10. "Paper Coronation"
  11. "Putin's Kiss"
  12. “I am Putin. Portrait".

Another film is artistic - "Kiss is not for the press."

In 1999, a book was written about the president. Its authors are Vasily Shestakov and Alexey Levitsky. The book is called Learning Judo with Vladimir Putin.

The list includes state awards: Order of Honor, Order of Merit for the Republic of Dagestan, foreign awards: Bronze Medal of the National People's Army of the GDR "For Merit", Order of Ho Chi Minh, Gold Medal of the Greek Parliament, Order of the Golden Eagle, Order of the Legion of Honor, Gold Medal of the Senate and Congress of the Cortes Generales, Order of King Abdelaziz, Order of Ismoili Somoni, Order of Zaid, Order of "Buyuk Hizmatlari Uchun", Saxon "Order of Gratitude", Order of the Precious Rod with Pearl, Order of the Liberator, Grand Chain of the Order of the Republic of Serbia, Order of Friendship of Peoples, Orders St. Charles, the Order of "Jose Marti", a commemorative medal in honor of the 75th anniversary of the victory at Khalkhin Gol, departmental awards: the medal "For Impeccable Service" of the KGB of the USSR II and III degrees, the medal "Participant of the march on June 12, 1999. Bosnia - Kosovo" made of silver, medal of A.M. Gorchakov, as well as many religious, community, sports, and academic awards. Among other things, Vladimir Vladimirovich bears the title of honorary citizen of 12 cities, and in two more cities streets are named after the Russian president.

In 1974, according to one of the former, Putin won the Zaporozhets lottery. Then it was quite a respected car.

Vladimir Vladimirovich was baptized in November 1952, on Mikhailov's Day in St. Petersburg in the Transfiguration Cathedral.

Many different stories have been made up about Putin many times. So, after the president’s divorce from his wife Lyudmila, journalists attributed to him an affair with former gymnast Alina Kabaeva, they spoke in colors about their wedding, about a joint vacation, about wedding rings, allegedly seen on the fingers of both participants in the novel, and various fictitious facts were cited as evidence. Today, the Internet is full of wedding pictures and videos, but many of these evidence are obviously fake. Some time later, there were rumors that she first gave birth to one child, then a second, and more recently, a third child. The gymnast herself and the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, of course, denied these gossip. As it turned out later, the child in the photo with Kabaeva is her nephew, and the rest of the children are simply attributed to the couple in order to stir up the interest of readers.

Today, as you know, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is running for president again. For Vladimir Putin, according to polls by the sociological company Levada Center, more than half of the country's population is ready to vote, and those who are against the president's policy turned out to be in the minority. However, who will win the vote will be known only after March 18, 2018.

We bring to your attention 45 interesting facts about the presidents of the United States, which you probably did not know before.

  • Abraham Lincoln is the only US president to have worked as a licensed bartender. He co-owned the Berry and Lincoln Saloon in Springfield, Illinois.
  • The only unanimously elected President of the United States was George Washington. He also refused to receive the presidential salary, which at the time was $25,000 a year.
  • Grover Cleveland was the only president in US history to serve as an executioner. Before the presidency, he served as the sheriff of Erie, New York, one day he had to either carry out the death sentence himself, or hire an executioner for $ 10. Cleveland chose to execute the prisoner himself.
  • In 1902, while hunting, President Theodore Roosevelt took pity on a little bear cub. This episode was seized on by toy factories that began to churn out the still popular "Teddy Bear"
  • George Washington never lived in the White House. At that time, the capital was in Philadelphia, as well as other cities. Washington was also the only president who did not represent any political party.
  • James Garfield became the first president to ever speak on the telephone. When talking to Alexander Bell, who was 13 miles away, the first thing he said was: "Please speak a little slower."
  • Thomas Jefferson became the first president to be inaugurated in Washington DC
  • Grover Cleveland is the only President of the United States to have been elected to two non-consecutive terms. He was the 22nd and 24th President
  • Martin Van Buren was the first president - a US citizen. All previous presidents have been British subjects
  • Six U.S. Presidents named James: Madison, Monroe, Polk, Buchanan, Garfield, and Carter
  • Dwight David Eisenhower was the only president to fight in World Wars I and II
  • Richard Nixon became the first president to visit all 50 states and made the first visit to China
  • President Herbert Clark Hoover ordered servants working in the White House to stay out of his sight. Otherwise they could be fired
  • President Ulysses Grant smoked about 20 cigars a day. After winning the civil war, he was presented with 10,000 cigars. He later died of throat cancer
  • At John Tyler had more children than any other US president. Eight children from the first marriage and seven from the second
  • James Madison was the smallest US president, his height was only 164 cm, and his weight was 45 kg
  • George Washington delivered the shortest inaugural address ever. It consisted of only 133 words.
  • William Henry Harrison delivered the longest inaugural address of any U.S. president. It consisted of 8578 words and lasted 100 minutes. On the day of the inauguration bad weather. A month later, Harrison died of pneumonia, becoming president, serving in his post for the shortest time
  • Presidents: Washington, Monroe, Jackson, Polk, Buchanan, Johnson, Garfield, McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, Harding, Roosevelt, Truman, Johnson, and Ford were Freemasons, many of the symbols featured on American dollars
  • The body of John Harrison, father of the President Benjamin Harrison , was stolen from a grave and sold to a medical college in Cincinnati, state Ohio to conduct experiments. Later body was reburied
  • President Rutherford Hayes suffered from lyssophobia - an obsessive fear of going crazy
  • Three US Presidents died on July 4: Thomas Jefferson (1826), John Adams (1826) and James Monroe (1831). Calvin Coolid g - the only president born on July 4 (1872)
  • In 1945, the US Congress voted to have Franco Delano Roosevelt profiled on the 10 cent coin.
  • George Herbert Walker Bush the only President of the United States, full name which consists of four words
  • The first child to die in the White House was the 12-year-old son of Abraham Lincoln
  • The assassin of President James Garfield shot his victim in the back five times with a British Bulldog pistol. According to the killer, he chose this gun because it would look good on the stand of some museum. Currently, no one knows where this gun is.
  • William Howard Taft nicknamed "Big Bill", was the largest president of the United States. He weighed 325 pounds, which often caused him to get stuck in the White House bathroom, from where he was repeatedly pulled out by his advisers.
  • During the election campaign of Theodore Roosevelt, he was assassinated. Having received a bullet in the chest, Roosevelt ended his speech anyway.
  • In order to play golf in snowy weather, Woodrow Wilson asked to paint his balls black
  • Thomas Jefferson wrote the inscription for his tombstone, which stated that he was the author Declaration of Independence and founder of the university Virginia . However, he forgot to mention that he was the President of the United States
  • Abraham Lincoln was the first bearded US President
  • The last words of T. Roosevelt were - "Please put out the light." T. Jefferson - "Is this the fourth?". John Adams - "Thomas Jefferson is still alive", although Jefferson had passed away a few hours earlier
  • To get to his inauguration site, George Washington had to borrow $600 from his neighbor.
  • Washington, Jackson, Van Buren, Taylor, Fillmore, Lincoln, A. Johnson, and Cleveland didn't go to college. BUT Harry Truman became president in the 20th century without higher education
  • The capital of Liberia, Monrovia, is named after the 5th President of the United States, James Monroe.
  • There has not been a single president in the United States who has been only child in family
  • Abraham Lincoln was the first president born outside the 13 colonies.
  • Some historians argue that the American revolutionary John Hanson (1721-1783) should be considered the first president of the United States. he was the first leader of the Confederacy, as stated in some government documents

In the coming days, a two-part series, briefly titled "Putin", will be released on the Rossiya channel. This tape, which became an Internet hit last week, is a story about the newly elected both in the first person and through the lips of friends, associates, and relatives. ELLE chose ten interesting facts voiced in the film.

1. Putin admitted that in childhood, and then went in for sports. He started with boxing, where his nose was broken. “Hooligan, of course. They did not accept (to the pioneers) simply, and then they accepted. I began to engage in wrestling, sambo, judo, began to gradually change, it is better to study.”

“(In boxing) my nose was broken, and while it was healing, I refocused on wrestling.”

2. While working in St. Petersburg, the future head of state found himself in very tough situations that forced him to think about his safety. “I went to bed in my dacha with a pump-action shotgun, it’s true. But there were such times - God saves the safe.

3. After the defeat of Anatoly Sobchak in the mayoral elections in St. Petersburg in 1996, Putin, one of the main members of Sobchak's team, was left without a job and was thinking of becoming a taxi driver.

“I even thought about what to do, maybe work in a taxi? I'm not kidding where to go. small ones. Therefore, when they offered to move to Moscow and take up legal affairs in the presidential administration, I agreed and came.”

4. Recalling the tragedy at Dubrovka in 2002, when the theater center was seized during the musical Nord-Ost, Putin said that the terrorists were planning a demonstrative execution of hostages on. “The next morning this tragic story with the removal of hostages and their execution. It was impossible to wait,” the president said.

5. The President said that he treats his daughters fairly, but does not interfere in his personal life. “Being demanding is not the same as not loving. So I know that my parents loved me very much, I lived in an atmosphere of love, it was obvious to me, ”Putin said, and speaking about his daughters, he noted that“ how they will build their personal lives, they are already adults, it's already pretty much in their hands."

6. Vladimir Putin's grandfather worked as a cook for the leaders of the Soviet state. “He (grandfather) worked for him as a cook, first with Lenin, then with Stalin, in one of the dachas near Moscow, in Gorki,” the president said in the film.

7. Putin saw a picture of him riding a bear, but of course this is not true. “I saw a photo of me riding a bear. But I've never ridden a bear before. But there are such photographs.

8. Foreign partners, as it turned out, sometimes pamper the Russian president. For example, German Chancellor Angela Merkel "brings a few bottles of Radeberg beer from time to time," Putin said. And he admitted that he tries to drink it less. I love Radeberger, but I try to drink less of it. Because from him “bierbauch”, it is in German - a beer belly appears,” the head of state said.

9. Cornered rats are very dangerous, Putin said, telling a story from his own life: “I was just walking up the stairs, going down, I saw a rat, I started chasing it. He drove her into a corner. She turned around and ran after me. And she didn’t just run, she also went from ladder to ladder, from flight to flight. She tried to jump on my head."

10. Having already taken the presidency, Vladimir Putin found himself in stalemate situations. On the way to the place of death of the Pskov paratroopers in Chechnya, the helicopter, in which the head of state was, was fired upon by militants. “I decided that this was actually a salute, because New Year was. It was the pilots who said: “What a salute, we are under fire,” Putin admitted.

First President of the United States George Washington(1789-1797) - the only president to receive 100% of the electoral votes. Washington also delivered the shortest inaugural address. It consisted of only 133 words and lasted less than two minutes. He also became the first president to have his image on a postage stamp.

Longest-serving presidency Franklin Delano Roosevelt(1933-1945). He was the only US president to win four elections.

The only person to hold the presidency for two non-consecutive terms is a Democrat Grover Cleveland (1885-1889, 1893-1897).

Martin Van Buren(1837-1841) became the first president - a US citizen. All previous presidents have been British subjects.

Six US Presidents have been named James: Madison (1809-1817), Monroe (1817-1825), Shelf (1845-1849), Buchanan (1857-1861), Garfield(March-September 1881) and Carter (1977-1981).

Dwight David Eisenhower(1953-1961) was the only American president to serve in World Wars I and II.

William Henry Harrison(March-April 1841) delivered the longest inaugural address of any US president. It consisted of 8495 words. On the day of the inauguration, the weather was bad. Harrison caught a cold and died of pneumonia a month later, becoming the shortest-serving president.

Jimmy Carter(1977-1981) became the first Southerner elected to the presidency since civil war. He was also the only US President to publish multiple novels.

Barack Obama(2009-2017) - First African-American President of the United States. He is also the first US president born outside the continental United States (in the state of Hawaii).

Gerald Ford(1974-1977) is the only president who managed to become vice president and president without being elected. He was named vice president after Spiro Agnew retired and president after Nixon's early departure.

The oldest president was Ronald Reagan(1981-1989). At the time of his first inauguration, he was 69 years, 11 months and 14 days old.

The youngest president was Theodore Roosevelt(1901-1909) - he became president without an election when he was 42 years, 10 months and 18 days old. John Kennedy(1961-1963) was the youngest president at the time of election (43 and a half years). John F. Kennedy was also the first Boy Scout in US history to become president.

The President of the United States with the longest name is George Herbert Walker Bush (1989-1993).

Thomas Jefferson(1801-1809) became the first president to be inaugurated in Washington.

No US president has ever been an only child.

James Buchanan is the only unmarried president.

Grover Cleveland(1885-1889) was the only US president to have a wedding directly in the White House.

The heaviest president of the United States was William Taft(1909-1913) - he weighed over 135 kilograms.

Abraham Lincoln(1861-1865) was the tallest U.S. president at 6.4 feet (195 centimeters).

James Madison(1809-1817) was the smallest US president, his height was only 164 centimeters, and his weight was 45 kilograms.

Theodore Roosevelt(1901-1909) was the first head of the United States to travel around all the then 48 states. In addition, Theodore Roosevelt became the first president to fly in an airplane - and the flight took place in one of the very first aircraft models.

Richard Nixon(1969-1974) became the first American president to visit the USSR and China.

John Tyler(1841-1845) was the largest president in US history. He had eight children by his first wife and seven by his second. His 15th child was born when the President was in his seventies.

The state of Ohio has given the most presidents to the United States (seven). In second place is New York (six), in third is Virginia (five), then Massachusetts (four), Texas, Tennessee and California (three each).

Four U.S. presidents have died of natural causes while in office ( William Garrison, Zachary Taylor (1849-1850), Warren Harding(1921-1923) and Franklin Roosevelt).

Four US presidents have been assassinated ( Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley(1897-1901) and John F. Kennedy).

Three US Presidents died on July 4: Thomas Jefferson (1826), John Adams(1826) and James Monroe (1831). Calvin Coolidge- the only president born on July 4 (1872).

Curse of Tecumseh

The Curse of Tecumseh, also known as the Curse of the Presidents of the United States, is a legend about a curse uttered by the once-dying Cheyenne Indian chief Tecumseh for violating a treaty by whites. The curse is that every American president elected in a year ending in 0 will die or be assassinated before the end of the presidential term.

Starting from the first tribe (the curse, according to legend, is valid until the seventh tribe) - William Henry Harrison, who died a month after the inauguration - all but the last two US presidents elected or re-elected in a year ending in zero died in office (by their own death or from an assassin's bullet).

Second knee - Abraham Lincoln, elected 1860, re-elected 1864, assassinated 1865.

Third knee - James Garfield, elected 1880, assassinated 1881.

fourth knee - William McKinley, re-elected in 1900, assassinated in 1901.

Fifth knee - Warren Harding, elected 1920, died 1923.

Sixth knee - Franklin Roosevelt, re-elected in 1940 and 1944, died in 1945.

Seventh knee - John Kennedy, elected in 1960, assassinated in 1963.

First to break the rule Ronald Reagan(eighth tribe), elected in 1980, survived the assassination attempt in 1981 and safely left office in 1989.

Presidents on dollar bills

The first president of the country George Washington featured on the $1 banknote; third president Thomas Jefferson- on a banknote of 2 dollars; 16th President Abraham Lincoln- on a banknote of 5 dollars; 7th President of the United States Andrew Jackson- on a banknote of 20 dollars; 18th President of the United States Ulysses Grant- on a banknote of 50 dollars.

On rare banknotes: 25th President of the United States William McKinley featured on the $500 note; 22nd President of the United States Grover Cleveland- on a banknote of 1000 dollars; fourth president of the United States James Madison on a $5,000 note; 28th President of the United States Woodrow Wilson- on a banknote of 100,000 dollars.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Politicians are also people and nothing human, including strangeness, is alien to them.

George Washington loved horseback riding. However, he demanded that the horse on which he was to sit was perfectly clean. Washington even checked the cleanliness of the animal's teeth.

Thomas Jefferson independently designed his tombstone and wrote the text for it, which did not indicate that he was president.

John Quincy Adams often went skinny-dipping in the Potomac River at dawn. He practically did not change outfits and carried one suit for more than ten years.

Andrew Jackson was an inveterate duelist. During one of the duels, he received a bullet in the chest, the surgeons could not remove it, and Jackson lived with this piece of lead all his life.

Martin Van Buren, after leaving the White House, wrote an interesting memoir in which his wife was never mentioned.

The inauguration ceremony of William Harrison (1841) was held on an extremely cold day. The new president immediately caught a cold. Soon his cold developed into pneumonia, from which he died a month later. He led the United States for a record short time.

John Tyler is the largest president in US history. He had 8 children from his first wife and 7 from his second. His 15th child was born when the President was in his seventies.

Zachary Taylor chewed tobacco everywhere and always. During all official events, he held a snuffbox with tobacco in his fist.

Millard Fillmore refused to accept the mantle of an honorary doctorate from Oxford University. He explained this by saying that he did nothing for science.

When the eleventh president of the United States, James Polk, was 17 years old, he had his gallbladder removed. Doctors performed anesthesia by giving the future president brandy to drink.

James Buchanan is the only US President who has not been married. He was once engaged, but his fiancee broke off the engagement and died soon after.

President Abraham Lincoln always wore a tall black top hat, inside which he kept letters, financial papers, bills, and notes.

Andrew Johnson never went to school. He was taught to read by his future wife Eliza McCardle, Eliza McCardle, at the age of 17. President Johnson wore only suits that he cut and sewed himself.

Throughout his life, Ulysses Grant smoked 20 cigars a day. He died of throat cancer.

President James Garfield was ambidextrous and a polyglot. He could simultaneously write with one hand in ancient Greek and with the other in Latin. He died as a result of a finger cut - blood poisoning occurred during treatment.

Chester Arthur had about 100 pairs of trousers in his wardrobe.

Grover Cleveland underwent a secret surgery during which a part of his jaw that was affected by cancer was removed.

Benjamin Garrison hated electric lights and demanded that during his stay in the White House, light bulbs be turned off and candles lit.

During a hunt, President Theodore Roosevelt refused to kill a bear with a cub. After that, a new toy appeared - teddy bears, which began to be called “teddy bears” teddy bears (“Teddy” is a diminutive form of the name “Theodore”).

William Taft weighed over 136 kilograms. In the White House, a special oversized bath was installed for him.

Warren Harding played poker at least twice a week. Once he even lost the entire Chinese porcelain service that belonged to to the White House. His advisors were nicknamed "Poker Cabinet" as they were his main partners during this game of chance.

Calvin Coolidge had a very sick stomach. For treatment and prevention, he slept for 10-11 hours at night, and also rested during the day. Two tame raccoons lived with him in the White House.

Franklin Roosevelt was related to 11 of his predecessors in the White House.

Harry Truman had a pet goat that grazed on the lawn in front of the White House.

Military leader and President Dwight Eisenhower was a great lover and master of cooking. He even came up with the recipe vegetable soup, which included the stems of nasturtium.

John F. Kennedy was the first Boy Scout in US history to become president.

Lyndon Johnson loved to give gifts to his employees and visitors. His favorite gift was electric toothbrushes. The author of Johnson's biography received 12 brushes from his hero in 10 years.

Richard Nixon always heated his office with a fireplace, refusing to use steam heating.

Gerald Ford was told by his parents at the age of 12 that they had adopted him.

Jimmy Carter became the first US President to publish a historical novel (The Hornet's Nest). True, Carter wrote the novel after leaving the White House.

Ronald Reagan became famous for overcoming the White House's "20-year curse" in which every president elected in a year ending in zero died or died before the end of his term.

George Bush Sr. was distinguished by the fact that he adored Mexican and Chinese cuisine, but never ate broccoli.

Bill Clinton ordered the creation of a personal website for his cat Sox.

George Bush Jr. and his wife Laura got married just three months after they met.

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