Igor Sizov fiance Nyusha. Igor Sivov

Family and relationships 21.06.2019
Family and relationships

Igor Veniaminovich Sivov - Chief Advisor to the President International Federation University Sports (FISU), spouse Russian singer.

Igor Sivov was born in Kazan on June 9, 1980. He graduated from gymnasium N ° 122 in 1997 and immediately became a student at the Faculty of International Relations of the Academy of Management (Tatar Institute for Business Assistance). During his studies, Igor was a member of the KVN team "Four Tatars" of the first composition. At the festival "Club of cheerful and resourceful" in Jurmala in 1999, the team led by captain Ildar Fatkhutdinov earns "gold".

Some members of the team subsequently went into show business. Stanislav Staroverov was engaged in writing the script for the series "Voronins", Dmitry Chernykh and Rustam Khabibullin created the duet "Neighbors", which participated in the program "Slaughter League".

After graduating from high school, Igor Sivov holds the position of deputy director of the student club at the Academy of Management. The young man worked in this position until 2008, after which he went to the municipality to the Directorate holiday programs. Having assessed the professional data of the new employee, Igor Veniaminovich Sivov is appointed the head of this project.

Sports and politics

In 2008, preparations for the Universiade began in Kazan, which was scheduled for 2013. The capital of Tatarstan was chosen at the international vote of the Federation of University Sports, held in Brussels. Kazan competed with the Spanish city of Vigo and the South Korean Gwangju, but won with 20 votes out of 27.

The Organizing Committee of the XXVII World Summer Universiade is being created in Russia, the head of which is the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Igor Veniaminovich Sivov is invited to the position of Deputy CEO Executive Directorate of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization. For three years, Igor Veniaminovich was engaged in part-time duties, and in 2011 he was fixed on a permanent basis. The young official worked hard in this post until 2014.

The abilities of Igor Veniaminovich were appreciated, and in 2014 Sivov was invited to the Office of the Executive Committee for the post of director. In the same year, the official receives awards "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan" and the Order "For Services to the Fatherland". Sivov's duties included overseeing all economic and legal processes carried out in the city.

Personal life

Igor Veniaminovich was married to Elena Vladimirovna Sivova. The couple have two children. But in 2016, the couple broke up, officially filing a divorce. In 2017, information appeared in the press that Igor Sivov made an offer to the Russian pop singer Anna Shurochkina, better known as Nyusha, the author of the singles “Above”, “It Hurts”, “Alone”.

Young people met in 2013 at the Kazan Universiade. Then they began a close relationship. For some time, Igor and Nyusha tried to build their personal lives separately from each other. It is known that Anna met with a Russian hip-hoper.

But in 2016, Igor and Nyusha began to live together, and at the end of January, a photo of a girl appeared on the singer's page on Instagram, in which she shows wedding ring. For some time, the name of the person Nyusha is marrying was hidden by the singer. But in May 2017, the artist and her future husband at the Barvikha Luxury Village concert hall at the closing ceremony of the Continental Hockey League (KHL) season. Young people started a comic skirmish on stage about the announcement of the winners among the judges.

In 2017, Igor Sivov made an offer to Anna Shurochkina on vacation in Kenya. Nyusha told the fans that the wedding would take place in the summer of 2017, but already in July the media reported about it in Kazan. The singer's fans are sure that the wedding ceremony was held in the strictest secrecy due to the couple's busy schedule, and the magnificent celebration itself took place later.

In May 2018, Nyusha officially confirmed that. The singer spoke about the happy event on social networks in order to get rid of rumors and speculation once and for all. The girl asked the media and fans to treat her current situation with understanding.

Igor Sivov now

Happens in 2016 new round in political biography Igor Sivov. The hardware state official is transferred from municipal level to international. Igor Sivov becomes Chief Advisor to the President of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), supreme body university world movement.

The organization was founded in 1949, the Swiss Lausanne was immediately identified as the headquarters. FISU is responsible for holding competitions for students under the age of 28. At the moment, the organization unites 167 countries.

On November 7, 2018, Sivov and Nyusha became parents for the first time. On Instagram, the singer posted a black-and-white picture of the baby, signing it: "Our angel."

The child was born in one of the prestigious clinics in Miami, where the girl flew away long before the expected date of birth. She chose the clinic in the second trimester of pregnancy. The first time after the birth of Nyusha with her daughter will remain in the United States until the baby is ready for a long air flight.

Igor Veniaminovich Sivov is an active political figure, a former KVN worker. Born in Kazan on June 9, 1980. He has held key positions in the field of sports. On the this moment works in the International University Sports Federation as an adviser to the president. He attracted media attention after the start of a relationship with the singer Nyusha.


Igor Sivov is an avid KVN guy. In school days he was fond of hockey. While studying at TISBI (Tatar Institute for Business Assistance - 1997-2002), where he studied at the specialty international relationships, performed in KVN for the university team. After he moved to the "Four Tatars".

Former partners have become strong friends and are now friends with families. There he met Vladimir Leonov and Damir Fattakhov, also influential political figures.

After graduation, he receives the post of deputy director of the student club (2002-2008).

Sivov headed the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Directorate of holiday programs" of Kazan - he organized the city's planned events.

In parallel with this, he holds the position of Deputy General Director of the Universiade-2013.

In 2014, he received the post of head of the executive committee of the city of Kazan.

In 2016, he became General Advisor to the President of the International University Sports Federation FISU.

First wife Alena Sivova and their children

The first wife of the then career official Igor was a dance teacher Alena Naumova.

The marriage was concluded in 2006, in the same year the couple had their first child - Matvey.

Sivov basically does not spread about his personal life, his ex-wife gives information bit by bit. The girl admits that at first the marriage seemed perfect, but over time it cracked. In 2013, Igor meets Nyusha and is very distant from his wife.

Rumor has it that in order to save the marriage, the girl decided on a second pregnancy. True or not, the marriage still fell apart. Igor left the family when younger son was only six months old.

Alena suffered this blow extremely hard, because in addition to the divorce, her mother also passed away during this period. The girl pulled herself out of depression: she radically changed her image - she cut off luxurious long hair, returned to dancing and began to conquer business.

With mom and Matthew

With father and sons

The second wife of Igor became famous Russian star- Nyusha.

The couple met in Kazan. Then Sivov organized the Universiade, and Nyusha was on tour. Now they admit that it was love at first sight.

“I won’t give it back, I won’t let it go,” Igor thought then.

Rumors about the novel spread during the appointment of Igor to the post of adviser to the President of FISU. Then the network got a picture of lovers in a restaurant.

After 4 years of relationship, having received a divorce from ex-wife Alena Sivova, Igor proposes to Nyusha. He decided to do it in an original way. More three months went into preparation.

The marriage proposal happened on a planned vacation. Only the future spouse hid the destination, and they went to Kenya. The couple loves adventure, Nyusha was delighted with the area. Arriving at the local natives, they began to dance with them. And then, out of nowhere, a small chair appears. The girl is asked to sit down and take part in an unusual ritual. And so, Igor kneels down, takes out a small coconut and opens it. From it you can see a cute ring with a diamond.

The girl was shocked, and after recovering herself a little, she shouted “Yes!”.

Wedding of Igor and Nyusha

For a couple, an official marriage is not just a stamp in the passport, not a formality.

They decided to play a wedding on the island of Kanufushi at the Finolhu hotel.

The groom did not see the wedding dress before the wedding. Still, the bride had three of them! The girl bought some of the outfits in France when she celebrated her bachelorette party there, where she had her pajama party. Igor also celebrated a bachelor party, only in Amsterdam and Cologne, when the World Hockey Championship was held there. He and his friends are athletes.

The wedding took place on a platform above the pool at sunset.

Nyusha says that the most touching moment in her life is the exit to the altar, when she met the eyes of her beloved.

Wedding video shared by Nyusha on Instagram:

In the evening, the couple lit up in a nightclub, where Paris Hilton was the DJ. There, the couple accidentally crossed paths with Leonardo DiCaprio. The actor even danced with the bride!

The organization of the event was on the shoulders of the husband. According to him, the responsibility wedding was no less important than the Universiade.

In May 2018, Nyusha posted a photo on Instagram with a rounded tummy and officially confirmed that the couple would soon have a baby.

Igor Sivov now

Igor Sivov continues to hold the post of General Advisor to the President of FISU.

FISO Academy

Plans to hold a set of projector in Kazan. He lives with his family in three cities - Moscow, Kazan and Lausanne - the headquarters of the International University Sports Federation in Switzerland. Passionate about his work and highly valued by management, he looks ahead with enthusiasm and is preparing for the birth of his third child.

With school friends and teachers

Visits an orphanage

Despite Nyusha's youth, she is known as a singer and songwriter for many Russian pop artists. The real name of the girl is Anna Shurochkina. She can be described as an ambitious performer and a very energetic girl.

By the age of 28, she managed to do almost everything. Her songs occupied the leading lines of the charts, cartoon characters spoke in her voice, and authoritative music publications more than once called Nyusha "the main musical event of the year."

Fans of her work were interested not only in career and music successes, but also in the personal life of the singer. The girl was in no hurry to share the details of her personal life, but also did not make a secret behind seven seals from the relationship. Not so long ago it became known that the girl got married, and replenishment is expected in the family at the end of summer.

In search of happiness

Anya realized very early what show business is and how difficult it is sometimes in it. Fame came to her early. Already at the age of 8 she participated in music festivals and composed songs. Later, she became the soloist of the Grizzly group and in just a few months they toured most of the cities of Russia.

Surprisingly, with such a busy schedule, the girl had time for her personal life. It is known about her relationship with actor and hockey player Alexander Radulov. But at that time the girl was too young and the relationship did not continue.

In the summer of 2012, photographs of the singer appeared in many publications. The couple vacationed together at various resorts and had fun at parties. Fans decided that the artists were dating. But soon the couple broke up and, as it turned out, it was just a publicity stunt to draw attention to performers.

Relations with singer Yegor Creed lasted about two years. The relationship of young performers began in 2014, the couple hid their relationship. Declarations of love, huge bouquets of flowers and gifts, but in February 2016, young people announced that they were no longer together.

Nyusha chose not to name the reasons for the breakup, and Yegor hinted in one of the songs that the girl's father intervened in their relationship.

Young and successful

Anna met her future husband in 2013 in Kazan, where she performed as part of the opening of a sporting event. She immediately drew attention to the young man who was the organizer of this event. Young man name was Igor Sivov.

Nyusha and Igor quickly found mutual language. The man was helped by an innate sense of humor and the experience of playing in the KVN team "Four Tatars". In just a few hours, he was able to charm the girl and cheer her up. But the event ended, and the singer left for another city.

It cannot be said that a romance broke out between them. For a long time Anna and Igor remained friends. The singer at that moment began a relationship with Yegor Creed, and Igor was married. The wife of a businessman was a participant in the show "Everybody Dance" Elena. In marriage, the couple had two children.

Interesting Notes:

In 2016, it became known that Sivov divorced his wife, at that time their youngest son was not yet a year old. Nyusha's future husband was 10 years older than her, but the age difference did not become an obstacle in the relationship. At the age of 36, Igor Sivov left the first family of the family.

New relationship

After breaking up with Yegor Creed, the press began to say that Nyusha had a new relationship. But the girl was in no hurry to talk about them. The situation cleared up when they, together with Igor Sivov, appeared at one of the events. At the same time, the press “attacked” the girl, accusing her of divorcing a businessman. She didn't explain anything. Igor said everything. He explained that at the time of the beginning of the relationship with the singer he was already divorced.

In the winter of 2017, young people went on vacation. Igor decided to make a surprise for Nyusha and she did not know until the last where they would spend their vacation. It turned out that they flew to Kenya. It was in this African country that Igor proposed to a girl.

Nyusha often recalls that for her the engagement was a complete surprise. After starting a relationship, she waited for some time for her lover to propose to her and they would get married. But Igor for some reason hesitated with this.

Then the girl decided that the wedding is not the main thing, and she just feels good next to this person. At that moment, such a long-awaited offer was received.

Paradise wedding

After the marriage proposal, the lovers decided not to delay the formalization of the relationship. The wedding was scheduled for the summer and was to take place in the Maldives. The place was not chosen by chance. Young people associated it with heaven on earth.

Many friends and relatives arrived at the ceremony along with the young people from Russia. They had fun together, and on the appointed day they attended the wedding ceremony.

The couple recalls that everything was intertwined in their wedding ceremony. There was also a ransom of the bride, which was watched in surprise by vacationers from other countries, there were also local customs.

In the evening, all the guests went to a disco. This evening, Paris Hilton herself was at the DJ console, and together with the newlyweds, Leonardo Di Caprio was on the dance floor. Obviously, this wedding was remembered by the guests for a long time. The couple says that all the guests present at the ceremony asked them to repeat something like this on their wedding anniversary.

After the end of the celebration, Nyusha announced that they were planning to take a short sabbatical and devote herself to the family. A few months later it became known that Nyusha was pregnant. and the couple is waiting for replenishment and will happen. Children in the family of Nyusha and Igor Sivov will appear in late August or early September.

So far, the singer has briefly disappeared from the TV screens and does not perform on stage, but fans believe that after the birth of a child, she will return with renewed vigor, and Nyusha's beloved husband will support her in all her endeavors.

A well-known politician and show business star, singer Nyusha got married in 2017. Their dating history life together long hidden from the public. Until the singer announced at her concert that she was in love and happy.

Igor Sivov told how he fell in love at first sight with Nyusha

The famous singer and famous politician Igor Sivov, look at the photos from social networks very happy.

Igor Sivov is closely associated with Russian Federation sports FISU, in this organization he takes the role of adviser to the head of the Federation. The famous wife of a politician, Nyusha is a famous Russian pop singer, not a scandalous and sweet girl who won Igor's heart forever.

For the first time, the couple was observed together at the closing of one of the hockey championships, although Nyusha stated that she did not follow sports events in the country passionately. Their appearance in public was preceded by the fact that, at one of the solo concerts, the diva declared that her heart was not free.

Igor is 10 years older than Nyusha, and he already has children from his first marriage. With Nyusha, a young and promising official, Igor Sivov, began to live in civil marriage since 2016, as soon as he filed an official divorce from his previous wife, Elena Vladimirovna.

The couple in love hid each other from the public for a long time, without advertising the relationship. But already in 2017, the lovers told reporters that they would soon have a wedding, which pleased many of the singer's fans.

Igor Sivov and Nyusha have been in search of their true love for a long time

The couple have known each other since 2013, Igor and Nyusha became close after a joint stay in Kazan at the Universiade. After a long conversation, married Igor did not claim the heart of the beautiful Nyusha. And the singer met with guys from her circle. The last person the famous singer met was the popular hip-hopper of the Russian scene Yegor Creed, for whom more than one girl's heart of the country is crying.

Nyusha, unlike many of her stage colleagues, has never been a brawler. Girl with school bench knows what he wants.

In one of the interviews, when asked by a journalist what her future husband should be like. The pop diva openly said that an important criterion for choosing a life partner for her will be the attitude of a man to the family, support and respect for family values. Nyusha wanted to find a real man - the protector of the family. The personification of masculinity and courage, Igor Sivov became such a man.

The wedding of Igor Sivov and Nyusha took place on the islands of love

After the marriage proposal, the couple signed in one of the Kazan registry offices, in secret trying to keep the place of the main marriage ceremony. Only a month after the wedding, Nyusha revealed the secret to the public that the wedding took place in the Maldives. Only close friends and relatives of Igor Sivov and Nyusha were present at the wedding itself. Three days after the gorgeous ceremony in the Maldives, the singer posted a beautiful wedding video on her blog.

At the ceremony, the singer wore two custom-made dresses in a fashion design studio. Both of them were fabulously white and beautiful, with long trains, emphasizing thin waist singers.

This year, the happy couple became parents, they had a girl. On November 7, almost immediately after giving birth, Nyusha posted the first photo of her newborn daughter, signing on the blog that they were happy. The birth took place in the United States, and therefore, due to climate change, the trip home of the singer and the newborn is postponed until the child gets stronger.

The 27-year-old singer Nyusha hid from fans for a long time that she married Igor Sivov, general adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation. Only recently, the artist openly admitted that she and her lover got married. The newlyweds registered their marriage in one of the registry offices of Kazan. But they staged a celebration on the occasion of the wedding in the Maldives.

Nyusha and Igor did not invite hundreds of guests and crowds of journalists to the wedding. The couple held a private ceremony at the Finolhu hotel (an island resort in the Maldives in the style of the 60s and 70s). The celebration was attended by 50 people - only relatives and close couples.


“The ceremony took place on a magnificent panoramic terrace overlooking the ocean. Decorator Maria Kamenskaya was responsible for the design of the wedding. Thousands of snow-white orchids and white palm leaves seemed to float in the air, and blue sky reflected in the mirror pattern on the floor. But the main thing is that we found our paradise there on our wedding day!” Nyusha shared.

The celebration lasted three days. Nyusha and Igor did not deviate from traditions, so before the wedding they arranged a ransom for the bride, and at the celebration itself they performed the dance of the newlyweds. For all the time, the singer changed three wedding dresses.

On their honeymoon, the couple retired to the Amilla Fushi hotel, a resort with the largest beach residences in the Maldives.

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