How to install curtain rods? Fixing cornices with glue. Video: preparing the ceiling for a stretch ceiling

Design and interior 16.03.2018
Design and interior

Installation of stretch ceilings is a time-consuming process that scares away many beginners. Indeed, in order to solve the tasks set, it will be necessary to prepare a sufficient set of tools, to study technical part, purchase equipment and materials.

At the same time, some points should be thought out even before fixing the stretch ceiling. One of these issues is the installation ceiling cornice. What types of cornices exist?

What installation options should be preferred? How much will the job cost? Each issue requires detailed consideration, which we will do.

How to make a curtain on a stretch ceiling?

The main advantage of ceiling cornices is the ease of installation. Most often, the fixation of the product occurs to the usual (base) ceiling, which is a concrete slab.

In such cases, there are no problems with fasteners, and all work (even for an amateur) takes no more than 15-20 minutes.

The situation is different when we are talking about drywall constructions. It should be borne in mind here that drywall structures cannot withstand a large mass. That is why it is recommended to give preference to light cornices and curtains.

If the task is to hang items made of heavy fabric, then the fastening should be carried out not to the ceiling, but to the wall.

The task is more difficult if you want to attach a ceiling curtain under stretch ceiling. Here you have to think, because it is impossible to fix the baguette directly to the PVC film - it will deform, and the ceiling will lose its appearance.

Here you will have to look for other options, which are listed below.

How to make a curtain under a stretch ceiling? There are three mounting methods:

1. The first option is to fix the eaves on the tension structure. In this case, the installation is carried out using a base mortgage. A wooden beam is attached to the main ceiling, after which a PVC film is attached.

In this case, the bar is located behind the stretch ceiling (closer to the window). Next, a tension structure is fixed to the beam. Plus - in covering the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling.

2. The second option is the installation of a cornice in a special niche (mounted near the window). It is in this design that the cornice is attached. Here, a bar is drilled to the base ceiling, located 25-30 cm from the window.

A wall profile is attached to the bottom of the beam, where the PVC film is inserted. With this design, the stretch ceiling does not reach the window, forming a niche.

The resulting space is enough to install the cornice to the main ceiling. This option is considered "hidden". The advantage is a unique visual effect, due to which the curtains seem to fall from the tension structure.

The video shows design feature hidden curtains under the stretch ceiling

3. The third option is similar to the second one, with the only difference that the thrust beam is hidden behind a PVC film. This type of performance is considered the most aesthetic.

To implement the task, a beam is attached at a distance of 20-25 cm from the window, after which hidden profiles are fixed to the latter, where the film is refueled.

Thanks to the use of two types of profile (ceiling and bending), the fabric is bent and the beam is hidden behind the plane of the ceiling structure. Next, the cornice is attached to the main ceiling of the room.

The latter method is considered the most expensive, but this is easily explained - it is the most aesthetic, difficult to perform, and the space behind the timber is reliably protected from dirt and dust.

In addition, the resulting niche can be used to install spotlights or LED lighting.

Below we will consider in more detail the open and hidden method of mounting the eaves.

Video: preparing the ceiling for a stretch ceiling

How to hang a curtain on a stretch ceiling: an open method

As discussed above, the open method of mounting the eaves is the easiest to perform and affordable.

Here the installation is performed according to the following algorithm:

  • a place for fixing the ceiling cornice is determined, followed by drawing points for installation (marking). This work must be done in advance - before the start of the main work;
  • marking the perimeter of the room with fixing on the walls of a special profile for the ceiling;
  • fastening along the previously marked line wooden block. The latter is fixed with dowels. The latter must be hammered into holes previously made in the ceiling. Pay special attention to the choice of timber - its lower part should be closely adjacent to the PVC film. To adjust this parameter, it may be necessary to install special wedges between the ceiling and the timber;
  • after fixing the beam, the ceiling fabric is stretched;
  • the cornice is attached with self-tapping screws. It is worth acting carefully to prevent damage to the PVC film. In places where the self-tapping screw passes through the tension structure, polymer rings are installed. In this case, the holes should not be cut, but burned;
  • with proper installation, the beam for attaching the eaves is hidden behind the structure.

Advantages of the option - ease of execution, high speed installation, minimal cost.

An important point in the process of performing work is the installation of curtains under a stretch ceiling. It is important to strictly follow the sequence of actions and a number of rules.

A niche for a curtain in a stretch ceiling: the subtleties of a hidden design

People who put aesthetics first, prefer installing a cornice in a hidden niche. But how to hide the curtain under the stretch ceiling so that it looks the most aesthetically pleasing?

Here the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • purchase of a cornice (before measuring the ceiling). This is due to the fact that the size of the future niche and, accordingly, the size of the PVC ceiling structure depend on the size of the device;
  • the cornice is attached to the base ceiling. Dowels are used for fixing. The sleeve can be performed and different materials(metal, plastic);
  • a bar is fixed at a distance of several millimeters from the cornice, to which a special profile for PVC film is installed. The profile is fastened from the side of the cornice, which makes it possible to make the beam virtually invisible;
  • The product looks most impressive together with a glossy PVC film.

There is an opinion on the Internet that only professionals with extensive experience and special equipment can handle the installation of a stretch ceiling. But it's not. If you have certain knowledge and tools, you can do the work yourself.

Ceiling curtain stretch ceiling: choice of cornice

To understand the compatibility of the cornice and stretch ceilings, you should know as much as possible about the types and features of products that exist on the market. All cornices are conditionally divided into ceiling and wall.

According to the material, the cornices are classified as follows::

  • plastic. Such products are in the greatest demand, due to the affordable price and low weight. In addition, plastic products are durable and flexible. Curtains move along the grooves with maximum smoothness, without delay;
  • wooden. Despite the external wealth and even the luxury of such products, they look very cumbersome. Wooden cornices are more suitable for rooms that have stretch ceilings. Disadvantages - high price and weight, which was mentioned above. If stretch ceilings and curtains with heavy material are planned, then this option is hardly optimal;
  • steel. Such products are durable and reliable, therefore they are mounted just for installing heavy curtains and curtains. Installation of products is carried out using wooden or plastic lining;
  • aluminum. The advantage is light weight and strength. In addition, during the installation process, various decorative products are used that can decorate appearance.

All considered types of cornices are presented in different colors, which allows you to choose the best option.

All cornices are conditionally divided into three types:

  • baguette cornices - products that are made using various materials (most often wood). There are wall or ceiling;
  • round cornices. This design has the form of a rod with rings moving along it. The material for the production of products is plastic, wood or metal. Inside the cornice is hollow or filled (the first option is easier). The tip has a decorative function and is made in a figured or round shape. A round cornice is mounted only to the surface of the wall;
  • profile cornices. Devices of this type are suitable for different types curtains. Fixation can be carried out to the wall or ceiling. The material used is plastic and aluminum. The product is several grouped tires. There is also a type of cornice designed for curtains with lambrequins.

When choosing curtains, it is worth considering a few tips:

  • the purchase of curtains is made with a margin in length. It is desirable that the distance from the edge of the curtain to the window be from 30 centimeters or more. In this case, there will be no problems with sliding the curtains;
  • from the radiator, window and window sill to the curtain it is worth retreating a certain distance. This is necessary so that the curtains do not touch the battery and the window sill. Often enough 20-25 centimeters. It is at this distance that the ceiling curtain is installed.

Curtain under a stretch ceiling: how much will it cost?

Before you buy a curtain for a stretch ceiling, and decide on the type of cornice.

At the same time, it is worth presenting total costs for the purchase of the product and its installation.

So, installing an open curtain under a tension structure (when ordered from specialized companies) will cost 500-700 rubles per linear meter.

It is worth knowing the cost of curtains, which varies depending on the type.

Here the rates are as follows:

  • A 3-row curtain 1.6-4.0 meters long costs from 600 to 1450 rubles;
  • 2-row curtain 1.6-4.0 meters long - from 400 to 1100 rubles.

In addition, there are certain costs associated with the purchase of accessories.:

  • decorative strip costs 100 rubles per linear meter;
  • rounding for 3 and 2 row curtains - 300-350 rubles.

As for the installation of a hidden curtain, here the cost is higher - 700-900 rubles per linear meter. Here, in the role of a cornice, the use of a ceiling type of construction is allowed.

If the installation is carried out personally, then first of all it is worth focusing not on costs (they are approximately identical), but on the availability of certain skills and the planned design.

To figure out how to attach a curtain to a stretch ceiling, you should know the options and advantages of each type of attachment.

Photo of curtains under a stretch ceiling - help in choosing

Before starting the installation, it is worth studying the prices and photos of the curtains under the stretch ceiling. The section above is devoted to the cost of doing the work.

As for the photos, here you should pay attention:

  • types of cornices and features of their fasteners;
  • step-by-step work when installing curtains in an open and closed way;
  • options for LED backlighting in the formed niche (if such is planned);
  • photos of curtains for curtains under a stretch ceiling;
  • execution options.

The more information in front of your eyes in the form of photographs, the more accurately the work will be done, and the better the end result. In this case, there are always two ways:

  • do the work yourself. The advantage is saving money. Flaw - high risk damage expensive PVC film;
  • entrust the installation to the masters. In this case, you can count on the result. The disadvantages are higher costs that you have to put up with, as well as a high risk of running into non-professionals.

When carrying out repairs, every detail must be taken into account, including the design of the window. The question of how to fix the ceiling curtains must be addressed even before the start of the repair.

Decorative framing gives the room its own personality, increases the level of comfort. Methods for attaching curtains to the ceiling will tell the article.

Features of ceiling cornices

The installation of ceiling curtains should begin with measuring the size of the required cornices and determining the type of curtains that are preferred.

This should:

  • Completely exclude the contact of curtains and curtains with walls, window sills, radiators and accessories on the windows.
  • Choose a cornice longer than the width of the window opening so that the curtains move apart completely.

It is advisable to provide protrusions on both sides of the opening of 15 - 40 centimeters, which depends on the width of the window.

  • Consider the weight of curtains and curtains on the cornice, which affects its design and strength.
  • For thick curtains with a sufficiently large mass, it is better to choose metal structures, or high-strength plastic profiles.

Ways of fastening the eaves

There are several ways to install a baguette on the ceiling.

Their features are presented in the table:

Advantages Flaws

  • Light weight.
  • Easy installation.
  • A wide range of choices and sizes, the number of rows for attaching curtains.
  • Can be used for zoning a room anywhere.
  • Cannot be used for heavy curtains.
  • Very simple design.
  • The metal string can sag, which requires it to be periodically tightened.
  • The string may rust.
  • Curtains can only move in a straight line.

  • There is no gap between the ceiling surface and the suspension. In this case, the length of the curtains will be longer, which visually increases the height of the room.
  • A two-row tire cornice (see) allows you to hang thick curtains and curtains at the same time in the same plane with an ideal distance between them.
  • There are tire cornices with three rows, on which you can hang lamberkens.
  • You can attach a decorative overlay of any color from the outside.
  • Modular design allows you to make any configuration of the eaves.
  • Low cost.
Low structural strength, which limits their use with a significant weight of curtains.

  • Decorative look.
  • There is no need to hide in a niche.
  • A tulle and a curtain are hung on one cornice.
For fastening curtains and curtains, special rings are required.

  • Ease of transportation.
  • Quick and easy installation of the system.
  • Ease of hanging and removing curtains.
  • The possibility of shortening and increasing the eaves.
  • The strength and elasticity of the strip, which will not break even when bent at 95 ° (see).
  • Affordable price.
  • Possibility of connection of the electric drive.
  • Usually such a cornice is hidden in a niche, covered with a lambrequin or a curtain.
  • A large number of bends requires an increase in the fixation points of the structure to the ceiling, which creates difficulties when mounting on a false ceiling.
  • Profiles can only be single-row to give the product more flexibility. For hanging curtains and curtains, two profiles are installed.

Criteria for choosing a cornice

Tip: Ceiling curtains should be chosen so that they fit into the overall concept of the room. A simple plastic structure in an antique-styled room with a massive chandelier and imitation of wooden beams would be inappropriate: in this case, it is better to choose a dark-colored wooden structure.

Before you fix the ceiling curtain, you should choose the right product in accordance with the design, material and dimensions of the structure.

For this:

  • Large amounts should be avoided bright colors so that the room does not look colorful and tasteless. Optimal options:
  1. curtains in white and black;

  1. ceiling color;

  1. wall color.
  • The material of construction is selected from the type of ceiling. Wherein:
  1. for a ceiling surface made of reinforced concrete, there are no material restrictions;
  2. for there are restrictions on the weight of the structure.

Preference should be given to a lightweight plastic construction.

  • In a large room with one or more windows in a long wall, it is better to choose curtains wider than the window opening by about 40 centimeters, which will prevent oblique sunlight from entering the room.

  • For a narrow room, in which the window is on a smaller wall, the optimal width of the ceiling curtain is slightly less than the width of this wall.

This will make the room visually wider.

Installation of ceiling curtains

The installation of a ceiling curtain depends on the type of coating on the ceiling in this room.

They are:

  • Reinforced concrete.
  • Wooden.
  • Plasterboard.
  • Stretch.
  • Suspended.

Special preparation is not required when installing curtains on a reinforced concrete or wooden ceiling.

To work, you need to purchase:

  • Curtain.
  • Electric drill or hammer drill.
  • Locksmith's hammer.
  • Roulette.
  • Screws with dowels.

Work instructions:

  • With the help of a tape measure is the middle of the window opening. If the curtain will be placed across the entire width of the wall, its middle is marked and transferred to the ceiling.
  • Design fixation points are marked.

Tip: Usually plastic and wooden cornices have pre-drilled holes for attaching them. Do-it-yourself marking of the installation of the structure should be carried out along these holes.

  • When using plastic tire cornices, the attachment points of the structure are marked in increments of up to 60 centimeters.
  • Holes are drilled at these points on the curtain itself with a drill, and on the ceiling with a puncher.
  • Plastic dowels are clogged.
  • The cornice is fastened with screws.

Fixing a cornice to a plasterboard ceiling

How to attach a ceiling curtain in a room with a suspended plasterboard ceiling or PVC wall panels?

This can be done in three ways:

  • Plan the installation of curtains on the ceiling at the stage of assembling the frame on it. Hangers to the ceiling and horizontal sections to the wall are attached to the CD profile strip at the places where the curtains are attached.

The eaves are fastened with self-tapping screws to the existing frame through drywall or plastic panel.

  • With a small distance between the decorative and main ceilings, the curtain can be fixed with long anchors. The holes are drilled directly through the false ceiling.

Tip: Anchors for fastening should be chosen for a screwdriver, and not with nuts.

  • When fastening curtains to a previously mounted ceiling, special fasteners must be used. In this case, the strength of the suspended structure is compensated by the installation of a large number of fasteners with a step of no more than 250 millimeters.

Installation of curtains on a stretch ceiling

How to hang a ceiling curtain on a stretch ceiling?

Tip: When installing a fabric stretch ceiling or PVC film with a harpoonless mount, this cannot be done in any way. In this case, it is necessary to choose a regular curtain to the wall.

When planning the installation of such a ceiling, there are no problems with fixing the eaves. But preparation is required.

For this:

  • Installing a ceiling niche. The fabric of the stretch ceiling is fixed to a rigidly fixed profile, spaced from the wall at some distance. The curtain rod is mounted to the base of the ceiling, and is completely hidden from view from the room.

Tip: The cornice should be fixed before the fabric is stretched. This will reduce the risk of damage to the thin film.

  • Mortgage is mounted. This can be a beam fixed to the entire length of the curtain, or several plywood platforms fixed to drywall hangers, as in the photo.

  • Greater strength provides timber. But over time, it can lead due to fluctuations in humidity, which will affect the appearance of the structure.

  • Plywood platforms on galvanized hangers are not affected by temperature fluctuations and high humidity, but in this case, a smaller weight of the structure is chosen.

  • After installing the canvas at the points of its fixation, the film is reinforced with special rings or strong adhesive tape, then the curtain is attached through the canvas directly to the mortgages.

The video shows how to fix ceiling cornices in detail.

Fixing cornices with glue

Modern technologies make it possible to fix cornices on the ceiling with liquid nails, which can withstand a load of up to 80 kg / cm². To begin with, it is carried out preliminary preparation- the base is cleared.

For this:

  • Old paint, whitewash or other finishes are removed.
  • The surface is carefully leveled and primed.
  • The base is checked, which must be fat-free, dry and durable.
  • Liquid nails are applied with a snake to the cornice, which is pressed tightly against the ceiling.
  • If it is necessary to adjust the cornice, it must be moved in the right direction without tearing it off the ceiling.
  • The glue will begin to set in about 20 minutes, and the composition will dry completely after 3 days.

Properly selected fastening of curtains to the ceiling allows you to emphasize and complement the interior of the room. At the same time, a not very successful option will be very striking and spoil the overall impression. To correct an error in choosing a cornice, you can use lambrequins or decorative strips that hide an unsuccessfully selected curtain mount.

Straight curtains made of plastic do not have a large selection in terms of color. However, their relative cheapness and the simple installation of curtains on the ceiling with their own hands make this particular type of ceiling cornice very popular.

What is a plastic curtain?

Plastic curtains are characterized by standard lengths. Although this parameter is not so significant, since any length can be obtained by increasing an additional piece of a similar curtain, and the excess can be cut off.

Since the direct-type plastic curtain is light in weight, its installation is possible in specially designated niches of a suspended and stretched ceiling type.

In a set with curtains, fasteners and structural components are supplied. Some kits provide a ready-made track solution with a pre-existing hole for attaching to the ceiling surface. But there are also products of this kind in which holes must be made independently. Consider how the curtains are installed on their own according to the second scenario (without a hole for mounting).

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How to install a curtain: installation instructions

The set of tools you will need to install the curtain:

  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • a drill with a fight or a puncher;
  • a hacksaw for metal (saw with fine teeth) or a grinder;
  • tape measure, corner, pencil;
  • stationery knife.

  1. First of all, the packaging wrapper is removed and the conformity of all the declared elements with their actual presence in the set is checked. If some part is missing, then its presence should be replenished as soon as possible (either buy in addition or ask the seller in the store).
  2. Cut to appropriate length. Then a plastic guide is placed on the windowsill in such a direction that it is convenient to cut. With a pencil, a straight line is drawn along the superimposed square, which will indicate the place of the future cut. The excess part is cut off with a hacksaw or a grinder with a disk. In a situation where the curtain has two parts and the installation of the curtain involves the use of a connector, the curtain is cut from both sides. In this case, the length marking is carried out from the center (connector, middle part of the window opening) using a tape measure.
  3. A hole is marked on the plastic guide for attaching to the ceiling surface. Holes along the edges are located no more than 10 cm from the end cut. The rest are marked in increments of no more than 50 cm. Using two drills with different diameters, which are clamped in a screwdriver or drill, marked holes are made for attaching curtains to the ceiling surface. A wide hole is drilled on the front side of the eaves for the caps of self-tapping screws to pass through. After that, the drill is changed to a drill of a smaller diameter and the clearance is drilled to the end. The hole made from the inside will act as a clamp for the cap part of the self-tapping screw. The curtain is raised to the ceiling. Apply to the surface of the ceiling in the position in which it will eventually be fixed. With the participation of a pencil inserted into the hole, a mark is left for the drill or the drill to win.
  4. The perforator is supplied with a drill of the required diameter. The diameter of the last or victorious drill of a drill with a fight must correspond to the diameter of the plastic dowel-nail plugs. If plastic plugs are not supplied with plugs for self-tapping caps, then they are purchased separately and in advance.

Using a perforator, make a hole in the ceiling. If there is no desire to see how concrete dust scatters throughout the space during drilling, you can substitute a tube from a working vacuum cleaner. For such manipulation, you will need a partner who will hold the vacuum cleaner tube. In the absence of such, it is possible to install the curtain with one hand, and with the other hand, you can bring the vacuum cleaner tube.

Plastic plugs are inserted into the ceiling holes separately from the screws. After that, the installation of the curtain occurs as follows: it is again lifted up and, with the help of a clamped bit in a screwdriver, the self-tapping screws are twisted.

At this step, the installation of the curtain (basic installation steps) is considered complete.

Aesthetically unattractive visible holes in the plastic are masked with self-adhesive furniture plugs. They are selected by color. This problem does not arise if the plugs are included with plastic plugs.

And in conclusion, I would like to tell you how to properly hang the curtains to the eaves. Indeed, many complicate their task by first hanging hooks on the curtain, and only then they cling curtains to them. Such an approach is wrong and even difficult.

It is much easier to do the opposite: hook the hooks on the eyelets on the curtains and then bring them to the ceiling rail.

The installation of curtains with such a sequence of attaching curtains is especially applicable for high ceilings - from 3 meters or more.

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But there is also a drawback: if you have already made a suspended or suspended ceiling, without providing for the installation of such cornices, then installing a ceiling curtain will be impossible.

When making repairs, we strive to fulfill everything in at its best. When it comes to decor, our task is to decorate the room beautifully and comfortably. That is why it is better. This option will visually make the room higher, hide uneven corners in the room, and the convenience of their use is beyond doubt.

What should be done before installing curtains?

The first step is to understand what result you want to achieve in the interior. If your goal is to cover the entire wall with curtains, take appropriate measurements from wall to wall. Please note: it is better to choose a cornice of a slightly shorter length than you measured, and not cut the finished product.

Installation of the ceiling cornice can be made on any rigid base.

When mounting curtains to a concrete or wooden base, use a level to check the ceiling for unevenness. When there is a significant skew, it is very difficult to attach the product.

When you need a long cornice, you can join several pieces. And this is done in advance, before installation. The product is cut off with a hacksaw or grinder. You can also use a regular hacksaw with a small tooth.

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Ceiling cornice installation instructions

Required tools:

  • construction level;
  • roulette;
  • perforator;
  • drill with drill ø 5 mm;
  • pencil;
  • fasteners (depending on the type of base: for - dowels and screws, for wooden enough screws, for suspended ceilings special dowels are required).

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Step by step installation instructions, guide to action

We drill holes in the eaves. The scheme of fastening the curtain to the stretch (suspended) ceiling depends on the location of the embedded elements of the base. For other types of ceilings, we mark up as follows: a hole in the center, from which we evenly distribute the remaining holes along the entire length of the product (at a distance of 40 cm). If your cornice has several tracks, holes are needed in each of them.

Now we act depending on the type of overlap:

  1. It remains to attach the structure to the stretch ceiling with dowels.
  2. For a concrete and wooden ceiling, you need to choose a place for a curtain. The line along which the product will be attached should not be close to the window. Pay attention to the protruding window sill and the battery. If you hang the curtain on the row closest to the window, it should not cling to it.

For a concrete floor, we apply the structure to the ceiling and mark the attachment points with a pencil. For a wooden ceiling, it remains to attach the cornice with screws and hang hooks. We make holes in the concrete ceiling with a puncher. Length about 5 cm.

We insert the dowels into the holes, apply the product and fasten it with screws. When you have inserted the hooks for the cornice, it remains to secure them with special plugs. The complete set of ceiling cornices includes both those and other elements.

Attaching curtains to the ceiling is not such a difficult task. But the appearance of the room will depend on how correctly the calculations are made and how smoothly the structure is attached.

That's the repair and finishing work left behind. The choice of curtains and cornices according to your idea is carried out. The next step is the installation of curtain rods. Their purpose is not limited to a practical function. In the design of a modern apartment or cottage, the cornice should be considered primarily as an addition to the interior. Experienced home master any task is up to the task - whether it is the installation of a string cornice or a lifting mechanism for Roman blinds. But for beginners, nevertheless, it is recommended to start with the installation of round cornices, which include all the necessary fasteners.

Depending on what materials they are made of, cornices can be metal, plastic or wood. According to the type of construction, they are divided into single-row (only curtains or only tulle), two-row (both curtains and tulle) and three-row (curtains, tulle and lambrequin). Of course, the installation of multi-row structures will require more experience and skill, but it gives more scope for creating extraordinary volumetric compositions.

Installation of curtain rods

When carrying out installation, an inexperienced master may have a question: how to make a curtain rod reliable. It must be remembered that the more complex the design of the cornice, the greater its weight. So, the stronger should be the surface on which the installation will be performed. Otherwise, the probability of collapse of the structure increases. Therefore, sometimes you have to sacrifice the aesthetic aspect in favor of the safety of loved ones and choose a lighter design.

To make heavy curtains fasten more securely, you can add a small amount of epoxy resin to the hole prepared for self-tapping screws and insert fasteners. Installation of the cornice is continued after the resin has completely dried.

The following tools and materials will help to significantly speed up the process of installing the eaves:

  • ladder;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • pencil and tape measure;
  • dowels with self-tapping screws;
  • construction level (level).

Before starting installation, you need to make sure that the cornice does not interfere with opening the window. Another important point- so that the curtain does not lie on the window sill, the brackets must exceed its protruding part in length. It is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the heating pipe if it runs along the wall at the location of the eaves.

When marking under the brackets using a tape measure and a level, pay attention to the distance along the edges of the window opening. It should be the same, except for the case when the installation of the eaves is carried out along the entire wall.

Usually, the installation of a wooden or plastic cornice bracket is carried out with one self-tapping screw and a dowel, and a metal one with three.

First you need to drill holes for the dowel and install it there. Then the bracket is fixed with screws. Before the second bracket is fixed, check the distance again. After docking with the rod, you should check the reliability of the connection.

Rings on the bar are put on in advance. The rod is fixed in such a way that one ring remains behind the bracket (in front of the tip) on each side. It is much more convenient to first put the hooks on the curtain, and only then attach it to the rings.

On each edge of the rod, you can wear decorative fleurons. A variety of decorative elements along the edges of the rod will not allow the last ring with the curtain to slip off.

Installation of round cornices

Even if you have no experience in installing cornices, do not be afraid to try to do it yourself. Many salons selling curtains and even builders provide such a service as installing curtain rods (the price depends on the length and model of the curtain rod).

When buying a cornice, check the presence of fasteners. Sometimes it is better to replace the standard fasteners with a more suitable one. For installation in loose walls, you will need self-tapping screws and dowels 5 * 80.

If the length of the round cornice exceeds 2 m, then a third additional bracket for fixing in the center is indispensable. In this case, it is reasonable to opt for an open-bracket design, where the rod with rings is simply threaded into a small recess. Then it will not be necessary to remove the cornice from the wall every time.

When installing the ceiling cornice, make sure that the curtain protrudes slightly beyond the edge of the window sill and radiator.

To keep the folds of the curtains even, use a special edging tape top edge, equipped with cords for assembly, they pull the curtain together by adjusting the size of the folds, and only after that, rings are put on every 10 cm.

Installing a rail cornice

It is possible to mount the rail target cornice both to the wall and to the ceiling. The flexibility of the design allows you to install such cornices on bay windows and other non-standard window openings. Rail curtain rods are supplied complete with screws, brackets, stoppers, sliders and rings to prevent slipping, rollers and hooks.

The latest of the range of rail curtain rods are equipped with a mechanism for "overlapping" the runners, which allows you to close the curtains with an overlap if necessary. Such a cornice looks less massive and fits well into the interior. But, unfortunately, such a mount is only suitable for curtains made of light fabric.

The installation of the rail cornice also begins with markings. When installing the cornice on the wall, the edges of the brackets are placed 5-7 cm above the window opening. When mounted on the ceiling, the distance from the wall depends on the features of the layout, as well as the size of the heating radiators and should be at least 10 cm.

In the process of mounting the rail cornice above the bay window, marking with a tape measure is somewhat difficult. Everything must be measured carefully. Therefore, in order to determine the location of fasteners, it is better to use a level.

In addition to the extreme points of the rail, it is necessary to note the places where the brackets are installed. To do this, you need to put marks on equal segments (about 25 cm) along the entire length. In the marked places, you will need to drill a hole, and then, using the screws included in the kit, carefully screw the bracket.

Now a rail must be attached to the front side of each bracket. At the final stage of installation, you need to tighten the adjusting screws located on the brackets along the entire rail. Only then are limits set.

Installation of a profile cornice

Profile cornices are often installed on the ceiling. Although, it is possible to carry out installation on the wall. The coloring can be any - from golden to a shade of dark wood. If you pick up a cornice to match the ceiling, it will be almost invisible. Profile cornices can be equipped with a mechanical drive, which is especially important if the long length of the curtains does not allow you to open the window manually. AT expensive models elements for fastening curtains inside the profile are covered with teflon. This design improves the sliding of the rings in the recesses in the base.

Installation profile cornice carried out in the same sequence as the rail and in the same way - on self-tapping screws with dowels. Curtains are attached to the base with Velcro or rings.

Installing a string cornice

As a basis for fastening the curtains of such a cornice, a string made of a steel or polymer thin cable acts. This type of cornice is not suitable for hanging tapestry fabric and other heavy curtains. The cable, of course, is able to withstand such loads, but pulling it so hard that there is no sagging in the center will be difficult in this case.

String cornices are often placed on the ceiling. They can be single or multi-row.

The factory packaging contains everything you need for installation: two boxes with a tension mechanism, strings, clips or hooks, as well as dowels and screws.

Dowels are hammered into the holes in the ceiling, and then the fasteners are screwed. A string is threaded into the mounts and fixed with a tensioner. After that, the structure is closed with plastic boxes. Then the clamps collect the upper edge of the curtains.

Installation of baguette cornice

This device is a hollow ceiling rail connected to a baguette strip made of wood or polymers with sidewalls. Self-tapping screws, dowels, plugs (used to disguise holes for screws) and fabric hooks are also included.

First you need to assemble the structure according to the manufacturer's scheme: connect the baguette bar and the tire. Inserts in the form of corners are attached to the sidewalls, and then the base is attached.

In pre-marked places, holes for dowels are made. The structure is attached to the wall with brackets, and the cornice itself is screwed to the ceiling with the upper plane. Sometimes the baguette cornice is attached only to the wall.

After mounting the base of the eaves, you can proceed to fasten the draperies. The lambrequin is fixed to the facade of the cornice with a special adhesive tape sewn to the fabric. Curtains collect curtain tape in folds, put on hooks with rollers. The rollers are threaded into the holes of the tire, after which the sidewalls are closed with special stoppers.

Installation of a cornice on drywall

Installing a cornice on drywall involves the same set of works. Only one nuance. In order for the cornice (any) to be fixed firmly, special dowels for drywall are used - a butterfly or a molly dowel with a characteristic ability to straighten the side planes, thereby contributing to a more reliable fastening of the product. It is worth considering that even this type of dowel can withstand loads of no more than 5 kg for ceiling and a maximum of 8 kg for wall mounting.

Installation of a cornice in the cavity of a stretch ceiling

The owners of stretch ceilings will have to install the cornices differently. If the cornice is located in the ceiling cavity, the basis for fastening will be a beam, the length of which corresponds to the dimensions of the cornice, and the thickness is slightly less than the distance from the base ceiling to the film surface.

The beam is fixed using dowels. After mounting the frame of the stretch ceiling and installing the canvas, markings are applied at the points where the timber is attached. Then, rings are attached to the place of future punctures so that the canvas does not tear. Holes inside the ring are carefully burned. Now you can attach the cornice.

Proposals from manufacturers are varied. You can choose models of curtains in any of the stylistic directions - be it modern, simple-minded, but no less original country motifs, functional high-tech or restraint and aristocracy of the English style. The choice of cornices and the method of their fastening depend on the style of the room, the chosen textiles, the material from which the ceiling and walls are made.

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