Home flower with red leaves at the top. Flower "Christmas Star" - the secrets of care at home.

Interesting 23.02.2018

Plants that bloom in the coldest and darkest winter months can be counted on fingers. One of these “uniques” is the most beautiful poinsettia (the most beautiful euphorbia, the Christmas star). In winter, it blooms with small button-flowers, framed by bright bracts of red, pink, and white tones. It is they who give the plant a festive, recognizably "Christmas" look.

Usually poinsettia is bought on New Year's Eve or Christmas Eve, as a temporary decoration. After flowering ends and the bracts fall off, the plant is discarded. This happens because poinsettia is very capricious. For many unlucky flower growers, it rots already in the first months of being in the house, for others it never blooms again. The Christmas star needs special care, taking into account its tropical origin, clear periods of rest and vegetation. In this case, it will delight you for many years, blooming anew every December. And it can bloom as much as 3-4 months! Therefore, it is still worth making friends with her and keeping her, despite the difficulties.

Poinsettia flowers are small, inconspicuous, but they are framed by bright colorful bracts.

The poinsettia has a complex character. She is extremely thermophilic, prefers a temperature range of 12-25 ° C. The summer heat above 25°C is negative. It does not tolerate dry air, so in winter, with running batteries, it has to be sprayed often. Any cold, draft can also be fatal for the Christmas star. Imagine: this flower in winter needs to be moved away from the window pane so that delicate leaves do not accidentally touch the cold surface. Here is such a sissy!

Varieties of the most beautiful poinsettia

Acquire poinsettia usually in winter, during the flowering period. It is impossible to buy it on the street, at temperatures below 5 ° C. Even a short stay in such conditions is often detrimental to the poinsettia. After purchase, you can not transfer an open plant in the cold. Wrap it in paper, cover with a cloth, and only then take it outside. Otherwise, the poinsettia will get frostbite, the consequences of which can be the most unpleasant: from falling leaves to the death of the plant.

Characteristics of the poinsettia

Christmas star: care during the flowering period (December - February)

So, you bought a blooming poinsettia and brought it home. What's next? Follow simple steps:

1. Place the poinsettia on a light window sill south, east or west. In winter, the southern window sill is ideal for her, but with obligatory shading from straight lines. sun rays.

2. Maintain temperature 16-25°C. Do not open the vents to cold air did not hit the plant.

3. Provide high humidity air. It is desirable that there are no hot batteries under the windowsill that reduce humidity. Dry air has a very bad effect on the plant, reducing its decorative properties (leaves dry, turn yellow, fall off). Therefore, in winter, spray poinsettia with warm settled water 1-2 times a day. Or use other methods to increase humidity. For example, place a plant pot (with a tray) in a wide extra tray filled with wet expanded clay. Or get a humidifier.

4. Water the poinsettia as needed. She prefers moist soil, but without stagnant water and dampness. Watering should be carried out with warm settled water only after the topsoil has dried. The water from the pan must be drained, otherwise the soil will become damp and the roots will begin to rot.

5. A month after purchase, if the poinsettia continues to bloom, feed it with a complex fertilizer for indoor flowering plants. So you prolong its beauty, add strength for further flowering.

Poinsettia at proper care can bloom up to 4 months!

Rest period (March-April)

After flowering, the bracts of the Christmas star fall off, and the leaves may also partially fly around. The first sign of the end of flowering is the appearance of green leaves on top of the bracts. In this period:

1. Place the poinsettia in a shady, cool place with a temperature of 12-15°C.

2. Trim the plant. It is enough to leave shoots 7-10 cm high on the poinsettia.

Pruning poinsettia allows you to further form a compact, well-flowering bush

3. Minimize watering. Between waterings, the earth ball can dry out completely, this will only benefit the “sleeping” plant.

At rest, the home flower of the Christmas star should stay 1.5-2 months.

Vegetation period (May - September)

With the advent of heat, the poinsettia begins active growth: new shoots and leaves appear, the root mass increases.

With the onset of warm and sunny days a pruned poinsettia bush begins to be covered with young leaves

The plan for caring for a Christmas star during the growing season is as follows:

1. Transplant the poinsettia into new soil. It should be loose and moisture permeable. This composition is well suited: leafy soil, soddy soil, peat, sand in a ratio of 2:3:1:1. The pot can be taken a little more than the previous one. But remember that the larger the pot, the taller the poinsettia can grow. At home - up to 35-50 cm.

2. Place the plant pot on a warm, light window sill. Ideally, take it out to the balcony or garden. The place of detention should be light, but with shading from direct midday rays. The hot sun can scorch tender leaves. It is unacceptable to install a pot of poinsettia in a draft.

3. Keep the poinsettia at 16-25°C.

4. Water the plant moderately, after drying the top layer of earth 2-3 cm thick. Drain all the water that has spilled through the wood holes into the pan. If waterlogged, root rot is possible!

5. As top dressings in the spring-summer period, use universal fertilizers (with the same content of N, P, K) or fertilizers for decorative foliage (with a high content of N). With a violent growth, poinsettia responds to the introduction of humus, bird droppings, and humus.

6. Start shaping the poinsettia. As soon as the plant begins to grow, select the 4-6 strongest shoots, cut the rest (cut cuttings can be used for rooting). Thus, a compact, dense crown is formed and a decorative look of the flower is provided.

Preparation for flowering (end of September - November)

Under normal room conditions, without observing certain conditions of maintenance, flowering of poinsettia can be difficult. In order for the laying of flower buds to occur, it is necessary to create conditions for the plant that are close to natural. In its homeland, Mexico, poinsettia blooms after 2 months of short daylight hours with a duration of 10 hours. When keeping poinsettia in living rooms, such conditions are provided artificially. There are several options for how to do this:

Option number 1 - protect the poinsettia from light

Beginning in late September, from 6 pm to 8 am, cover the poinsettia with a cardboard box or an opaque plastic bag.

Option #2 - Provide a natural change of darkness and light

In the fall, put the poinsettia in a heated greenhouse or non-residential room where there is no artificial lighting. Naturally, a short daylight hours during this period will be sufficient for her.

Option #3 - Use Light Barriers

Unfortunately, under normal room conditions, the poinsettia on the windowsill will be illuminated by electrical appliances: lamps, TV screens, etc. Even a small amount of light that goes beyond the norms of a short daylight hours can “knock down” the flowering of a Christmas star. If you decide to make your poinsettia bloom on the windowsill, then use thick curtains as a screen from home light. After 6 p.m., pull them tightly so that the poinsettia on the windowsill is in the dark.

All this time:

  • water the poinsettia with warm, settled water after the soil has dried to half the pot;
  • apply fertilizer for decorative flowering 1 time per week.

At the end of November, after 2 months of short daylight hours, all manipulations can be stopped and the poinsettia can be placed on a bright, warm windowsill. Very soon buds will appear on it, followed by colorful bracts.

The beginning of flowering of poinsettia: buds and colored bracts appear on the apical cuttings

Gradually, there are more bracts, flower buds open

The most beautiful poinsettia: video

How can the most beautiful poinsettia look like, how to care for it to preserve its decorative effect, how to make it bloom? All these questions are answered by the director of the garden center:

Many people buy indoor plants not only to admire their beauty, but also because folk signs with which they are associated. So, a bush called a Christmas star is known as a symbol of prosperity and comfort in the house, and its traditional red flowers decorating juicy greenery made it a frequent gift for the New Year holidays. What is this plant and how to properly care for it? We offer a more detailed understanding of all aspects of the content of Poinsettia.

Poinsettia flower - can I keep it at home?

Poinsettia, Christmas star or beautiful euphorbia - all these are the names of one plant, which attracts with its unusual and spectacular appearance. Its peculiarity is that it blooms with bright red flowers from the beginning of winter, due to which it received the name of the Christmas star.

  • The Mexican shrub belongs to the euphorbiaceae family, and today breeders have bred a variety of varieties with bracts not only red, but also pink, white, lemon and even spotted. There are numerous signs and superstitions regarding this flower. So, it is believed that after its acquisition, harmony will surely reign in the family, because Poinsettia fills the house with positive energy, taking on all the negative charges.
  • In general, the plant is not too whimsical, so it is not difficult to keep it at home, but its attitude to the genus of euphorbia is simply alarming for many - is it possible to keep such a flower at home at all? It is fair to say that some varieties of milkweed are indeed poisonous and very dangerous, but the Christmas star is not one of them. According to studies, a child weighing 20 kilograms must eat more than five hundred leaves of such a plant at once in order to receive the minimum harmful portion of the poison.
  • There is some danger, but it concerns people with hypersensitivity to this genus of plants. So, with intolerance, getting juice on the skin can provoke a local reaction - dermatitis. Therefore, after contact with the juice of a flower, people with a similar feature should wash their hands well and prevent it from getting into food. For most people, poinsettia is absolutely safe, and you can safely keep it at home, enjoying its festive flowering.

Features of flower care after purchase

The purchase of such a flower should be taken very carefully, since not all specimens are transported and kept in comfortable conditions for them, and therefore you need to prepare for the fact that the adaptation period after buying in a supermarket will not be easy. Be sure to pay attention to the soil - it should not be too wet, the buds should be closed, unblown. It is not recommended to purchase a plant in cold weather in the markets, as there is a high risk of getting a specimen with frostbitten roots.

After the flower has been brought into the house, it must be placed on a bright window sill, on which there is no draft. During the adaptation of the plant to new conditions, the temperature must be maintained at least 16 degrees. A flowering bush, bought in the month of December, usually costs about two weeks, after which it begins to crumble - this means that it needs to provide it with comfortable conditions for the so-called dormant period. The Christmas star will get used within 3-4 weeks, after which it can be transplanted into an all-purpose soil with a little sand added and a drainage layer installed.

How to Water the Christmas Star Poinsettia

The main question is how often to water the bush? Watering for this plant requires moderate, that is, it is carried out as such a need arises - when the soil dries up. So, in the summer, the procedure is carried out about 2-3 times a week, and in winter period Watering may be needed only once a week or two. The main thing is to drain the excess water that accumulates in the pan of the pot immediately, and prevent it from stagnation. Excessive watering is dangerous for the health of the bush.

For irrigation, it is necessary to use water at room temperature, but in no case cold. If there is dry air in the room, which happens especially often during the heating season, it is recommended to spray the green part of the plant with water at room temperature - this will protect it from drying out and prevent the appearance of spider mites.

Main indicators: light, humidity and temperature

In order for a plant to feel good and bloom gratefully, it needs more than just timely watering. Illumination is also the most important parameter. temperature regime and air humidity in environment. So, consider the basic conditions that the most beautiful poinsettia requires:

  • direct and intense exposure to sunlight negatively affects the condition of the flower, its velvety leaves become covered with burns, bright flowers lose their color intensity and do not recover after. It is better to place the pot on the east and west windows. The light should be diffused, so you may need to install special fixtures. If there is not enough lighting, then it is desirable to add additional lighting with the help of specialized photo lamps;
  • The plant requires air humidity in the range of 60-70%. To ensure such an indicator, it is possible to spray the aerial part twice a day from a spray gun or place a container with water, a room fountain or a household air humidifier nearby;
  • as for the temperature regime, the most important condition is to prevent sudden changes in this indicator. The lower limit is 16 degrees, the upper limit is 27, but for permanent maintenance, the interval of 20-24 degrees will be the most comfortable. Drafts also negatively affect the condition of the bush.

How to transplant a plant at home

Transplanting is a stressful event for any plant, especially a flowering one, and Poinsettia is no exception - it is not easy for her to endure such an event. For this reason, it is transplanted only when absolutely necessary. For the procedure, the time is chosen after the end of the dormant period, so that in the process of active growth and development it would be easier for the flower to adapt to the new volume of the pot.

So, after a new pot has been selected (its diameter should not be more than 1-1.5 centimeters from the previous one), the flower must be carefully removed from the old one and transferred to the prepared container using a simple transshipment method, without disturbing the roots and without violating the integrity earthy coma. The gaps are filled with additional soil.

In order to minimize stress, the bush is placed under a transparent cap to create high humidity. Do not forget to ventilate the plant every day, otherwise unpleasant putrefactive processes may develop inside and harm the plant. The greenhouse can be removed in about a month - during this period the roots are usually already adapted to the new volume.

Propagation of poinsettia by cuttings

Reproduction of a Christmas star is not an easy process, but to achieve good results is quite real. So, the bush is propagated by cuttings, and it is better to perform such a manipulation in the spring in order to catch the shoots during the period of active growth and provide the best chances for successful further development. It is important how and which processes are cut off - the cuttings must be young and have at least three leaves. The procedure can be carried out in several ways:

  • the first way is to place the sections in water at room temperature for a quarter of an hour, this is necessary to remove the juice, which prevents root formation. Experts recommend treating the cut with a special composition - a root formation stimulator. The next step is to place the cutting in light soil (good results can be achieved when rooting in peat tablets) at a depth of no more than one and a half centimeters. Next, the processes are covered with a bag to create the effect of a greenhouse, but the film is opened daily for ventilation. When new leaves appear, which happens after about a month, they begin to remove the package for longer periods of time, gradually stopping putting it on altogether;
  • another method is also practiced - after cutting, the stalk is placed in water with the addition of a root growth stimulator for several days, and placed in the soil only when young roots appear. Further actions are similar to those described above.

After the appearance of the 6th leaf, the bush is pinched to achieve good branching. By the fall, it is recommended to transplant into a comfortable-sized pot.

Flower bloom period

The flowering period of the plant usually begins in late November - early December, and in good conditions content lasts until the Christmas holidays. However, in order to get a bright and such a long-awaited flowering, the grower will have to try, because without providing special conditions, this phase may not occur at all, and even the death of the plant may occur.

Preparation should begin at the end of September and be carried out for two months. For good flowering, daylight hours for a bush should be reduced to 10 hours. To do this, they either take it away to a dark room for a while, or simply cover it with a box of thick cardboard. Even subdued light beyond the recommended time delays the development of the kidneys and can cause a decrease in the brightness of the blooming flowers. After the buds have appeared and the bracts have begun to open, care becomes easier - special conditions are no longer needed, and hiding the pot from the light is no longer required.

Diseases and pests of the New Year's flower

Improper flower conditions, especially dry air, create an increased risk of disease and pest reproduction. The most typical ailments of the Christmas star include:

  • spider mite - envelops the leaves with thin white cobwebs with reverse side. To eliminate it, the correct treatment of the plant with special compounds is important. The prevention of the appearance of such a pest is spraying the bush with water at room temperature;
  • the formation of oblong light spots on the leaves; their folding is a sign of thrips;
  • sometimes the plant may suffer from gray rot - in this case, gray spots can be noted on the lower parts of the plant. To eliminate the disease, purchased antifungal drugs will be required;
  • it is also possible to infect with scale insects and mealybugs.

Why do poinsettia leaves fall and what to do?

If the plant sheds leaves, then existing conditions in which it is located do not suit it. In fact, this is an alarm signal, an attempt by a flower to survive by getting rid of everything as much as possible. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, including:

  • if the leaves first turn yellow and then fall off, then the flower is in a draft;
  • if the leaves turn yellow at the edges, turn brown and fall - the air in the room is too dry;
  • all elements of the flower fall off, both leaves and inflorescences, the bush becomes lethargic - rotting of the roots is possible;
  • the fall occurred abruptly without any obvious changes in foliage - sudden changes in temperature or a strong draft.

Usually, when such a plant enters the house, no one wants to part with it - it invariably pleases the eye with its bright flowering and green foliage. Only compliance with all the rules of care will allow you to enjoy its beauty for as long as possible.

Photo of the flower "Christmas Star"

Poinsettia flower is difficult to confuse with any other plant, especially during the flowering period. In winter, a large flower with brightly colored dense petals appears on a bush with rich green leaves, in the traditional version - red. Unusual appearance plants and gave the background to such a memorable name.

Decorating your home for Christmas with fresh flowers is an age-old tradition. It is customary to buy flowers not only for decorative purposes, but also as a gift to relatives and friends. This is also due to the fact that the traditional color scheme of Christmas includes red and green colors, and with the very symbolism of flowering plants: love and well-being.
In our article, we will talk about 5 Christmas plants that have long become symbols of the bright holiday of Christmas.

Poinsettia - Christmas star

Poinsettia, or scientifically the most beautiful Euphorbia, has been one of the most popular plants for Christmas for more than two centuries. In the west and in Europe, a full-blown poinsettia is a sure sign of the coming Christmas holidays and is widely used for decoration. shopping centers, temples, apartments and houses. The most popular is considered to be a variety with a combination of red and green colors, which are traditional for Western Christmas.


Poinsettia got its name in honor of Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first Minister of the United States in Mexico, who, being a botanist, was the first to import cuttings of this plant into the United States.

Poinsettia Care Tips:

  • When transporting, it is important to protect the plant from the cold, since this is a tropical plant and it cannot stand even short-term hypothermia. For the same reason, the leaves of the Christmas star must not touch the cold glass.
  • The optimum temperature for poinsettia is + 18 ° С - + 22 ° С, if the temperature is too low or high, the plant can completely shed its leaves
  • The poinsettia needs moderate regular watering and responds well to water sprays. For watering it is necessary to use warm soft water, moisten the clod of earth completely, and be sure to drain the rest of the water from the pan
  • In an apartment, the Christmas star is best kept in a sunny place, without drafts and away from radiators.


Mistletoe is an elegant plant with many Christmas traditions associated with it, one of which is kissing under a hanging mistletoe sprig. This original tradition originates in Norse mythology, where mistletoe was subordinate to Freya, the goddess of love, beauty and fertility. It is believed that mistletoe reveals its magical properties exactly under

Christmas brings health, love and prosperity to the house. On Christmas Eve, mistletoe sprigs decorate the entrance to the house, decorate lighting fixtures and Christmas wreaths, and are also used in serving the festive table.

Hippeastrum is an indoor bulb flower with huge red, pink and pale yellow flowers. In many Western countries It is customary to give this flower for the Christmas holidays, adding notes of warmth and hospitality to the interior of the house. Hippeastrum flowers are used in Christmas bouquets, in interior design, and also decorate the flower itself directly, making it a miniature Christmas "tree".

Hippeastrum Care Tips:

  • Before planting, the lower part of the bulb is soaked in water at room temperature for 5-6 hours, after which the bulb is planted in a pot with well-fertilized soil. The hippeastrum bulb should be halfway out of the ground.
  • After the first arrows appear from the bulb, the plant should be transferred to a warm place with a temperature of + 18 ° C - + 20 ° C and begin to water the hippeastrum a little more actively, in addition, you can spray the peduncle with soft warm water
  • 6-8 weeks after planting, bright large flowers bloom on the plant and leaves begin to develop.
  • As soon as the hippeastrum fades, the flower stalks are cut off about half, and the plant begins the growing season. During this period, it is moderately watered and fertilized 2-3 times a month.
  • When the bulb gains strength, it goes into a state of "rest" for 2-3 months, after which it begins to bloom again


Schlumbergera, also known as the Decembrist or Christmas cactus, got its names due to its flowering period: from early November to late January. Due to its unpretentiousness and long flowering, zygocactus is popular with many lovers. indoor plants, especially during the festive winter period, when it is so nice to add bright colors to the interior of the house.

Schlumbergera Care Tips

  • Christmas cactus prefers partial shade and diffused light and does not tolerate bright sunlight.
  • Watering should be uniform without excessive waterlogging or drying out. For irrigation, it is best to use soft settled or boiled water.
  • Optimal temperatures for keeping a Christmas tree: +18°С-20°С degrees in summer and +13°С-15°С in winter

Holly is a genus of shrubs and trees that is closely associated with Christmas for its bright green leaves and eye-catching red berries. As with mistletoe, holly has been used since Ancient Rome during the winter festivities, the place of which was later taken by Christmas. Today, holly sprigs are widely used in the decoration of the festive Christmas table, the room, as a material for a Christmas wreath, decorative compositions, and sometimes even as a replacement for the traditional Christmas tree.

Holly is rarely found in a house or apartment, but it takes root perfectly in the garden, since many of its species are frost-resistant, it lends itself well to curly haircuts, is not picky about the soil and feels good in the most unfavorable light conditions.

A bright unusual poinsettia flower at home is a wonderful gift for the New Year holidays. Blooming on the eve of Catholic Christmas, it has other names - the Christmas star, the Star of Bethlehem. Along with the traditional conifers that decorate the house on festive winter days, blooming poinsettia looks great on the ceremonial table.

Christmas star - description and origin

Poinsettia - perennial evergreen shrub, in vivo habitat reaching a height of two to three meters. It belongs to the euphorbia family. The main advantage is its high decorativeness, which is the reason for its botanical name - the most beautiful euphorbia.

The oblong leaves are oval in shape, wedge-shaped at the base, usually up to 15 centimeters long. The apical leaves of a pointed notched-lobed shape are painted in dark green.

Rosettes of small yellowish-white flowers are surrounded by brightly colored bracts. The color of the bracts is most often red, although breeders have obtained varieties of white, yellow, and purple. It is the bracts with lanceolate leaves that perform the decorative function of the poinsettia.

The flowering of the Christmas star falls on the winter months - December-January, which, in fact, became the main reason for the second name of the plant.

At home, poinsettia grows up to 50 centimeters in height, without losing its high decorative qualities.

The homeland of the growth of poinsettia are countries Central America, their shady mountain slopes. The Aztecs were the first to appreciate its virtues, using the plant for practical purposes. They used brightly colored stipules to dye fabrics and used them in the preparation of cosmetics. With white milky juice, they successfully treated fever.

From Mexico, poinsettia first came to the United States, in 1828, to greenhouses and botanical gardens. It was from the United States, where it became a flower symbolizing Christmas and a product of commercial activity, that after two years the magnificent plant arrived in Europe, where it also spread as a Christmas decoration.

And it was in Europe that it got its name - poinsettia, in honor of the American botanist, doctor J. Poinsett. Before that, its name was unpronounceable - cuetlaxochitl.

In Russia, poinsettia gained popularity at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries, also as an interior decoration for the New Year and Christmas.

Poinsettia species and varieties, photo

Poinsettia, it is the most beautiful euphorbia, has a single species and many varieties that differ in the color of the stipules - white, pale and bright pink, creamy white, blood red, one- and two-color.

The most popular varieties of poinsettia:

  1. Sonora White - color bracts Ivory very elegant and noble.
  2. Strawberry and cream - pink-purple leaves of bracts with a white border.
  3. winter rose unusual shape scarlet bracts makes the plant look like a rose.
  4. Jingle Bells - classic bright red bracts with white spots of various shapes.
  5. Premium Red, EuroGlory Black Beauty, Prestige Maroon, Champion - classic look.
  6. Polar Bear, Infinity White - delicate white bracts.
  7. Maren - pale pink bracts.
  8. Carousel Dark Red - very showy red bracts, characterized by wavy edges.
  9. PeterStar Marble - soft pink bracts, the edge of which is pure white.
  10. Ice Punch - scarlet bracts have a soft pink color along the central vein.
  11. Polly Pink - bright pink bracts.
  12. Monet Twilight - pink bracts with white dots.
  13. Sonora White Glitter - bright red bracts with white spots and lancet leaf endings.

Poinsettia at home care

Poinsettia is a plant belonging to the Euphorbia family, and its care is similar to that of most representatives of this group.

Location and lighting

Euphorbia poinsettia loves bright but diffused light. The best place for its location will be a window facing east or west. But you need to put the pot not on the windowsill, but nearby, in order to soften the bright color a little. solar stream in the morning or afternoon. And the leaves of a lush bush standing on the windowsill should not touch the glass, which is cold in winter, which greatly harms them.

Important! Poinsettia does not tolerate drafts, so the place for it must be chosen so that it is as protected from them as possible.

Just a day for timely flowering and good health in winter time poinsettias require at least six hours of daylight. Therefore, in regions where daylight hours are very short in winter, it has to be illuminated.

Temperature and humidity

Comfortable temperature for poinsettia in winter is 18-20ºС.

Important! The minimum allowable temperature for keeping the plant is only 16ºС, so its location on the windowsill, where the window is opened, is unacceptable.

It is also undesirable for heated air from heating appliances to get on the poinsettia - the elevated temperature will negatively affect the possibility of the formation of a peduncle.

The plant needs high humidity, especially when elevated temperatures in room. To maintain a sufficient level of moisture in the ambient air, the following options are usually used:

  • spraying with water at room temperature;
  • placing the pot in a tray with pebbles and water;
  • an open container filled with water, standing near the pot;
  • wet towel on radiators.

Watering and feeding

Although the poinsettia grows in moist forests, she does not tolerate dampness in her pot. In winter, it should be watered when the topsoil becomes dry. When watering, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. Water should be soft, settled, room temperature.
  2. It is poured into the pot until it begins to seep into the drainage holes.
  3. Excess water is drained from the pan after 10-12 minutes.

Important! If the interval between waterings is too long and the leaves of the poinsettia begin to wither, you must first water it with a small amount of water, and then repeat the watering as usual.

In summer, the poinsettia is watered daily, but moderately so that the water does not linger in the soil.

Top dressing is applied starting from spring, once every 15 days, and continues until mid-autumn. For this, complete complex mineral fertilizers intended for indoor plants are used. Some poinsettia experts recommend fertilizing the plant during flowering, using potassium salts.

During dormancy, which the plant needs at the end of flowering, top dressing is not applied.

Poinsettia transplant and substrate for it

The Christmas star is transplanted at the end of the dormant period - it falls at the end of April - the beginning of May. The signal for the beginning of growth is the young leaves that appear on the branches.

Important! The poinsettia is transplanted by transshipment, that is, keeping the same earthen clod.

The plant, together with its native lump, is placed in a new container, 2-3 centimeters in diameter larger than the previous one. A drainage layer must be laid out at the bottom.

The most suitable substrate for a Christmas star consists of a mixture of leaf and clay-turf soil mixed with peat and sand (2:3:1:1). The reaction is neutral or, in extreme cases, slightly alkaline.


The purpose of pruning is to give the bush beautiful shape and his recovery. It is usually carried out when the bract leaves begin to lose their color. Cut off faded branches at a height of about 15 centimeters above ground level. Also, for the same purpose, young shoots that grow after transplantation are pruned.

Important! Pruning stimulates the subsequent flowering of the poinsettia.

Pruned shoots can be used for propagation. The sections themselves on the bush should be sprinkled with powdered charcoal or activated charcoal.

How to choose the right poinsettia when buying

Like all indoor plants, it is better to buy a Christmas star in warm time of the year. However, most often it goes on sale in flower shops with the approach of Christmas and new year holidays.

Therefore, when purchasing a poinsettia on the eve of the holidays, you need to know how to choose it correctly.

First of all, pay attention to the appearance of the flower. The bush should be lush, the foliage is healthy, dark green in color without yellowness.

Take time to examine the flowers, but not the bracts. It is better to choose a plant whose flower buds have not yet opened. In this case, the plant will bloom longer.

The temperature in the store should be above +15ºС, at lower temperatures there is a risk of buying a low-quality plant with frozen roots.

Having purchased a poinsettia, it is immediately taken home, after being carefully packed either in a dense, well-closing box, or in a paper bag, which is additionally wrapped with a cloth. In winter, you can not buy poinsettia in the market or in cold rooms.

Important! A Christmas star brought home is immediately released from packaging.

Poinsettia flowers - care after purchase or in winter

After the purchase, the poinsettia is placed in conditions that are most conducive to getting used to a new place, development and flowering, described above.

Important! At first, it is better to place the poinsettia on the south window.

The Christmas star will not get used to a new place for long - usually in three weeks it completely gets used to a new place, so after this period it can and should be transplanted.

Important! Transplantation is necessary, since the substrate in which the plants intended for sale in flower shops grow does not contain nutrients and not intended for long-term cultivation.

If for some reason a flower transplant is not possible, they begin to feed it with complex potash and phosphorus fertilizers intended for flowering houseplants.

During the entire flowering period, poinsettia requires moderate regular watering, maintaining humidity and air temperature.

Flower care after flowering and during dormancy

Quite often, the poinsettia is treated as a disposable plant - after flowering is completed, they simply throw it away in order to get a new one by next Christmas. This is more typical for residents of Europe and America, however, with proper care, the Christmas star is able to bloom again at home.

Usually in mid-February, the poinsettia finishes its flowering and begins to prepare for rest - a dormant period. She warns about this by forcing young green leaves over the bracts.

When flowering ends, the bracts wither and fall, and the poinsettia sinks into dormancy.

Plant care at this time is as follows:

  1. The stems are cut to about 15 centimeters so that 4 or 5 buds remain on each. At the same time, the bush is given the desired shape, the degree of density of its crown is regulated. In the future, the given shape is easy to maintain by pinching or pruning young shoots.
  2. The plant is transferred to a cool darkened room with a temperature of 10-12C. Watering is reduced to once every 10-12 days.
  3. There is no need to feed the flower at this time.

Important! During hibernation, it is necessary to ensure that the substrate does not dry out completely.

The dormant period of the poinsettia lasts one and a half to two months, after which it is prepared to return to its former habitat.

Flowering for Christmas - features of care

At the end of the dormant period, the poinsettia is transplanted into a new substrate and transferred to its usual place - the east or west window. At the same time, the previous irrigation regime is resumed - plentiful.

With the onset of the warm season and an increase in the length of daylight hours, the Christmas star begins to grow intensively, gives young shoots. Of these, the strongest are left to them strong, but not more than six.

As the young shoots grow, they are pinched so that the poinsettia bushes well. A month or a half after transplantation, top dressing is resumed, it is advisable to use complex fertilizers for decorative leafy asthenia during this period. The organic matter introduced during this period causes increased growth of shoots.

In the summer, pots with poinsettia can be taken out into the open air, watering and feeding it in the established mode.

Important! On the street, the plant needs to be shaded.

In August, the grown young shoots are usually pinched so that no more than 4-5 leaves remain on them. At this time, it is already necessary to monitor the air temperature, especially at night, in order to bring the poinsettia back into the room in time. With the onset of autumn, when the temperature drops, watering is reduced, top dressing is not applied.

For the normal formation of poinsettia buds, a short daylight hours are required - no more than 10 hours. To help the plant, it is covered with a cardboard box or a dark bag from the 20th of September, thereby regulating the duration of its illumination.

At about the same time, poinsettia will require more low temperature- 16-17ºС. It is transferred to a cool room or moved away from heating appliances. In the first days of December, they return to a bright, warm windowsill and wait for the appearance of buds and bright bracts.

Important! Short daylight is very important for the formation of buds and the color of the bracts.

Reproduction of poinsettia

In nature, poinsettia is propagated by seeds, but at home this method does not bring positive results, therefore cuttings are used.

For propagation of poinsettias, the apical cuttings that remain after pruning are quite suitable. At the same time, the lower cut is formed obliquely - at an angle of about 45 0. The length of the cuttings is desirable from 7 to 10 centimeters, the number of large buds on them is at least 4.

They are washed in warm water to remove the milky juice, treated with a root stimulator and slightly dried in the air. Rooting soil is made up of sand, dry manure and humus.

Cuttings are planted in a well-moistened substrate, covered with a transparent film or bag and placed in a bright place, but not under direct sun. The temperature is maintained at 24-28ºС.

Planted cuttings need daily airing and watering or spraying with warm settled water every 3-4 days.

When the cuttings are fully rooted, the film is removed and transferred to a cooler place where the temperature will be 16-18 degrees.

In mid-autumn, from about the second decade of September, the cuttings are planted in individual pots with a diameter of 20 centimeters. The next year, subject to all the rules for caring for poinsettia, young bushes will bloom.

Growing difficulties

  1. Small bracts or they change color. The plant does not have enough light for the formation of buds and the full color of the bracts. Shading during this period is undesirable, do it when the first flowers open.
  2. Leaves fell off immediately after purchase. Most common cause- overcooling of the plant. When choosing in a store, you should not buy a plant that is in a draft. It must be carefully packaged for transport.
  3. Stipules and leaves droop with high-quality watering. This indicates the appearance of root rot. Causes: over watering or too long stay in airtight packaging.
  4. Bracts fade. Excess sunlight"burns out" the paint. The plant should be shaded.

Also remember the following:

  • too dry air leads to the fall of buds and inflorescences;
  • when freezing, temperature fluctuations, as well as when in a draft, the plant sheds leaves.

Why do leaves turn yellow and fall off?

The main reasons for this are violations in the care and maintenance of poinsettia:

  • deficiency or excess of moisture;
  • draft or low temperature;
  • too dry air at high temperature.

Poinsettia pests, its diseases and treatment

Important! For most indoor plants, and poinsettia is no exception, improper care and inappropriate conditions of detention are the main cause of pests and diseases.

Most often, the Christmas star is attacked by whiteflies, scale insects, spider mites and mealybugs.

The best home insecticides to help remove insects are a solution of soap - laundry, coniferous, tar or special insecticidal, infusions of shag or tobacco chips, garlic or onions, as well as vodka or alcohol.

AT severe cases when home remedies do not help, one has to resort to chemicals - actellik, fitoverm, etc. Plants are treated at least 3-4 times with a 6-7-day interval in order to destroy not only adults, but also larvae.

Of the diseases, poinsettia is most susceptible to gray rot, fusarium and powdery rot.

Gray rot appears as a result of excessive watering. Gray bloom and brown spots appear on leaves and branches. For treatment, I use Fundazol, Celandine and other antifungal drugs.

Powdery rot is manifested by a white or light gray coating, rather quickly brings the plant to death. The best remedy fight - Fitosporin-M or Topaz.

Fusarium (root rot) first causes the shoots to die off, and then the whole plant dies. To combat it, the roots of the plant are freed from the ground, thoroughly washed with a solution of potassium permanganate, and the affected roots and branches are removed. Then the poinsettia is planted again in a disinfected container with a fresh substrate.

Final part

During the Christmas holidays, poinsettia becomes more relevant than ever. Or, as the people call it, the Christmas Star. They buy it with pleasure, not being afraid of the December frosts, and enjoy the purple colors of December-January. And even longer! In order for a tropical shrub to please us as long as possible and take root for many years, we will tell you a few secrets.

Origin and appearance

Poinsettia is an evergreen shrub from the numerous Euphorbiaceae family. Latin name- Euphorbia pulcherrima, which translates as "Euphorbia is the most beautiful." The natural habitat is the tropical regions of Mexico. The plant reaches a height of three meters in nature.

The name "poinsettia" was given to the flower in honor of Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first American minister of Mexico, who was a great lover of botany. Poyensett was incredibly fond of the Mexican plant, and he sent samples for breeding in his greenhouses in South Carolina. Here the plant began to propagate, grow, and then sell.

Poinsettia gained its incredible popularity in the 20th century, thanks to a family of emigrants from Germany. Albert Ekki created a greenhouse in 1911 in which he grew fruits and flowers. The Ecchi family noticed that the poinsettia's leaf color is very star-shaped and could be a great Christmas symbol. Poinsettia began to grow in open field. In the 60s of the 20th century, plant varieties were bred that can be grown in normal home conditions. Decorating houses with poinsettia for Christmas has become a tradition today not only in America, but also in most European countries.

The leaves of the flower are ovate-elliptical in shape. The edges of the leaf plate are serrated. They are connected to the stem with a petiole. The color of the leaves is a rich dark green. The average leaf length is 10-15 cm.

Poinsettia flowers are small. They are collected in inflorescences in the form of rosettes. Color - light yellow. The beauty of the plant is given by very bright bracts - leaves painted in rich colors, including: red, yellow, pink, white, etc.

Poinsettia is poisonous, like all plants from the Euphorbiaceae family. The plant has a three-phase life cycle, which consists of a period of growth, flowering and a dormant period.

Every year the popularity of the poinsettia - the Christmas Star - in our country is increasing. It is sold before the Christmas holidays and most people buy this potted plant as a holiday decoration and then throw it away. However, it can be successfully grown in your apartment, every year enjoying the bright colors of this amazing flower. To do this, you only need to know how to care for the poinsettia at home correctly.

Temperature and lighting

The flowering period of the plant falls on the winter months. At this time, the temperature regime of the air should be in the room where the poinsettia is located, from + 16 to - + 24 ° С. When a flower has a dormant period, the temperature regime can not be changed, however, a nightly decrease in air temperature by one or two degrees is useful. The optimal temperature for the dormant period is from 12 to 14 ° C. In the summer, the poinsettia can be kept outdoors.

Indoor flower Christmas Star tolerates diffused bright light well, but the bright rays of the sun can cause the bright bract leaves to disappear. Daylight natural light should be available to the plant for at least five hours a day.

Beginning gardeners often ask the question: “Why is my Christmas Star not blushing?” In order for new flowers and bright bracts to form on the poinsettia, the plant must be completely covered in October-November with a dense box in the evening for 12-14 hours. A similar light regime allows new buds to form.

Watering and feeding

The plant has a tendency to form root rot, so the poinsettia should be watered only after the clod of earth has dried. Stagnation of water near the root system should be avoided, as this leads to oxygen starvation.

An important criterion for healthy development is air humidity. If the air is too dry, it can cause yellowing and leaf drop. The plant must be regularly sprayed with water at room temperature from a spray bottle.

Top dressing is carried out throughout the spring-summer period. In order for new buds to form, complex mineral fertilizers are needed for flowering houseplants. Feeding regimen - once a week, according to the instructions on the fertilizer package.

In the Christmas Star, the dormant period is very pronounced - the plant sheds bracts. This period lasts about two months. Watering at this time should be reduced to a minimum, fertilizing should not be done.

Soil composition requirements

For poinsettia, it is important that the soil in which it grows is well water-permeable. For a substrate prepared independently, the following composition is suitable:

  • leaf humus - 60%;
  • dry manure - 10%;
  • sifted sand - 30%.

Appropriate fertilizers can be immediately added to the prepared soil.

A great alternative to a self-prepared mixture can be ready-made soil for flowering plants.

How to propagate poinsettia in an apartment

In order for Christmas Stars to decorate your home throughout the Christmas and New Year holidays, it is useful to know how to propagate the plant at home.

Poinsettias can be propagated by cuttings. The cutting must have at least five internodes. The milky juice that is released when cutting the cuttings should be removed with a paper towel. The cut must be sprinkled with coal powder.

In order for the cuttings to take root, they must be treated with a growth stimulator. For germination, you can use a ready-made greenhouse or a pot filled with a loose substrate of sand and peat. The cuttings should be covered glass jar or a piece of plastic wrap. Cuttings must be sprayed regularly. The first roots will appear in 30-35 days. After the roots appear, the plant should be planted in small containers.

Planting, transplanting, pruning

For successful planting of poinsettia, a rather thick layer of drainage - expanded clay or broken bricks - should be placed on the bottom of the pot. In this case, the plant will be able to avoid diseases associated with root rot.

Transplantation is usually carried out in the spring - in April-May. The stems of the plant before transplanting should be cut to one third of the length, leaving only 4-5 of the strongest shoots. Poinsettias are transplanted annually using the transshipment method.

Plant pruning should be done before each dormant period. By pinching and trimming leaves and shoots, you can also form a beautiful crown, giving the flower a more lush and rounded appearance.

Diseases and pests

When caring for a poinsettia at home, you may encounter a number of problems when the plant turns yellow or its leaves fall off. To prevent diseases, you should adhere to the correct regimen - avoid sudden changes in air temperature in the room, follow the rules of watering and feeding.

If the poor appearance of the poinsettia is associated with the ingress of pests on it, then the plant should be treated with ready-made insecticides.


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