Where in Goa there are no waves in May. Goa weather reviews in march

Fashion & Style 14.08.2019
Fashion & Style

Someone on vacation likes to conquer the peaks of snowy mountains, someone likes to travel to the sights of Europe, but most people, tired of stress and routine, choose warm countries where they will be surrounded by warmth, sea, sun and peace. One of these places of rest can be attributed India, and the weather in Goa in March will delight you with warmth.

What is the weather like in March in Goa?

On dominates subtropical climate, so even in March, which still refers to the end of the winter season, people bathe in sunshine and warm water and prepare for higher temperatures.

Goa is divided into two regions, northern and southern, although the weather conditions on them are not so different.

Average air and water temperature

This month is the beginning of the hot summer season, so the temperature at the beginning will be quite high. The air and water temperatures in the Northern and Southern parts will not differ dramatically. A couple of degrees will not diminish the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bspring warmth.

So, in early March in North Goa, the average air temperature is +28.9ºС. In the South - +29.7ºС. The water temperature at the beginning and end of March is the same: +27ºС and +29ºС, respectively. Closer to the onset, the thermometer will grow and grow. In North Goa, the value will be + 30.2ºС, in the south + 31.4ºС.

Features of weather conditions

Humidity air is 71%, so it will be difficult for many to endure such weather after our winter. The possibility of rain is minimal, the south wind is 3-5 m/s. The cloudiness is quite low and the length daylight hours is 9-10 hours. In the evening the temperature drops to +24ºС.

On the coast sea ​​winds will save tourists from the heat, so the water will seem like the temperature has dropped.

Weather in North and South Goa are ideal for relaxing from stress and worries.

March rest

March in Goa is enough warm month, so it is important to know some conditions that will not only help you have a good rest, but also get the most out of your trip.

When booking, do not forget to check if the room has air conditioner. The temperature remains high at night, so with its help you will ensure yourself a sound and sweet sleep.

After our cold and harsh winter a vacation in Goa will seem like a real steam room. In order for the body to successfully cope with such a change in weather, it should be provided with a sufficient amount of vitamins. Markets that sell delicious fruits and berries can help you with this. Their prices are quite low.

It is a national fruit, the season of which comes at the end of March, so it would be a huge loss for tourists not to take advantage of such luck.

In India a large number of insects, whose bites can cause itching or even disease. You should make the necessary prescriptions from doctors before the trip, and put proven remedies for skin irritation in your suitcase.

How to dress?

In India not nice wear short clothes that expose some parts of the body. In order not to experience inconvenience and not attract the attention of local male residents, wear a floor-length skirt, a T-shirt, and on top - a light summer scarf that will cover your shoulders, or a long-sleeved sweater. Also, girls should not walk the streets in a bathing suit, as this can lead not only to judgmental looks, but also to harassment. Be careful!

Choose lightweight, flowing materials that won't restrict your movement or make you sweat.

For men, all a few easier: Wear casual trousers in lightweight fabrics or breeches and a T-shirt. It is not a good idea to show your top when you are walking the streets, as this may be perceived as rude by the locals.

Since the clouds are low Sun rays will not only warm vacationers, but also bake, so be sure to take sunscreen and headwear. They will be most useful to you on your journey.

What to do this month?

The weather conditions in March are similar to the weather in summer in many other countries, so the most different types pastime.

beach holiday

Goa is located around 40 beaches, and it is this kind of vacation that is very popular. Sunbathing and access to warm water attract absolutely everyone. But there is a big difference here:

  • In South Goa light sand, a the water is very clean;
  • On the North cloudy water and dark sand volcanic origin.

You can try aqua entertainment, for example:

  1. Water skiing;
  2. Motor boats;
  3. banana ride;
  4. Parasailing etc.

Excursions and entertainment

Excursion programs are divided into 4 spheres among which everyone can find something of their own. Allocate:

  • Architectural and historical(ancient structures and other buildings and structures);
  • Ecological(bewitching nature and its manifestations);
  • meditative;
  • Club.

It should be noted that North Goa is a party place that does not require much money.

South Goa is different secular mood , similar to, which means the prices are higher there. The choice of area depends only on your preferences.

Holidays and festivals

is a vibrant and colorful country. Festivals in March, which are celebrated in Goa, are associated with the onset of spring and the end of winter. One of these holidays, which is also known in our country, is Holi. It takes place on the day spring equinox. locals pour water over each other, and then sprinkle with powder of different colors.

Basant Panchami- a holiday that is also celebrated by residents in honor of the onset of spring and the three goddesses who help in education, acting and weaving.

During the celebration people give great importance yellow- they wear clothes of this shade, eat yellow sweets.

Holidays in Goa will give you not only pleasant experience, but also extensive knowledge that will expand your horizons.

See in this video what the weather is like in Goa in March:

March in Goa, as a rule, gradually ends the tourist season. What is the reason? The indicator of daytime temperature at the beginning of the calendar spring is almost the same as in February and rains are still the rarest occurrence, however, humidity rises, due to which the heat is much more difficult to tolerate, and the length of daylight hours, and, consequently, the hours when this the heat must be endured. In addition, the night air temperature rises slightly compared to winter. Rest becomes not so comfortable.

During the day, the temperature in the resort is in the range of +32 ... +36 degrees. The average night temperature is usually around +23 degrees. Water temperature in Arabian Sea (Indian Ocean) in given time year is equal to +27 ... +29 degrees. By the end of the month, these figures become higher: the so-called hot season comes into its own, which is also characterized by high humidity (on average, it is 73%).

The weather in Goa in March is dry and clear: the amount of precipitation is negligible 0.1 mm, cloudy days practically never happens, rain here this month is a very rare occurrence. Daylight hours increase compared to winter: now dawn comes at 06:30-06:50, and sunset at 18:30-18:50. Daylight hours gradually reach an average of 12 hours. The weather in Goa is calm: the average speed of wind gusts increases compared to the winter rate and averages 3.6 meters per second.

The weather in Goa in March is not as amazingly comfortable for visitors from northern countries as in the same February, but it still favors a good rest.

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Many tourists who have not been to the tropics before are thinking about when is the best time to go to Goa. Is March suitable for a trip? In this article, we will try to clarify this issue. Below you will find information about air temperature (day and night) and water in March in Indian Goa. We will also tell you what you can do in the first month of spring at the resort.

What is a pronounced tropical climate?

The state of Goa is located in the Northern Hemisphere, like Russia. But unlike the Russian Federation, it is very close to the equator. Therefore, the climate in Goa is characterized as a pronounced tropical. What does it mean? For a person who is not privy to meteorological processes and unaware of the climate impact of the monsoons, let's just say. Goa has two seasons. The first is dry, when the minimum amount of precipitation falls, the humidity decreases, and the sea is very calm. This period is justifiably considered to be high tourist season. It falls in November winter months and March. In April and May, the dry season continues, but it can no longer be called a high tourist season. The heat intensifies to +37 degrees in the shade. May in Goa is considered the hottest month of the year. And finally, all summer months and September is the rainy season.

October is considered transition period. And the question of when is the best time to go to Goa can be answered as follows: from November to February. What about March? Meteorologists refer to this month as summer in terms of temperature. But March is also considered the dry season. Let's look at this in more detail.

Weather in Goa in March

Yes, many tourists claim that the temperature indicators in this state are more comfortable for Europeans precisely in winter period. Since March, the thermometer has been inexorably creeping up day after day. The average daily temperature is +27 degrees. But meteorologists also include in this indicator the first hours after dawn, when it is still quite fresh. And if we consider the day as a period from 11 to 16, then at this time the thermometer shows all +33 degrees. And this is at the beginning of the month. There are also very hot years. For example, in 2014, the temperature in Goa in March was +37 degrees in the shade. Do not expect coolness at night in the first month of spring. It was in January that tour operators advised their clients to take long-sleeved clothes on a trip to Goa. In March, the temperature at night does not fall below + 24-25 degrees. The sun of the tropics knows no mercy. Be sure to take a protective cream and a hat with you on a trip to India.


AT March Goa continues to delight tourists with a complete lack of rain. The first month of spring is the dry season. Precipitation in March falls only three millimeters. talking plain language, only one day in the whole month can be rainy. And even then it will not be a prolonged downpour, but slight precipitation for half an hour. The sky above the heads of tourists in March is mostly clear. Slight small clouds may appear. But these harbingers of the wet season are rare guests even at the end of the month. But the humidity is slightly higher than in February. This figure averages 71 percent in March. But for the tropics, this is quite acceptable. Tourists claim that they did not have the feeling of a Russian steam bath in Goa in March. The tropical (and increasingly increasing by the end of the month) heat near the coast is especially easy to tolerate. During the day, a fresh breeze blows from the sea, so the heat becomes invisible. But air conditioning in the room is an indispensable condition for a comfortable stay.


Of course, tourists, going to Goa, want not only to get a bronze tan. How about water procedures in Goa in March? It should be said that the Arabian Sea off the western coast of India is never cold. Storms are another matter. In the winter months, the water element calms down. There is practically no wind, the waves are small. But March reminds tourists that the high season is coming to an end. The monsoon wind begins to blow, bringing heavy rainfall to India by June. True, in March it is small, only seven kilometers per hour. It does not cause serious storms. But there are also extreme years. So, in March 2008, a very strong storm passed off the coast of Goa, accompanied by a downpour. But such cases happen every few years. Tourists who visited Goa this spring claim that the weather has been wonderful all month.

Holidays, events

When planning a trip to Goa for March, you should know that your vacation can become not only a beach holiday, but also an educational one. In India, as in the northern latitudes, they celebrate the passing of winter. This Maslenitsa in the country is called Holi, and in the state of Goa - Shigmo. The culmination of the holiday is Vhadlo, which lasts for five whole days. In the cities and towns of Goa, people douse each other with water and sprinkle powdered dye. So at such a time you should not wear expensive and new clothes, and the camera must be hidden in a waterproof case. Vhadlo Shigmo is accompanied by a carnival, street processions and dances.

In some years at the end of February, but most often at the beginning of March, the Shivratri festival is celebrated. God Shiva is considered the patron of spiritual development. Therefore, seminars and trainings on the study of yoga are organized on his holiday. And it will be interesting for Christians to take part in the procession of all saints, which is celebrated on the fifth Monday of Great Lent (on Gregorian calendar). On this day, the inhabitants of Old Goa, many of whom profess Catholicism due to the colonial Portuguese past, take out 31 statues from the cathedral.

Cons of a March holiday

This month closes the curtain high season. Air temperatures are no longer as comfortable for a European as in winter. And at the end of the month, the heat becomes simply unbearable for many. The humidity also increases. There is no effect of the steam room yet, but it is already difficult to breathe. The weather in Goa in March can be changeable. There are no big storms yet, but the wind creates a steady surf. For young children and people who cannot swim, this can be a problem. Because of the heat and stuffiness, you no longer want to go on excursions. Tourists in their reviews say that they were limited only to boat trips and participation in the open air trance party. Going to Goa in March, you must definitely book an air-conditioned room. Without it, rest will turn into torment.

Benefits of a March break

During the summer months, Goa is cooler than in the spring due to heavy rainfall and thick clouds covering the sky. Therefore, those who wish to "calcinate the bones" can easily go here in March. Surfers will also find great surf with long waves. The best spots for professionals are Twin Peaks and Ashvem Rock. And beginners can try to ride the wave on the board in Shanti, Kivis and Arambol. But the best advantage of going to Goa in March is the prices. They are markedly reduced compared to winter months. If you are an unpretentious tourist and consider North Goa (this part of the state is always cheaper than the south), then a week-long vacation for two with a flight from Moscow can cost you fifty thousand rubles. A similar tour, but to a five-star hotel (if you take a last minute ticket) will cost from 59,000 to 88,600 rubles. (from 1000 to 1500 dollars) per person.

Goa in March: reviews

Tourists who visited this “most non-Indian state of the country” in early spring 2017 claim that the weather was wonderful throughout their vacation. The Arabian Sea is very warm, its temperature reached +28 degrees. There was not much excitement, but if you want complete calm, then you should choose resorts with a beach located between two capes, such as Palolem and Agodna in the south, Fort Aguada (Coco Beach) and Vagator in the north. At the beginning of the calendar spring, there is still no precipitation, you will only need an umbrella from the sun. The wind is constant, but not gusty or strong.

Hotel prices are slightly lower than in winter, but they are higher than in summer, when the rainy season is in the tropics. But the fan can no longer cope with the ever-increasing heat. In the first month of the calendar spring, many interesting events take place in India. You can enjoy Ayurvedic procedures, go on various excursions, and become a participant in colorful festivities. So, you can safely go on tours to Goa in March - good vacation you are provided.

After cold winter I want warmth and sunshine. And preferably more. This was the main reason for my trip to Goa.


In Goa, I didn’t even have to take a suitcase. I limited myself to a travel bag, putting a couple of sundresses in it, sunglasses and sandals. The rest of the things it was decided to purchase on the spot. And not in vain! The prices are ridiculous and the selection is wide. I strongly advise you to take medicine. It is problematic to explain to the pharmacist, and many of the usual drugs are not available.


Upon arrival, I felt like I was in heaven. Hot weather is what my soul demanded. The thermometer stood at 30 degrees. There is almost no rain in the Indian state in March. At first, my joy knew no bounds, but after a few days, the heat began to wear me down. The only salvation was the sea.

National cuisine

Goan dishes are heavily spiced. They are even added to sweets. I couldn't eat some of the dishes because of the spiciness. And some fell in love, and I took the recipes with me.

  • Chicken masala. Chicken with spice sauce. The composition of the sauce includes pepper, ginger, turmeric.
  • Seafood soup.
  • Cheese cakes. In different cafes they are different. The filling can be inside or pastry just sprinkled with cheese. But always delicious.

beach parties

I am a free girl. When choosing a beach, she preferred beach discos and entertainment. She chose Anjuna Youth Beach.

Married couples with children are rare here. Basically, young people have fun. The beach cannot boast of cleanliness. After stormy parties, there is often garbage left. There are few people on the beach during the day. The water temperature is about 27 degrees. The sand is soft and fluffy.

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