Black mosquito with yellow stripes. Why is the Asian tiger mosquito dangerous?

Health 11.09.2019

Mosquito in Latin Culicidae. About 3 thousand species, 38 genera are known. On the territory of Russia there are 100 species. There are representatives of the genus of true mosquitoes Culex, biters Aedes, malarial Anopheles, burning Culiseta, large or Caramora Tipulida. The life cycle consists of several stages of development - egg, pupa, imago. A photo of a common mosquito, malarial, burning and many others is presented below.

Varieties of mosquitoes in Russia

All representatives of the mosquito family love moisture, warmth, settle near water bodies, as well as in city basements. They fly into the room through the cracks, open windows, doors. Many varieties, but there are agricultural pests and absolutely harmless creatures. The main differences between males in size are always smaller than females, the whiskers are branched, in the form of a brush.

Pisk mosquito

He is a common mosquito. Latin name Culex pipiens. It is found everywhere, loves swampy terrain, forest. Lives in city basements. Summer starts in May. The female lays 50 to 200 eggs on the surface of the water or in damp soil. During the whole season, several generations of Culexes are replaced. The maximum life expectancy is 48 days.

What a mosquito looks like can be seen in the photo below. Body size from 3 to 7 mm. The females are always larger. Long legs, thin transparent wings, a small head, a well-marked mouth apparatus in the form of a proboscis. The male mosquito has a long, branched, brush-like whisker, while the female has a straight one. varies depending on gender.

yellow mosquito

Yellow fever biter, tiger mosquito. In Latin, it sounds like Aedes aegypti. These varieties of mosquitoes belong to. Carries dengue fever, yellow fever, Zika virus. Homeland is Africa. Gradually appeared in Central America in the Caribbean. They are found in Russia, Georgia, Ukraine.

The female mosquito reaches a size of 7 mm, males - about 4 mm. Outwardly recognizable appearance. Dark body with white markings. There are even dots on the legs. The black mosquito lives in wetlands, forests with high humidity. During the season, 5 generations will change. The female is able to lay 200 eggs at a time. Its life expectancy is from 14 days to a month.

The danger to humans is represented by females. A black-and-white mosquito bites painfully, drinks blood several times more than it weighs. During the meal, it infects a person with a dangerous virus, which begins to progress within 30 minutes.

Protein food is necessary for females to reproduce healthy offspring. Males eat flower nectar and plant juices. Their life expectancy is no more than 2 weeks.

Anopheles (Anopheles) in translation from Greek worthless, useless. Carrier of a dangerous disease of malaria. Representatives of this species of mosquitoes live throughout the globe, there are about 440 species in the world, 10 of them live in Russia in Siberia. Favorite places - forest, swamp, ponds.

Females lay eggs - up to 200 pieces at a time on the surface of reservoirs. From them, during the day, larvae appear, outwardly similar to a worm. Under favorable conditions - a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, several molts pass, after 2 weeks they pupate. In the pupal state, the malarial or Siberian mosquito is able to hibernate and continues its development in the spring. In summer, the imago emerges from the cocoon within a week. Initially, males are born, gather along the coast, wait for females.

The description of the appearance of red mosquitoes is in many ways similar to Culex, but there are differences. Anopheles has slightly longer hind limbs, when it lands on the surface, the back of the body remains elevated. The common squeaker holds the abdomen parallel to the plane.

On a note!

In Latin Chironomidae. The name of the insect was due to the ability to make unusual sounds during the flight. flaps its wings up to 1000 times per second. Energy reserves are obtained at the larval stage; being adults, males and females do not feed at all.

Outwardly, the twitch is similar to its relatives, but has a bright color. The mosquito is orange or yellow, the belly is light green. A close-up photo of a mosquito is shown below. There are more than 7 thousand varieties in the world, some species live in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine.


The second name of caramora, in Latin is Tipulidae. Large mosquitoes up to 60 mm. In tropical countries, there are giant creatures up to 10 cm in length. There are more than 4 thousand species on the planet. On the territory of Russia, they are found everywhere in forests, swamps, near water bodies. And also in gardens, orchards, in the meadow.

Mosquitoes come in different colors, gray, black are more common. Outwardly, they resemble an ordinary mosquito, enlarged several times. Long legs, mustache, small head, slender body. The length of the proboscis is up to 10 mm, but is not able to bite through the skin. Adults feed on nectar. The larvae eat decaying organic matter, less often fresh plants, than they harm crops and agriculture.

The female caramora lays an average of 50 eggs at a time. In the summer, only one generation is replaced. Pupae formed in September remain overwintering. Continue development in the spring.

On a note!

Among the representatives of Karamor there are mosquitoes with a red belly, black and orange color, but the most attractive celebratory centipede (Ctenophora festiva). Her body is painted yellow, lemon, black. Stripes on the abdomen resemble the color of a wasp.

In the world there is a huge variety of mosquitoes that differ in lifestyle, color, size.


Latin name Psychodinae. Small fluffy mosquitoes with a body length of not more than 3 mm. They are also called. These types of mosquitoes are not found in Russia, they are found in Transcaucasia, Central Asia, America. Why mosquitoes are dangerous - the spread of fever with intestinal bleeding, temperatures up to 40 degrees.

Mosquitoes settle in rodent burrows, fly poorly, but jump well. Males feed on nectar, females drink blood. The larvae live in damp soil, animal excrement. Mating games are played on tree trunks. are going large groups. Outwardly, they resemble gray butterflies.

gall midges

In Latin it sounds like Cecidomyiidae. There are about 3 thousand species in the world. Small, harmless creatures. Do not attack animals, do not bite a person. Imago live for several days, laying eggs on plants of a certain species.


Butterflies and their larvae inject a special substance into the plant, which stimulates cell growth. On the surface, growths are formed in the form of mushrooms, roses, balls. Scientists call them galls. In ancient times, expensive ink for writing, paint for leather products were obtained from such neoplasms. Photos of living art are presented below.

thick-bodied mosquitoes

Latin name Chaoboridae. Adults do not feed or feed on nectar. The larvae live in water, prey on crustaceans, young insects, kill the victim with a thick proboscis.

It is difficult to find a person who does not know what mosquitoes are and what they do, especially after the sun goes down. They haunt a person, striving to bite him in order to drink blood. At the same time, few people know that in nature there are many varieties of these blood-sucking insects, from which there is no benefit, but there are many problems. Generally, mosquitoes prefer a moist environment where they breed. This article talks about what types of mosquitoes are, as well as about their life features.

Scientists know about several dozen varieties of mosquitoes. At the same time, it makes sense to get acquainted with the most common types that a person encounters every day, in warm time of the year.

Ordinary mosquitoes are found almost everywhere, while they are particularly annoying. They are illegible and bite everyone, both people and animals. The bites of this mosquito are quite unpleasant, since severe itching and burning are felt at the bite sites. Moreover, the bite sites become inflamed, which leads to negative consequences. Especially children who comb these problem areas suffer from this. Adult individuals grow in length up to 8 mm maximum, while females are bloodsuckers, and males feed on the juices of various plants. Females need blood in order to continue their race. Mosquitoes - squeakers are quite dangerous, because they are carriers of many, sometimes dangerous diseases, both viral and infectious origin. This type of mosquito is common in middle lane choosing places with high humidity.

This mosquito is known as the caramor mosquito and prefers fairly moist areas. His favorite habitats are swampy areas, forest thickets, green spaces around shallow water bodies. They grow in length on the order of 4 - 8 cm. Out of ignorance, many consider it a malarial mosquito, which is a pure delusion. Karamor is considered the largest mosquito in the world, while it is absolutely harmless to humans, especially since it does not bite. The basis of his diet is the juices of various plants. Despite this, this type of mosquito can cause serious damage to farmland. This is especially true of mosquito larvae, which are distinguished by their unique voracity.

It differs from many of its relatives in that it is not large. They are found everywhere, on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica, where there is no heat. Despite this, biting mosquitoes are found in the tundra and in dense forests. To distinguish this type of mosquito from other species, it is enough to pay attention to the presence of white stripes located on the limbs and on the body. These insects lay their eggs at the end of autumn on the banks of swamps, where humans are extremely rare. It is considered a carrier of dangerous diseases that can kill a person.

Compared to the above species of mosquitoes, with the exception of the centipede mosquito, winter mosquitoes are impressive in size. In addition, they also differ in their way of life, since decaying plants form the basis of their diet. Therefore, they are not considered blood-sucking insects, which means that a person should not be afraid of them. Adult mosquitoes can reach a size of about 2 cm. They are active all year round and even in winter, which is why they have such a name.

This type of mosquito does not belong to those species that feed on the blood of humans or animals. Their main food is the nectar of various plants. The size of these mosquitoes is the same as the size of the common mosquito. At the same time, they, like many other species, prefer wet places where they lay their eggs. After hatching, the larvae feed on the remains of algae and other food items. plant origin. This type of mosquito is found in water meadows, as well as in areas where there is a lot of moss.

Insects prefer to settle in dense thickets located within small reservoirs. Individuals live no more than 5 days, while the twitch mosquito is considered absolutely harmless. Adults are dark brown in color and have relatively long legs. They can be seen flying in large flocks over bodies of water. The basis of their diet is food objects of plant origin, so they are not bloodsuckers.

This insect is quite dangerous. Asia is considered its homeland, but in recent times it has been seen in Europe, indicating a warming climate. This mosquito is dangerous because it can infect a person with serious viral infectious diseases such as malaria, typhoid, dengue fever, Zika virus, etc. This is a mosquito that lives in the tropics, in the wild. This mosquito has two wings in black and white, while its size is not large.

Mosquito habitats

Basically, mosquitoes are heat-loving insects that live in the middle lane, as well as in conditions closer to tropical or tropical. The only places where mosquitoes do not occur are the Arctic and Antarctica. Most dangerous species live in the most warm countries ah, such as India, Thailand, China, South America, etc. Therefore, for those who decide to get to know these countries better, there is a danger of becoming infected if they do not get the appropriate vaccinations. Less dangerous mosquitoes prefer middle lane conditions.

Thailand is a country rich in mosquitoes. And this is not surprising, since unique conditions for their life have been created here. There is simply an abundance of malaria mosquitoes, tiger mosquitoes, weevil mosquitoes and other equally dangerous ones. Mosquitoes in Phuket deserve to be Special attention, because as a result of their bite, a person can get sick with malaria, typhoid, dengue fever and other ailments. In Thailand, you can find both the smallest species of blood-sucking insects and the largest. Everyone who goes to this country, both on business and on vacation, must familiarize themselves with the safety rules. At the same time, vaccination is mandatory.

In Crimea, mosquitoes are found everywhere, including in the basements of houses and in utility rooms. Among them, there are also dangerous species, from the bites of which you can “pick up” a serious infection or virus.

In Crimea, you can find various types of mosquitoes. For example:

  • Mosquitoes, which are called bells.
  • Mosquitoes, which are called pushers.
  • Mosquitoes ordinary.
  • Basement mosquitoes.
  • Giant mosquitoes.
  • Mosquito meadow.

In the tundra, despite such complex natural conditions, where there is practically no summer as such, there are some varieties of blood-sucking mosquitoes, such as a biting mosquito with two stripes, as well as other species - blood-sucking mutants. There are a lot of midges, winter mosquitoes and twitching mosquitoes. Of particular note is the fact that mosquitoes are especially ferocious here compared to other natural habitats.

It is very important to know how to distinguish different types mosquitoes among themselves by their appearance. This will help keep you safe various conditions especially when you are in nature.


Many, going on vacation, first of all think about how to protect themselves from the bites of these insects, otherwise the rest will turn into a serious test. This ordeal may end up with the vacationer ending up in a hospital bed.

Any infectious disease unknown in wide circles makes a serious stir in populace. Sometimes, a disease that has existed for more than one hundred years, as soon as it goes beyond the area of ​​\u200b\u200bnormal distribution, a high level of danger is assigned, even if half of all this information is simply invented.

Such a fate befell the swine virus and bird flu, this disease was always present among animals and birds, but as soon as the pathogen was identified in humans, a wave of fear swept the world when the disease was described as deadly, compared with HIV, although in fact the lethality rate of these strains is lower than that of the usual " human" flu.

Today they are talking about the supposedly new Zika virus, which can not only kill a person, but also harm his offspring. There is still some truth in these statements, the virus is able to infect the fetus in the womb in such a way that all pathological changes are irreversible and untreatable. However, it must be remembered that this disease is quite common in some warm countries, which is the common cold for us, and it has existed there for more than one century.

This article is intended to objectively tell our readers about what the Zika virus is, how infection is carried out, and what dangers this infectious agent is fraught with. Perhaps the true situation will slightly smooth out the intensity of the passions that are so raging in the modern world.

General information about the disease

Zika disease is an infectious disease caused by a virus of the same name that spreads to humans, primarily through the bite of a mosquito. From now on, we will dispel the first myth associated with this disease, which says that all mosquitoes are capable of becoming carriers of this virus. To date, it is known for sure that only mosquitoes of the genus Aedes are capable of such carriage. Perhaps in the future the situation will change, but there are no prerequisites for this yet.

The most common symptoms of Zika are high fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis (red eye syndrome). The disease is usually indolent, lasting from a few days to a week and a half after being bitten by an infected mosquito. People often don't feel bad enough to go to the hospital, and the death rate from the Zika virus is close to zero.

For this reason, many patients do not even realize that they are infected. However, Zika virus infection during pregnancy can lead to serious birth defects in the fetus and unborn child called microcephaly, as well as other serious brain defects. Once a person has been infected and has had the disease, they will be protected from future infections by virtue of lifelong immunity.

The Zika virus is native to Uganda, where it was first isolated in 1947 from monkeys living in the Zika forest. In 1952, the first human cases were discovered and since then, outbreaks have been reported in tropical Africa, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. It is likely that the disease occurs in many places, but it is not always possible to take into account. Until 2007, at least 14 cases of Zika were documented. Because the symptoms of the disease are similar to those of many other infectious diseases, many cases may simply not have been properly differentiated.

In May 2015, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) issued an alert for the first confirmed Zika virus infection in Brazil. February 1, 2016, World Organization(WHO) has declared the virus a major public health concern of international concern. Today, the virus continues to spread to new areas, which undoubtedly gives a lot of headaches to humanity.

What does the Zika mosquito look like?

The Aedes mosquito genus was originally found in tropical and subtropical areas but can now be found on every continent except Antarctica. Some species were distributed exclusively due to human activity. Aedes albopictus is the most invasive species and has recently spread to the New World, including the United States. The species was first described and named by the German entomologist Johann Wilhelm Meigen in 1818. The common name of the genus comes from the ancient Greek "Aedes", which means "unpleasant", or "odious".

Some species in this genus carry serious diseases, including dengue, yellow fever, Zika and Chikungunya. In Polynesia, the species Aedes polynesiensis is responsible for the transmission of human lymphatic filariasis.

Few people know, but the species Aedes aegypti (yellow fever mosquito), the one that is today the main carrier of the Zika virus, was artificially modified by man. The initial "genome" build was released in August 2005, and a preliminary analysis was published in June 2007.

Mosquitoes of the genus Aedes are significantly different from all their counterparts to which we are so accustomed. They have prominent black and white spots on their body and limbs. More precisely, we can say that these are black mosquitoes with white transverse stripes. Unlike most other mosquitoes, Aedes are active and only bite during the daytime. The peak of their attack is usually early in the morning and in the evening before dusk. The bite of the "Zika mosquito" is no different from the bite of an ordinary mosquito.

What does science know about Zika and what should we do?

In this paragraph, we tried to briefly collect all the information about the disease in terms of possible incidence and, most importantly, talk about how to prevent yourself and your family from getting infected.

Information about infection

  • To date, there is no vaccine to prevent Zika disease. Work in this direction has just begun and may take more than one year.
  • The best way to prevent morbidity is to prevent mosquito bites from insects of the genus Aedes.
  • Mosquitoes of this genus, which spread the Zika virus, bite mainly during the daytime.
  • The mosquitoes that spread the Zika virus also infect humans with dengue and chikungunya, which are also viral diseases.
  • Prevention of sexual transmission of the virus is possible with the use of condoms or no sexual contact at all.

A child born to a mother who had a Zika virus

Step-by-step instructions for preventing mosquito bites

When a person is in geographic areas where the Zika virus and similar diseases transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes are common, the following actions should be taken:

  • Wear long sleeved shirts and long trousers.
  • Living quarters must be completely protected from the ingress of mosquitoes.
  • Mosquito nets during the night sleep over the bed - the best remedy to protect yourself from mosquito bites.
  • To repel mosquitoes from the body, repellents containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, eucalyptus oil or paramenthanediol have a good effect. When used as intended, commercial products containing these substances will be safe and effective, even for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

To protect your child from mosquito bites:

  • Do not use repellent on children under 2 months of age.
  • Do not use products containing eucalyptus oil or paramenthanediol for children under 3 years of age.
  • Dress your child in clothes that cover the arms and legs.
  • It is necessary to cover the crib, the stroller and the child himself with a mosquito net.
  • Do not apply repellent to the hands, eyes, mouth of the child, as well as to areas with damaged skin.
  • First, apply the repellent to the hands, and then apply it to the child's face.
  • Treatment of clothing and equipment is recommended with products containing permethrin.
  • Do not use permethrin directly on the skin, this chemical is for outerwear only.

It is especially worth noting that even if a person does not feel sick upon arrival from an area where Zika is common, measures should be taken to prevent mosquito bites for 3 weeks so as not to pass on the infection to them, which will then be transmitted to other people.

If the disease is diagnosed

During the first week of infection, the Zika virus can be found in the patient's blood, which can be passed from him to another by a mosquito bite. Therefore, it is imperative to follow the following instructions:

  • To prevent others from getting sick, you need to do everything to prevent mosquito bites for at least the first week of illness.
  • The Zika virus can be transmitted during sex with a man who is infected with the disease.
  • Science does not yet know how long the virus can remain in the semen of men who have had Zika and how long the virus can be spread sexually.
  • However, science knows that the virus can stay in semen longer than in the blood.
  • To help prevent sexual spread of the disease, condoms can be used correctly from the beginning to the end of intercourse, every time. This category also includes vaginal, anal and oral sex. It is worth noting that the complete rejection of sexual relations is the only way to be sure that the disease is not transmitted sexually.

Transfer and risk

Human infection with the Zika virus is possible in several ways, the main ones are listed below.

Through mosquito bites

  • Zika virus carriers are primarily A. aegypti and A. albopictus mosquitoes. These are the same insects that spread dengue and chikungunya.
  • Mosquitoes of this genus, as a rule, lay their eggs in and near stagnant water, regardless of its volume, it can be buckets, bowls, dishes for animals, flower pots and vases. Their main victims are humans, so mosquitoes prefer to live in shaded areas in the open air next to humans.
  • As already noted, these same mosquitoes carry diseases such as Chikungunya and dengue fever, which is also very dangerous. They are fairly aggressive diurnal biters that can also attack at night.
  • Mosquitoes become infected when they bite people who are already infected with the virus. The mosquito vectors can then transmit the virus to other people through their bites.

From mother to child

A pregnant woman can pass the Zika virus to her fetus during pregnancy. Zika causes microcephaly and other severe fetal brain defects that are irreversible and incurable. There is currently an active research work on the subject of what other disorders may occur in the unborn child.

A pregnant woman infected with the Zika virus in her last stages of pregnancy can pass the virus on to her newborn during childbirth.

To date, there are no data on infants who contracted the Zika virus through breast-feeding, so there are no restrictions in this direction.

Through sexual contact

The Zika virus can be spread between sexual partners, regardless of the form of sexual intercourse. AT known cases sexual transmission, men always show symptoms of the disease. From these cases, it became known that the virus can spread even when the patient does not yet show any signs of illness, and also within 7-14 days after the symptoms disappear.

In one case, the virus spread several days before the onset of symptoms. The virus is present in semen at higher concentrations than in the blood.

Through a blood transfusion

As of February 1, 2016, there are no confirmed cases of Zika virus transmission through blood transfusion in developed countries, including the United States, Russia, and the European Union.

There are several reports of transmission of the virus through blood transfusion in Brazil. These reports are currently being investigated. During outbreaks in French Polynesia, 2.8% of blood donors tested positive for Zika, which may indicate that the disease has progressed to a chronic asymptomatic stage and the likelihood of transfusion transmission when these people donate.

In which countries do people get sick?

Chronology of the spread of the virus around the world:

  • Prior to 2015, outbreaks of the Zika virus occurred intermittently in parts of Africa, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands.
  • The virus then spread east through Pacific Ocean in the form of viral epidemics and reached Oceania, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, the Cook Islands and Easter Island.
  • In 2015, cases were reported in Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and South America where Zika reached pandemic levels
  • In May 2015, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) issued an alert regarding the first confirmed cases of Zika virus infection in Brazil.
  • Currently, outbreaks occur in many countries in isolated cases.
  • The Zika virus will continue to spread and it is difficult enough to determine how and where it will manifest itself tomorrow.
  • Within the United States, Zika cases have been reported in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and American Samoa.
  • "Zika mosquitoes" in Russia are found only in some narrow areas. Therefore, on the territory of our country, on this moment, only a single case of the incidence of a Russian woman who arrived from Dominican Republic, that is, "our" mosquitoes did not bite her.
  • In China, a second case similar to the Russian one was registered.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that only a few species of one of the mosquito genera, which has already been repeatedly mentioned in our article, can carry the Zika virus. This is one of the most heat-loving species of insects, which in Russia is found only on the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea, from Dzhubga to the Abkhazian borders. The so-called "Zika mosquito" is almost never found in Sochi and Abkhazia.

Currently, active work is underway in these areas to eradicate this species of mosquitoes, which is necessary purely for preventive reasons, since no Zika virus has been found in any mosquito at the moment. Therefore, it’s too early to ask questions like whether the “Zika mosquito” can fly to Krasnodar, mosquitoes that carry the Zika virus are not hatched here. However, in any case, special attention should be paid to your health when traveling to countries. Where this disease occurs in almost half of the population.


Among the huge variety of insects, one of the famous representatives is the mosquito. This species is found in all corners of the world, with the exception of Antarctica.

There are about 3,000 species of these insects in the world, and on the territory Russian Federation there are about 100.

Mosquitoes belong to the family of dipterous insects belonging to the group of long-whiskers (Nematocera). The most common species is the common mosquito, which lives everywhere, even in the harsh conditions of the Arctic.

External signs

The body of the mosquito has an elongated shape, ranging in size from 4 to 14 mm. The color of many species is yellow, gray or brown, sometimes found with black or green color.

The mosquito has three pairs of long legs ending in two claws, and also has long antennae.

There are four narrow wings covered with scales, sometimes with a pattern. The front pair of wings provide flight, while the rear ones are necessary for balance.

The abdomen consists of 10 segments, it is longer and thinner than the chest. Mosquitoes have a piercing-sucking type oral apparatus, there is a long proboscis with piercing bristles, which are absent in males.

The lower lip in the form of a tube hides the maxillo-oral apparatus. With the help of it, the mosquito makes a hole in the skin and sucks blood with its proboscis.

How to distinguish a malaria mosquito from a normal mosquito

Many people are horrified by the centipede mosquito, often referred to as the "malarial mosquito". This insect of gigantic size (up to 6 cm) does not pose a danger to humans, but feeds exclusively on plant nectar.

These mosquitoes are distinguished by a number of the following signs that are visible in the photo:

  • dark spots on wings
  • elongated hind limbs
  • the length of the antennae is the same as that of the proboscis
  • when landing on the skin of the victim, the malarial mosquito keeps the body elevated, and the usual one is parallel
  • larvae in water are horizontal (in ordinary mosquitoes they swim at an angle), they are found only in clean water bodies.

Mosquito feeding

Surprisingly, the existence of mosquitoes requires the presence of water and plant nectar. The need to drink the blood of animals and humans occurs only in females.

Plant juices do not contain essential proteins, without which reproduction is impossible. In addition, blood contains carbohydrates and lipids, which are the main energy providers.

The olfactory system of the mosquito, located on the antennae, is specialized in finding prey.

An insect recognizes a food source by chemicals in the composition of sweat, as well as on the movement of the animal.

The blood of animals, birds and humans is food for the mosquito, although some species are able to attack amphibians and fish. Insects themselves and their larvae are involved in the food chain as an excellent food for birds, fish, frogs, dragonflies and other insectivores.

Life cycle and reproduction

Insects feel comfortable only at positive temperatures. With the onset of cold, mosquitoes fall into a stupor; for hibernation, they choose dark rooms with high humidity(cellars, storerooms, etc.).

Year-round activity is observed in tropical and subtropical zones. Mosquitoes are able to cover considerable distances when flying, for example, when they need to cross a body of water.

Insects are predominantly nocturnal. Diptera, including mosquitoes, have a four-stage life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

Females lay up to 150 eggs in water, and every 2-3 days. The larvae feed on aquatic microorganisms, breathing is carried out through special tubes exposed to the surface.

Imago is an adult. Females, as is known, during the breeding season feed on the blood of animals and humans, and for males, only plant nectar is sufficient for life.

The life expectancy of an insect depends on external conditions and gender. Females can live up to 2 months, and males only 3-4 weeks.

For humans, the mosquito brings certain inconveniences. Monotonous buzzing can ruin a night's sleep. Often, a mosquito bite causes severe itching, and in some cases skin rashes like urticaria.

Such manifestations force a person to use special creams, gels and even antihistamine tablets. There are many ways to deal with insects. From aerosol dispensers and heated plates to electronic repellers.

From malarial mosquitoes special services apply more extensive methods: chemical destruction larvae and adults in the foci of infection.

mosquito photo

Is the Asian tiger mosquito dangerous or not?

Thanks to the development of tourism, the tiger mosquito - Aedes albopictus - has been popularized in tropical and subtropical areas, originating from South and Southeast Asia. The climatic conditions of Russia are not suitable for a heat-loving mosquito.

The difference between a tiger mosquito and an ordinary mosquito

The Latin name Albopictus indicates the presence of white spots. The tiger mosquito is covered with transverse stripes similar to the color of the tiger.

The habitat of the Asian tiger mosquito

The humid forests of Cambodia, India, Thailand and other tropical countries are home to the tiger mosquito, although a presence is recorded in East Africa, Australia, and other regions. This species has not yet reached America, but its distribution in the region cannot be ruled out, because the yellow fever mosquito was able to migrate. In warm climatic conditions mosquitoes breed throughout the year. Colonies settle in the urban, rural environment, fly into houses.

What does a tiger mosquito eat?

Only female mosquitoes need blood, and even then during the breeding season. The biologically active components of the blood found in erythrocytes are important for the development of eggs inside the female. Blood is nutrient needed in a certain period life cycle insect. The rest of the time, females and males manage with flower nectar. Mosquito larvae evolve in water, feeding on dead protozoa and plants. In conditions of nutritional deficiency, the larvae can eat the eggs of other mosquitoes.

What is the danger of the Asian tiger mosquito

The tiger mosquito bites not only at night, but also during the daytime, as it is not afraid high temperature air and sunlight. At the time of the bite, anticoagulants are injected into the skin through the mosquito's proboscis. These ingredients not only reduce blood clotting, but are also strong allergens. Multiple bites cause local skin inflammation.

For humans and animals, the tiger mosquito is dangerous because it carries viral infections- Dengue fever, Chikungunya disease, Zika virus.

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes

Plant and chemical repellents are suitable for mosquito control. Indoors, it is advisable to install mosquito nets on windows and doors. Before traveling to exotic countries, vaccination against vector-borne infections is required. It is also worth buying modern facilities to protect against mosquitoes. For example, a water-based DEET mosquito spray that works for 8 hours, providing ultra protection without leaving stains on clothes.

Enemies of the tiger mosquito

High fecundity and fast reproduction ensure the viability of the Aedes albopictus species. Natural enemies of mosquitoes include frogs, lizards, the bats, insectivorous animals. If their presence in environment does not cause harm to a person, then there is no need to exterminate them without a purpose.

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