How are climatic conditions different? What is the difference between the climatic conditions of each of them? Average temperature, ° С

Recipes 15.07.2019

The climate of Russia has a special differentiation, incomparable with any other country in the world. This is due to the wide extent of the country across Eurasia, the heterogeneity of the location of reservoirs and the great variety of relief: from high mountain peaks to plains lying below sea level.

Russia is predominantly located in middle and high latitudes. Due to this, the weather conditions in most of the country are severe, the change of seasons is clear, and the winters are long and frosty. The Atlantic Ocean has a significant influence on the climate of Russia. Despite the fact that its waters do not touch the territory of the country, it controls the transport air masses in temperate latitudes ah, where most of the country is located. Since in the western part there is no high mountains, then the air masses pass unhindered up to the Verkhoyansk ridge. In winter, they help to mitigate frosts, and in summer they provoke cooling and precipitation.

Climatic zones and regions of Russia

(Map-scheme of climatic zones of Russia)

On the territory of Russia there are 4 climatic zones:

arctic climate

(Islands of the Arctic Ocean, coastal regions of Siberia)

Arctic air masses prevailing year-round, combined with extremely weak solar exposure, are the cause of severe weather conditions. In winter, during the polar night, the average daily temperature does not exceed -30°C. In summer, most sun rays reflected off the surface of the snow. Therefore, the atmosphere does not warm up above 0 ° C ...

subarctic climate

(Region along the Arctic Circle)

In winter, weather conditions are close to arctic, but summers are warmer (in southern parts the air temperature can rise up to +10°С). Precipitation exceeds evaporation...

Temperate climate

  • Continental(West Siberian Plain in the south and in the central part). The climate is characterized by low rainfall and a wide range of temperatures in winter and summer.
  • temperate continental(European part). The western transport of air masses brings air from the Atlantic Ocean. In this regard, winter temperatures rarely drop to -25 ° C, thaws occur. Summer is warm: in the south up to +25°С, in the northern part up to +18°С. Precipitation falls unevenly from 800 mm per year in the northwest to 250 mm in the south.
  • sharply continental(Eastern Siberia). The inland position and the absence of the influence of the oceans explain the strong heating of the air during the short summer (up to +20°C) and the sharp cooling in winter (reaches -48°C). The annual rainfall does not exceed 520 mm.
  • Monsoon continental(Southern part of the Far East). With the onset of winter, dry and cold continental air arrives, due to which the air temperature drops to -30 ° C, but there is little precipitation. In summer, under the influence of air masses from Pacific Ocean the temperature cannot rise above +20°C.

subtropical climate

(Black Sea coast, Caucasus)

A narrow strip of subtropical climate is protected by the mountains of the Caucasus from the passage of cold air masses. This is the only part of the country where winter months the air temperature is positive, and the duration of summer is much longer than in the rest of the region. Marine humid air produces up to 1000 mm of precipitation per year ...

Climatic zones of Russia

(Map of climatic zones of Russia)

Zoning takes place on 4 conditional areas:

  • First- tropical ( Southern parts of Russia);
  • Second- subtropical ( Primorye, western and northwestern regions);
  • Third- moderate ( Siberia, Far East);
  • 4th- polar ( Yakutia, more northern regions of Siberia, the Urals and the Far East).

In addition to the four main zones, there is the so-called "special" zone, which includes areas beyond the Arctic Circle, as well as Chukotka. The division into areas with approximately similar climate occurs due to uneven heating of the earth's surface by the Sun. In Russia, this division coincides with meridians that are multiples of 20: 20th, 40th, 60th and 80th.

The climate of the regions of Russia

Each region of the country has specific climatic conditions. In the northern regions of Siberia and Yakutia, negative average annual temperatures and a short summer are observed.

A distinctive feature of the Far Eastern climate is its contrast. Traveling towards the ocean, one notices a change from continental to monsoonal climate.

AT Central Russia the division into seasons is distinct: a hot summer gives way to a short autumn, and after a cool winter, spring comes with an increased level of precipitation.

The climate of the South of Russia is ideal for recreation: the sea does not have time to cool much in time warm winter, and tourist season starts at the end of April.

Climate and seasons of the regions of Russia:

The diversity of the climate of Russia is due to the vastness of the territory and openness to the Arctic Ocean. The large length explains the significant difference average annual temperatures, uneven exposure to solar radiation and heating of the country. For the most part, severe weather conditions are noted with a pronounced continental character and a clear change in temperature regimes and precipitation according to the seasons.

In what climate zones is our country located? What is the difference between the climatic conditions of each of them?


moderate climate zone

The remoteness of Ukraine from the oceans, continental Eurasia and the predominantly flat nature of its territory determine the climate of the country as temperate continental, gradually changing from west to east. Only a narrow coastal strip of the southern coast of Crimea is characterized by a subtropical (Mediterranean type) climate. As continentality increases, summers become hotter and winters colder, and rainfall decreases.

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Their climatic conditions are different temperature regime, amount of precipitation, moisture coefficient. The Arctic belt is the coast of the Arctic Ocean in Siberia and nearby islands, except for the southern islands of the Barents Sea. The coldest of all zones. Very little solar heat comes here, and during the long polar night it is completely absent. The average temperature in winter is minus 30-35 degrees, in summer - from zero to plus five. Solar heat in the summer is spent mainly on the melting of ice and snow, as well as on the partial heating of the cold air that comes from the ocean. The weather at this time of the year is rainy and overcast. Subarctic belt - includes southern islands Barents Sea, Western Siberia, East European Plain and North-East of Russia up to 60 degrees north latitude. In this belt there is a seasonal change in air currents. The severity and frostiness of winter gradually increases towards the east. On the Kola Peninsula, on average in winter -7 ... -12, and on the Pacific coast it is already -12 ... -18 degrees. Summers are slightly warmer and longer than in the Arctic zone. On average, the temperature reaches +10 degrees. The amount of annual precipitation is higher: on average 400 - 450 mm. The temperate zone is the main territory of the country: the European part, Western and Eastern Siberia, the Far East. If we compare the climatic zones of Russia, then here we will meet greatest variety weather conditions. From the northern border of the belt to the south, the dryness of the climate gradually increases and the amount of precipitation decreases, and from west to east one can meet repeated climatic zones: continental, temperate continental, sharply continental and monsoon. This is due to the peculiarities of the circulation of air masses inside temperate zone.

The territory of Russia is located in the arctic, subarctic, temperate, subtropical climatic zones.

The Arctic climate is typical for the islands of the Arctic Ocean and its Siberian coasts. Here the surface receives very little solar heat. Cold arctic air and anticyclones dominate throughout the year. The severity of the climate is exacerbated by the long polar night, when solar radiation does not reach the surface. In this climate, there are almost two seasons of the year: a long Cold winter and short cool summers. Average January temperatures are -24-30°С. Summer temperatures are low: +2-5°C. Rainfall is limited to 200-300 mm per year.

subarctic climate characteristic of territories located beyond the Arctic Circle in the East European and West Siberian Plains. Winters are long and harsh, and the severity of the climate increases as you move from west to east. Summer is short and rather cold (average July temperatures are from +4 to +12 °С). The annual amount of precipitation is 200-400 mm, but due to low evaporation rates, moisture is excessive.

The temperate climatic zone is the largest climatic zone in Russia in terms of area. It is characterized by significant differences in temperature and moisture as it moves from west to east and from north to south.

Moderately continental climate dominates the European part of Russia. Its main features: warm summer(July temperature +12-24 °С), frosty winter (average January temperatures from -4 to -20 °С), annual precipitation of more than 800 mm in the west and up to 500 mm in the center of the Russian Plain.

The continental climate of the temperate zone is typical for Western Siberia. Precipitation here is 600 mm per year in the north and less than 200 mm in the south. Summer is warm, even hot in the south (average July temperatures are from +15 to +26 °С). Winter is severe compared to the temperate continental climate, with average January temperatures ranging from -15 to -25 °C.

The sharply continental climate of the temperate zone is common in Eastern Siberia. This climate is distinguished by the constant dominance of continental air of temperate latitudes. There are large amplitudes (differences) in air temperatures, warm and hot summers and frosty winters with little snow. Little snow at severe frosts (average temperature January from -25 to -45 °С) ensures deep freezing of soils and soils, and this, in temperate latitudes, causes the preservation of permafrost. Summer is sunny and warm (average July temperatures are from +16 to +20 °С). The annual rainfall is less than 500 mm. The moisture coefficient is close to unity.

Monsoon climate temperate zone is typical for southern regions Far East. The average January temperatures here are from -15 to -30 °С; in summer, in July, from +10 to +20 °С. Precipitation (up to 600-800 mm per year) falls mainly in summer. If the melting of snow in the mountains coincides with heavy rains, floods occur.

Climatic conditions can change and transform, but in general terms they remain the same, making some regions attractive for tourism and others difficult to survive. Understand existing types stands for a better understanding of the geographical features of the planet and a responsible attitude to the environment - humanity may lose some belts during global warming and other catastrophic processes.

What is climate?

This definition is understood as the established weather regime that distinguishes a particular area. It is reflected in the complex of all changes observed in the territory. Climate types affect nature, determine the state of water bodies and soils, lead to the emergence of specific plants and animals, affect the development of economic sectors and Agriculture. Formation occurs as a result of exposure to solar radiation and winds in combination with the variety of the surface. All these factors directly depend on the geographic latitude, which determines the angle of incidence of the rays, and hence the volume of heat production.

What affects the climate?

Determine what the weather will be like different conditions(other than geographic latitude). For example, proximity to the ocean has a strong impact. The farther the territory is from large waters, the less precipitation it receives, and the more uneven it is. Closer to the ocean, the amplitude of fluctuations is small, and all types of climate in such lands are much milder than continental ones. Sea currents are no less significant. For example, they warm the coast of the Scandinavian Peninsula, which contributes to the growth of forests there. At the same time, Greenland, which has a similar location, is covered with ice all year round. Strongly affects the formation of climate and relief. The higher the terrain, the lower the temperature, so it can be cold in the mountains even if they are in the tropics. In addition, the ridges can delay why there is a lot of precipitation on the windward slopes, and much less on the continent. Finally, it is worth noting the impact of winds, which can also seriously change the types of climate. Monsoons, hurricanes and typhoons carry moisture and noticeably affect the weather.

All existing types

Before studying each type separately, it is worth understanding general classification. What are the main types of climate? The easiest way to understand the example of a particular country. Russian Federation occupies a large area, and the weather in the country is very different. The table will help to study everything. The types of climates and the places where they prevail are distributed in it according to each other.

continental climate

Such weather prevails in regions located further beyond the maritime climate zone. What are its features? The continental type of climate is distinguished by sunny weather with anticyclones and an impressive amplitude of both annual and daily temperatures. Here, summer quickly turns into winter. The continental type of climate can be further divided into temperate, harsh and normal. The best example is the central part of the territory of Russia.

Monsoon climate

This type of weather is characterized by a sharp difference between winter and summer temperatures. AT warm time weather is formed by the action of winds blowing on land from the sea. Therefore, in summer, the monsoon type of climate resembles a marine one, with heavy rains, high clouds, humid air and strong wind. In winter, the direction of the air masses changes. The monsoon type of climate begins to resemble continental - with clear and frosty weather and minimal rainfall throughout the season. Such options natural conditions characteristic of several Asian countries - found in Japan, on Far East and in northern India.

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