Gas station business. We consider the profitability of refueling

Interesting 24.09.2019

The request on how to open a gas station is one of the most popular among startups. This business cannot be called simple, but it has a large number of advantages.

Capital investments - 6-7 million rubles.
Payback - 2 years.

Even a child knows that huge money is spinning around gas and oil.

Gas station owners are considered lucky because they have an incredibly profitable, timeless, and easy-to-manage business.

Naturally, many want to repeat their experience, so the request, how to open a gas station, is one of the most popular among startups.

This business cannot be called simple: it has a complex registration procedure and requires.

However, this business has many more advantages.

How to open a gas station: business benefits

It is not for nothing that many entrepreneurs cast a glance towards the oil business, because it is in this area that you can earn really huge money, and in a short time.

And if it is almost impossible to get into oil production or the oil refining sector without having big connections and billions of dollars of capital investments, then even middle-class entrepreneurs can open a gas station.

This business also has other advantages:

  1. Gasoline and gas, which cars run on, are always needed by people.
    No matter how advertised electric vehicles or alternative fuel sources, in the near future they are not able to replace gasoline and gas.
  2. Despite the fact that opening a gas station requires large capital investments, it is quite possible to recoup them in one and a half to two years.
    No wonder that the kings of gas stations are considered the richest among entrepreneurs.
  3. You have a choice: build your own gas station under your own brand or use a franchise of a well-known brand, the same Lukoil or TNK.
  4. Gas stations practically do not need an advertising campaign: if you offer decent quality products, do not overcharge and are located along a road with a lot of traffic, then you can not advertise your gas station at all.
  5. You can easily create competitive advantages to attract as many customers as possible.

What difficulties can you face if you try to open a gas station?

In addition to the advantages, this business also has its disadvantages.

Those who want to open a gas station should be aware of the difficulties that you may encounter:

  1. Gas stations are classified as dangerous, so you will need to get a lot of permits, fill out a bunch of paperwork, and pay a lot of fees to open a gas station.
  2. The competition in this sector is quite high, it is especially difficult for small players among the national giants.
  3. You will have to spend a lot of money to open this business, and if you do not have free millions, then it is better to look for a simpler and cheaper business to start.
  4. It will be necessary to invest money not only at the construction stage of the gas station, but also after the opening of the facility, continue to invest in order to ensure the safety of your gas station.
  5. The registration period can take six months or longer, especially if you are not going to seek professional legal assistance, but want to open a gas station yourself.

Is it better to open your own gas station or take advantage of a franchise?

Interesting fact:
The lowest prices for gasoline are recorded in countries such as Saudi Arabia, where one liter costs only $0.16, in Libya, where you will have to pay only $0.14 per liter, and in Venezuela, where a liter of high-quality gasoline will cost only $0.05.

Gas station owners have a hard time, especially at the stage of launching a startup, when they need to beat up government offices in the hope of speeding up the issuance of documents, and building a gas station from scratch is a long and expensive process.

If you still want to open a gas station, but you are afraid that you will not have enough money and energy to implement the idea, then it is better to use the franchise of a well-known company.

Opening a gas station on a franchise means taking advantage of many advantages:

  • You will work under the auspices of an experienced partner and will always be able to receive both consulting and other assistance.
  • You will pass the most difficult stage (registration procedure) without problems, because you will receive a ready-made package of documents.
  • Drivers trust well-known brands more because they believe they sell quality gasoline than new brands.
  • You do not have to worry about the design of the premises, the search for equipment, the concept of refueling, because you will receive a project ready for implementation.
  • It is much easier to get a bank loan for a franchised business than for one that is opened from scratch.

But there is only one drawback for a gas station opened under a franchise: every year you will have to pay at least 40,000 rubles for using the brand, but this is a small amount, given the possible income of the gas station.

How to open a gas station: competitive advantages

As already mentioned, the competition in this sector is really high.

Those who are thinking about how to open gas stations from scratch will have to fight not only with such monopolists as Lukoil, TNK or Yukos, but also with smaller players for the attention of customers.

Fortunately for entrepreneurs, this business allows you to create competitive advantages that will help you quickly acquire regular customers of gas stations:

  1. Good location.
    Taking out a gas station somewhere out of town and having it not on the main highway makes sense only when you are going to sell excellent gasoline at a price slightly lower than that of your competitors.
    Otherwise, it is better not to take risks and locate your gas station at the intersection of the main traffic flows.
  2. Reasonable pricing policy.
    Under no circumstances should you overcharge.
    If you really offer excellent quality fuel, then you can set prices slightly higher than those of competitors.
    But a large price gap will lead to the loss of customers.
  3. Issuance of discount or accumulative cards to regular customers of the gas station or some other loyalty program for them.
  4. Friendly staff: cashiers who greet you with a smile, refuellers who you don’t have to look for throughout the gas station, etc.
  5. Good infrastructure: clean and comfortable restrooms, the opportunity to drink tea / coffee, have a snack, a shop on the territory, etc.
  6. Nice bonuses in holidays.
    For example, in honor of March 8, for every lady driving at your gas station, you make a 3% discount, give a flower and treat you to a cup of coffee.
  7. Honesty in doing business: you do not dilute gasoline, do not deceive customers in other ways, for example, by not adding 300–400 ml each time, etc.
  8. Excellent service: for example, the client does not even need to get out of the car, because the refueler himself takes money from him, carries it to the cashier, returns with a check, and then refuels the car.
  9. Pleasant free bonuses: washing glass and headlights, checking tires and more.

How to open a gas station: calendar plan

Get ready for the fact that opening a gas station is a long process, the registration period alone will stretch for at least six months.

But you also have to build the gas station itself, hire staff, negotiate with suppliers, etc.

Don't expect to be able to open a gas station faster than 10 to 12 months after you have the idea.

Registration and paperwork
Land lease and construction
Personnel search
Fuel delivery

Registration procedure to open a gas station

In order to open a gas station, you can register both as and as.

It is still better to opt for the second option (although it is longer and more expensive), because in this way you will be able to deal with both individuals and legal entities, which will be an advantage for the gas station owner.

After that, you receive OKVE codes, register with the Tax Office and prepare a project for the future complex, which must be approved by government services.

It is better if you entrust the registration procedure to a professional lawyer - this will save you precious time.

So, for those who are interested in how to open a gas station, you need to worry about contracts:

  • about renting a land plot where your gas station will be located, and obtaining all permits for its operation.
  • with companies that are engaged in deratization and removal of solid waste;
  • with fuel suppliers;
  • with SES and the Fire Service.

You also cannot do without a License from the Ministry of Energy, which will allow you to store and sell fuel, as well as without attestation of the workplace.

As you can see, opening a gas station is not so easy.

Location and premises needed to open a gas station

According to the legislation, gas stations should not be located closer than 30 meters from a residential area, which makes it much more difficult for businessmen to choose a location for their gas station.

For a business to be profitable, you need to place your gas station at the intersection of important transport arteries: at the entrance to the city, in the central part, not far from densely populated residential areas, etc.

It is also advisable to look for an area with a low level of competition, because if there are already several gas stations in the area of ​​interest to you, then your income will be low due to the distribution of customers between the operating gas stations.

The cost of renting a land plot directly depends on the city in which you are going to open your business.

For example, get ready to shell out at least 3,000,000 rubles for land in the Moscow region, naturally, in the provinces this amount will be several times lower.

Of course, the price depends on locality, in which you are going to open a gas station, but more - from the size of the object itself.

If you need a small office space only for a cashier, tankers and a toilet, then this will be one amount, but those who want to open a store, service station or cafe on the territory of the gas station will have to invest from 2,000,000 rubles.

Equipment for opening a gas station

To open a gas station, you need to purchase at least a minimum set of equipment: at least 4 speakers and a computer with a cash register.

About 2,000,000 rubles will have to be spent on this.

If you also plan to open a shop or cafe, then add to this amount the cost of shop windows, counters, tables, kitchen equipment, coffee machines and other things.

Businessmen who are thinking about how to open a gas station where one could not only fill up a car, but also repair it, drink coffee and have a snack, purchase the necessary auto products, should be prepared to spend at least 5,000,000 rubles on the equipment of such a filling complex.

And this is the amount for large provincial cities, because in Moscow there are completely different prices.

Personnel needed to open a gas station

Gas stations must operate around the clock if you want them to bring you maximum profit.

And with such a work schedule, you need to form at least 3 shifts.

One shift should consist of a cashier, a tanker (and if the gas station is large - two tankers), a security guard and a cleaner.

And any gas station needs a manager and an accountant, because the owner will not be able to cope with such a large stream of duties on his own.

Salary costs for gas station staff in a small town will be from 210,000 rubles.

QtySalary (in rubles)Total (in rubles)
Total: RUB 210,000
Manager1 25 000 25 000
Accountant1 20 000 20 000
Tankers3 15 000 45 000
guards3 15 000 45 000
cashiers3 15 000 45 000
cleaners3 10 000 30 000

How much does it cost to open a gas station?

No wonder they say that the oil-related business is beyond the power of even medium-sized, and even more so, small businesses.

To open a modest gas station in a small town, you will have to invest several million rubles, and the larger the object you have in mind and the larger the settlement in which you are going to implement it, the higher the costs will be.

You can only operate with approximate numbers:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:RUB 6,000,000
Registration, execution of all documents and licenses1 500 000
Construction of a filling complex1 500 000
Purchase of equipment2 000 000
Annual lease of a land plot200 000
First fuel purchases500 000
Additional expenses300 000

It should also be noted that the indicated amount is relevant only for small town(where the cost of renting land is not too high) and for business, which includes only a gas station (without a store, cafe and other infrastructure facilities).

Opening your own gas station is an economically sound solution for those who want to organize profitable business. After all, today this market is still being actively rebuilt and there is an opportunity to occupy your niche by creating a reliable company. In addition, the number of cars is increasing every day, and vehicles need fuel. This means that your business has every chance of becoming profitable. So, how to open a gas station? And how much money will you have to invest in your future business?

A little about business

To begin with, a gas station is a source of increased danger and it will take a lot to open such a business. permits. In terms of finance, this is most likely the most costly business, since at the initial stage it will be necessary not only to rent (or buy) a suitable plot of land, but also to build a gas station that will meet the requirements of the current legislation (there are certain requirements for the location of gas stations, the design of such facilities , as well as sanitary and hygienic and environmental requirements that must be observed). And these are quite serious expenses. In addition, after the construction is completed, it will be necessary to obtain permits from the authorized bodies for the operation of gas stations and organize high-quality security and safety of the station.

How much does it cost to open a gas station for cars? And how long will the paperwork take? The questions are very timely and very important. The paperwork required to open a gas station takes about 3-6 months, the construction itself takes the same amount, and about 12 million rubles will have to be invested. The exact amount depends on many factors).

But how quickly the initial investment will pay off is the question. On average, this takes about five years. So, when investing in filling stations, you need to prepare for the fact that this is a long-term project. True, with proper business management, investments can return in three years.

Own small gas station or franchise?

Today, you can open your own small gas station (it will be an autonomous business, only yours), or open a company under the auspices of some well-known brand by buying a franchise. At the same time, most experts agree that it is easier to organize a fuel business under the guidance of a reliable and experienced partner, so franchising is a very common phenomenon in the fuel business today. In addition, having decided to buy a franchise, you will immediately receive all the necessary documentation, and business development, and a brand, and a ready-made gas station design style (which, by the way, under the terms of the contract, you will have to strictly observe). Representatives of the parent company will help in solving organizational issues, and there will be no need to worry about the quality of fuel. This is understandable, because the owners of the brand protect their good name and will not risk it by supplying low-quality fuel to one of their gas stations.

But if you decide to go on an “autonomous voyage” (open an independent business), then you will have to worry about the quality of your product yourself and develop the style of your gas station. And this means that you will have to choose suppliers and take full responsibility for the quality of the fuel sold, which can be both good and very poor quality.

Do not forget also that most motorists prefer to refuel at gas stations of large oil companies, the so-called "brand" gas stations, in order to fill the tank with guaranteed good gasoline. So, the presence of a well-known brand on a sign can become a guarantee of business profitability.

Registration and organization of business

So you've decided to open a gas station. So, you need to take action:

First you need to draw up a business plan for the gas station, find a suitable site for the station and conclude a lease agreement with the owners.

Then you need to go through state registration (you can, but it’s better to register entity, for example, which will make it possible to choose a taxation system with VAT - most suppliers prefer to work with those gas stations where ).

  • Get OKVED codes.
  • Prepare a project for the future filling complex and coordinate it with Rospotrebnadzor, and then organize construction.
  • Develop and agree on the PQP.
  • Conclude an agreement on deratization with the relevant company, as well as an agreement on the export of solid waste.
  • Obtain permission from the environmental service and SES.
  • Obtain a license for the storage and sale of fuel in the Ministry of Energy.
  • Carry out workplace assessments.
  • Conclude a contract for the supply of fuel.

Plot for gas station and construction of the station

As for a suitable site for a gas station, it should be located on a high traffic road or where there is an active movement of vehicles. At the same time, it is important that there is a convenient entrance for cars.

After the site is selected, and the lease and construction documents are drawn up, you can proceed directly to the construction itself. If you have chosen franchising, then partners will help you, and if you open an autonomous business, then it is better to use the services of specialized companies that are engaged in the construction and commissioning of gas stations. There are specialists who know all the requirements of the current legislation. They will carry out the whole complex of construction works, put the object into operation and receive all the necessary documents.

All this can take from six months to twelve months, but you will be sure that everything is done correctly.

Necessary equipment

There are many different opinions about the equipment needed at a gas station and its quantity. But the minimum set should include:

In addition, it is worth taking care of the special software(and, accordingly, a computer), which can help automate the process of dispensing fuel. Using such software, you will automatically not only refuel vehicles, but also receive fuel from a fuel truck and generate daily reports. This is important because it will help to almost completely eliminate the notorious “human factor” from the chain.

Well, and, of course, you need to build and equip a room for the operator of the gas station, as well as additional buildings where tire fitting, a workshop, a car wash, a shop, etc. will be located (this means that you need to equip all objects with the necessary furniture, equipment, tools).

Fuel supplies

Have you bought a franchise? Then you don't have to worry about fuel supply and quality. Your partners will take care of it. But if you are running an independent business, then you will have to look for reliable suppliers and organize fuel supplies yourself. The best option is an agreement with a tank farm or processing plant. There you can get fuel at a lower price or negotiate discounts for bulk orders. The price level can be found on the Internet, and from oil refineries it is better to choose a larger one with a good reputation. So you can count on more or less good quality fuel.

Accompanying services

How to open a gas station? And how do you make your business profitable? These questions can be answered by those who have already opened gas stations. The main advice for beginners: do not stop only at selling gasoline, but also offer additional services that will help increase profits and attract customers. What is this about? For example, about the fact that you can open a tire fitting or repair shop at a gas station (especially if the station is located on the highway, away from regular workshops), a store where goods for the road, motor oils and auto chemicals, a small cafe will be sold. Sometimes it even makes sense to open a small hotel that will be in demand on federal highways, where there is a lot of transit transport, or a car wash.

Of course, you should think about additional services at the stage of planning your future business. Then it will be much easier to realize all the plans. And what is interesting, in the course of work it often turns out that the gas station itself serves to attract customers (people still stop by to refuel), and it is additional services that provide the main income. So do not neglect such important components of the business.


Safety in a fire hazardous facility is very important question. To begin with, it is necessary to develop all fire-fighting documentation, equip the premises with fire alarms and an alarm button, and the gas station with primary fire extinguishing equipment.

On the territory of the gas station there should be a fire pond or hydrant, boxes of sand and, of course, fire extinguishers.

It is also necessary to take care of the safety of personnel (especially for gas stations that are located far from populated areas): provide the operator with high-quality means of communication, install an alarm button and conclude a service contract with a security company whose employees will go to the site if the alarm button is triggered . It is also a good idea to install armored glass and reinforced doors at the facility. These measures will help to avoid trouble in the event of an attack on the gas station by criminal elements.


For the normal operation of the gas station, you will need:

  • technical specialists who will provide vehicle refueling, tire inflation, and provide other repair services;
  • cashier manager (gas station operator, there should be several), who will accept money, dispense fuel and control order at the station;
  • seller (if there is a shop at the station)
  • manager

Of course, depending on what other services you plan to provide at your station, the appropriate staff will be required. For example, repairmen or electricians, a store clerk, a barmaid, a car wash operator.

How to open a gas station

The process of opening a gas station is no different from opening a regular gas station. But Special attention should be given to the equipment for the station, which should not only be modern and certified, but also tested by the specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which will confirm its safety. In addition, even before the start of construction, it is necessary to discuss with the fire inspection all issues related to the layout of the station, and coordinate the choice of land with the local administration.

Important Points

Having built a modern gas station and becoming its owner, it is important not to forget that it is an object of increased danger, which will be regularly checked authorized bodies for compliance with the requirements of existing legislation and regulations. And these bodies will regularly monitor your activities, and if violations are found, they can not only issue a fine, but also suspend the license. And you will not be able to work until you eliminate the identified shortcomings. So, compliance with the requirements of equipment and operation of fire and explosive objects should be treated very carefully.

Initial investment

How much does it cost to open a gas station? This question is asked by almost everyone who wants to open their own station. So, as for the initial investment, their size depends on many factors: the region, the level of refueling, the need for additional buildings, technical equipment business, additional services provided by the gas station. But on average, the costs at the initial stage will be:

It can be seen from the calculations that investments for the opening of gas stations will require considerable. But if refueling monthly brings at least 1,000,000 rubles of income, the business can be considered profitable.

Starting your own fuel business from scratch is quite difficult, drivers are used to refueling at proven gas stations, and fuel will cost more due to small volumes. Therefore, the ideal option for opening a gas station is to purchase a franchise of a well-known gas station in Russia. This will attract customers and get high-quality gasoline at a low price, at wholesale prices. Today we will talk about how to open a gas station under the franchise of a corporation with a worldwide reputation and many years of experience - Lukoil.

History of Lukoil

open joint-stock company Lukoil was established in 1991 on the basis of the state concern LangepasUrayKogalymneft (hence the company's abbreviation). Over the years of its work, the company has managed to establish partnerships with American companies, build its own tanker fleet, and agree on cooperation with the Iraqi Oil Ministry. Several dozen oil and gas fields were discovered in Russia and abroad, more than 100 international projects for the development of the oil and gas industry, oil producing enterprises and service departments were acquired. For its contribution to the development of the oil and gas industry, the company has been awarded various awards from the governments of several countries.

Lukoil filling stations have more than 400 representative offices in Russia and abroad

What does the franchise include?

More than 400 gas stations operate worldwide from the Lukoil brand. So what does the franchisee get from cooperation with this company?

  • the buyer of the franchise, after paying the lump-sum fee and signing the contract, gets the opportunity to sell products under the Lukoil brand;
  • Filling stations will provide fuel and related products on a permanent basis at wholesale prices;
  • franchisees and staff will undergo a special training program developed over the years of the company's work;
  • the equipment of the station will be controlled by the company's specialists so that it meets the requirements of GOST.

Advantages and disadvantages of cooperation

Buying a franchise has a number of advantages for an entrepreneur. In the case of opening a Lukoil representative office, a businessman saves on an advertising campaign and promotion of his gas station. Under the contract, he is guaranteed to receive high-quality petroleum products at the required frequency. All staff and the franchisee himself undergo training, which is included in the cost of the franchise. They get acquainted with the market, its tricks and tricks, and receive advice on various topics at any time of cooperation.

The franchisee, according to the contract, continuously receives high quality fuel at wholesale prices

Working under a well-known brand will quickly attract customers who care about the quality of fuel for their cars. The discount system offered by the company will help attract people and increase the average bill. The payback of the project will take only 2-2.5 years despite the high level of investment.

There are also enough shortcomings for the entrepreneur to think about. After all, about 6 million rubles will need to be invested in the franchise, this amount includes a lump-sum fee and the arrangement of a gas station. The supply of oil products outside the company will be excluded, and development will depend on the plans of the franchisor. The contract strictly regulates the term of cooperation, so the franchisee will not be able to exit the business earlier. Company owners can sell a franchise to several businessmen in one city, which will significantly increase the level of competition.

Conditions for obtaining a franchise

If an entrepreneur has his own gas stations, as well as a license to sell petroleum products, then he can send an application to open a representative office of Lukoil. The application must specify the number of gas stations, their financial performance for recent months work, the presence of fuel trucks and oil depots. Photos of objects must be attached to the information so that the company's specialists can evaluate the external and internal design of the station.

Franchising staff will also need the legal and accounting documents of the company applying to purchase the franchise. The availability of qualified employees will increase the likelihood of a positive decision, as well as the possibility of additional sales at the gas station. The application must be sent to the sub-franchisor at the proposed location of the station or complex. You will receive an answer within 30 days. In case of a positive result, representatives of the company will be sent to you to check the received data. After passing the check, Lukoil specialists will send recommendations on re-equipment of your gas station in the corporate style of the company, as well as a list of documents for signing the contract. The verified and signed contract is sent to Rospatent for registration, after which it enters into force.

Remember: Within 3 months after the signing of the contract, it is necessary to re-equip the filling station in accordance with the terms of the company. The contract will indicate the period of cooperation, before which the franchisee does not have the opportunity to leave the business, but can extend it.

Cost and payback forecast

An entrepreneur will have to spend about 5.8 million rubles to open a franchise for a Lukoil gas station. Of these, 400 thousand is a lump-sum contribution, the rest of the funds are the arrangement of a gas station. The royalty ranges from 220 to 400 thousand rubles a year, depending on the size of the city in which the representative office is opened.

In addition, on a monthly basis, the entrepreneur must pay rent for the land on which the gas station is located, pay salaries to employees, and pay for the supply of petroleum products. According to experts, the net profit from one gas station is 250-400 thousand rubles. The payback of the project takes 2-2.5 years.

Despite the high competition among gas stations and complexes, the opening of a franchise under the auspices of Lukoil guarantees the franchisee a high income and a quick payback. Due to brand awareness and low prices for products, the franchise buyer receives regular customers and a stable monthly profit. The level of service of the company and the quality of its oil products have won the trust of millions of Russians, therefore, becoming a partner of Lukoil, an entrepreneur invests in a business proven by many years of experience.

Statistics say that the ratio between the cost of fuel and lubricants, sales volumes and profits in Russia is 20%.

The marginal income of Russian filling stations is higher than in Europe, because each filling station has significantly more customers than in the West.

Despite the fact that part of the market is occupied by oil companies, there is still room for independent players in cities and towns. So you can safely choose a place for construction and draw up a business plan for a gas station. The gas station will turn into if:

  • correctly balance the costs required for its construction, opening and maintenance;
  • correctly calculate the number of customers and the personnel required to service them;
  • choose the right place to place the gas station.

What does it take to open your own gas station?

First you need to decide what type of gas station construction is most profitable in this locality.

  1. Container gas station. In the container station, fuel and equipment for its distribution are located inside the ground container. This is convenient for mini-refueling in small towns or away from the main traffic.
  2. A standard gas station complex with storage tanks underground. The construction and opening of this will require more funds, so it can only be located in very convenient and busy places for access.

After choosing the type of gas station, you need to think about what will be more profitable: franchising or independent trade. The advantage of the first is constant help, positive features the second - in the absolute freedom of choice of suppliers and additional services.

Now you need to analyze the market, find a profitable place for the construction of a gas station. Naturally, the more active the movement, the greater the profit. However, it is important to remember: a gas station cannot be located closer than 40-50 m to residential buildings.

Having decided on the construction site, you can draw up a business plan.

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At the very beginning, it is necessary to correctly justify the need to build another filling station. Do this only if the entrepreneur:

  • is well versed in the economy of his locality;
  • He knows how to write his thoughts on paper.
  • based focus: trade in AI-92 and diesel fuel;
  • additional services: sale of auxiliary products, buffet, car service.

One of the main subsections of the resume will be the goals that the entrepreneur sets for himself when starting the construction of a new station. Usually everyone has the same goal: to maximize profits. But to achieve this goal, you will have to solve different tasks, for example:

  • obtaining resources at favorable prices;
  • meeting the needs of potential customers;
  • provision of additional services, etc.

Further, in the summary, you can indicate the relevance of the project not only for its originator, but also for the settlement (or road section). The reasons for the relevance may be the lack of competitors, improved service for car owners, saturation of the market with the necessary goods.

The next subsection is the alleged problems and causes of possible losses. Usually they are calculated in the process of analyzing the economic situation. Among them may be:

  • economic and political instability;
  • human factor leading to errors;
  • emergencies or natural disasters;
  • underdelivery due to reasons beyond the control of the owner.

The approximate amount of possible damage is calculated and the conclusion is made: the construction and full capacity of the filling station will take 1 year. Taking into account possible difficulties, the project will pay off in 4 years.

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Information about personnel, taxes, profitability

This section indicates the number of planned employees. Remember that no enterprise can do without an accountant, director (manager), worker. Another thing is that you can combine some duties.

  1. Tax information is best presented in the form of a list.
  2. Enterprise taxes depending on the form of ownership (13% or other amount established by law).
  3. 5% sales tax.
  4. Property taxes. Here it is best to list everything that the company owns.
  5. Social tax or contribution.

Now it is easy to calculate how many percent the profitability of the enterprise will be. However, it is still better to confirm the resulting number with additional arguments: the lack of competition, the need for additional services, etc.

You can proceed to the preparation of a marketing plan for the construction of a gas station.

It usually contains the following items.

  • external environment. It briefly analyzes the economic and political environment and their possible impact on the construction and operation of the filling station. Scientific, technical, environmental, legal factors affecting the activities of the enterprise are taken into account and briefly described;
  • a list of prospective suppliers and criteria for their selection is provided. It is especially important when choosing suppliers (fuel and lubricants or materials for construction) and contractors to take into account the financial conditions of cooperation, the speed of supply or construction work, the possibility of service;
  • comparison with existing competitors, justification of the relevance of building a new filling station;
  • a list of goods that are supposed to be traded at the filling complex. It can be not only fuel and lubricants, but also related products. It is important to justify the profitability of their sales.

At the end of the section, sources are indicated in which information about the new gas station will be disseminated.

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organizational plan

It begins with the legal justification of the project.

  1. The legal form is repeatedly indicated, all documents that regulate the work of enterprises of this type are listed. The documents themselves will need to be attached separately.
  2. Further, it is indicated how many people will work at the gas station, the order of their subordination, duties and wages. The annual salary fund is calculated.
  • the requirements for each employee are listed: the level of education, qualifications, skills, etc.;
  • a schedule for the implementation of the project is provided.

Considering that the cost of fossil fuels tends to only increase, many businessmen are thinking about whether it is profitable to open a gas filling station, because every year there are more and more cars that use gas equipment. However, traditional fuels are now in no less demand. Therefore, a completely logical question may arise: "How to open a gas station?"

Relevance of the problem

On the this moment in the world (and Russia is no exception), large and small businesses are developing at a fairly rapid pace. For an entrepreneur, the most demanded and popular areas are the following: agriculture, trade and the service sector.

The last one is the most relevant. If we talk about how to open a gas station, it is worth noting that this can be a particularly profitable venture. This type of business is gaining popularity as almost everyone has their own vehicle: motorcycles, cars or trucks, etc.

Fuel is a fairly valuable energy source and an indispensable component for the functioning of transport, because all cars run on gasoline and diesel fuel. The first is a valuable product of oil refining, which is why it is constantly in demand. Therefore, if you are considering how to open a gas station, then you should know that this business can become very profitable. It's worth considering how to do it from scratch.

Location selection and required documents

The first thing you need to organize a business in this area, as in any other, is to register with the IFTS as individual entrepreneur or LLC. In the second case, you will need more time and money, but this will give you the opportunity to make transactions with individuals and legal entities.

In the first case, we can talk about the possibility of making transactions exclusively with individuals. During the registration process, you will be required to pay government fees. After that, it will be necessary to collect certain documents, namely, to take a license from the Ministry of Fuel for the storage of oil and fuel, obtain from local authorities authorities permit the lease of land, and conclude a lease agreement.

If we talk about how to open a gas station, then it should be noted the importance of placing it correctly. It would be best to organize gas stations in an area where there is no competition. The first thing to do is to take a look at the area.

It is advisable to build a gas station on the outskirts of the city, or at the exit from it, since there are usually not so many of them in such places. Speaking about how to open a gas station, it should be noted the importance of developing a list of services provided, namely: the sale of various brands of gasoline, gas and diesel fuel.

Acquisition of necessary equipment and provision of additional services

In the event that you are wondering how much it costs to open a gas station, it should be noted that the purchase will be included in the cost necessary equipment, namely: fuel dispensers, control systems, showcases, fire-fighting stands, cash registers, bar counters, shelves, kitchen appliances and more. All this equipment is quite expensive.

However, it is not enough just to buy it, it is important to place everything correctly and rationally. Speaking about how to build a gas station, it should be noted that you can not only sell fuel, but also organize a store nearby where spare parts and tools will be sold. The opening of a cafe can be very promising, as passing drivers will have the opportunity to eat and relax.


Understanding how much it costs to open a gas station, it should be noted that the business plan provides for the next step, which is to set up fuel supplies. To do this, you need to find a good supplier. This is not a problem in a big city, as there are many companies supplying gasoline, gas and diesel fuel.

Fuel from famous brands, for example, Lukoil, is most valued. This is where franchising comes into play. And then the question arises, how much does it cost to open a Lukoil gas station? Franchising assumes that the future businessman enters into an agreement on the right to use the brand.

Usually it costs about 25-30 thousand rubles a year. However, this is a useful investment, because this way you can attract many customers. Most drivers prefer to buy gasoline exclusively from well-known companies. So you can increase the demand for the products offered, and hence your income.


If you are thinking about how to open a gas station, you should understand that this will require recruiting a staff. We can recommend hiring people with at least some experience in this area. How many people do you need to organize a full-fledged activity?

To work, you will need two tankers, sellers, security guards, as well as a leader. All of them must be certified in this profession. The number of employees is directly dependent on the size of the gas station, as well as on the number of cars for which it is designed. Usually eight, but there may be other options.

When the staff is recruited, the fuel price will need to be set. It is worth noting that well-known brands like Lukoil will be in demand the most. LUKOIL is a rather large company whose activity is the sale of oil and oil products.

If you are wondering how much it costs to open a gas station, then it should be noted that in order to establish a business, you will need to fulfill a number of conditions: rationally locate the gas station and equip it, do not overcharge, and also provide a high level of service quality. It is also necessary to think about the fact that all personnel must comply with fire safety requirements, because gasoline is a liquid that is quite flammable.

Gas station: business plan

Not everyone can open a gas station. This business is quite expensive. On average, Lukoil needs about 6 million rubles to organize refueling. It takes a lot of money to rent a piece of land. It will take 100-1500 thousand rubles.

The purchase of equipment for gas stations is also associated with quite significant costs, and here we are talking about a million rubles or more. In addition to everything, the construction of gas stations will require about two million rubles. Approximately the same amount will be required for payments to staff wages. These calculations are relevant for any city, regardless of size.

However, you should not immediately be afraid of such large expenses, because the income from the activities of the gas station will be considerable, approximately 20-30 thousand rubles a day. A cafe and a car parts store can be additional sources of income. For a month, revenue may well reach the amount of 600 thousand rubles.

An important component of the fuel business is building relationships with suppliers. It will be most beneficial to develop relations with large oil companies that have not only a tank farm, but also the rest of the infrastructure. This is the only way to guarantee high fuel quality.


Even if you are interested in how to open a gas station, then you should know that such a business requires special precautions. A modern fuel station should more closely resemble a serious banking institution than a minimarket.

By all means, windows and doors should be armored, and the cashier and his equipment should not be visible at all. Under no circumstances may a cashier open the door to working time and get out of your seat. The obligatory equipment that the gas station should be equipped with is an alarm button.


An important part of a business plan filling station opening is the compliance of work standards with current legal requirements. A lot of inspection organizations will constantly monitor your activities. You must always be ready and not be afraid of any checks.

Most often, gas stations are visited by representatives of the trade inspectorate, oil inspectorate, fire and tax services. The station must be built accordingly, and also be interested in compliance with all existing rules. This is very relevant if the business owner intends to stay in this market for a long time.

Sales norms

On average, gas stations sell about 3-5 cubic meters of gasoline per day. If you constantly take care of the quality of the goods, then this figure may be slightly overestimated. If you are interested in how to organize electric filling stations, then it is worth noting that it is better to combine them with traditional filling stations.

Professional tricks

In this business, there are a number of tricks that at first glance seem small, but they are very expensive. It is known that gasoline can expand in volume from high temperatures. Therefore, you must definitely monitor the temperature that the substance has when poured into a fuel truck.

During the acceptance of gasoline, the receptionist may stick the measuring tape too far into the storage container. From this, the liquid will splash, which will lead to the formation of a wave. The result of this will be the fact that the ejected liquid will refuse to be unaccounted for.

All of the above about how to open a gas station can lead to the conclusion that this activity is quite expensive and difficult. This business has a significant advantage - a gas station can be built in just a few weeks.

And the payback of such an enterprise is quite fast, while the profit is very high. In the business plan, the most important place is given to the correct location of the gas station. It should be a territory without competitors in the city center or at the exit from it. The construction of a gas station will require the purchase of expensive equipment.

For business success importance It has right choice employees. They must have a suitable education as well as certificates. In order for the business to start working, you will need to collect a complete list of the necessary documentation.

Otherwise, we are talking about illegal business. If you have initial capital, you have certain organizational skills, as well as a desire to increase your own wealth, then the construction of a gas station will be an excellent direction worth investing.

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