Green spiders in Russia. Green spiders in Russia: photo of the appearance and name of arthropods Light green spider

Fashion & Style 22.07.2019
Fashion & Style

I identified this pretty arachnid as floral about a spider species Misumena vatia from the family sidewalk spiders (crab spiders). Somewhat embarrassing is the fact that in my presence the spider moved exclusively rectilinearly and did not show any crablike manners, but the bright coloration and shape of the body, nevertheless, speak for the fact that this is a side-walker spider. A yellow spider was found not at all on a flower, although it has a flower name, but on a mushroom. The yellow spider turned out to be nimble, and, having been released from the jar, it started racing across the expanses of the table, and therefore it was quite difficult to photograph it.

In standby-defense mode, the spider took this position, standing on 4 back short legs and threateningly spreading 4 front long ones.

Scary! For nothing, that growth in it, if without paws, from the strength of 8 millimeters.

The spider did not sit still, studied the area, looked out for something:

Friends! This is not just advertising, but mine, personal request. Please enter into ZooBot group in VK. This is pleasant for me and useful for you: there will be a lot that will not get on the site in the form of articles.

When the camera approached, he got nervous and started running:

Then it turned out interesting way"occupy" the guest in order to have time to bring the lens to him. My hairy hand became a help in this matter: the yellow spider got tangled in her hair, thought for a long time where to throw her long legs, so that her photogenicity increased noticeably.

The spider itself is translucent and glows in sunshine, only on the head there is a special opaque "visual patch" with eight eyes.

During the photo session, the spider was planted on a flower, from which it safely disappeared, well, but I didn’t look - where can my inattention compete with spider mimicry?

What do sources say about these spiders?

Floral spider Misumena vatia belongs to the family sidewalk spiders or crab spiders (Thomisidae). This name was given to the representatives of the family for the ability to move sideways (which, however, my particular specimen did not demonstrate to me).

Sidewalker spiders do not spin webs: their main weapons are mimicry and long front legs.

Many sidewalk spiders (for example, our hero flower spider Misumena) spend most of their time on flowers, waiting for prey, which, as a rule, are various nectar lovers - bees, butterflies, etc. The spider waits for the moment when the victim plunges his head into the weave of stamens, and attacks, grabbing it with trapping legs and inflicting venomous bite in the neck area, instantly immobilizing the insect.

Thanks to patronizing coloration the spider can go unnoticed when in close proximity to the victim. However, yellow- this is just a special case of coloring flower spider. Depending on the preferred plants, it can vary greatly.

The flower spider also has a huge number of relatives that live in trees or in the forest floor and have a protective coloration appropriate to the habitat and allowing them to completely merge with the substrate.

There are 170 genera and more than 2000 species of sidewalk spiders in the world fauna.

For a person they not dangerous.

The karakurt spider is one of the most dangerous creatures on earth. Despite its small size and non-threatening appearance, karakurt venom is 15 times stronger than rattlesnake venom and 50 times stronger than tarantula venom. For a horse or camel, the bite of a karakurt is often fatal.

Spider karakurt is one of the most dangerous creatures on earth

Without prompt medical intervention and professional help, a meeting with a person can also end in death, although such cases are extremely rare. The black spider evokes mystical associations due to the presence of 13 bright red spots on the body and cannibal family traditions. Kalmyk shamans use dangerous creature in some rituals. There is a popular belief that karakurts live only in deserts and do not pose a danger to residents of the central and even southern steppe and forest regions, but this is not so. AT recent times the migration of biting "robbers" to the north is obvious, and climate warming has led to the fact that karakurts are recorded in regions in which they have never been observed before.

The poisonous spider karakurt belongs to the order of spiders of the family of web spiders from the genus of black widows. Translated from the Turkic language, the name literally translates as a black worm. The Latin name Latrodectus tredecimguttatus reflects external signs- 13 points on the back and the essence of the spider (biting robber). Like the karakurt, sometimes called the steppe spider? In size, the spider belongs to the average arachnids. The size of the male is 4-7 mm, the female karakurt is 2-3 times larger and can reach 20 mm. The body of the eight-legged spider is black, with a pronounced abdomen. On the upper side of the abdomen, both the male and the female have red spots or dots. On the lower part of the abdomen, a clear scarlet pattern is visible, similar to the outlines of an hourglass. The point on the abdomen often has a snow-white halo. Adults (males) may be completely black. Karakurt is a predator, it feeds on insects, for the capture of which a web is used.

Despite its small size and non-threatening appearance, karakurt venom is 15 times stronger than rattlesnake venom and 50 times stronger than tarantula venom.

White karakurt, also related to spiders, has a white or yellowish color. There is no hourglass pattern and spots on the body, but there are 4 depressions forming a rectangle. White spiders are much less poisonous, their bite is not dangerous for humans, although the poison of the white karakurt is similar in its toxicological properties and effects on the human and animal body to the poison of the black widow. White karakurts can be found on the territory of Russia and neighboring countries, but the main habitat is located to the south - in North Africa, the Middle East, and also in Central Asia. We will focus on the black widow karakurt as the most dangerous representative of the shadow people, which you can meet at domestic resorts.

Karakurts are distinguished by their fertility, in southern regions periodically there are surges in the birth rate, which entail an increase in the number of victims among people, loss of livestock. poisonous spiders dozens of people are attacked in Kazakhstan and Crimea every year, but serious consequences are extremely rare. The female lays more than 1000 eggs per year, which are placed in a protective cocoon. The born spiders continue to live inside the cocoon and emerge from there only next spring. Sexual maturity occurs 2-3 months after the spiderlings leave their original home. Eggs are laid in holes in the ground or in rodent burrows. Fertilization occurs during the hottest months of summer. After mating, the female karakurt eats the male, although there are exceptions - for unknown reasons, the female can both destroy the male before mating and leave him alive after fertilization.

Gallery: spider karakurt (25 photos)

Spider black widow or karakurt (video)

Habitat and biological enemies

The strip of residence of karakurts captures the Crimea, the south of Russia and Ukraine, the Astrakhan steppes, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. When migrating north, spiders reach Saratov region, Southern Urals and even the Moscow region, but they cannot settle in the northern regions, in winter period spiders die. For living, karakurts choose dry steppe regions and arable lands, wastelands, salt marshes, slopes of ravines, ditches, ruins of abandoned villages, cracks in adobe houses. The spider can also be found in settlements, on the summer cottages, sometimes it penetrates into a person's dwelling. The peak of activity falls on the period of fertilization - June-August.

The natural enemies of karakurts are:

  • sheep and goats, which are not affected by the bite of a karakurt;
  • sphex wasps, injecting their poison into spiders, which paralyzes them;
  • insect riders laying their eggs in cocoons of karakurt;
  • hedgehogs that are not vulnerable to spider attacks.

Flocks of sheep or herds of goats are used to trample nests of karakurts, thus clearing the Crimean peninsula of poisonous creatures during periods of sharply increased reproduction or when clearing pastures for horses, cows and other livestock. With outbreaks of the birth rate of spiders, they are capable of causing significant harm to animal husbandry, therefore, carrying out preventive measures necessary.

Human danger

As a rule, males and juveniles do not pose a danger to humans, since they cannot bite through the skin with their weak jaws, although isolated cases of attacks are known. Danger is represented by adult females, especially in July-August. The female can be distinguished by color. Males have red spots with white rims, while females have no edging. Sometimes in females, red spots change to yellow stripes. Females have long legs up to 30 mm and are much larger than males.

The attack is very fast. Karakurt only attacks in self-defense. Nature endowed the spider with such strong poison, so that he can capture the holes of small rodents that do not come into conflict with him and immediately liberate their territory. The predator can attack when it only seems to him that he is in danger, so it is better to avoid contact with him. The complexity of detecting danger lies in the fact that karakurts do not weave their web in classical form. The threads are arranged horizontally, the web does not have a characteristic pattern and is chaotic. Attacks occur most often at night and at rest, when you can accidentally crush the karakurt or disturb the web.

A spider bite is not painless, but it does not cause much concern. The bite site is marked with a small red spot, which disappears after a few minutes. After the poison has acted, the bitten person in the damaged area begins to experience severe pain. There are specific psychological and physiological reactions.

In the first minutes and hours after the bite, poisoning is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • strong mental arousal;
  • feeling of fear of death, panic;
  • spasms and suffocation;
  • severe pain in the abdomen, chest and lower back;
  • feeling that the legs are taken away;
  • cyanotic color of the skin of the face;
  • shallow breathing, dizziness;
  • sometimes cramps of the arms and legs, tremor, vomiting;
  • increased heart rate, arrhythmia;
  • urinary retention and defecation;
  • increased protein content in the urine.

After the initial reaction of the body, a person experiences lethargy, apathy, weakness, depression, sometimes delirium, but severe pain persists. A few days later, a red rash appears on the body. Fatal outcome possible in especially dangerous cases with general weakness of the body and the lack of qualified medical care, especially if the victim has diseases of cardio-vascular system. With a favorable course, recovery occurs in 3-4 weeks.

Beware of karakurt (video)

Treatment and prevention

The most elementary and well-known since ancient times method of treating a bite of a poisonous spider, supported by official medicine, is cauterization. The venom of a predator is sensitive to heat and, when heated, is destroyed, losing its toxic properties. Therefore, immediately, within 2 minutes after the attack, the damaged area must be burned with a cigarette, match or otherwise. The spider does not have powerful jaws, the bite depth does not exceed 0.5 mm, so immediate cauterization gives a strong effect. In any case, as soon as possible, you should contact a medical institution.

As special measures, anti-karakurt serum is used, which is administered intramuscularly. Serum relieves the main symptoms of poisoning, the recovery time is reduced to 3-4 days.

The disadvantage of the tool is its high cost. In the absence of a special substance, intravenously administered:

  • novocaine;
  • calcium chloride;
  • magnesium hydrosulfate.
  • 33% ethyl alcohol;
  • 2-3% solution of potassium permanganate.

The victim must be given water, rubbed with alcohol, enemas are recommended. As painkillers, you can use universal remedies: Analgin, Diphenhydramine, Ketanol.

In cases of living in the habitat of karakurts, care must be taken when cleaning residential premises, especially in adobe houses, pay attention to the presence of cobwebs in home gardens. When going out into nature, certain rules must be observed:

  • do not spend the night in the open air in the habitats of poisonous spiders;
  • do not come into contact with the inside of the tents;
  • examine the place of spending the night or rest, paying attention to pits and natural depressions in the ground, rodent minks, and, if available, cover them with earth;
  • use covering clothing, wear a hat;
  • periodically, and without fail before going to bed, carefully examine the tent, sleeping places, clothes, shoes and other property;
  • use the canopy, tucking it under the bed;
  • dig a tent by making a shallow groove;
  • do not take off your shoes;
  • when a karakurt is found, do not touch it; if the spider is on clothes, shake it off or knock it down with a click.

To prevent the death of domestic animals, the soil is treated with hexachloran and other poisons.

Attention, only TODAY!

wasp spider, or Argiope Brünnich ( Argiope bruennichi) - this is an arthropod animal that belongs to the class of arachnids, order of spiders, suborder of Opisthothelae, infraorder of araneomorphic spiders, superfamily Araneoidea, family of orb-weaving spiders, subfamily of Argiopinae, genus Argiope.

International scientific name: Argiope bruennichi(Scopoli, 1772).

The specific name of the spider was given in honor of Morten Trane Brünnich, a Danish zoologist. Due to the warning coloration black and yellow stripes this representative of arachnids is often found under the name wasp spider, and in some countries it is called a tiger spider or a zebra spider. Some incorrectly give it the name spider bee.

On the fourth strip from the cephalothorax, two small tubercles are clearly visible.

The male wasp spider is inconspicuous, it does not look like a wasp at all and is painted in a light beige color, on which 2 longitudinal dark stripes are barely distinguishable.

The wasp spider has 6 pairs of limbs: 4 pairs of walking legs, 1 pair of chelicerae (jaws) with movable claws, with which the striped spider grabs prey, and 1 pair of pedipalps that perform the function of touch.

In individuals of both sexes, the legs are long and thin, brownish in color. The limbs of females are decorated with alternating bright dark and light rings, very similar to stockings. In males, the rings on the limbs are faded and blurry. On the pedipalps of male wasp spiders, large bulbs are clearly visible - their reproductive organs.

The respiratory organs of the wasp spider are represented by a pair of lungs and tracheae, opening with one spiracle in front of the spider warts.

Where does the wasp spider (Brünnich's argiope) live?

Wasp spider - enough numerous species. It is widely distributed in the countries of North Africa, Minor and Central Asia, in India, China, Korea, Japan and the USA. It is also a common arachnid in Central and Southern Europe, Kazakhstan, the Crimea and the Caucasus. In Russia, the wasp spider was noticed in several regions: Chelyabinsk, Saratov, Ulyanovsk, Tambov, Oryol, Lipetsk, Penza and Bryansk. Probably due to the increase average annual temperature air argiope Brünnich also began to be noticed in Tula, Ryazan regions and in the Moscow region. According to the latest data, the black and yellow wasp spider began to appear in Kaluga region, as well as in the Novgorod region on the territory belonging to the Rdeisky Reserve.

The favorite habitats of the wasp spider are located in areas open to the sun: fields, lawns, along roadsides, in forest glades and edges. The black and yellow striped wasp spider has its trapping nets on various low vegetation, giving particular preference to xerophilous plants growing in especially dry areas of the area.

A unique feature of all spinners, including the wasp spider, is their ability to move considerable distances thanks to their web threads, picked up by ascending air currents. This manner of settlement has led to the fact that some southern populations often end up in the northern territories.

Argiope Brünnich's web

Like all orb-weavers, the wasp spider is fluent in the art of weaving a web, and its spiral trapping nets are large wheel-shaped nets with two pronounced stabilimentum in the middle.

Stabilimentum is a thickened zigzag pattern on the web, which may have different shape: linear, circular, cruciform.

A notable feature of the wasp spider web is two such patterns at once, which diverge from the middle and are located opposite each other. Scientists have found that the main reason for such artistic weaving is the ability of a multilayer insert to reflect ultraviolet rays, thereby attracting insects.

The wasp spider weaves a complex web of multilayer threads due to the structure of the limbs characteristic of orb weaving. The last pair of legs, equipped with three simple claws and serrated setae, has a special appendage in the form of a spike, which makes it possible to weave intricate nets from individual threads.

The female, sitting in the center of the web (usually upside down), resembles the letter “X”, because her widely spaced legs of the first and second, as well as the third and fourth pairs, are set very close to each other.

The wasp spider, like most members of the order, weaves its web at dusk, and the whole process lasts no more than an hour. Usually the web is stretched between plants no higher than 30 cm from the surface of the earth. In case of danger, the disturbed wasp spider throws trapping nets and tries to hide on the ground.

What does a wasp spider eat?

In the strong trapping nets of the wasp spider, representatives of the order of orthoptera most often come across:, crickets and. Fillies also become prey for argiope Brünnich. The method of feeding the argiope spider is characteristic of most arachnids: as soon as the prey insect is in the nets, the spider rapidly approaches and bites the victim, injecting poison into it. Then he entangles the future "lunch" with the threads of his web and waits for the caught prey to become suitable for consumption under the influence of digestive enzymes. After that, he simply sucks up liquid food, leaving only the chitinous shell of the insect.

There are more than 40 thousand species of spiders in the world. Green spider is a generalized informal name for spiders with a characteristic color.

Green bobcat spider Peucetia viridans

Refers to poisonous spiders. Spider-cross, living in temperate climates, on the grass and branches of bushes and trees. South Russian tarantula - lives in the semi-desert and steppe regions of Russia, lives in holes. It is a poisonous and dangerous species of spiders for humans. A jumping spider is a small jumping spider.

But there is an exception - American green spider-lynx. But it is known that pregnant females can change their color in 16 days to match their background. Spiders living in California are not grassy green, but yellow in color. These diurnal spiders sometimes make sounds similar to the hiss of a cobra. Adult spiders can be recognized by their many large spikes on their legs, as well as their sudden, sudden movements. They feed on a wide variety of insects: wasps and bees (they make up to 40% of prey), Diptera (15%), beetles, etc. These spiders rarely bite a person and their poison has low toxicity.

Because of their stripes, the female argiope has been called the "zebra spider". Today I saw this spider in the raspberry bushes, the city of Novocherkassk, Rostov Region. I saw such a beauty in the garden, the web is amazing. And I also saw the same one at work, only silver-gray, but smaller, you see a male ...))) Cool spiders. Beautiful Spiders. Caught a lot of these. But their poison seems to be very dangerous ... We had a female sitting on the Christmas trees. I am terrified of spiders. I read on the Internet that it is poisonous. A beautiful spider, and most importantly, a useful one, eats all sorts of muck in the garden.

South Russian tarantula

This is the most poisonous spider that lives in Russia. In Russia, anti-karakurt serum is used to treat the consequences of the bite of these poisonous spiders.

Another fairly well-known and at the same time the largest spider in Russia is the South Russian tarantula. The size of females reaches 3 cm, males - 2.5 cm. Their covers are painted in gray, brown, brown or red, usually with a pattern on the upper side of the abdomen. Hunts from a hole, focusing on the shadow of an insect passing by. Like the karakurt, the South Russian tarantula does not attack itself, but attacks only when a threat arises. He sits in his cobweb, catches flies, does not touch anyone, does not attack himself, is absolutely non-aggressive. Painful is not the word. It feels like a hornet stung me (the hornet also stung me before - that's how happy I am).

The most dangerous spider that lives in our homeland is the karakurt. Mizgir, or South Russian tarantula. Next on our list dangerous spiders is the South Russian tarantula, which is also called Mizgir. Another representative of poisonous spiders in Russia is the eight-legged cheirakantium. They belong to the subspecies of crosses.

Here, for example, the jumping spider is considered the most jumping small spider. Silverfish is the only spider adapted to life in the water. His element is freshwater stagnant and slow-flowing reservoirs. Poisonous spiders of Russia are best known for their unspoken leader - karakurt (or black widow). Another unsafe spider is the South Russian tarantula. Heirakantium is another poisonous representative of eight-legged arthropods that lives on the territory of our country.

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