What you need to know about the spider karakurt? Spiders. Beautiful and dangerous Green spiders are poisonous or not

Career and finance 22.07.2019
Career and finance

Seeing a spider in a dream means that you will be attentive and active in your work, and good luck will thank you for this.

To see a spider weaving its web in this means that you will be calm and happy in your home.

To kill a spider in a dream portends that you will quarrel with your wife or lover.

If a spider bites you in a dream, you will become a victim of betrayal, and your work will suffer through the fault of your enemies.

If you see in a dream that you are surrounded by a lot of spiders hanging on their webs, this promises you an unusually favorable combination of circumstances: good health, good luck, support from your friends.

To dream that you have stumbled upon a web with a huge spider means, despite dangerous connections, quick success in life.

A dream in which very large and very small spiders are approaching you at the same time means that you will succeed in business and will rejoice at your immense luck more than once; however, if a huge spider bites you in a dream, the enemies will steal your luck. If a small spider bites you, then minor attacks and envy will bother you.

If you dream that you are running away from a big spider, it means that luck will leave you under circumstances that are humiliating for you. If you kill this spider, then perhaps you will take a worthy position. However, if he later comes to life and again chases you, then you will be oppressed by illness and the volatility of fortune.

If a girl dreams that golden spiders are crawling around her, then her happiness is just around the corner and soon new friends will surround her.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

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Poisonous spiders of Russia are not such a rare phenomenon. A meeting with them can end in quite a lot of trouble, up to a hospital bed and even death. The latter rarely happens, and then in the case of untimely or incorrectly rendered assistance.

Here, neither experts nor ordinary people have any disagreements and cannot have any. Karakurt - of all the representatives of arthropods living in the vastness of our country, the only one whose bite can be fatal.


Only females reaching sizes of 15-20 mm are dangerous to humans. They have two distinctive signs that do not allow confusing karakurts with other representatives of arthropods. There are exactly 13 bright spots or dots on the upper side of the black abdomen. Of course, there is no time to count them, but the very combination of black with bright spots should serve as a signal of danger. On the underside of the abdomen, there is one equally bright spot in the form of an hourglass.


Karakurts are thermophilic. live on Southern Urals, in the Caucasus and in the Black Sea regions. However, in recent times the habitat of this spider has spread to more northern regions Russia, up to the Moscow region. explain it global warming, but more optimistic scientists are sure that this happens only in very hot years, and even then not always.

The consequences of a bite

Karakurt, which has a very strong poison, unlike other spiders, is very aggressive and bites not only for self-defense. He can purposefully attack, so not only teasing, but approaching him should be done with great care. The bite itself is very painful, and after 10-15 minutes the pain spreads throughout the human body and becomes almost unbearable.

With untimely assistance, which consists in the introduction of a special serum, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, fever, headache and dizziness, tremor, profuse sweating, feeling of heaviness in chest.

First aid

The only thing that can be done for the victim is to take him to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.

Other poisonous spiders of Russia

In the vastness of the Russian Federation, you can also meet with other representatives of arthropods that are capable of, if not killing a person with their bite, then causing a lot of pain.

Bagman (bag spider). This spider is aggressive enough to attack even in the absence of direct danger. The bite is not fatal, but is accompanied by very severe pain, which can spread very quickly throughout almost the entire body.

bag spider

False black widow. First of all, it is dangerous because it often climbs into living quarters. After a bite, acute, prolonged pain, weakness and fever are felt. Symptoms may last up to two days.

As you can see poisonous spiders far from uncommon in Russia, but only the female karakurt should be very afraid. With the consequences of the bites of other representatives of arachnids, you can completely cope on your own. However, a visit to a doctor is highly recommended.

First aid for a spider bite

Not everyone can distinguish one type of spider from another, despite the fact that they have different colors and patterns on their abdomens. Yes, and in size and length of the paws, they all differ from each other. However, often people start to panic and simply do not pay attention to how their offender looks.

Symptoms in most cases begin to appear quite quickly and first aid should also be swift, but thoughtful.

  1. The first thing to do is wash the wound with soapy water.
  2. The next action should be to prevent the spread of the poison. This is achieved in two ways: you should immobilize the affected limb with a splint and apply a tight bandage above the bite site, thereby reducing blood circulation.
  3. A cold compress should be applied to the wound itself, which will also delay the action and spread of the poison.
  4. Increased drinking will also be a reducing factor. It will also help to remove poison from the body.
  5. In order to relieve painful symptoms, you can give the victim an aspirin tablet.

Having done all this, you should not calm down. Delivering the victim to the doctor, even if he is at least a few kilometers away, is a must. The clinic will provide more qualified assistance and will be able to take emergency measures in case of complications.

Of course, some more aspects can be added, covering the question: are there poisonous spiders in Russia and what to do if you encounter them. But this information will be for specialists. Ordinary people need to remember that playing and having fun with spiders is not worth it in any case. But you shouldn't just destroy them either.

Spiders were the first among the earliest animals to live on earth. Despite the fact that the age of the life of spiders on the planet is quite significant, spider fossils are rare. According to historians, biologists and archaeologists, the first spiders on our planet appeared about four hundred million years ago. The ancestors of modern spiders were an arachnid insect, rather thick, large in size. For a long period of time, this arachnid insect lived in the water.

Tarantulas belong to the genus of higher spiders of the wolf spider family. This species is distinguished by its large body size (tarantulas can reach 3.5–7 cm in length), as well as the presence of poisonous glands. Most often, all large spiders are called tarantulas. This is a very common misconception. For example, the same tarantula, despite its large sizes, has nothing to do with tarantulas. The habitat of tarantulas is a territory devoid of moisture. Most often, representatives of this species can be found in the desert sands and steppes. Tarantulas feed on small insects and animals, attacking them and killing them with poison. Another very common misconception is that a tarantula can pose a threat to humans. Yes, the threat can come, but only for those who are terribly afraid of spiders. The poison of a tarantula cannot kill a person. The bite of this spider can be compared to the bite of a wasp or hornet, it can cause swelling or severe pain shock, but not poison a person.

There are several types of spiders in the world that a person should be wary of. Only two such individuals live in the USA. These are the "brown hermit" (Loxosceles reclusa) and the "black widow" (Latrodectus mactans). The bites of these spiders are deadly because of the venom.
"Brown hermit" can be found in homes in the American west, they hide in the crevices of the floors. The bites of these spiders never heal. Who wants to look at these terrible wounds - welcome here. So to know. But I warned you!

"Black Widow" black color with scarlet spots. This type of spider never attacks a person on its own, only if people try to touch it. Distinctive feature of these spiders - an unusually clear pattern on the body in the form of an hourglass:

Photo from here

The female is a very poisonous spider. Males are less common and are harmless. Males have four pairs of red dots along the sides of the abdomen. After mating, the female devours the male, hence the name "black widow". But even among black widows, cannibalism occurs far from 100% of cases - it is rather a deviation from the norm. The bite of the female is venomous to humans and is accompanied by local pain, swelling, nausea, difficulty in breathing and is sometimes fatal.

Another dangerous spider is the karakurt (Latrodectus tredecimguttatus). Quite common in steppe zone Central Asia, as well as in the Caucasus and Crimea. Karakurt is a small spider, its length usually does not exceed twenty millimeters. The habitat for karakurts is virgin lands, wastelands, banks of irrigation canals, and so on. People are prone to bites of karakurt during the migration of females (this is approximately June-July). The most poisonous are sexually mature females, the poison of the karakurt is fifteen times stronger than poison rattlesnake. After a bite, a small speck remains on the body, which quickly disappears. After fifteen minutes, sharp pains begin in the abdomen, lower back and chest, then the legs go numb. The patient becomes lethargic, because of severe pain does not sleep. Recovery occurs in about three weeks, or even more. AT severe cases and in the absence of medical care, death occurs already on the second day.

For all of us, the words “spider” and “web” are quite familiar. We know well that the spider uses its web to hunt. But it is not always the case. Some spiders do not use webs at all. A prominent representative of a spider that does not use a web is a side walker. The spider simply disguises itself in a flower and waits for prey. By virtue of its abilities, the spider can move not only forward and backward, but sideways, so it does not waste time turning around. And it is precisely these fractions of a second that the victim lacks to slip away.

Synema globosum:

Photo from here

Jumping spiders have eight eyes, two of which are in the back. The spider got its name for the ability to jump a distance several times greater than the length of the body. And the point here is not in the legs, but in circulatory system. Before the jump, the pressure of the spider increases several times, due to which the hind legs straighten sharply and the spider flies towards the victim, not forgetting to insure itself with a web.

Photo from here

The wolf spider uses the web like a rope to tie and hang its prey. Feeding his feet. The wolf spider can walk on water and even dive for small tadpoles or fry.

The pirate spider uses the web as a signal. He stretches it in front of the mink, and ties the ends to his legs.

Some of flower spiders able to change their color for more than a few days, usually between white and yellow, depending on the color of the flower on which they rest.

Another interesting spider- Argyroneta aquatica. This is a water spider. If you translate the name literally, then you get "the one who has a silver thread." A spider, or rather a spider, is very small in size, only up to one and a half centimeters in length. However, the bite of this insect is very painful. Spiders live in water, or rather, under water. Habitat - Central and Northern Europe. Under water, each spider has a bag woven from the web. It used to be that this bag was used to store food and to hide in a moment of danger. And only recently, scientists have found that the primary task of underwater bags is to store air. Spiders catch air bubbles under water and gently carry them into their bag on their paws, and the spiders react very strongly to the composition of the air inside the bag.
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The male peacock spider Maratus volans uses dancing and a flamboyant "dress" to attract females:

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The pattern on the abdomen of the spider Cyclocosmia truncata resembles an ancient seal. The spider uses its disk as one of the means of protection in cases of danger. They lead a sedentary lifestyle, so they do not move far from their minks. When threatened, he crawls into his burrow head first and closes the entrance to the shelter with his hard disk.
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Spiny spiders look unusual. These spiders are distributed in tropical and subtropical zones. There are six spines along the edge of their abdomen. They give the spider a more intimidating look, which allows you to scare off potential enemies:

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They feed on small insects that come across to them in the network. The spider trap is a fairly strong network canvas, reaching a diameter of 30 centimeters. It has an almost perfect circle shape, in the middle of which there is a thin network. It serves as the basis for the spider.
Taken from here

The web resembles computer disks:

Photo from here

And now just a selection of interesting and bright spiders by color.

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Red with yellow:

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Red with black:

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Red with white:

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(Araneus marmoreus - Marble cross):

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(Brachypelma boehmei):

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(Gasteracantha arcuata):

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Green, from emerald to lemon:

(Araneus cingulatus and Mopsus mormon):

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(Grammostola pulchra):

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(Poecilotheria ornata):

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(Nigma walckenaeri):

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(Colaranea viriditas):

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(Peucetia viridans):

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(Avicularia purpurea):

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In all corners globe spiders are common. There is a branch of biology - arachnology, dedicated to the study of this species of arthropods.

Arthropods are poisonous and harmless to humans or animals, differ in size and appearance.

For example, a green spider in Russia is a few representatives of the order of arthropods. With their names, features of appearance and life cycle need to be familiarized.

The green spider in Russia is represented by three species. Their names are lynx spider, greenish micromata, heyrakantium.

It is this list of arthropods that browser search engines give out on request "green spiders in Russia photos and names."

Lynx spider

The lynx spider (family Oxyopidae) got its name because of the hunting method characteristic of a predator.

This spider does not weave a web, waits for its prey, settling on a plant, then attacks it.

Lynx spider

Its special ability - the ability to jump considerable distances, just like a lynx or a cat, justifies the name of the species.

The lynx spider is a small green spider, Russia is a habitat for small individuals of this species. The females of such an arthropod are twice as large as males, the average size a female adult is usually about 2 - 2.2 cm. Male green spiders in Russia do not reach more than one centimeter.

Lynx spider with its spiders

The paws of arthropods are darker in color, they have many dark stripes, dots, and when magnified, hairs or spikes can be seen.

At the end of the summer season, the female builds cocoons and lays her eggs in them. At one time, she is able to lay up to 6 hundred eggs.

They stay in cocoons for about two weeks. reliable protection spider moms. Then they hatch and begin their life cycle.

Lynx spider - a green spider in Russia, the description and photo of which are contained in encyclopedias, is dangerous predator. He has sharp eyesight, develops considerable speed when attacking. Insects become objects for his hunting.

Lynx spider with its prey

The green spider in Russia often attacks honey wasps or bees, bumblebees, which are much larger than it. Beetles, Diptera also make up the diet of the lynx spider.

When attacking the victim, this individual immediately bites through the chitinous shell of the victim, injects poison into it, which has a paralyzing property.

After a few minutes, the saliva that got inside makes the insides soft, able to be well absorbed by the predator.

Such a spider with a green belly in Russia is not dangerous to humans. A slight reddening appears on the skin at the site of the bite and injection of the poison, a burning sensation is briefly felt, and a small edema may occur.

Micromat greenish

Another bright green spider in Russia is the micromata greenish. As the name of the arthropod implies, it has a pronounced coloration, which performs an important function - protective or camouflage.

Micromat greenish

Color allows you to "get lost" among the grass and hunt effectively. The females of this species are larger than the males. Their size corresponds to 12-15 and 8-10 millimeters.

The body of the greenish micromat has a more saturated, bright shade, its head and legs, in comparison, are darker.

A male spider can be identified not only by size. There are stripes on its abdomen - red in the center, then two yellow ones on its sides, after them - red again.

Male micromata spider - greenish

In a female, the abdomen is lighter in comparison with the back, painted in light green color. On close examination, the eye can be seen on the head of both sexes.

Small spiders hatch from eggs, already having a green color, then their color becomes less saturated - yellowish-brown, with reddish spots.

Places of distribution of greenish micromata in middle lane are deciduous forests. The arthropod prefers to live in sunny, bright places well warmed by the sun. The spider lives in the grass, does not build webs for hunting. He guards the victim, attacks her, performing a sharp jump, injects poison, then eats.

A representative of this species lives for about one and a half years. The female begins to greet the eggs in a specially built nest of leaves in August. The eggs are green in color.

Nest with greenish micromat eggs

The young generation of arthropods becomes adults by the middle of next summer.

If such a spider (greenish micromata) gets on a human body and bites him, dangerous consequences for health will not follow.

At the site of the skin puncture, swelling, redness of the tissues may persist for a short time, slight itching, and sometimes burning, may occur.


Another green spider that lives in the middle zone of the country is Heirakantium, Latin name of this Cheiracanthium species. It belongs to the predatory, poisonous arthropods.

His favorite place residence - forest plantations, grass, deciduous shrubs. He may well end up in a person’s home - he is able to independently penetrate here through a window or door.

Spider cheyracantium

Often Heirakantium is brought into the house by people on their own clothes.

As with representatives of other species with a similar color, the female Heyracantium is noticeably larger than the male. Its average size is usually about one and a half centimeters, and the male does not grow more than one centimeter. The spider of this species does not have a pronounced green color, it is brown, yellowish.

Cheiracanthium punctorium

Its color can be described as uneven - the abdomen is greenish, the cephalothorax has a blurry orange tint. On the back, a speck resembling a cross is noticeable.

A closer look at the Heyracantium shows that its front "legs" are the longest, with tentacles located around them. The head of the spider is equipped with pronounced jaws.

Hunting and breeding Heyracantium

The camouflage coloration of Heyrakantium allows him to be a successful hunter. A spider of this color is very inconspicuous among grass or stones. It is here that he can hide, wait for his victim.

The objects of his hunting are small beetles of several species, aphids, caterpillars. Favorite hunting time is night. Heyracantium lurks, waits, then performs a lightning attack, injects poison into the victim, waits a bit and eats it.

After mating (it occurs after molting), the female prepares to lay eggs. At this time, she builds a cocoon using plants, their foxes, blades of grass.

Cheyracantium cocoon

After laying the clutch, the spider becomes a vigilant guardian of future offspring.

Cheyracantiums are the most dangerous for humans and animals (especially small ones), compared to other representatives of the species that have a green color.

If an arthropod attacks and injects poison, a strong burning sensation and soreness will be felt at the bite site, and significant swelling will appear. A person has symptoms - headache and dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

For a while there is an increase in values blood pressure, the rhythm of breathing is disturbed. In some cases, emergency assistance is required.


Common green spiders in Russia, photos and names that can be studied in open sources, are common inhabitants of forests, meadows, artificial plantations.

The greatest caution should be exercised when meeting Heyracantium. Other representatives of the species (lynx spider and greenish micromata) are not dangerous for humans.

Video: Jumping GREEN SPIDER!!! Seeing it and filming it is a great success!

Spiders are arthropods that belong to the arachnid class. Representatives of this class, today, there are about 40 thousand species. They differ from each other in the way of life, appearance, type of food. In nature, there are a wide variety of types of spiders: the smallest and harmless spiders (0.37 mm), as well as the most dangerous spiders and even the most poisonous spiders in the world (up to 25 cm). And in this article we will tell you about several amazing and interesting species.

Spider tarantula - Theraphosidae

The tarantula spider is perhaps the largest spider in the world, or rather the family of tarantula spiders (Theraphosidae). Some members of this family can reach 30.5 cm in leg span, such as the king baboon, black and purple tarantula. The body of tarantulas is always densely covered with long and short hairs. Body color can be gray-brown or bright colors(red, blue, red). Tarantulas live in countries with a hot climate (Africa, South America, Oceania, Australia). These spiders inhabit abandoned bird and rodent nests or burrow near tree trunks. Active mainly in the evening. Then they go hunting or catch a running prey nearby. Tarantulas feed on insects, small birds and rodents. These spiders breed in late summer. The female lays her eggs in a web cocoon, which she carries with her and does not lose sight of. They protect the offspring, so that the spiders that come out of the cocoon sit on the mother's abdomen for some time. But soon they begin to lead an independent life. The poison of the tarantula paralyzes the victim and decomposes its insides, then the spider sucks out the contents of the victim's body. For humans, the poison of the tarantula is not dangerous, but quite painful. The bite site bakes, hurts and swells, sometimes gets yellow. But these symptoms go away after a few weeks.

Spider spider - Araneus

Crosses are members of the Orb Weaver family (Araneidae). They belong to the contract reticulum spiders. They have an egg-shaped convex abdomen, on which there is a pattern in the form of a cross. Body color from gray to red. They are covered with long setae, sparsely located along the body and densely covered with short, fine hairs. The length of the body in the male is 10-11 mm, in the female - 17-40 mm. About 30 species of crosses live on the territory of the CIS and Russia. These spiders are active in the evening. They deftly weave a web, where many small insects come across. Mating and oviposition occurs in autumn. The female lays her eggs in a web cocoon and hides it under the bark or other secluded place. In the spring, spiderlings emerge from the cocoon. By the end of summer, a new generation of spiders grows up, and their mother dies. The cross spider is poisonous, but it is not dangerous for humans. His bite is painful, but the burning and swelling at the bite site disappears after a few hours.

Karakurt spider - Latrodectus tredecimguttatus

This is not a big black spider at all. The body of the female (10-20 mm) is completely black, from which she is also called the black widow, the body of the male (4-7 mm) is also black, but with bright red spots on the abdomen (usually 13 spots ). The karakurt spider lives on the territory of Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, on the banks of mediterranean sea, in North Africa, Southern Europe, Kazakhstan, southern Russia and Ukraine. They prefer the slopes of ravines, virgin sagebrush, wastelands, banks of ditches. Karakurts populate abandoned rodent burrows and ventilation systems, braiding the entrance with cobwebs. In such dens, females and males mate in late summer. The female lays her eggs in a cocoon of cobwebs and hangs it in her lair. In spring, spiderlings emerge from cocoons. Karakurt feed on small insects. Their venom is toxic to large animals and humans. There is burning and swelling at the site of the bite. After 10-15 minutes, the poison spreads throughout the body and the person experiences pain in the chest and abdomen. Dizziness, nausea, sweating, palpitations, delirium also occur. And if medical assistance is not provided in time, it is possible fatal outcome(In most cases). Karakurt bites the skin only by 0.5 mm, therefore it is recommended to burn the bite site with a lit match within 2 minutes after the bite.

White karakurt - Latrodectus pallidus

Image of white karakurt

This is a white spider, with long legs and a round abdomen. The abdomen is white or milky, with 4 depressions. Legs and cephalothorax yellow or light brown. white spider has a body 10-20 mm long. Females are larger than males. White spiders weave a web in the form of a cone, which is connected to trapping net. They live in North Africa, the Middle East, Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. The white karakurt spider is not aggressive, but its venom is toxic and can cause complications. Children and the elderly are most affected by the poison. Toxicological studies have shown that the venom of the white karakurt resembles the venom of the karakurt (Latrodectus tredecimtugattus). If you are bitten by this spider, you should consult a doctor.

Camel spider - Camel spider

The camel spider has many names: phalanxes, bihorks, salpugs, hairdressers, barbers, wind scorpion. Body (5-7 cm) slightly oblong, light and dark red, densely covered with long, fine hairs. The body shape of a camel spider is similar to a scorpion, especially with its chelicerae (pincers). With them, he is able to bite through a human nail and even small bones of birds. Also, with his chelicerae, he cuts hairs and feathers from his victims and puts them in his dwelling. The camel spider lives in the desert regions of Asia, Africa, America, and Europe. Phalanx spider nocturnal predator. It is practically omnivorous and carnivorous, feeding on various insects, rodents, lizards. The eyes of camel spiders are like those of scorpions: 2 compound eyes in the middle and one each on the sides of the cephalothorax. Compound eyes are highly responsive to movement, so these spiders are incredibly fast, up to 53 cm/s (1.9 km/h).
The camel spider is not venomous, but it has an incredibly painful bite. And also on its chelicerae, the remnants of the tissues of the previous victim can rot, which can cause serious inflammation.

Jumping spiders - Salticidae

Jumping spiders or jumping spiders are a family of araneomorphic spiders, which includes 610 genera and 5800 species. live in tropical forests, in deserts, semi-deserts, in the temperate zone of forests and in the mountains. These are small spiders, up to 2 cm long. The body is pubescent. These spiders have well developed eyesight. They have 8 eyes, thanks to which they see 360º degrees. Jumping spiders differ among themselves in body shape, color and range. There are such types of jumping spiders:
- the golden jumping spider lives in the territory of the southeast Asian countries, and is characterized by a long ventral part and a large first pair of legs. The body has a very peculiar golden coloration. The length of the male rarely exceeds 76 mm, and the females are larger;

- Himalayan jumping spiders are the smallest spiders. They live high above sea level, in the Himalayas, where their only prey is random small insects that blow onto the mountain slopes. strong wind;

green spider the horse lives in New Guinea, New South Wales and Queensland. Often found in Western Australia. The male has a very bright color, and his body is decorated with long "whiskers" of white color;

- a red-backed species of a horse spider to settle in relatively dry areas. The red spider is often found on coastal dunes or in oak woodlands. North America. These red spiders are unique in that they are able to build tubular-type silk nests under rocks and on the surface of vines;

- the Hyllus Diardi species has a body up to 1.3 cm long. Compared to other species of horse spiders, it does not weave a web, therefore, to catch prey, it attaches a silk thread to some support, and then jumps from such a kind of "bungee" to its sacrifice;

- the ant jumping spider looks very similar to an ant and is most often found in tropical zones from Africa to central Australia. Body color can vary from light yellow to black.

Jumping spiders are unique in that they can jump long distances (20 times their body size). Before jumping, they cling to the substrate with a web (thus securing their jump), then push their body out with their hind legs. Jumping spiders are absolutely harmless to humans. They have poison, but it does not affect humans, and their bite is almost painless.

Argiope Bruennichi or spider wasp - Argiope bruennichi

Argiope has a second name spider wasp, as the color of the body and the shape of the abdomen resembles a wasp. Body length 2-3 cm (leg span). The abdomen is elongated with bright stripes, the colors yellow, white, black predominate. The legs are long, thin, mostly in an X-shaped position. The wasp spider lives in Kazakhstan, Asia Minor, Central Asia, China, Korea, India and Japan, North Africa, South and Central Europe, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus. These spiders are also quite common in Russia. Argiope belongs to the family of orb-weaving spiders (Araneidae). It is typical for these spiders to weave a wheel-shaped web, and to have a stabilimentum (zigzag pattern) in the center. This is a forest spider. He very often settles on lawns, forests, gardens, in tall grass, between tree branches. The wasp spider feeds on various insects. Mating occurs after the female molts, while the integument of her body remains soft. The female lays her eggs in a large cocoon (outwardly resembling a seed box of plants) and places it next to the trapping web. Spiderlings emerge from the cocoon at the beginning of autumn and settle downwind on cobwebs. For humans, the wasp spider is not dangerous. Its venom may cause only slight redness, swelling and pain, but these symptoms pass very quickly.

Wolf spiders - Lycosidae

Wolf spiders are a family of araneomorphic spiders with 2367 species. The body color is usually gray-brown. The body is covered with small short hairs. Some species reach more than 3 cm (legspan). The wolf spider lives almost everywhere except Antarctica. He prefers moist forests, meadows, hiding under fallen leaves, stones, wood. They don't spin webs. These are earthen spiders, so they live in a hole, which is only covered with cobwebs inside. If this is a private sector, you can easily stumble upon it in the basement. If there is a garden nearby, it can easily get into your cellar. Active at night. The wolf spider preys on insects or catches those who run near its hole. This spider is a good jumper. He can jump on the victim, insuring himself with a cobweb. Mating takes place in summer. After mating, the female lays her eggs in a cocoon that she wears at the end of her abdomen. After 2-3 weeks, the spiderlings emerge from the cocoon and climb onto the abdomen of the mother's mother. So they sit until they learn to get their own food. The wolf spider is not dangerous to humans. Its sting is equivalent to a bee sting, which causes itching, swelling and redness, which quickly pass.

Harvest spiders - Pholcidae

This family contains about 1000 species of spiders. Harvest spiders have a small body and long thin legs. Body size 2-10 mm. Leg length reaches 50 mm. Body color grayish or reddish. Harvest spiders are ubiquitous. Some species live in people's homes. There they find warm and dry places, mostly near windows. They feed on small insects. These spiders weave a large web in a chaotic manner. The web is not sticky, but when the victim tries to get out of it, it becomes even more tangled. After mating, the females lay their eggs in a web cocoon, which they attach to the side of the trapping nets. For humans, spiders are absolutely harmless. Their venom is harmless and the bite cannot be felt.

Goliath tarantula - Theraphosa blondi

This giant spider is considered the largest in the world. The span of his legs reaches 30 cm. In Venezuela (1965), one of the representatives of this species was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Its leg span was 28 cm. It is believed that the leg span of Heteropoda maxima is even longer, up to 35 cm. But this species has a small body and long thin legs. So he is small against the backdrop of a massive goliath.
The body of the goliath is light or dark brown densely covered with short hairs. They live in burrows, the entrance of which is covered with cobwebs. This huge spider lives in the tropical forests of Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, northern Brazil. It feeds on various insects, rodents, frogs, lizards and even snakes. The life expectancy of females is 15-25 years, males - 3-6. These spiders are amazing in that they are able to make a hissing sound by rubbing their chelicerae; the ability to shake off the hairs from the abdomen in the face of the enemy, which cause swelling of the mucosa. Also, the goliath tarantula has large and sharp chelicerae (pincers), with which it can bite very painfully. Their poison is not dangerous for humans, the symptoms are the same as after a bee sting.

Runner Spider (Spider Soldier, Banana, Wandering Spider) – Phoneutria

The Brazilian runner spider is the most venomous spider in the world. The length of its body reaches 15 cm. The body is pubescent, gray-brown in color. It lives in Central and South America. The runner spider feeds on insects, frogs, lizards, small birds. Lives in burrows, under leafy litter. But very often secluded places in people's houses become his dwelling. It is often called banana due to the fact that it is often found in banana boxes. These scary spiders have an incredibly toxic venom that causes instant death, which is why they are the most poisonous spiders in the world. Their venom contains the neurotoxin PhTx3, which paralyzes all the muscles in the human body, causes suffocation, and then death. Only 2-6 hours pass between bite and death. Old people and children are most affected by the venom of the runner spider. To date, there is a vaccine that neutralizes the effect of the poison, therefore, in the event of a bite by a runner spider, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

As you can see, the representatives of arachnids are so different: some of them are pleasing to the eye, and at the sight of others, blood freezes in the veins, some can be picked up or taken at home as a pet, and some sow fear and bring instant death. Now you know which types of spiders are absolutely harmless, and which ones you need to stay away from. It pleases that dangerous species spiders are not found in our area, but mainly in tropical countries. But you never know what can happen... Nature is absolutely unpredictable.

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