When is the Chinese New Year. What New Year's gifts do the inhabitants of China give each other? What to cook for Chinese New Year

Tourism and rest 08.08.2018

Chinese New Year is a bit different from our usual holiday, not only in its traditions, but also in time. Every event in the life of the Chinese people is permeated with good or evil spirit. If the spirit is evil, then it must be expelled, and if it is good, then appease. The chronology in China is not like ours, because the Chinese people adhere to the lunisolar calendar.

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History of the Chinese New Year

Chunjie or Chinese New Year has been celebrated for 2000 years. Chunjie means "Spring Festival". According to ancient Chinese legend, Chun is a living in sea ​​depths, a terrible horned monster that once a year crawled ashore and attacked the village. The inhabitants prepared for this date in advance and, taking with them the most necessary, left the village, while the monster was in it, and lived on food supplies. This went on for years, until an old man appeared in the village with a large bag, a staff and a mustache like silver. Bustle and chaos reigned in the village, the inhabitants left their homes. The old man asked a woman for a lodging for the night. The hostess told the wanderer about the sorrows of their village and offered to run away with them, but the elder refused and stayed overnight in an abandoned village.

What do you say to Chinese New Year seen through glass? After all, ghosts, the bad ones, have to go away during the holidays? Just as Chinese cuisine cannot be defined by a few dishes, so we cannot speak of Chinese liquor as being the same throughout the country. Traveling longer and deeper in China, everyone will feel that the extreme provinces of the Middle States are different from each other to be considered completely separate countries. In general, it can be assumed that the country is dominated by Han Chinese, but what I like most about China is the national minorities, who are over fifty in the whole country.

In the morning, when the residents returned, they could not believe their eyes. Near the house sat a healthy and unharmed old man, dressed in a red embroidered robe. Firecrackers lay in front of the house, the stove crackled merrily inside, and the door turned red. It turned out that Chun was terribly afraid of fun, the explosion of firecrackers and the color red. Since that day, the Chinese New Year has filled the whole country with red flowers, crackers, fireworks and fun.

Different languages, cultures, beliefs, culinary habits. There seem to be two things: the way of Chinese cars and the fact that in every store you can buy baiji poisonous to me. In China, the drink is down. There is no gratitude halfway through, or at the moment when we feel that we are close to the limit of tolerance. In China, we drink to the end or not at all. Rice vodka, literally translated as white alcohol, is the responsibility of the host for us, the guest. It's hard for a guy to dodge, especially if he's a tourist, because what is the joy of sight to kill white lava?

How long is New Year in China?

Chinese New Year 2017 starts on January 28th and ends on February 11th. Initially, it lasted 1 month, but due to the modern pace of life, it was reduced to 15 days. 2017, both here and in China, belongs to the fiery rooster. As for gifts, the Chinese most often give money wrapped in a red wrapper. On New Year's Eve, everything in China turns red, people are having fun, and fireworks are shooting in the sky.

Gan-bey! is probably one of the most frequently spoken phrases in all of China. In China, it is difficult to make a business career for people who don't drink, because in order to beat interest, one must meet, drink, dine, learn and test the strength of the other side. In small and large cities, tourists may encounter so-called. jiuba or alcohol bars, and if we just invite you to the table, then locals be hot enough to ask you to take a drink they won't tell you.

This will be done without your knowledge, everything will be fine, but you will not understand the first time what is the matter. Your endurance for Chinese excellence will be tested, which cannot be ignored - love it or hate it. These bars usually have a lot of taxis, as few of them get out of hand, a matter of obvious Chinese anxiety - losing face. This can happen when we give up or back off too quickly.

The Chinese people honor the tradition of a festive dinner with national dishes. The whole family should gather at the New Year's table, everyone is trying to finish their work and return to their father's house on time, since this is the most important and enduring tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year.

Chinese New Year is celebrated twice. According to European tradition, it is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1 and is called Yuan-dan. The inhabitants of the country celebrate it in family circle, modestly and calmly. Since ancient times, the New Year in China has been celebrated on the second new moon after winter solstice(on one of the days between January 21 and February 21).

"My body may fall, but my dignity never" - one can imagine that this is the end of not only one race, which the Chinese triumphantly cool the glory of the glory of the bar stool. Ladies are cool - they can easily get away from the struggle of men. Suffice it to say that we don't digest alcohol or that it's bad for our skin. You can also say that when you drink a glass, your face will be red.

Chinese civilization invented not only paper, but also Jiuling - alcohol games. These are lower or higher flights, which depends on the class of social drunks. Elites, intellectuals with a penchant for literary or poetic causes, may begin to practice poetry or rhyme. The one who pays, without air, pours a glass. Well, we were not extravagant for student time - half a liter for 1.5 zł! Return to our games. Once in a Chinese bar we played finger counting.

New Year January 1

The country's main Christmas tree is installed and decorated in the center of Beijing, on the historic shopping street - Qianmen. Due to the influence of Western European culture and the influx of foreign tourists, the spirit of new year holidays more than in other cities. Artificial Christmas trees are being installed in large shopping and office centers. Dressed-up Santa Clauses walk the streets. AT new year's eve people leave their homes and gather in the main square - Tiananmen, congratulate each other and admire the festive fireworks.

Two people were selected from the drinkers. He wins the one that adds his opponent and exclaims the correct answer first, in Chinese it's better! Of course, the loser drinks this garbage. You also have tales of rice vodka in the background because it tempts everyone to try it, especially when there is such a great opportunity as the Chinese New Year. Gan, my love is all the goodness in the New Year's Horse!

The vernal equinox fertility holiday - more days, new ideas are reaping. In winter, this dream incubator served its purpose, and now it's time to get out from under the robe that nourished, and step boldly into the future. In terms of energy, the vernal equinox symbolizes a new beginning. We are all united by a simple yet powerful sense of hope.

Traditions and rituals

New Year on January 1 in China is a young holiday. It has no ancient established traditions. Big influence European culture contributed to its implementation.

On the eve of New Year's Eve, Chinese housewives clean their houses. It is customary to celebrate the holiday in new clothes, which should attract order and success.

According to Buddhist tradition, midnight is announced by the ringing of bells in temples. The bells ring 108 times. The Chinese believe that every person has six vices (greed, anger, stupidity, indecision, frivolity, envy), which have 18 shades each. With each stroke of the bells, a person gets rid of one of the pernicious traits. In the first minutes of the coming year, the Chinese try to laugh and smile at each other so that the year passes happily and peacefully.

The word equinox comes from Latin and means "equal night". This happens when the Sun passes over the equator and day and night are roughly equal. Thus, it forms a virtual balance in the universe, where things are in constant transformation. This event occurs on both sides of the Earth, as exactly the opposite cycle is observed in the southern hemisphere and in the northern hemisphere.

The magic of the Spring Equinox is valid for each of us and we can do things around us to channel our energies into love, personal mission and the divine in us. Our ancestors who lead their lives, the movement of the stars, they saw the sun as the source of life, which inspired a lot of admiration.

The tradition of decorating homes for the New Year is not common in all parts of China. In large cities, Christmas trees and New Year decorations are set up in public places. Trees in parks and squares are dressed up with multi-colored electric garlands.

The Chinese New Year's feast has no outstanding features. The hostesses serve a family gala dinner. The main ingredients of the national cuisine are rice, noodles, soybeans, chicken and pork meat. The most popular dishes are pork in sweet and sour sauce, gongbao chicken with chili, mapo tofu with ground beef and vegetables, wontons - flour products stuffed with minced meat or shrimp, chow mein - fried noodles, Peking duck.

Once you have found inner peace and mental clarity, you can discover a new perspective on the connection between the inner and outer universe. There is no boundary between these two levels once we go beyond the rational mind. The spring equinox is a time of courageous actions and emotions intensely lived. You are confident and you probably feel the need to be open in order to love yourself and others. Now that you have found a balance point, ideas and new visions can occur. Germination of seeds sown is confidently expected.

Spring Equinox in Aries

Aries is a leader, an innovator, an adventurer who needs to control their manifestations. When all of these aspects are tempered and balanced, Aries can be the release of the bridge. The Aries energy manifests itself in the next period and allows certain aspects of your life to be in shades of gray while seeing them all or white or black. Keep in mind, the toughness at this time is Mars, the planet that rules Aries is full of energy and enthusiasm. Sometimes that excitement comes with expectations.

As desserts, there are traditional sweets on the tables: apples or bananas in caramel, peanuts in sweet glaze, fried bananas in batter, egg tartlets, rice balls with honey, caramelized peaches. For the holidays, Chinese housewives love to bake fortune cookies inside.

In China, it is not a common tradition to give gifts to each other by January 1st. The Chinese send gifts and e-cards to their friends from Europe and countries for which the New Year is the main holiday.

In the physical world, if you feel stiff or inflexible, it's good time to start meditating or doing yoga to allow the energy to flow freely through the body. Remember that Aries you can be a real teacher if you are open and notice synchronicity and signs.

The Spring Equinox is a grounding time and there are many rituals you can do, including. This year we have chosen the element of water. Water is what purifies, purifies and gives you a "womb" feeling, giving you comfort and security. Create a relaxing atmosphere around the bath, light candles and place a vase of white tulips or other white flowers in the room. Find music for relaxation and meditation. Add two cups of salt. You can add a few drops of fragrant oils such as ylang ylang, rose, lemon, and jasmine.

history of the holiday

The tradition of celebrating the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1 came to China after the adoption of the Gregorian calendar in 1911. To avoid confusion between the European and Lunar New Years, on September 27, 1949, the government of the republic approved the official names of these holidays. First day lunar calendar began to be called Chun Jie, and on January 1 to Gregorian calendar- Yuan-dan, which literally translates as "beginning of dawn." Yuan-dan became an official public holiday and a day off.

This bath cleaning ritual prepares you for intense spring activity. Floats in the state is currently in a state of pure consciousness - alone, but not alone, surrounded by magic water, floating between the inner and outer universe, issued according to needs and expectations, listening to your heart. There is nothing else for you to do at the moment.

Start slowly to release everything that no longer serves you. Don't do this ritual with the intent of trying to change something, but allowing the soul to take a path like this. If the water bath to symbolize the mother of the ocean salty womb, to remind you of the miracle of creation, and allow yourself to be embraced inner world. Listen to relaxing music that already belongs to you and let it become your refuge.

Cities and resorts

China - amazing country, which has something to see. New Year holidays in it will bring unforgettable impressions and new emotions.

Capital of China People's Republic- Beijing - will amaze with its scale, active nightlife, an abundance of hotels and restaurants. Among tourists, excursions to the Great Wall of China are the most popular. This unique structure was built during the Ming Dynasty. It reaches 10 meters in height and 6000 kilometers in length.

When you've finished your bath, let the water drain and appreciate the moment. You are completely inspired, yet calm and carefree. Blesses the water, releasing whatever is left for your love without expectation. Take care of your skin with natural oil or organic lotion. As personal aspirations approach in spring, you feel complete. How to plant new seeds for the future, you know what you are doing.

The traditions present throughout the world vary by geographic area and the customs of the people, but they all bypass the same symbols and values: prosperity, renewal, fertility, a better hope for the coming year. Find out which of the New Year's traditions have spread around the world to celebrate the New Year's celebration and more knowledge about it important event.

The famous sights of the capital of the Middle Kingdom include: Beihang and Jingshan parks, the Summer Imperial Palace (Yiheyuan), the Temple of Heaven (Tiantan), the Gugong Imperial Palace. Beijing has the world's largest square - Tiananmen, Asia's largest zoo and aquarium.

The port city of Dalian is located in the northeast of China. He is famous clean air, gorgeous pebble beaches, a combination of ancient Chinese and Japanese culture. There are many opportunities for tourists to spend their holidays in an interesting and unusual way: excursions to mountain waterfalls, fishing, yacht trips, visiting golf and tennis clubs, shopping at Chinese bazaars. There are many sanatoriums in Dalyan that offer their clients ancient folk methods diagnosis and treatment.

In China, the New Year is the most important holiday, marked by festivals, power and color. It is celebrated annually on the first day Chinese calendar usually in late January or early February. Chinese New Year Festival, light and color show.

Another New Year's tradition is called Jie Cai Tseng or the reception of the Gods of Wealth and Prosperity. It takes place on the fifth day of the Chinese New Year and is celebrated especially by business people. Red is also important in China, representing prosperity for the coming year. Tradition says that on New Year's Day, the Chinese must fill red envelopes with money and give them to young people, whether they are alone or out of work.

lovers beach holiday you will like Hainan Island, which is located in a tropical climate zone. In the city of Sanya, they will be able to stay in a luxury hotel on the bay, soak up the clean sandy beaches.

Zhangjiajie Natural Park is located in the northwest of the Chinese province of Hunan, famous for its rich flora, fauna and unique landscape. AT winter time In this place, the positive temperature is maintained, which will make walks comfortable. On the territory of the park there are unique attractions: the Yellow Dragon Cave and the ancient Buddhist temple "Heaven's Gate".

Chinese New Year traditions include a number of festivals and parades. The Lantern Festival is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the Chinese New Year. On this occasion, many lanterns are placed on the streets of cities, many of which are in the form of animals, especially the form of an animal that dominates in Chinese year. The dragon is a prominent figure in the New Year in China. Dragons are ancestors, but they are also symbols of fertility and balance.

Chinese dragon, symbol of fertility. Chinese New Year celebrations always involve, without exception, the presence of food. Chinese family cuisine serves a variety of dishes from fish to sweets. New Year's Eve, family and friends gather on the first day of the New Year tree, where they will eat a lot, a symbol of prosperity.

exotic view New Year's Eve will be a trip to the cultural and spiritual capital of Tibet - Lhasa. Tourists will be amazed by the grandeur of landscapes, ancient temples and monasteries.

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