Graduation at star children. Children of stars at the graduation ball: chic outfits and medals of the daughter of Glory, Kandelaki, Malikov

Auto 13.07.2019

28-05-2017, 15:05

May 25 marked their last call celebrity kids Russian show business. Elite schools released into adulthood the daughters of Dmitry Malikov, Alla Dovlatova, the singer Slava, Natalia Gulkina, Ivan Okhlobystin and many others.

So 11 years of carefree school life have flown by. May 25 Russian schools held the last call for their graduates. This year, Stefania Malikova, Alexandra Morozova, Daria Lyutaya, Yana Mandrik, Polina Matvienko, Varvara Okhlobystyna, Grigory Vernik, Anna Mazaeva and Mikhail Semenduev received a certificate of secondary education.

One of the popular star children graduates is Stefania Malikova. The whole Malikov couple came to go with the child to the last call and celebrate the graduation. Stesha's parents shared their experiences on social networks and told how proud they were of their daughter. How real father, Dmitry Malikov shared his feelings about the future of the heiress. The graduate herself rejoiced at the solemn event and looked appropriate, during the school event she changed outfits 2 times. For the school certificate, the girl came out in a short light dress and a ribbon with the proud inscription "Graduate", but in the second part she changed into a long evening dress. Stesha on Instagram advised everyone to enjoy every moment in life, as they fly by very quickly.

The singer Slava and her graduate daughter Alexandra Morozova also appeared on the stellar prom. For the last call, the star mother chose a red outfit with spectacular black peas, but Alexandra appeared in front of the camera lenses in a light cream midi-length dress tied with a characteristic golden ribbon of the 2017 graduate. Slava, ahead of her daughter, posted a photo on the social network, signing it “Last call!!! Wept." The artist said that during the celebration she was overwhelmed with mixed feelings of joy and sadness.

The star of the TV series "Daddy's Daughters" actress Ekaterina Starshova, who played the role of Buttons, also survived her holiday of the last call. The girl did not go through the outfits, in the photo she is depicted in a modest outfit of a schoolgirl graduate, a white top and a traditionally black bottom. On Instagram, the ex-Button wrote that she was very surprised that she had already graduated from school. The girl also expressed her gratitude to her mother for the right upbringing.

The soloist of the Mirage group Natalya Gulkina also came to the graduation of her daughter Yana Mandrik. At the last call, the graduate and her mother chose blue outfits. colors. Natalya Gulkina appeared in a blue trouser suit, and Yana chose a pale blue ensemble of a skirt and jacket. Note that the girl has already appeared on television in the clips of Russian performers.

Polina Matvienko, daughter of Russian producer Igor Matvienko, also graduated from 11th grade this year. For a school event, the girl chose a floor-length dress light color with open back. The famous dad shared his plans for the future of his daughter. Toli as a joke, but seriously as "father" Ivanushek International said that during the holidays he sees Polina as a waitress or a saleswoman. Note that with early years graduate leads an active life in in social networks and has a lot of fans and followers.

Alla Dovlatova attended the graduation concert of her daughter Daria. The TV and radio presenter shared her feelings about this. The woman said that she was pleasantly surprised by how professionally and easily everything went. The star of the Russian broadcast noted that she could not believe that her daughter was already so grown up and was doing well on stage.

Varvara Okhlobystin is her less bright graduate of 2017. The daughter of the famous actor Ivan Okhlobystin is fond of music and microbiology. Her amateur videos often appear on the social network, in which the girl sings beautifully. However, having been born into the acting family of Varvara, she does not plan to devote herself to music, the girl wants to get a medical education.

This year, the son of Igor Vernik, Grigory, also graduated from school. The young man is actively engaged creative activity and hosts TV programs. After the last call to the social network, the young man posted a photo with his mother and friends. Plans to submit documents to all theatrical universities of the capital. Igor Vernik noted that he fully supports his son and is proud of him.

No less bright and famous graduate was Anna Mazaeva, the daughter of the well-known frontman of the Accident group Sergei Mazaev. The musician periodically uploads photos with any daughter to the social network. This time, the artist was surprised that just recently he congratulated Anna on her transition to the 10th grade and here she is already graduating from school.

The singer Jasmine also appeared at the graduation of her son Mikhail. Also, a grandfather, a famous choreographer, flew to the line from distant Dagestan. The artist noted that Mikhail looks like a real accomplished man. herself star mom came to the last call in a light short dress and it was quite possible to confuse her with young graduates. Mikhail preferred a strict black suit and an elegant white shirt.

Star graduates have big and ambitious plans for the future. Most of them will go to elite higher institutions, and some, despite their young age, have already clearly defined the direction of their growth and development. Soon, the expanses of Russian show business will join the ranks of young, but already well-known actors, journalists and artists.

June 24, 2017

Celebrities walked with the heirs at the last school evening

Graduation balls were held in the capital. This year, several celebrity heirs said goodbye to school at once.

The daughter of the singer Slava graduated from the Lomonosov school with a "gold" medal. Now Alexandra enters the theater school, where, as you know, the results of the exam are not important: in these higher educational institutions, in the first place Creative skills applicants.

For the prom, the girl chose a bright red outfit. As you know, the graduate's heart is busy - the eldest heiress of the singer Slava lives with her boyfriend, and this does not prevent her from studying "excellently".

A post shared by SLAVA (@nastya_slava) on Jun 24, 2017 at 8:07am PDT

Stefania Malikova chose a short fitted dress for the prom, emphasizing her slim figure. The girl enters MGIMO at the Faculty of International Journalism, so for her greater value had USE result In Russian.

“I congratulate the graduates on the most wonderful holiday of youth! Hooray! this is just the beginning! Today the whole world is open to us. Further more! In the meantime, I am happy with 91 points in Russian, I want to tell all the spiteful critics that I gave everything honestly. I can send my essay and the test to those especially “smart” people who say that everything is bought,” Dmitry Malikov’s heiress addressed her subscribers on social networks, “I passed for such a high score only because I prepared diligently and practiced every day . Nobody in my family bought anything and I have no guarantee that I will go where I want. But! I really hope that everything will work out and be good.”

A post shared by @steshamalikova on Jun 23, 2017 at 1:05pm PDT

The daughter of Tina Kandelaki at the graduation was in an elegant black dress, with cutouts on the back. Melania made two bright accents in her image - a red bag and burgundy shoes. The girl's mother Tina Kandelaki picked up a dress for her daughter's prom in the same style.

Melania Kondrakhina is going to become a student of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.

Ekaterina Starshova (Buttons from daddy's daughters) had a graduation from the 9th grade. The girl is changing schools. The girl’s certificate is red, all subjects are “excellent”.

15-year-old Katya and her mother chose outfits of the same color for the ball - blue dresses.

I don't know what they usually say at this moment. Well, I'm talking about the one when you get a red certificate and understand that you studied all these 9 years for good reason, - the girl shared her emotions.

Katya entered the Lyceum.

A post shared by Katya Starshova (@ekaterina_starshova) on Jun 23, 2017 at 10:11am PDT

The son of Igor Vernik will enter the theater school, since the competition this year is 200 people per place, the guy applied to several schools at once.

Somehow, imperceptibly, spring ended, and with it, for many boys and girls, their last school year at school flew into the past!
Which of the celebrity children celebrated the last call this year, were their star parents on the solemn line and where do the graduates plan to study further.

Grigory Vernik
Gregory's father, Igor Vernik, could not come to the solemn line, but he was constantly in touch and warmly congratulated his son on the phone. Next to the guy was his mother Maria.

Grisha decided to follow in his parents' footsteps and also wants to become an actor. The young man said that he was going to enter the theater school.

Varvara Okhlobystin
The daughter of the odious Ivan Okhlobystin, apparently impressed by the Interns, decided to study as a doctor. I must say that this decision was given to the girl, oh how difficult, because Varvara has a beautiful voice and she was predicted brilliant career singers.

Dad fully supported the choice of his daughter. However, this is not at all surprising, because Ivan Okhlobystin's father was the head physician. Varya came to the last call in an original outfit: a black dress, an orange cape and long gloves.

Yana Mandrik
Yana Mandrik came to the last call celebration with her mother Natalia Gulkina and father Sergey Mandrik. The whole family was in a great mood. Mom and daughter constantly laughed, remembering the fun moments of school life.

Alexandra Morozova
Eldest daughter the singer of Glory - Alexandra - did not hide her tears at the last call. However, her mother also gave vent to feelings and burst into tears of happiness. Now she is preparing to enter the theater university. She is very worried, because this year's competition is more than 200 people per place!

Katya Starshova
You didn't have time to look back, and the Button from "Daddy's Daughters" became quite an adult! Katya graduated from the 9th grade with honors and is now going to enter a prestigious lyceum.

Stefania Malikova
After the solemn line, Dmitry Malikov with his wife and daughter watched the video of the interview that Stefania gave in the first grade. And then the future journalist Stesha went to the tutors.

So May 2017 has ended, and with it the last school year for many children domestic celebrities. After the celebrations, yesterday's students are waiting for certification, admission to universities and adulthood. And, of course, their famous parents were on the last school line next to the already former students.

We also decided to look at the last call to the star graduates to find out their plans for the near future.

Grigory Vernik

Grigory Vernik came to the lineup with his mother Maria. Dad Igor Vernik, unfortunately, was unable to attend the event, but he is always in touch with his son. This summer, Gregory is going to enter a theater university.

Varvara Okhlobystin

The daughter of Ivan Okhlobystin, Varya, has a wonderful voice, but after much thought, she nevertheless decided to study as a doctor. Dad supported her choice. Varya came to the last call in an original outfit: a black dress, an orange cape and long gloves.

Yana Mandrik

Yana Mandrik came to the last call celebration with her mother Natalia Gulkina and father Sergey Mandrik. The family was in great spirits. My daughter and mother constantly laughed, remembering the funny and difficult moments of school life.

Alexandra Morozova

The eldest daughter of the singer Slava - Alexandra - did not hide her tears at the last call, however, like her mother. Now Sasha is preparing to enter a theater university and is very worried, because this year's competition is more than 200 people per place.

Katya Starshova

The button from "Daddy's Daughters" is already quite big! The girl graduated with honors from the 9th grade, and now she is happy about the upcoming graduation. In the next academic year, Katya will no longer go to her native school, as she is going to enter a prestigious lyceum.

Stefania Malikova

After the solemn line, Dmitry Malikov, his wife and daughter watched with pleasure the video of the interview that Stefania gave in the first grade. Immediately after the holiday of the last call, the future journalist Stesha went to the tutors.

One stage of the life of yesterday's schoolchildren has ended, another begins. We would very much like it to become successful for all graduates of 2017!

On Thursday, May 25, the last bell rang in the educational institutions of Russia. For graduates of the Ilyinsky district, school lessons also ended.

The solemn line, dedicated to the last bell, began with the sound of the aircraft roar at the Ankovsk graduates. Leading lines G.V. Baukina, deputy director for educational work, and high school student Alina Marycheva announced the boarding of passengers on the 2017 flight, flying along the Clouds of Our Childhood route. The commander (O.N. Vorobyova) and the crew of the ship welcomed the gathered school students and guests on board the Graduate-2017 aircraft (on the site near the school), promising a bright and unforgettable “flight”.

And here they are - the main passengers of the plane, graduates of 2017, smart and beautiful, with a graduate ribbon over their shoulders, holding hands with their mothers, stand on the most honorable place on the school site. The anthem of Russia sounds.

Following this, the “commander of the ship” O.N. goes to “communication with passengers”. Vorobieva, director of the Ankovskaya high school. “Let only the brightest and warmest memory remain in your memory of the school. And today will be a good start to a new adult interesting life!" Olga Nikolaevna said. O.N. completed her speech. Vorobyov with lines of wishes from a poem by Robert Rozhdestvensky: “If you exist, be the best, if you exist, be the first!”

Then the floor was given to the guests. The head of the Ilyinsky municipal district A.Yu. Kondratiev, Deputy Head of Administration of the Ilyinsky District, Head of the Education Department of the District Administration L.M. Sobornova, the head of the Ankovsky rural settlement Yu.V. Loshkarev.

“For the first time, first class!” - this was the next course of flight of the aircraft. With the most touching words of congratulations and wishes addressed to her former first-graders, the first teacher T.G. Stupin. She wished the graduates a good journey, to meet an interesting business and a loved one in life. “Let faith, hope and love never leave you!” she told the heroes of the occasion.

Their touching wishes, both jokingly and seriously - how to prepare and successfully pass the exam - were told to the graduates by first-graders. They, just like graduates, were smart that day and with ribbons over their shoulders with the inscription "first-grader". In memory of themselves, they gave the eleventh graders memorable souvenirs.

Then the parents got in touch with the graduates. Natalya Afanasyeva, on behalf of all parents, wished her sons and daughters good luck in life, so that all their dreams come true. She asked the children to remember what the weather was like on the day they first came to school, first grade. Then it was raining. Therefore, first-graders with their parents stood under umbrellas. “Then, of course, it was a trifle,” said Natalya Valeryevna, “but we, the parents, want umbrellas over your heads that will protect you not only from rain, but also from doubts, anxieties and all sorts of life problems.” And approaching their child, each parent opened an umbrella, symbolizing that an umbrella of parental love and care is open over the heads of their children.

Then it was the turn of the 9th grade students. They are also graduates. Some of them also say goodbye to school. Ninth-graders sincerely thanked their teachers, handed flowers to the teachers.

The performance of the graduates began with the song "Clouds are floating across the sky" performed by Andrey Puchkov. Yesterday's schoolchildren spoke about their hope for a better future in their lives, which may be different, but happy. The children thanked the teachers who gave them knowledge and lessons in education. On this day, each teacher received a bouquet of flowers from grateful students.

And here it is - the last school waltz. Of the nine eleventh-graders, two girls graduated from school, so teachers became dance partners for five boys. It was touching to see! But she said the warmest and most exciting words addressed to her graduates classroom teacher L.V. Ozerov. Lyudmila Vladimirovna granted the right to make the last call to each graduate.

Balloons released into the sky by graduates became the chord to the closing of the solemn line. The balloons together flew up, as if symbolizing that our graduates will achieve a lot in this life. We wish them good luck and the fulfillment of all plans on their life path!


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