Visualization is the main tool of psychology. Visualization: a technique for presenting what you want

Technique and Internet 21.09.2019
Technique and Internet

Today we will touch on the topic of visualization in psychology - is it true or a myth. And does this visualization method work to achieve our goals.

The practice of visualization has long been practiced in the East. However, in recent times everything appears more people using this technique in European countries. Many professional psychologists pay attention to this information, arguing that in order to fulfill a desire, it is enough to consistently and vividly present the achieved result. Does it really work and how?

Everyone knows about the existence of consciousness and subconsciousness. Thinking, logical constructions, analysis of actions and the actions themselves are the prerogative of consciousness. The area of ​​the subconscious includes intuition, imagination, instincts. It is the subconscious that some psychologists consider the driving force for.

Visualization is an imaginary result achieved by the power of a person’s thought, his passionate desire. Its action is similar to the principle of the “placebo” action, in which it is not the medicine that heals, but faith in it and in healing. If a certain thought is fixed in the mind of a person, then it will certainly have an impact on what is happening.

If you think about the work of brilliant artists, musicians, writers, you can see elements of visualization in the process of creating masterpieces: the author sees the future work in all details, strives to achieve perfection - and the result is achieved. Personally, I think that great people such as Beethoven, Mozart, Tolstoy, Steve Jobs were, they believed in God and they showed their masterpieces to the world. What do you think? Write to me in the comments.

But how does it work on ordinary person, to his specific desire?

Briefly about the method

Many articles from authors who believe that a thought is a bundle of energy, that is, it is material and capable of influencing a person’s life, are devoted to the description of the visualization process. Human actions during visualization are similar to auto-training technology.

Briefly, this process can be described as follows: first, the imagination imagines, draws the result, there is a desire to achieve it. Then inevitably comes an understanding of the complexity of the task and, as a result, the search for options for achieving it.

Research shows that words can trigger physiological responses in a person. Therefore, affirmation is considered an effective addition to visualization. This is a positive statement to consolidate a certain idea, belief. Adherents of the theory of visualization also recommend materializing thoughts or words - writing them on paper.

People who practice visualization often don't admit it. And this is not surprising: others are often distrustful of such actions. A certain amount of skepticism is also present in the opinion of some experts. Thus, the well-known clinical psychologist Yakov Kochetkov believes that when using this method of achieving a goal, motivation, on the contrary, decreases. In addition, he calls the authors of articles on the topic of visualization that guarantee a positive result, "near-psychological".

Does it work or not

Where is the truth? As always, in the "golden mean". Visualization can serve as a way to achieve success, but certain conditions must be met:

  • visualization should not turn into an empty dream, into “manilovism”, it must be accompanied by active actions;
  • its main idea should be the process, not the result;
  • you can’t go too far into a fictional world, you can pay attention to visualization for no more than 10-15 minutes.

Nevertheless, this technique has been successfully applied in some areas of human activity, for example, in the training of athletes. Visualization of the process of achieving a record result helps such a reality.

With the help of visualization, you can fight your fears and phobias, and even diseases. The imaginary destruction of fear or pain in the form of an enemy often allows a person to actually get rid of an obsessive fear or illness.

From the above, we can conclude the following: when people practice visualization correctly, they get closer to their goal. Positive thinking and images are useful and have an impact on life processes. Therefore, it is up to the person to decide how to achieve his goal.

All for now.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

Visualization of desires is a technique thanks to which you are clearly aware of your goal, awakening in yourself the desire and, accordingly, motivation. Similarly, art therapy works by helping to engage visual perception. Psychologists and people who practice the visualization technique assure that it perfectly helps to bring dreams to life. How does it work and how to use it?

How to visualize your desires

To some extent, the visualization of desires is similar to meditation, but you should not combine and confuse them. In order to visualize your desire, you can choose a convenient time and place, so that you are not disturbed and that you are in a good mood. To properly tune in to the appropriate atmosphere, you can be a little nostalgic and remember some of the sweetest, most sincere and pleasant moments in your life. Try to do this without the help of photographs, only by drawing the most detailed image in your head.

Now you can go to the visualization itself. In fact, for this you only need to turn on your imagination and dream. But it has to be done right. Suppose you want to meet a person who will have common interests with you and is close to you in spirit. Imagine how this person looks outwardly, his age and approximate style of dress. Imagine the intonation of the voice and how you discuss, for example, a movie you just watched together. Think about what character traits you are most attracted to in this person.

It is necessary to present all this as seamlessly and logically as the plot of a book or film. Let the actions in your head develop as if you have already met and know each other, as if the goal has already been achieved. On the one hand, you will thus see how to deal with the gift that has fallen into your hands and feel even more strongly the incentive to achieve what you want. On the other hand, you will convince yourself that you can at least try to do something to make your desire come true. And the first steps towards the goal are already something, in contrast to inaction and complaints about an unfair life. After all, constant procrastination can ruin all your dreams.

collage technique

Very often, collages are used to visualize desires. To do this, they take whatman paper or a smaller sheet of paper and find a lot of pictures that in one way or another correspond to the wish made. Those who love and know how to draw can fill in the white sheet on their own with the help of bright colors. Of course, all the drawings that you stick or make yourself should be positive and pleasant for you. But it is equally important that they clearly reflect your desire, and at the first glance at them it was clear what exactly you thought of.

For example, if you dream of being in another country, find the most beautiful photographs of it, images of landscapes or cities. Place your photo there, you can even carefully cut it out and stick it on top. Write down some words and phrases in the language spoken in the country of your dreams. By the way, maybe start studying it? And here is the first step on the way to your dream!

This method of making wishes come true works especially well for visual people, who receive the most information precisely through visual perception. This method should not be considered as some kind of magical action, which in a few days, like a genie, will fulfill your desire. Visualization is something that awakens motivation and an incentive to strive. It is aimed at ensuring that a person gives himself a positive attitude towards development and, if necessary, gains confidence in himself and his actions. After all, if a person believes in his dream, it really gets a chance to come true.

Visualization is one of the most common tools in practical psychology. Despite this, or maybe precisely because of this, many are very skeptical about whether it can positively affect a person's life.

The concept of visualization is quite simple. You use the power of your imagination to create visions of what you want in life and how you will achieve it. It's like a movie in your head. In our article you will find seven visualization techniques - and if you have never practiced it, you will get a visual idea of ​​​​what it is and how to use it.

In what cases does it not work? Only when you use it like a magic pill: sit on the couch in front of the TV and imagine how you will achieve success, stand in front of the mirror and convince yourself that you are beautiful and attractive. Visualization always goes hand in hand with great difficulty. It is more of an addition than an instrument itself.

How can visualization be used?

The true value of visualization, of course, goes beyond simply boosting motivation and inspiration. It can be used different ways to improve many areas of your life. For example, for:

  • Goal Achievement
  • Focus Improvements
  • Learning Ability Improvements
  • Increase self-esteem
  • Increasing self-confidence
  • Decision Making Improvements
  • Changes in values
  • Eliminations
  • Breaking free of limiting biases
  • Mastering a new skill
  • Changes in Habitual Thinking Patterns

Later in this article, you'll find visualization techniques you can use right now to improve some of these areas. Remember also that a person visualizes almost all his time, only he does it unconsciously. Which in many cases is not very useful. That is why you need to turn off the autopilot mode and take matters into your own hands.

Seven Visualization Techniques

Let's take a look at seven visualization techniques you can use to improve some aspects of your life, including:

  • Mastering a New Skill
  • Improving Perception
  • Increase self-esteem
  • Relaxation of mind and body
  • Healing the mind and body
  • Outline of action plan
  • Achievements of goals

We will now describe the process of all the steps you need to take for each area, as well as briefly discuss how the use of each imaging technique can be beneficial.

Mastering a New Skill

The first thing that visualization can be useful for is to master a new field of knowledge. It can be quite effective in this case, because the human brain is stimulated in much the same way when we perform an action physically and when we imagine it in our head.

Psychologist Alan Richardson conducted a famous experiment with basketball players, during which it turned out that:

  • If you do not practice throwing into a basketball hoop for a week, then your skill drops.
  • If you visualize (represent the process in your head) training, then the quality of the throws improves by 23%.
  • If you train, the quality of the throws improves by 24%.

Of course, you can use this visualization technique to master any skill, but it is important to use all your senses when visualizing.

Here are five easy steps to help you do just that.

Step one. Choose the specific skill you would like to master.

Step two. Determine your actual level of proficiency in this skill.

Step three. Visualize the process of practicing this skill in vivid detail, using all your senses.

Step four. Repeat this process for 20 minutes a day. The course should last 11 days or more.

Step five. Practice this skill in real life and evaluate your progress. If you are not satisfied with the results, continue with the visualization while doing physical workouts.

Improving Perception

Visualization can also be quite effective when you want to improve your perception and observation skills. This skill is of great value as it helps to improve your understanding of the people and situations you find yourself in. Moreover, it is.

Here is a step by step visualization process of this kind.

Step one. Sit in a quiet place and spend a few minutes just observing the world around you.

Step two. Now close your eyes and recreate the world as detailed as possible in your imagination. Make sure you give Special attention subtle details, colors and textures of everything that you observed at the first stage.

Step three. Repeat the process until you can recall every detail of your environment.

Of course, once is not enough. Such visualization should become a daily practice: after a while you will become a more observant and receptive person. Too easy and simple? Yes, like all great things. Do not think that such skills require a mass of installed applications on the phone. Enough of this exercise.

Another variation of this visualization technique is to take 15-20 minutes at the end of the day to remember your entire day from waking up to now.

Increase self-esteem

Whether you lack confidence or suffer from low self-esteem, you can use visualization as a tool to help you feel better about both.

Just three steps.

Step one. Close your eyes and imagine that you are standing in a large empty room.

Step two. One by one, visualize people walking into this room. They come up to you and either congratulate and compliment you or acknowledge your work and efforts.

Step three. When the room is full of people, visualize yourself telling everyone about your accomplishments. Be sure to thank them for their support and valuable feedback.

Of course, you can change this rendering method by "running" into the room famous people or mentors. You can also imagine people giving speeches about how much they appreciate you. And, of course, it's all about the little things. Surprisingly, it is the details that make you unique that help just as much.

Increasing self-confidence and self-esteem is a very slow process, but with enough perseverance, you can reduce the amount of time. Work out for 10 to 20 minutes every day and gradually begin to feel that you have the power to change yourself and your life.

Remember, everything is always changing. And either you will change yourself consciously, or unconsciously let it take its course. Only efforts can lead to success.

Relaxation of mind and body

Visualization can be very effective when you are under stress. Whenever you feel pressure, you can use it to calm your body and mind.

Step one. Sit or lie down in a quiet place free of distractions. You can put some soothing music in the background that will help you enter a deep relaxing state.

Step two. Breathe deeply and start counting from 50 to 1. As you do this, slowly relax every muscle in your body from head to toe.

Step three. Once you are completely relaxed, send your imagination to your personal retreat. There you will find everything that makes you feel calm, serene and happy.

Once you are in this personal retreat, you can direct your visualization in several directions. For starters, you can simply enjoy the peace and harmony of the moment. Or use this space to reaffirm your goals, values, and priorities. Perhaps there is a person waiting there who is an authority for you? Talk to him about your problems and discuss solutions.

There are no limits to your imagination. You can use your hideout in a variety of ways.

Healing the mind and body

Over the years, science has repeatedly proven that there is a connection between body and mind. This connection is described in many scientific studies where placebo is used instead of drugs, when instead of a real drug a person receives an outwardly very similar drug that does not carry either positive or negative effects. negative impact. Sometimes a placebo works just as well.

How is this possible? In essence, we convince ourselves that something should help us (belief system), and then the brain releases the appropriate chemical substances and neurotransmitters that activate the healing process.

Of course, there is also the opposite effect, which is called nocebo. The situation is very similar to placebo, only the patient receives some harm to the body. Again, our belief system and brain play a major role here in creating this effect.

Try these three ways to see the value of self-hypnosis.

Earth energy visualization

Close your eyes and feel yourself firmly on the ground (or Earth). Imagine energy flowing through you and healing your body.

Visualization of a golden ball

The second way is to sit in a quiet place and visualize a golden ball of energy or light surrounding your body. This energy begins as a small spot in the heart chakra, and then with each inhalation and exhalation, it gradually grows and expands until it envelops the body.

Fireball visualization

The third method is used to effectively manage pain. Calm your breath and sit down. Close your eyes and start focusing on the area of ​​your body where you feel discomfort or pain. Visualize this area as a large, bright, red fireball. Then gradually, with each exhalation, the fireball gets smaller and smaller until it becomes a small spot on your body. As the fireball shrinks, your pain subsides.

You can, of course, use each of these techniques in combination, or creatively explore other visualization techniques for pain or healing. There are many possibilities here for you to explore.

Outline of action plan

If you ever feel stressed or tense, visualizing your action plan can help you calm down, focus, and take proactive action.

This method is best used at the end of the day to plan work for the next day. However, it can also be used during the day when you have about 10 minutes.

This visualization has three steps.

Step one. Calm your mind and just relax. Sitting is probably a good idea, as it will help mentally take a break from what you are doing.

Step two. Close your eyes and start visualizing exactly what you would like to accomplish for the rest of the day (or tomorrow). Imagine it in great detail and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What exactly do I want?
  • How do I want to feel?
  • What specific actions do I want to take?
  • How will I interact with other people?
  • What obstacles will I have to overcome?
  • How can I overcome these obstacles?
  • What do I ultimately want to achieve?

It is important that you fully visualize your answers to these questions. Don't settle for the first answer that comes to mind. Actually, here you will see how inclined to live on autopilot.

The more answers you come up with, the better you can see what mistakes you've made before. Pay attention to every detail.

Step three. The reality of life is that we, unfortunately, cannot predict everything that happens to us. Unexpected events often break our plans. However, it's not about being precise and inflexible. Rather, it is an adaptation to the circumstances that arise in life.

With this in mind, it is important to state at the conclusion of the visualization that everything will change in one direction or another. By affirming this, you keep your mind open to possibilities. As a result, you'll be ready to make adjustments when unexpected obstacles come your way.

No, this process certainly does not give a reliable plan, however, what this visualization definitely helps with is to imagine possible scenarios, which may take place. By presenting them, you will be able to accept more effective solutions doing their projects and doing tasks.

Achievements of goals

The final rendering method we will discuss involves the . The use of visualization for this area of ​​life can be of great value, but the technique also has one distinct drawback.

Goal setting is probably the most popular form of visualization. Many of us imagine how we achieve something. But, unfortunately, this method often does not work due to one serious flaw. When most people visualize their goals, they represent only the end goal. They see in their fantasies this big, bright, and beautiful destination at the end of their journey. And yes, they represent this process in detail, using all the senses.

This is wonderful, because after such a session there is a huge motivation. However, it is fleeting and at the first problem is depleted.

They then feel like they need to visualize their goal again in order to find motivation once more. However, every time they do this, nothing happens and the energy is depleted.

What are these people doing wrong? A destination is not a destination, it is a journey. And on the way to it, you will encounter a lot of mistakes and failures, emotional downturns and breakdowns. This is what you need to include in your visualization in the first place.

Of course, you need to represent the end goal, but don't spend more than 10% of the entire visualization time on this. The remaining 90% should be dedicated to problems and solving them in your imagination. What will you do if you suddenly forget the words while speaking in public? Thinking about this question, you will immediately begin to look for the answer and find out that many people asked it to themselves and found a way out of the situation.

Here are five steps to properly visualize your goals.

Step one. Sit in a quiet place, close your eyes. Start visualizing your end goal. Imagine yourself in the future as a person who has achieved it. Experience all the feelings associated with it.

Step two. Now step back in time from this future. What did you do to achieve this goal? Imagine all the obstacles you have faced and the failures that have held you back - now you will clearly see that you are successfully overcoming them. Keep visualizing all the way up to the present moment.

Step three. Now move forward in time and visualize how you took advantage of the opportunities and how lucky coincidences helped you overcome each obstacle. The details are very important.

Step four. Once you complete your visualization, it will take time to fuel the future "you" with positive energy for the journey ahead.

Step Five

When you exit the visualization, immediately emotionally disengage from the result. The only thing that can keep you is an emotional attachment to concrete result. Instead, stay open and flexible for the future. And get ready for a lot of work.

Yes, all these techniques seem very simple. We are used to the fact that in order to change, something difficult is needed. Do they have something like that? Yes: the most difficult thing in these techniques is persistence.

Even if these techniques look primitive, they are very effective. But only if performed every day. And if they are followed by .

Have you ever imagined that you have incredible self-confidence, successfully pass an interview, or achieve your life's goal? If so, then you have already used a tool called visualization.

The essence of visualization is to create in your mind images of the desired successful future. This is a mental rehearsal by which you can see yourself as a person who has achieved the goal. As an exercise, it should be repeated every day for 10-15 minutes, replacing stereotyped negative thoughts with positive ones.


  • Increases self-confidence.
  • Reminds you of the importance of slowing down in everyday life.
  • Changes outlook.
  • Influences the formation of personality.
  • Removes fears and phobias.

It sounds so wonderful that it seems like the proverbial magic pill that doesn't actually work. Let's try to figure out if everything is really so rosy.

Why does visualization work?

According to brain scan research, imaging works because neurons, the electrically excited cells that transmit information, interpret images as equals. real action. When we visualize an action, the brain generates an impulse that sets the neurons in motion.

This is how new neural pathways emerge - clusters of cells in the brain that work together to create memories or learned behaviors that prompt our body to act on what we imagine. All this happens without actual physical activity, but it achieves a similar result.

Simply put, the brain does not understand the difference between real and imagined action. The only condition is that the fantasy must be as realistic as possible.

Australian psychologist Alan Richardson took a group of basketball players, divided them into three subgroups, and tested each player's ability to hit the ball into the basket.

The first group practiced 20 minutes a day.

The second group visualized (imagined in their head) throws for 20 minutes a day. They were not allowed to touch the ball.

The third group was banned from both training and visualization.

The results surprised everyone. The visualization group almost matched the one that practiced physically. The results of the third group were the worst.

Visualization works in all areas of life. Do you want to eat less? Learn to deal with stressful situations? Improve communication with people, given that you are too shy? Read on.

Many people believe that visualization also works because with this exercise we let the Universe know what we want, and she gives us it. If you belong to this category, we advise you to watch the movie "The Secret". It already depends on you: to believe in science or metaphysics.

If you don't believe in either the first or the second, consider this: our thoughts shape us. What we think throughout the day, month, year - affects the personality. Visualization allows you to choose the quality of thoughts and images, and therefore changes the worldview. For example, self-confidence comes both as a result of achieving success, and with the help of words that we repeat to ourselves every minute, consciously or not. This technique makes one take thoughts seriously, as material that can change a person's personality and character.

Who Uses Visualization?

Surprisingly, there are still misconceptions and prejudices about such a powerful tool: they say, this is a newfangled trend that crazy people are engaged in. Or that its usefulness is overrated.

Greatest athletes, leaders and others famous people admit that they not only use visualization, but also do it every day several times: in the morning, afternoon and before bed.

Conor McGregor, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, Tony Robbins, Jim Carrey, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Will Smith are just some of the famous people who have announced that visualization has changed their lives.

They say that in order to succeed, you need to find your own way. But you can also copy the behavior of outstanding people, take the best from them.

So what do you need to know in order to learn visualization?

Visualization basics

The first thing to understand is that visualization works, if done consistently, becomes your habit. It's not something you can do once a month for ten minutes.

Visualization serves both to train skills, increase self-confidence, and to help achieve big goals. Every time you want to learn something, fulfill your dream, follow simple rules.

Use all your senses. Visualization is often referred to as the art of conjuring up mental images, but it's not enough just to imagine pictures in your head.

"Most effective exercises include the five senses,” says Michael Gervais, Ph.D., a Los Angeles-based psychologist who has worked with many professional athletes and teams. "You have to be so immersed in the mental image that it must seem like it's actually happening." Use sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch.

Trigger your emotions. Visualization without emotion is practically meaningless. If you're having trouble, write down on a piece of paper how you feel when you reach your goal. It can be joy, delight, inspiration, enthusiasm, pride.

Be at the center of the action, not the audience. To fully immerse yourself in the state of visualization, imagine that the situation is unfolding from your face. Don't look at yourself like it's a movie.

Practice. The effectiveness of mental imagery is not wishful thinking and not imagining that you have succeeded. You can't become a great speaker just by reading a book on public speaking. For visualization to work, you need to train long and hard.

The situation in which you see yourself should be as real as in life. The brain must think that all this is actually happening.

Write it down. If you want to hone your skills, convey the image in writing. For example, if you want to give a good presentation, write down in your diary the details you will encounter: the room, the faces in the audience, your behavior.


Before you start visualizing, make sure you understand important question: why do you need it? The answer will help to arouse exorbitant enthusiasm in yourself along with motivation so that the picture in your head is bright and alive.

Also answer the following questions:

How will this goal help me in the future?

How to get the most out of the situation?

What day will this event take place?

Focus on the positive. If you want to rehearse all the bad options for an event, sort them out in your head. After the negative scenarios have been worked out, the final stage comes: a clear idea of ​​the ideal situation. How to move, what to say and how to react so that everything goes as it should?

Imagine every step. Let's say you want to start eating right and improve your health. Then imagine what you will do when you enter the supermarket and, out of habit, go towards the department with convenience foods or sweets. How should one behave in such a situation so that there is no desire to buy all this?

Second example: you went to a party where there is only junk food. What should be said so as not to offend those present? How do you react to bewilderment?

Make a speech in your head

Even if you don't plan on giving a speech in front of an audience, this exercise will help build self-esteem and confidence. Come up with a topic and write a speech.

Break your speech into blocks. Imagine walking into a room. What kind of lighting does it have? What temperature? What are you wearing? Take a deep breath before starting.

Look at the audience, imagine that there is a friendly person in it. He is interested in your speech and is preparing to listen with pleasure. Imagine also that someone yawned. How will you internally react to this? How do you prevent yourself from panicking?

If you are an auditory type, call up as many sounds in your mind as possible. During a speaker's speech, there may be dozens of them in the audience. Present them in turn.

Five things you can change with visualization

We said that visualization can be used for many purposes, but we will focus on the five most important ones.

Goal visualization

Think in a “what I see is what I get” format and be ready for the synthesis of creativity and intelligence. The only thing that exists now is your goal. Everything else doesn't matter.

Let's say you want to get promoted. Imagine how the boss calls you, think over the dialogue. Then fast forward a few days and enter your new office. What is he? What color is the table? How are you dressed? This picture should fill with enthusiasm and warmth.

Follow a simple formula:

Write down five actions that will get you closer to your goal and that you can take right now.
Rehearse every action in your head.
In psychology, this is called positive focus. Planning - effective method get down to business immediately. And when you also imagine each step, you increase your self-confidence, consider the situation in detail and learn to work around difficulties.

Visualization of thinking

Thinking is, perhaps, what needs to be changed in the first place. You will certainly agree that successful and great people think differently than unsuccessful ones. So when you change your thoughts, you can change everything else in your life.

Visualization of thinking requires several days to collect information. To do this, always carry a notepad and pen with you. You should write down what you think about throughout the day. And it is negative, unpleasant thoughts.

Everything that pulls back, everything from which there is no benefit, must be forgotten. Represent yourself successful person. What thoughts will dominate your mind? If you find it difficult, first write them down on paper. Repeat them as often as possible during visualization. It is similar to hypnosis: as soon as you completely relax, the technique will begin to give the best results.

Moving the imagination into the real world

Once you've learned how to visualize your goals, switch to focus mode. Before you perform an action, solve a task or problem, clearly focus on what you are going to do. Even if it's something intangible, like "earn more money”, this can be used to get started.

To move the imagination into the real world means to use the environment for visualization. Now you do not close your eyes and imagine a picture, from now on it is "augmented reality". For example, if you want to give a speech in a week, go to the room where it will happen and imagine on the spot how it will happen. In fact, it's even more effective than drawing pictures in your head.

Why then not use this method all the time? You will not always have the opportunity to personally see the embodiment of your goal in life. Look at the circumstances and balance between the real and the imaginary.


Visualization only works when you are calm and can focus on a world free of worries. It is very close to meditation, only more active and bright.

The similarity is that in both meditation and visualization you need to put aside all worries and thoughts for a while in order to focus on one goal. Therefore, over time, you will learn to slow down the rhythm of life and enter a calm, relaxed state.

To do this, you need to work with the outside world:

Tell loved ones not to disturb you for the next 20-30 minutes.

Disable all gadgets.

Put on relaxing music or use earplugs.

Personality Visualization

Visualize the personality traits you want to have. It is not enough to want to be a businessman, you also need to understand what qualities you need to have for this.

The list can be quite long: the ability to listen, the skill of persuasion, the ability to communicate openly, quickly absorb information, and negotiate.

Focus on one skill at a time. Imagine yourself listening to a person. And as much as you want to interrupt, don't do it.

Techniques to improve visualization skills
Are you trying to render, but the picture is still unrealistic? Then try the following techniques to develop the skill.

Aivazovsky method. The famous artist not only painted, but also regularly trained the brain. One of his techniques was to take an unknown painting or drawing and try to memorize all the details for a minute. And then put it aside and play it in your head.

Do not limit yourself to pictures, you can pick up 3D objects - figurines, books, kitchen appliances. Consider all the details. When you practice, you will learn to be automatically observant (after all, we often do not pay attention to the world around us). This will help make the visualization vivid and memorable.

Watch the world around you. Keep your eyes open. Take a walk in the park and pay attention to everything you see. Complete the details also with something fictional: imagine a flying saucer, a garden of Eden, a huge rainbow.

Feel objects. We have already said that one mental image is not enough, you need to use all the senses. Close your eyes, pick up an old book, feel it. Pay attention to the difference between the pages and the cover.

Smell things. Go to the kitchen and test all the products one by one. Compare smells, try to move away from not very pleasant and perceive them without bias.

Feel the sounds. Listen to classical music and linger on a particular instrument. Step out onto the balcony and listen to the cacophony of sounds.

Imagine yourself on a desert island. There are no limits for creative thinking: let this island be the way you want it to be. Most likely, you will imagine the beach. What is the temperature of the water, the color of the sand, the wind?

Imagine yourself in your favorite location from a movie or cartoon. This exercise is easier because you have seen the place. Take a walk along it, go to those places that were previously inaccessible. What is there? How are you feeling?

What books are worth reading

To learn more about visualization, read several books on the subject. Here is a list of those to start with:

Morning Magic Hal Elrod
"Without Self-Pity" Eric Bertrand Larssen
"Creative Visualization" by Shakti Gawain
"The Art of Visualization in Business" by Nathan Yau
“Dreaming is not bad. How to Get What You Really Want Barbara Sher
"Think and Grow Rich" Napoleon Hill
"The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne

You now have all the tools to become a visualization master. Relax, close your eyes, imagine in great detail the desired situation - and repeat this process as often as possible.

Visualization(from lat. visualis - "visual") - a technique for creating a visual image.

The history of symbols and images in culture

The ability to present figurative pictures is a unique human ability. Our imagination and fantasy can help us imagine both the past and the future. Places where we have never been, or those where we have been for a long time. People we want to see or worlds that don't exist.

Humanity has long used this opportunity - to represent an image - to study itself and its inner world. Scientists of all times, in almost all cultural and historical eras, have studied and used this human ability to control the future and the past.

healing sleep

Visualization of various images and states also helped in the treatment of mental and physical ailments.

Modern visualization techniques have ancient predecessors. For example, in Ancient Greece there was a cult of the god of healing Asclepius. His worshipers, as part of a religious priestly rite, were healed with the help of waking dreams, which they represented while on a special cult bed.

The founder of the Jesuit order, Ignatius Loyola, in the 16th century used exercises similar to modern psychoanalytic techniques for the so-called. spiritual growth of members of the order.

In addition to the indisputable significance of figurative perception in psychology, psychotherapy, the influence of imagination on the perception of a person and his development is also obvious.

Painting, literature, music, theater and cinema are not only cultural heritage humanity, but also ways of mutual influence, emotional exchange between people. Whether we are listening to a piece of music, looking at the details of a painting, or reading a novel with enthusiasm, we imagine, we imagine, we visualize pictures and images.

Visualization in psychology

Scientific studies of psychoanalysis, hypnotherapy, for example, the work of Sigmund Freud and Josef Breuer, describe cases of self-trance, which patients fell into, demonstrating symptoms of the disease.

One of the most significant representatives of scientific psychiatry, the author of the method of autogenic training, German psychiatrist Johannes Schulz.

The founder of analytical psychology, C. G. Jung, developed a method of working with images, which he called "active imagination."

An example of influence and healing with the help of imagination is the well-known sessions of Anatoly Kashpirovsky in the 90s of the last century. Despite all the controversy and ambiguity of the results of these public experiments, similar cases existed and were described long before Kashpirovsky.

In esotericism and parapsychology

Without figurative perception, without the ability to represent images, without the use of visualization methods, almost no esoteric techniques are possible.

Clairvoyants must be able to perceive the image that they read from space, analyze and interpret it.

Healers must be able to imagine the energy flows in their hands, for example, or in the patient's body.

People who work with mantic systems, such as TARO or RUNES, must be able to understand the symbols that make up the picture of cards, runes, or any other divinatory tools.

Techniques of working with energies, such as Qigong, cosmic energy and others, methods of working with chakras, meditation practice - all these types of esoteric practices imply a clear presentation of certain pictures, reproduction of symbols, interaction with the field of inner vision.

Working with images

There is a small percentage on earth, just over 4% of people who really cannot represent images. This may be the result of physiology, mental disorders, illness, trauma.

In other cases, only temporary difficulties can be an obstacle: nervous tension, fatigue, distrust of the method or accompanying person (when a person works with a specialist), defense mechanisms of the psyche, when unconsciously we don’t really want changes and impede our own progress.

In any case, the ability to visualize can be developed.

In cases of visualization difficulties, people usually report that they see nothing but gray fog or blackness, emptiness. If such difficulties arise, you need to find a place where you will be comfortable and cozy. Where no one will bother you for a certain time.

flower image

The main thing is not to rush. It can be imagined that gradually the darkness or fog dissipates ... dissipates ... and an image appears. An image of what you want to present, what you are going to work with, or simply - absolutely any picture, what is presented.

There is no need to prepare specifically for a visualization session, which can cause tension in advance. On the contrary, you can imagine certain pictures in a relaxed atmosphere, without closing your eyes: in transport, in line, on a walk in the park, relaxing in the kitchen with a cup of coffee.

You can just imagine, for example, a flower. Imagine and gradually consider your image in detail. Over time, it would be nice to add the use of all modalities: smell, touch, hearing. You can imagine how you touch a flower, feel how its petals feel to the touch. You can smell, hear sounds, for example, the buzzing of bees or the singing of birds next to a flower. You can imagine yourself in the image, i.e. gradually "introduce" yourself into the picture of your inner world.

Imaging Techniques

  • passive imagination

We can all visualize images and use visualization techniques quite spontaneously. We even think in images. Preparing for tomorrow's meeting, thinking through the details of the event that will happen in a month, we - visualize!

We "draw" pictures, dialogues, surroundings, our own image. That's right, we don't have lists or descriptions, formulas in our heads. Before our inner eye - pictures, plots ...

  • active imagination

For a more constructive use of their abilities, you can strengthen some details. For deep diving, it is important to learn relaxation techniques. The process of visualization will be more successful and active if the body is completely relaxed and the mind is calm.

  • Relaxation. To relax, you can memorize well-known texts, or independently pay attention to all parts of the body, breathing, imagining how they become heavier or filled with warmth.

Then you can imagine those images that are aimed at solving certain problems. It can be a representation of yourself in the future, in a certain place, form, environment, everything that you aspire to.

It can also be figurative situations from the past when you need to work through the emotions and feelings that bind you and prevent you from moving on.

It could be symbols. those. images that do not have a direct understanding, but are metaphors for something.

water image

For example, water contributes to calming, filling with energy. Climbing a mountain can help in overcoming a particular situation, forcing an event.

  • Image interpretation is an additional, like relaxation, skill, an auxiliary technique in the general visualization technique. Indeed, in the process, unexpected pictures can appear, plots can develop, which are most often very symbolic, just like, for example, dreams.

These emerging images may carry clues from the unconscious, may open the way for us to inner resources. The art of interpretation is an important component, which can also be gradually learned.

Application in life

AT modern world many, if not all, methods of psychology and esotericism are based on the enormous possibilities of anthasization, the figurative perception of a person.

Among the well-known and basic techniques, methods and directions that own and use visualization, one can single out:

  • dreams
  • active imagination method
  • mantic practices
  • clairvoyance
  • symboldrama
  • reality transering
  • energy practices
  • meditation
  • emotional-figurative psychotherapy
  • hypnosis
  • simoron
  • reality transerfing

The visualization method has become especially popular recently, mainly due to the popularity of the film "The Secret", where all the advantages of using fantasy and representation were presented in sufficient detail and reasonably.

A visualization board, a map of desires, expectations from the Universe and many others are methods that allow you to manage your life and plan for the future.

However, an important link in the visualization technique is activity. This is a link that sometimes falls out of the practitioner's field of vision and the technique may not work.

The point is that no matter how beautiful the Wish Board looks, no matter how clearly the expected and desired object is presented, it is necessary to act in the direction of your own dreams and plans.

In order not to be deceived and not fall under the influence of mass desires, it is possible and important to understand your own needs. The modern technique of futuropractic can help with this.

Visualization helps in our lives not only with a simple and hackneyed technique for presenting wealth and success today.

Visualization is used in psychotherapy, psychology in an extremely important topic for humanity - work with fears, internal conflicts, repressed experiences.

Our unconscious speaks to us in the language of images, symbols, dreams, metaphors. Visualization of not only the future, but also the past is a way to come to an agreement with your own psyche, better understand your own motives, become freer and happier.

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