Water temperature in Cuba by months. When is the best time to visit Cuba? Seasons and weather by months

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Tourists very often believe that summer always reigns on the islands of the Caribbean, and you can go on vacation there at any time of the year. Despite the fact that the climate in this region is temperate tropical and the average annual air temperature in Cuba is 25 ° C, vacations here can be spoiled due to heavy rains every day or a sudden hurricane.

To enjoy your stay in Cuba, you should know in advance what the weather, air and water temperatures are predicted for the period of your vacation there.

In this article, we will look at the weather and average temperature on the island of Cuba by months of the year.

Weather in Cuba in summer

  1. June. This is the rainiest month of the year (approximately 10 days), but despite this, in June it is worth heat about 30°C and the water remains warm enough for swimming (27°C). When packing a suitcase, one must take into account that at night the air is very cold (up to 22 ° C), so you should grab a jacket.
  2. July. It is the rainiest and hottest month of the year at the same time. Temperatures can reach 32°C during the day and 22°C at night. July usually has 7 rainy days. Thanks to the cool sea air, this period does not cause discomfort to tourists with heat and high humidity, although some acclimatization is still needed. Be sure to take into account that such weather attracts mosquitoes and mosquitoes, which can ruin the whole holiday.
  3. August. This month is characterized by almost daily afternoon showers, but the temperature is quite high both during the day (28-30°С) and at night (24°С). The well-warmed sea (up to 28°C) is perfect for relaxing in the seaside resorts of Cuba.

Weather in Cuba in autumn

  1. September. Temperature regime remains the same as in August, differs only high humidity. A calm rest can be disturbed by sudden gusts of strong winds, storms and hurricanes.
  2. October. Last month the rainy season, so the number of showers is significantly reduced, but the humidity of the air is still high, so you can fully relax only near the sea or in the evening, when the heat of the day (30 ° C) subsides, and the sea remains well warmed up (27 ° C).
  3. November. Start tourist season in Cuba. Air temperature during the day 27°C, water 25°C and a small number of rainy days (maximum 5) make this month's holiday just great.

Weather in Cuba in winter

  1. December. beautiful summer weather, when winter is on the calendar, attracts a huge number of people to Cuba at an air temperature of 26 ° C - 28 ° C. Going to rest in December, you can not be afraid of showers and hurricanes, even if it rains, it will be short-lived. Therefore, apart from beach holiday, you can visit local .
  2. January. This is the most cold month in Cuba - the average daytime temperature is about 22 ° C. The warm sea up to 24°С, the settled dry and clear weather make January ideal for beach and outdoor activities.
  3. February. Thanks to the tropical climate this month, Cuba also has excellent conditions for recreation: during the day 25°С-28°С, at night about 20°С, and the water temperature is from 23°С to 27°С. The only thing to consider in February is the possibility of a short-term cooling (up to 20°C).

Weather in Cuba in spring

Even if you know the approximate weather in Cuba in the month for which you have planned a vacation there, before packing your bags, check the weather again.

The climate of Cuba allows you to relax in its resorts throughout the year, but there are high and low seasons. Let's find out when is the best time to go on vacation to Cuba. Find out about the weather by months, water and air temperature, tourists' reviews of a beach holiday.


Water and air temperature. This is the coolest month of the year: in Havana and Varadero +25°C during the day, +16°C at night, water temperature +24°C. Trinidad is 2 degrees warmer. Sometimes winter comes cold front, and the temperature drops immediately by 5-10 degrees.

Weather. There is no rain, the sea is warm, but because of constant winds being on the seashore is not so pleasant, and tourists prefer the lounge area near the pool.

Reviews of tourists. Rest comfortably by the pool. When a cold front approaches, you will need to wear a jacket.


Water and air temperature. In February in the daytime +26...+27°C, at night +16...+17°C, water +25°C. Sometimes a cold front comes in February, and the air temperature drops to + 20 ° C, but usually this phenomenon lasts no more than two days.

Reviews of tourists. The weather is cool and pleasant - suitable for beach holidays and excursions. In February, it is better to relax in Cuba with children.

(Photo © Antonio Cinotti / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


Water and air temperature. Costs Nice weather: day +28°С, night +20°С, sea water +26°С.

Weather. Cool pleasant weather for beach joys and excursions. It is still dry during the day, sometimes it rains at night, the wind is moderate.

Reviews of tourists. The weather in March is favorable for all types of holidays in Cuba! Some tourists believe that it is better to fly to Freedom Island during this month - it is warm, low humidity and almost no precipitation. Comfortable to rest with children and the elderly.


Water and air temperature. In April, there are rarely cold snaps: during the day +29°С, at night +19...+21°С, water +26...+27°С.

Weather. The rainy season has not started yet, the wind is moderate and not high humidity air at the level of 60%, the water is clean and transparent.

Reviews of tourists. In April, the weather is great for a beach holiday in Cuba, excursions and trips around the island.


Water and air temperature. It is already hot in May: during the day the air temperature is +30°С, at night +20...+23°С, the water in the sea is +27°С.

Weather. This is the border month of the beach season in Cuba. It's getting hotter, but the breezes make the heat bearable. It rains about 3-10 days a month (depending on the region of the country), but mostly at night or in the evening. There are cloudy days or hours. The sea is perfectly clean, without jellyfish and algae.

Reviews of tourists. Rains do not interfere with the plans of tourists. Vacationers calmly sunbathe and explore the island, go on excursions. At this time, you can catch a cheap last-minute tour, and hotel prices are dropping.

(Photo © ashu mathura / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)


Water and air temperature. Summer comes to Cuba with showers, and to the southwest also with hurricanes. The heat intensifies: during the day +32...+34°С, at night +21°С, water +27°С.

Reviews of tourists. In the Varadero area climatic conditions calmer. There you can relax without fear of storms and hurricanes. However, tourists write that it is still very hot and the sea is hot.

Consider for a holiday - there beach season almost all year round!


Water and air temperature. The air temperature during the day is +32°С, at night +22°С. Water +28°С.

Weather. During the day it is hot and stuffy due to high humidity, it can rain for several hours in a row, turning the beach into a dirty mess.

Reviews of tourists. Most cheerful tourists prefer to rent a car and run away from the rain. Others simply do not fly to Cuba at this time.


Water and air temperature. August is the hottest month in Cuba. During the day +32...+34°С, at night +23...+25°С.

Weather. In the morning good weather, you can sunbathe and swim, but in the afternoon it usually rains.

Reviews of tourists. The sea storms and rises good wave- this is a sin not to use if you want to try surfing.

(Photo © photohu / flickr.com. Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


Water and air temperature. During the day +30...+32°С, at night +22°С, water +28°С.

Weather. In September, it is better not to rest in Cuba if you do not tolerate heat and humidity. About 10 days a month it rains in the evening or in the afternoon. The sea periodically storms, but there are many days when the weather is clear and sunny. There are strong winds, which sometimes develop into destructive hurricanes.

Reviews of tourists. Hurricanes should not be afraid - they may not be. Most often they fall on the Pinar del Rio region, so tourists are not advised to go there.

The Dominican Republic is a neighboring country of Cuba. Read about holidays in these countries.


Water and air temperature. The heat subsides, it is already easier to breathe: during the day + 28 ... + 30 ° С, at night + 20 ° С, water + 27 ° С.

Weather. Season it's raining on the wane, tropical showers turn into intermittent rain, but the likelihood of hurricanes is still high.

JanFebmarAprMayjunejulyaugseptoctbut Idec
Varadero24 25 26 26 27 27 28 27 26 26 25 24
Havana24 25 26 26 27 27 28 29 28 27 25 24
Santiago de Cuba 24 25 26 26 27 27 28 27 26 26 25 24
Trinidad25 26 27 27 28 28 29 28 27 27 26 25

Climate of Cuba

The weather in Cuba is formed by the action of winds and cyclones, the influence of the ocean is felt all year round. The climate of Cuba is tropical trade winds, covering the entire Caribbean region.

The warm climate of the island of Cuba favors beach holidays throughout the year. The average annual air temperature in the resorts of Cuba is +25.5 °C. In the middle of winter, the thermometer rarely drops below +22 °C, and in hot August, as a rule, it rises above +30 °C. The water temperature during the year varies from +22…+24 °C in winter to +28…+30 °C.

Seasonality is weakly expressed. In particular, during the relatively dry period from November to April, there is still a chance of tropical showers. At the same time, sunny weather in Cuba can also be expected during the rainy season - the period from May to October, which accounts for up to 75% of precipitation. In the summer-autumn period, the climate is formed under the influence of tropical cyclones, bringing showers and strong winds.

The water temperature off the coast of Cuba practically never drops below +24 °C. On average, about 1400 mm of precipitation falls annually, mainly in the form of showers, and high humidity remains throughout the year. However, sometimes there are dry years.

The sea wind off the coast softens the heat, brings coolness with the onset of evening.

Climate and weather in Cuba by months

In January Cuba is the coolest. During the day in Havana and Varadero about +24 °C, in southern Trinidad up to +26 °C. In the south, the dry season is at its height, the chance of rain is minimal, and in the capital, located in the north of the island, it can rain. The water in the sea is warm, + 24 ... + 25 ° С, but due to strong winds vacationers prefer swimming pools.

In February it becomes more comfortable on Svoboda Island, and only at the end of the month coolness comes - under the influence of the Northern Front, which quickly passes.

In March The weather in Cuba is changeable. At times, a strong wind interferes with beach holidays, but at this time there is low humidity and low rainfall. During the day in cities + 26 ... + 27 ° С.

April- one of best months for travel in Cuba. The heat is easily tolerated, the water in the sea continues to heat up, the weather in Cuba is ideal for water sports and beach holidays: the winds subside, and the coast becomes a venue for festivals.

In May the weather forecast in Cuba often promises wonderful sunny days, even though the month is considered the beginning of the rainy season. As a rule, it rains in the middle of the day, during the afternoon rest, and ends quickly. The water in the sea is very warm, +27…+28 °C.

June and July it's rainy in Cuba. The maximum rainfall occurs at the beginning of summer: in Havana and Varadero, up to 180 mm of precipitation falls per month. At the same time, the temperature of water and air is steadily rising, and on relatively dry days, you can find time for beaches or sea excursions.

August- the hottest month in Cuba: in Havana from + 30 ... + 32 ° С, on the Atlantic coast and in Santiago de Cuba, it is only one or two degrees less.

Almost as hot in September, it rains more often, and in this regard, the weather in Cuba resembles the beginning of summer.

Mid October the rainy season ends, during the day on the street at this time an average of +28 ° C, at night +21 ° C.

In November the weather in Cuba is favorable for the official opening high season. The heat drops to a comfortable +25 ° C, it rarely rains. You can sunbathe, swim, play sports and travel as much as possible in this amazing country.

December, according to statistics, the driest month in Cuba. There are no more than three rainy days on the island. During the day it is very warm, but not stuffy, you can have time to see the sights and get a bronze tan on the beaches.

Climate of Cuba

Cuba is a country on the other side the globe, which is very interesting to visit for absolutely all reasons. And in order to check how our antipodes “walk on their heads” there. And in order to find out how communism, which we have stopped building, is being built there. And for many more other reasons. And when you go so far from home, you need to know about the peculiarities of the weather of the host country, so as not to miscalculate with luggage - you don’t take too much, but you won’t be left without the necessary. What features of weather and climate distinguish Cuba from other countries of the world?

Climate and its determining influence on the weather of the country

It is enough to look at the globe, and it immediately becomes clear that Cuba is where it is hot and, probably, humid. The climate of the large island state is tropical trade winds. Common features of such a climate are high average annual air temperatures, but not excessive. The same can be said about humidity. Yes, it is relatively high, but thanks to the trade winds, it is also not excessive.

The average annual temperature of daytime air over the island of Cuba is 25.5 degrees Celsius. The location in the northern hemisphere determines the familiar distribution of the seasons. Calendar winter falls on the usual months from December to February. The coldest month is January, when the air temperature averages +22…+23 degrees. In the hottest period of the year, which falls on August, it is not very hot here - about +27 ... +28 degrees. However, high humidity somewhat exacerbates the sensations, and these, by desert continental standards, are not very high degrees perceived a little more difficult than in a drier climate.

Seasons in Cuba and comfort of rest

As is traditionally the case in tropical climate, two seasons are clearly distinguished here - dry, which lasts from October to April, and rainy, respectively, from May to September. Precipitation is unevenly distributed between the seasons, three-quarters of it falls on the rainy season and the remaining 25% falls on the ground in the dry season. During the rainy season, heavy rains are frequent over the island and average annual quantity is 1400 mm. Although dryer years are possible.

The human body is not very comfortable with such a combination as high temperature and high humidity. Therefore, resting in Cuba in the dry season is more comfortable than in the rainy season. However, the proximity of oceanic masses in Cuba conceals and alleviates this inconvenience even during the rainy season. The breeze constantly blowing from the sea takes away the heat during the day and even brings coolness in the evening and at night. Tropical winds blow here with enviable constancy, regardless of the season. And so the trees on the coast are all curved in the same direction with the same angle tilt. The amount of precipitation is always higher at the foot of the mountains located in the depths of the island of Cuba than on the coast. This should be taken into account when planning your trips to the sights of the country.

In the period from mid-June to November, tropical cyclones can sweep over Cuba, which originate in the Lesser Antilles, as well as in the western Caribbean Sea and gradually drift towards American Florida. In summer and early autumn, typhoons can be so strong that they cause considerable damage to the country - to the population and economy.

Flora and fauna of Cuba as a result climatic features countries

The island is very small and rather uniform in relief, and the climate has only two seasons. Therefore, vegetable and animal world its not as interesting and personable. In its formation, typhoons that come with rather stubborn constancy play a significant role. Forests, through the efforts of man and his activities, have been cut down on most of the island, and now occupy no more than ten percent of its territory, mainly in mountainous areas. Much more interesting and diverse animal and vegetable world coastal waters Cuba. Therefore, it is interesting to go diving and snorkeling here. A large number of valuable commercial fish makes fishing especially interesting. Good, weather allow you to devote yourself to your favorite pastime in any season. After all, the water temperature even in the "cold" January is +24 degrees Celsius.

When to go to Cuba?

You can come to Cuba at any time of the year, and no matter what month of the year your next or extraordinary vacation fell on, Liberty Island will meet you with beautiful weather - warm and gentle. Sometimes it will be a little drier, sometimes a little wetter, but in any case, you will be in awe of the beautiful island in the ocean and its climatic conditions.

The seasons on Liberty Island are wonderful, almost whole year the weather is good, but there are some weather features that appear during the rainy and dry seasons. You can say this about Cuba - this is the one paradise where it is always light, where they love and wait.

Weather in Cuba now:

Nevertheless, tourists who are going to relax in Cuba or on Liberty Island should definitely take into account the peculiarities of the climatic zone in which this country is located. This should be taken into account in order to better choose a place of rest, and the necessary travel accessories.

Climate of Cuba by months:


Spring in Cuba is very comfortable. The weather is favorable good rest. But, unfortunately, Cuba is in such a climate zone, the features of which are the presence of the rainy season. Therefore, in Cuba, from November to April, there is a dry season, during which people try to leave the country because of the very high air temperature, it is very hot here. This season quickly gives way to the rainy season, which begins in May.

The weather can be very different, during the rainy season there can be some very hot days. Therefore, spring in Cuba can be met both under the scorching sun and during a downpour. There are very windy days in spring. There can be about 4-5 rainy days in these months, but on average, there is no rain throughout the day. He only eats for 3-4 hours. During this time, the earth has time to refresh itself, and the air changes in better side. Here you can meet the smallest bird, hummingbird, frog, no more than 12 mm high.


Summer in Cuba could be called really hot, as the air temperature reaches 34 degrees, only at night the thermometer can drop to 25 degrees. As you can see, at night you can simply sleep in swimsuits here. This season will perfect place recreation for people who love extreme sports, especially diving, water skiing motorcycles.

In Cuba, you can spend the whole summer, while the temperature will not be below 19 degrees, which will not cause pressure drops in people who are especially sensitive to weather changes. The most interesting here will be staying during the carnival, which is especially good in Havana. There are many very interesting representatives of the flora and fauna in Cuba, but none of them is capable of harming a person. Crocodiles and snakes can only scare a little, but not eat or injure.


The weather at this time on the island is already noticeably changing. It seems during the day that the temperature has not changed, the high temperature is still in the air, only the nights become noticeably cooler. The rainy season continues. However, this does not mean that it rains all day and for weeks. Rains will be replaced by the sun, which is already less warm.

Tourists do not rush to Cuba in the fall, because they know that hurricanes, strong winds and bad weather can ruin their holiday. October comes to replace September, and the rainy season ends. Therefore, in October - November there is a very large influx of tourists who come not only to relax, lie in the sun, but also go fishing. Fishing here is excellent. Few places can boast such a good catch.


Winter in Cuba is the most favorable time for recreation. When all of Europe is covered in snow, it is very good temperature not too cold and not too hot. One way or another, but here at this time there are no strong winds, hurricanes, no rains. It may rain one or two days during three months. But all tourists tend to get to Cuba during these months, because the rains have already ended, and there is no bright sunlight.

It is important to remember that in the evenings winter period It can get chilly here, so it's a good idea to dress warmly. At this time of the year, you can have fun on Liberty Island, plunge into the ocean, dive, watching underwater world or just visit one of the most beautiful carnivals.

The island has another feature, distinguishing feature from all cities in the world. These are the old retro cars of the townspeople, which have become a symbol of the island of Freedom and a real living museum of time. After all, all cars are often in good condition and on the go. See real Cuban cars on the page of our website!

And come to Liberty Island. Here you will be truly welcome!

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