Protective tattoo symbols and their meaning. Protect tattoo - what to choose

Health 10.10.2019

Applying various patterns and signs to your body at all times has been a very popular pastime: with the development of modern technology, a whole fashion for tattoos has appeared.

But a special place among such images has always been occupied by mascot tattoos. They do not lose their relevance in our days, but one should approach their use very carefully, soberly assessing their features and carefully choosing the meaning.

Features of mascot tattoos

Like any magical objects and actions, tattoos in the form of a talisman have their own characteristics and characteristics:

  • On the present stage In the development of the sphere of cosmetology, amulets tattoos have become widespread and have long become one of the fashionable subcultures. In this case, there is a high probability of succumbing to temptation and sketching every centimeter of your body. However, in the magical business it is very important to avoid excesses, so take it seriously: one, maximum two tattoo talismans will be more than enough.
  • In addition, tattoo masters will be able to offer you a lot of types of design for such drawings: technologies successfully allow you to make them color or black and white, different in their characteristics and appearance. In a magical tattoo amulet, the design and color of the picture is not as important as the thoughts that are invested in it, keep this in mind.
  • Please note that the amulet tattoo will accompany you for the rest of your life: its reduction is a painful procedure and does not give a full guarantee. Therefore, when choosing a symbol that you want to put on your skin, consider this fact.
  • In addition, such an amulet tattoo will have a good psychological incentive for you: you will constantly see it and mentally expect a solution to your problem or the fulfillment of a desire. This is a positive thing if you are not annoyed by any of this tattoo. Therefore, very carefully select the pattern and its location, as well as the method of applying the pattern.
  • Choose exactly the amulet that will bring into your life what you miss the most.

With the correct execution of all the above rules, the amulet tattoo will serve you for a very long time and will bring only positive moments to your life.

Tattoo Meanings

There are such a huge number of drawings applied to the body that it is simply impossible to talk in detail about each of them. However, as in any other field, there are undoubted leaders in tattoo amulets: these images are applied most often:

These motifs have almost always been and remain at the peak of popularity among all tattoo amulets. Depending on the pattern itself and its location, such a tattoo can both protect you from failures and negativity, and fulfill all your desires or improve your personal life.

This is a universal amulet designed to make your life more prosperous and successful. Stars, like amulets, attract elusive luck, which helps you fulfill your most cherished desire. Such a tattoo is able to fill the darkest fate with light and break its course.

This cute insect carries the meaning of a link between man and the gods. Her image will help you establish a close connection with heaven, and will also bring you good luck in all your affairs.

In many countries, the meaning of such a talisman differs from each other: some believe that the grasshopper is an assistant to people of creative professions, others that it will bring great luck to the life of its owner.

This symbol of Ancient Egypt carries the meaning of the immortality of the human soul, as well as the sacred wisdom of the whole world. Such an amulet is able to bring you the necessary strength to defeat death and resurrect eternal spring in your soul.

The bee is a very powerful tattoo talisman. It will bring you longevity and increase the level of diligence and life wisdom by an order of magnitude. In some countries, in particular in India, the bee was the messenger of the gods, bringing their blessing to its owner.

This is a very popular symbol for amulets tattoos, but most people have a preconceived notion about its meaning. In fact, the spider is a symbol creativity and industriousness. Such a talisman on your body can easily protect you from any negativity, both physical and spiritual. In addition, this universal symbol will bring you a cure for any disease.

This symbol as a tattoo also managed to form a certain misconception about itself: earlier it was used as its emblem by women of “easy virtue”. However, in a magical sense, a butterfly means only good things: it can bring you health and long life, as well as good luck. In addition, such a sign denotes the lightness and beauty of nature and gives it to its owner. This amulet is intended primarily for women and girls.

It is also a fairly popular symbol that men willingly put on their bodies. But few of them know what it means in a magical interpretation. In ancient times, such a sign was worn by warriors on the battlefield, since the tiger is able to give strength and energy, as well as masculinity and righteous anger. In addition, it protects its owner from possible dangers of various kinds.

This representative of the cat family is preferred to be used as a tattoo of the fair sex. In the Christian religion, a panther or a leopard denotes powerful protection from the forces of evil. If such an animal is depicted with bared fangs, then this indicates that its owner is filled with righteous anger and power.

This brave bird brings with it spring and hope for the best, and also keeps your family hearth. AT Christian religion the swallow is the messenger of God and brings only positive news from him.

Such a talisman tattoo on your body will bring success in family life and contribute to the birth of children. In general terms, she speaks of fertility and abundance.

This image in tattoos has considerable popularity among people, its meaning is quite wide: it can carry both mutual bright love and independence from external circumstances.

Tattooing on the body has been popular since ancient times. Amulets tattoos are also popular.

This kind of tattoo can not only protect their owner from the forces of evil. They bring good luck, material wealth, love, strength, power and peace of mind. Why else do you need tattoo amulets, what is the meaning of protective tattoos for men and girls? You will learn more about this later.

Protect tattoos: what are they for?

A tattoo is not just a drawing on the body. It is an art, a way of self-expression, an element of tradition. Both man-made Slavic amulets and tattoo amulets are the oldest heritage of the Slavic people. Charms were used by men and women as a means of protection from the evil eye, damage, evil spells or negative energy. Amulets kept a person from diseases. Of all the types of Slavic amulets, the tattoo amulet was considered the most reliable, because it cannot be washed off or lost like ordinary man-made amulets.

Protective tattoos do not lose their original meaning even today. After all, human nature does not change: we still want to protect ourselves from the harmful effects on the body or soul.

In addition, the protective drawings that the ancient Slavs applied under the skin look elegant and aesthetically pleasing. On a girl, such tattoos are able to emphasize beauty, and on a man - strength. The applied drawings also endow their owners with male or female positive energy, respectively.

It is important to remember that the concept of "amulet" is different from the concepts of "talisman" and "amulet". Often they are used as synonyms. But “guardian” is a broader concept. Amulets can be both material and non-material (spells, prayers, signs, gestures), while talismans and amulets are always material.

Tattoo amulets and their meaning are always important, as they are performed on the body and remain forever.

Excursion into history

Tattoo amulets were used not only by the ancient Slavs. Durable underwear designs were also applied by the Burmese. They were sure that the image of a parrot would help them avoid any misfortune. The Thais usually applied a tattoo in the form of a Buddha. People believed that it helps to make the right decision in any life situation. In Western Europe, it was customary to depict on the body playing cards because they were supposed to protect against failure. The Indians often used sketches depicting animals as tattoo amulets.

Interestingly, the Old Slavonic tradition of tattooing amulets inherited the traditions of other cultures - Celtic, Scythian, Scandinavian. The most common tattoo amulets were images Slavic gods and runes.

In the pre-Christian Slavic world, tattoo amulets could be used by both men and women. It is noteworthy that they were applied only by specially trained people - sorcerers (or magicians - in the modern sense) and with a specific purpose. The same magi believed that by applying certain images under the skin, they could enhance their magical abilities or prevent premature aging of the body. A warrior, going on a campaign, could also use the protective power of amulets tattoos. He believed that such a charm would save him from death in battle.

Varieties of tattoo amulets

There are such types of amulets tattoos:

  • Celtic and Slavic runic images;
  • images of elements of the Slavic swastika;
  • images of Slavic gods;
  • images of animals and birds;
  • images of plants;
  • images of heavenly bodies;
  • images of mythical heroes;
  • Japanese characters;
  • sketches of the signs of the zodiac;
  • images of Orthodox symbols (cross);
  • tie images.

Tattoos. The Magic Power of Drawing. Documentary



Each runic image contains great power. The runic writing of the Russian Slavs contained signs-symbols, which were depicted as natural phenomena, and abstract concepts. The meanings of many runic symbols have survived to this day, which allows the use of runes as tattoo amulets.

The Slavic swastika is often identified with something destructive. However, initially the Slavic swastika had nothing to do with fascism. Its elements only reflect the harmony and disharmony of natural phenomena. The clockwise element symbolizes harmony, health, prosperity.

  • Depicting Slavic gods and mythical heroes on the body should be, if slavic man believes in their patronage. Many still believe that a tattoo in the form of Veles will bring wealth and power to its owner.
  • The tattoo amulet in the form of an animal personifies the qualities that a person lacks in order to change his life. A strong elk bestows courage and determination, and an owl - wisdom.
  • The plants depicted on the body usually protect the owner, fill his life with joy, peace and prosperity.
  • Celestial bodies such as the sun and moon are able to direct energy and strength to the human body and spirit, relieving powerlessness and fear.
  • Japanese characters have their own meanings. If the owner asks to apply a hieroglyph denoting wealth, he is convinced that this will bring monetary well-being into his life.
  • The signs of the zodiac, as a rule, are depicted in order to develop the desired qualities in themselves.

The image of the cross or other Orthodox symbols protects against the evil eye, damage, and the actions of an evil spirit.

Elm - these are interconnected letters that form a continuous chain, a single whole. Initially, the type of writing among the Slavs, already familiar with Russian writing. Such a tattoo symbolizes the infinity of the human spirit, the continuity life cycle, long and quiet life.

It should be noted that by depicting one or another Slavic symbol on the body, a person always seeks to protect himself from everything that destroys his life or introduces a state of disharmony. In striving for the light, we thereby strive to get rid of the forces of darkness.

Protect tattoos and their meaning for girls

Although many tattoo amulets are universal, some are still predominantly “male” or “female”. Tattoo amulets for girls are the embodiment of their hopes and dreams.

For girls and women, the most suitable tattoo amulets are:

  1. Images of a stork. The most common amulet. Symbolizes family happiness, procreation, which is especially important for women.
  2. Image of flowers, leaves, their plexuses. In addition to the fact that such drawings are beautiful, they are the personification of female strength and beauty.
  3. Image ladybug. This colorful insect has such a name because the Slavs believed in the connection of the ladybug with the gods. Therefore, her image on the girl's wrist provided the patronage of the Slavic gods and kept her from life's failures.
  4. Butterfly image. A bright tattoo amulet in the form of a butterfly should bring its owner a healthy beautiful body and happy life.
  5. The image in the form of a swallow represents the hope that everything will get better in life soon, because swallows are spring birds that arrive with the onset of heat and sunny days.
  6. The image of a panther is more popular among strong women who are able to achieve their goals in life. Panther tattoos also provide protection from the forces of evil.
  7. The Russian Slavic and Celtic cross symbolizes the victory of good over evil, the triumph of light energy in the life of a girl. It is not only a popular tattoo amulet, it is also a talisman that brings good luck.
  8. The most powerful runic Slavic symbol and talisman depicting Slavic goddess Mokosh. Such tattoos symbolize a happy fate, develop talents given by nature.
  9. The image of a guardian angel or angel wings reflects the belief that each of us has a God-given patron. Most often it is a female drawing. It endows its owner with fortitude, optimism, faith in the forces of good and their own.
  10. Tattoo amulets in the form of a star are able to give faith in the forces of good; after all, a star in the night means a successful outcome in any life situation.

Where is it better to make protective tattoos for girls

They matter not only female beauty, aesthetics and where it is customary to apply tattoo amulets to women. The important thing is that applying any tattoo is a painful process. You can significantly reduce pain if you know which part of a woman's body is least responsive to pain. And these are the wrist, shoulder, lower back, shoulder blade, neck.

In addition, tattoo amulets on these parts of the body look very attractive. Tattooing in the area is popular intimate areas; sometimes you want to hide the image from prying eyes and show it only to your loved one. After all, there is no desire for everyone to decipher the symbol of a particular pattern applied to the body.

Protect tattoos and their meaning for men

Men, wanting to apply this or that image under the skin, most often want to achieve success, wealth, power in life. They want the image to protect them from defeat, financial collapse, illness, life failures. And even the strongest and hardiest man strives to get even more strength and endurance. Tattoo amulets for men have an important symbolic meaning.

For men, the most suitable tattoo amulets are:

  1. The scarab beetle is a Slavic symbol that signifies the triumph of life over death. Therefore, the inflicted scarab protects the owner of the tattoo from death and destruction, gives him life wisdom.
  2. The spider helps to overcome the disease, gives a man diligence and endurance.
  3. The image of a tiger is one of the most common tattoo amulets on the body of a man. Gives strength, courage in the fight against enemies. In the days of the ancient Slavs, such a tattoo was applied by warriors before going into battle.
  4. Runic Old Slavonic and Celtic images of the gods of the ancient Slavs are popular with males. The runic image of the god Perun is a Slavic symbol of victory over evil enemies, a protector of warriors. Runes are able to depict an abstract phenomenon, fortitude. Militant men often prefer a deity in the form of a tattoo - Valkyrie. Keeps in battle, gives wisdom and strength.
  5. Runic images of plants - fern, overcoming grass are considered powerful amulets against illness and misfortune. Restore all the strength and power inherent in nature.
  6. Various kinds of swastikas. The swastika, directed clockwise, activates the protective forces of nature, brings harmony and unshakable order to life.
  7. The image of a phoenix bird symbolizes wealth, prosperity and good luck.
  8. The image of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, although not originally Slavic, is able to endow the wearer with strength and good luck in various life situations.
  9. Buddhist symbols are a common tattoo among men. It is a symbol of calmness, vital wisdom, peace of mind.
  10. Image of zodiac signs: Gemini, Taurus, Sagittarius.
  11. Image of hieroglyphic inscriptions.
  12. Sun and eight-pointed star.
  13. Phrases and inscriptions in foreign languages.

Where is it better to make protective tattoos for men

Common parts for tattooing amulets in men are the shoulder, forearm, back, chest, place under the collarbone. More often, men make tattoo amulets on their legs than on their arms, which attracts the attention of others, especially in warm time of the year.

Unlike women, men do not seek to hide tattoo amulets. Moreover, the man is disposed to reveal the true meaning of the image applied to the body.

Whom to entrust the application of tattoo amulets

If you are sure which symbol you want to depict, print out a drawing or photo and bring it to the master to avoid confusion. The photo can be black and white or color.

Remember that both men and women should not go to an ordinary tattoo parlor, and even more so, entrust the tattooing of amulets to novice body art lovers. It is better to contact a specialist who understands not only tattooing, but also magic, the meaning of Slavic and runic symbols. In addition, such a specialist must have positive energy, then the tattoo amulet on the body will keep you for many, many years.

Patterns and drawings on the body can serve not only as decoration. Tattoo amulets for girls are especially popular in modern generation. They are applied with henna as temporary, or done professionally, that is, forever.

There are several types of protective tattoos that belong to different ancient cultures. Apply signs to any part of the body. Drawings on the wrists, shoulders, neck and back work best.

Types of protective tattoos

Signs on the body were used by the peoples of all continents. Ancient tribes painted bodies and faces to scare away evil spirits and frighten enemies on the battlefield. Egyptian priests put on the body a special kind of signs to communicate with the gods. Scandinavian warriors drew amulets in order to emerge victorious from the battle, in such a case the talisman gave fearlessness to its wearer and nourished his willpower.

In different cultures, you can find amulets that are suitable for men and women. They have different energies and are configured for different purposes. There are also universal drawings suitable for everyone.

The most popular tattoo amulets:

  1. Scandinavian runes, runic stavas.
  2. Pagan Slavic images.
  3. Hieroglyphs.
  4. Celtic patterns.
  5. Buddhist figures, inscriptions.
  6. Ancient Egyptian signs.
  7. Image of animals.

You can often see the all-seeing eye, the dream catcher, on the bodies of people. These special signs also carry magical and protective energy.

Choosing a tattoo is not an easy task. It is necessary to be guided not only by the aesthetic side of the issue. It is important to study the meaning of the symbol, for what purposes it was used before, what kind of people it suits.

Charms for girls

Women's energy is opposite to men's, so amulets for men and women are used differently. Among girls, all types of amulets tattoos are popular.

Which of the symbolic tattoos are suitable for women:

  1. Slavic drawings - Ladinets, Star of Lada, Bereginya, Svitovit, Lunnitsa.
  2. Buddhist drawings - Om mantra, mandala, lotus.
  3. Ancient Egyptian symbol for the eye of Horus. FROM feminine energy associated with the left eye.
  4. Indian drawings - dream catcher, Kokopelli, eagle feather.

Scandinavian runes are often applied to the body. Each rune can act as a talisman and a talisman, you need to choose a symbol depending on the characteristics of the character and type of activity.

You need to choose a charm depending on the purpose it will serve. But the symbol should also be liked, evoke warm feelings.

The meanings of Slavic amulets

Slavic protective drawings have powerful power. They are most suitable for the descendants of the Slavs in terms of energy.

Among the Slavs, a girl, a woman, a mother was a special person, the personification of purity and light. Slavic amulets women have special power.

The meanings of Slavic amulets:

  1. Ladinets. The symbol is dedicated to the goddess of beauty and love Lada. Girls wore a charm from early childhood, he helped them grow up healthy and beautiful. Young women wore Ladin in order to successfully marry and find happiness. Pregnant symbol helped to endure and give birth easily healthy child. Ladinets symbolizes infinity. This is a sign of the constant improvement of a woman at any age.
  2. Lunnitsa. The patroness of the talisman is the goddess Mara. The symbol represents the new month. Lunnitsa protects women from damage and the evil eye, bad thoughts and deeds. It is also a health guardian.
  3. Svitovit. Universal amulet, helps to cope with difficulties, protects from evil influences. Svitovit helps pregnant women, protects newborns.

It is best to apply a tattoo a hand-drawn amulet for a girl on the wrist or right shoulder. The symbol on the wrist helps to attract happiness, and on the shoulder - to gain true wisdom.

Tattooing on the hips increases female sexuality, but reduces the power of amulets. After all, the talisman cannot be applied to the groin area, this blocks its power.

Left Eye of Horus

The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian sign. The right eye is a symbol of the Sun, it is a male amulet. The left eye is the symbol of the moon. The energy of the moon is passive, it is associated with the feminine.

A tattoo with the eye of Horus gives the owner insight, concentrates attention, protects from negative impacts, magical and non-magical. Such a tattoo amulet for a girl on her wrist was always drawn by a priest or an enlightened magician.

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Buddhist amulets

Buddhist signs in tattoo culture are very popular today.

And this is not at all surprising, the fashion for such insignia or signs of belonging to a certain caste appeared in antiquity. All varieties of signs are very beautiful, sophisticated and mysterious.

For girls in Buddhist culture, several strong amulets are in store. Symbol meanings:

  1. Ohm sound image. "Om" or "Aum" is the first sound in the Universe, the basis of everything, the spiritual unconscious. Used as a talisman, gives the owner inner wisdom, enlightenment, the concept of truth. Such a sign gives strength in a hopeless situation.
  2. Mandala. The most popular Buddhist symbol today. It depicts the structure of the universe. The mandala protects the integrity of the soul, protects from evil, unkind thoughts and fuss.
  3. Lotus. A sign of special physical, mental and spiritual purity and harmony of the body, soul and thoughts. Awakens wisdom in a woman, helps to achieve high goals, grow spiritually.

They apply a tattoo amulet for a girl on the wrist, back, shoulders, neck. You can choose other parts of the body by studying the location of the chakras.

Buddhist drawings have deep and intricate meanings that few can understand.

Therefore, most often the drawings are applied to the body just for beauty. If you dive deeper into the culture of Buddhism, drawings can become strong and reliable talismans.

Amulet Dreamcatcher

The dream catcher was very revered by the Indian tribes. Intertwined threads caught evil spirits, collected bad dreams.

The Dreamcatcher tattoo looks very beautiful and spectacular, so it has gained popularity among young girls as a tattoo. The image of the Dreamcatcher is also a strong talisman. The tattoo will protect against evil people, black magic, diseases. The image will give peace, freedom and purity of thought.

Dreamcatcher should be applied close to the head. The best location of the amulets is the shoulders, neck.

Amulet of Kokopelli

Kokopelli is an Indian fertility deity, a hunched man who plays the flute. There are many myths about Kokopelli among different Indian tribes. The deity is associated with childbirth, the change of seasons, rains, harvest.

The Kokopelli tattoo is well suited to young women who have a penchant for adventurism. The symbol helps in financial matters, protects health.

During pregnancy, Kokopedlli protects the fetus, promotes easy childbirth. Protects their sexuality and strength.

Tattoos are not only beautiful images and insignia. They can become reliable and strong helpers. A girl can decorate her body with any sign she likes. Female views images preserve harmony, help to become wiser, find joy and happiness in life. Before choosing a symbol, you need to study all its meanings, understand the deep meaning.

Julia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarologist. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

For many centuries, men have decorated their bodies with drawings, symbols and signs. In addition to the decorative function, a special meaning has always been invested in tattoos - first of all, it is a talisman that protects against negative energy, diseases and the evil eye.

Some interesting facts about tattoos for men

Male tattoo amulets and their meaning

The main task of any amulet, including those applied to the body, is to protect the owner from damage, illness, and failure. Among the whole variety of drawings and patterns, the most popular and effective tattoos can be distinguished.

Eye of Horus

The amulet is applied to different variations, but any model will be made in the style of Ancient Egypt. Tatuirov ka in addition to exclusivity has the strongest protective energy. Depending on the chosen interpretation, the Eye of Horus can protect against:

  • troubles and failures;
  • diseases;
  • negative energy and evil spirits;
  • spoilage and evil eye.

Certain variations of the tattoo endow the owner with wisdom, enlighten the mind.

Note: most often, the amulet is applied to inner part forearm or wrist.

Read also: What is the Hall of the Elk?

dream Catcher

This symbol was often used by the Indians to protect against bad dreams and evil spirits. To enhance the power of the tattoo, it is applied in combination with a spider. It is the spider that provides reliable protection against any disease and guarantees the health of the owner.

Celtic patterns

These are complex, intricate patterns, consisting of endless loops, each of which has a certain meaning and protects against damage and the evil eye.

Slavic runes and amulets

Each rune symbolizes a specific God from Slavic mythology. Among the amulets, the most two are popular:

  • ladin is a symbol of family values, protects the family from difficult situations, quarrels, negative energy;
  • fern flower - has powerful healing properties.

Note: Slavic runes symbolize unity with nature, attract patronage higher powers, protect from failure and misfortune.

Eye in the pyramid

This tattoo was used in Ancient Egypt, the symbol protects against damage. Despite the fact that the pattern consists of several lines, their combination has a strong energy that helps to cope with any disease.


Translated from the Old Norse language, the word "rune" means - a whisper. Such signs accumulate a huge magical power. The use of runes as a protective amulet is common in many countries of the world.

Now, most fans of tattoo culture choose sketches of tattoos based on purely aesthetic considerations. But it was not always so. In ancient times, tattoos had a sacred meaning, served as identification marks, allowing you to learn about the social status, occupation of a person, talismans and amulets. In addition, in ancient times there was a certain division of significant symbols into male and female, due to the fact that there were quite clear boundaries between female and male duties and roles in society, which is no longer relevant in our time. Today we will look at tattoos for men and their meaning.

Divine Protection

Images of the gods have always served as protection for people. Most of the deities that men considered their patrons were directly or indirectly related to the two most important components of the life of that time: war and harvest. Now, when, fortunately, we have to deal with war much less often, and that’s all. more people moves to megacities, breaking the connection with the earth, the meanings of the images of deities, as well as various ancient signs, should be understood symbolically. Each of us, one way or another, fights for his place under the sun, so the symbols of military courage and honor remain relevant today. A rich harvest should be understood as general well-being, engaging in a profitable business.

We will consider ideas for amulets tattoos, starting from the Slavic pantheon. If, for example, Scandinavian, Indian or Egyptian mythology is closer to you, you will surely find gods with similar functions.

  • Perun is the god of thunder and lightning, the patron saint of warriors. He was especially revered among the upper class, therefore, even now Perun can become the patron of those in power. It was believed that his image is able to give strength, both physical and moral.

Symbols from different cultures

Images of the gods imply a fairly large-scale work. Those who like small tattoos should take a closer look at all sorts of symbols.

  • Kolovrat is a symbol of endless movement, the sun, life. Like all swastika signs, Kolovrat is considered a strong amulet, giving a person the protection of the gods and spirits of their ancestors and denoting a connection with the roots, clan and native land.
  • The black sun is also a swastika symbol that helps to gain wisdom, release inner strength, and master mystical knowledge.
  • The square of Svarog is one of those symbols that were considered exclusively male (but outwardly it somewhat resembles the star of Lada - an exclusively female symbol). His image is especially suitable for those men who are engaged in physical labor.

  • Valkyrie is a sign directly related to martial art. They were decorated with shields, weapons and armor, believing that he would give the soldiers strength, courage and courage, help them win on the battlefield. It is believed that this image also eliminates excessive aggression.

  • Valknut - the key to all nine worlds in the Scandinavian tradition, also one of the symbols of the trinity, common throughout Europe. According to Scandinavian mythology, man was created from three components: the soul, created by Odin, life force, received from Loki, and the mind bestowed by Heimdall. Thus, the Valknut is a symbol of a harmonious personality, divine patronage. It was also used as a talisman against troubles and enemies.

  • Thor's hammer was considered a male symbol, but was also used by women who wanted to conceive a child as soon as possible. This is probably due to the fact that, in addition to protection from natural disasters, military prowess, strength and abundance, Thor's hammer also symbolized fertility.

  • Runes - the writing of the ancient Germans. However, runic signs also had a deep sacred meaning, served as amulets and talismans. To choose a rune that the best way reflects the aspirations of a particular person, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the meaning of each of them.
  • Scarab - the embodiment of the immortal soul in Egypt. There is great wisdom in the image of the scarab, it is perfect for people who have experienced difficult times, it will help to understand themselves, bestow mental strength, promise rebirth and transformation of the individual.

  • Eye of Horus - an amulet that protects against alien negative impact. Such a talisman is designed to increase the vigilance of a person, protect him from other people's machinations, and prepare him for any vicissitudes of fate.
  • The Om sign is a symbol of calmness and prudence. The sound “om”, with which each mantra begins, according to Buddhist tradition, accompanied the creation of the universe. It is believed that, as a talisman, the Om sign will help find a way out of any situation, bring harmony and a deep understanding of everything that exists into life.

  • Mandala is a symbolic display of the structure of the Universe. Such an image means the integrity of the individual, allows its owner not to get bogged down in earthly fuss, grow spiritually and comprehend the secrets of the universe.

  • The dream catcher is an ancient Indian amulet that not only drove away bad dreams, but also protected from the influence of evil spirits.

Personal symbols

Also, amulets can serve as:

  • Image of the sign of the Zodiac. A tattoo with the sign of the Zodiac under which a person was born is designed to enhance the qualities of character that the stars endowed him with.
  • Signs Chinese horoscope. They have a similar purpose.
  • Totem animals. Images of animals are designed to give a person the qualities characteristic of a particular representative of the fauna.

Amulets for good luck

Symbols of good luck are also able to protect a person from all evil:

Having studied in more detail what tattoo amulets for men and their meaning can be, you can find out which one is closest to you and contact the master for an individual sketch. Pictures from the Internet are not the best option, do not look for easy ways. Keep in mind that the tattoo will stay with you for life, so don't make hasty decisions, think over the idea thoroughly, choose the artist whose work you like the most. At the same time, it’s better not to skimp, because you “buy” not just a drawing on the body, but a talisman that will protect you until the end of your days, remind you of your goals, help develop the necessary qualities in yourself and gain the desired knowledge.

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