Car painting course. Car painting training

Auto 25.10.2017
There are more and more cars on the roads every year. In line with the increase in the number of vehicles, the number of service centers, service stations and small private workshops is also growing. Demand creates supply, and this expression is more relevant than ever when used in the field of auto service.

As of today, they are considered to be the most demanded and popular services among owners of all car brands. However, it is these specializations that require special professionalism among the masters, since even the slightest defects will be noticeable with inept painting of the car body.

In this regard, the demand for qualified car painting specialists is also growing. Many companies offer car painting training in order to be able to get a young, but trained in practice specialist. A number of organizations even provide such a service as car painting lessons - in person, in absentia or via the Internet. The popularity of such courses is growing, as in order to start training, as a rule, you do not need to have any special technical education.

In addition to an extended theoretical course, the classes include several practical lessons in a car workshop. Accordingly, only A complex approach to learning can help young guys become professionals in their field.

Car painting training: lesson program

Usually lessons of body repair and painting of cars go in one set of classes. This is due to the fact that in most cases, car owners decide to paint the car because the car body or any part of it was damaged. Thus, before you start painting work, you will need to learn how to perform all types of body repairs with high quality.

Standard advanced programs (body repair and car painting - training) include the passage of several topics both in theory and in practice:

  • properties and features of metals, paintwork, plastic elements on the car body;
  • training in the correct placement of spotlights and other types of lighting fixtures;
  • the main positions of the hands when working with a specialized tool;
  • dent removal training
  • straightening training;
  • training in the correct application of auto-filler;
  • coloring;
  • training in the basic technologies for carrying out painting work both on the entire surface of the body and during the implementation.
Today, car painting training is carried out only by those organizations that are licensed to carry out educational activities. Therefore, it is very important to first make sure that the organization is really authorized to conduct classes, and that teachers are qualified enough in this area to pass on the existing experience to beginners.

It was after the training at young man there is an opportunity to get a job in a service center as a specialist in body repair and car painting. In the future, such a specialist can improve his qualifications annually, which will make him not only a certified master, but also especially in demand in this area. Of course, the remuneration of an experienced and skilled specialist will be much higher than that of a novice master.

Car painting (training)

Painting a car (lessons - theory and practice) give everyone the opportunity to try themselves in carrying out painting work. Perseverance, attentiveness and firmness of the hand are considered especially important qualities for performing such work.

The most time-consuming procedure is considered to be local painting of cars. This is due to the fact that the selection of paint color should be carried out especially carefully in order to minimize the difference in the transition between the painted and the “native” area. The correct selection of the shade, as a rule, is carried out by computer equipment. Therefore, the boundaries of the old and new colors on the body after painting are not noticeable.

Painting a car (training in practice) includes full complex all theoretical knowledge and development of practical skills in a real auto repair shop. Thanks to a specially selected training program, a novice specialist will have all the skills that will be required when working with cars. Today you can sign up for Yang auto painting courses and other organizations by phone numbers listed on the websites of organizations. Education is not free, but spent cash will quickly pay off, since the knowledge and skills gained in such lessons cannot be obtained through self-study.

An incredibly important profession

Auto painters are a profession that is in demand at auto enterprises no less than the profession of a mechanic. But these vacancies can only be filled by those who own the latest technologies for painting the body and car parts.

If non-professionals take up painting, the consequences will cost both the car company and the car owner such a significant amount that it will be equated to the cost of replacing a hopelessly damaged part.

Learning is necessary not only for those who are just going to master the profession of a car painter, but also for those who are already doing such work. Practice without theory gradually lags behind the level modern methods. Only one who understands the importance of constant updating of knowledge, who strives to be aware of all the new products, can be considered a truly highly qualified master.

Where is car mechanic training provided? In specialized educational institutions different levels, including courses taught by highly qualified specialists.

However, today anyone can become a qualified car painter using the offer of one of the best sites for this profile

It tells in detail about the profession and all stages of the labor process, as well as compliance with safety regulations during each stage of work.

The basis must be theoretical classes, which will give an idea of basic concepts this specialty and will reveal all the subtleties of this profession.

Due to the fact that distance learning today is almost equal to full-time, the student receives knowledge in full.

All educational materials are illustrated not only by photographs, but also by video recordings, thanks to which the listener receives the maximum possible amount of knowledge not only about the equipment, tools and materials that will become his working environment in the future, but also masters everything the latest technology coloring.

The course “auto painter” is conditionally divided into those three sections that correspond to the workflow in practice.

1. preparer. At the first stage, there is an acquaintance with what are the purpose and principles of operation of auto painting tools and equipment, the types, purpose and scope of specific paintwork materials, as well as a set of works to prepare parts for painting (washing, degreasing, puttying, leveling, grinding, selection paints), priming, painting, polishing and anti-corrosion treatment.

2. car painter. The study of the sequence and essence of operations during painting, including the technology of each of them. In addition, the knowledge gained at the first stage on the use of equipment, tools and the intricacies of technologies is consolidated, which are complemented by the ability to read markings and determine the quality and scope of paints and varnishes.

3. colorist. At this, the final stage of training, the student will consolidate previously acquired knowledge and add new knowledge to them - about the technological intricacies of the preparation and mixing processes, the methodology for selecting and preparing varnishes and paints.

We give knowledge that turns into money.

Auto Restoration Training Center

The car restoration center of the Avtoscratch company provides driver training services at car service courses. We provide knowledge that actually turns into money thanks to savings on car repair costs. various models. Our auto center employs specialists with vast experience in performing the most complex work on the restoration of cars.

Car service course

Training in car service courses includes the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the following areas:

  • restoration of the car interior;
  • protective coating technologies;

As a rule, car repair training takes from 3 to 15 days, depending on the course program and the intensity of the classes. In the course of their studies, cadets acquire theoretical knowledge, which is then consolidated in practical classes on specific car models. The courses are conducted by experienced specialists who own modern technologies for the repair and restoration of machines in accordance with the recommendations of manufacturers.

In the course of car restoration training, modern certified equipment, original spare parts and components are used. Upon completion of training, certificates of the established form are issued.

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