Petr Lidov Petrovsky personal life. Mikhail Umarov, General Director of the Comunica agency, answers questions from PR-files

Technique and Internet 02.07.2019
Technique and Internet

Today I want to tell you about an amazing person, whose talent and indifference introduced contemporaries to the feat of a young partisan - a feat that could remain unknown if the author showed indifference to the story of a casual acquaintance or if he succumbed to ordinary human fatigue ...

We will talk about Pyotr Lidov, one of the many war correspondents of Pravda, about the correspondent who introduced the world to the feat of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. It was his essay, published in Pravda on January 27, 1942, that became the first publication about the now widely known page of the heroic military epic - a page that tells about the courage and stamina of a brave partisan.

It often happens that in the memory of posterity there remains a work that has eclipsed by its scale the personality of the Author who created it. A similar situation developed in the case of Peter Lidov - if everyone heard about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, then much less is known about the personality of the person who first spoke about her. It also happens that the Author shares the fate of the hero of his story - and this is also largely true with respect to Pyotr Lidov.

So I invite you dear reader, to get acquainted with this wonderful person, a brave soldier of his country and a talented journalist - Petr Alexandrovich Lidov.


The childhood and youth of Peter Alexandrovich were spent in Ukraine, in the city of Kharkov. We can immediately say that Lidov is a person difficult fate. He did not know his real parents, and spent the first years of his life (and Pyotr Aleksandrovich was born in 1906) in an orphanage ... The boy was lucky - he was adopted by A.P. Lidov, a professor of chemistry at the Kharkov Technological Institute. In the foster family, he found everything that life so cruelly took away from him - love, understanding, support and support.

Unfortunately, the family idyll did not last long - in 1919, the boy's adoptive father dies, and the family, in the midst of hard times civil war left without a breadwinner, forced to fight for existence.

Already at the age of 13, Petr Lidov began his career by joining a local match factory. Subsequently, he had to change several more jobs, until in 1920 he entered the post of courier in the Kharkov Provincial Party Committee. Here the teenager joined the Komsomol, here he became a journalist - already at the age of 14, Peter publishes his first note.

Then there was a lot - study and work in the local newspaper "Kharkiv Proletarian", joining the Party, first love and the creation of a family ...

Becoming a Journalist

In the early 1930s, Pyotr Aleksandrovich, by that time already married to Galina Yakovlevna Oleinik (Lidova), moved to Moscow, where he first worked in a factory circulation newspaper and only in 1937, in the direction of the Moscow Party Committee, became a correspondent for Pravda .

The repressions of the late thirties also touched Lidov - standing up for a man who was expelled from the ranks of the Party on an evil slander, Pyotr Alexandrovich was on the verge of death for about six months ... Fortunately, that situation was resolved safely both for the fearless journalist and for the person whose defense he became , but this example perfectly characterizes Lidov - a brave journalist and an honest person.

The war found the Lidov family in Minsk, where Pyotr Aleksandrovich was sent as a correspondent for Pravda. By that time, Lidov already had two children - daughters Svetlana and Natasha.


From the very beginning of the war, Lidov, as a true reporter, was in the thick of the fighting. Ignoring personal danger, he rushed to Brest, to the front line.

Already in the evening of June 22, he prepared his first military material and was very worried later that the article was published only in the June 24 issue of Pravda ...

Front-line correspondent Pyotr Lidov managed a lot - his track record includes a flight with the crew of a long-range bomber into the deep German rear, and a daring sortie into Minsk occupied by the enemy, a sortie that resulted in a heartfelt article "In occupied Minsk", which became a real shock for the Nazis. clicks.

However, the essay "Tanya", dedicated to the feat of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, became the true pinnacle of a journalist's career. But this publication might not have happened if Pyotr Alexandrovich had not listened to the story of a random neighbor with whom he happened to share a front-line lodging for the night.

The middle-aged partisan told the journalist about the feat of the girl, and he, shocked by what he heard, on his own initiative went to the village of Petrishchevo, to the place of the bloody drama that had unfolded. stories local residents, unsophisticated and therefore even more terrible, eyewitness accounts of Hitler's atrocities formed the basis of the famous article.

Lidov did not forget the heroine of his essay, having conducted a difficult journalistic investigation, which resulted in the following article, which revealed to readers the real name of the partisan Tanya - the name by which we know her today - Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.


The paths of war are unpredictable, the service of a war correspondent is difficult and dangerous ...

I would like, I would very much like to talk about the post-war work of Petr Alexandrovich, give examples of his vivid and memorable essays from the first to the last line.

I would like to, but I don't have to. June 22, 1944, exactly three years after the start of the war and exactly three years after Peter Lidov wrote his first military article, the brave journalist died the death of the brave.

He died on combat post, during a business trip near Poltava, to the airfield where the American "flying fortresses" were based. According to eyewitnesses, during a raid by enemy aircraft, Lidov refused to go down to the shelter, rushed to anti-aircraft machine gun and, together with his comrades, repelled the attack of the Nazi kites. The downed German plane fell too close to the location of the anti-aircraft guns, and Peter died in the fire of the explosion ...

The bent propeller blade of the “Flying Fortress” became a monument on his grave, and this sign, usually marking the graves of combat pilots, became a tacit recognition of the courage and heroism of a simple military correspondent - a Communist and a fearless person, a talented journalist and loving father Peter Lidov.

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Pavlovsky A 25.10.2018 11:02

Ponomarenko was not in Mogilev and did not participate in the export of valuables - the version that he was confirmed only by his driver Poddubsky. For which Ponomarenko cherished him after the war. Ponomarenko physically could not be in Mogilev, since on July 11 he left Gnezdovo near Smolensk after meeting with Mekhlis and, in order to get ahead of Starinov and do at least something ostentatious in the formation of the partisan movement, he arrived in Roslavl, then in Kostyukovichi, then in Propoisk. in the direction of Gomel. But when they began to bomb Chechersk, they went to Krasnopolye ... Therefore, being sure that the valuables were delivered to Moscow, he did not believe that Poddubsky could just fool him (possibly a spy). But Konstantin Simonov was at Voevodin’s just in the time when the NKVD major returned to Mogilev and reported to Voevodin that the car (some kind with some kind of cargo) was broken by a shell from the tank. Then Simonov was asked to leave .. and we we don’t know what happened next .... The car was smashed somewhere 12 km from Chaus. Simonov describes some strange NKVD officers who, at the same time as the major from Voevodin, demanded a car from Simonov’s fellow travelers ... they have manners like the special groups of Germans .... further is not known. .

The famous businessman Pyotr Lidov was born on July 14, 1969 in Moscow. After graduating from school, he decided to enter the Moscow State Institute international relations by selecting the Faculty of International Economic Relations. After graduation, he represented the interests of Philips Morris International in various countries for thirteen years. Upon returning to his homeland, he began to act as director of public relations at N+Management. The wife of Peter Lidov so far exists only in his imagination, in reality he has not yet met the only one with whom he could tie the knot.

In the summer of 2009, Peter was appointed to the position of director of public relations for the well-known company OJSC Megafon. He still works in this position. It should be noted that the career of a young and ambitious guy developed as well as possible. For quite short period he managed to achieve tremendous results and rapidly climb the career ladder. He is successful, young and energetic. These are the qualities a successful leader should have.

The personal life of Peter Lidov is not yet as successful as his career. The guy has never been married yet. At one time, a rumor appeared in the press about his affair with famous actress Alena Khmelnitskaya, who at that time had just recently broken up with her husband Tigran Keosayan. However, this information was later refuted. The reason for the spread of these rumors was that Peter and Alena came together to the premiere of the musical "The Phantom of the Opera" and fooled around in front of the camera in a very funny way. After that, Peter gave Alena compliments.

Fans began to experience genuine interest in a couple of Khmelnitsky and Lidov. Rumors also reached the businessman's mother, who demanded an explanation from her son. Peter stated that they are just friends and there is nothing serious between them. According to the mother, her son is not yet ready for serious relationship and to marriage, he has absolutely no time for his personal life. The guy works very hard, so there is simply no time to think about creating a family hearth. But what Peter himself thinks about this is still unknown. The guy is not very willing to comment on his personal life and does not like it when attention is focused on this issue.

Be that as it may, Petr Lidov continues to be enviable groom despite the fact that his age had already begun to approach fifty years. Even for a respectable and respectable person, it would be time to think about the heirs and how to create a strong family hearth. After all, you can not devote your whole life only to work. We need to be able to find time for loved ones, because it is they who often support us in difficult times.

Who knows, perhaps Peter already has a woman in mind with whom he would be ready to enter into an official marriage, but so far nothing is known to the public about this. Maybe he just carefully hides his personal life from the public and does not want to advertise the relationship.

Director of Public Relations at MegaFon. TV and radio presenter. Repeated winner of the award "Media Manager of Russia".

Graduated from MGIMO, worked for 13 years in representative offices of Philip Morris International in Russia, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Pakistan.

He held the position of PR Director of En + Management LLC (Basic Element group of companies).


  • PR director of Megafon company
  • Creator of his own project #WhileSleeping
  • Leading author's programs at RBC, "Echo of Moscow"
  • He heads the jury board of the regional award in the field of public relations development "Silver Archer" - Volga region.


She speaks to professionals and beginners in the field of communications, brand managers, heads of PR directions of companies.

Participates in events as a PR expert, jury member of competitions, conducts master classes.

  • Features of national PR (Asia)
  • corporate reputation. Is control possible?
  • Marketing for people
  • How to train a manager to communicate effectively with the media
  • PR-preparation for IPO. Instructions for use
  • How to learn to answer uncomfortable questions
  • How to get the media interested
  • How to properly build communication within the company



PR practitioner, implemented major international projects in the field of public relations. Excellent storyteller.

Peter Lidov about himself:

“I like to achieve complex ambitious goals and clearly define them already at the initial stage. But I am sure that this should be done consistently, without neglecting traditions and without destroying what has already been built, and, of course, by all means enjoying the process.”

Petr Lidov is a well-known domestic manager and businessman. He achieved the greatest fame as a PR director of the company cellular communication"Megaphone". His name got on the pages of all the media after the recent actions against corruption, in which a large number of underage schoolchildren took part. Lidov spoke sharply in in social networks about it, which caused a flurry of criticism.

Manager's biography

Petr Lidov was born in Moscow. He was born in 1969. After school got higher education at the State Institute of International Relations under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is based in the capital. He has a diploma from the Faculty of International Economic Relations.

Petr Lidov began his career in one of his last years at the university, when he received a tempting offer - to start working in the public relations department of Philip Morris, which specializes in the sale and production of tobacco products. The hero of our article himself admits that he was always attracted by unfamiliar countries and long-distance business trips, so he immediately agreed to the offer to work in an international company.

Work at Philip Morris

In total, Petr Lidov has worked in various divisions of Philip Morris around the world for 13 years. He started in Russia, then received an invitation to transfer to the headquarters of a tobacco corporation in Switzerland, from there he moved to Hong Kong, worked in Pakistan and Indonesia.

Working in the Asian market played a big role in his development as a professional, taught him to take a different point of view, it came to an understanding that not for everyone some things seem as obvious as for you. For example, he took part in a large-scale advertising project that was directed against children's smoking. He was active in Asian countries on MTV.

Jobs in Indonesia

Peter Lidov especially remembered his work in Indonesia. He himself says that this is a country that has all the necessary resources for a full life and development profitable business. In addition, there is a pleasant climate and sociable people.

He faced a difficult task - to establish the work of a large local company with more than a century of history, which was to be reorganized and merged. At the same time, it was necessary to take into account local specifics and traditions. This work turned out to be especially unique, because it was necessary to rebuild the entire psychology of the employees who poured into international group while maintaining a favorable internal climate.

Peter Lidov himself, whose biography is closely connected with work in the field of mass communications, admits that he has gained a wealth of experience. After all, I had to work hard with colleagues from the ten most various countries with rich professional and life experience.

Here he realized the peculiarities of Asian business. Unlike European entrepreneurs, in Asia great importance is given not only to achieving the goal, but also to the ways in which they come to it. AT Russian conditions Lidov is trying to apply the middle path, which takes into account the traditions of both European and Asian business practices.

Lidov Petr Alekseevich himself admits that he always sets himself only the most ambitious goals, which he declares at the initial stage.

In "Megaphone"

In the company "Megafon" the hero of our article accepted CEO Sergei Vladimirovich Soldatenkov. Petr Alekseevich Lidov himself, whose biography has been associated with this brand for several years, admits that the leader bribed him at the first meeting. This is the warmth with which he was received, and the enthusiasm with which Soldatenkov spoke about the projects and the specific employees who implement them.

Lidov as a PR director takes care of the image of the company in the public mind.


At the same time, Lidov actively shares the knowledge and experience accumulated during this time. He conducts master classes, is a member of the jury of several competitions of professional skills.

The topics of his master classes are devoted, for example, to the peculiarities of doing business in Asia, training managers to communicate with the media, the ability to answer the most uncomfortable questions, the secrets that help to attract and interest the media, the correct building of communication within the company itself, corporate reputation and marketing.

Performances are very popular, as they are built on personal experience accumulated during the implementation of major international projects. In addition, Lidov himself is a wonderful storyteller.

Personal life

As Peter Lidov noted, his personal life was not as successful as his career. He for a long time could not find a faithful companion who would become his wife.

Although at one time rumors about his romance with the popular actress Alena Khmelnitskaya were actively circulated in the media. At that time, she had just parted ways with her official husband, director Tigran Keosayan. But as a result, this information was refuted by well-informed sources.

The reason for the appearance of such a version was a joint visit by young people to the premiere of the musical "The Phantom of the Opera". Lidov and Khmelnitskaya behaved very relaxed, fooling around on camera, and Peter showered his companion with compliments. When rumors about their connection reached the mother of a famous businessman, she demanded an explanation from her son. He admitted that they are just friends, there is no closeness between them, and he is not yet ready for marriage at all, since there is simply no time left to build relationships.

Peter Lidov, a biography whose personal life is under close scrutiny, nevertheless found an official wife. But he prefers not to advertise private relationships. It is only known that they had a daughter, the PR director of MegaFon is silent about other details.

Scandal over careless tweet

Lidov was in the center of public attention in the summer of 2017. After the mass protests of opponents of corruption, which were organized by supporters of Alexei Navalny on Russia Day on June 12, Lidov spoke very harshly about their participants. It is known that many schoolchildren took part in the rallies, whom the PR director of MegaFon called "underage degenerates."

These words caused indignation of the Internet community, which began to demand an apology, both from the company itself and from Lidov.

A few days later, he issued an official apology, explaining the harsh words by the fact that at that time he was walking along Tverskaya with his daughter, he just witnessed a protest action that interfered with ordinary vacationers and spoiled the mood for many. Later it became known that he would leave the company. He went on vacation, from which he never returned to his job.

The famous businessman Pyotr Lidov was born on July 14, 1969 in Moscow. After graduating from school, he decided to enter the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, choosing the Faculty of International Relations. After graduation, he represented the interests of Philips Morris International in various countries for thirteen years. Upon returning to his homeland, he began to act as director of public relations at N+Management. The wife of Peter Lidov so far exists only in his imagination, in reality he has not yet met the only one with whom he could tie the knot.

In the summer of 2009, Peter was appointed to the position of director of public relations for the well-known company OJSC Megafon. He still works in this position. It should be noted that the career of a young and ambitious guy developed as well as possible. In a fairly short period, he managed to achieve tremendous results and rapidly climb the career ladder. He is successful, young and energetic. These are the qualities a successful leader should have.

The personal life of Peter Lidov is not yet as successful as his career. The guy has never been married yet. At one time, a rumor appeared in the press about his romance with the famous actress Alena Khmelnitskaya, who at that time had just recently broken up with her husband Tigran Keosayan. However, this information was later refuted. The reason for the spread of these rumors was that Peter and Alena came together to the premiere of the musical "The Phantom of the Opera" and fooled around in front of the camera in a very funny way. After that, Peter gave Alena compliments.

Fans began to experience genuine interest in a couple of Khmelnitsky and Lidov. Rumors also reached the businessman's mother, who demanded an explanation from her son. Peter stated that they are just friends and there is nothing serious between them. According to the mother, her son is not yet ready for a serious relationship and marriage, he has absolutely no time for his personal life. The guy works very hard, so there is simply no time to think about creating a family hearth. But what Peter himself thinks about this is still unknown. The guy is not very willing to comment on his personal life and does not like it when attention is focused on this issue.

Be that as it may, Peter Lidov continues to be an enviable groom, despite the fact that his age has already begun to approach fifty years. Even for a respectable and respectable person, it would be time to think about the heirs and how to create a strong family hearth. After all, you can not devote your whole life only to work. We need to be able to find time for loved ones, because it is they who often support us in difficult times.

Who knows, perhaps Peter already has a woman in mind with whom he would be ready to enter into an official marriage, but so far nothing is known to the public about this. Maybe he just carefully hides his personal life from the public and does not want to advertise the relationship.

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