The first flight of Tereshkova into space is a summary. Valentina Tereshkova - no achievements and complete disappointment

Career and finance 29.07.2019
Career and finance

Tereshkova's call sign for the duration of the flight is "Seagull"; the phrase she said before the start: “Hey! Heaven, take off your hat!” (modified quote from V. Mayakovsky's poem "A Cloud in Pants").

Interesting facts about the first flight of a woman into space.

1. The world's first female astronaut was chosen from among the paratroopers. After the first successful space flights of Yuri Gagarin and German Titov, Sergei Korolev decided to send a woman into space. It was a politically motivated move. I wanted to be the first in this as well.

The search for applicants began at the very end of 1961. The requirements were as follows: parachutist, age up to 30 years, height up to 170 centimeters and weight up to 70 kilograms. Parachutists were given preference, because the Vostok cosmonaut had to eject after the descent vehicle had braked in the atmosphere and land on a parachute, and the training period was initially determined to be short - about six months. I didn’t want to spend a lot of time practicing landing on a parachute.

Out of more than fifty candidates, five girls were eventually selected. Among them was Valentina Tereshkova. All of them, except for the pilot Valentina Ponomareva, were parachutists. Valentina Tereshkova parachuting she has been studying since 1959 at the Yaroslavl flying club: by the time she was looking for a candidate for space flight, she had completed a total of about 90 jumps.

2. The girls selected for space flight hoped that sooner or later they would all fly into space. Of course, each of the five girls dreamed that it was she who would fly into space. To make the atmosphere in the women's team friendly, Korolev promised the girls that they would all visit there sooner or later.

But this, as we know, did not happen. Although other girls were really planned to be sent into space, and they were preparing for this for several more years after the flight of Valentina Tereshkova. Only in October 1969 was an order issued to disband the female cosmonaut group. So only Valentina Tereshkova out of the five girls who underwent training could become a real astronaut.

3. Valentina Tereshkova had two understudies. In practice, it is accepted that each astronaut should have an understudy. In the case of the first female flight, they decided to play it safe - Tereshkova was assigned two understudies at once due to the complexity female body. Substitutes were Irina Solovieva and Valentina Ponomareva.

Why did the choice fall on Tereshkova? The leadership never substantiated their choice, but, according to the main existing version, this decision was rather political. Tereshkova was from the workers, her father died during the Soviet-Finnish war, when she was two years old. Other girls, for example, Ponomareva and Solovyov, were from the employees. Nikita Khrushchev, who approved the final candidacy, apparently wanted a girl "from the people" to become the first woman cosmonaut.

Valentina Tereshkova, who was born in the countryside, in the family of a tractor driver and a textile factory worker, fit these requirements better than others. Although the doctors who observed the girls were inclined to give priority to other candidates - for example, Irina Solovieva, a master of sports in parachuting, who made more than 700 jumps. According to another version, Sergei Korolev planned another female flight with access to outer space and it was for him that the shore was stronger, according to the doctors, Solovyov and Ponomarev.

Tereshkova at the medical examination:

4. Initially, the simultaneous flight of two female crews was supposed. According to the original idea, two girls were supposed to fly into space at the same time in different devices, but in the spring of 1963 this idea was abandoned. Therefore, on June 14, 1963, in the afternoon, Valery Bykovsky was sent into space on the Vostok-5 spacecraft. His flight to this day is considered the longest solo flight: Valery spent almost 5 days in space. That is two days more than Valentina Tereshkova.

5. Relatives of Valentina Tereshkova found out about the flight only after it ended. The flight could have ended in tragedy, so Valentina Tereshkova kept information about him a secret from her relatives. Before the flight, she told them that she was going to the parachuting competitions, and they had already learned about what had happened on the radio.

6. An inaccuracy was made in the automatic program of the ship. A mistake was made and the Vostok-6 spacecraft was oriented in such a way that, instead of descending, on the contrary, it raised the orbit. Instead of approaching the Earth, V. Tereshkova moved away from it. The Chaika reported the malfunction to the flight control center, and the scientists were able to correct the program.

For several decades, none of the participants in the events, at the request of Korolev, told about this story, and only relatively recently it became a well-known fact.

Tereshkova in a spacesuit, 1963:

7. In total, Valentina Tereshkova has flown almost 2 million kilometers. The launch of Vostok-6 took place on the morning of June 16, 1963, and Valentina Tereshkova landed on the morning of June 19. In total, the flight lasted two days, 22 hours and 41 minutes. During this time, the astronaut made 48 orbits around the Earth, flying a total of approximately 1.97 million kilometers.

At the time of the flight, Valentina Tereshkova was only 26 years old. In the cockpit of the spacecraft:

8. The flight was not easy, the landing was terrible. At that time, it was not customary to talk about the difficulties. Therefore, Valentina Tereshkova did not report that the flight was difficult. It was very difficult to stay for three days in a heavy, restrictive spacesuit. But she survived: she did not ask for an early termination of the flight.

Valentina was especially scared during the landing. There was a lake below her, she could not control a large heavy parachute opening at an altitude of 4 km. And although the astronauts were taught to splash down, Valentina was not sure that she would have enough strength to stay on the water after an exhausting flight. But in the end, Valentina Tereshkova was lucky: she flew over the lake.

Valentina Tereshkova and Yuri Gagarin:

9. The shots of the newsreel made were staged. Newsreels showing the landing of the descent vehicle were staged. They were filmed the day after Tereshkova's actual return to Earth. When the girl returned, she was in very bad condition and was rushed to the hospital. But soon she came to her senses and the next day she felt well.

In the photo: First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikita Khrushchev (right) and cosmonauts Valentina Tereshkova, Pavel Popovich (center) and Yuri Gagarin on the podium of the mausoleum of V.I. Lenin on Red Square during a rally dedicated to the successful completion of the flight on the Vostok spacecraft -5" by Valery Bykovsky and "Vostok-6" by Valentina Tereshkova, June 22, 1963:

10. Valentina "The Seagull" Tereshkova is not only the first female cosmonaut in history. She is also the only woman on our planet who has made a solo space flight. All other female cosmonauts and astronauts flew into space only as part of crews. The flight of Valentina Tereshkova became a significant page in the history of space exploration.

Valentina Tereshkova, 1969:

11. Tereshkova is the first woman in Russia to receive the rank of major general.

12. After the fulfillment of the dream of space flight, Valentina did not stop dreaming. It would seem, what else can one dream of after the completion of such a flight and universal fame. But Tereshkova did not stop thinking about the possibility of new flights. She really wanted to go on a flight to Mars, and was even ready to fly there without the possibility of returning back. And after Tereshkova saw all the continents of the Earth from space, she began to dream of visiting Australia. After many years, she managed to fulfill her dream.

Tereshkova's biography can be conditionally divided into two parts: before the flight into space and after it.

Valentina was born in the Yaroslavl region, in the village of Bolshoe Maslennikovo on March 6, 1937, in a peasant family. Valentina did not study for long at school - she finished only 7 classes, after which she went to work at the Yaroslavl Tire Plant. The life of the family was difficult, since the father of the future cosmonaut died in the Soviet-Finnish war. However, the girl did not quit her studies, and in 1955 she graduated from evening school.

After that, she worked in the light industry, studied, was a party activist, was fond of parachuting and playing the domra.

Preparation and flight into space

The initiator of sending a woman into space was Sergei Korolev. Valentina Tereshkova, like several other girls (including V. Ponomareva and I. Solovyova), passed the selection, and she was enrolled simultaneously in the cosmonaut corps and in military service.

The biography of Tereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna says that the training was tough. Among other things, it was necessary to spend 10 days in a sound chamber.

When choosing candidates, aspects of political and ideological literacy, the ability to conduct public activities were taken into account. It was Tereshkova who met all the criteria, and on June 16, 1963, the world's first flight of a female cosmonaut into low Earth orbit began. Valentina Tereshkova spent three days outside the Earth. After this flight, S. Korolev announced that the next woman would go into space only after his death - and it happened.

More Valentina Tereshkova did not fly into space, but continued military service.

Public activity and politics

In 1966, Valentina Tereshkova first tried her hand at politics and has since participated in political life country as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. But she did not leave politics even after the breakup. Soviet Union. Since 2008, she has been actively working with the United Russia party, including being elected to the State Duma. In addition, the first female cosmonaut is involved in charity: she helps her native school and some other children's institutions.

Personal life

The personal life of the heroine of the Soviet Union was difficult, she was married twice. For the first time she married fellow cosmonaut Andriyan Nikolaev. The guest of honor at their wedding was N. Khrushchev. In 1964, she gave birth to a daughter, Elena, and after she came of age, in 1983, the marriage broke up. The second husband of Tereshkova was a military doctor Yuri Shaposhnikov.

Merit recognition

The world's first female cosmonaut received many awards from her country and foreign countries, in addition, not only streets, museums and schools, but also the lunar crater bear her name.

Other biography options

  • After the flight, Valentina Tereshkova grossly violated the regime: she distributed her flight ration to the residents Altai Territory where she landed and began to eat local food.
  • Due to the flight, the astronaut had numerous female problems, due to which she had to spend the entire pregnancy in the hospital.
  • Tereshkova's relatives did not know that she was flying, believing that the woman simply went to military training. They were told about what had happened only after her safe landing.
  • The astronaut was so eager to continue her space activities that she was preparing to go to Mars with no possibility of returning.
  • The footage of the ship's landing was not documentary: due to Tereshkova's poor health, they were filmed the next day.

Cosmonaut: Tereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna (03/06/1937)

  • 6th cosmonaut of the USSR (10th in the world);
  • Flight duration (1963): 2 days 22 hours 50 minutes, call sign "Chaika".

On March 6, 1937, in the village of Bolshoe Maslennikovo, near the town of Tutaev, which is located in the Yaroslavl region of the RSFSR, Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman cosmonaut, was born. During the Soviet-Finnish war, Valentina's father, Vladimir Aksenovich, who was called to the front, dies. In 1945, Valentina entered the Yaroslavl high school. AT school years enjoys playing the domra. After completing seven years of study, Valentina gets a job as a bracelet maker at a tire factory in the city of Yaroslavl. Since 1955, she worked at the Krasny Perekop technical fabric factory, where her mother and sister also worked. From 1955 to 1960, Valentina Vladimirovna took part-time studies at the Yaroslavl Technical School, after which she received a diploma in cotton spinning. In 1959, Valentina began to get involved in parachuting, made 90 jumps at the Yaroslavl flying club. In 1957, the future cosmonaut joined the Komsomol, since 1957 she has been the secretary of the committee at the Krasny Perekop plant.

space training

In 1962, Sergei Korolev decided to send a woman cosmonaut into space, as a result of which the search for candidates among paratroopers began according to the following criteria: no older than 30 years, no higher than 170 cm and weighing no more than 70 kg. Five women were selected, including Valentina Vladimirovna. After passing the medical commission, she was enrolled as a cosmonaut - students in March 1962. Then Tereshkova's general space training began in the detachment of a group of female listeners. After passing the state exams, on December 1, 1962, she received the position of cosmonaut of the first detachment.

During the preparation, Valentina managed to successfully pass a number of trainings and tests: 10 days in an isolation chamber (soundproof room), as well as being in a heat chamber at +70 °C, 30% humidity and wearing overalls. Several training sessions were carried out in zero gravity conditions created with the help of aircraft maneuvers. Their duration was about 40 seconds, during which time the candidates had to successfully complete the assigned tasks, such as writing names on pieces of paper or trying to eat.

The choice of the commission settled on Tereshkova, based not only on the girl's high academic performance, but also on her social abilities and personal qualities.

Space flight

On June 16, 1963, the commander of the Vostok-6 spacecraft, Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova, launched from Baikonur. As part of the mission, a joint orbital flight of the Vostok-6 and Vostok-5 spacecraft took place, on board of which was.

During the flight, a detailed observation of the body of a woman and a man in space was carried out, the problem of feeding people in space was solved. To prepare for landing, Valentina Tereshkova had to reorient the ship, with which difficulties began to arise. After lengthy adjustments, the cosmonaut stopped responding to messages from the command center, when the center contacted through a television camera - it turned out that the girl was sleeping. Long unsuccessful adjustments to the spacecraft's orientation exhausted the astronaut. It is noteworthy that Valentina Vladimirovna correctly carried out all the established commands, however spaceship reacted the other way around - moved away from the Earth. Later it was found that the system incorrectly read the trajectory data entered by the astronaut and inverted them in the opposite direction. When this problem was found out, Valentina Vladimirovna entered the changed data and oriented the ship to Earth.

After 2 days and almost 23 hours of flight, the "Seagull" successfully returned to Earth. In the area of ​​the landing site, the girl handed out leftover food for the astronauts. local residents, while she herself ate local products, which went beyond the limits set by the mission.

For the successful implementation of a complex space mission, Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman cosmonaut, was awarded the title of Hero of the USSR.

Future life

From 1955 to 1966, Valentina Vladimirovna was trained to fly on the Voskhod spacecraft. From 1964 to 1969, she studied at the VVIA Zhukovsky and received a diploma as a pilot-cosmonaut-engineer. In 1977 she defended her thesis for a candidate of technical sciences. Tereshkova has over 50 scientific publications to her credit. Until 1997, the first female cosmonaut served in the cosmonaut corps as an instructor-test cosmonaut. From 1966 to 1989, Valentina Tereshkova worked as a deputy of the Supreme Council. For the next couple of decades, the female astronaut gives her life to politics. In the spring of 2016, Valentina Vladimirovna took part in the internal party elections " United Russia”, where it took first place in the Yaroslavl region.

Name: Valentina Tereshkova

Age: 80 years old

Place of Birth: Yaroslavl region

Growth: 169 cm

The weight: 68 kg

Activity: The world's first female astronaut

Family status: widow

Valentina Tereshkova - biography

On June 16, 1963, Vostok-6 launched from Baikonur. On board was an unusual cosmonaut: for the first time in the history of mankind, a woman, Valentina Tereshkova, flew alone to the stars.

In the early 1960s, Soviet people were literally sick of space. And when the Yaroslavl flying club began to select girls for the women's cosmonaut corps, there was no shortage of applicants. But luck did not smile at many - among them was the weaver Valentina Tereshkova.

22-year-old Valya came to the Yaroslavl flying club not alone, but with her friends. The girls did not so much dream of the sky as they planned to find pilot husbands for themselves. The feeling with which Valentina stepped into the heavenly void for the first time captivated her forever. The first parachute jump was followed by the second, third, twentieth. By the time the officer from Star City arrived at the club, Tereshkova had almost a hundred jumps under her belt. The requirements for admission to the detachment were simple - age up to 30 years, height up to 170 cm, weight up to 70 kg. Five girls passed the final selection, including Valentina.

The idea to send a woman into space belonged to the general designer Sergei Korolev. The leader of the country, Nikita Khrushchev, actively supported it. The Secretary General always tried to catch up and overtake America, and after the championship with Gagarin's flight, he also wanted to "wipe his nose" with the first female flight.

Candidates began to intensively prepare according to special programs developed by doctors. Initially, Korolev planned the simultaneous flight of two ships, with a woman cosmonaut in each. The designer believed that in the event of a catastrophe of one, the second ship would fulfill a historic mission. However, the reliability of the ships turned out to be quite high, and the need for duplication disappeared.

For medical and sports performance Valentina was the clear outsider of the five. She didn't take it very well. certain types tests, and the same Solovieva had many times more jumps. But the commission in its choice relied on many criteria: social origin, social position, ability to speak. The latter was necessary for new character The USSR could incendiary tell people about the benefits of socialism.

As a result, the weaver Tereshkova, whose father died in the Soviet-Finnish war, was recognized as the best option. Later, evil tongues claimed that Tereshkova's candidacy was "pushed" by cosmonaut Andriyan Nikolaev, who was caring for her. However, there is no confirmation of this. In addition, Yuri Gagarin voted for Valentina. It was he who came up with the girl's call sign - "Seagull". In turn, Korolev promised the rest of the girls in the squad that they would all eventually go to space.

Valentina Tereshkova - on the verge of death

Yuri Gagarin also invented the tradition of saying the catchphrase at the start. Valentina knew about this and uttered Mayakovsky's slightly modified words: “Hey! Sky! Take off your hat! As General Kamanin, who trained the cosmonauts before the launch, recalled: “Everyone who saw Tereshkova during the preparation of the launch and the launch of the spacecraft into orbit, who listened to her reports on the radio, unanimously declared:“ She conducted the launch better than Popovich and Nikolaev. "Yes, I am very I am glad that I was not mistaken in choosing the first female cosmonaut.”

However, everything did not go so smoothly. Professor Yazdovsky, a specialist in space medicine, said that due to the peculiarities of female physiology, Valentina should have been sent into orbit at least a day earlier. But the start was delayed. “She severely limited her movements. She sat almost motionless. She clearly showed changes in the state of health of a vegetative nature, ”the professor recalled. But that wasn't the worst part of that flight.

Due to a mistake by the engineers, Valentina almost died. Despite the malaise, she courageously withstood 48 revolutions around the Earth. For three days the girl was sick, and yet she clearly followed all the commands, led logbook and photographed the layers of the atmosphere. Finally, the MCC gave the command to descend, for which the ship had to be reoriented in manual mode.

But, no matter how hard Tereshkova tried, Vostok-6 only turned in the opposite direction and increased the radius of the orbit. On Earth, they became worried: the ship might not return. Automation came to the rescue, and Vostok-6 successfully went downhill. However, the troubles didn't end there. Instead of the planned landing in Kazakhstan, the space capsule crashed in the Altai Territory, narrowly missing a lake.

Local shepherds were the first to find the device: it scared away their flock. The men helped Tereshkova take off her spacesuit, and the collective farmers who came to the rescue brought her a tracksuit. In gratitude, Valentina distributed all the "space" food to the peasants, and she herself fortified herself with potatoes, black bread and kvass. One of the old women naively asked her: “Daughter, have you seen God?” “I saw everything, there is no God,” the Komsomol member answered cheerfully.

Only a couple of hours later, a helicopter arrived with soldiers who cordoned off the landing site. The cosmonaut herself was immediately taken to the village of Nizhnechumanka. From there, Valentina reported to Khrushchev: “The task of the party and government has been completed!” Her relatives learned about this flight only by radio, like the entire Soviet people.

Valentina Tereshkova - biography of personal life

After the flight, Valentina Tereshkova became what they planned "above", - a legendary person, glorifying Soviet image life. Like Yuri Gagarin, she took part in speeches and conferences, she was awarded orders and prizes in many countries of the world. But this glory had flip side.

Upon learning that cosmonaut No. 3 Andriyan Nikolaev was not indifferent to Valentina, Khrushchev ordered them to be married. Doctors also approved this marriage: they wanted to see what kind of offspring a man and a woman who had been in space would give. The experiment was successful - a year later, Valentina gave birth to a healthy daughter, Lena, although the pregnancy was difficult.

But the union is completely different people was originally doomed. The same General Kamanin, having learned about their wedding, wrote in his diary: “For politics and science, their marriage may be useful, but I am not at all sure that Valya really loves Andrian. They are too different: she is fire, and he is water. Both are strong, strong-willed people, neither of them will voluntarily submit to the other. The couple did not take out “dirty linen in public” for a long time, so for many, their separation after eight years was a shock. Valentina herself spoke briefly about Andrian: "In work - gold, at home - despot."

Tereshkova compensated for her personal drama with social work. She was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet, headed the committee of Soviet women, served in the Air Force and was engaged in scientific work. Only in the early 1980s did she meet "her" man - Yuli Shaposhnikova, who headed the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics.

Unlike the assertive Nikolaev, he was ideally suited to Tereshkova in terms of personal qualities. In 1982, the lovers registered their marriage, which lasted until the death of Julius in 1999. And shortly before that, in 1995, Valentina Vladimirovna received the rank of major general, becoming the first female general in Russia.

Report on the topic "Valentina Tereshkova - the first woman cosmonaut"

(To the 50th anniversary of the flight of the first female cosmonaut)

Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova was born on March 6, 1937 in the village of Maslennikovo, which is located thirty kilometers from Yaroslavl. As a three-year-old child, Valya was left without a father who died at the front. And mother - Elena Fedorovna with three kids had a hard time. The Tereshkovs' house stood near the village outskirts, on a high place. From here there was a view of the fields and copses. Vali's independent and energetic character manifested itself from childhood. She was more attracted to boyish undertakings than girls' games. Together with the guys, she learned early to swim, jump into the pond from a birch, and ride collective farm horses. Fearlessly climbed into the forest thicket, picking mushrooms or berries.

Early on, Valina's shoulders also fell on household chores - she had to help her mother who worked on the collective farm - to wash, dig potatoes, nurse her younger brother Volodya. Walked Patriotic War, hungry time, lacked the most necessary: ​​bread, shoes, kerosene. By the end of the war, the family moved to Yaroslavl. mother and elder sister went to work at the Krasny Perekop textile mill, where Valentina also came after the seven-year school, at the same time enrolling in the correspondence technical school of light industry. In those years, her passion for parachuting also came to her.

Young people were drawn to aviation. Everyone had the names of the first heroes of the Soviet Union on their lips - the pilots who saved the polar expedition and the crew of the Chelyuskin, which was jammed with ice, as well as the Chkalovsky and Gromov crews, who reached the shores of America in a non-stop flight. The dream of flying continued to excite the young. What is surprising in the fact that a girl with such a bold and resolute character was seduced by the ocean of air ...

On May 21, 1959, Valentina, with a group of girls from Krasny Perekop, who signed up with her in the flying club, took off. She mastered a variety of jumps - on land and on water, from high and low heights, for accuracy of landing and protracted ones. In total, she jumped 163 (!) times, having won the first sports category.

The flight of Yuri Gagarin ignited the dream of space in a girl's soul. “The desire to become an astronaut captured me all,” she later recalled, “it was so strong that it did not leave me, no matter what I did.” Such a girl's dream would have been considered very strange, say, at the beginning of the twentieth century. Woman and space - what do they have in common?! Of the many thousands of dreamers, a small group was chosen for enrollment in the cosmonaut corps, consisting of: Zhanna Yorkina, Tatyana Kuznetsova, Valentina Ponomareva, Irina Solovyova and Valentina Tereshkova.

Valentina Tereshkova was enrolled in the cosmonaut corps on March 12, 1962. "The load of the women's group of five people was greater than that of the men," Tereshkova recalled, specifying that in general the training system in those years was excessively rigid. But everyone "had one crazy idea - by all means, irreproachably undergo training and fly off."
During the training, she underwent training on the body's resistance to the factors of space flight. The trainings included a thermal chamber, where it was necessary to be in a flight suit at a temperature of +70 ° C and a humidity of 30%, a sound chamber - a room isolated from sounds, where each candidate had to spend 10 days.

Zero gravity training was carried out on the MiG-15. When performing a parabolic slide, weightlessness was established inside the aircraft for 40 seconds, and there were 3-4 such sessions per flight. During each session, it was necessary to complete the next task: write a first and last name, try to eat, talk on the radio.

When choosing Tereshkova for the role of the first female cosmonaut, in addition to successfully completing training, political issues were also taken into account: Tereshkova was from workers, while, for example, Ponomaryova and Solovyov were from employees. In addition, Tereshkova's father, Vladimir, died during the Soviet-Finnish war when she was two years old.

On the day of the first flight into space, Valentina Tereshkova told her relatives that she was leaving for paratrooper competitions, they learned about the flight from the news on the radio.

"I am Seagull. On June 16, 1963, the world heard Valentina Tereshkova from the space "far" by these call signs. The female cosmonaut spent almost three days in space, and all three days the newspapers, radio, and television of the whole world reported on this event. "Miss Universe" - such a headline was prefaced by the English newspaper "Daily Express" to the message of its Moscow correspondent.

After her flight, Valentina Vladimirovna continued to be trained in the cosmonaut corps, but social work began to take up most of her time. Tereshkova had to make many trips to the cities of the USSR, to many countries of the world.
Simultaneously with work at the Cosmonaut Training Center and active social activities she entered the Military Engineering Academy named after, from which she graduated with honors in 1969, having received the specialty of a pilot-cosmonaut-engineer.
Since 1968, Tereshkova has been working in the Soviet, and later Russian public organizations. In years she was the chairman of the Soviet Women's Committee, and from 1969 to 1987 - vice-president of the International Democratic Women's Federation. In years, Tereshkova was the chairman of the presidium of the Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. In 1992, she was the Chairman of the Presidium of the Russian Association for International Cooperation, in the years - the First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Agency for International Cooperation and Development. Since 1994, Tereshkova has worked as a head Russian center international scientific and cultural cooperation (Roszarubezhtsentr)." width="143" height="89 src=">.jpg" width="123" height="108 src=">" width="143" height="102 src=">

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