Training of psychics. How to develop psychic abilities: a guide for beginners

Technology and Internet 29.09.2019
Technology and Internet

A true psychic is a bright and strong person, but not externally, but internally. A magician of incredible beauty, sitting in a dark room and casting a spell over a ball, is just a romantic stereotype. In fact, psychics are no different in appearance from ordinary people, but their internal qualities and abilities are disproportionately higher and more diverse than those of ordinary person. Nevertheless, each of us has extrasensory perception, only for some it sleeps in deep sleep, for others it is poorly developed, and for those who have it strongly, people call sorcerers, magicians and psychics. Try to remember at least one episode from your life when you guessed, say, the next melody that would sound on the radio when the right bus arrived at the stop where to go to unfamiliar terrain to find what you need... Surely, there was such an episode, and more than one. Such cases are examples of the manifestation of your personal extrasensory abilities, which can be developed. This will require time, patience, a desire to learn and continuous practice.

How to develop psychic abilities? First, identify your strengths.

Determining your own capabilities

There is one popular exercise on the Internet. Surely it will help you too. For everything to go smoothly and as it should, try to relax, disconnect from real life, stay at home or in a separate room alone with yourself. Nothing should distract you. Sit down, close your eyes and imagine the following picture as clearly and vividly as you can:

Summer sunny day. You are alone on a sandy river beach. The seagulls are screaming. You feel how the rays warm your body. You are calm. Then you take off your shoes and feel the soft river sand with your feet. A child is bathing in the river, he calls his sister to him. You hear it. You were exhausted by the heat and you were thirsty. You get up and go to a kiosk nearby, buy popsicles there, which make you feel cool. You start eating the treat and feel the taste and smell of strawberries. The ice begins to melt, and sticky streams flow down your fingers.

After you have presented everything, analyze your feelings and ideas. This must be done honestly, so you can determine the strongest of your feelings. Answer yourself these questions:

  1. How much and how clearly were you able to see the objects around you? Have you seen the river, the ice cream kiosk?
  2. How clearly did you hear the sounds? Were you able to hear a child's voice and the cries of seagulls?
  3. How strong were the tactile sensations? How good did you feel the softness of the river sand, the coolness from the kiosk and the stream of ice flowing down your skin?
  4. Olfactory sensations – could you smell the strawberries?
  5. Taste sensations – how strongly could you taste the ice?
  6. Feelings and emotions – what and with what intensity did you feel during the presentation of this picture?

By carefully analyzing your feelings, you can understand what is most developed in you. In the future, try to develop the strength and sharpness of your leading feelings. They will also help you recognize extrasensory information.

What to learn

One article is extremely insufficient to tell you how to develop psychic abilities. In this paragraph we will list what you need to learn. Special literature, training and constant practice will definitely help you with this.

  • Mastering auto-training and meditation.
  • Development of imagination, ability to think figuratively.
  • Self-hypnosis and hypnosis.
  • The ability to accumulate biological energy, it can be drawn from the natural elements and the Cosmos.
  • Managing energy in various ways.
  • Ability for extreme concentration.
  • Developing calmness and a friendly attitude towards the world; ability to clear away negative feelings and emotions.

Exercises to develop intuition

How to develop psychic abilities? You won’t be able to start with something difficult right away – you don’t have enough strength and experience for that. Intuition can also be trained, but you can figure out how to do it yourself. Everything is very simple - you are trying to look into your future, make a wish different situations, referring not to logic, but to your inner voice. Next, check how right you were. The more often and more you train in this way, the stronger your intuition will be. For example, you don’t know what time it is, but first you try to guess the time and then check your watch. Or you have lost an item, but are trying to guess where it is without using logic.

Exercises for developing extrasensory perception

Now let's look at a few exercises that will help you understand how to develop psychic abilities.

Perception of the human aura

Sit on a chair so that your back is straight. Relax and don't think about anything in particular for a few minutes. Then spread your palms about 30 cm apart. Slowly bring them together and apart. The task is to learn to feel the boundaries of your biofield. These sensations can be in the form of heat or energy. When you learn to clearly sense your aura, you can learn to recognize the aura of other people.

Vision of the future through a dream

Before going to bed, try to set yourself up to see tomorrow. To do this, you need to try to fall asleep with only one single thought that you should dream about tomorrow. This is difficult to learn. Many people need weeks and months, moreover, to see their day not completely, but in fragments.

Developing the Power of Gaze

Willpower and perseverance are qualities without which nothing will work. Take a piece of paper, draw a circle in the middle, paint it black and hang it on the wall at a distance of 90 cm from your eyes. Look at the circle for a minute without looking up, then move the sheet to the left 90 cm from the starting position and repeat the exercise. Next, move the sheet to the right of the starting position, also 90 cm, and repeat the exercise again. You need to train daily, gradually increasing the time to 5 minutes for each position. Once you achieve this result, you will begin to observe that your gaze begins to influence people.

Development of intuition at a high level

The task is to learn to recognize the emotions and feelings of another person. To do this, you need to learn to penetrate inside a certain person, to present yourself to them completely and completely. Try to look at the world through the eyes of this person, without mixing in your own thoughts, assessments and judgments.

Seeing someone else's aura

The exercise is done in 2 stages. First, before going to bed, learn to look at the small lines and details on your closed eyelids. The exercise is done for 2-3 days, one procedure lasts 10-15 minutes.

In the second stage, it is better to perform the exercise at dusk. Place any solid-colored object on the table. It is better if it is located opposite a white background. Look at the object not directly, but as if from the side, casually. After some time, you will be able to see a small haze running along the contour of the object. Soon it will become brighter and acquire a characteristic shade. The aura of the item will depend on its color. A yellow object will emit a blue aura, a green object will emit a red aura, etc.

We told you a little about how to develop psychic abilities. I would like to say that this is only a small part of what you can master. Don't be afraid to improve, look for new exercises and opportunities. Spend more time alone and in nature, grow spiritually and look for new ways to develop psychic abilities.

Development of extrasensory abilities in humans.

Many people dream of having some kind of psychic ability. Consequently, they think about how to find out whether they have such abilities or not.

Every person has certain knowledge and skills. Some try to develop them, and their abilities begin to manifest themselves in different periods time. For others, the inclinations are dormant. But how can you determine your own abilities? There are certain methods and special tests for this. They will be discussed in today's article.

How do we determine psychic abilities and intuition by date of birth?

If you want to know for sure whether you have psychic abilities or not, this material will help you. Because here you can learn about methods for detecting such unusual opportunities.

We offer you a very simple test. Using it, you will determine whether you have a tendency to cast spells and use magical powers:

  • To take the test, you will only have to use your own date of birth, plus a calculator. This is only if you cannot or do not want to count on your own.
  • It is worth noting that the presence of otherworldly qualities can be judged only when 66 or 666 is present in the date of birth after adding the numbers.
Gift of clairvoyance
  • Write your own date of birth, for example, 08/30/1999.
  • Now add the numbers of your own date using the following method: 31+08+1+9+9+8=66. To get 666, you just need to look at the date the person was born.

Without a doubt, you will understand the meaning of this test. If the date contains such a combination of numbers 06/06/2006, then this person has magical abilities and sensitive intuition. Consequently, he has the opportunity to develop his own gift of clairvoyance.

How psychic abilities and intuition manifest themselves: signs

There are a lot of people in the world. And everyone has their own abilities: some dance great, some paint great, and some have psychic abilities. However, signs of such qualities manifest themselves differently in people and may differ. Let us consider with you the most striking and pronounced signs.

  • Frequent colorful, lucid dreams. If you constantly see vivid dreams during which you travel or they convey pictures of the future, then you can undoubtedly count on the presence of magical powers.
  • In some cases, people can live more than one life thanks to such dreams. There are a huge number of technologies that allow you not to get lost in such events. But the main thing that will allow you to develop strength and the manifestation of awareness is to record your own dreams.
  • This way you can check how exactly the dreams that were transmitted to you are coming true.
  • Involuntary treatment of people using palms. Many people with healing properties have similar capabilities. In addition, it is possible to influence the entire body, human energy, heal wounds, cure diseases and cleanse the chakras.

  • Fear of an open door. The first sign of magical possibilities is anxiety, which appears if the door in the room is open. It has always been believed that the openings of windows and doors are the line that is located between our world and the other world. People who have strong energy sensitivity do not always linger in a doorway or near an open window.
  • A door or window that is still slightly open can lead to a loss of energy, therefore, most rituals are performed in a room exclusively with the door closed and the light dimmed.
  • The ability to materialize your own thoughts and desires. You 100% have special abilities when your dreams and thoughts come true regularly. Many people have only positive desires come true, but there are also those who have negative ones come true. In general, these individuals must monitor their own desires. If this happens to you sometimes, then try to develop more capabilities using special techniques.
  • Clear recognition of other people's feelings. The next manifestation of magical powers is empathy. A person who owns it feels the emotions of others and their feelings, sometimes as if they were his emotions. It's a shame, you don't see this kind of ability very often. Some magicians have it and actually help. This ability is often found in psychologists or psychotherapists.
  • The ability to predict what will happen in the near future. The ability to foresee the future is a complete guarantee of the presence of magical abilities. Images usually appear during sleep, touching certain things, using a mirror ball.
  • Heightened intuition. A person knows when he needs to stop or what to do at a certain moment or the near future. He often finds himself in the right place and meets the right people. Also, such a person can predict the onset of danger.

Tests for extrasensory abilities and intuition

There are a huge number of tests, by passing which you can find out about your own magical abilities, if, of course, you have them. Just answer the questions we suggested "yes" or "no".

  1. Can you notice or distinguish his energy in a person?
  2. Do you feel danger? Can you get out of any situation without major losses? Does your intuition of self-preservation in the face of trouble always come to your aid?
  3. Do you influence the decisions of other people, can you instill your own thoughts in such a way that your interlocutor switches to your side?
  4. Do you have the ability to foresee future moments, do you prevent any events?
  5. Have your friends started to notice that you are a good conversationalist and easy to talk to?
  6. Love spell, damage, evil eye - have you practiced similar methods on anyone?
  7. Are you interested in magic? Do you study a lot of literature about magic and the various methods that relate to it?
  8. Do you guess using any method available to you? The most important thing is that what you predict to people comes true over time?
  9. Every person is like an open book. Can you see right through a person, sense what he strives for and what you feel?
  10. You constantly think about life, read large number books? Is your own self-improvement your first priority?
  11. Is loneliness a common thing for you? After all, it is this that gives you the opportunity to discover your potential, to reveal your own inner world.
  12. Are you excellent at certain magical elements?
  13. When you find yourself in a cemetery or wasteland, are you not afraid or lost?

If you were able to answer positively to 8 questions or more, then you have magical power. Develop it. It all depends only on your capabilities and desires.

Which zodiac signs have psychic abilities and intuition?

Absolutely all people, of any zodiac sign, can have psychic powers. But only each sign has its own talents. Let's find out what powers all the signs are endowed with.

  • Aries. Very strong sign. His main ability is the ability to charge other people with his own energy. Aries is like an ordinary light bulb - light emanates from it. In addition, a person born under this sign is able to infect clothes and other things with energy. The most important thing is that this energy is good.
  • Taurus. Lucky financially. This sign belongs to the world of money. He tells fortunes with money, uses money spells and rituals. To achieve their own desires, Taurus often writes their own money fantasies on a piece of paper.
  • Twins. Sharp tongue. He can jinx and cause damage. Just from one glance and a bad word he can harm a person. However, this person also has a positive effect - he can sincerely wish goodness and good luck.
  • Cancer. The person has a keen intuition. He can guess events occurring in the near and distant future. However, very often a person born under this sign does not talk about his own feelings to people, and when his prophecies come true, a phrase like “I knew everything” will already be ridiculous. Many astrologers advise Cancers to describe their sensations and feelings to loved ones more, since this is how they can protect them from troubles.
  • Lion. Leo copes easily with love spells and conspiracies. Leos are subject to everything that concerns this topic. And it’s not strange that Leo often experiences violent love.
  • Virgo. People definitely have supernatural powers. They They read fortunes with cards and are proficient in palmistry. If a person under this sign wants to seriously study cards and palm fortune telling, he will be able to succeed very quickly.

  • Scales. Libra's supernatural abilities manifest themselves through internal energy. Libra rules the elements. Libra can easily test their own abilities. They must “order” the weather from nature for a certain day and check how their assumptions come true.
  • Scorpion. A person of this sign is considered magically strong. He masters almost all types of magic. Main feature Scorpio man - he fights bad energy, evil eye and damage. With his own presence, Scorpio protects loved ones from harm and illness.
  • Sagittarius. The main magical powers of Sagittarius are his intentions, thoughts and words. The main satellites of Sagittarius are the arrow and the target. This means that in order to realize his own desires, he clearly formulates his own intentions. And he does it best on paper.
  • Capricorn. Capricorns can become wonderful astrologers, numerologists or palmists. They are subject to science, which will allow them to demonstrate their own intelligence, logical and mathematical capabilities.
  • Aquarius. They often see prophetic dreams. They partly listen to own dreams, because thanks to them they receive a large amount of information that is useful to them.

  • Fish. A person of this sign is wonderful tells fortunes using coffee grounds, cards and runes. In addition, Cancer can cleanse space from energy pollution. Pisces also has excellent intuition. This allows a person to guess future events.

How to discover and develop psychic abilities: exercises

Magical powers are consequences that can manifest themselves due to important factors and conditions. Some of them help predict the future, adjust energy, and develop brain abilities. The following exercises can be distinguished that help develop psychic abilities.

Developing intuition:

  • Extrasensory abilities depend on the mind. Most scientists claim that previously people had a very powerful brain. It functioned completely differently, not like a modern person.
  • Almost 90% of all its capabilities, which allowed ancient people to communicate with each other for a very long time. The brain works actively - there is a greater chance of predicting the future. Logic and abstract thinking will help you discover magical possibilities.
  • Regularly record your own thoughts and what you expect in order to check them in the future and compare them with real events.

Learning to feel your own aura:

  • A person is surrounded by an energy field. To guess the future or monitor people's moods, you need to understand your own aura. Almost any person felt when negative energy emanated from another person.
  • If you want to feel the boundaries of your own field, letting someone into it, to feel changes, do this: move your arms to the sides - you will see your biological field. Stretch your arms forward - you will become a magnet.
  • Practice this exercise in your mind while the person is sitting opposite you. This way you can develop magnet sensitivity.

Learning to meditate:

  • Breathe deeply and not often. Clear your mind of extraneous thoughts to feel the energy of the world around you
  • Do this at home first, then you can move on to other places

Learning to guess dreams:

  • Prophetic dreams are a gift that is given to man by nature itself. This is the best prediction method because human brain during sleep, he is distracted from problems and work, and can interact more effectively with the biofield.
  • Do you want to develop this gift? Before you go to bed, get rid of unnecessary thoughts and think about exactly what interests you. This way you can see a prophetic dream. However, before doing this, watch yourself. If you notice positive results, then you are on the right track.

Learning to see future events:

  • It is said that those surfaces that reflect help you keep an eye on what is hidden from view. In this regard, the ideal assistant is a mirror. Experts say the mirror is considered the boundary that separates the worlds.
  • The mirror shows the future only to selected people. Exercises can help you find out whether you are the chosen one or not.
  • In order to check own strength, take a couple of mirrors so that they show the endless tunnel. Sit between the mirrors and look at what you see in this tunnel. Create complete silence around you, darkness, do everything calmly.
  • However, be extremely careful. After all, exercises that involve mirrors can sometimes be dangerous when the biofield is small.

Development of psychic abilities according to the Silva method

A famous parapsychologist from America proposed an unusual method. Thanks to it, you can establish thinking and direct the functioning of intuition to control. Silva decided to suggest some exercises that develop the “sixth sense”. This allows a person to gain additional opportunities to improve and reach new heights in his own life.

According to Silva, you can control your consciousness at various levels:

  • Level 1. The person is awake and can use the 5 physical senses
  • Level 2. This consciousness is suitable for meditation using intuition
  • Level 3. A person is in deep sleep, for example, during prolonged meditation using various extrasensory techniques
  • Level 4. The man is sleeping deeply. At this level it is located in unconsciousness

Read more about Silva's method in his book Mind Control. You can buy the book at.

How to discover your psychic abilities and develop them in 2 weeks?

Do you want to develop psychic abilities in 14 days? Let's look at some recommendations that will help you in this matter:

  • First, perform a ritual of cleansing your own inner aura. Get rid of negative emotions and thoughts. Achieve harmony within yourself. You can meditate
  • Never tell anyone that you are doing such training. Since this should remain secret from prying thoughts
  • Do it every day special exercises. If you don't do this, you may not expect good results.
  • Use your own abilities only for good purposes, otherwise your abilities will be lost
  • Study a lot of information related to extrasensory perception. After all, theory is also considered important, as is practice.

Now let's look at the exercises themselves:

  • Learn to sense the human aura with your hands in 2 weeks. Do this: sit straight on a chair, relax as much as possible. Move your arms to the sides, place your palms parallel to each other at a distance of 30 cm. Slowly bring your palms together, and then spread them, so that a feeling of warmth and elasticity appears throughout the body.
  • Take 2 photographs showing a deceased person and a living one. Close your eyes, get rid of unnecessary, distracting thoughts, concentrate. Place one hand on the photo and feel the energy coming from it. Repeat on the second photo.
  • To develop your own intuition, try to learn to write with your opposite hand during this time.

How to discover and develop psychic abilities: tips

How to discover and develop psychic abilities on your own? The most important thing is to really strive for this and persistently pursue your goal. If you want to find a good method that will help you with this, then first listen to our simple recommendations.

  • Try to be positive. Because doubts will distract you and stop the whole process.
  • Pay special attention to your own sensations and feelings. Keep an eye on every little thing that happens around you in order to catch a supernatural signal.

  • Record all your dreams and visions on paper. You can keep a special notebook. This way you will track whether progress is being made in your studies or whether there are no positive changes at all.
  • Imagine a variety of events in front of you as often as possible. Use any photo for this purpose. After looking at one photo for a few seconds, close your eyes and reproduce what you saw in the picture.
  • Use a technique called audio hypnosis. This technique allows you to concentrate well, tune in to positive thoughts, thereby throwing out of your head what interferes with obtaining a positive result.

We hope our little tips will help you become an excellent psychic! But remember that you should not use your gift to enrich yourself or harm others.

Books on extrasensory perception: list

  • Author - Elina Boltenko: “Textbook on extrasensory perception”
  • Jane Roberts, Psychic Abilities.
  • Gennady Kibardin: “Secrets of clairvoyance: how to develop extrasensory perception abilities.”
  • Noreen Regnier: " Psychic Workshop"
  • Yuri Ivanov: “How to become a psychic”
  • Nonna Khidiryan: “ Extrasensory perception. Answers to questions here"
  • Sanders Jr. Pete: “You’re psychic!”
  • Alexey Pokhabov: “Vertical will”

You can choose books on extrasensory perception according to your taste here.

Stones that enhance psychic abilities

Azurite– the most powerful of all stones that give the power of consciousness.

Sardonyx– has the power of self-healing for its owner, by harmonizing the work of all body systems and better work human mind.

Heliotrope- a stone for witchcraft in ancient times. It is used for bracelets, rings and rings, to stimulate human extrasensory perception.

Video: Clairvoyance course. How to become clairvoyant and open your third eye?

Extrasensory perception is a mysterious and mystical area of ​​human capabilities that allows one to go beyond the traditional perception of the world. Not everyone thinks about the fact that he, it turns out, has hidden powers. You just need to learn how to develop them - and a truly magical world will open up before you.

The word “psychic” comes from the Latin extra – “over” and sensus – “feeling”. That is, it indicates a person who is capable of feeling much more than those around him and has supernatural capabilities.

A psychic is able to receive information directly through the brain without using sight, hearing, smell or touch. These messages come to him as pictures, voices or other phenomena familiar only to him.

Psychic abilities usually manifest themselves through telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, or telekinesis. These people are also able to see the aura of people, animals or objects.

Most people believe that extrasensory perception can only be achieved by a select few. This is a wrong judgment, because any of us can become a psychic. Superpowers are hidden in any person from the moment of birth, but in most cases they remain undiscovered.

It's sad, but most people, having matured, lose their potential, not finding modern world ways to reveal your abilities. But most young children are real psychics, capable of seeing and hearing much more than adults.

But don't be upset. If you are concerned about questions about the meaning of life and Universal laws universe, it means your time has come to comprehend the mysteries of extrasensory perception of the world and develop superpowers in yourself.

Manifestation of psychic abilities

Extrasensory abilities can manifest themselves as:

  • Clairvoyance is the ability to receive information about what is happening regardless of time without the participation of the organs of vision. It is an inner vision of something that goes beyond the real world.
  • Clairaudience is the inner voice, gaining knowledge about the Universe at the level of auditory vibrations.
  • Clairvoyance is the ability to receive information directly from the Cosmos, understanding the processes occurring in the Universe. A person receives the correct answer out of nowhere and cannot explain how this knowledge came to him.
  • Intuition is the ability to foresee certain events using clues sent by the world, dreams and premonitions.
  • Telekinesis is the ability to influence objects using the power of thought without any physical effort.

Very often, psychic abilities are revealed in cases where there is a threat to life or a person is in a critical situation and needs help. At such moments, some inner voice tells you how to act.

A person can also feel superpowers while in an altered state of consciousness under the influence of psychotropic or narcotic substances. Healers and shamans in various cultures knew this very well, and used the properties of certain plants to enter a state of trance and communicate with otherworldly forces.

How to determine if you have psychic abilities

To assess your ESP abilities, try asking yourself a few questions:

  • How light a sleeper are you?
  • Do you have developed intuition?
  • Do you feel someone's presence when you are alone in a room?
  • Are you lucky in life?
  • Are you superstitious, do you listen to various omens and signs that the world sends you?
  • Are there people in your family associated with magic, witchcraft, or healing?
  • Are you sensitive to the energy of people around you?
  • Try to spread your palms to the sides at a distance of about twenty centimeters. Do you feel the warmth that comes from your hands?
  • Do you think that you were “born in a shirt”?
  • Have you experienced a feeling of discomfort and fear in places where some tragedy happened, although you did not know about it before?
  • Do you communicate with inanimate objects?
  • Can you easily persuade a person to do certain things?
  • Can you help the patient and alleviate his pain when communicating with him?

The greater the number of affirmative answers, the more developed your extrasensory perception is. If you answered “yes” to more than 10 questions, you definitely need to develop your abilities, because you are a real psychic.

But having abilities alone is not enough to become a professional in this field. It is also necessary to develop your sensitivity and intuition through training and exercise.

Exercises that develop psychic abilities

For people who dream of developing extrasensory abilities, there are a number of exercises that expand the range of perception. These techniques activate dormant extrasensory abilities.

How to learn to feel the aura with your hands

If you want to learn how to perceive a person’s aura, do this exercise:

  • Sit comfortably on a chair, keeping your back straight.
  • Relax and stop the flow of thoughts, rub your palms together.
  • Move your palms thirty centimeters away from each other, keeping them parallel.
  • Begin to slowly bring your palms together until they touch. Repeat the exercise several times.

After some time, you will begin to feel the limits of your aura with your hands. There will be a feeling of warmth emanating from the hands, the palms will become elastic. After several workouts, these sensations will become not just subtle, but quite real and physical. In the future, you will also learn to sense the aura of others and sense its boundaries.

How to learn to see the aura

The exercise is performed in two stages.

At the first stage, you need to try for a couple of days to see the small lines that appear before your eyes when you peer into the space between your eyelids. It is better to do this in the evening, lying in bed. For this exercise, 15 minutes a day is enough.

In the second stage, proceed as follows:

  • Place an object in front of you - a jug, flowerpot or something else. It is advisable that the item be one color. Place it against a white piece of paper to neutralize the background.
  • Start looking at the object, but not directly, but casually. Over time, a slight haze will begin to appear along the edge of the object. Next, you will begin to distinguish its color, depending on the color of the object. For example, a green object has a red aura, and a yellow one has a blue aura.

It is best to do the exercise before bed.

How to learn to have prophetic dreams

We all know about the phenomenon of prophetic dreams or the ability to foresee future events based on dreams. In order to see a prophetic dream, you need to give yourself an attitude. Before going to bed, tune in to the fact that in your dream you should see how tomorrow will go. Do this every evening for a month. Gradually you will learn to see snippets of events that are about to happen.

Try to remember your dream in the smallest detail and analyze it. So, over time, you can develop your own system of dream interpretation.

Beginning psychics are advised to spend time in nature as often as possible, away from the bustle of the city. Try to spend more time in solitude and meditation, learn to hear the voices of nature and peer into the night sky. And then, perhaps, the Universe itself will begin to talk to you.

It is quite possible to acquire psychic abilities! To do this you will need...

In this article you will find out!

1. What can psychic abilities give you?
2. What types of psychic abilities exist?
3. What helps develop psychic abilities?
3. Why does intuition activate psychic abilities?
4. How to gain psychic abilities through meditation?
5. Testing psychic abilities in practice!
6. Recommendations for those who want to become a psychic!

What can psychic abilities give you?

  • find treasures and valuables,
  • find missing people,
  • learn the “history” of things,
  • read people's intentions
  • receive any information you are interested in,
  • find out the future
  • awaken your hidden abilities and talents,
  • telepathically read other people's thoughts,
  • inspire thoughts at a distance and influence people,
  • explore other worlds and travel through them astrally,
  • anticipate and prevent deception, lies, betrayal...

Think about what exactly you want?

What types of psychic abilities exist?

You can receive information in different ways from the information space that permeates the entire the world around us. There are four main psychic abilities:

  • clairaudience,
  • clairvoyance,
  • clairsentience,
  • clairvoyance.

There are others, but they are much less common and therefore little studied. Perhaps you have a predisposition to one particular superpower, or maybe you have several at once.

What helps develop psychic abilities?

The special techniques that you will find on this site have already helped many people develop their psychic abilities. However, as practice shows, best results people get it when the technique suits them.

Why does intuition activate psychic abilities?

Your intuition is the golden key that will open the secret door behind which your psychic abilities are hidden. The more you develop and use your intuition, the stronger it is. Mental abilities can be trained, just like the physical muscles in your body.

A good way to develop your intuition is to listen to your feelings and thoughts throughout the day.

Of course, you can use special techniques and exercises to develop intuition¹, and devote a certain amount of time to training, but it is also important to have constant contact with intuition, ask questions and consult with it on any matter.

How to gain psychic abilities through meditation?

Meditation is a universal tool for developing any superpowers. It calms the mind, harmonizes thought processes, and rids the brain of unnecessary information.

In a trance state, the vibration level increases, the brain is calm and relaxed, and therefore intuitive information comes more easily.

If it is difficult for you to practice any special techniques for developing psychic abilities, at least start meditating. It is enough to find a quiet place and half an hour of time.

In addition, in addition to activating superpowers, meditation has a beneficial effect on your physical and mental health. She harmonizes nervous system, relieves stress, relaxes body muscles, eliminates energy blocks, and also promotes rejuvenation of the body by stimulating the production of hormones.

Testing psychic abilities in practice!

Everyone knows the saying: “Practice makes mastery”?

This is also true for the development of superpowers. You can study millions of books, know the theory by heart, but without practice this information will never turn into knowledge.

Only practice gives the necessary experience and skills, so those who want to become a psychic² should choose suitable methods for themselves and practice regularly. This will definitely give results!

To become a psychic, it is not necessary to have extraordinary abilities from birth. They can be developed!

Reading information from people, objects, receiving signals and messages from the subtle world requires large energy expenditures. You need to monitor your energy level and replenish it if necessary. Regular meditation, yoga, proper nutrition and will help you maintain your mood and maintain the correct state of mind and body.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ You will find powerful techniques for developing intuition

² Psychic - a person believed to have extrasensory perception abilities (

A person with psychic abilities is forced to demonstrate incredible fortitude in order to curb his own gift. This is sometimes a serious test. However, mastery of special skills expands the boundaries of the universe, allowing you to contact souls that have long left visible world. The help of a palmist, medium, or witch is a popular way to solve dead-end problems. It is quite possible to develop the abilities of a seer in yourself. This article will talk about ways to develop psychic skills and apply knowledge to benefit yourself and the world around you.

Phase No. 1. I have

Step 1. Who is a psychic?

First of all, you need to define what it means to be a psychic. Such people may have:

  • clairvoyance;
  • clairaudience;
  • clairsentience.

What's the difference, you ask? The second halves of words are key to understanding. Thus, a clairvoyant sees what is inaccessible to others. The aura of creatures, episodes of the past or future, distant places are accessible to the special vision of the seer. Information that has come to us from distant ancestors says that all people have a third eye located on the forehead. The difference between clairvoyants and other people lies in the ability to use it.

The auditory or mental perception of clairaudient people is accessible to signals coming from the immaterial world. Clairaudient people are able to communicate with spirits through conversation.

Clairsentients are distinguished by their subtle perception. They can receive information about the invisible reality through smells or taste. The emotions experienced by a person or spirit are as tangible to a clairsentient as their own.

Step 2. Do you have the makings of a psychic?

Find your psychic abilities. Every person has intuition to one degree or another. You probably experienced compassion, something worried you for no apparent reason or, conversely, calmed you down, an unfounded premonition, a guess - all this is a manifestation of extrasensory abilities. All that remains is to transfer them to the status of skills. Take some time to think about the following questions.

  • Have you ever experienced strange visions or heard voices?
  • Have there ever been times when you obsessively and clearly felt that there was a certain spirit or being nearby when you were alone with yourself?
  • Has there been an inexplicable knowledge about some event that concerns you very remotely?
  • Do you feel the feelings and moods of those around you?

You may feel the presence of a special energy. It is likely that you are in front of a mysterious door, opening which you can reveal hitherto unknown talents.

To become a psychic, you need to work on the appropriate qualities. There are practices that allow you to use the third eye and expand the horizons of your perception.

Step 3. What do you know about mediums?

The best way to learn a new skill is to work with an experienced one. Try to find out as many biographies and stories of famous psychics as possible. Buy relevant books, find blogs on the Internet. Knowledge of the history of mediumship and extrasensory perception in general is no less valuable. Where did it all start, how did it develop, what stage is it at today?

It is useful to communicate with mediums and psychics. Both individual and group meetings are acceptable. Find out how these people live, how they think and what rules they follow.

Phase No. 2. Acquiring and developing

Step 1. Learn to hear yourself

Push the boundaries of consciousness. Prepare psychologically for a meeting with representatives of the invisible universe. Exercises accompanying the activation of the third eye are as follows.

  • Trust your intuition, don't ignore your premonitions.
  • Think about the symbols that come to you in your dreams.
  • Monitor and record the sensations that arise in you.
  • Make time to spend alone with yourself.
  • Think over the conditions under which nothing and no one can distract you from thinking.
  • Regular time alone will teach you to focus and listen to your emotions.
  • Don’t drive away the sensations that arise, think about it, delve into it.

An excellent training is to record the feelings and thoughts experienced. Write on instinct, do not focus on the appropriateness of words or spelling: the task is different. After some time, read what you have written. You will discover the presence of other people's thoughts, which will be the first messages of the spirits.

Step 2. Look for contacts

Connect with spirits. You may need help from mentors. Try to find a group of psychics whose views and reasoning will be close to you. The group is quite capable of helping to get in touch with otherworldly reality. In addition, this way you can easily become familiar with all the necessary rituals and rituals. Ideal option– psychic courses. Attending events of this kind will give you the necessary knowledge and initial skills.

Create a space in your own home. Prepare all the necessary attributes, ensure the appropriate decoration of the room.

Remember, at the early stage of developing your abilities, you are not able to resist the influence of otherworldly forces on you. You will be subject to negative emotions and experience horror or painful effects. Over time, control will pass into your hands, but for this you will have to work hard and practice a lot.

Phase No. 3. I implement

Step 1. First practice

Once a skill is acquired, it is important to strengthen it with practice. Find people who are interested in contacting a deceased loved one or who are facing difficult choices. This could be your relative or friend.

You cannot accompany a seance with your questions. You are the person giving the answers! All information about the spirit (name, gender, personal life, area of ​​activity and hobbies during life, biographical aspects) must be obtained without the help of the client.

By taking up the matter, you have taken on a huge responsibility. Try to help those who need you with all your might.

Step 2: Using Abilities

Having acquired the desired psychic abilities, you can start a career in this field. But do it with confidence in your own skills!

You can provide services in your own apartment or in a special place - it’s entirely your choice! The main thing is to keep the brand. Be sure to register your business in accordance with the law. Don't isolate yourself from other mediums. Communication with “colleagues” will contribute to the growth of your career and abilities, because the more clients, the more active your practice and the higher your skills.

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