Bear attack. Bear attack on a person: who is to blame and what to do? What to do at a close meeting

Auto 28.08.2019

Alena Hansen, a US resident, was the victim of a huge black bear attack a year ago, which attacked her while she was working on her ranch in the mountains of the Southern Sierra. With a powerful blow of his paw, the bear literally removed the scalp from the woman. She was lucky that after the blow, the bear was distracted by barking dogs nearby. What is most surprising, she managed to get to her car and drive! to the fire station, where she was given first aid and called the doctors. I just want to warn you The following photos are not for the faint of heart..

Photo from a few months before the attack.

The victim is transported by medical helicopter to the University of California, Los Angeles.

Photo two days after a seven-hour operation by a team of nearly 100 people led by Kimberley Lee, MD, PhD.

And here is the woman today.

During the year of rehabilitation, Alena Hansen managed to write the book "How to Survive After a Bear Attack" and is now giving it to everyone.
In it, she, in particular, talks about the features of her "health insurance". In particular, she thought that for 20 years of insurance payments she has the right to believe that insurance will cover all the necessary expenses. But no: the ophthalmologist, cosmetologist, dental insurance does not cover, and this is the lion's share of the costs that have fallen on her. In general, her insurance turned out to be a piece of paper that no one needed.

In an effort to communicate with nature, people are getting further and further into the forests. The taiga distances beckon us, and thanks to modern technology it's not hard to get into them. The roar of engines of all-terrain vehicles and helicopters frightens the inhabitants of the pristine forest, but at the same time, we, without knowing it, are increasingly accustoming animals to our presence.

Masters of the forest

Most large predator Russian taiga - Brown bear. It can weigh over six hundred kilograms. Its powerful forelimbs with long claws have destructive power - a wild bear with a blow of its front paw is able to tear out ribs, break the bones of the skull or kill the ridge of an elk. An animal can bite through the barrel of a smoothbore gun with its teeth. The beast, despite its apparent massiveness, is very agile. In a jerk from a standstill, it reaches a speed of 60 kilometers per hour.

There are a lot of brown bears in Russia. Their white relatives are less common and live in the polar regions on fast and drifting ice floes. For a person greatest danger represents the brown beast. Polar bear attacks on humans are extremely rare.

Going to the taiga, you should remember that you are guests there, and there is only one owner in the forest - a bear. This is his country and his hunting grounds.

Bear attack on a person: the main reasons

The predator gets used to people when it constantly encounters them. In this case, he becomes a sinanthropus - gradually loses his fear of man. As a logical conclusion of such a process, the aggressiveness of the beast increases, which by its nature does not like meeting people. But a certain part of the population, at the same time, can adapt to life next to a person and at his expense, and show a tendency to parasitism. These predators, initially harmless, become more and more aggressive over time. They lose their fear of people!

Most researchers agree that the aggressiveness of bears towards humans is an extreme expression of synanthropism. The main reason that animals enter camps, parking lots, settlements It consists in careless storage of products, the presence of garbage dumps and dumps of food waste, leaving garbage in the forests. In these cases, predators are attracted by the availability and smell of food.

Increased danger

Which bears in nature pose the greatest danger to people? These are those animals that have lost the opportunity to get their usual food for some reason (injured, sick, old), as well as those who have learned to eat food waste, left over from a person, pick up leftovers. Dangerous meeting with a bear, which is adapted to contact with people (including begging bears). In this case we are talking about predators that live in the area of ​​​​permanent sites and often meet with humans.

The danger is extremely great when meeting:

  • with a wounded animal (even if a bear is mortally wounded, it can attack and kill the hunter);
  • with a predator that had already killed a man once;
  • with a bear protecting its prey;
  • with a she-bear that accompanies cubs (especially if a person is between a she-bear and cubs);
  • with a beast running away from some danger.

Critical approach distance

A bear attack on a person is possible if the latter is too close to the predator. You can not cross the so-called threshold of rapprochement. Ethology, the science that studies the behavior of animals, claims that animals have one feature - the critical distance of approach. Any creature, which turned out to be closer to the predator than the critical distance, it is perceived as an aggressor, that is, an attacker. And in this case, it is very difficult to predict the behavior of a bear.

Among these animals there are "Olympians", "cowards" and "fighters". The first ones just stand and wait for what will happen next. The second run away from the aggressor, and the third attack.

Therefore, you can find yourself in the clutches of a defending rather than an attacking predator! Almost all cases of bear attacks on humans can be explained by such a feature of the behavior of animals when they perceived people as aggressors.

The degree of danger depends on the season

The daily activity of a predator is determined by the season of the year, the general life cycle and the availability of food. AT spring time and in the first half of summer, especially in cloudy weather, bears are able to feed around the clock. Such high daily activity persists until the start of the grayling and salmon run. Animals lie down for the day not far from feeding places, as a rule, in closed glades, in thickets of shrubs, in forest clumps, and on hot days they can settle down in the willow of the river or floodplain tall grass.

Daily activity decreases during salmon run, it shifts to morning, night and evening hours. In case of a lack of food (usually with a weak course of fish), bears feed almost at any time of the day in mountain meadows, berry fields, and in elfin pine forests. To rest, a predator often settles under coniferous trees, and the same beds can be reused. In the forest thicket and twilight, the beast feels much more confident than a man.

When fish go to spawn, most bears live near spawning rivers. Having eaten, the predators go to the grass or berries, and after a certain time they return to the river again. So they bring variety to the menu and enrich the diet. In autumn, in October-November, before entering the den, the bears, gradually moving and eating dwarf pine nuts and berries, leave the rivers for wintering grounds.

Lairs are usually located in caves or earth. In one winter shelter, two or three predators can sleep at once. With an abundance of food, well-fed animals may not go to dens at all, but arrange nests - surface beds.

A connecting rod bear that has not hibernated is very dangerous for people. The attack of such a predator in many cases is fatal, since this is a beast that is on the verge of life and death, it is extremely aggressive, cruel and will do anything to find food for itself.

Bear in a trap

It is also very dangerous to approach a predator caught in a samolov. Poachers usually set traps near food bait (animal corpses, fish). Caught in a tightly fixed loop (usually attached to a thick tree), the beast tries to escape to the last and with a roar destroys everything around it within a radius that depends on the length of the cable. In the case when the samolov is attached to a sled (chain with an anchor or a log), the bear, moving, drags it along. If you approach such a beast, it will definitely attack. Woe to the one who meets an angry predator that has escaped from the noose.

Ways to reduce the chance of encounter and attack

To avoid meeting a bear, follow these rules:

What to do at a close meeting

If you encounter a beast, do not run from it in any case. In many cases, when a bear bullied a person, the latter tried to escape from the predator. But you just can't do it. It has been established that bears, when running, develop a speed of about 60 kilometers per hour, they, like dogs, pursue a fleeing creature, perceiving it as a victim, and in 90 percent of cases out of 100 they easily kill.

Often predators intimidate people, being at a distance of three meters and not intending to attack. Wave your arms and talk to the beast. If he gets too close, get more aggressive and raise your voice. If there are objects at hand that can make a loud sound, use them (for example, knock on a frying pan). Never scream or imitate the growl of a bear.

If a predator attacks

Give up if the beast starts to attack. Fall to the ground and pretend to be dead. Curl into a ball with your hands behind your head, or lie on your stomach. The bear may stop the attack if it feels that the danger has been eliminated. Stay as still as possible. If you move and the predator sees it, he can resume the attack.


If you have a weapon, use it with care. Shoot the beast only in the most extreme cases, if there is no other way out. In other situations, you must first fire a warning shot in the air in order to frighten the bear.

If you are not going into the woods to hunt and you do not have a gun, take a gas pistol with stun cartridges with you. In the taiga, keep it at hand (in the bosom, on the belt in a holster). If there is no pistol, you can take a rocket launcher or ordinary firecrackers. Under no circumstances should you leave the camp unless you have a means that, if necessary, guarantees a noise clap or shot.

Some hunting shops stock an aerosol protective spray containing red pepper extract. It is successfully used to protect against a bear. Such a tool is effective at a distance of five to six meters. If sprayed in the car or up, the user may be harmed, so precautions must be taken.


Unfortunately, a bear attack on a person is possible even with the full observance of the above recommendations. It is impossible to foresee the circumstances of each specific case, since the behavior of the beast is unpredictable. However, we hope that after reading the article you will become more careful when you are in the forest.

The film "The Revenant", which harvested the harvest of awards at all film awards in 2016 and brought Leonardo DiCaprio the long-awaited "Oscar", made many viewers wince while watching it. This is largely due to perhaps the film's most hardcore scene, in which a bear attacked mountain guide Hugh Glass, played by the incomparable Leo.

Our readers have already appreciated the realistic makeup of Leonardo DiCaprio in The Revenant, but 64-year-old Allena Hansen (Allena Hansen) believes that Leo's character still got off lightly. The fact is that Allena herself was attacked by a bear, so she knows firsthand what a person looks like after bear claws. Attention, not for the faint of heart! The article contains a photo of a woman after a bear attack! We warned you..

In 2008, Allena Hansen was attacked by a bear at her ranch in California. This is what she looked like before the attack.

So Allena began to look after a bear attack, as a result of which she lost her nose, ears and 14 teeth. The woman managed to fight off the bear with the help of two huge dogs

So 64-year-old Allena began to look after several plastic surgeries. In total, since then she has undergone dozens of plastic surgeries and it took her years of rehabilitation.

By publishing these photos, Allen did not want to draw attention to herself or gain pity from the Internet. She just wanted to show how implausible and "ridiculous" what was shown in The Revenant is.

"In this photo, you can see me after I was taken to the hospital, so Leo actually got off lightly. And since we are here, I would like to note that such A big bear will not fall dead from three stabs in the shoulder," she jokingly captioned her photos

She was also quite amused by the scene in the film in which Leo fell off a cliff on his horse while trying to get away from the chase:

"After jumping off a cliff while sitting on the back of a horse, I can assure you that: 1. Leo couldn't ride cross country like that and 2. Appaloosa (the breed of horse he rode) is too smart to jump from rocks"

Now Allena continues to live on her ranch in California with her four horses and two dogs.

(lat. Ursus arctos) - a predatory mammal of the bear family; one of the largest and most dangerous land predators. Material from Wikipedia

In many printed publications there are notes that the brown bear has long disappeared from many places of its former habitat. Maybe he disappeared somewhere, but not in the Primorsky Territory there are still quite a large number of individuals here. Judging by the stories of experienced taiga dwellers, and even the inhabitants of the villages adjacent to the forest, this wild beast often leaves the taiga and visits their plots as an uninvited guest.

Usually, bears feel most comfortable in the forests, leaving them only in search of food, and their menu is varied, they can drag a chicken, or they can dig the whole garden, which only the bear himself knows in his mind. In our city, several cases of the appearance of this terrible beast in the vicinity are known, two of them ended tragically, which is very sad. Usually the culprit of a bear attack on a person is the person himself, but in these cases the brown bear was the first to attack.

It is difficult to imagine that the thinking of a clubfoot in some cases is close to the human in terms of the level of development. Probably it all depends on the places where the bear lives. Such a conclusion suggests itself from the case of what happened in the vicinity of the city of Arsenyev.

I want to tell about one such case, since I myself knew well the person who was attacked by the bear.

It was not so long ago, I then worked as a foreman at the parking lot and the meeting with the bear happened at one of the watchmen, I won’t give his last name because he is no longer alive. (After that ill-fated meeting with the beast) It all started with the fact that rumors spread around the city: a bear appeared in the vicinity. He was seen in the Oil Depot area (15 km from the city) on dirt road leading to the city. Then the woman who met him was very lucky, the bear tried to attack her, but what do our women do in critical situations? Correctly, they begin to scream and call for help, which our lucky woman did, and in addition she began to fight off the molesting bear with a handbag.

From the outside, the situation seems ridiculous, but not for that woman. I can't imagine how she felt at that moment. Hearing cries for help, people from the surrounding houses began to run and by joint efforts managed to drive away the clubfoot villain. That woman got off light scratches and bruises as they say: she was born in a shirt. The bear was driven into the forest, the people dispersed and life in the village went on as usual. And what's next?

And then our clumsy robber did not calm down, he again went out onto the main road and moved towards the city. The main instinct is the animal instinct of wild animals: never seek contact with people. They don’t need them at all, which can’t be said about our bear ...

On that ill-fated day, the car park watchman, let's call him Vasya, having collected everything he needed, went fishing on the Arsenyevka River, which flows almost within the city. Having laid out his not cunning fishing arsenal on the shore and settled down more comfortably, he began to fish. In the meantime, our bear, either by coincidence or by the evil fate of fate, also began to approach this place on the river. Their meeting was inevitable.

As it ended, you already know, the bear ate all the insides of the unfortunate fisherman and threw the lifeless body on the shore. I don’t know what I would have done in this situation, probably tried to escape. Other fishermen heard screams on the shore and began to gather at that ill-fated place, seeing a horrific picture, they called a police squad.

And our robber from the main road (now a cannibal), having refreshed himself a little, went to visit the nearest houses in the suburbs. There our "valiant" policemen and a cannibal bear met. Where the last one was shot with an automatic weapon. It was probably possible not to shoot the bear, but it had already become very dangerous. As I later found out it was an old and sick bear, he was no longer able to get his own food in the forest, this reason pushed forest dweller go to people.

I have accumulated a lot of such episodes, I will post them on this site as often as possible, it all depends on the time. So subscribe to updates and immediately learn about a new publication on the site.

I have been drawn to nature since childhood. A friend had an old gun, we went with him - I don’t remember, maybe I was the first to get a hare or a hazel grouse. From the age of five or six, he began to try to make the first stuffed animals from rats, mice, fish, and birds. Something turned out - being in nature makes it possible to show the character of the animal in working with taxidermy more accurately than even very Good photo. In general, when the time came to choose a business for adulthood, I went to the hunters-traders.

Many believe that the hunter is the enemy of nature. But here I have been assigned a site since 1986, probably. And anyone will tell you that the animal lives with me no worse than in any reserve. At the same time, I never keep livestock - for meat, lard, etc. People often came to me and asked me to help slaughter a cow or a dog - I always refused, because it is impossible for me to kill the one you fed, watered, who trusted you. Moreover, many times I nursed the wounded animals. Nurtured and released. To shoot such an animal is murder for me, not hunting.

For me, hunting is not just about shooting someone and taking a picture with the trophy. It is a way of life, it is a way of earning food and income. And of course, this is a very high emotional level of existence, referring to our ancestors - after all, if there were no hunters, there would be no modern man. From there come the commandments and signs that make up the ritual of the life of a modern hunter. Once again I want to say that the goal of running around the taiga and shooting as many animals as possible is not worth it to a real hunter. Moreover, if such a person appears in the taiga, then the hunters themselves try to send him home as soon as possible.

In other words, what is important for me in hunting is not the extraction of some piece of meat, but the beauty of nature, communication with it, spending the night near the fire. I somehow figured that in my whole life I ran several times to Moscow and back - so many kilometers were covered in the taiga. During the day I walked up to sixty kilometers in full gear. This is what hunting is for me, and not to have prey in a bag. Often you see an animal and understand that it is not necessary to get it: young or female - why? I get only males that have already lived properly and left offspring. Or sick animals - the horns change their configuration in a certain way, indicating that the beast has turned into a killer, crippling relatives.

As for the bear, if he starts to engage in robbery and cannibalism, then here you want it or not, it's not scary, but you have to go and get it. Otherwise, it will come out sideways either to you personally, or to the taiga. There are other cases. For example, people sometimes drive along logging roads now who are afraid to walk through the taiga on foot, but they still take guns to the car. And here he was riding, he saw the beast, shot, but did not kill, but the beast remembered. Such a beast also becomes dangerous for every passer-by; a person who has nothing to do with him can fall under such a situation. And the tigers clearly remember the offender and begin a targeted hunt.

It is also important to understand that the animals that you see in the zoo are not at all the same animals that can be found in the taiga. A swollen tiger behind bars has little in common with a sparkling beast that you see eight meters away from you, realizing that now it will either tear you apart or pass you by. Emotions run high. The beast in natural environment habitat is very sensitive, he sees everything, competes with you. Animals are the subtlest psychologists. They feel everything, read minds, and if the beast senses your fear, then this is already half of your loss.

Alexander Danevich

A bear is always a test of oneself. Testing that you're still a man, that you can handle it. The fight with the bear takes place on an equal footing.

It is difficult to get a deer - it is sensitive, you need to walk through the mountains for a long time to track it down. But at my age it doesn't work anymore.

I always go to bear alone. There are people who gather in twos or threes, but in such cases bad shooting often begins. Sometimes it turns out that the beast is gone, and the hunters are dented. If you go alone, then you can only rely on yourself, and this is a different concentration, you are ready to tear with your hands and teeth. At the same time, one must understand that when a bear has a normal food supply, it does not behave aggressively. Now the situation is different. Simply put, if a person is thrown out of an apartment and sent to live under a fence, then there is no guarantee that after a month of such a life he will not cling to someone's throat. Here is a similar situation.

Do not think that we have a bear sitting under every bush, ready to devour gaping guests. The trouble lies in the fact that nature is being destroyed very much, the habitat of animals is being destroyed, which causes disruptions in their behavior. This has been happening for over a year now. Last autumn, a tiger ate a man who was just walking and collecting pine cones, almost nothing was left of him. Bears come to cities in search of food. Recently there was a story in the news about a bear that bullied a man who was just leaving his porch. And it is important to understand that this is not the norm, it is a failure caused by human activity. Our government says that it is necessary to cut more forest to sell more to China - and here is the result.

I protect their lives as best I can, as I fight against logging - although these are already semi-gangster cases in which my word does not have much weight. Under the Union, there were commercial hunting farms with plots assigned to hunters - then the taiga lived. And along with perestroika, a mess began with these semi-legal logging, and the results of this are also on my face. Now we have to regulate the number of predators. In addition to people, they are increasingly crushing and eating each other, it's just a nightmare, it definitely won't end well. Hunters do what they can, but it's not enough, and my story is proof of that.

In early October 2016, as usual, I drove to my site.

We have the first snow at this time, I make preparations, clean the trails. On October 22, I was preparing firewood in one of the huts, I got tired, I had to stay overnight, but I wanted to do something else. I decided to go to another hut so that the next day I could immediately do business there. I took with me an old bolt carbine instead of a semi-automatic one, relaxed, walked along the path and heard the crunch of branches at the last moment. He turned around, threw up a carbine, but only a few meters remained, and this white-breasted man flew ( Himalayan bear. - Note. ed.) at high speed. I managed to shoot once, but the beast did not even move - the bullet entered somewhere, but it could have been seriously hurt only by hooking the spine.

In general, he fell on me - and it's like putting a cow on you - and began to choke me. I closed my throat, he immediately bit both my hands and began to tear my face - nose, eye, cheeks. But the thought at that moment continued to work, I tried to figure out how to get out of this situation. In the meantime, the bear grabbed me by the neck with his teeth, but I did not let him pull out the spine, I twisted away. I understand that there is very little left to live, but I realized that somewhere nearby there should be a carbine. Dal left hand back into his teeth, and with his right, by some miracle, he found the front sight of the carbine, pulled it up, aimed with one eye, rested his bolt and shot him under the chin. He began to fight in agony, I realized that he was a khan.

If I got out half an hour later, I would have stayed on this road. But fortunately, when I got to the track, a timber truck was just walking along it. The driver, seeing me, almost left the road - I just realized from the eyes of the timber carrier how I look. In general, they took me out of the taiga, although the first operation was performed only the next morning.

It's funny that already in the hospital in Moscow, having learned my story, my friends showed the film "The Revenant". What can I say, the very moment of the attack is shown there realistically, but when the she-bear began to growl and lick her face - this does not happen, the first thing he had to do was to remain headless. Now my hands began to come to life little by little, although only on the left I had 25 holes from fangs. It is difficult to do taxidermy now - after all, a very sharp eye is needed there. But I think that as I continued, I will continue to do so. And I can proudly say that this autumn I have already returned to my hunting ground and spent the whole season there. In many ways, I can’t get through it, but still it is the taiga for me that is life.

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