Lyudmila Tikhonovna Belyavskaya. Alexander Belyavsky - biography, information, personal life

Design and interior 23.06.2019
Design and interior

“God took Kostya and gave Cleopatra”

Baby with nice name Cleopatra was born on January 13, 2015. Then the media presented this news as a sensation, and it is not surprising: her parents are 60-year-old Galina Shubenina and 52-year-old Alexei Khrustalev. Doctors gave meager comments along the lines of " modern science much can be done”, and the newly-made parents themselves were in no hurry to share their happiness with the whole world. But then the noise died down, and we decided to invite ourselves to visit a young mother to find out how her life and the life of her family had changed in six months.

... In the one-room apartment where Galina (she is an architect by profession) and her physicist husband Alexei have lived for five years, there are a lot of toys and paintings. Dad works at a computer, mom feeds her daughter porridge.

— Do social services often visit you? And how do they react to your unusual family?

To be honest, we have never seen them. Well, actually, how to respond to us? The whole country knew about Cleo from birth. Whom only our baby did not see in the first month of life: astrologers, and lawyers, and doctors, and psychologists ...

- Now the level of attention is not so high?

- Still elevated, but from the side ordinary people. Not a day goes by without being stopped in the street. “And did you star in the program?”, “Did you really give birth to a child?”, “And we thought that all this was fiction and staging!” I hear these phrases all the time. One schoolboy even gave Cleopatra a rose. Many children ask to be photographed with her, and I allow it. I am not an opponent and not a hypocrite, I am not Valentina Podverbnaya (the oldest mother in Ukraine. — S.O.), who hides her child from everyone.

- Nova do not consider such attention intrusive?

No, it doesn't bother me at all. People are just interested. And if I were in their place, I would also be interested. Although initially I did not expect that I would be watched so closely. It seemed to me that everything was going on as usual, but it turned out that everyone was following me. The girl with whom we were in the maternity hospital later said that they constantly ran to look at me: doctors from other blocks, and nurses, and women in labor.

Did you name your daughter after your grandmother?

- Yes. For example, I like this name. A few years ago, my husband and I were still joking about the child ... We thought: if we had a girl, we would call it that ... And then you see, these jokes turned out to be true. It turns out that she was born to me at 10.59, and my son died around that time. As the heavenly forces took him away, so then they returned ... a renewed soul in a different guise. Even at the same hour.

Galina and her son have always had a very strong spiritual connection.

Kostya Sychev, Galina's son from his first marriage, died in 2005 at the age of 29. About the causes of death Strong woman doesn't want to talk. She shows me Kostya's unfinished paintings and panels, on which there are churches, forests, ships and John Lennon.

Galina shows two passport photos. One is hers, the other is her son. Kostya had long hair, and the hairstyles in these photos of the son and mother are exactly the same. The faces are also very similar, looking at these photos, I am confused. Only the son's face is a little sadder.

- Two and a half years before his death, Kostya lost a friend - he also died unexpectedly. We studied together at the university. Then he broke up with the girl, then my mother died, and four months after that ... - continues Galina.

Pause. Tears well up in my eyes. Face good guy looks at me from a photograph, and from the walls - his paintings, so bright and joyful, full of peace, sunlight and some special peace.

He was very receptive, kind, good child says Galina.

“Talented,” adds Alexei. - And talents are sometimes pursued by evil fate.

- When he studied at art school, he was chosen to pose for a portrait of the young Lermontov, on the 175th anniversary of the poet, - continues Galina. - They chose, not even knowing that our family is related to the family of a genius, albeit a distant one. Mikhail Lermontov had a nurse - Lukerya Shubenina. Our family does not belong to her direct descendants, but is related to her family clan, whose representatives lived and live in Lermontov. And my father was born there. The art school did not know about this, but they chose 9-year-old Kostya to paint a portrait from him. I didn't know then that it was a very bad omen. tragic fate the poet was connected on the energy level with the fate of my son.

"Both planned and not planned"

Cleopatra, having played enough on the developing mat with a sheep, began to hiccup.

- Can I give you a drink, baby? - Galina ran to the kitchen for compote.

- And when did you and your wife start dreaming about common children? I ask Alexei. Did Kostya's death affect this decision or was it completely independent?

- Well, how can I say ... We met Galina in 2001 at a dance, we got into a couple in 2003, Kostya died two years later. Then we mentally prepared for the opportunity to give birth to a common child, but we relied more on the will of God. Let's think about it, then postpone it ... The loss of a son was not the main or only reason for the appearance of Cleopatra. In general, pregnancy was not a fixed idea for Galina.

Sheep is Cleo's favorite toy.

“I decided for myself that if I get pregnant before the age of 60, then I will give birth, and if not, then no,” continues Galina, who returned from the kitchen. - And then we went to dances with him, and it seemed like we wanted a child, but the dances dragged on ... In general, when all our favorite places where we went to dance were already closed, we decided that if it worked out, if fate, then means there will be a baby.

- It turned out only after 10 years?

- It worked out earlier, but then after rock and roll, when Lesha threw me high, there was a miscarriage.

- That is, you relied so much on the will of God that you did not take care of yourself?

No, I have always taken care of my health. When we got married, I immediately went to the doctor, went through all the examinations, passed all the tests. I was sure that I was healthy, that I could endure and give birth. She just didn't stop dancing.

- Were you afraid of getting pregnant?

- I was afraid of only one thing - that there would be twins. We have twins in our family. But it would be harder to take them out. In general, we have good genetics. My great-grandfather and great-grandmother had 21 children.

Was this pregnancy normal?

- The pregnancy was going so well that in the maternity hospital they even wanted us to come for the second one. In general, I was probably too self-confident.

Did you have a caesarean section?

- Of course, caesarean section. I planned it myself at 38 weeks and 1 day. I would like her to be born on January 13th. I was born on September 13, my husband and I got married on November 13 5 years ago. Oh, now she is already asking for milk, - Galina put her daughter to her chest. - Oh, you are my little baby, smart girl ... Do you feel that our child is healthy and smart? By the way, I want to note that young girls know that they did not take any alcohol - although this was written in the press. And I do not accept, and I am not going to accept! And never smoked. Is always healthy lifestyle I led my life, so I was sure that everything would be fine ... So we will teach the child to live without bad habits.

- Perhaps you will take me to the dance?

- In September. While as a spectator. Opening with dad ball season.

"Music has tied us"

After the second breakfast, Cleopatra slept sweetly in her bed, putting her foot on her beloved sheep. Mom lovingly moved the toy to the other end of the bed, and dad watched his wife's actions from the corner of his eye with tenderness.

- You yourself, probably, have been dancing all your life?

- Practically. And my parents loved to dance. By the way, they also met at the dance. Mom wanted me to take part in amateur performances from childhood, and I liked it myself, and then it was fashionable ...

So Cleopatra will dance too.

"And if he doesn't want to?" You know, I will never force her to do what I like. When I was in school, I played the accordion every day. She hardly went outside. Then I studied at an art school ... All the children play in the yard, and I had to draw - either they put some still lifes at home, then I made sketches on the street. So I was busy all the time. Then I started sewing for myself. I had an interest. My mother showed me, once tailored a cotton dress, and from the 4th grade I sewed. Then she began to paint porcelain, carve wood, even learned how to make repairs when life forced ...

- And in household chores, on whose shoulders are the main concerns? Who feeds Cleopatra, bathes, walks with her?

- I do everything myself. I was taught that way. As a child, my father told me: a person should be able to do everything. I have been independent from the very beginning. I never asked anyone for help. She took and did. We'll see how it goes.

- What about dad?

- Dad deals with scientific problems - noctilucent clouds, the Moon ... On these difficult topics he can talk to his daughter when she grows up.

Galina and Alexey.

- Did you and your husband have walks under the moon? How did your relationship start?

We danced and didn't think about anything. At the dances, we were tormented by immodest questions, but for a long time we insisted that we only go to dance and that we are not interested in any relationship ... But in the end, you see what happened. Dancing is so addictive... If we didn't dance, we wouldn't be united, because people are different in character. I love one thing, he loves another ... And the dances made us look at each other more carefully. Although at first I did not like this man at all. He was perpetually unshaven and not very smartly dressed. But my friend once said: don't look at his looks. He is an educated person. But I will tell you that it was important for me how a person looks.

Galina and Alexei have been together for 12 years.

“In work, as in life, you need creativity»

- And how is your creative nature of an architect connected with your last place of work? You are the head of the archives in the bank.

— As an architect, I know that at one time, during the construction of temples, places for them were chosen where the most favorable energy was. When I was looking for a job on the Internet, I noticed that Polyanka has a good energy field, there are a lot of churches there. And I decided that I wanted to work there. I came to one of the banks to get a job as an archivist. I was asked what I can do. I told them what I could do. And they hired me.

- Now they are probably looking forward to your return ...

“When we send Cleopatra to the garden at the age of two, I will go to work.

— So, what kind of creativity did you find in your work?

- Many people told me: this is an uninteresting position. And this is how to look. If done from the heart, all works are good. There are documents of permanent storage period and temporary storage period. And therefore, you need to know exactly: which documents can be left, which are not ... Many people are afraid to engage in the destruction of documents. Each bank decides for itself what to leave, what not to leave - in addition to different requirements there ... I'm not afraid to make this choice. I always clearly define whether or not to save the text, and, believe me, this is the most real creativity.

I look at Galina and see the fire in her eyes. A petite woman with a chiseled figure in a short tight-fitting dress. She can pick up a brush or a spatula, she can perform an incendiary gypsy dance, or she can stop a galloping horse. There are women in Russian villages...

The absolute record belongs to a resident of India, Rajo Devi Lohan, who in 2008 gave birth to a girl after IVF at the age of 69. Pregnancy and childbirth greatly undermined the health of an elderly mother, she was dying.
A resident of Ukrainian Chernigov, Valentina Podverbnaya, became famous all over the world in 2011, having given birth to her first child at the age of 65. The woman spent all the money collected over seven years on artificial insemination. The child was born by caesarean section absolutely healthy.
Russian woman Natalya Surkova gave birth at the age of 57. In 1996, a woman who already had two adult children gave birth to a daughter weighing 3.45 kg and 51 cm tall. The woman became pregnant naturally.
Raisa Akhmadeeva from Ulyanovsk in 2008 gave birth to her first child at the age of 56 by caesarean section, although the conception occurred without the help of IVF. At birth, the boy weighed 2.6 kg and had a height of 49 cm.
The second wife of the famous actor Alexander Belyavsky - Lyudmila Belyavskaya - in 2003, at the age of 52, gave birth to a daughter by caesarean section. The pregnancy was natural.

And then in December there was a call from Lyudmila Tikhonovna: “Sasha is not well, come ... Stroke ...” Nadia was then on last month pregnancy, but still every day she got behind the wheel and went to her father in the hospital. His speech was severely affected as a result of the stroke. At first, he called everyone Olami, even Nadia. Probably, only this word was given to him. Now Alexander Borisovich visits the Shklovsky speech therapy center, there are very good doctors, and he speaks much better. When he couldn't say what he wanted, he asked for a pen and drew. Then he began to appear in the yard, walking with his little daughter. They stopped inviting me to shoot. And what kind of work can there be in the cinema when a person cannot speak? I was worried, how will he survive this? Cinema - Sasha's life, what he always loved more than anything else.

I was very happy when I found out that he was invited to star in the sequel to the legendary Ryazan film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!” At least they let me out in front of the camera.

We have with this film connected, one might say, family history. The famous scene in the bathhouse, where Sasha with Andrey Myagkov, Georgy Burkov and Alexander Shirvindt "every year on December 31st", was filmed at night in the cold pavilion of Mosfilm. From Sanduny, they took only palm trees ... And Eldar Ryazanov appointed the shooting day for the next after the next anniversary of our wedding with Belyavsky. It's cold - try walking in a towel! - it also hurts my head ... In a word, the men participating in the scene slowly replaced the fake vodka with the real one.

After the first take, the cast felt an unprecedented creative upsurge and demanded a second take, then a third. “Yes, they are in the insole!” - finally noticed the angry director. The next day everything was re-shot. Eldar Alexandrovich personally sniffed all the bottles of ordinary water ... Sasha later said that the film included the first doubles, when they got drunk for real, and not the attempts of acting. So quietly and I got into the history of cinema.

An interesting set of circumstances happened last summer. Strangely, it happened ... Nadya with her children and her husband left for Bulgaria, Lyudmila Tikhonovna also went on vacation. They used to always travel together with Alexander Borisovich. And then he refused to go, maybe his health was causing trouble, maybe he just wasn’t in the mood.

Lyudmila Tikhonovna hoped that Nadya would look after Sasha during her departure, and her daughter herself had to leave! And for a whole month we ex-husband stayed at the cottage together. Our dachas are, of course, different. But the fence is common! When he came, I asked: “Do you want to eat?” He replied: "Yes." Well, it’s easier for me to feed, I love to cook. And so Sasha began to come, had breakfast, lunch, dinner and went back to his place. I watched him eat and kept thinking how much I loved him!

- What did you feed him?

Ordinary homemade food. A person with such health problems should eat right - hot soup, vegetables ... At least I think so.

Asked for meat - cooked and meat.

You are a holy woman...

No. I can't kick Sasha out and never could. Everything sad is left far in the past. We are both elderly people, for whom it is already ridiculous to start figuring out or sharing something ... It seems that our relationship has improved. Yes, how else? Not other people...

We thank the Flat-Interiors salon for help in organizing the shooting

On the first day, I received a lot of responses to my story. Dear companions, everyone thank you so much. I propose to discuss this, as it turned out, a burning topic a little more. I have collected some materials on statistics.

Until recently, in our hospitals and maternity hospitals, women like me or some of you were called the offensive word "old-timers." It turns out that the doctors themselves have abandoned this term. Now such women in labor are called "age". After all, it is impossible to determine the age of old age
It is believed that giving birth after 30 years is quite risky for women's health. Especially if the birth is the first. But the world knows more than one woman who became a mother at a late age. How are things really?
Today in Russia every twelfth child is born from a woman aged 35 and older. Over the past quarter century, the number of women in labor among women aged 35-39 has increased by 90%, and those over forty have begun to give birth 87% more.

In America back in 1971 average age of people who became fathers was 27.2 years. By 2004, it had increased to 32 years. Today, every tenth child is fathered by a man older than 40, and every hundredth - older than 50.

Scientists from the University of Texas believe that today medicine has many opportunities that allow women over the age of 35 to normally endure and give birth to a baby. In addition, they say, such women form the most optimal balance of personal and material possibilities.

And British researchers came to the conclusion that women who become mothers after 35-40 years old turn on the hidden reserves of the body, and as a result they feel better and live longer. At the same time, experts emphasize that after 30, it is necessary to carefully approach the bearing and birth of a baby - to be observed by a gynecologist and undergo all the necessary procedures. Moms after 30 value their pregnancy very much. They suffered through many attempts or consciously became a mother after a long period of time and the older children are no longer 10 years old. And, of course, we, the age mom, do not need to explain the need for testing on time, and we do not forget to drink all the necessary vitamins.

After wandering around the expanses of the Internet, I collected some data about those who still stand with us in the same row:
Last year, the Izvestia newspaper published an article about the teacher kindergarten Raisa Safievna Akhmadeeva from Ulyanovsk, who gave birth to her first child at the age of 56.
She lived her whole life with her husband in civil marriage, raised children from her first marriage. The eldest is now 35, the youngest is 26. All live in Kazan. They are like relatives, but they wanted common children so much. All these years she could not give birth. Couldn't bear fruit. She suffered miscarriage after miscarriage. The last time it happened was 17 years ago. Since then, I have not even been able to get pregnant.
The doctors of the Ulyanovsk polyclinic for a long time could not believe what had happened. There have never been such patients here. By the way, Raisa Safievna felt fine, there was no toxicosis. She smiled and said that she would give birth herself. She refused a caesarean section.
When civil husband found out about his wife's pregnancy, he immediately proposed. And before the birth of the baby, pensioners officially legalized the relationship.
When the contractions began, the doctors nevertheless convinced her to have a caesarean section, although the pensioner could well have given birth on her own. "We had no right to take risks!" doctors explain.
The child is an absolutely healthy boy weighing 2630 grams and 49 centimeters tall. And from the very first day the woman began to breastfeed him!

record-breaking moms
1. Lyudmila Belyavskaya, 52 years old. Before the Ulyanovsk heroine, the wife of the famous actor Alexander Belyavsky could be considered the main record holder in Russia. What makes our women different? Lyudmila, like a resident of Ulyanovsk, had been waiting for her first child for many years and ... did without any artificial insemination! And daughter Sasha was born absolutely healthy.
2. Susan Tollefsen, 57 She gave birth to her first child, daughter Frey, in March 2008 after a long treatment in a Russian clinic. Before that there were several failed attempts conception and three miscarriages. Susan visits regularly gym and spends a lot of time with her daughter. They live with a partner who is 11 years younger than Susan.
3. Liz Battle, 60 years old. She was a widow, but really wanted to give a gift to her 41-year-old boyfriend. Liz hid her age, saying that she was 49 years old. In 1997, she gave birth to a son, Joe, her second child (her eldest daughter was 41 years old).
4. Patricia Rushbrook, 62 Child psychologist Rushbrook, PhD, gave birth to a son, Jude, in 2006. This happened after the fifth attempt, which cost 18 thousand dollars. Patricia already had three adult children from her first marriage. But she passionately wanted to give the child to her second husband.
5. Patricia Farrant, 62 An Englishwoman gave birth at the Royal Hospital in Sussex (Brington) to a boy weighing 2.7 kg. She became a mother for the third time. Patricia and her new spouse, 60-year-old John Farrant, decided they needed common child, - and used the IVF procedure.
6. Jenny, 62 years old. A French woman and her 52-year-old brother Robert had to deceive doctors in the US by saying they were a married couple. Jenny could not undergo artificial insemination in her homeland, because in France, older women are not allowed to be treated for infertility. The "married couple" had a boy. Now they all live in their french house with her 80 year old mother.
7. Eliasa Karama, 64. A resident of Germany at the age of 64 gave birth to a daughter weighing about 2 kg in the Aschaffenburg clinic in southern Bavaria. The couple had to resort to IVF. For a donor egg, it was necessary to travel outside the country, since such operations are prohibited in Germany.
8. Carmela Busada, 66 years old. The most elderly and desperate mother - 66-year-old resident of the United States Carmela Busada - gave birth to two charming twin daughters. She decided on IVF after the death of her 101-year-old mother, with whom she lived all her life. Now she is looking for a father for her babies - preferably younger.
9. Rajo Devi, 70 years old. At 70, she gave birth to a daughter. This happened in 2008, as a result of IVF, for which 4 thousand dollars were spent. Spouse Rajo was 72 years old. “Friends and relatives are very happy and they will gladly take care of their daughter if anything happens to us.”

Stars who gave birth after 40
47 years old: Holly Hunter, first birth, twin boys (2006);
45 years old: Susan Sarandon, third child - son Miles (1991);
45 years old: Sheri Blair, fourth child - son Leo (1999);
42 years old: Irina Khakamada, second child - daughter Masha (1997);
41 years old: Madonna, second child - son Rocco (2000);
41 years old: Goldie Hawn, fourth child - son White (1986);
41 years old: Elena Proklova, second daughter Polina (1994);
41 years old: Kim Basinger, first-born - daughter of Ireland Elissa (1995);
41 years old: Salma Hayek, firstborn - daughter of Valentina-Paloma (2007);
40 years old: Larisa Guzeeva, second child - daughter Lelya (1999);
40 years old: Ema Thompson, first-born - daughter Gaia (1999);
40 years old: Elena Khanga, first-born - daughter Elizabeth-Anna (2002);
40 years old: Marina Zudina, second child - daughter Masha (2005);
40 years old: Tatyana Lazareva, third child - daughter Antonina (2006);

As well as. Fashion models Claudia Schiffer and Cindy Crawford became mothers at 35 and 36 respectively. Julia Roberts gave birth to twins at the age of 37.
Singer Madonna gave birth to her first child at 36.
Elena Yakovleva, Lolita Milyavskaya decided on motherhood when they were already over thirty.
Nicole Kidman and Halle Barry gave birth at 41.
Marina Neelova had a daughter when she was 41 years old.
Actress Beverly D'Angelo, Al Pacino's girlfriend, gave birth to his adorable twins when she was 49.

There is nothing to say about the famous “late dads”: Roman Polanski, Paul McCartney, Rod Stewart, Anthony Quinn, Kevin Costner - they all became fathers at the age at which they usually become grandfathers.

That's it, dear ladies. We are not alone. And before the age of 70, we still have a lot of time.
What do you think about this?

Of course, pregnancy and childbirth at this age has its pros and cons, but more on that next time.

Best wishes to you. Joy, love, patience and understanding

Biblical Sarah at the time of the birth of her son was 90 years old. Isn't this a miracle? In the 21st century, grandmothers over 70 give birth, and there is definitely nothing magical about it. Most cases of late childbearing are associated with artificial insemination, although there are exceptions when grandmothers give birth themselves.

Morgan Zantua

Miscarriage at 44, and an American Morgan Zantua I seriously thought that it was already out, in circulation. She stopped taking contraceptives and… 7 years later she found out that she was five months pregnant. At the time of the caesarean section, she turned 51, she had an adult son from her first marriage and a husband dumbfounded by everything that was happening. Sometimes grandmothers give birth without any reasons…

Russian grandmothers give birth too!

Ludmila Belyavskaya

The second wife of actor Alexander Belyavsky - Ludmila Belyavskaya gave birth to a daughter at the age of 52. The "young" father in 2003 was 70 years old.

Debbie Hughes

Englishwoman Debbie Hughes hosted birth control pills and still got pregnant. The woman gave birth to a son at the age of 53. By that time (2011) Debbie Hughes already had two sons and two granddaughters. Before Debbie Hughes there was also a daughter, but she tragically died shortly before adulthood.

Solange Koutu

famous brazilian actress Solange Koutu(Dona Jura in the TV series "Clone") met her future husband and father of her late child at an age when most women already have menopause. In 2010, the actress married a student who is 30 years younger than her and at 54 gave birth to her third child.

Aracelia Garcia

American Aracelia Garcia in 2000, she amazed doctors by conceived without hormonal drugs and gave birth (by caesarean section) to triplets.

Elizabeth Greenhill

Englishwoman Elizabeth Greenhill in 1969, at the age of 54, she gave birth to her 39th child. In total, Elizabeth had 38 births in her life (37 times one child each and 1 time twins were born). All her children survived.

Leontina Albina

Chilean Leontina Albina gave birth to a child at the age of 55.

Raisa Akhmadeeva

Russian woman Raisa Akhmadeeva from Ulyanovsk in 2008, by caesarean section, she gave birth to her first child, being at the age of 56 years. The newborn boy weighed 2.6 kg. and had a height of 49 cm.

Natalya Surkova

Natalya Surkova- the most old mother in Russia. In 1996, a 57-year-old woman who already had two adult children gave birth to a daughter. At birth, the girl weighed 3.45 kg. and had a height of 51 cm.

Dawn Brooke

Dawn Brooke, living on the island of Guernsey (a British possession) in 1997, at the age of 59, gave birth to a son by caesarean section. Hormone therapy helped the woman get pregnant. Today Dawn Brooke is the oldest mother in the history of mankind who gave birth to a living child, conceived in a natural way.

Indian grandmothers give birth for grandfathers

Daljinder Kaur

Inhabitant of India Daljinder Kaur gave birth to her first child at 72 on April 19, 2016. She became a mother 46 years after marriage and 20 years after menopause. The Indian husband is 79 years old. get pregnant grandmother succeeded only after the third IVF procedure. At birth, the weight of the child was two kilograms.

Not everyone will do this!

1. Adrienne Barbeau (51)

The famous actress was married twice. In their second marriage, the couple desperately tried to have a child, but nothing worked.

Then Barbo decided on artificial insemination, but even that was unsuccessful. When the actress despaired and let everything take its course, she became pregnant herself! It was in 1997, and Barbo turned 51 years old. A real miracle!

2. Lyudmila Belyavskaya (52 years old)

Lyudmila Belyavskaya - the wife of a Soviet and Russian actor Alexander Belyavsky, and this is his second marriage. When Lyudmila was 52 years old, she gave birth to a healthy baby by caesarean section. Another amazing fact: happy dad at that time was 70 years old.

3. Solange Koutu (54 years old)

We know Solange Couta as the performer of the role of Dona Jura in the Brazilian TV series Clone. In 2010, the actress tied the knot with a man who is 30 years her junior. And a year later, Solange gave birth to a child, and she was 54 years old at that time.

4. Tina Malone-Chase (age 50)

Tina Malone, the famous British actress, known to our viewers on the series Shameless, gave birth to her second child a month before she turned 51 years old. The actress got pregnant with the help of IVF. She approached motherhood with all responsibility. Tina not only lost about 60 kilograms, but also strictly followed all the doctor's recommendations.

5. Beverly D'Angelo

Beverly D'Angelo, actress and singer, became a mother on the eve of her 50th birthday. She gave her then-husband Al Pacino as many as twins - Olivia and Anton. The pregnancy was not easy for her, and the babies were born prematurely. But most importantly, now they are healthy!

6. Helen Morris

Helen Morris, wife of the great director Martin Scorsese, gave birth to his daughter Francesca at the age of 52. The girl was born healthy at 9 months old and is now actively acting in her father's films.

These women can only applaud! Not everyone will dare to such a feat!

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