The son of Sergei Zverev married a second time: the previous wife beat him, and the new one is much older. Star father does not approve of the choice of offspring

Design and interior 19.09.2019
Design and interior

The daughter of the Torbeevskaya milkmaid Maria Bikmaeva is leaving the son of superstar Sergei Zverev! The 18-year-old young lady said on a Russian TV channel that she did not want to live with "the man who raised his hand against her." And then she unexpectedly left for Mordovia, without signing the divorce papers. “I would never connect my life with a person whose parents are opposed to me,” Sergey Zverev admitted in an interview with Capital C. In his opinion, the marriage of his son was a big mistake. Details of the scandalous story in the material of TATYANA NOVIKOVA.

Family life

Sergei Zverev Jr. met Maria in a Kolomna restaurant, where she worked as a waitress. And the guy was a programmer and a DJ there. Young people liked each other and started dating. The son of a famous stylist was absolutely not embarrassed that the mother of the chosen one was a simple milkmaid from the Torbeevsky district. Sergey often said that he was used to achieving everything in life on his own - without the help of a famous dad. And in the end, he decided to marry his girlfriend.

The wedding took place in March - in the same restaurant where they worked. The celebration took place in a narrow circle. Sergei Zverev Sr. was not present either at the marriage registration or at the banquet. And after the wedding, the newlyweds willingly gave interviews to journalists who wrote enthusiastic materials about the happy married couple and vied with each other inviting them to participate in popular television projects. But six months later, the young couple decided to divorce.

Maria stated on a talk show on one of the well-known federal channels that she “does not want to live with a person who raised a hand against her during a petty quarrel.” She decided to tie up with a barely begun family life. Now Maria Bikmaeva is in the Torbeevsky district. According to friends, she simply ran away from the scandalous situation, which is still actively discussed in the media. Now Maria does not want to communicate with journalists. “Keep in mind that she won’t say a word to you for free,” the correspondent was warned. "C" Moscow colleagues. But at first, our compatriot willingly responded to the offer to tell about her failed family life: “Although you probably know everything very well.” The girl said that she would wait for the correspondent “C” in her village and was already preparing to give the address ... But, having heard about the presence of the photographer, she backed down: “Let's better call tomorrow and finally agree. Now I can’t tell you exactly how everything will turn out ... ”But the next day, Maria stopped responding to calls and ignored messages in in social networksSergei Zverev Jr. did not want to communicate with Saransk journalists either. When asked to tell the story of his acquaintance with Maria Bikmaeva, he answered in a cheerful voice: "I'm just not interested."


Sergei Zverev refused to discuss his son's divorce on popular talk shows, but gave a comment to the C correspondent. He categorically denied information floating around the Internet about what is the main culprit of this: “Complete lies! Anything is written there. And they will make you believe it yourself.” “When Sergey introduced me to Masha, the first thing I noticed was:“ I’m very happy, friends, but just don’t arrange a wedding. Because you both need to learn and get professions first. And earn at least some pocket money. During the second meeting, Zverev said that he was pleased with their good relationship, but again advised not to rush into marriage: “Already then I felt something in the Machine's look. I realized that this girl wants more. But even the thought did not allow that they would play a wedding so quickly. It is too early for Sergei to start a family, and for Masha too. She had not yet seen anything in her life, but, as it turned out later, she made grandiose plans. As Zverev Sr. says, the daughter of the Torbeev milkmaid immediately set herself the goal of marrying his son and moving to the center of Moscow: “Masha shared this with her friends and my acquaintances. Her friends told me about it." According to the famous stylist, he never hid that he was categorically against such a hasty marriage of his son. “We told Masha about this with the whole family,” says Zverev Sr. - I even texted her, but she stubbornly stood her ground. And in the end, she got married anyway. I told her the bitter truth that Sergei did not love her and would not live with her. I know my son too well. Nobody stopped them from just dating. But Masha did not listen to me, because she clearly set herself the task of achieving beautiful life! And her own aunt gave her about this " good advice". After the wedding, Bikmaeva's father-in-law began to call her countrymen and tell "intimate details." For example, about the fact that Maria, from the age of 11, has already met with older guys. Well-wishers also reported that she would not be able to have children due to her frequent abortions. The father never told his son about these calls. I thought that life would still put everything in its place. And so it happened. “Masha overdid it too much on the way to her cherished goal,” Zverev Sr. is sure. - Marriage was her big mistake. Everything happened too quickly. If you love a person so much, appreciate him, live and rejoice! And pray that you have that love. But when you have not received the blessings of his family, why continue to stick to your line?” According to the stylist, he himself was offended if future relatives said: “You don’t suit us! Why are you interfering with our family? And he, of course, would never connect his life with a person whose parents are against marriage. “It turns out that Masha has no conscience, no honor, no pride,” Zverev believes. - This girl does not understand at all what self-respect is ... ”According to him, Bikmaeva’s flight to Mordovia became confirmation of this. She didn't even sign the divorce papers. “It means that some hope still glimmers in her,” Zverev Sr. believes. - But since the decision has already been made, it is necessary to bring the matter to the end. After all, in fact, she was the first to put her “autograph” on the documents!” Sergei Zverev strongly advises young boys and girls not to marry without parental consent. “You can see for yourself how family life with Sergei and Masha ... Only now my ex-sister-in-law did not succeed in getting pregnant. And this is understandable. After so many abortions! Although it is quite possible that acquaintances are just slandering. They said that Masha was an underage prostitute. And it was as if because of her they almost imprisoned the guys who did not even know how old she really was ... Who knows, maybe in reality she is not at all like that. I don’t know this, because I didn’t see how she grew up ... "

According to Zverev, purely humanly, he can understand Masha, who was brought up in a poor family: “But what do I and my son have to do with it? Why should we suffer because of it?” The former father-in-law now wants only one thing, so that the “prodigal daughter-in-law” returns to Moscow and signs the documents. According to him, it is high time to put an end to this story.

24-year-old Sergei Zverev Jr., the son of a shocking stylist, leads a completely non-stellar lifestyle. The young man works in one of the hotels on the outskirts of Moscow and earns about 30 thousand rubles a month. The son of a celebrity claims that this money is enough for him to buy food and pay for utilities - he doesn’t need more.

At the same time, Zverev Jr. has a rather rich personal life. Not so long ago, he married for the second time. His chosen one was a work colleague Julia. The woman is much older than her chosen one, but this does not bother the couple. This was reported to the press by a friend of Zverev and former member show "Dom-2" Rustam Solntsev. According to him, Julia - unlike Zverev's previous passion - treats Sergei "in a sincere way."

A family friend recalled that he divorced his previous wife, waitress Maria Zverev Jr., two months after the wedding. According to rumors, the couple broke up due to the fact that Zverev hit his beloved. True, Sergei himself later began to assert that Maria herself often beat him.

Ex-wife Zvereva then told reporters that the young man wants to get away from the influence of his star father:

Serezha moved to Kolomna because he wants to get on his own feet without resorting to the help of his father. Sergei Anatolyevich once said to Serezha: "If you want, you will work in show business." But he doesn’t like it, he just doesn’t like it, and he answered his father that he would achieve everything himself and earn money. He really worked in many places: both as an auto mechanic and as a salesman on Gorbushka. Now he is a DJ at the Olimp Park Hotel in our Kolomna district. There he lives and works. This hotel belongs to Serezha's cousin, Alexander Ivanovich Afanasiev.

Zverev Sr. himself admitted that he did not understand the choice of his son:

When I saw this woman next to my son, I said that they can be friends, communicate, but not get married. I insisted on this in every conversation we had. She is not a match for him, we all told him about it. We understood that Sergey was not marrying for love, that he did not like her at all, and he did not hide it. He said: "Maybe I'll get married, and imbued, love her." He thought marriage would fix things.

However, the stylist also does not speak very positively about the new chosen one of his son. Zverev Sr. does not approve of the choice of his son and sincerely believes that the young man should not be engaged in family affairs, but develop in creativity and build his career. His son has not yet introduced him to his wife.

Sergei Zverev Jr. and Maria Bikmaeva. Photo:

A few days ago, there were rumors on the Web that the son of the famous stylist Sergei Zverev, Sergei Jr., decided to divorce his wife. Allegedly, he is not with and is preparing divorce papers. However, the star hairdresser is not about the same in fact in the family. But WomanHit managed to find out exclusive details happened.

The fact that he was really busy with a divorce, Sergey Zverev on the eve of his - the stars of the series Ranetki "Victoria Chernysheva and the soloist of the Mayakovsky group Dmitry Tikhonov.

Sergei Zverev commented on the future of his son.

“For the very event that we are now going through, the divorce of a son. He really hit, to say. But I think it's good and good lesson. Probably, and it was necessary to go and feel for yourself. When young people don't listen to their parents, no good comes out of it. If your father tells you that this woman is not a couple for you, clearly understand that she is not a couple. When the groom or have not received blessings from their parents, then do not marry. I know from my own experience. In general, this is a lesson for everyone, ”the artist.

By the way, WomanHit succeeded, Sergey really tried not to get into his son, but gave advice on his personal life. But being still a young man, not youthful maximalism, Sergey is not a father. He went to Kolomna to prove his independence. As a result, Zverev did not even come to his son's wedding. When a couple of weeks ago there were still talks about divorce, he had already started philosophical on the topic with fans. “So the time .... So many people are getting divorced around .... Just awful ..... Have you ever divorced anyone ??? Share your experience.... P.S. It seems to me that if you get a divorce, then you need to remain friends, and not throw mud at each other ... ”(hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved - approx. WomanHit), - Zverev.

Recall that in March of this year, Zverev Jr. married Maria Bikmaeva. At the time of her marriage, she was only 18 years old, and her young spouse- 21 years old. Maria is rumored to be a waitress. Of course, not without an opinion, such a fleeting wedding due to the girl's pregnancy, but it turned out that this was not true. Maria is not yet pregnant.

By the way, Zverev's son just got married, calls from fans began to the artist, the facts of his son's chosen one became Sergey.

“I got calls about this girl from well-wishers. But then I thought, I pay attention to all this? Although the thought of something had already crept into my mind at that moment. Well, then she asked me alone, they say, why did you allow yours to marry an underage prostitute? I say, "Do you know?" She answered that she lives there, she lived, and more than one family has suffered. Of course, in shock ... ”- artist.

Thus, the marriage of the star's son did not last even six months. Maria herself on the page also hinted that things were not going well in the family. She quoted Turgenev's words, from which it became clear that the girl in close person. O in question, fans guessed right away.

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Beloved 21-year-old offspring of the star told SUPER the truth about the relationship in the family of a stylist

A few years ago, photographs of the outrageous stylist Sergei Zverev and his pretty son, dressed in the image and likeness of an extraordinary father, did not leave the covers of magazines and newspapers. However, over time, Sergei Zverev Jr. disappeared from the front pages, blue screens and from the field of view of fans. About the son of a 51-year-old stylist, nothing was heard for about four years. As it became known to SUPER, during this time, the blond-haired boy became a 21-year-old youth, changed a dozen jobs and forever buried thoughts of fame and a crowd of fans. The son of a celebrity moved to the nearest suburbs, where, under the close supervision of relatives, he is trying to arrange not only a career, but also personal happiness. SUPER talked to Sergey Zverev's girlfriend- Jr. Mary Bikmaeva, who told how the relationship between her son and his popular father actually develops.

Maria, what kind of relationship does Serezha really have with his famous father?

They have a normal relationship. And how could it be otherwise, if one is a son, and the other is a father? It happens that they swear, but this, in my opinion, is not a reason to draw any conclusions about their relationship.

Why then did he move out of his father's apartment in the very center of Moscow and began to live in Kolomna near Moscow?

Serezha moved to Kolomna because he wants to get on his own feet without resorting to the help of his father. Sergei Anatolyevich once said to Serezha: "If you want, you will work in show business." But he doesn’t like it, he just doesn’t like it, and he answered his father that he would achieve everything himself and earn money.

How did Sergey Zverev react to such an act?

Sergei Anatolyevich is sympathetic to the fact that his son has matured and has the right to choose life path. He knows where his son is, what he does, how he spends his time. They see each other regularly, Seryozha comes to see dad.

They say that Zverev Jr. managed to work in almost all the markets of Moscow. What does he do now, where does he live?

He really worked in many places: both as an auto mechanic and as a salesman on Gorbushka. Now he is a DJ at the Olimp Park Hotel in our Kolomna district. There he lives and works. This hotel belongs to Serezha's cousin, Alexander Ivanovich Afanasiev.

Cousin grandfather? As far as everyone knows, Seryozha is an orphan.

No, Seryozha - native son Sergei Anatolievich Zverev. His mother died in an accident some time after he was born. He doesn't even remember her.

The guys from Sergei's entourage told that he had complicated relationship with your father, you say otherwise.

I repeat once again - nothing terrible happened in their lives and relationships. It’s just that a certain Stas Sadalsky wrote on the Internet that Seryozha left his father to escape from the glamorous life imposed on him. After that, everything turned around. NTV journalists began to pursue us, they offered to film a story about Serezha's new life and promised him 50 thousand rubles for this. The plot was filmed, but the money was never paid, they just threw it away. They also went to a neighboring farm and wrote down the comments of laborers Tajiks, who told them things that had never happened before. Seryozha here almost does not communicate with anyone, so it is foolish to expect revelations about his life from someone.

RIG website For several years, photos of the outrageous stylist Sergei Zverev and his pretty son, dressed in the image and likeness of an extraordinary father, did not leave the covers of magazines and newspapers. However, over time, Sergei Zverev Jr. disappeared from the front pages, blue screens and the field of view of fans. About the son of a 51-year-old stylist, nothing was heard for about four years.

As it became known to SUPER, during this time, the blond-haired boy became a 21-year-old youth, changed a dozen jobs and forever buried thoughts of fame and a crowd of fans. The son of a celebrity moved to the nearest suburbs, where, under the close supervision of relatives, he is trying to arrange not only a career, but also personal happiness. SUPER talked to the beloved girlfriend of Sergei Zverev Jr. Maria Bikmaeva, who told how the relationship between her son and his popular father actually develops.

Maria, what kind of relationship does Serezha really have with his famous father?

They have a normal relationship. And how could it be otherwise, if one is a son, and the other is a father. It happens that they swear, but this, in my opinion, is not a reason to draw any conclusions about their relationship.

Why then did he move out of his father's apartment in the very center of Moscow and began to live in Kolomna near Moscow?

Serezha moved to Kolomna because he wants to get on his own feet without resorting to the help of his father. Sergei Anatolyevich once said to Serezha: "If you want, you will work in show business." But he doesn’t like it, he just doesn’t like it, and he answered his father that he would achieve everything himself and earn money.

How did Sergey Zverev react to such an act?

Sergei Anatolyevich is sympathetic to the fact that his son has matured and has the right to choose his own path in life. He knows where his son is, what he does, how he spends his time. They see each other regularly, Seryozha comes to see dad.

They say that Zverev Jr. managed to work in almost all the markets of Moscow. What does he do now, where does he live?

He really worked in many places: both as an auto mechanic and as a salesman on Gorbushka. Now he is a DJ at the Olimp Park Hotel in our Kolomna district. There he lives and works. This hotel belongs to Serezha's cousin, Alexander Ivanovich Afanasiev.

Cousin grandfather? As far as everyone knows, Seryozha is an orphan.

No, Seryozha is the son of Sergei Anatolyevich Zverev. His mother died in an accident some time after he was born. He doesn't even remember her.

The guys from Sergei's entourage said that he had a difficult relationship with his father, but you say the opposite.

I repeat once again - nothing terrible happened in their lives and relationships. It’s just that a certain Stas Sadalsky wrote on the Internet that Seryozha left his father in order to escape from the glamorous life imposed on him. From this, everything started to spin. NTV journalists began to pursue us, they offered to film a story about Serezha's new life and promised him 50 thousand rubles for this. The plot was filmed, but the money was never paid, they just threw it away. They also went to the farm next to the hotel and wrote down the comments of laborers Tajiks, who told them things that had never happened before. Seryozha here almost does not communicate with anyone, so it is foolish to expect revelations about his life from someone.

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