Boyarskaya is pregnant. Now twice a mother: Elizaveta Boyarskaya gave birth to a child - exclusive details became known

Career and finance 14.07.2019
Career and finance

Accept congratulations: they became parents for the second time. Son star couple was born in one of the clinics in St. Petersburg. The actress was taken to the hospital at midnight in an ambulance. Just the other day, Lisa's father, during a broadcast on the radio, said that the couple would name their second son Grisha.

“Yes, Liza gave birth to a boy, healthy, the second son. Congratulations to my parents and Lisa and Maxim. This is our long awaited addition to the family. Everyone is healthy, everything is in order. I’m in Moscow, so I don’t have the opportunity to visit her now, but definitely later, ”said Lisa’s brother Sergey Boyarsky to REN TV.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev became parents for the second time

It is noteworthy that both Boyarskaya and Matveev are not going to give up work for a long time. So, Elizabeth plans to take the stage in January, as she is announced in one of the premieres. In addition, the actress managed to work on maternity leave: in the fall, she took part in voicing the cartoon "", which she informed the subscribers of her microblog about.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya on the eve of the second birth

Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveem officially formalized their relationship in 2010. They met during the filming of the film "", in which they played the main roles. In 2012, the couple had their first child Andrew. For a long time, Elizabeth and Maxim hid what their son looks like. Andrey could not be found even in the pictures that the couple published from the boy's birthday. However, a couple of months ago, the situation changed dramatically, and the couple began to publish pictures with the heir on social networks.

Son of Maxim Matveev and Elizaveta Boyarskaya Andrey

Before relations with Maxim Matveev, Elizaveta Boyarskaya met with. The romance of the stars was confirmed by the ex-wife of the actor. According to the actress, the reason for the separation of Boyarskaya and Kozlovsky was a banal misunderstanding: they were too different people. It is noteworthy that Boyarskaya and Kozlovsky. By the way, this summer Maxim Matveev was also awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. Liza Boyarskaya in her microblog on Instagram.

Birthday of the son of Maxim Matveev and Elizaveta Boyarskaya

Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev

The actress with her husband and children will move to their own apartment in St. Petersburg in 2019

32-year-old Elizaveta Boyarskaya will give birth to her second son in December. The actress and her husband, 36-year-old Maxim Matveev, are now spending even more time together. Boyarskaya played the last performance in October and went on a short maternity leave - in January the artist will return to the theater stage. Matveev has a short vacation at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre, as he prepares to shoot for a major film project. And together the spouses are preparing for important event in their lives - the birth of a son at the end of 2018. All household chores are now on Matveev - he takes his eldest son Andrei to circles, solves the housing problem ...

Rumors that Matveev and Boyarskaya broke up and maintain friendly relations for the sake of the child always surprised the couple's loved ones. Relatives and friends have long been convinced that Lisa and Maxim have an ideal marriage and an ideal relationship even with each other's parents. The actors themselves never commented on the rumors, because they are exclusively busy with family life and work. The second child was wanted and planned for a long time, and the dream of the actors will soon come true.
Boyarskaya with her eldest son, until recently, often came to Moscow, where Matveev has work in the theater. The couple even bought an apartment in Moscow, where they spent a lot of time a year ago. But now everything in their lives has changed. The long-awaited second child made adjustments to the life schedule. Boyarskaya is accustomed to Moscow, but she loves her native St. Petersburg very much. Firstly, there she has an adorable job in the theater. “I work in such a theater that I cannot admit the thought that I can leave from there. This is the subject of my passion, love, professional viability, endless growth. It is the Maly Drama Theater, because one can only dream of such a thing, ”Boyarskaya told us in an interview.

Secondly, Boyarskaya does not hide the fact that her son, like her, is in love with St. Petersburg. “When I was little and walked in the same places as my son now, I did not notice all the magnificence and beauty of Peter. “Mom, I’m going to Dvortsovka on roller skates” - for me it was an everyday ritual. And now I enjoy and marvel at the same time! I understand that the city may have always been one of the main educators, ”Boyarskaya recently admitted to her Instagram followers.

But it seems now Boyarskaya has finally decided where her family hearth will be. The choice between the two capitals is now made in favor of St. Petersburg. She likes everything here - the air, the ideal places for walking, and the architecture ... 6-year-old Andrey attends many developmental classes here and is preparing to go to school this year, it is here that the second son of Boyarskaya and Matveev will be born. With the eldest son, the acting couple was helped by two grandmothers, a grandfather and a nanny. Unbelievable, but true - so far in St. Petersburg, Elizabeth and Maxim have lived and live with Boyarskaya's parents. In the famous apartment on the Moika, Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian are happy when their grandson and children are nearby. Boyarskaya and Matveev are also comfortable with their parents. Moreover, Elizabeth parental home to the Maly Drama Theater on Rubinstein 18 - a stone's throw. But after the birth of their second child, Matveev and Boyarskaya plan to move to their first apartment in St. Petersburg. The young family decided on their own living space in Lisa's hometown - a housewarming party is planned for 2019.

By the way, after the first birth, Lisa spent a lot of time with her son at her beloved parental dacha near St. Petersburg. Andrei was born in the spring, so all summer Boyarskaya and her son lived in the country. In the 80s, Mikhail Boyarsky built a wooden house himself, now it is surrounded tall trees, and the whole family likes to spend time there in silence and in the open air. True, the Boyarskys do not go to the dacha in winter.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya revealed in an interview one of the secrets of her happy family life. The actress said that she always had an example of an ideal wife before her eyes - own mother: “Therefore, it is obvious to me that in the family the head is the husband. And I need to be sensitive and listen to his mood, you can’t be intrusive, burden with problems or make claims. It seems to me that a woman should be friendly, sweet and cheerful ... "

Boyarskaya says that she and Matveev never have serious disagreements. By the way, the couple dreams of big family. So, it is quite possible that after a couple of high-profile premieres, we will find out that Liza Boyarskaya is expecting her third child.

On the night of December 5, an ambulance drove up to the house where Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev live. Pregnant Elizabeth was urgently taken to the maternity hospital No. 16 in St. Petersburg. Today it became known that the actress safely gave birth to a healthy boy. Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev accept congratulations!

This good news Sergei Boyarsky told the press, brother Elizabeth. Yes, Lisa gave birth to a healthy boy, the second son. Congratulations to my parents and Lisa and Maxim. This is our long awaited addition to the family. Everyone is alive and well, everything is in order. I’m in Moscow, so I don’t have the opportunity to visit her now, but definitely later, ”the REN TV channel quotes Sergey.

Recall that Elizaveta Boyarskaya and her husband Maxim Matveev already have a six-year-old son Andrei. Earlier there were rumors that not everything is going well in the relationship of the couple. Evil tongues claimed that the spouses were on the verge of divorce. However, in September of this year, the press became aware of Elizabeth's pregnancy. And that means in star family love and harmony prevail.

Shortly before the birth of the baby, artist Mikhail Boyarsky declassified the sex of the unborn child. “I no longer need any new roles, nothing - the new grandson is much more interesting! The name of the boy has already been thought of, but I don’t poke my head into this matter. For a change, I would like Lisa to have a girl, otherwise some boys at home are the eldest son and husband, ”he said in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda. Later, the artist added that the second grandson could be called Grisha.

Today, Elizaveta Boyarskaya is considered an extremely sought-after actress. During the year, she works in several projects at once, plays on stage, acts in films and TV shows. By her own admission, the actress will not be on maternity leave for long. A month after giving birth, Boyarskaya plans to return to active creative activity. And the grandparents will look after the newborn grandson.

33-year-old Elizaveta Boyarskaya admitted that she did not notice how her second pregnancy went. The actress was so busy with things that she did not have time to enjoy the moment of waiting for the baby.


The eldest son of the artist will go to school this year. Now the boy attends preparatory courses. Andrey is engaged in music, swimming, teaches English language and learning to play chess. Elizabeth wants Grisha to start learning English as soon as possible. She and her husband have already bought special educational cards.

According to Boyarskaya, she wants to instill kindness and compassion in her sons from the cradle. The actress always asks her eldest son to help her carry the bags. “It is necessary to educate in sons masculinity and understanding that a man is stronger, that he is responsible for a woman. It’s unthinkable for me when modern guys don’t give flowers to girls, don’t give coats, don’t open the door, don’t give way, ”said the star.

Boyarskaya also told about her relationship with her husband. According to the artist, he and Maxim are never bored together. The spouses have similar interests and attitudes towards life. However, the characters are different: Maxim is quick-tempered, and Elizabeth is more calm and compliant.

The second pregnancy of Elizabeth Boyarskaya was officially confirmed. The star goes on maternity leave and will no longer perform on the stage of the Maly Drama Theater in St. Petersburg. Today the gender of the unborn baby has become known. The second boy will be born in the family.

The actress is going on maternity leave soon.

About the pregnancy of the actress. But the husband and wife did not give any comments and avoided appearing in public places. Elizabeth wore loose clothes, carefully hiding her rounded figure. The artist uploaded photos to her Instagram account from her own archive or shot from good angles.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya is not the most active user social networks. She prefers to spend time with her family rather than in the virtual world.

Shortly after the “position” of Boyarskaya became public, an ultrasound showed the sex of the child. There will be a boy in the family again. Most of all, the grandfather of the future heir was delighted with the news about his grandson. For Mikhail Boyarsky, the baby will be the fourth grandson.

Lisa and Maxim are happy with the arrival of their second baby

Mikhail reacted with humor to the news of the replenishment. In an interview with one of printed publications he expressed hope "for a change" to babysit the girl in the future. The honored actor also noted that the name for the child has already been chosen.

Son of Maxim and Lisa

No less than others, the first son of the family, Andrei, was delighted with Boyarsky Jr. Now he is 6 years old. He loves to design and understands technology. Parents prefer to protect the boy from curious paparazzi and rarely take him out into the world. For the first time they showed it to the public last fall at the children's film festival in Evpatoria.

The clinic where Elizabeth will give birth has not yet been chosen. It is likely that this will be the St. Petersburg maternity hospital, which was loved during the first pregnancy. After the actress does not plan to stay on maternity leave for a long time, and in a few months she will again enter the stage of the theater.

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