Louis Tomlinson and Danielle Campbell are getting married. Rising star Danielle Campbell: biography, filmography, personal life of the actress

the beauty 30.08.2019
the beauty

He stands by his locker, adjusting a plaid shirt that sits well on his torso. She stands near the window and talks to her best friend , trying not to look at him, but involuntarily still looks at how he smiles at another girl passing by and wagging her hips. - Dani, are you even listening to me? - a friend snaps her fingers in front of the face of the brown-haired woman, and she looks inquiringly at the blonde. Without waiting for Danielle's answer, Ali adds: - I asked if you were going to the pool today? "Yes, I'm coming," Campbell replies, arranging the curls that already lie neatly on his shoulders. Alice nods back to show she understands and turns back. Who have you been looking at all this time? - asks a friend, looking at Danielle, already guessing the answer. - Who cares? - the brown-haired woman answers a question with a question. - No, - shrugs Alice and straightens her already perfect high ponytail. It's been two lessons since the school day started, and Danielle is already thinking about what she'll order from the cafeteria. Sitting at her desk, the brown-haired woman takes out a notebook on literature, a textbook and a pen and puts things on the table. Mr. Bing always let the students into the classroom before the bell, which the students were grateful for. Head propped on his hand, Daniel turns on the phone and writes to Alice that on Friday she will be able to keep her friend company while she walks with her dog. - Campbell, give me a summary, - Louis Tomlinson leans on the desk, and the brown-haired woman turns her head. The sleeves of the plaid shirt are rolled up to the elbows, and the relief muscles are visible through the shirt. "First of all, I have a name," Dani starts, looking directly into Louis' eyes. It was difficult to keep the indifference in her eyes, but the girl tried not to take him away from the guy. - And secondly, you have nothing more to give? Campbell tilts his head to the side and raises one eyebrow, still staring at Tomlinson. Brown is also not inferior in the "peeping" and constantly looks at Danielle. He, like the girl, tries to maintain indifference in his gaze, but sometimes he fails to control it, and playful lights appear in his eyes. - Are you implying that you want to give yourself to me? Louis asks, smirking at his own question. "Moron," Campbell hisses back and turns away from him, indicating that she doesn't intend to talk to him anymore. “I take it you won’t give me the summary?” Tomlinson asks, leaning closer to Danielle. She feels his burning breath on her neck, and she hardly manages to restrain herself from giving the appearance that the brown-haired woman is not indifferent to her. - No, - Dani says confidently, continuing to scroll through the playlist on the phone. Louis moves away from the brown-haired woman and sits down in his seat. Daniel hesitates to turn around, knowing that he is looking at her, so he pretends to be doing something important. His skin is still on fire from his breath, and his breath has hitched. “Nothing can happen between you. Settle down. Stop thinking about him. He's just your classmate," Dani repeated to herself. After school, Dani decided to go to the school swimming pool to catch up. She was absent from training for a couple of days for a good reason. A month later, the competition, and therefore Dani needs to train more and harder. Danielle enters the women's locker room, tying her wet hair into a bun. The girl opens the locker and takes out her clothes, neatly folded in a pile. A whistle is heard from behind, and Daniel turns around. Crossing the threshold of the women's locker room, Louis Tomlinson stands in front of her, whose torso is bare, and sweatpants are held on his hips. Drops of water flow down the hair, which drip onto the body. Daniel quickly licks his dry lips and shifts his gaze from Tomlinson's body to his face, trying to make his appearance casual and his voice confident. “I thought you looked awful in a bathing suit,” Louis breaks the silence, continuing to scrutinize Dani. “This is the women's locker room, Tomlinson,” the brown-haired woman says confidently, trying to focus her gaze on the guy's face. - And you're clearly not a girl - adds Dani, slightly chuckling. Although, most likely, it was like a nervous grin. "I thought you weren't a girl too," Louis says, and after a few seconds he adds, "until now." Dani feels her breath hitched long ago; her heart is beating wildly, and the girl does not know how to calm down. Louis moves closer to her and touches the knot in her bikini with his hand. Daniel flinches and tries to take a step back, but he feels a man's hand on his waist. “Go away,” Dani whispers, no longer even trying to give his voice that former confidence. - Sure? Louis whispers as he leans in close to Danielle, scorching the girl's skin with his breath. She swallows the lump in her throat and nods. “Say yes or no,” Tomlinson demands, running his fingertips over the brown-haired woman’s skin, thereby causing millions of goosebumps. “Yeah,” Danielle chokes out, and Louis pulls away from her. “You made your choice,” is the only thing he says before leaving the locker room. Daniel sits down on the bench with his head in his hands, trying not to cry. There is no one in the locker room, except for the girl, and therefore, Dani decides to give vent to emotions, and in just a second, tears are streaming down her cheeks. She does not know what to do in such a situation: she is in love with him, but is not yet ready for such closeness. She is absolutely not sure that Louis at that moment felt something for her other than physical attraction. After sitting in this position for about ten minutes, the girl wipes her tears with a napkin and changes into casual clothes. Daniel picks up a bottle of water, and it falls with a crash to the floor from the fact that the brown-haired woman's hands are still shaking. - Who is still here? - a hoarse male voice is heard and a man in his 60s, dressed in a janitor's uniform, appears in the doorway. “Sorry, I was just late,” Daniel replies, putting the bottle in his bag, after which he leaves the locker room and walks towards the exit, looking at the floor.

Danielle Campbell is an American actress, known for her roles in the TV series Popular and in Love (2018) and The Originals (2013-2018), as well as in the comedy Prom (2011).

Childhood and youth

Danielle Campbell was born on January 30, 1995 in the small town of Hinsdale, Illinois. The bright appearance of the girl is explained by an explosive mixture of different nationalities: among the girl’s relatives there are Germans and Scots, English and French, Spaniards and Mexicans.

Dani, as the girl is affectionately called in the family, has a younger brother, Johnny, with whom she is very close. In her social networks, the actress often posts photos with her brother, which she signs with tender declarations of love.

Danielle admits that as a child she never thought about the career of an actress - she was brought to the film industry Lucky case. One fine day in a Chicago hair salon, 9-year-old Dani and her mother were approached by a film agent who invited the schoolgirl to audition. According to Campbell, she was a sociable and inquisitive child, so she gladly accepted the offer.

Less than a week after signing with her first agent, Campbell appeared in a commercial for Build-A-Bear toys. Soon the girl made her film debut, appearing in four episodes of his drama series "Escape".

Actor career

In 2010, the young actress landed the lead role in the Disney musical film Starsickness, in which she played a love interest in famous musician schoolgirl.

“She was 14 years old at the time, but she was mature beyond her years,” said Michael Grossman, the director of the film, “although the other two actresses applying for the role had a lot more experience, she was able to pass everyone.”

Despite the success of the film, Campbell and her family decided not to move to Los Angeles and stayed in Hinsdale, where the girl and her brother could easily finish school. Soon, the actress signed a contract with Disney and starred in the teen comedy Graduation, which was released in April 2011. Dani's colleagues on the set were budding young actors Aimee Teegarden (Scream 4), Nicholas Brown (Greg Hirsch in The Descendants) and Nolan Sotillo (Red Bracelets).

Trailer of the series with the participation of Danielle Campbell "The Originals"

In 2013, Campbell landed a leading role in The Originals (a spin-off of The Vampire Diaries) about ancient vampires living today. The actress appeared in the image of a strong 16-year-old witch Davina beyond her years. The series became very popular in many countries, and millions learned about Danielle.

“Her trump cards are youth, innocence and some kind of vulnerability, which is absolutely wonderful for a girl of her age,” shared the actor of the series Sebastien Roche (the role of Michael), “many 19-year-olds behave as if they are fed up with life, but only not she. Dani is a total positive. And for angelic appearance hides determination and fearlessness.

In April 2015, Campbell starred in leading role in Race to the Rescue (dir. Teddy Smith), in which she again had the opportunity to work with the actor from The Originals, Aiden Flowers, who played the role of the young hybrid Klaus Mikaelson.

Trailer of the film with the participation of Danielle Campbell "Race to the Rescue"

In 2017, the actress could be seen in the comedy Fuck Graduation (dir. Benny Fine) with Joel Courtney and Madeline Petsch, as well as in several episodes of the Runaways series about children of supervillains, the main criminals of Los Angeles. The girl was also lucky to work on the set of the comedy You Can Choose Your Family, the first feature film by producer and director Miranda Bailey, creator of the sensational films Swiss Army Knife Man (2016) and Squid and the Whale (2005). In addition, Danielle appeared in the 2nd season of the drama series Popular and in Love, as the object of attention of the main character Reiner Devon (Carter Jenkins).

Danielle Campbell's personal life

In 2015, rumors appeared in the media that Danielle Campbell was dating American actor Tyler Posey, the lead actor in the TV series Teen Wolf. Photos circulated on the Web showing a kiss of young people, but there was no official confirmation of their relationship.

In December 2015, Danielle Campbell began dating the vocalist of the British band one direction Louis Tomlinson. The young people were introduced by their mutual friend. The split in the relationship occurred a year later, shortly after the musician's mother died of cancer.

A source told reporters, "It's especially sad because Danielle was by Louis' side during these unfortunate events." Fans expressed their sincere frustration at the breakup between Louis and Danielle, who has been dubbed the musician's "least problem girl."

After breaking up, Danielle was seen a couple of times with British actor Gregg Sulkin, but soon the guy returned to his ex girlfriend, actress Bella Thorne.

In 2017, Dani began an affair with her colleague in The Originals, Nathaniel Buzolic - they started talking about this after the girl posted joint photos graphics from holidays in Croatia. After the holidays, the lovers no longer appeared together.

In September 2017, Danielle began to be often noticed with celebrity manager Rijen Sharp - Instagram was full of their joint pictures. However, it turned out that Rijen is gay and has a boyfriend. Trailer for Danielle Campbell's Alive in Denver

In the fall of 2018, John Stimpson's black comedy Ghost Light, starring Campbell, was planned to be released, as well as the football drama series All American, starring Daniel Ezra and with the participation of the actress.

Filming continues on Tell Me a Story, a retelling of classic fairy tales set in contemporary New York. Danielle's colleagues on the set were the star of "Sex and the City" Kim Cattrall, Chris Brochu ("The Vampire Diaries"), Billy Magnussen ("In the Woods", "Birth of the Dragon", "Game Night"), etc.

Since childhood, the biography of young Danielle Campbell has been inextricably linked with cinema. Having hit the TV screen at a tender age, the girl attracted the attention of producers and won the love of fans. The pretty beauty became the object of zealous envy of the fans of the popular singer when she was in a relationship with this plunderer of women's hearts.

Childhood and youth

Danielle was born on January 30, 1995 under the sign of Aquarius. A little television star was born in the city of Hinsdale, Illinois, in the family of Georgane and John Campbell. The actress's parents managed real estate funds. Some time in early age the girl spent in Singapore, where a family couple was forced to move to work.

In addition to Danielle, the couple raised their younger brother Johnny. The children have always been very friendly and close. The close bond between brother and sister continues to this day.

In one of the interviews, the mother of the actress, whose popularity came at an early age, noted that the girl managed to continue her studies in high school among peers. According to parents, the privacy of a teenager, the opportunity to study not at home, but in the classroom are very important. Elder Campbells asked not to advertise the name educational institution daughters in the press to protect the schoolgirl from fans and journalists.

A story about the childhood of a young actress is impossible without mentioning the beginning of a stellar career. When the girl was 11 years old, she and her mother visited a beauty salon where a woman was given a haircut. Bored while waiting for her mother, Danielle accidentally ran into an agent who was looking for new faces of actors to participate in the company's projects.

At first, the woman did not hope that the agent would call back, but the very next day the girl was officially invited to audition. Danielle was distinguished by her artistry and liked to remain in the spotlight. A direct, open, not constrained by complexes child won the hearts of producers and got on television.


For the first time, the young actress managed to participate in a large successful TV project in 2006. The girl appeared on the screens in the role of Gracie Hollander, the heroine of the sensational. The multi-part thriller earned popularity and worthy reviews from fans, and Dani, who appeared in four episodes, was noticed by directors and producers. In 2007, the actress got the role of Darla in the film House of Poker.

At the beginning of the 2000s acting career Dozens of young talents came from the Disney company, which made television series and films for teenagers. It was at this forge of stars that others began. Along the beaten path, Danielle also went.

Having received an episodic role in the youth comedy telenovela "Zack and Luther", in 2010 the actress plays the main character in the musical family film of the Star Disease channel. After participating in the filming, the young star signs a contract with Disney for further cooperation. The role of Jessica Olsen, who fell in love with a famous guy, made Campbell famous and popular among teenagers.

Immediately, after the mentioned work, in 2011 the comedy "Graduation" appeared, filmed in the same genre and style as "Star disease". In 2012, Dani starred in the series Deadly Beautiful and Madea's Witness Protection Program.

Another wave of popularity covers the young beauty after the role of the impudent and attractive witch Davina Claire in the spin-off series - The Originals.

Work on the story of the life and love of charming evil spirits started in 2013. Having won the hearts of viewers, the series was continued for five seasons.

In 2016-2017, in addition to hard work on the next seasons of television series, the star manages to star in the films "Race to the Rescue" and "To hell with graduation".

Personal life

In 2015, the hearts of the group's fans, namely the band's soloist Louis Tomlinson, were severely tested. Official information has appeared on the Web that the idol is dating the charming young actress Danielle Campbell.

The couple, not hiding their warm feelings, walked holding hands, hugging in front of curious onlookers and paparazzi. However, already in January 2017, joint photos disappeared from the Instagram pages of celebrities, and fans became aware of the separation of yesterday's lovers.

Thousands of admirers of the singer did not hide their joy, a lot of memes appeared on social networks demonstrating their sincere happiness and relief. Meanwhile, the young people themselves and close friends commented that they parted as friends, continue to communicate and support each other.

Since the break with Louis, Dani has not advertised personal relationships with other men, no official confirmation of serious novels has followed. There were rumors about the dates of the beauty with the actor, but there were no comments from the parties or reliable information about this.

It is known that Campbell loves animals, deals with their protection. The actress is a happy owner of four dogs, photos of which periodically appear in her "Instagram".

In addition, the girl owns her own beauty salon. Of course, an energetic, enterprising American woman has time scheduled by the minute, so there probably isn’t much left for amorous novels.

Danielle Campbell now

The year 2017 was marked for Danielle Campbell with roles in the acclaimed TV series Popular and in Love and the story about the children of supervillains The Runaways. Having appeared on the screens, the novels immediately became the owners of thousands of devoted fans. Not surprisingly, the plots were continued for the following seasons.

In 2018, the release of the final, fifth season of The Originals was also announced. As you can see, the work of the young actress is more than enough. Old characters are getting the development of storylines, and new characters are added to them every year.


  • 2006 - "Escape"
  • 2007 - House of Poker
  • 2009-2014 - "Beautiful to death"
  • 2010 - "Star disease"
  • 2011 - "Graduation"
  • 2012 - Madea's Witness Protection Program
  • 2013-2018 - The Originals
  • 2016 - Race to the Rescue
  • 2017 - "To hell with graduation"
  • 2017 - present - "Popular and in love"
  • 2017-present - Runaways

The most rated actresses of the end of the last and the beginning of this century are gradually being replaced by a new generation born in those same 90s. Young, beautiful and talented girls from modern films and TV shows are increasingly attracting attention, conquering the media space and social networks. Yes, there are a lot of them, but there are really interesting characters who are predicted to have a great future. One of them is the young American Danielle Campbell (her photo can be seen in this article), who is even called the new Angelina Jolie.

Childhood on film sets

The future TV star was born on January 31, 1995 in the state of Illinois, in the famous city of Chicago. Little is known about her parents, her mother's name is Georgane, and her father's name is John, her younger brother was also named the same. From early childhood, Danielle Campbell was fond of dancing and singing. The little beauty was once noticed in a hairdressing salon by an agent of the Build-A-Bear Workshop company, he invited the 10-year-old girl to star in a commercial. And already in 2006, the creators of the most popular American TV series "Escape" noticed the young model and invited the role of Gracie Hollander. She participated in four episodes of the sensational series and did not go unnoticed. A little later, in 2008, Danielle Campbell received a small role as Darla in the film House of Poker.

On the beaten path

In the 2000s, the Disney channel was a kind of "star factory" for young talents. In particular, many modern celebrities owe their fame to this “forge of personnel”, including Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Zac Efron and others. It was there that her parents sent Danielle Campbell to audition, as a result of which she received a cameo role in the TV series Zeke and Luther. As expected, it was Disney that brought her real fame with her role as Jessica Olsen in the 2010 musical teen comedy Starsickness. After her, she immediately became the favorite of the youth audience and turned out to be famous. The young American achieved her goal.

From graduates to witches

Hollywood immediately noticed the potential of Danielle Campbell, films and series with her participation began to come out one after another. So, in 2011, she played the schoolgirl Simone in a fairly typical American film "Graduation". Interesting fact- her character, like Miss Campbell herself, plays the guitar. The actress, in her own words, was taught this by her brother. In 2012, Danielle was seen in the popular TV series Deadly Beautiful, where she had a cameo role, the character's name was Carla. And in the same year, she managed to visit the heroine of the comedy melodrama Madea's Witness Protection Program named Cindy. However, the real army of fans of the actress appeared after in 2013 she got into the spin-off of the famous TV series The Vampire Diaries called The Ancients (or The Originals, depending on the translation). Her heroine, the witch Davina Claire, brought Danielle Campbell new wave fame and made her the idol of millions. Despite being very busy filming a vampire TV show, the rising star found time for a new project - family drama"Race to the Rescue", where the same from the cult series "Beverly Hills 90210" became her colleague on the site. The film was released in 2016, but, unfortunately, it never hit the Russian screen.

Behind the scenes

The personal life of Danielle Campbell, like any other celebrities, is of great concern to both her fans and numerous media outlets. A variety of suitors were attributed to her, including the star of the series "Teen Wolf" Tyler Posey a few years ago. But on this moment the 22-year-old actress has only had one so far official relations. Since the end of 2015, her boyfriend has been a musician - a member of the British boy band One Direction. At the beginning of 2017, the stormy romance ended, but the young people remained friends. AT recent times rumors spread about Danielle's relationship with another Briton, this time actor Gregg Sulkin. This is friendship or something more, but they have already been seen together more than once, and both of them post photos together on social networks. By the way, some even bring the actress together with her friend and partner on the set of The Ancients - Nathaniel Buzolic. But according to official data, the girl is still free. She tries to spend as much time as possible with her family, loves to travel and relax with friends (among whom was the star of the Vampire Diaries Nina Dobrev), and she also has 4 dogs and her own hairdresser, where is there a place for a new boyfriend?

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