Synopsis of the winter hut of animals in the preparatory group. FGT V DOW - lesson summary - topic: Wintering of animals

Fashion & Style 07.07.2019

Program content: To form in children an aesthetic vision of nature in works visual arts evoke an emotional response to the beauty of nature in winter period. Develop imagination, fantasy. Learn to draw with different materials: colored wax crayons, watercolor. To form the ability to build a composition of a drawing, convey the color of nature in the winter, the ability to draw different animals and convey their life in the cold period.



Topic of the week: Animal world winter

Abstract for drawing in preparatory group on the topic: "Who hibernates how"

Program content:

To form in children an aesthetic vision of nature in works of fine art, to evoke an emotional response to the beauty of nature in winter.

Develop imagination, fantasy.

Learn to draw with different materials: colored wax crayons, watercolor.

To form the ability to build a composition of a drawing, convey the color of nature in the winter, the ability to draw different animals and convey their life in the cold period.


Paper light tone A4 size, colored wax crayons, watercolor, water jar, napkin.

GCD progress:

1. Introduction. Organizing time. Reading a poem. Guys, do you know how A.S. Pushkin calls winter "a sorceress". Do you want to know why?

(Reading an excerpt on a poem)

"Here is the north of the clouds, catching up,

He breathed, howled - and here she is

There is a sorceress - winter.

Came, crumbled; shreds

Hung on the branches of oaks;

She lay down with wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills….

A shore with a motionless river

Leveled with a plump veil,

Frost flashed. And we are glad

I'll prank mother winter"

2. The main part.

Guys, what can you say about our winter?

What do we know about animals in winter?

You already know how the animals of our region spend the winter, but younger children who also go to our Kindergarten still little is known about it.

Therefore, I suggest you draw about how the animals of our region hibernate and arrange an exhibition with your own drawings, which will be called “Who hibernates how”.

We will exhibit beautiful and neat works in the hall of the kindergarten. Do you agree?

Then let's get started. Now think and say: who will portray which animal, and maybe even several. Do not forget, we will draw a winter forest and animals.

On your tables are different materials, you yourself think about what you will use, and get to work. Watch your posture, your back should be straight, your legs should be under the chair.

But before you get to work, I suggest doing finger gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics.

Independent work of children, individual assistance of the teacher.

3. Final stage.

Work analysis. Preparation of works for the exhibition.

Guys, you have wonderful winter landscapes and animals. You, well done, all understood the task well and coped with it.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Lesson in the senior group on the fairy tale "Winter hut of animals"

Guys, do you like to travel? Today I suggest you go to Booktown. Who do you think lives there? (books)
Turn through the left
Find yourself in Book City.
Here we are in Knigograd, where many books of various genres live. What fairy tales do you know?

I propose to guess what time Godot says in a fairy tale, which we will talk about today.

Blizzards are walking on a white bed.

In hats boyar pine and spruce.

Dreamlyum bushes and houses under the snow.

So the queen (Winter) has come to us.

Today we will travel through the pages of the book "Wintering of animals. We will play various games with you.

I invite you to sit down at the tables. Today for each correct answer you will receive chips. Answers must be complete. And not to shout, but to be able to listen to each other.

Let's remember what the story is about. Let's answer a few questions about the story.

Fairy tale conversation.

    At what time does the story take place?

    How did the bull prepare for winter?

    How did the ram, pig, goose, rooster behave?

    How did the wolf and the bear find out about the winter hut?

    What did the ram and the bull do?

    How did the fairy tale end?

Fizminutka: In the morning the gander got up on its paws
In the morning the gander stood up on his paws, (Stretched, hands up - inhale-exhale.)
Ready to charge. (Jerks of hands in front of the chest.)
Turned left, right, (Turns left and right.)
I did the squat correctly, (Squats.)
He cleaned the fluff with his beak, (Tilts the head left and right.)
Hurry into the water - plop! (Sit down.)
Game: "One - many".

Bulls - bulls

Sheep - sheep.

Pig - pigs.

Goose - geese.

Rooster - roosters.

Wolf - wolves.

Fox - foxes.

Bear - bears.

Hut - hut.

Wing - wings.

Door - doors.

Wall - walls.

Game "Call it affectionately."

Bulls - goby.

A ram is a lamb.

Goose is a goose.

Rooster - cockerel.

Wolf - wolf.

Fox is a fox.

The hut is a hut.

Wing - wing.

Door - door.

The wall is a wall.

Count game.

2 bulls, 5 bulls.

2 foxes, 5 foxes.

2 rams, 5 rams.

2 pigs, 5 pigs.

2 geese, 5 geese.

3 roosters, 5 roosters.

2 wolves, 5 wolves.

2 bears, 5 bears.

2 huts, 5 huts.

2 doors, 5 doors.

2 walls, 5 walls.

Mobile game: "Wolf and hares".

Game: Say the opposite.

Winter summer.

Heat - cold.

Friendship is enmity.

Warm - cold.

Winter - summer.

Good bad.

Selection of related words:

Winter hut, winter, zimushka, winter, hibernate.

Fox, fox, fox, fox.

Hare, hare, hare, hare.

tongue twisters with sounds С and Ш.

"Clap, palm"
(perform movements in accordance with the text)
Here is our game:
Clap, palm,
Clap, another one! (clapping hands)
Right left palm
We'll spank a little. (clapping right hand on right foot)
And then with the palm of your left
Do the clapping louder. (claps with the left palm of the field leg)
Up palms!
Clap! Clap!
On the knees
Slap! Slap!
Now pat on the back!
Slap yourself on the sides!
We can pat on the back.
We clap in front of us.
We can go right, we can go left.
And we'll put our hands crosswise.

And we will stroke ourselves.

What a beauty.

Game "Guess who it is?"

Guards, gnaws, barks? ...

Grunts, digs? ...

Meows, laps, scratches?....

Neighing, running, jumping?....

Balls, chews, gives milk? ....

finger game:

creative work - shading in cells - hut, goose, pig.


Well done boys.

What story are we talking about today?

What animals are mentioned in the story?

How can these animals be called in one word?

Well done guys, you did a great job today. Now look at your tables of apples. If you felt comfortable during the lesson, you were interested, then take a red apple and hang it on a tree. And if you didn’t like something in the lesson or you were bored, then take a green apple.

Synopsis of direct educational activities children of the preparatory group on the theme "Wild animals in winter".

Educational area "Cognitive development"
Continue to reinforce children's knowledge of appearance wild animals, their habits, food, dwellings.
Be able to distinguish between carnivores and herbivores.
Expand understanding of the features of adaptation of animals to the environment.
Educational area "Speech development"
Activate the dictionary on the topic.
Continue to teach children to answer questions, to encourage participation in the conversation.
Develop explanatory speech when guessing riddles.
Educational area "Social and communicative development"
Cultivate love and careful attitude to native nature.
Educational area " Physical development»
Develop fine and general motor skills through finger gymnastics and physical minutes.
The course of directly educational activities:
1. Organizational moment.
Guys, what time of year is it? ( late fall). That's right, although the weather is almost winter.
Game: "Guess the riddle"
We recognize the animal with you,
According to two such signs:
He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,
And in a red coat - in the summer.
Guess what the hat is:
A whole bunch of fur.
The hat runs in the forest
At the trunks gnaws at the bark
She is smarter than all the animals
She has a red coat on.
I wear a fluffy coat
I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak
I chew nuts.
forest owner,
Wakes up in the spring
And in winter, under a blizzard howl,
Sleeping in a snow hut.
Who is cold in winter
Wandering angry, hungry?
Whose dreary howl
Heard in winter?
Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest
Walks boldly, easily
Horns spread wide.
Who is prickly, like a Christmas tree,
Does he wear needles on his back?
2. The main part.
Educator: - How can they all be called, in one word?
Children: - Animals.
Educator: - Why?
Children: - The body is covered with hair, 4 paws, torso, muzzle, tail.
Educator: - Where do these animals live?
Children: - In the forest
Teacher: What are they called?
Children: - Wild animals
Teacher: Why are they called that?
Children: - They get their own food
Educator: - What is another name for them?
Children: - Animals
Educator: - Guys, we have already talked about how nature changes in winter, we talked about the signs of winter. But animals are also part of nature. So, they are also changing. But what - we will now find out.
Do you want to go to the forest now? Close your eyes tightly, don't peek! When the bell stops ringing, open your eyes. (I lay out the tracks of animals)
Here we are in the forest. What is it? (Traces). Whose traces? (Consider, discuss).
Where are these animals going? (Home, to the key to the watering hole, looking for food).
Where is their home?
The game "Who lives where?"(with a ball)
Bunnies have a house……. under a bush
Fox cubs have a house……..Nora under a tree stump.
The cubs have a house…….Lair.
The cubs have a house…..A den.
The squirrels have a house…….Hollow.
The hedgehogs have a house…….A nest in a mink.
Elk cubs have a house….. In loose snow.
Guys, for what reason could a bear wake up in winter? He usually sleeps in a den! (The tooth ached, I had a bad dream, I really wanted to drink)
And who else sleeps all winter? (Hedgehog)
What animals do you know, but have not seen any traces of them today? (deer, maybe they will say - beavers)
3. Telling stories prepared by children at home.
Guys, I know you prepared at home with your parents short stories about wild animals. Let's listen? (sit on chairs near the blackboard).

Squirrel in winter, it changes the color of its coat in order to make it easier for it to hide from its enemies, such as hawks and martens. In winter, the trees stand without leaves, and against the background of dark gray branches and trunks, the gray squirrel coat is less noticeable than if it were red. The tenacious paws of the squirrel help to move easily through the trees, and the tail, like a steering wheel, helps to control the movement.
In addition to the fact that the squirrel coat changes color, it also becomes warmer. And in the most severe frosts, the squirrel sleeps in its dwelling, a hollow. It is also prepared for the winter: back in autumn, the squirrel dragged fallen leaves and dry moss there, so that it is dry, warm and soft in the hollow. Squirrel is a big troublemaker and hard worker. For the winter, she prepared not only a warm hollow, but also supplies that the squirrel eats all winter. In summer and autumn, she collects nuts and acorns, dries mushrooms, and stores all this in special pantries - in empty hollows, under moss, near old stumps. She also collects spruce and Pine cones and feed on their seeds. So the squirrel does not have to starve in winter.

Hare, like the squirrel, changes the color of the coat for the winter. In summer it is gray, and gradually turns white by winter: first the tail becomes white, then the hind legs, and only then the back and sides turn white. The hare is helped by his quick legs. His hind legs are very strong, the hare repels them and makes big jumps, running away from his enemies - the fox and the wolf. The hare does not have a separate mink. On a winter day, he usually sleeps in a snow hole or buried in a snowdrift, and at night he goes out to get food: gnaw at the bark of fallen trees. The hare feeds on the bark of trees, branches, leaves.

Fox getting ready for winter too. In winter, thick hair grows on her paws so that it is not cold to step on the snow. The fox walks like in felt boots. A long tail serves as a rudder for the fox, helping to abruptly change the direction of the run during the hunt. The fox deftly hides from enemies, runs away, bites. The white tip of the mother fox's tail is a landmark for fox cubs at night. Seeing him as a beacon, they unmistakably follow her. In winter, in bitter frosts, the tail serves as a warm fluffy blanket and a soft pillow for the fox. She curls up in her hole, covers her paws with her tail and lies with her muzzle buried in delicate fur. Warm and cozy. The fox feeds on small rodents and birds.

Wolf although he does not change his fur coat like a squirrel and a hare, he warms it. By winter, the wolf's coat becomes thicker and longer. This is necessary for wolves, because they sleep right on the snow, covering their nose and paws with their tail. They usually sleep during the day and hunt at night. But wolves gather in packs in winter and walk in a chain, one after another, in search of prey - it’s easier to hunt this way. There is a leader in a wolf pack - it is a strong, intelligent, experienced wolf. The whole pack of wolves hunt deer, elk, wild boars, small rodents. And in severe frosts, when all the animals hid, wolves can approach people's dwellings. They can drag a pig, a sheep, attack a calf. And during the day they hide in their lair.

Elk the largest relative of the deer. Its body length reaches up to 3 meters. Elk antlers serve to protect against predators on their feet. The moose fights off the enemy with its hooves, kicks, quickly and quickly runs away, sensing danger. Hooves help him move through the snowy forest, like on skis, he does not fall through. Moose sleep in loose snow. Moose feeds on grass, branches, tree bark, fly agaric.

Your lair bear diligently and skillfully cooks: covers with fallen leaves, soft fragrant needles, dry moss. As soon as snowflakes fly from the sky, the bear goes to bed. A snow blanket will cover the lair from above, it will become warm in the dwelling. His sleep will last until spring. The bear gnaws its enemies with its teeth, crushes with its paws. Likes to eat honey, nuts, acorns, insects, fish.

Hedgehog it defends itself from enemies with needles: it curls up into a ball, exposes its needles in all directions, pricks. The hedgehog also stores for the winter. When the cold comes, he climbs into his warm and cozy house and sleeps soundly until spring. A white snowball covers the mink with a blanket, no one will find or disturb the hedgehog. Maybe the hedgehog will dream about how he wanders through the forest in the summer, catching worms, beetles, nimble lizards, poisonous snakes, mice and frogs.

But there are still interesting wild animals that we have not talked about yet. Can you name them for me?
That's how animals
Burrows do not dig
But they build dams
They are all wearing coats
Tool not saw-teeth

Dwelling at beavers It is called so interestingly - a hut. They build this dwelling themselves from fallen trees on ponds. The entrance to the burrow is under water, and the burrow itself is a complex structure with several entrances and exits, many burrows and nesting chambers. Beavers are very clean. What are baby beavers called?
Children: - Beavers.
- Guys, but in the forest you can meet another animal, look! This is a badger, look what he has big family. Badger mother, badger cubs. They live in a hole, badgers are very ambitious animals. They feed on insects, larvae, worms.

Fizminutka "Teremok"
Now let's sit down in the meadow and rest.
Stands in the field of a teremok, a teremok
He is not low, not high, not high.
There is a lock on the door
Who could open it
Bunny on the left, bear on the right
Pull back the shutter
Hedgehog on the left, wolf on the right
Click on the lock
Bunny, bear, hedgehog, wolf
Open the teremok.

4. Children, I suggest you answer the questions:
1. Question: "What do wild animals eat?" (grass, mushrooms, berries, branches, other animals, insects, etc.).
2. Question: "How do wild animals differ in the way they feed?" (herbivores, carnivores and omnivores).
3. You have the following task: You see 2 hoops. There are pictures of animals on the table. Each of you will take 1 picture and if this animal is a herbivore put it in a green hoop, if it is a predator put the picture in a red hoop, but where do you think the omnivore should be put? (in the middle of 2 hoops).

5. Game "Tails"
I invite the children to stand around the table, on which the pictures are laid out with the pictures down. The teacher gives each child a picture of a tail (wolf, fox, hare, etc.). Tails can be repeated and images of animals too.
- Different animals lived in the forest. One day, a magpie spread the news through the forest that tails were being distributed to animals in a clearing. Guess which tail each animal chose? Turn the pictures upside down and find the tail that suits you. Then the teacher asks one by one:
- Who are you? (I am a bear). What tail do you have? (I have a bear tail). Why did you decide (a) that this is a bear tail? (it is small, short, rounded). And why does a bear have such a tail, what would happen if it had a tail like a fox? (thoughts, arguments of children).

6. Reflection. A conversation about what they learned new, what they especially liked, what they didn’t.

Target: To cultivate love for animals, the desire to help them in difficult conditions.

Develop: Knowledge of Wild Animal Footprints

Develop curiosity

vocabulary work: mice, hibernate, educate, defend, prey.

preliminary work: reading stories from V. Blanca's book "Forest Newspaper", "Who are you ?!" A. Minchakovsky.

Material: illustrations depicting wild animals.animal footprints Didactic game"2 squirrels". Masks for 2 squirrels, chips. multimedia projector.

Tutorials: form ideas about the life of animals in the forest.

“How does color protect animals?”, “ forest dwellers". Learning poems, riddles about wild animals. Examining pictures.

Educational areas : knowledge, communication.

Lesson progress

Educator. Hello guys, today we will make an exciting trip to the forest.

And what forest we will go to, you will understand by listening to the poem by A.S. Pushkin

Here is the north, catching up the clouds,

He breathed, howled - and here she is

Winter magic is coming!

Came, crumbled; shreds

Hanging on the branches of oaks,

She lay down with wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills,

Banks with a motionless river

Leveled with a plump veil,

Frost flashed. And we are glad

Leprosy mother winter.

Educator. What forest do you think we will go to? (children's answers)

- That's right, we will go to the winter forest. And what do you think, animals and birds in the forest are happy with the pranks of mother winter? (children's answers.)

The winter snow-covered forest froze, as if the evil sorceress winter had bewitched it. Nobody seems to live in the forest. Silence. But this is not the case, and if you look closely, you can see painted patterns of various footprints in the snow. And if there are traces, then someone left them. Who knows how to understand the tracks, will immediately determine what animals were here, what they did, what they ate, who hunted them. You and I will also follow the tracks and see who left them and how animals and birds winter in the forest.

Here are the first tracks! Whose are they? Let's see where they take us.

Children, together with the teacher, follow the tracks to the stump, where there is a picture of a hare

Educator. Who is it? Guys, what do you think, is it easy for a bunny in the winter in the forest? (children's answers.)

In winter, hares feed at night on the bark of trees. During the night, hares make a deep visible trail in the snow. If the hare walked simply and straight, then in the morning he would immediately be found on the trail and caught. But cowardice saves him. It will jump forward, be frightened of something - and with all its might it will jump to the side and jump away. Again something will knock - again he was frightened and ran in the other direction. When the hunters make out the traces of a hare, they are surprised at his cunning, and the hare did not even think to be cunning, he is simply afraid of everything.

Educator. Guys, let's try to jump like hares and confuse our tracks so that no one can find us.

Children jump forward

Finger gymnastics

Children perform exercises together with the teacher: on the first line they touch the index, middle, ring and little fingers with their thumbs in turn, on the second line they squeeze and unclench all fingers into a fist, repeat everything with their left hand.

Hedgehog, bear, badger, raccoon

They sleep in the winter every year.

Wolf, hare, lynx, fox

You will find them in the winter in the fox.

“Here are some more footprints. Let's go through them and see whose they are. Who is it?

The teacher shows a picture of a squirrel.

- and who among you knows how the squirrel hibernates? (children's answers.)

— the squirrel is not afraid of winter. Generous autumn gave her a new fur coat, which, like the hare, helps her to disguise herself. The whole forest is covered with snow, grasses, seeds, fruits, plant roots are hidden under the snow, there are no nuts and cones, mushrooms and fruits in the forest, but the squirrel is not worried, because it has an excellent memory. She remembers where she made her masonry in the fall and what is the distance between them. One can only envy the memory of this animal. And when bitter frosts come, blizzards, snowstorms, the squirrel is not visible. She, curled up in a ball, can sleep for several days.

Now I suggest you play game "Two squirrels".(Pictures depicting various items eat on the table).

Game progress:

2 squirrels are selected, the rest come to the table, take 1 picture each. On the command "Winter is coming, it's time to stock up," the squirrels choose pictures of food. You need to collect as many pictures as possible.

That's right, it's a fox. How does the fox spend the winter? (children answer)

- Do you know that in severe frost, the fox covers his nose with his fluffy tail so that it does not freeze.

The fox is a very smart, cunning animal. The fox, like the wolf, roams the forest all winter in search of food. The fox sniffs the snow, looking for mouse minks. So mice basically feed all winter. The fox does not make stocks, sometimes she is hungry.

- Wolves are called orderlies of the forest because they destroy weak, sick animals.

- But how do wolves prepare for a long, harsh, cold winter? (children's answers).

If wolves can't find their prey, what do they do? (children's answers).

Where do wolves sleep? (children's answers).

“Look, a wolf is very similar to a dog, and I won’t be able to distinguish it, can you?” (children's answers).

- Don't you want to go for a walk? winter forest. Well then let's go.

Physical education minute

"Winter Forest Walk"

"We came to the winter forest,

How many miracles are around here.

On the right, a birch in a fur coat is standing,

On the left, a tree is looking at us.

Snowflakes are spinning in the sky

They lay down nicely on the ground.

So the bunny jumped

He ran away from the fox.

it grey Wolf prowling

He is looking for prey.

We all hide now

Then he will not find us.

Only the bear sleeps in the den

So it sleeps all winter.

The snowmen are flying

How beautiful they are!

Peace and beauty in the forest

It's time for us to go home!"

Educator. And here are some more footprints. Let's see who they belong to, consider them.

- Who is it? (Children answer.)

- That's right, it's an elk. How do moose winter? (Children answer.)

- Yes, moose also do not make stocks, so they have a hard time in winter, they hardly make their way through the snowy thicket, through the snow, in search of food: they dig dry grass under the snow, eat thin branches from bushes and trees. Let's continue our journey. There are other footprints here.

- Who is it? (children's answers.)

Educator. That's right, they are birds. Difficult birds live in the winter forest. In cold and severe frosts, they try to fly closer to a person’s dwelling and feed themselves.

“Now let’s continue our conversation, sit comfortably in your seats.

Children sit on chairs.

Educator. Please look at the screen. What is this snowdrift in the forest? Steam comes out from under the snowdrift. All the bushes near the snowdrift are covered with frost; soft, fluffy. Who guessed what kind of snowdrift? (children answer)

- That's right, it's a bear's den. And the frost on the bushes is because the bear breathes, and warm air comes out through a small hole. The bear fell asleep until the very spring. During the winter, he will never wake up, he will not roll over from side to side.

How stronger frosts the more sound the bear sleeps. What other animals sleep in winter? (children answer)

- That's right, these are hedgehogs, gophers, raccoons, badgers, marmots.

I have prepared riddles for you that your comrades will guess for you.


1. Who on the branch of the cone gnawed and threw down?

Who deftly jumps along the branches and flies up to the oaks?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Dry mushrooms for the winter.


2. Cunning cheat, redhead,

The fluffy tail is beautiful!

And her name is...


3. The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring

And in winter, under a blizzard howl,

Sleeping in a snow hut.


4. Behind the trees, bushes

Flashed like a flame

Flickered, ran

There is no smoke or fire.

(Ayrat k.)

5. Who is the biggest in the forest?

Who is the rich one who wears fur?

Who is in the den until spring

Dreaming day and night?


Educator. It is difficult for animals and birds in the winter in the forest. Who knows how to help animals? (children answer)

- That's right, people feed hungry animals: lay out hay for elks, salt for wild boars, cones and acorns for squirrels, hang bird feeders.

“So our journey ended. Where have we been today?

What did we see in the winter forest? Let's look at the screen and once again remember what traces of animals and birds we saw.

“Today I was very pleased to work with you and in memory of our meeting, I would like to give you photographs of traces of various animals. I hope you get to know them properly and become real trackers.

teacher MBDOU "Bolsheatninsky kindergarten"

Atninsky district, Russia

We recommend reading
