Cuttlefish body structure. ink souls

Auto 01.07.2019

Cuttlefish (Sepia) belong to the class of cephalopods. About 30 belong to this group. modern species. Cuttlefish are the smallest of all cephalopods. In most species, the body length reaches 20 cm, and in small species - 1.8-2 cm. Only one species, the broad-armed sepia, has a length of 150 cm along with the "arms". Cuttlefish live mainly near the coast in shallow water in the tropical and subtropical seas of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.


The structure of the cuttlefish is in many ways similar to the structure of other cephalopods. Its body is represented by a skin-muscle bag (the so-called mantle) and has an elongated oval shape, slightly flattened and does not change in size (octopuses, for example, easily squeeze into narrow crevices). In cuttlefish, the head is fused to the body. On the head are big eyes, having a complex structure and a slit-like pupil, and on its front part there is a kind of beak designed for crushing food. The beak is hidden between the tentacles.

Eight short tentacles-arms and two long grasping tentacles extend from the body of the mollusk, all of which are dotted with suckers. In a calm state, the "arms" of the cuttlefish are folded together and stretched forward, thus giving the body a streamlined appearance. Grasping tentacles are hidden in special pockets under the eyes and fly out from there only during the hunt. In males, one of the arms differs in its structure from the others and serves to fertilize females.

On the sides of the body of the cuttlefish are fins, elongated in the form of a border, which are a means of facilitating movement. The cuttlefish accelerates its movement in the water through several sharp movements. It draws water into a compression chamber, which compresses to expel water from a siphon under the head. The clam changes direction by turning the opening of this siphon. The cuttlefish differs from other cephalopods in the presence of an internal calcareous shell in the form of a wide plate that covers its entire back and protects the internal organs. The inner shell of a cuttlefish is built of aragonite. This substance forms the so-called "cuttlefish bone", which is responsible for the buoyancy of the mollusk. The cuttlefish regulates its buoyancy by the ratio of gas and liquid inside this bone, which is divided into small chambers.

The remaining internal organs in cuttlefish are arranged in the same way as in other representatives of cephalopods. This animal has three hearts: one heart for two gills and one heart for the rest of the body. Cuttlefish have blue-green blood, due to the pigment hemocyanin in it, saturated with copper-containing proteins, which are able to “preserve” oxygen for a long time, preventing the mollusk from suffocating at great depths. Cuttlefish also have an ink sac that produces a very large amount of ink compared to other cephalopods. The ink has Brown color and is called sepia. Having such a protective agent, the cuttlefish uses it directly for protection as a last resort.

The color of cuttlefish is very variable. In the structure of their skin there are three layers of chromatophores (coloring pigment cells): on the surface there is a light yellow layer, the middle one is an orange-yellow layer and a dark layer located under the two previous layers. The transition from one shade to another is adjustable nervous system and happens within a second. In terms of the variety of colors, the complexity of the pattern and the speed of its change, these animals are unmatched. Some types of cuttlefish can luminesce. Color change and luminescence are used by the mollusk for camouflage.


Cuttlefish live alone, very rarely in small flocks, and lead sedentary life. During the breeding season, they form large aggregations and may migrate. Usually cuttlefish swim at a short distance from the bottom, tracking down prey, when they see it, they freeze for a moment, and then overtake the victim with a swift movement. When cuttlefish are in danger, they lie down on the bottom, and with a wave of their fins they cover themselves with sand. By nature, these animals are very cautious and timid. Cuttlefish hunt during the daytime and feed on various fish, shrimps, crabs, mollusks, worms - almost all organisms that move and do not exceed their size. To increase the effectiveness of hunting, the mollusk blows a jet of water from the siphon into the sand and catches small living creatures washed by the jet. Cuttlefish swallow small animals whole, large ones are butchered with their beaks.

Cuttlefish have many enemies, as their low movement speed makes them vulnerable to predatory fish. These mollusks are eaten by dolphins, sharks and rays. Cuttlefish are sometimes referred to as "chameleons of the sea" for their good camouflage to match the color of their surroundings. When hunting or fleeing predators, they rely more on their ability to disguise themselves than on their protective ink.

Cuttlefish are dioecious animals. They breed once in a lifetime. The male treats the female with quivering tenderness, swimming nearby, he strokes her with tentacles, while both flare up bright colors. The male brings sperm to the female with a modified tentacle, the eggs are fertilized already during laying. Eggs of cuttlefish are black in color and look like bunches of grapes; when laying, the females attach them to underwater vegetation. Some time after spawning, adults die. Juveniles are born fully formed, having an ink sac and an inner shell. Already from the first moments of life they can apply ink. Cuttlefish grow quickly, but do not live long - only 1-2 years.

Since ancient times, cuttlefish have been hunted by people because of their delicious meat, which is used in Mediterranean and Chinese cuisine. The crushed shell is part of a number of toothpastes. In the old days, cuttlefish ink was used for writing, and diluted to prepare a special paint for artists - sepia. Therefore, people owe countless masterpieces of painting and writing to cuttlefish.

The flowery cuttlefish (Metasepia pfefferi) or Pfeffer's cuttlefish belongs to the class of cephalopods, the type of molluscs.

Distribution of flowery cuttlefish.

The flowery cuttlefish is distributed in the tropical Indo-Pacific region of the World Ocean. It is found especially off the coast of Northern Australia, Western Australia, and in the southern part of Papua New Guinea.

External signs of a flowery cuttlefish.

The flowery cuttlefish is a small cephalopod mollusk, its length is from 6 to 8 centimeters. The female is larger than the male. All representatives of Metasepia have three hearts (two branchial hearts and main body circulation), nervous system in the form of a ring, blood blue color containing copper compounds. Flowery cuttlefish are armed with 8 wide tentacles, on which there are two rows of suckers. In addition, there are two grasping tentacles that are similar in tips to "clubs".

The surface of the grasping tentacles is smooth along the entire length, and only at the ends do they have rather large suckers. Flowery cuttlefish are painted in dark brown color. But depending on the situation, their body takes on shades of white and yellow, and the tentacles become purple-pink.

The skin of cephalopods contains many chromatophores with pigment cells, which are easily manipulated by flowery cuttlefish depending on the background of the environment.

Females and males have similar color shades, except for the mating season.

The body of the cuttlefish is covered by a very wide, oval mantle, which flattens on the dorsoventral side. On the dorsal side of the mantle there are three pairs of large, flat papilla-like flaps that cover the eyes. The head is slightly narrower than the entire mantle. The mouth opening is surrounded by ten processes. In males, one pair of tentacles transforms into hectocotylus, which is necessary for storing and transferring the spermatophore to the female.

Color change in flowery cuttlefish.

Flowery cuttlefish keep mainly on the muddy substrate. Hilly underwater elevations of settled organic remains are rich in organisms that feed on flowery cuttlefish. In such a habitat, cephalopods display an amazing camouflage that allows them to almost completely blend in with the coloration of the bottom sediments.

In the event of a threat to life, flowery cuttlefish change muted colors to bright purple, yellow, red tones.

Instant color change depends on the activity of special organs called chromatophores. The action of chromatophores is regulated by the nervous system, so the color of the whole body changes very quickly due to the contraction of muscles working in concert. Colored patterns move throughout the body, creating the illusion of a moving picture. They are necessary for hunting, communication, protection and are reliable camouflage. On the dorsal side of the mantle, purple stripes often pulsate along the white patches, such coloration features giving the species the name "flowery cuttlefish". These bright colors are used to warn other creatures of the poisonous properties of these cephalopods. When attacked, flowery cuttlefish do not change color for a long time and brandish their tentacles, warning the enemy. In extreme cases, they simply run away by releasing an ink cloud to disorientate the predator.

Habitats of the flowery cuttlefish.

The flowery cuttlefish is an inhabitant of water depths from 3 to 86 meters. It prefers to live among sandy and muddy substrates in tropical waters.

Reproduction of flowery cuttlefish.

Flowery cuttlefish are dioecious. Females usually mate with more than one male.

Males during the breeding season acquire colorful colors to attract females.

Some males may change color to look like a female to avoid a more aggressive male while still approaching a female to mate.

Flowery cuttlefish have internal fertilization. Males have specialized body, a hectocotyl that is used to store and carry spermatophores (packets of semen) to the buccal area of ​​the female during mating. The female grabs the spermatophores with her tentacles and lays it on the eggs. After fertilization, the female lays eggs one at a time in cracks and crevices on seabed to hide and provide protection from predators. The eggs are white and not round in shape, their development depends on the water temperature.

Adult cuttlefish do not take care of their offspring, females, having laid their eggs in secluded places, die after spawning. The life span of flowery cuttlefish in nature is 18 to 24 months. This species of cuttlefish is rarely kept in captivity, and therefore, behavior in captivity has not been described.

The behavior of the flowery cuttlefish.

Flowery cuttlefish are slow swimmers compared to other cephalopods such as squid. The internal "bone" is used to regulate buoyancy by controlling the pressure of gas and liquid that enter special chambers in cuttlefish. Since the “bone” is quite small in relation to the mantle, cuttlefish cannot swim for very long and “walk” along the bottom at all.

Flowery cuttlefish have superbly developed eyes.

They can detect polarized light, but their vision is not colored. During the day, flowery cuttlefish actively hunt for prey.

Cuttlefish have a well-developed brain, as well as organs of vision, touch and sensation of sound waves. The cuttlefish changes color in response to its surroundings, either to lure prey or avoid predators. Some cuttlefish are able to navigate through mazes with the help of visual cues.

Nutrition of the flowery cuttlefish.

Flowery cuttlefish are predatory animals. They feed mainly on crustaceans and bony fish. While catching prey, flowery cuttlefish sharply throw their tentacles forward and grab the victim, then bring it to the “hands”. With the help of a beak-shaped mouth and tongue - a radula, similar to a wire brush, cuttlefish absorb food in small portions. Small food pieces - very important point in feeding, because the esophagus of cuttlefish will not be able to miss too large prey.

Significance for a person.

The flowery cuttlefish is one of the three known poisonous species cephalopods. Cuttlefish venom has similar lethal effects as a toxin. This substance is very dangerous for people. The composition of the toxin requires detailed study. Perhaps it will find its application in medicine.

Conservation status of the flowery cuttlefish.

Flowery cuttlefish have no special status. There is too little information about the life of these cephalopods in the wild.

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Friends, today we will again go to the underwater kingdom and get acquainted with its very unusual and interesting inhabitants, cephalopods in the selection of squid, octopus, cuttlefish pictures, photos, videos. Squids are perhaps the most famous among them and are most often encountered in life, usually in cooking, and many even like these unusual taste qualities clam. But few people know about the life of a squid, let's shed light on this issue today. Squids belong to the order of decapod cephalopods, they have four pairs of tentacles and one pair of grasping elongated, equipped with chitinous rings, which turn into hooks over the years, representing a rather formidable weapon.

They are not large in size, on average 25-50 centimeters, which is what we like to eat, but there is also a detachment of giant squids, here the sizes are no joke, the largest squid officially registered by science was 17.4 meters long from back to the tip of the tentacles, in order to better imagine how much it is, about the size of an average five-story building, and it weighed about 500-600 kg. This is a colossus, it’s even hard to imagine such a giant, these are the largest representatives among the mollusks living on earth.

Squids have a dense body, cylindrical in shape, a pointed plate on the back looks like an arrow. Squids are excellent swimmers, they can move underwater with the help of a fin, as well as in a jet way. They draw water inside themselves and push it out through a narrowed nozzle, while many do not large species squids develop tremendous speed, up to 50 km / h, and only a few of the high-speed inhabitants of the oceans, such as dolphins, swordfish, tuna, can compete with them. At the same time, moving away from predators, squids are able to jump out of the water and fly up to 40-50 meters in the air, often during this flight they find themselves on the deck of a ship or schooner, sailors call them flying squids. In addition to high-speed qualities, the jet way of swimming makes it possible to make sharp maneuvers by changing the direction of the nozzle.

Squids live in all oceans and at all latitudes, from the Arctic and Antarctic to equatorial waters. In our northern seas of the Arctic Ocean basin, squids are also found, but they are small in size and many species are almost colorless. Large species of squid live at great depths of the order of 500-600 meters, possibly up to a kilometer, and for this reason are very poorly studied by science, the same species that fall on our dinner table are most often found at shallow depths, shelf areas of the ocean and serve an excellent object for industrial fishing.

Squids do not live long, from 1 to 3 years, giant and colossal squids live much longer. A distinctive feature of these mollusks is also the ability to throw out an ink cloud in case of danger, which disorientates the predator and enables the squid to escape pursuit. Another interesting fact, the blood of the squid is blue, this color is due to the presence of copper in the blood.

Giant or colossal squids live in temperate and subtropical waters of all oceans. They are found at great depths up to a kilometer. These are the largest representatives of mollusks, they are not as fast as smaller squids, but they don’t really need speed. Distinctive feature are their eyes, they are very large, can be more than 20 cm in diameter and are the largest organs of vision on earth.

AT environment an adult giant squid has only one enemy - the sperm whale, which is able to dive to a kilometer depth and stay there for a long time holding its breath. Of course, squids stubbornly resist, but the strength of the whale and squid are not comparable, the whale weighs about 40-50 tons, and the large squid is a maximum of 400-500 kg, agree that the outcome of the meeting is predictable in advance. And the whale remains on the head and body only scratches from the hooks on the tentacles and traces from the suckers of the squid.

Can giant squids be a threat to humans? Theoretically, yes, but practically no such cases have been recorded, because squids live at great depths and cannot meet a person in principle. And if giant squids are on the surface, then this is either a sick representative of the species, or already dying, that is, again, he will not be able to harm a person.

Cuttlefish, like squids, is a cephalopod mollusk, its body is slightly flattened and trimmed around the perimeter with a cartilaginous fin, which stretches along the entire body on the sides and only at the very end of the back separates. Unlike other members of the order, inside the cuttlefish is a hard calcareous shell that looks like a plate. The cuttlefish swims mainly due to its lateral fins, but it can also use the jet style, most often this happens only in case of rescue during a predator attack and a sharp escape from pursuit.

Most often, the cuttlefish lives at shallow depths and prefers the sandy bottom, its hunting style is passive, it lies on the bottom, masks itself with sand with the help of a fin on the sides, and sits in ambush, waiting for a passing victim. In terms of size, the cuttlefish is the most modest representative of the genus, its average length does not exceed 50 cm. This is in the largest species, and the most common type of cuttlefish is not more than 20 cm long, there are also smaller representatives up to 2 cm in length. The habitat is the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, and it is not found off the coast of the American continent.

The cuttlefish feeds on krill, small crustaceans, small fish, larger species can also eat crustaceans, crabs, and bivalve mollusks. At the same time, they easily break the shell with their strong beak, like the beak of a parrot, and crush the prey with a sharply honed tongue for more convenient use.

Cuttlefish also has some striking properties. Firstly, the cuttlefish is the best camouflage in the world, it easily changes its color to match the color of the ground or depending on the mood. Moreover, the pattern on the body can be varied both in shape and geometry, and in color scheme, and the cuttlefish changes its color in just a second or two. Here, not a single inhabitant of the earth can be compared with it, even the well-known chameleon with its unique capabilities pales in comparison with this mollusk.

The cuttlefish also has the largest supply of inky liquid among its relatives and uses this unique ability to escape from the pursuit of predators. And cuttlefish have a lot of enemies: sharks, rays, dolphins, sea lions, seals, large predatory fish, so you have to put ink into action very often. The cuttlefish throws out a cloud of paint from the ink bag, and, turning on the jet engine, abruptly disappears from the attacker's field of vision.

Another interesting fact is the excellent mental capacity and the memory of cuttlefish. It has been noticed that since childhood, the cuttlefish remembers her offenders who tried to attack and kill her, and when she grows up, she prefers to hunt this particular type of animal, as if in the form of revenge and protection of her future descendants from such attacks.

cuttlefish photo cuttlefish cuttlefish pictures cuttlefish

The next representative of the order of cephalopods is the octopus, by name, it’s probably clear how it differs from squid and cuttlefish, it has eight legs (arms, tentacles, any name is applicable in this case). They are symmetrically located around the perimeter near the head, and in the center is the mouth opening. Octopuses do not have any rigid organs inside their bodies, except for their beak, which is very similar to that of a parrot. Due to the lack of a rigid internal frame, octopuses can squeeze their body into very narrow holes, which are many times smaller than the entire body.

Octopus tentacles are equipped with two rows of powerful suction cups, each of which can hold a load of up to one hundred grams, and they are also interconnected by a thin leathery membrane. The octopus moves by crawling, using its tentacles and suckers, and they can also swim through the use of jet thrust, like its other relatives. But the speed of movement is relatively low and the octopuses cannot maintain it for a long time, for this reason they prefer to sit in a shelter in order to avoid the attack of predators.

Octopuses prefer to settle at shallow depths, most often on a rocky bottom, where there are enough various crevices, caves and other natural shelters. They also hunt from an ambush, waiting for their prey in a secluded place and throwing out their tentacles with lightning speed to grab prey. Further, with their powerful beak they break any protective shell. Octopuses feed on shrimp, crustaceans, crabs, fish, of course, if you manage to catch it.

Octopuses have some interesting features, they, like all relatives, can change their color and disguise themselves as the surrounding area, the octopus has three hearts, one drives blood throughout the body, and the other two supply blood to the gills, by the way, the octopus can be outdoors for a long time without harm to its body . He also has ink sacs and, in case of danger, the octopuses put their paint into action. Another interesting point, octopuses can discard their tentacles, as some lizards do, and by sacrificing a limb, they save their body from death. By the way, the limb regenerates over time and is restored to its original form.

Octopuses are very clean and regularly wash their dwelling using their jet “engine” for this, and the remains of food, shells and shells are taken to a special garbage heap, located at a distance from the shelter. It has been noticed that by coloring one can determine the mood of an octopus, if it is very frightened, it becomes white, and in moments of anger and rage, its skin acquires a reddish tint. Also an interesting fact, the octopus has excellent eyesight, and the pupils are in the shape of a rectangle. Octopuses are the wisest representatives among mollusks, they are trainable and are able to perform some tasks, distinguish objects, recognize people with whom they often communicate and even become tame.

Among the octopuses there are also very poisonous representatives, this is the blue-ringed octopus. Its poison is strong enough and its quantity is enough to kill several people. At the same time, he behaves quite aggressively and a meeting with this octopus can end in tears for a diver or diver. By the way, an antidote for it has not yet been invented, it is known that the poison of the blue-ringed octopus has a nerve-paralytic effect on the victim. bright hallmark This type of octopus are bright blue circles all over the body of the mollusk. It feeds on crustaceans, crabs, bivalves, while it punches a hole in the victim's shell with its powerful beak and injects poisonous saliva, after which it sucks out the dissolved flesh, much like a spider does.

Cuttlefish is a mollusk belonging to the class of cephalopods. In the concept of people, it is associated with something nondescript and shapeless. In fact, cuttlefish are very beautiful.

Appearance of animals

The cuttlefish has an oval, slightly flattened body. The mantle (skin-muscular sac) forms its main part. The inner shell plays the role of a skeleton, and this distinguishing feature characteristic only of cuttlefish. It consists of a plate with internal cavities that provide buoyancy to the cuttlefish. The shell is located inside the body and protects the internal organs.

The head and body of the mollusk are fused. The cuttlefish's eyes are very large and can zoom in, with the pupil controlling the light intensity. On the head of the cuttlefish there is something similar to a beak, with which the mollusk extracts and crushes food. And also, like numerous cephalopods, the cuttlefish has an ink pouch. This is a special organ, which is a dense capsule, divided into two parts. In one part there are ready-made ink, and in the other - special cells saturated with special grains with paint. During maturation, the cells are destroyed and ink is formed. The ink sac produces a huge amount of ink. An empty bag is restored in an average of half an hour.

The most famous types:

  • pharaonic;
  • crucifying (the most beautiful and poisonous);
  • wide-armed (largest);
  • striped (very poisonous).

The mollusc has eight tentacles and two anterior feelers. On each of them are small suction cups. The front tentacles are hidden in pockets under the eyes and are used in attacks on prey. Elongated fins are located on the sides of the body and help cuttlefish when moving.

Description of cuttlefish, coloring

A characteristic feature of these mollusks is the ability to change the color of their body. The color of cuttlefish is unusually diverse. This is possible thanks to skin chromatophore cells. The color change of the body occurs consciously, the chromatophores obey the brain. This process occurs instantly, and the impression is formed that everything happens automatically. Cuttlefish cells are filled with special pigments of different colors.

In terms of the variety of colors, the complexity of the pattern and the speed of color change, the mollusk has no equal. Certain types cuttlefish are able to luminesce. Color changes are applied when masking. patterns different forms carry certain information for relatives. The cuttlefish is one of the most intelligent species of invertebrates.

Shellfish sizes

Cuttlefish are relatively small compared to other cephalopods. The broad-armed sepia is the largest of the cuttlefish. Together with the tentacles, the body length is 1.5 m, and the weight is about 10 kg. However, most individuals are smaller, their length is no more than 20-30 cm. And there are also several species of very small size - up to 2 cm, which are considered the smallest cephalopods in the world.


Where does the cuttlefish live? And it lives only in shallow water, in tropical and subtropical seas that wash the shores of Africa and Eurasia. However, the striped cuttlefish has also been found off the coast of Australia. Mollusks prefer to live alone, occasionally in small groups, and only during the breeding season do large clusters of cuttlefish form. During the mating season, they can move around, but, as a rule, lead a settled life.

Mollusks swim shallowly, stick to coastline. Seeing the prey, the cuttlefish freeze for a second, and then quickly overtake the victim. When danger arises, the molluscs lie on the bottom and try to cover themselves with sand with their fins. Cuttlefish is a very cautious and shy mollusk.

Cuttlefish nutrition

From time to time, large individuals are able to eat smaller counterparts. This is not due to an aggressive nature, but to a greater extent due to food promiscuity.

Shellfish eat almost everything that moves and does not exceed their own size. They feed on fish, crabs, shrimp, shellfish. The cuttlefish blows a stream of water out of the siphon into the sand, thereby it rises, and at this time the mollusk swallows small living creatures, and cuts the larger one with its beak. It will not be difficult for a cuttlefish to bite through the shell of a crab or the skull of a small fish.


The cuttlefish is an animal that only breeds once. Mollusks migrate to comfortable places for laying eggs, forming flocks of several thousand individuals along the way. Communication occurs by changing the color of the body. With mutual sympathy, both mollusks glow with bright colors. Cuttlefish eggs are mostly black and resemble grapes. After laying eggs, adult cuttlefish die. Cephalopods are born already formed. From birth, little cuttlefish are able to use ink. Cuttlefish live on average 1-2 years.

Nutritional value of shellfish meat

Cuttlefish is a source of excellent meat, which contains valuable unsaturated acids - eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, which protect against many diseases. of cardio-vascular system. And also these elements reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood, prevent the formation of blood clots and blockage of the arteries.

Cuttlefish meat contains vitamins B2, B12, A, nicotinic and folic acids. In addition, shellfish meat is rich in minerals. In addition to useful substances, meat contains impurities such as cadmium and mercury. Nutritionists recommend eating no more than two servings per week.

Useful properties of ink

  • Improve mood and fight emotional problems.
  • Help in the treatment of diseases of a reproductive nature.
  • Eliminate the symptoms of digestive disorders.
  • Help in the treatment of skin diseases.

In ancient times, ink liquid was used for writing. Cuttlefish ink is part of medicines. This substance has a calming effect.

The ink is used in the production of food colorings and seasonings. They give dishes a special black color and excellent salty taste. Ready-to-use inks are sold in stores. And also on the basis of ink, sauces are made, which are distinguished by a bright and unique taste. Cuttlefish ink contains elements that help metabolism and have anti-inflammatory effects.

Interesting facts about cephalopods

  1. The cuttlefish has three hearts. Two hearts are used to pump blood to the gills, while the third is used to circulate oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.
  2. Cuttlefish have a protein called hemocyanin in their blood, which is used to carry oxygen. Therefore, her blood is blue-green in color.
  3. The cuttlefish is a mollusk that can imitate the shape and texture of surrounding objects. The mollusk changes its color by expanding or retracting small tubercles located throughout the body, due to which it practically merges with sand, cobblestones and other surfaces.
  4. Males, in order to take care of the female and not attract the attention of others, repaint in an interesting camouflage. They paint one half of the body with colorful paint, and the other is disguised as females, imitating muted tones.
  5. Cuttlefish see well in low light conditions, as well as what is behind them.
  6. Cuttlefish are able to imitate the dynamic movements of algae through their body in order to become inconspicuous. Or arrange a color show to catch prey.
  7. Mollusks skillfully defend themselves from enemies, but the relatively low rate of movement makes them vulnerable to pursuers: dolphins, sharks.

The cuttlefish is also an interesting object for aquarists. However, keeping them is not easy due to the fact that the molluscs are very shy, often releasing ink into the water, and it becomes opaque. After a certain amount of time, the cuttlefish gets used to the owner and stops being afraid of him.

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