What about the European Union. Is finland part of the eu

Auto 19.06.2020

One of the largest political and economic unions is the European Union. It was founded a long time ago, today it includes only 28 different countries.

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That is why it is quite difficult to get an EU visa, the list of participating countries is gradually growing.

What it is

The EU is an amalgamation of a number of different regions. On the this moment, in 2020, this association includes 28 different states.

That is why you need to familiarize yourself with the current list in advance. Since this list is updated every year. The main goal is regional integration.

This union is fixed, including at the documentary level. The current regulatory document is just the Maastricht Treaty - such was formulated and adopted by the majority in 1992.

For 2020, the EU zone includes countries with a total population of about 500 million people. The total gross product of all countries that are members of the EU is 23%.

In monetary terms, this is approximately 21.6 trillion. dollars. This union develops general directives in the sphere of the political and judicial system.

There is also a common economic space, there is its own defense policy. The main feature of the EU is that this association is characterized by several features at once:

  • interstate;
  • supranationality.

There are several different bodies at the same time that interact with various states and are engaged in regulation in this area.

At the moment, the main such bodies are the following:

  • Council of the European Union - the name Council of Ministers is also applied to this body;
  • EU Court of Justice;
  • accounting chamber, central bank;
  • parliament.

Parliamentarians are elected every 5 years by the people of the EU. Initially, this union included only 6 states.

These are Belgium, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, France, and the Netherlands. Over time, the number of countries that are part of this union has increased significantly.

In addition to the regions that are directly included in this union, there are also those that have carried out the association.

It is important to note that the requirements for entering this union are quite serious. A special agreement is required. You will definitely need to pay quite substantial contributions to the EU budget.

Joining the union is possible only if a particular country meets all the Copenhagen criteria. Those were adopted in 1993, at a meeting in the city of Copenhagen.

It was approved in 1995. The main criteria that such a state must meet:

  • all generally accepted principles are observed;
  • there is a competitive economy;
  • there is a commitment to the common values ​​of the EU - those are published in the relevant documents.

On the territory of these states there is one currency system - the euro is used. It is a payment unit that is used in all EU countries.

It is important to understand that the presence of such takes place without fail in a country that is part of the EU. Moreover, according to the legislation of the union, it is forbidden to have your own currency.

There are both certain disadvantages of joining the EU and pluses. And if possible, you need to carefully deal with all of them yourself.

Initially, in the middle of the 20th century, a common economic space was formed for the sale of coal and steel between states.

But with time economic cooperation growing in all areas. As a result, it became necessary to carry out an integration procedure.

It should be noted that such a process is connected with the achievement of certain agreements. They are formatted accordingly.

Relatively recently, Greece joined the EU. At the same time, the UK left. The reasons for this are economic, as well as many others.

It is important to note that the EU also has a common space in terms of the movement of all citizens. Countries that are surrounded on all sides by EU countries are in a special position.

In this case, they are provided with a simple passage through the territory of other states. Citizens of Luxembourg, for example, can obtain a visa without any difficulty.

The list of EU countries includes a fairly wide list. Moreover, obtaining an EU visa is quite difficult, it requires the preparation of a wide list of documents.

All of them will need to be carefully reviewed. This will avoid many difficulties and problems. Separately, it is worth noting the issue of collecting documents for obtaining a visa.

Today it is required to prepare a fairly wide list. Accession to the EU of other countries has certain subtleties.

Which states are included in the association

The EU zone includes a fairly wide list of states. These are not only large ones (Germany, Italy), but also small ones - Croatia. The borders on the map are marked quite accurately.

However, there are a number of different zones which for a number of reasons are not part of the EU. But they border on it from all sides.

For 2020, the following states are members of the European Union:

Country name State capital EU accession date
Austria Vein 1995
Belgium Brussels 2007
Bulgaria Sofia 2007
Hungary Budapest 2004
Great Britain London 1973
Greece Athens 1981
Germany Berlin 1957
Denmark Copenhagen 1973
Italy Rome 1957
Ireland Dublin 1973
Spain Madrid 1986
Cyprus Nicosia 2004
Luxembourg Luxembourg 1957
Latvia Riga 2004
Lithuania Vilnius 2004
Malta Valletta 2004
Netherlands Amsterdam 1957
Portugal Lisbon 1986

In addition to those indicated above, this list also includes many other states. The years of accession differ significantly due to the gradual expansion of this zone.

But it should be noted that the very process of joining the EU has certain subtleties and peculiarities. In addition to the above states, the zone includes the following countries as full members:

  • Poland;
  • Romania;
  • Slovenia and Slovakia;
  • France and Finland;
  • Croatia;
  • Czech Republic, Estonia and Sweden.

It should be noted that the common area with the EU in some cases is actually not beneficial to the country that joins.

For example, goods for sale, deliveries to other countries must meet fairly stringent requirements.

Not all countries correspond to those. This issue needs to be carefully considered. Since only in this way it will be possible to prevent various difficulties, problematic moments. It is worthwhile to work out all the questions in advance.

In addition to the official members of this union, there are a number of states that are applicants or potential candidates for entry.

The list of official candidates includes:

  • Albania;
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Kosovo;
  • Macedonia;
  • Serbia;
  • Turkey;
  • Montenegro.

A fairly significant number of states have signed an association agreement with the EU, but this is only the first step in joining this zone.

You need to carefully read all the nuances and subtleties of the entry procedure. The list of such potential candidates includes the following:

  • Algeria;
  • Georgia and Egypt;
  • Israel and Jordan;
  • Canada, Lebanon;
  • Morocco;
  • Moldova;
  • Mexico;
  • Tunisia and Ukraine.

The process of preparing for entry has a number of features. Moreover, it will be necessary to work out all such issues in advance.

Only in this way it will be possible to avoid many difficulties, problem situations. Separately, it will be necessary to dwell on the issue of requirements, the fulfillment of which is mandatory for member countries.

In return, those who joined the EU receive a number of benefits. For example, the absence of duties when transporting goods across the border between countries.

Requirement for candidates to join

A special regulatory document establishes a special list of requirements for states that plan to join the EU.

At the moment, the main requirements are primarily the following:

If these requirements are met, then the state has the right to apply for accession to the EU.

This will be only the first step towards joining, it is designated as a consultative one. In this case, the state will be a candidate for EU membership.

This is followed by a negotiation stage - it implies a discussion of the terms of entry. If all discussions are completed, there are no difficulties and difficulties - the process of admission to the ranks of the EU is underway.

Acceptance prospects

The development prospects for the EU are quite significant. At the moment, the main advantages of being in this supranational association:

  • ease of movement of citizens between countries;
  • common, single currency, economic space;
  • the absence of any difficulties associated with crossing the border by car;
  • member countries can count on fairly large loans at a relatively low rate.

Finland is an economically developed country in Northern Europe, bordering Russia, Sweden and Norway. Finland has a high standard of living, which is why many foreigners come here. Potential tourists and migrants are often looking for an answer to the question of whether Finland is part of the European Union.

Consider which unions and associations this northern European state is included in. First, let's find out what the European Union is and what countries are included there. The European Union is an organization made up of independent states, which have developed common political and economic rules for themselves, have a common monetary unit - the euro. Also, many European countries are included in the Schengen area. How are these associations different?

Finland's membership in the European Union and Schengen

The European Union was legally concluded in 1992 in Maastricht, the Netherlands, initiating a large common market that is very convenient for its members. Finland joined the European Union in 1995. Now the citizens of this state can move freely throughout Europe. Until 2002, the national currency of Finland was the Finnish mark. Now the country's single currency is the euro. After the Second World War, the economy and industry of this state developed greatly, especially the woodworking industry, steel production and the tourism business.

Finland is also a member of the Schengen area. The Schengen Union was concluded in the spring of 1995 with the aim of uniting the borders between European states. The Schengen Agreement has greatly simplified the movement between the participating countries. There are no passport controls on the borders between these states. Citizens of countries outside the Schengen area, it is enough to open one common Schengen visa to visit several countries.

An internal market free of visas and duties has made it easier for Finnish companies to trade in the euro area. The Prime Minister of Finland is permanent member European Council in the EU. Finland in the European Union has big influence, in European Parliament it is represented by 13 deputies. Finns can travel and work freely in all EU and Schengen countries.

EU Member States, Potential Members for Accession

Today, the European Union consists of 28 member countries with more than 500 million inhabitants. Of these, 19 states entered the Eurozone with a single currency - the euro. The first countries joined this association in 1973. The last replenishment was in 2007, when Bulgaria and Romania joined the EU. Below is a list of participating countries as of 2018:

  • Germany;
  • Finland;
  • Poland;
  • Portugal;
  • Spain;
  • Slovenia;
  • Slovakia;
  • Croatia;
  • Denmark;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Romania;
  • Sweden;
  • Norway;
  • Greece;
  • Malta;
  • Croatia;
  • Cyprus;
  • Italy;
  • Austria;
  • France;
  • Holland;
  • Ireland;
  • Estonia;
  • Latvia;
  • Lithuania;
  • Luxembourg;
  • Belgium.

To date, 26 countries are members of the Schengen area. There are a number of candidate countries for EU membership - Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. The Schengen Union and the European Union should not be confused. These are different associations, they have different functions, they have different composition. 4 countries that are part of the Schengen area are not part of the European Union.

Interesting! There is also a candidate for leaving the EU! This is Great Britain, which, after a well-known referendum, is going to withdraw from this association. Now the process called “Brexit” has been launched, as a result of which the UK may soon leave the EU zone.

As you can see, this state is simultaneously a member of several public associations. Finland is an important and significant member of the EU. The Finns are proud that they can influence the affairs of Europe. Unlike neighboring Scandinavian countries, Finland is not a member of NATO. In all military relations it remains neutral. Finland, although a small country, is able to influence internationally.

The Polish influence on the political, economic and cultural life of Europe is quite large. At the same time, not all the townsfolk know the details about this country. Many of those who are going there to study, work or simply as a tourist are interested in whether Poland is part of the European Union or not.

More about the European Union

To begin with, it should be briefly said about what this organization is. So, the EU is an association of sovereign states that have developed for themselves certain general rules in the field of economics, politics and other aspects international life. Many laws and other legislative acts are also coordinated and work to implement a unified policy in areas such as industry, communications, agriculture, trade relations, judicial policy, cultural exchange, education, labor market and much more.

On a note! The EU even holds general elections, including elections to the European Parliament and other supranational authorities.

Participating countries

Some states joined this association earlier, some - later, and some even, quite recently. The following countries are currently members of the EU:

The UK is still formally a member of the euro, but after the well-known referendum, the process of the so-called "Brexit" was launched, as a result of which the country should withdraw from the euro. European Union.

It's important to know! The EU should not be confused with the Eurozone, which is an international monetary union in which 19 countries use the euro as their national currency.

In addition, the Schengen Agreement is also another association. "Schengen" involves the interaction of a number of countries in matters of visa policy, as well as border crossings (their actual elimination). Some people who are not fully in control of the situation may confuse all these concepts. And, in the meantime, they should be separated, because they are all different things. In fairness, it should be noted that to a large extent these organizations are connected with each other, and their member countries “intersect” in many ways, that is, they are simultaneously members of all three, or at least two.

Today there are several candidate countries for membership (Serbia, Turkey, Montenegro, Macedonia). However, they all have completely different perspectives.

Membership of Poland

Poland is currently a member of the European Union. She joined there on May 01, 2004, when the next expansion of this organization took place. At the same time, several other countries, mainly Eastern European ones, received membership. Despite the fact that the accession to the EU was perceived by many with optimism, the country has some difficulties in relations with other member states. This, in particular, concerns some aspects of trade, immigration, the situation with refugees and other issues. Despite the fact that a number of countries have opposed and continue to oppose certain aspects of Polish policy, there is no talk of its withdrawal from the EU.

In addition, Poland is a member of the Schengen Agreement, which provides for the coordinated issuance of visas valid throughout its territory. Along with this, national visas are preserved. For example, they can be issued to temporary and permanent employees who arrive there to work. The Poles themselves can work freely throughout the EU, as well as in a number of other countries, for example, in Norway.

European Union - world organization which in our time has significance in the political and economic world. Interest in the European Union is shown by all states and all segments of the population, because the functions and goals of this organization affect the most hot topics and problems. The scale, wide functionality, as well as powers in international relations make the European Union an influential world organization for a long time.

EU Member States

The European Union began its activity in the 50s of the 20th century. Today the organization unites 28 member countries of Western and Central Europe. The interest of the European Union is traced annually, and, accordingly, the expansion process does not stand still. However, disputable situations do not bypass the union, there are certain dissatisfaction with a single policy and economic problems.

Countries that are members of the European Union:

CountryYear of entry
Great Britain1973

There is a single market for all EU countries. The currency of the European Union (Euro) is used in 17 countries, thus creating the Eurozone. In addition, these countries have the right to issue euro coins and banknotes.

As a serious and large-scale organization, the European Union has certain institutions:

  1. The European Council - it determines the main political line for the development of the EU. The European Council is headed by a president elected by the heads of state for a term of 2.5 years.
  2. Council of the European Union - most often includes ministers of foreign affairs, or the relevant officials for any industry related issues. Deals with issues in all areas of activity.
  3. The European Commission - manages the common policy of the EU, a kind of government. Responsible for legislative and regulatory documentation, as well as its compliance.
  4. The European Court - forms European law, controls its correct interpretation. In addition, cases of individuals and legal entities, audits of EU income and expenditure reports are carried out.
  5. European Central Bank - Reserve Management European system Central Banks, sets the monetary policy of the EU, and determines the key interest rates.

History of the creation of the European Union

The creation of the European Union fell on a difficult time after the Second World War. The first association was called - European unification coal and steel (ECSC), included six countries: France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany.

In 1957, by signing the Treaty of Rome, the European Economic Community (EEC) was created on the basis of the European Atomic Energy Community and the ECSC.

1967 became a fundamental year, all three European communities (ECSC, EEC, European Atomic Energy Community) united into the European Community.

1993 - the entry into force of an agreement drawn up in the Netherlands, Maastricht - the creation of the European Union. The adjustment of the monetary and political systems of the European countries was completed at this stage.

Accession to the EU

The expansion of the European Union does not stop, according to current data for 2018, the following countries are applicants for EU membership: Albania, Turkey, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro. In addition, countries from other continents that previously signed an association agreement also apply for EU membership: Egypt, South Africa, Israel, Lebanon, Chile, Mexico and others.

Speaking about applicants for EU membership, one cannot fail to mention the large-scale exit from the EU, which is planned for March 2019. The UK held a referendum on leaving the EU, in which 52% of the population voted for the country's exit from the EU.

The entry of new countries into the EU takes place with careful selection. There are certain criteria, the candidate country must meet them. The list and rules of such criteria are collected in a separate document called the Copenhagen Criteria. Special attention given to the following questions:

  1. The principles of democracy.
  2. Human rights.
  3. Development of the competitiveness of the economy.

After passing the check for compliance with the criteria, a decision is made whether the country is admitted to the EU or whether it is still necessary to wait. If the answer about EU membership is negative, then the candidate country must be provided with a list of parameters and criteria that it must bring to normal within the time period established for this.

Membership in the EU for any country is a prestigious and indicative factor of solvency. Single policy customs union”, a common foreign trade policy, freedom of internal movement, a common economic space, common social standards - all these are the privileges of EU members.

Against the backdrop of the collapse of the largest unification of Eurasia - the USSR, 28 European powers organized their unification - European Union. What it is, today it is known, perhaps, to all more or less literate people. However, there are a number of subtleties in the relations of the countries within it, as well as in the relations of this association with the Russian Federation.

How was the European Union formed?

The European Union combines both the features of a state and international organization. In fact, however, it is neither one nor the other. Legally, it is not fixed as a subject international law, but actually takes part in international relations.

The population is over five hundred million people. official languages are the languages ​​of all member states. In addition, the EU has its own flag and anthem, which are signs of statehood. Throughout the territory of the association there is a single currency - the euro.

The EU was not formed in one day. Attempts to combine production different countries began in 1952. The association that we know today exists since 1992. At the same time, the list of its participants is up to today just expanded.

Here full list states (28 countries) that are members of the European Union for 2019 (in alphabetical order):

Date of entry

Republic of Austria


Great Britain



Republic of Cyprus








The complexity of the existence of this association is largely due to the inability of states to observe only their own interests in economic and political terms. All participating countries are obliged to act according to the agreement, while any of them can impose a ban on a particular proposal.

Despite the fact that the EU has its main base in Brussels, the official capital of the European Union has not been determined. All 28 countries - participants in turn dominate for a six-month period.

Who left the EU?

To date countries that have left the European Union. However, for the first time, the UK announced this intention after many years of cooperation in 2016. The exit process is lengthy and requires solving many issues.

Short for the name of Great Britain ( Br itain) and English word « exit» - exit, the name of the process appeared, such as Brexit (Brexit). Officially, England can be considered to have left the organization after the ratification of the withdrawal agreement.

Political scientists predict imminent exit from the European Union and some other states:

  • Sweden . Because it is the prototype of the UK in the Scandinavian world and does not agree with some EU decisions. In addition, the single currency was never fixed on its territory;
  • Denmark . Since in 2015 a referendum was held there on the integration of legal regulation. However, the people voted against by a majority, which indicates the unwillingness to rejoin the organization as a precaution;
  • Greece , whose economy is not in the best position, in connection with which many member countries are in favor of its exclusion from the ranks of membership;
  • Netherlands , because many residents, according to the results of a poll, would like to leave the ranks of the union after the UK;
  • Hungary does not agree with the EU policy towards refugees and is ready to decide on the issue of subordination to it in this direction at a referendum;
  • France , namely, the majority of its population considers the EU to be the culprit of many of its problems, which allows us to talk about Euroscepticism in the ranks of the French and their desire to leave the union.

Why is Switzerland not part of the European Union?

In 1992, Switzerland, like other countries, sent its application to join the then emerging new global political union. However, a little later, a referendum was held on the issue of accession, which resulted in the division of opinions of citizens almost equally.

However, Swiss citizens who expressed their negative opinion, it turned out to be slightly more. In 2016, Switzerland officially formalized the refusal to join and withdraw its application.

The organization of the European Union is such that:

  1. Any country can block the adoption of certain decisions;
  2. All participants pay contributions to the EU, while the situation is that small powers, such as Poland, receive much more from coexistence than large developed economies;
  3. States such as Greece, which can be considered "under-integrated", exist only at the expense of the European Union;
  4. In addition, there are a number of countries that are not included in the composition, but conduct settlements in Euros or vice versa, which are members of the Common European Space, but are not members of the EU.

All this makes the EU a huge structure with many problems and unresolved issues.

Switzerland, territorially located in the center of Europe, is not interested in the union because:

  • Has its own stable developed economy;
  • Own stable currency.

The only direction in which they are ready to cooperate is politics. However, this is not enough to join such an unstable structure today.

How to get EU citizenship?

EU citizenship gives the right to move freely within its territory, as well as to live in any of the countries that are part of it and conduct commercial activities. In order to get such opportunities, you need to become a citizen in any of the participating countries. There are 28 in total as of 2018.

Accordingly, in order to acquire EU citizenship, it is necessary to fulfill the conditions for obtaining it in the respective country. Most often it is:

  1. Official residence in the territory of the state for a certain amount of time. Each state has its own deadlines. Therefore, if in Belgium three years are enough for this, then in France the period is calculated in ten years;
  2. Find ethnic roots in your family. That is, if your grandparents or grandparents were citizens of the chosen state, then you can safely submit documents;
  3. Marriage to a citizen of an EU state gives the right to obtain her citizenship after some time of residence in her territory. These terms are also different;
  4. The birth of children in the territory of an EU state automatically gives the newborn the right to be a citizen of the country of birth.

Thus, when studying the issue of obtaining EU citizenship, it is necessary to be guided by the legislation of a particular country.

  • First you have to go there, live there for a while;
  • Then get a residence visa;
  • Under the relevant circumstances described above, it is possible to apply for an EU passport.

What can be imported into Russia from the European Union?

The rules for importing certain products into Russia are regulated by the Customs Code and other bills. As for the European Union, in connection with the recent events and the sanctions imposed on Russia, there are following restrictions:

  1. Goods of plant and animal origin are allowed weighing no more than five kilograms. In order to introduce a larger amount, you need to issue a special permit from Rosselkhoznadzor;
  2. Seeds and planting products are allowed to be imported only with a special permit;
  3. Products are allowed to be imported only in their original packaging;
  4. Alcohol is subject to import no more than three liters free of charge, from three to five liters, having previously paid a duty;
  5. The value of all baggage must not exceed EUR 1,500 for a single trip by land and EUR 10,000 for air transport.

As for the names of goods, there is no need to worry. Response Russian Federation do not apply to individuals. That is the traveler can purchase any product from the list of sanctioned for personal use or consumption, or as a gift. The main thing is that its quantity does not exceed the above standards.

In addition, when traveling to a certain country, you should study its customs relations with the Russian Federation, since individual rules may apply between us. All the necessary information is contained on the Rosselkhoznadzor website.

Thus, the political and economic merger European countries, which was formed in the early nineties is called the European Union. That this association is a huge structure that has an impact on the world economic and political situation, obviously. However, not all countries located in the single European space seek to obtain membership in this organization, and some even declare their readiness to leave it.

Video: how and why did the European Union emerge?

In this video, historian Maxim Sholokhov will tell you why it became necessary to unite these countries into a coalition, and why their economy could do without the European Union:

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