Kalmyk calendar. Kalmyk astrological calendar Months in Kalmyk

Family and relationships 28.06.2019
Family and relationships

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The calendar as a way of organizing and counting time is one of the oldest indicators of culture. For a long time it was believed that calendars were the property of highly developed civilizations: ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian, ancient Chinese and others. However, a few decades ago, calendars were discovered that were used by people in different points the globe.

From ancient times, calendars represented knowledge of people's experience, observations of nature. The chronology of the Kalmyks, like most of the peoples of East and Central Asia, until the beginning of the twentieth century, was carried out according to the lunisolar calendar. AT certain areas it continues to exist to this day. The astronomical basis of the calendar was observations of the movements of the Moon around the Earth (monthly revolution), the Earth around the Sun (Earth year), Jupiter around the Sun (circulation equal to 12 Earth years).

According to N.L. Zhukovskaya, “the task of all calendars is to be organizers and chronometers of time, but this can be done in different ways. The annual calendar among the Mongolian peoples was associated with the needs of the nomadic economy and reflected the annual frequency of seasons and months of the year with their climatic and economic specificity marked once and for all, without pursuing the goal of a linear account of time. one

The traditional chronology of the Kalmyks according to lunar calendar consists of a twelve-year animal cycle and a five-fold cycle of the basic natural elements. These are the 12-year animal cycle, the 60-year calendar system, the seasonal calendar, and the pan-European Gregorian calendar introduced already in the 20th century.

Relevance my job is to preserve the holidays, traditions and customs associated with the folk calendar of the Kalmyks, to attract the interest of schoolchildren to this topic.

Even in ancient times, a person faced the problem of how to determine the time, find out what day, month, year it is. We used to live by the calendar, but it wasn't always like that.

And so I wanted to know:

1. When and how did the Kalmyk calendar originate;

2. Where did he come into our life;

3. Features of the Kalmyk calendar;

4. Kalmyk calendar holidays.

The purpose of my work is to study the history of the Kalmyk calendar and related calendar holidays.


1. Study and trace in different information sources stages of calendar development;

2. Learn the calendar holidays of the Kalmyk people.

3. Explore what the students of our class know about the history of the Kalmyk calendar.

Object of study: culture and life of the Kalmyk people.

Subject of study: folk calendar.

In his research work i used the following research methods:

1. Analysis and systematization of the collected information.

2. A survey of students in grade 8 "A" and statistical processing of the survey results.

4. Questioning.

5. Search for information on the Internet.


Any calendar is made up of the basic unit of time according to the movement of the planets: day, week, month, year. P.E. Alekseeva notes that “the movement of the planet Moon around the Earth occurs in 29.5 days, which make up a month. The earth revolves around the sun in 365 days, or 12 months, which make up a year. The planet Jupiter makes a revolution around the Sun for 12 years, i.e. The circle of Jupiter around the Sun is divided into 12 equal parts, for 12 years. one .

In contrast to the generally accepted century, which consists of 100 years, the use of the lunisolar calendar among the Kalmyks assumed the existence of a large cycle - 60 years. Initially, among the Kalmyks, the concept of "century" meant "sixty years", since the Kalmyks used the 60-year calendar system until the 20th century. According to W.E. Erdniev, this cyclic calendar system arose in Ancient China and then she found wide application among many peoples of the East, including Mongolia and Kalmykia 2 .

The traditions that establish the year of reference in 60-year cycles are also different. For the Chinese, they begin with the year of the mouse (tree, blue). Among the Tibetans, and accordingly in historical system Mongols and Kalmyks, from the year of the fire-hare (1027). In the household system, among the Mongols and earlier among the Kalmyks, the count was kept from the year of the mouse, but then the Kalmyks began to start 60-year cycles, like every year, from the leopard. We can consider the transition to the countdown from the month and year of the leopard as a desire for unification in the calendar. Undoubtedly, this transition took place first within the calendar year, and then the tradition was fixed in a larger division of the calendar system.

Each individual year in the cycle repeats 5 times, which corresponds to the five elements ( fashionable- wood, hal- the fire, һazr- Earth, tömr- iron, sleep- water) and five colors ( kök- blue, lancer- red, ball- yellow, tsakhan- white, char- black). It is known that the Kalmyks, like all the peoples of Central Asia, had a cult of wood, earth, fire, water and iron 3 .

Growing wood- a symbol of life, movement, fertility. The tree is an object of worship and sacrifice with the help of ribbons. The tree is also considered a talisman. Earth has always been an object of special reverence among the Kalmyks. Earth can be disturbed only in certain days. Before starting construction, it was necessary to make a sacrifice. The earth was also considered a talisman. Fire is a symbol of life. Fire cannot be defiled. The veneration of the deity of fire is evidenced by the calendar feast of sacrifice to fire “hal tәalhn”, held annually in the month of the Mouse. Water also regarded as the source of life. The Kalmyks, who lived near the springs, annually performed the rite of sacrifice to water. There was also a calendar holiday "Usn-Arshan", celebrated in the fall. At this time, the water in the springs becomes healing. Under no circumstances should water be polluted. That's why Special attention was given to the purification of natural water sources, in particular springs. Iron(metal) enjoys a reputation as a talisman. Silver is especially popular among Kalmyks. Silver coins and jewelry served not only for beauty, but also for the protection of the owner. When the owner was absent from the house, an iron object (an ax, a knife, scissors) was placed on an empty bed. All these 5 primary elements are actively used in the calendar system of the Kalmyks, in traditional medicine and astrology.

Each year, also possessing the characteristics of the genus, is masculine, solid ( hut) or feminine, soft ( җөөln). The years of the mouse, tiger, dragon, horse, monkey, dog were considered solid, or male. By the female, or soft years - the years of the cow, hare, snake, sheep, chicken, pig. The element and the color corresponding to it reigned for two years in a row.

By Eastern calendar each of the 12 years (parts) of the circle of Jupiter has the name of a specific animal, which makes up the animal cycle of the calendar. The Kalmyk calendar begins with the year of Bars: leopard ( bar) or tiger, hare ( tuula), the Dragon ( lu), snake ( moha), horse ( mörn), sheep ( hön), a monkey ( mөchn), chicken ( taka), dog ( noha), pig ( haha), mouse ( hulhn), cow ( Ukrainian). The months of a cow or a bull, a leopard and a hare were considered winter; spring - dragon, snake, horse; summer - sheep, monkeys, chickens; autumn - dogs, pigs, mice. But often the months were named, as among the Mongols, in order according to the time of the year: the first winter, the second winter, and so on.

Among the animals, the names of the years, there is no camel, such an important animal in the economy of nomads. He served as a transport. Before the invention of the cart, nomads transported property from place to place on camels. The animal fed the nomad with meat and milk. Camel milk is very thick, fatty, healthy diet, does not sour for a long time in the heat. A drink resembling koumiss was prepared from it. The camel saved the nomad from the cold, very warm clothes were made from wool.

The camel must have been included in the name of the years. But the mouse interfered with the camel. There is a legend how the mouse entered the name of the year. When 11 years were named animals, there was one year left for the camel. The mouse argued, began to seek to be included in the number of the names of the years. The dispute was to be resolved the next day in this way: whoever sees the rays of the rising sun first, the year will be named after him.

The camel, the tallest animal, was sure that he would be the first to see the rays of the sun. But the mouse outwitted. She climbed on the camel's leg to the top of his head and was the first to cry out that she saw the rays of the sun. So the mouse became one of the names of the year.

Accordingly, the year consists of 12 lunar months, which bear the same animal names. Each month is divided into 4 weeks ( dolan hong), a week - for 7 days with the names of the planets: narn- Sun (Sunday) Sarn- Moon (Monday) Migmr- Mars (Tuesday) Ulm- Mercury (Wednesday) Purva- Jupiter (Thursday) Basn- Venus (Friday) Bemba- Saturn (Saturday).


Every four years a thirteenth additional month was added - davhr sar. Davhr sar moves every time and can be in different time of the year. In turn, the months are divided into three decades according to the lunar phases: 8th, 15th, 30th. Kalmyks call these days " matsg өdrmud» - days of fasting.

Also in the Kalmyk calendar, each day has its own characteristics: the names of the day, the color sign ( mengne), state, constellation. Considering all this, astrologers note whether this day is favorable for this or that business, the event of a particular person. The calendar defines not only favorable and bad days but also hours of the day.

P.A. Alekseeva notes that "Kalmyk zurkhachis (astrologers) are the so-called" unlucky "days -" har өdr», « tүshgtә өdr"- excluded from the number of days of the month, so this or that number was completely absent in the calendar. A day not indicated by a number was called “tasrkha ödr”, For example, after the 5th, the 7th immediately followed. And in order to dial the appropriate number of days of the month (30 or 29 days), some numbers were repeated and they were called " davhr өdr", Unlike " tasrkha өdr', considered to be favorable. In the days of tasrkha өdr" (or " har өdr") avoided doing important things." 1 All this knowledge is necessary for a person in his daily life.


Seasonal annual calendar is conveyed by the concept җilin dөrvn tsag- four seasons, which includes four seasons: havrin tsag- spring, zunyn tsag - summer, namrin tsag- autumn, and uvlin tsag- winter.

Common to all nomads was the allocation of 12 periods of time during the year (three in each season) when it was necessary to make seasonal migration: namrzn- autumn parking, place of autumn parking; Uvlzn- wintering; havrң- spring camp; spring pastures; zuslң- summer parking.

For those who cared for livestock, the year and day were divided into periods associated with the biological forms of his behavior and economic types content activities: malyn tөl avlһn- the time of receipt of offspring; small idshlln- grazing; khөөnә noos kirһlһn- sheep shearing; mal saalһna tsag- milking, milking; small uslh- to feed the cattle with water; gү tәvh tsag- time to release milked mares and others. Numerous proverbs testify to this: Mal namrt tarһldg, havrt tolәn avdg. - Cattle feed fat in the fall, and bring offspring in the spring; Namr tsuglulҗ khuradg, үvl edlҗ khoradg. - Autumn gathers, winter eats away supplies.

Since ancient times, the basic unit of time has been a day (hong). According to the national calendar, the day was divided as follows: өr tәәhin whom - at dawn (4-5 hours) / өrun өrlә- early morning (sunrise (4-6 hours), orun- in the morning (6-9 hours) / udin omn - time before noon (9-11 o'clock), үd (һal үд)- exactly at noon (12 hours), udin hөөn- after lunch (13-14 hours), ashn ud - afternoon tea (15-17 hours), askhn shidr - in the evening (18-19), burul- evening, sunset (18-20), ashn- late evening (20-22), sөөni өrәl- midnight (00 hours). Kalmyk watches appeared later.

Therefore, in the past, when the Kalmyks led a nomadic lifestyle, the smoke hole of the yurt was used to determine the time. According to the angle of incidence sunbeam, penetrating through the chimney, it was possible to determine the daytime quite accurately. The day was divided into 12 double hours, each of which was designated by the name of one of the animals of the cycle: the hour of the leopard lasted from 03.40 to 05.40, the hour of the hare from 05.40 to 06.40, the hour of the dragon - 07.40 to 09.40, the hour of the snake - 09.40 to 11.40, the hour of the horse - 11.40 to 13.40, the hour of the sheep - 13.40 to 15.40, the hour of the monkey lasted from 15.40 to 17.40, the hour of the chicken - 17.40 to 19.40, the hour of the dog - 19.40 to 21.40, the hour of the pig from 21.40 to 23.40, the hour of the mouse from 23.40 to 01.40, the hour of the cow - 01.40 until 03.40. The annual calendar and the names of the months of the Kalmyks coincided with the times of the day.


Thus, the ways of determining time, its development and perception, as well as the measures of time are associated with the peculiarities of the nomadic life of the Kalmyks in the recent past. The ideal integration of the nomad into nature led to a subtle perception and understanding of time, formed a way of life that most closely matches all periods of the annual cycle.


The festive culture of the Kalmyks, nomads and cattle breeders, is closely connected with the folk calendar. “Along with family rituals great importance in their lives they had tribal, nationwide holidays, which alternated with working days and felt like unusual days accompanied by fun, walking, putting on new clothes” 1 . The calendar tradition was embodied in three holidays: Zul, Tsagaan Sar, Yrs Sar. They reflect the change of seasons and last from a few days to a month.

The Kalmyk holiday Zul according to the Buddhist religion Zul is celebrated as the birthday of Zunkava, a reformer of Buddhism. It is also associated with the New Year and the ritual " us awh', when each person gets one year of age, gets older by one year. Even a newly born baby already has one year of age. If he was born on the eve of Zul, then on that day he gets another year. It may happen that the child is only a few days old or a few months old, and according to the Kalmyk age calculation, he will already be two years old. In such cases, they say "ki nasta", i.e. he has empty years.

I.A. Zhitetsky noted that “all calendar holidays are timed to meet the requirements of Lamaism and are celebrated with religious ceremonies and divine services,” and designated the time of the “Master of the Year” (“Җilin ezn”) roaming as a folk holiday. 1 It lasts three days, which are considered “bad days”, when a number of taboos had to be observed: it was impossible to go on a long journey and take out the garbage so as not to interfere with the roaming of the “Master of the Year” (“Җilin ezn”).

According to the Kalmyk lunar-solar calendar, the date Zul is constant - the 25th of the month of the cow, and the date "Gilin ezn" is mobile. For us, who live according to the common European calendar, it is known that “Qilin ezn” falls on the day winter solstice- 22 December.

Tsakhan SAR

The holiday "Tsagan Sar" coincides with the last winter month according to the Kalmyk calendar, it can move from the end of January to February. Tsagan is one of the most beloved national holidays of our people. Since ancient times, the Kalmyks have revered it as a holiday of the onset of spring, the awakening of nature.

The celebration of Tsagan Sara is traditionally explained by mythological events: the goddess Okon Tengr, revered by the Kalmyk people, saved the world from her son, who was born from a marriage with the king of mangus (terrible monsters): a baby, turning into a giant, could eventually destroy the entire human race.

Meeting on the days of the Tsagan holiday, the Kalmyks, after the generally accepted greeting, asked the question: “Did you have a good winter?” To which the answer usually sounded: “Yes, they overwintered well” or “Everything is fine, the cattle also overwintered without loss.” This greeting "tsagahlhn" differed depending on age. People of the same social rank and age, hiding their right hand in their sleeves, shook each other. right hand in the middle of the forearm with both hands. The elder gave one hand to the younger, who clasped it with both hands. At the same time, the younger greeted the elder, sitting on his right knee. Congratulating children, adults kissed them on the forehead or right cheek. “The Don Kalmyks during the rite “tsakhalhn” hugged each other with one hand on the shoulders, the second - behind the back under the arm of another person, as they hug after long separation» 1 - writes T.G. Bordzhanova.

Like all holidays, Tsagan Sar has its own special traditions. Prepare for it in advance: buy new clothes, put the old one in order, clean and decorate the house. The central action of the family holiday is the tradition of baking ceremonial wrestlers, which are of great semantic significance.

The wish for a rich offspring - the most important thing for a cattle breeder - is embedded in the symbolism of many forms of wrestlers. For example, this meaning was also carried by wrestlers “moshkmr” - twisted, reminiscent of a national dish of boiled mutton entrails, “җola”, depicting a reason, were supposed to call for endless good luck, “khutsin tolha” (ram’s head), acting as a sacrifice in rituals, "tohsh", resembling a fence for cattle.


The calendar holiday Yrs Sar takes place on the day of the full moon of the first summer month, i.e. in May. Some researchers associate the name of the holiday with the words "үrn" - child, son, offspring, "үr" - friend, comrade, peer. A.Sh. Kichikov says that "үrs" is a grass with leaves that grows luxuriantly 1 .

Yrs sar is a holiday of the awakening of nature. This is a whole complex of rites that has a magical meaning for the nomadic people and is aimed at increasing and multiplying the main wealth of the Kalmyks - cattle.

The first summer holiday lasts a whole week from the 8th to the 15th of the month of the sheep, and the main prayer service and the main celebrations fall on the day of the full moon. The nomads celebrate the successful transition to summer camps and the successful development of cattle breeding. One of the ritual actions was the sacrifice of the water element, so that the water would not disappear all summer and would water the herds and herds.


Calendars are one of the oldest industries human knowledge. The purpose of using calendars among the Kalmyks was caused by the desire to protect themselves from troubles, crop failure, loss of livestock and to ensure economic and family well-being.

Each year, corresponding to the five elements (wood, fire, earth, iron, water) and five colors (blue, red, yellow, white, black), is male, hard or female, soft. Kalmyk years and months correspond to the names of 12 animals. The days of the week - the planets - also have names. In the Kalmyk calendar every four years there is an additional month called davhr sar.

The seasonal folk calendar is associated with the seasons: hawr, zun, namr, uvl. The Kalmyks distinguished seasons for migration during the year: namrzn- autumn parking; Uvlzn- wintering; havrң- spring camp; zuslң- summer parking. The smoke hole of the yurt was used to determine the time. Every two hours in the day they also had the names of animals.

The traditional holidays of the Kalmyks - Zul, Tsagaan Sar, Yrs Sar - stand out separately in the calendar. They are associated with the change of seasons and last from several days to a month.

Thus, the Kalmyk calendar system is an organic synthesis of seasonal folk and cyclic calendars. The first, cyclic, included two cycles: small - 12-year-old, and large - 60-year-old. The second, seasonal, served the economic needs of the nomads and reflected the origins and traditions of this type of culture. And finally, the adopted Gregorian calendar helped the Kalmyks to fit into the global chronicle of events, but did not at all replace the functions of other calendars that continue to exist as part of the traditional culture of the Kalmyk people.

According to the survey I conducted in grade 8 "A" (23 students), the following should be noted:

    To the question "What is a calendar?" 92% of students in grade 8 "A" understand what a calendar is, but cannot correctly explain it. 6% find it difficult to answer.

    For the second question, "When were you born (date, in the year of which animal according to the Kalmyk calendar?" 100% of students noted the date of their birth. 87% - indicated in which year of the animal they were born. 4.3% - noted the elements of the elements and colors.

    To the question “What is the current century, year, month, day of the week?” All participants in the survey responded.

    To the question "Do you know the names of the months and days of the week in the Kalmyk language?" 61% of the students answered that they knew, of which 31% indicated all the names in the Kalmyk language. 26% - say that they know them partially. 13% - unfortunately, answered that they did not know the names of the months and days in the Kalmyk language.

    Answering the question “What calendar holidays do you know? What do you know about them?”, 100% of students indicated the main calendar holidays. 50% - in addition to the holidays "Zul and Tsahan Sar", identified the summer holiday Yrs Sar. 17% of respondents gave explanations for their celebration.

In general, students of grade 8 "A" have an idea about the Kalmyk calendar, clearly know the date of their birth, in which year of the animal they were born. Most of the respondents mark the names of the months and days of the week in the Kalmyk language. They know the main Kalmyk calendar holidays.

Working on this topic, I learned a lot of new and interesting things. Now I know not only the stages of development of the calendar, but what significance the calendar has in a person's life. this work has both theoretical and practical significance. It can be used as teaching material class hours, as well as to create an exhibition in the school museum.


    Alekseeva P.E. About the Kalmyk calendar // Teegin gerl. 1989. No. 6. - S. 108-109.

    Bordzhanova T.G. Ritual poetry of the Kalmyks. genre system. Poetics. - Elista, 2007.

    Zhitetsky I.A. Essays on the life of the Astrakhan Kalmyks. - M., 1893.

    Zhukovskaya N.L. Nomads of Mongolia: Culture. Traditions. Symbolism. - M., 2002.

    Kichikov A.Sh. On the dialect of the Don Kalmyks (Buzava) // Uchenye zapiski KNIiyali. Issue. 5. - Elista, 1967. S. 44-48.

    Olzeeva S.Z. Kalmyk folk traditions. - Elista, 2007.

    Omakaeva E.U. The cult of heavenly bodies among the Kalmyks // Traditional cultures and habitat. M., 1993.

    Erdniev U.E. Kalmyks. Elista, 1985.

Attachment 1

Kalmyk calendar (1926-2019)

Cycle and year

Tömr (Iron)

Usn (Water)

Modn (Wood)

qal (Fire)

qazr (Earth)


















1. Bar - Bars

2. Tuula - Hare

3. Lou - Dragon

4. Moha - Snake

5. Mörn - Horse

6. Khön - Sheep

7. Mөchn - Monkey

8. Taka - Chicken

9. Noha - Dog

10. kaha - Pig

11. Khulhn - Mouse

12. Ukr - Cow

1 Zhukovskaya N.L. Nomads of Mongolia: Culture. Traditions. Symbolism. - M., 2002. - p. 44.

1 Alekseeva P.E. About the Kalmyk calendar // Teegin gerl. 1989. No. 6. - S. 108-109.

2 Erdniev U.E. Kalmyks. Elista, 1985, p. 244.

3 Omakaeva E.U. The cult of heavenly bodies among the Kalmyks // Traditional cultures and habitat. M., 1993. S.150-153.

1 Alekseeva P.A. About the Kalmyk calendar // Teegin gerl. 1989. No. 6. - S. 108-109.

1 Borzhanova T.G. Ritual poetry of the Kalmyks. genre system. Poetics. - Elista, 2007. - p. 306.

1 Zhitetsky I.A. Essays on the life of the Astrakhan Kalmyks. - M., 1893.

1 Borzhanova T.G. Ritual poetry of the Kalmyks. genre system. Poetics. - Elista, 2007. - p. 324.

1 Kichikov A.Sh. On the dialect of the Don Kalmyks (Buzava) // Uchenye zapiski KNIiyali. Issue. 5. - Elista, 1967. - S. 45.

Badmaeva Snezhana

A significant fact testifying to the development of education and culture among the Kalmyks is the Kalmyk calendar - "lit". The beginning of the calendar chronology for all Mongolian peoples is established from the year 1027 of the European calendar.


Slides captions:

Author: Badmayeva Snezhana - 9th grade student Head: Chetyrov U.B. - teacher of history of MKOU "Khartolginskaya secondary school" p. Khar Tolga 2011
Kalmyk calendar - Khalmg lit
A significant fact testifying to the development of education and culture among the Kalmyks is the Kalmyk calendar - "lit". The beginning of the calendar chronology for all Mongolian peoples was established from 1027. European calendar.
The Kalmyk calendar is a lunar-solar-Jupiter 12-year animal cycle, which is based on three indicators: the monthly revolution of the Moon around the Earth, the annual revolution of the Earth around the Sun, and the period of Jupiter's revolution around the Sun.
Modn - tree Һal - fire Һазр - earth Төмр - iron Usn - water
Kok - blue Ulan - red Shar - yellow Tsang - white Khar - black
The calendar is based on the time of two revolutions of Saturn, i.e. 60 years, during which time Jupiter makes 5 revolutions. Therefore, along with the sign of the animal, five elements with color matching are mentioned.
The length of a century according to the Kalmyk calendar is 60 years. The century is divided into 5 cycles of 12 years each. The years in the cycle are named after animals.
Bar - snow leopard Tuula - hare Lu - dragon Moһa - snakeMөrn - horse Khön - sheep
Möchn - monkeyTaka - chickenNokha - dog-haha - pigHulyn - mouse-kr - cow
With the help of the same 12 animals, 12 lunar months of the calendar are indicated. The year begins with New Year's month - bar.
December - BarJanuary - TuulaFebruary - LuMart - MoһaApril - MornMay - Khön
June - MayJuly - TakaAugust - NokhaSeptember - khakhaOctober - KhulynNovember - Ukr
A week according to the Kalmyk calendar consists of 7 days, which are named after seven planets.
Narn - Sun - SundaySar - Moon - MondayMigmr - Mars - Tuesday-lmҗ - Mercury - WednesdayPurva - Jupiter - ThursdayBas - Venus - FridayBemba - Saturn - Saturday
To align the lunar months and solar years an additional thirteenth month had to be timely introduced every third year. To do this, some month was doubled. The celebration of the New Year according to the Kalmyk calendar is held in December - bar sar, the holiday is called Zul.


Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of the Republic of Kalmykia

Department of Education of the Administration of the Yashkul RMO

MKOU "Khartolginskaya secondary school"

Regional competition of creative and research works:

"Surkulin erdm"

Nomination: "Ancient Kalmyk customs and rituals"

Theme of work: "Kalmyk calendar - Khalmg lit"


Head: Chetyrov U.B. - history teacher

Social studies.

Khar Tolga


Kalmyk calendar

Calendars are one of the oldest branches of human knowledge. The first calendars - annual - were the quintessence of folk experience, observations of nature. With the development of knowledge, the forms of calendars were also improved. Sometimes in the culture of the same people there were various forms calendar, as happened among the Kalmyks. The chronology of the Kalmyks, like most of the peoples of East and Central Asia, until the beginning of the 20th century. conducted according to the lunisolar calendar. For the first time among the Mongol-speaking peoples, including the Oirats, this calendar was introduced in the 13th century by Emperor Khubilai. The astronomical basis of the luni-solar calendar was the observation of the movements of the Moon around the Earth (month), the Earth around the Sun (Earth year), Jupiter around the Sun (revolution equal to 12 Earth years). The basis of the calendar is a 12-year cycle, which includes 12 names of animals: "bar" - a leopard, or a tiger, "tuula" - a hare, "lu" - a dragon, "moha" - a snake, "mörn" - a horse, "khön" - sheep, "möchn" - monkey, "taka" - chicken, "noha" - dog, "haha" - pig, "khulgn" - mouse, "ukr" - cow. The months of a cow or a bull, a leopard, a hare were considered winter; spring - dragon, snake, horse; summer - sheep, monkeys, chickens; autumn - dogs, pigs, mice. But often the months were named, as among the Mongols, in order according to the time of the year: the first winter, the second winter, and so on.

The names of the months in the Kalmyk calendar

Approximate match

Gregorian calendar

Kalmyk calendar

Seasons on the Kalmyk theme


lu (dragon)

1 spring month


moha (snake)

2 spring month


mörn (horse)

3 spring month


hön (sheep)

1 summer month


möchn (monkeys)

2 summer month


taka (chicken)

3 summer month


noha (dog)

1 autumn month


haha (pig)

2 autumn month


hulhn (mouse)

3 autumn month


ukr (cow)

1 winter month


bar (tiger)

2 winter month


tuula (hare)

3 winter month

In addition to the 12-year small cycle, the use of the lunisolar calendar also assumed the existence of a large cycle - a 60-year one. Its Tibetan name, which was also used among the Mongol-speaking peoples, is rabzhun. It was composed of five small cycles, which corresponded to five elements: (wood - "modn", fire - "hal", earth - "shora", iron - "tomr", water - "usn"), and five colors (blue, red, yellow, white, black). Each year also had the characteristics of the genus, being masculine, hard, or feminine, soft. As a rule, the years of the mouse, tiger, dragon, horse, monkey, and dog were considered solid, or male. By the female, or soft years - the years of the cow, hare, snake, sheep, chicken, pig.

The combination of 12 animals and five elements in a large calendar cycle of 60 years (according to the historical system of Tibetans, Mongols, Kalmyks)


Elements, or primary elements












the black





The Dragon




A monkey







When you change the origin, the sequence order does not change, only the number of the year in the 60-year cycle will be different.

The reference year in the 60-year cycles in the historical system of the Mongols and Kalmyks is from the year of the fire-hare (1027).

The central khurul "Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni" released a lunar calendar for the new year 2017. This is a colorful poster calendar. It marks and indicates the dates of Buddhist holidays, as well as important Buddhist fasts, where each of these lunar days is associated with the activity of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, in particular, Shakyamuni Buddha, Medicine Buddha, Green Tara, protectors (shakyusn). The calendar was compiled by the clergyman Khurula Anja-Gelung .

The Kalmyk khurul has been releasing New Year's lunar calendars in the form of a poster for many years. Since 2009, the permanent compiler of the calendar has been Anja-Gelung (Andzha Khartskhaev), who for several years was the rector of the main Buddhist temple in Kalmykia. Before him, the calendar was prepared by the clergyman Gen Lodoi, the former administrator of the Central Khurul. Thus, this calendar has its own history, traditions.

The current calendar is already the ninth one prepared by Andzhoy-Gelung. All his calendars are published according to a single model: yellow and red colors predominate on the poster, in the upper part in the middle there is an image of some deity (bodhisattva), to the right and left of it there are columns of text with information about this image, in the lower part of the poster - the calendar itself (here, for ease of perception, the lunar and generally accepted Gregorian calendars are combined).

It should be noted that the images of holy images on the calendar are borrowed from the painting of the prayer hall of the Central Khurul.

The new calendar for 2017 depicts the wrathful bodhisattva Vajrapani (in Kalmyk: Ochirvani Gegyan), the embodiment of the strength, power and might of the Buddhas of the three times (past, present, future). Vajrapani has an angry appearance, but he personifies the enlightened mind, and therefore is completely free from malice. Below his image is a brief mantra:


The accompanying text says: “Reciting the Vajrapani Bodhisattva mantra with sincere good intentions helps to overcome various ailments, delusions, brings self-confidence, firm support in any undertakings, determination, purposefulness, increases the strength and capabilities of a person.”

The 2016 calendar depicted Avalokiteshvara (in Kalmyk: Aryabala Burkhn), the bodhisattva of infinite love for all living beings, the embodiment of the compassion of the Buddhas of the three times. Below the image is the most famous mantra:


Recall that the embodiment of Avalokiteshvara in our world is His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV.

The 2015 calendar depicted Manjushri (in Kalmyk: Manjushri Gegyan), a bodhisattva of transcendental wisdom, with the help of which the true nature of things is comprehended. Below his image is a short mantra:


It should be noted that the lunar calendars produced by the Central Khurul are in demand not only among the inhabitants of Kalmykia, they are readily purchased by guests of the republic, tourists, residents of neighboring regions, since these poster calendars are convenient for practical use. In our calendar, lunar days are indicated (with the corresponding days in the Gregorian calendar) having importance for Buddhists, gardeners and all those who plan their affairs in accordance with lunar days. Favorable, partially favorable and unfavorable days are indicated here, a day suitable for cutting hair is highlighted. According to astrology, it is believed that hair cutting should be carried out on certain days, otherwise a person, along with hair, deprives himself of good luck. This continues until he cuts his hair again, but on the right day for this.

Many often call khurul to ask what date the national holidays Zul, Tsagaan Sar will be celebrated, when the holy month of Urs Sar will begin, to ask about other dates and days. Having at hand the calendar published by the Central Shurul “Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni”, you will know all the necessary dates, significant days.

The Kalmyk national holiday Tsagan Sar, according to the lunar reckoning, in the upcoming 2017 falls on February 27 according to the Gregorian calendar. Another folk (and religious) holiday Zul in 2017 we will celebrate on December 12 (and this year, we recall, very soon - December 23). The blessed month of Urs Sar will begin on May 26th and will last until June 24th. This month, people traditionally visit the places where their ancestors lived to make offerings to the deities, protectors, spirits of the area, their ancestors, and perform rituals.

The lunar calendar indicates the days of Buddhist fasts - Buthan Dyarkin Odr (White Tara Day), Otch Manlan Odr (Medicine Buddha Day), Syakyusnya Odr (Protector-Patron Day), Burkhn Bagshin Odr (Shakyamuni Buddha Day). Burkhn Bagshin is not to be confused with the birthday, enlightenment and parinirvana of Buddha Shakyamuni, which will be celebrated on June 9 in the new year. The four Buddhist fasts mentioned above are celebrated every month, according to the lunar calendar they have an almost fixed date, according to the Gregorian - wandering. According to the lunar calendarhAn Dyarkin ODR falls on the 8th (occasionally on the 9th), Otch Manlan Odr - only on the 15th, Syakyusnya Odr - only on the 29th, Burkhn Bagshin Odr - only on the 30th of each lunar month. On these symbolic days, believers visit khurul, read and repeat the appropriate mantras and prayers, and keep a certain fast.

Below are the texts of the mantras (in Russian transcription) that need to be read on the corresponding Buddhist days: the Green Tara mantra - in Nohan Dyarkin odr, the mantra of the Buddha of medicine - in Otch Manlan odr, the Okon-Tengr mantra - in Syakyusnya odr (the goddess Okon-Tengr is one of the protectors-patrons), the mantra of Shakyamuni Buddha - in Burkhn Bagshin odr. Reciting mantras is very beneficial for everyone.

Green Tara Mantra:


Medicine Buddha Mantra:


Okon-Tengr mantra:





Shakyamuni Buddha Mantra:


Returning to the image on the new calendar of the bodhisattva Vajrapani (Ochirvani Gegyan), it must be said that he is the guardian of the secret Teachings of the Buddha, and is also considered the patron of the Mongolian-speaking peoples, including, of course, the Kalmyks. Shakyamuni Buddha gave him all the texts and instructions of the Tantra tradition.

In the sutra tradition, Vajrapani is considered one of the "eight heart sons" (closest disciples) of Buddha Shakyamuni and is depicted in a peaceful form. In the Vajrayana (Secret Vehicle) tradition, he is depicted in a powerful wrathful form..

Kalmyk calendar The Kalmyks, like the peoples of East and Central Asia, had a lunar-solar calendar of a twelve-year animal cycle. For the first time among the Mongol-speaking peoples, including the Oirats, the calendar was introduced in the 13th century by Emperor Kublai. Like any calendar, it comes from the basic unit of time - the day, followed by the week, month, year, century. The astronomical basis of the luni-solar calendar was the observation of the movements of the Moon around the Earth (month), the Earth around the Sun (Earth year), Jupiter around the Sun (revolution equal to 12 Earth years). The basis of the calendar is a 12-year cycle, including 12 years by animal names: January - tuula (hare), February - lu (dragon), March-moha (snake), April - mörn (horse), May - khön (sheep), June-möchn (monkey), July-taka (chicken), August-noha (chicken), September-gaha (pig), October - hulhn (mouse), November - ukr (cow), December - bar (tiger). In the calendar of the annual cycle there were 4 seasons of 3 months: winter - the months of the cow, leopard, hare; spring - dragon, snake, horse; summer - sheep, monkeys, chickens; autumn - dogs, pigs, mice. Each month is divided into 4 weeks, a week - into 7 days: Monday - Sar - Moon; Tuesday - Migmr - Mars; Wednesday - YLMY - Mercury; Thursday - Purva - Jupiter; Friday - Basn - Venus; Saturday - Bemba - Saturn; Sunday - Narn - Sun. The day hong is the smallest unit of the calendar. They were divided into parts: dawn - өr tәәlhn, өrunnә gerl; mid-morning - өrunә үd; noon - ud; middle of the evening - askhan ud; sunset - narn orkh tsag, midnight - sөөni өrәl. In addition to the 12-year small cycle, the use of the lunisolar calendar also assumed the existence of a large cycle - a 60-year one. It was composed of five small cycles, which corresponded to the five elements: wood-modn, fire-hal, earth-shora, iron-tomr, water-usn, and five colors - blue, red, yellow, white, black. The element and the color corresponding to it reigned for two years in a row. Each year also had a characteristic of the genus, was masculine (hard) or feminine (soft). The years of the mouse, tiger, dragon, horse, monkey, dog were considered solid, or male. By the female, or soft years - the years of the cow, hare, snake, sheep, chicken, pig. Among the animals whose names designate years, there is no camel, such an important animal in the economy of nomads. He served as a transport. Before the invention of the cart, nomads transported property from place to place on camels. The animal fed the nomad with meat, milk. Camel milk is very thick, fatty, wholesome food, it does not sour for a long time in the heat. A drink resembling koumiss was prepared from it. The camel saved the nomad from the cold, very warm clothes were made from wool. The camel must have been included in the name of the years. But the mouse interfered with the camel. There is a legend how the mouse entered the name of the year. When 11 years were named animals, there was one year left for the camel. The mouse argued, began to seek to be included in the number of the names of the years. The dispute was to be resolved the next day in this way: whoever sees the rays of the rising sun first, the year will be named after him. The camel, the tallest animal, was sure that he would be the first to see the rays of the sun. But the mouse outwitted. She climbed on the camel's leg to the top of his head and was the first to cry out that she saw the rays of the sun.

The hare is a symbol of the coming year

Any calendar is made up of the basic unit of time according to the movement of the planets: day, week, month, year. The movement of the planet Moon around the Earth occurs in 29.5 days, which make up a month. The earth revolves around the sun in 365 days, or 12 months, which make up a year. The planet Jupiter makes a revolution around the Sun for 12 years, i.e. the circle of Jupiter around the Sun is divided into 12 equal parts, for 12 years. According to the Eastern calendar, each of the 12 years (parts) of the circle of Jupiter has the name of a certain animal, which makes up the animal cycle of the calendar. The Kalmyk calendar begins with the year of Bars.

1. Leopard - lion.

2. Tuula - a hare.

3. Lou is a dragon.

4. Moha - snake.

5.M ө rn - horse

6. X ө n - a sheep.

7. Mө chn - monkey.

8. Taka - chicken.

9 . Noha is a dog.

ten . Gaha is a pig.

11. Hul h on - mouse.

1 2. Y cr - cow.

12 months have the same animal names: December - leopard, January - tuula, February - lu, March - Moha, April - m ө rn, May-х ө n, June - m ө mon, july - taka, august - noha, september - gaha, october - hul h on, November - ү cr.

Among the animals whose names designate years, there is no camel, such an important animal in the economy of nomads.He served as a transport. Before the invention of the cart, nomads transported property from place to place on camels. The animal fed the nomad with meat, milk. Camel milk is very thick, fatty, wholesome food, it does not sour for a long time in the heat. A drink resembling koumiss was prepared from it. The camel saved the nomad from the cold, very warm clothes were made from wool.

The camel must have been included in the name of the years. But the mouse interfered with the camel. There is a legend how the mouse entered the name of the year. When 11 years were named animals, there was one year left for the camel. The mouse argued, began to seek to be included in the number of the names of the years. The dispute was to be resolved the next day in this way: whoever sees the rays of the rising sun first, the year will be named after him.

The camel, the tallest animal, was sure that he would be the first to see the rays of the sun. But the mouse outwitted. She climbed on the camel's leg to the top of his head and was the first to cry out that she saw the rays of the sun.

According to the eastern calendar of the animal cycle, 12 years are divided into five elements of nature: fire, earth, iron, water, wood. This is repeated five times, forming 60 years, a century according to the Eastern calendar.

In the annual cycle, the seasons change at regular intervals.

Since ancient times, the peoples of the world have developed a tradition of celebrating the change of seasons, calendar holidays of winter, spring, summer, and autumn arose. For different peoples, they almost coincide in time, but they wear different names are marked differently. The holiday of spring among the Slavic peoples is Maslenitsa, among the Kalmyks - Tsa h en cap ; summer holiday - Trinity, among the Kalmyks - Yp cap , Worship of nature, the holiday of autumn among the Slavic peoples - Savior, Intercession and other holidays, among the Kalmyks - Usn arshani tə cl h n - worship of life-giving moisture-water. Winter holidays among the Slavic peoples - Christmas time, Christmas Eve, religious - Christmas, the baptism of Christ, among the Kalmyks - Zul.

The Kalmyk holiday Zul also has two meanings: according to the Buddhist religion, Zul is celebrated as the birthday of Zunkava or Zonkava (Dzonkava), the reformer of Buddhism in Tibet, the founder of the Buddhist sect of yellow hats, in contrast to the ancient religion of shamanism, who wore red hats. Zunkava was born in 1357, died in 1419.

Zunkawa introduced some obligatory rules for everyone, which all Buddhists had to observe, and eight of them are obligatory for all people: to live cleanly, not to steal, not to kill any living being, i.e. do not kill, do not lie, do not drink wine, do not overeat, especially at night ... There are even more of these norms of behavior and prohibitions for Buddhist clergy - 253.

The Zul people celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of another, a new year. On this day, each person gets one year of age, becomes one year older.

Drawing of the constellation Hare

Zul is celebrated on the 25thү cr sara, i.e. November according to the Kalmyk calendar. This number does not coincide every year - Zul may be celebrated earlier or later. Since according to the European calendar, a month has 30, 31, 28 days, and according to the Kalmyk calendar, all 12 months have 30 days. In fact, we have already said that the Moon makes a circle around the Earth in 29.5 days. Because of this, there is a difference in the number of days of the year. In order to settle this difference, according to the Kalmyk calendar, extra days of the month are added, “davhrө dr ”(double days), or, in order not to designate unfavorable days of the calendar, they are not indicated at all, they are noted as“ tasrkhaө dr” (interrupted days). Thus, according to the Kalmyk calendar, there can be double numbers, for example, two days in a row are indicated by one number, or some numbers are not indicated at all, for example, after the 6th number, there may immediately be the 8th. From these extra days, an extra month is collected after a certain time. This happened in 1992, there were 13 months in the year, so the celebration of Zul was moved from the end of November to the end of December. With the onset of Zul, 1992 ends, the year of the monkey (”mө h җ silt”), 1993 is coming, the year of the chicken, “takaҗ yl”.

How was this festival of Zul celebrated?

In each family, a certain number of sticks-candles, 7–8 cm in size, were prepared in advance from dry, clean, hollow branches of feather grass. Each was wrapped in cotton wool or pure wool. We prepared as many candles as all family members have been together for years, with the addition of 1 stick in addition to each family member. A trough-cup was molded from the steep dough, ready-made sticks were stuck in, poured over, soaked with melted butter. Late in the evening, one of the family members carried the cup to khurul. A special elevation was built near the khurul, where everyone put his trough, lit candles. During the solemn divine service in the khurul, while the prepared sticks were burning, the parishioners performed prayers, went around the khurul clockwise, waiting for the finaleach took his own, took it home, at home they divided them among family members, used them as arshan, as a sacred, healing potion.

They prepared for the holiday in advance: they cleaned, cleaned the house, prepared treats for the guests, visited their relatives, everyone congratulated each other, said good wishes.

It should be noted that not everyone received a new age on the day of Zul. Men received a new age a week later, on the 1st next month leopard when the host of the new year, “tireҗ ilin ezn” came into its own.

In connection with the holiday of the new year Zul, the Kalmyks have a very interesting system of counting years. A newly born baby already has one year of age. If he was born on the eve of Zul, on the day of Zul he gets another year. It may happen that the child is only a few days old or a few months old, and according to the Kalmyk age calculation, he will already be two years old. A year later, on the day Zula gets another year, and although the child is only a year old, he will be considered three years old. In such cases, they say “ki nasta”, i.e. he has empty, puffy summers. And it is very difficult for such a child to determine his animal sign. Let's say 1992 is the year of the monkeyө ch”, and those born after Zul, at the end of December 1992, will be considered to be born in the year of the chicken, “takaҗ ilt ә “.

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