How to Attract a Taurus Man to a Taurus Woman. How to attract a Taurus? In order to properly intrigue Taurus, to keep his attention for a long time, you yourself will not be hindered by knowledge of the psychology of human nature

Family and relationships 03.07.2020
Family and relationships

Not every woman can conquer a Taurus man. He is very picky about the choice of a partner and enters into a relationship only with the one that matches his ideal. For such a man, the opinion of others does not matter, he is stubborn and does everything in his own way. You should not expect great romance, sentimentality and candlelight dinner from him, but he is able to conquer his chosen one with decency, reliability and confidence in tomorrow.

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    How can you attract a Taurus?

    Taurus never converge with a woman too quickly. Before entering into a relationship, they weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of a potential partner for a long time.

    To draw his attention to herself, a woman must possess a number of qualities.

    How to win a Leo man - secrets and tactics, horoscope compatibility


    Taurus adore beautiful women. They need the one that other men pay attention to. Such a man will never tolerate slovenliness and unkemptness in a companion. But a person who is too preoccupied with her appearance is unlikely to attract him.

    The Taurus man loves naturalness. He can be repelled by unnatural female beauty, achieved with plastic surgery.


    Such a person is attracted to gentle, soft women who easily give the reins of power to a man. Taurus is very fond of persons in need of protection or a patron. This guy will never connect his life with a vulgar girl or a strong and powerful lady.

    He himself is calm and balanced by nature, therefore he will not tolerate the manifestation of aggression from the chosen one.


    The Taurus man loves educated and well-read girls. If there is nothing to talk about with a woman, he will not approach her. The versatility of views is important to him, the ability to maintain a conversation not only on everyday topics, but also on intellectual ones. His companion should know and be able to tell a lot of interesting things.

    A man appreciates prudence and cannot stand excessive talkativeness.


    The representative of this sign is economical and practical. Sometimes he even seems greedy and uninterested in comfort. His chosen one must have similar qualities. However, this man is extremely unpleasant in a woman for prudence and commercialism.

    Taurus needs a zealous hostess who knows how to cook and create home comfort. He loves to eat delicious food and will require full multi-course meals.


    Despite the balance in Everyday life, in sex Taurus is tireless. His partner can be one that can give him variety. A woman should become a passionate lover and be ready for experiments in bed. But only if the relationship has already begun. And immediately after meeting you should be impregnable for him for some time.


    A woman should be simple, kind and understandable. The representative of this sign does not like omissions, tricks and intrigues. His heart will be conquered by a sincere, romantic and dreamy nature.

    Taurus love compassionate girls who are ready to help at any moment.

    Trying to conquer a Taurus man, a woman must take into account her astrological horoscope. Depending on the sign of the zodiac, you need to act as follows:

    woman zodiac sign Recommendations
    AriesThanks to its activity and love of life, it is not difficult for Aries to tame Taurus. The main thing is not to show your excessive emotionality. With the ability of the Aries woman to restrain her ardor and ambition, a long-term union is possible
    TaurusThe girl does not need to make any effort. No one can cause more delight and charm in Taurus than a woman of her zodiac sign. People have a lot in common, and they understand each other perfectly. The only stumbling block will be the stubbornness inherent in both, but if they manage to find a compromise and give in, then this union will be ideal.
    TwinsIt is difficult for Gemini to win over such a man. They will be able to do this only by completely changing, which is almost impossible. Gemini is frivolous, talkative and mobile, which disgusts the slow and balanced Taurus. Between them, only fleeting romances are possible, after which the Gemini disappear, and the Taurus become discouraged
    CrayfishCancer attracts a man of this sign with his sensuality. This person easily understands the Taurus man, as they want the same thing. She only has to convince him of the seriousness of her intentions and the desire to have a large and strong family.
    a lionThe lioness is a regal person, focused on luxury. Taurus does not like such a life, he is not ready to sacrifice his principles - this will have to be done by a woman. It will turn out to seduce this man by itself, but a woman will be able to keep him for a serious relationship only by lowering her requirements.
    VirgoVirgo will be able to conquer the guy with her practicality, rationality and honesty. It costs her more to show her ability to manage the household and dream less
    ScalesLibras just need to be themselves. By nature, they are feminine and sweet, which attracts Taurus. At first, he does not even realize that a dictator is hiding behind this gentleness. Tricks will help a woman: discreet makeup, more compliance and “weakness” in his presence
    ScorpionScorpio has everything to win and keep Taurus - mystery, sexuality, intuition. You should not just act covertly, as Scorpios like to do - the guy will not forgive this
    SagittariusThese are completely opposite signs. Only a sense of humor and sexual passion can connect them. Sagittarius will be able to achieve the attention of such a man with affection and tenderness.
    CapricornIn Capricorn, Taurus will be attracted to restraint and practicality. If a lady leaves her attempts to change a man, then this will be a harmonious couple.
    AquariusFor Aquarius, the Taurus man is ideal. A woman may be interested in his mystery and eccentricity. The main thing that should be shown is efficiency and the ability to manage money.
    FishPisces, thanks to their tenderness and pliability, make Taurus want to conquer, patronize and surround them with care. Having shown their culinary skills, they will be able to charm him completely.

    The man of this sign is a big owner and jealous. His companion must forever forget even about meaningless flirting, otherwise you will have to experience the power of his anger, in which he is terrible.

    How to keep a man forever?

    If a woman manages to conquer a Taurus man, this does not mean that she will be able to keep him close for many years. Therefore, it is important that he himself be interested in the union.

    The ideal spouse and partner for a representative of this sign will be a woman who has the following characteristics:

    • appreciates a quiet and peaceful life;
    • cannot stand parties and noisy campaigns;
    • loves and knows how to cook deliciously;
    • considers loyalty the basis of the family;
    • remains practical and frugal;
    • always ready for sex.

    Taurus will never be with a woman who leads them. In relation to him, you can not show activity and perseverance, you should not seek it openly. These men always work hard, and they need a companion who can provide a good rest.

    You should never get into an argument with a Taurus. It will not be possible to convince him, but it will be easy to cause anger and irritation. But if a woman puts forward reasonable alternative solutions, then a man is always ready to listen to them.

    For Taurus, the house is very important as a place of rest and a cozy atmosphere in it.. He will notice even the smallest detail changes in the interior, whether it's a new bedspread in the bedroom or another soap dish in the bathroom.

    AT family life the girl needs to be prepared for the fact that the Taurus man will control everything. At first glance, it seems that the relationship with him is too complicated. But if a woman manages to become a faithful and indispensable companion for him, then she will not find a more reliable and responsible husband.

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A woman, at some point in her life, may notice that she is in love with a Taurus man - this stubborn bull-headed man who was born between April 20 and May 20. These people are very stubborn, and it is quite difficult to attract them. If you are practical, calm and feminine, then Taurus is the perfect option for you.


Part 1

Grab his attention
  1. Be a woman. While you need to be strong and confident in order to gain respect, you also need to show your feminine side. The Taurus man loves to be surrounded by femininity. He really appreciates beauty and expects his woman to be beautiful. If you want to attract him, then take the time to look good!

    • When you have achieved this, be feminine. The Taurus man wants to be with a woman of exquisite taste - one who loves good wine, good music, and good art. Be sure you dress appropriately, you won't give up too soon!
  2. Be clean. Taurus wants to see a housewife in a woman. As long as you are neat, organized and emotionally stable, your man will be crazy about you. Taurus hates clutter and a hectic lifestyle. Prove to him how it comes naturally to you, and he will be amazed.

    • If you are inviting a Taurus man home, then organize your home! He will appreciate your attention to detail in everything - right down to your spice rack. He will notice how much time you spent organizing your life and he will consider you a kindred spirit.
  3. Handle money wisely. He is careful about money, and will not understand if you use it uselessly and impractically. If you seem financially literate, you can get his attention. He is very practical and knows the value of things. And, of course, do not treat them casually!

    • As said, they know when the quality of a thing is worth its price. You don't need to save, but know when certain things are frivolous and unnecessary.
  4. Be honest. If you can't be true to yourself, you won't be able to attract a Taurus man by pretending to be someone else. Be honest with him. He will appreciate your honesty, as this is one of the important character traits that he really wants to see in a lady. He will not trust you right away, and therefore will not tolerate the slightest lie.

    • Be honest and don't plan ahead. If you are not very clean, look neat. If you are not very feminine, then do not pretend that you are not. Be yourself. If you don't like it, then he won't like it either. You can't pretend all the time, he'll find out eventually. And if he finds out, he will obviously not be happy about it. So don't pretend that you are someone you are not in the first place!
  5. Be practical. Taurus men are family men who prefer to be in the comfort of their own home, with good food and good company. If you are a good cook, then you will win his heart. They are simple and calm, so try to avoid abrupt changes or spontaneous plans. Stay practical.

    • Don't worry about doing something wrong. Invite him to dinner that you cooked yourself. He will be impressed by your ingenuity, your skill and your femininity. The woman who invites him to dinner, who is attractive in her own right and is a good cook? This is a win for everyone!

Part 2

Relationship building
  1. Take the first step. Many Taurus mistakes are due to the fact that he is cold and stays away. This is not because he is not happy with his surroundings, but because he keeps his emotions inside and tries to be practical at all times. Therefore, he may be interested in you, and you do not even know about it! You may have to take the first step or wait a while!

    • You don't have to do anything extravagant - take him out to dinner again and he'll be impressed. No need to be intrusive, just invite him for a cup of coffee to show that you like him..
  2. Be sensitive. The Taurus man loves a cozy, pleasant, friendly atmosphere. He loves to just stay at home with his woman - that is, you. Nice dress attract a man in public places, but in a private setting, it will attract him even more. The Taurus man will appreciate you knowing that this is just for him.

    • Show him that you are physically interested without putting on a show. Touch him on the shoulders as you pass by, gently massage his arm, don't touch him until he has no choice but to get out of his cage.
  3. Respect him as a leader! Taurus men are always leaders. He wants to be with a woman who will support and respect him, who will be strong and self-confident, but will not take over in a relationship. However (when trying to mislead), you can show your independence from time to time. If you do not want him to consider you a spineless person, then you need him to show some amount of respect for you.

    • After all, Taurus wants a relationship where there is mutual respect. The idea is to respect him as a leader, and he, in turn, respects you. In a conflict, take the first step towards and he will answer. He has enough problems with his own temperament, but much less than anyone else.
    • He also loves to plan. If you're obsessed with brilliant ideas, then don't start implementing them before you think about them. Then, most likely, he will lower you to the ground and do it much better!
  4. Be calm and don't push him. The Taurus man loves to feel adventurous. He must consider all factors of the game, including relationships. So here you need to be patient and relax. Let the relationship develop without pressure on him. If he doesn't like you, he won't stay!

    • This applies to his personal time too. The Taurus man gets stuck in his everyday life. And if you interrupt him, he will not be delighted. If he needs to do something, then do it. But after he finishes everything, he will be all yours.

Part 3

Make it last
  1. Consider the character of a Taurus. It is important to sit down and try to be realistic. Taurus is a protector, and a jealous sign, like its opposite, Scorpio. If your sign is Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Libra, or Gemini, then you may have to forget about Taurus, as you are not a good fit. His overbearing nature will seem suffocating to you. Make sure your sign goes well with it!

    • You have to take Taurus for who he is with his need for routine, his need to be a leader in every way! It can be a relationship that lasts a very long time.
  2. Develop in everyday life. Taurus loves his daily routine, and his woman should be a part of it. So make some time for yourself! Make it part of your daily routine and vice versa. The more you connect with each other, the more difficult it will be to break this connection.

    • It doesn't mean, no matter how hard you try to imagine it, that you have to be involved in every aspect of each other's lives. No no no. It just means that you should have hobbies and activities that both of you enjoy. Get excited on Friday. Arrange bowling competitions. Walk on Saturday morning. Each of you must have your own life! But the rest of the time you have to spend together.
  3. It doesn't mean, no matter how hard you try to imagine it, that you have to be involved in every aspect of each other's lives. No no no. It just means that you should have hobbies and activities that both of you enjoy. Get excited on Friday. Arrange bowling competitions. Walk on Saturday morning. Each of you must have your own life! But the rest of the time you have to spend together.

    • There are subtle ways to do this. If two people are fighting, don't just step back and say, “You're right, dear. I'm sorry". (Unless he's right, of course). It would rather look like this: “I don't understand what I have to do with this. Can you explain this to me?" With a Taurus, being tactful will take you a lot, a lot of time.
  4. Know that you will have to pull it out. If you are looking for a man who will adore you, then Taurus is not like that. Of course, he can be affectionate, but if it does not take up a lot of his precious time. If you can accept it, be patient. Show him that you are comfortable with him and take care of him, and then he will reciprocate.

    • Don't be discouraged if he doesn't show the care you expect! If this is a problem, then talk about it. He will appreciate honesty and directness. Give him some time to come to a decision. It's worth the wait, you know?
  5. Work on trusting each other. Along with indifference and slowness in decisions, Taurus can be a little distrustful. He believes in the mantra: "If you want to do something right, do it yourself." This also flows into romantic relationships, where he uses it to do his own thing. However, over time, if you show him that you are a reliable and responsible partner, he will see the point in protecting you. Then you will know that you have won the heart of a Taurus.

    • If you have such qualities as honesty, practicality, diplomacy and calmness, then you will not have any problems. Trust will just fall into place! Let him know that you are so loyal only to him, and if he trusts you, he will respond in kind. It only means that he is participating in this game to win!
  • Remember care and attention. Taurus are not expressive romantics, but they will prove their love to you with actions, not promises. If you treat him well, he will notice it and appreciate it, even if he is silent about it.
  • If you know you did something wrong, then apologize. He will appreciate it.
  • Taurus men are slow because they are loyal/true lovers. They tend to keep some moments in their hearts so as not to ruin the moment and lose you. The moment you reach the heart of a Taurus man, he will love you forever.
  • Being attractive includes taking frequent showers, neat but not overly bright makeup, a toned body, smelling good, feeling good, looking good, and generally being good.
  • Have patience. The Taurus man will take a long time to decide on some steps in a relationship until he decides whether you are the “one” or not.
  • Tauruses are very slow and do not like change. If you broke up with a Taurus man, then he will still keep warm memories of you after a few months, even if he is dating someone else.
  • Engage in art, dance, literature, or theater. Taurus is a creative person.
  • They love to play mind games. They will challenge you by raising controversy and will sit back and watch you get angry. If he put on shoes on the wrong foot, he will be disappointed and lash out with insults. Don't give up, the stronger you are, the more he will respect you.


  • Don't try to play mind games with a Taurus man. He will not entertain you. Be honest and direct instead.
  • Communication is very important. Try talking to each other more to see what's best for both of you.
  • Taurus is one of the most stubborn signs, so don't force him to do anything or you'll feel him poking his horns from behind!

Love is a feeling that is difficult to explain with the help of science, knowledge from another area is needed - astrology, it is she who guards the relationship between people. If you liked a guy and managed to find out that he is a Taurus, then even by the sign of the zodiac you can judge his qualities and understand how to tame him.

The man of this sign prefers complaisant young ladies who agree to always be behind their partner. Source: Flickr (Joel_Sossa)

Taurus men. Why are they so attractive?

At first glance, it may seem that the representatives of this sign are very calm and reasonable. Practicality is inherent in them, but is not the most important advantage. The Taurus man turns out to be a very sentimental and amorous person who appreciates the homely atmosphere, cozy atmosphere in the house and delicious food.

A romantic mood does not save Taurus from secrecy, they open their feelings only to a select circle of people, therefore, for a woman for a long time remain a mystery. The attractiveness of such men also lies in the ability to find a way out of any situation, so financial stability is ensured. Taurus knows how to work, while not obsessed with money, loves beautiful things, material freedom, but does not sin with special extravagance, sanity always wins over excitement.

In quarrels, Taurus exclude screams and senseless swearing, a constructive dialogue is above all for them. However, if you want to convince a guy of something, then get ready to lose: he will defend his position to the last word, citing more and more new arguments. Women love such men for their perseverance and ability to achieve their goals, such a person will never back down from problems and is a reliable partner in life.

What kind of women do Taurus like?

Taurus do not like competition, especially with women, so a girl with a strong character and a desire to become the head of the house is doomed to failure. The man of this sign prefers complaisant young ladies who agree to always be behind their partner. They like it when a girl knows how to value money, is wasteful, and buying expensive trinkets is not one of her hobbies.

However, stupid women will not suit such guys. Taurus want the lady to be able to give practical advice, help in Hard time, keep the conversation going. All-round development, the presence of a good education, the ability to conduct secular conversations are also important. Next to him, the guy wants to see a partner who can be shown to friends and enjoy their admiring glances.

Hysterical ladies are hardly liked by any signs of the zodiac. How to conquer a Taurus man? For them, restraint, the ability to control oneself in extreme situations, outbursts of emotions during quarrels are not welcome. Such men do not need girls who do not know their place in life, do not have a goal, go with the flow, so the chosen one must be purposeful.

Taurus will never connect his life with a woman who constantly complains about life and problems, but does not want to do anything. Insincerity also does not suit anyone, and tattoos and piercings simply repel. Next to him, a man wants to see a beautiful and well-groomed girl with natural external data.

It is interesting! Tauruses are just like children - they love everything tasty and sweet.

What zodiac signs are suitable for Taurus women

To make the union strong, Taurus needs to pay attention to the water signs of the zodiac:

  • Relationships with Scorpio can become ideal if both partners try to control their feelings. Scorpio should pay more attention to a man, and not to himself, while Taurus must learn not to take many things to heart.
  • With Cancer, the marriage will be very strong, as both partners here will be ready to compromise. The keeper of the hearth should devote a lot of time to household chores, make sure that the man is always fed and feels comfortable in the house.
  • With Pisces, the union will turn out to be harmonious, although the restraint of Taurus will often bother you. To make family life not so insipid, you should diversify it yourself by arranging romantic surprises for two.

In addition, acquaintance with other signs can be the beginning of a good relationship. For example, with Aries there is a great danger of failure, but if the relationship improves, you will get an alliance with passions. There can be explosive relationships with Sagittarius when partners cannot live without each other. But with the rest of the signs, marriage promises to be difficult and unpromising.

Show how good you are together, that in the presence of a partner you feel better - this will be appreciated. Source: Flickr (Pierre_Morleghem)

How to Win a Taurus Man

The question of how to tame Taurus is asked by many ladies, whose heart was won by just such a man. The conquest does not promise to be easy, because it is you who will have to make concessions, and it will not work to re-educate the guy, you will have to come to terms with his views - there is no other way out.

To achieve a Taurus man, follow the recommendations:

  1. Always look good - all guys appreciate it, so in any situation, strive for beauty. But this does not mean the need to use bright makeup and high heels. Naturalness, individual style and own zest are especially appreciated. Such men love it when their lady does not copy images from the pages of fashion magazines or tries to imitate someone, but she is able to create her own ideal image.
  2. Availability Have a good mood and a radiant smile is the lion's share of success. Guys of this sign do not like girls who are in a bad mood all the time, so try not to complain about life, making it a tragedy.
  3. The aroma plays an important role, so pick up fresh perfumes with notes of mystery and originality, the Taurus man is very sensitive to smells.
  4. Show how good you are together, that in the presence of a partner you feel better - this will be appreciated. Moreover, the man himself will strive for meetings, knowing what effect they have on you, because it is very important to give happiness to someone.
  5. Sincerity should always come first. A man will never forgive a falsehood, so it’s not worth lying, a lie is perfectly felt by Taurus.
  6. Find common interests, they will definitely be, the main thing is not to play along, suddenly getting carried away by fishing, boxing or cars. Eagerness to be around a guy is good, but in this situation is a losing option.
  7. Show attention and care, try to support your partner in all his endeavors so that he trusts you. This sign does not hold firmness, but good advice always well received. The main thing is the manifestation of love and attention, which will not harm anyone.
  8. Make a good impression on his friends and relatives. Their opinion is always taken into account, so making friends is a must.
  9. Remember that the main thing in a relationship will always be a man, do not try to argue with him, impose your opinion, and if you fail, do not become hysterical. This will be taken with hostility.
  10. Excessive activity will only scare the guy away, so do not try to organize meetings yourself, rush marriage, indicate what needs to be done and when. A man must make his own decisions.
  11. Take care of Taurus, make sure that he is full, and the house is always clean and beautiful. Your hospitality and participation will surely flatter the guy.
  12. Jealousy is a dangerous feeling, so do not try to cause it by warming up the relationship. Flirting with other men will not be appreciated: no one will run after you, and feelings will completely cool down.
  13. Experiments in intimate relationships will not interfere, because in sex Taurus love variety, they don’t like a woman in the “log” position, they always want ingenuity.
  14. You do not need to demand much from your partner, on the contrary - try to be restrained in your desires, do not force him to do something.

It is interesting! If you use cheap things and have a low social status, you will not be able to become an object of attention.

Questions to the astrologer

How to conquer a Taurus man to a Cancer woman?

The couple promises to be perfect, in a relationship both will be pragmatists. Both value comfort, material wealth, dream of strong bonds, make plans. How to make a Taurus man fall in love with a Cancer woman? You must demonstrate your romanticism, desire to build serious relationship. Show how you love home comfort, prefer to be near your loved one.

How to conquer a Taurus man to a Pisces woman?

You need to devote more time to your partner, support him in any situation. Most importantly, avoid lying, even if it seems innocent. Try to be non-wasteful, offer experiments yourself in sexual relations - this will be appreciated.

How to conquer a Taurus man to an Aquarius woman?

A marriage can be strong with some effort. You don’t have to do almost anything - just show how soft you are, never argue, as this is an empty idea. Do not forget that common interests and hobbies bring together, make friends with his relatives.

How to conquer a Taurus man to a Libra woman?

Prove that you are the perfect wife and housewife. Let more mystery, do not need to tell all the secrets on the first date. Cook well, do not spend a lot of money on trifles and entertainment, tell us what you want to have big family, appreciate the conservative way.

How to conquer a Taurus man to a Leo woman?

With a lion, relationships can be very difficult, since neither partner is used to giving in. Try to restrain your emotionality, do not arrange fight scenes, be reasonable in any situation.

How to conquer a Taurus man to a Scorpio woman?

Convince a man that you are a reliable and faithful companion, good friend and a great housewife. Become irreplaceable for him, advise how to enter difficult situations. The main thing is to forget about disputes, stop being selfish.

How to conquer a Taurus man to a Taurus woman?

Nature has done everything for you, you just need to study the behavior and habits of your partner, trust him in everything, agree with his opinion. The union will be successful in 100% of cases, you are perfect for each other, and having one life purpose, whether it be work or family, will strengthen the marriage bond.

How to forget a Taurus man?

Get out of your head negative emotions, take a break from everything, try to relax. New hobbies, hobbies, travel, outdoor walks are great help.

How to tame a Taurus man? This question worries many ladies. It is important to always be sincere, to understand that the partner is the main thing in the house, not to try to impose your point of view. Strive for comfort, because it's warm hearth will be appreciated.

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Taurus can not stand to be on the sidelines. Keep this in mind when you start making long-term plans to conquer it. Once you have a Taurus, be prepared to play the role of second fiddle yourself. According to Taurus, either he looks like a real male, or it's a rag. Let the Taurus know that you need help. He must feel that next to him is a fragile woman who needs, if not protection, then constant guardianship. Taurus is ready to take off his last shirt for relatives or friends, and beautiful woman will become even more interesting for him if he “invests” his participation in it. Just don't overdo it: you don't have to look like a completely helpless doll. Gently hint that you could use a little help in some area of ​​your life. This may be writing a report, preparing for a difficult exam (as a humanist, higher mathematics is bad for you, and vice versa). Gifted versatile, Taurus will be happy to once again demonstrate their erudition. Then the Taurus man himself will not be able to figure out whether it is pleasant for him to be near you because he appeared in a favorable light, or whether it is your personal vibes.

The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus. This is the planet that is responsible for the sensitive perception of beauty and beautiful things. Therefore, the Taurus man reacts with increased interest to typically feminine qualities. Softness, sophistication, underlined forms - all this excites his imagination. Do not experiment with makeup, hairstyles and manicures. For Taurus, proven means of seduction are enough. He has long well-groomed hair, best of all -. Makeup should focus on your most attractive features: eyelashes, lips, a gentle blush on your cheeks. The absence of colors will not be a plus in the eyes of Taurus. Avoid monotony, solid pastel colors. You should not go to extremes either - do not overdo it with bright lipstick, too deep necklines, too short skirts. This can be regarded by Taurus as pretentiousness, vulgarity. Cheap effects are not for him. Please also note that Taurus will prefer an inexpensive, but high-quality and stylish “no-name” thing to fakes of famous designer brands. The same applies to gifts, if you want to please him with a sign of attention.

The Taurus man appreciates not only physical attraction, but also spiritual closeness between partners. In communication with him, do not limit yourself to flirting and flirtatious tone. Have intimate conversations with Taurus - his views on life, relationships, leisure, films, music will do. It is important for Taurus that his companion not only look brilliant, but also be an interesting companion. Even better, if you become his main listener - understanding, sensitive, in a word, irreplaceable. Conservative by nature, Taurus needs a like-minded person. It is important for him that close person supported him in everything, agreed with him in his views. Even if you disagree with a lot, don't get into a confrontation with Taurus. This is one of the most stubborn signs of the zodiac. He will remain with his opinion even when the whole world tells him that Taurus is wrong. But if it settles in Taurus's memory that you supported him at the moment when everyone turned away from him, this will make him invariably devoted to you.

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The Taurus man is reliable, balanced, clearly understanding what he wants from life. Taurus is charming, romantic, easy to communicate with. Well versed in female psychology. Due to his qualities, he is very popular with the opposite sex.

Taurus himself is very loving, knows how to care, can achieve reciprocity from almost every girl on whom he fixes his eyes. Taurus is a very stubborn sign. If he sets a goal for himself, then it is almost impossible to stop him. Such a man stubbornly follows his desires, doing everything possible to achieve the intended result.

How to win attention, keep such an attractive Taurus man in your arms?

Attracting a calf is easy. A man born under the sign of Taurus loves women very much, quickly falls in love, and having fallen in love, he immediately goes on the counter-offensive. Taurus is the opposite of Libra men, who are always in doubt. Taurus loves sex very much, gets great pleasure from novels, love stories. Therefore, if the calf liked the young lady, he understands well what he wants from her.

Taurus knows how to beautifully look after, demonstrate his ardent desire. He will invite a lady to an expensive restaurant, and then shower her with gifts. It is very difficult for a woman to resist the pressure of the calf. Melted by his attention, she is already starting to fantasize about the model wedding dress and then about a happy family life. But no matter how! Taurus does not think about it.

He likes the very process of conquering a girl, all the pleasures that he receives during their stormy romance. Therefore, it is easy to attract attention, to keep the calf in your arms. It is much more difficult to hold the calf to such an extent that it is ripe for the decisive step - the proposal of the hand and heart. How to do it? How to keep this man?

To attract the attention of a Taurus man - you need to know how to please him

How will the calf like it? Like other men, Taurus like beautiful, well-groomed girls. To keep the look of a calf, you need to dress with taste, be bright, modern. Vulgarity and vulgarity are unacceptable. Taurus can appreciate only natural beauty.

Naturally long, well-groomed hair will play a plus, but silicone breasts, false eyelashes can only cause a feeling of disgust in the calf. The appearance of the chosen one plays a role, but not decisive. Being a beauty, it is easy to keep the attention of this man for a while. In this case, the Taurus will quickly fool the girl, sleep, get what she wants, and then fix her eyes on the next attractive object.

How to keep the attention of a Taurus man for a long time - you need to have the basic qualities that this tough nut appreciates

What qualities does a Taurus man appreciate?

As I have already noted, external data is not the main advantage of a woman for a male calf. A good psychologist by nature appreciates Taurus, first of all, in their girls inner world. No matter how trite it may sound. If the intellect, spiritual qualities leave much to be desired, it will be difficult to hook the calf. And keeping such a man for a long time is even more difficult.

Hence the conclusion - improve your inner world!

Moreover, in the list of virtues that are important for the calf - spirituality, kindness, gentleness of a woman will prevail over intelligence. But this does not mean at all that he likes spineless, spineless ladies.

In order to properly intrigue Taurus, to keep his attention for a long time, you yourself will not be hindered by knowledge of the psychology of human nature

Taurus is a serious sign. Marriage is treated with all its inherent prudence. Taurus wants to find such a companion with whom he will live pleasantly in all respects. In order to distinguish the true value from a fake, the calf will arrange a series of psychological checks for his chosen one. And will watch her reactions.

He will check the girl for commercialism, participation or indifference to others, stress resistance, and a tendency to cheat. If you decide to conquer the heart of a calf, get ready for the fact that this man will scan your entire being before making a final decision.

The ability to cook will be one of the trump cards. Taurus loves to eat delicious food, prefers home cooking. You should also be a good housewife - be able to maintain cleanliness and order.

The ability to deliver a variety of pleasure in sex to your man will play a big role.
Summing up, it should be said that the list of advantages should be maximum. A Taurus man is a first-class sign and a woman is looking for a worthy self.

A little secret - how to keep the attention of a Taurus man

Don't be afraid to say no to a Taurus when he shows interest. Intrigue will only play into your hands. Be calm - if the calf is interested, he will not back down. The longer you resist, the more interest and desire you will arouse in the calf.

If you feel that the calf is firmly attached, do not rush him to make a decision. Give the calf the opportunity to independently analyze your virtues, to scan the whole essence. At this time, you need to make it clear to the calf as much as possible how it will be comfortable and peaceful for him to live if you become his wife. If the Taurus comes to this conclusion, he will make an offer. Marriage is a necessity for him.

How to keep Taurus interested after marriage

If all the tests are passed, you see the treasured ring on your finger, you should not relax. The next challenge is to match! Marriage with a calf will bring comfort, confidence in the future. Taurus know how to make money. They will do everything to make the life of loved ones as comfortable as possible. But you will also have to work hard.

The house should always be clean and comfortable. Delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner are indispensable attributes of family life for a calf. Warmth, participation in his problems. Don't forget - Taurus loves to have sex. If at least one of the criteria does not pass, your bull will go to the left. And if the criteria for non-compliance accumulate in large numbers, he will begin to think about divorce.

Remember, Taurus will make serious decisions on his own. First and the last word stay with the calf. It's useless to argue with him. Rested by horns))) (God forbid you change the calf).
If you want to sway the calf in favor of your opinion, do it carefully. And do not forget how to please your man, for example, what gifts this practical sign can appreciate.

Summing up, I want to say that the Taurus man is not tough for every woman. But if you have found all the keys - how to keep a calf man, as a reward - he will give the whole world!

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