How a leader should behave with subordinates. Seven rules for communicating with subordinates

Design and interior 29.09.2019
Design and interior

The boss and subordinates are at different levels, so it can be very difficult for them to understand each other. Such misunderstanding often results in open enmity and conflicts that decompose the atmosphere in the team, show the leader in an unsightly light. Barriers, sometimes insurmountable, arise between the subordinate and the boss. To understand a subordinate, a leader needs to try to imagine himself in his place, and this is not so difficult, since the future boss, before becoming one, also visited the role of a subordinate. Each leader has his own and.

How to communicate with subordinates

Not being able to correctly assess a person, to understand what led him at the time of making a decision, the leader himself becomes a hostage to the situation. Clinging stereotypical labels to everyone, you can lose the trust of subordinates. But stereotypes (“bad”, “good”) in standard cases make it easier to understand people.

Leaders often meet with typical mistakes in interaction with subordinates. So, a boss who is knocked out of his usual rut can make a hasty decision. "Cooling down" he can change his view of the problem. Having already once found himself in an unpleasant situation, the boss will intuitively avoid it without understanding the details. Or underestimating the importance of the problem, the manager leaves it without a solution. Insufficient evaluation of employees' points of view can negatively affect the consequences.

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Many subordinates use in relation to the boss and the team such a phenomenon as psychological games. They choose a model of behavior for themselves and through it they try to benefit:

  • "Kazan orphan"- the subordinate deliberately avoids the leader, does not perform the assigned task, justifying such behavior by the lack of interest of the authorities, may complain to the higher management;
  • "I'm being torn to pieces"- presenting oneself as a victim due to high employment and workload, irrational distribution of one's capabilities leads to non-fulfillment of the chosen block of work;
  • "Holy simplicity"- through feigned openness and gullibility, the subordinate arouses pity for himself and thereby shifts his duties to others;
  • "Clown"- ease, gaiety, eccentricity makes it possible to postpone work for the sake of entertaining comrades, instills confidence in the correctness of such jokes and "shifting" duties on others;
  • "Oh, how good I am"- an accidentally thrown phrase about success, a small favor puts the figure of this subordinate on the level of authority and example among colleagues, which is the main goal of this character.

Such games interfere with the progress of work and, trying to establish labor discipline, the boss can use punishment in relation to subordinates. Reprimands, censures and other forms should be manifested to the extent that they do not damage the line of respect of the subordinate. He must, through punishment, realize his guilt, but at the same time not break contact with the leader. Just like punishment, rewards should be used in moderation. Excessive enthusiasm for this method leads to familiar communication and discontent.

Communication with subordinates

How to avoid mistakes when influencing a subordinate? The first step is to study the experience of other leaders, or rather the most common mistakes in their impact on a subordinate.

Common Mistakes

stereotyped reaction

Instead of comprehending the situation, the manager often uses stereotypical statements such as "It looks like you", "You can't rely on anyone else here".

A hasty decision under the influence of passion

The boss is so infuriated by the mistake of one of the employees that he is no longer able to reasonably weigh these or other ways of behavior. Try to keep a clear head during critical situations.

Making a decision without understanding the situation

Certain situations often evoke unpleasant associations (memories). In such cases, people react without understanding what's what. But the more accurately you comprehend the situation, the better you will be able to react to it.

Misjudgment of the significance of the problem

How much important person considers this or that problem may depend on his mood, mood, unpleasant associations that this problem has already caused. Employees are especially dissatisfied if the head of the same problem in different time evaluates differently.

Insufficient error analysis

One of the employees performs a new task. The boss tells him: "Get together at last!" But at the same time, he did not really understand why this employee is slowly doing the work. Always try to find out the background of what is happening.

Insufficient consideration of different targets

What goals are of decisive importance when taking measures by the manager: the goals of the enterprise, the personal goals of the manager, the goals of the team as a whole? Determine what goal you are going to achieve using special measures. Set priorities as needed.

Insufficient consideration of the consequences of actions taken

When making decisions, the manager must constantly ask the question: "What undesirable side effects can this behavior have on my employees?"

Insufficient consideration of the different points of view of the manager and employees

It is known that a person is most willing to do what he decided on his own. Therefore, whenever possible, involve your subordinates in the decision-making process.

Unrealistic self-image

On the subjective assessment our own success is affected by the selectivity of perception, i.e. when evaluating our own success, we highlight the positive aspects and retouch the negative ones. We tend to justify our decisions in our own eyes afterwards. Based on this, the leader usually feels that his actions are confirmed, and therefore they manifest themselves with even greater force. Discuss from time to time with colleagues the measures that you resort to as a leader.

Barriers in the way of understanding by the boss of the subordinate

One of the problems that leaders face is the inability and ignorance of the ways of knowing another person. One of the most simple ways understanding the other - identification, likening oneself to another, that is, the desire to put oneself in his place. The study of a person becomes more complete when identification is reinforced by sympathy, sympathy. And not only compassion, which occurs relatively often, but also joyfulness, which happens much less frequently. It is not often that a leader is willing to actively intervene in a situation that is not related to work, a desire to help a subordinate at a difficult moment and sincerely rejoice with him in his success. Interest in the affairs of a subordinate is not idle curiosity, but a psychological connection, participation in normal human relationships.

Psychological connection

Requires the manager to be able to "read" the face of a subordinate.

With the help of intuition, imagination, an experienced leader captures the mood, attitude to work, the well-being of the subordinate, whether he has a tendency to engage in this activity or not, etc., according to the slightest nuances. Unfortunately, this does not happen often.

Not being able to correctly evaluate a person, identify the motives of his behavior, the leader often resorts to attribution - attributing the motives of behavior. This process is highly subjective. Quite common are cases when only negative motives of behavior and character traits are attributed to a "bad" employee, and only positive motives are attributed to a "good" employee. This approach to the subordinate in psychology is called "

halo effect

He can seriously let the leader down. Close to the "halo" effects of novelty and primacy. When perceiving a well-known person, the latest information about him plays an important role. And the previous information, often more significant, is ignored. When perceiving stranger a greater impression is left by previously received information about him. Such stereotypes lead to prejudice, when on the basis of limited information or past experience a wrong impression is created about a person, stereotypes become an obstacle to understanding people, establishing normal relationships with them.

In some cases, stereotypes are useful to the leader

They facilitate the study of subordinates by classifying forms of behavior and interpreting their causes in terms of already known phenomena and facts. They are necessary not to drown in the endless sea of ​​information. However, we should not forget that the template characteristics contained in stereotypes ignore individual personality traits, they prevent us from seeing a person in all his fullness and diversity.

However, not only subordinates suffer from the prejudices of superiors. Managers, in turn, often face prejudice against them from employees. Subordinates most often have a biased attitude towards a new boss, changes in the organization of work, a change of job, a low assessment of their work and discipline.

Is punishment effective?

Punishment is the most difficult way to activate a person, but some leaders believe that this is the best and easiest means of mobilizing labor efforts. Punishment is used to prevent misconduct in the future.

The basis for the application of punishment is a conflict situation

However, not every violation of discipline should punish subordinates. Often it is sufficient to confine oneself to a demand, a joke about violators of discipline, a stern look. The measure of punishment is always strictly individual, as are the individual and mental characteristics of people and the causes of their misconduct. Often, when punishing, leaders show rudeness and tactlessness: endless reproaches, threats and reminders of old misdeeds, strict demands to correct all shortcomings at once, poorly concealed antipathy towards subordinates who dare to have their own opinion. All these shortcomings disrupt the contact between the leader and subordinates.


When applying punishment, it is very important to show as much respect as possible for the subordinate and at the same time be as demanding as possible. This means that you can and should be angry with negligent performers, you can be indignant and indignant at one or another of their actions, but you can never vent evil, insult people. If the leader starts to get angry, scream, he must be ready for the response of the subordinate.

Weight of punishment

The severity of punishment depends on the relationship between the subordinate and the leader. Even a mild censure of an authoritative, respected boss is painful. Conversely, a well-deserved punishment from a low-authority leader is perceived as captiousness and injustice.

Constant use of one form of punishment

It dulls strength, unexpected, unusual punishment usually works better than the most severe, but familiar. It must be borne in mind that different workers for the same thing must be punished in different ways. At the same time, one should take into account the level common culture, knowledge, individual characteristics.

Unlike rewards, punishment is often announced not immediately after the offense has been committed, but after a while, in order to give the offender to calm down and think about his behavior. When imposing punishment, it is necessary to make specific remarks on a specific occasion.

But we should never forget that encouragement is a more significant measure of influence than punishment. Regular use of rewards prevents the need for punishment.

Games played by subordinates

Most often, psychological games interfere with the establishment of good relations between people, hinder any business, and reduce the effectiveness of collective efforts. But people play them because they help maintain a certain level of self-respect, sometimes getting the right to be irresponsible.

AT recent times This phenomenon has been widely discussed in the literature. Individual members of the collective apply this method of a kind of self-defense, hoping to secure privileges for themselves in the collective, to receive certain benefits. Here are examples of the most common psychological games in a team:

"Kazan orphan":

Among several tricks of this way to make your life easier, the following should be highlighted - the subordinate avoids the boss, which, if necessary, allows him to declare that he was abandoned and was not led; provokes the elder to rudeness and illegal actions, and then takes the position of the offended. Often complains to the bosses of immediate supervisors; coquettishly declares that the assigned task is not feasible. At the same time, a person tries to look weak, incapable of serious work.

"I'm being torn apart"

Fans of this game strive to get as many social workloads as possible, without thinking about how they will cope with the increasing volume of administrative duties and social work. Overloading with affairs allows them, on the one hand, not to seriously fulfill any of their duties, and on the other hand, to refuse difficult tasks performed by most of their comrades, referring to employment.

"Holy simplicity"

Fans of this game demonstrate to others their naivety, inability to complete the work they have begun. The purpose of such a game is to arouse in others a natural desire to help, and, in the end, they try to shift their responsibilities to others. Unfortunately, not understanding the meaning of the game, this or that leader begins to sincerely support the subordinate, doing the lion's share of the work for him.

"Disabled Boss"

The employee refuses to lead a group of people created for a certain time to solve an urgent episodic task, motivating his refusal by the fact that he does not have the right to punish people who have temporarily fallen under his control, and without this it is allegedly impossible to lead.


There are fans of this game in almost every educational or labor collective. The clown seeks to prove that he is an eccentric, not of this world, science or work is given to him with difficulty, and he simply does not need it. He laughs, entertains everyone and harms no one. This gives him confidence, and he ceases to work fully, deriving satisfaction and joy from the revival of his comrades when he appears.

"Oh, how good I am"

In order to raise your authority, to arouse the respect of others, different versions of this game are used. It can be, as it were, a casually thrown phrase about their successes, names are called famous people, allegedly close to the narrator. It is not uncommon to hear from an applicant of high authority about his broad awareness.

Responding to the games of subordinates

It is advisable, ignoring the position taken by the employee, to find the area of ​​activity where he is stronger than his colleagues, and show him sincere respect for real success.

There is a psychological recommendation - in order to influence others, you need to say what they want. Self-expression is the dominant need human nature. So, talk sympathetically with the "Kazan orphan", convince her that the responsible assignment that is given to her is feasible for her. Give the highest possible recommendation to the "player", and he will justify it. Express confidence that he will cope with the task and succeed. Almost everyone makes an effort to uphold the reputation they are given.

Ten attributes of a good employee

I am often asked how to be a good manager, but much less often asked the other way. important question What makes an employee a good employee? There are ten qualities that I find "the best and brightest" in employees that need to be developed and preserved. If you have all of these attributes, you are probably an amazing employee.

1. You must have a thorough curiosity about the products or programs of your company or group. You must be able to use the products or programs yourself. This does not apply only to the computer world. This also holds true in other knowledge-based areas where technology and practice are advancing so rapidly that it is essential to keep your knowledge and skills up to date. If you don't have it, you can fall behind and become ineffective pretty quickly.

2. You need to have a genuine interest in getting customers to talk about how they use the products (programs) - what they like and what they don't find very attractive. You have to be a bit of a missionary with your customers, and at the same time be realistic about where your company's products (programs) are not effective but could be better.

3. Once you understand your customer's needs, you should think about how the product (program) can help. For example, if you work in the industry software, you might be asking yourself: “How can this product (program) make work more interesting? How can you make learning the product (program) more interesting? interesting form?"

These first three points are related. Success comes from understanding and caring deeply about your products (programs), your technology, and your customers' needs.

4. Employees should focus on individual long-term goals such as developing their own skills and motivating the people they work with to do so. This kind of self-motivation requires discipline, but it can be very helpful. The system of material incentives, of course, is also a good incentive. If you're in sales, various allowances and bonuses are important performance management tools, but it's much better when employees rise above these incentives. If skyrocketing your next bonus or salary increase is all that motivates you, then you are probably out of group work and group development that creates genuine success in the long run.

5. You need to have specialized knowledge and skills with a view to the future. Big companies, for example, select employees who can quickly acquire specialized knowledge. No one should rely on the expertise they have today to meet the needs tomorrow so willingness to learn is a very important trait.

6. You must be flexible enough to take advantage of the various opportunities that may be of interest to you. At Microsoft, we offer a person a wide variety of career activities. Anyone interested in participating in management is encouraged to work with a variety of clients, even if that means moving to another branch within the organization or to another part of the world.

We have many people in our US division from other countries, and we have many US employees who work for affiliates in other countries. This helps us better understand global markets, and while we spend quite Good work on staff relocation, still not as good as I would like.

7. A good employee wants to know business economics. Why does the company do what it does? What are its business models? How does it make money?

I'm always surprised at a company that doesn't educate employees on the basics of financial knowledge in their industry.

8. You must focus on your competitors. I like employees who think about what is happening in the market. What are our competitors doing, how interesting is it? What can we learn from them? How can we avoid their mistakes?

9. You must use your head. Analyze problems, but don't become a paralytic analyst. Understand the implications of potential deals of all kinds, including deals with insufficient information.

Use your head for practical purposes as well. Use your time effectively. Think about what you can give good advice to other groups.

10. Watch out for obvious qualities like honesty, ethics, and hard work. These important qualities go without explanation.

Why do subordinates not follow orders?

Many managers are concerned about the unsatisfactory level of performance discipline among subordinates, when work is either not done on time or not done properly. Leaders usually see the main means of influencing undisciplined subordinates in strengthening control and exactingness, in punishing the guilty. However, practice shows that these measures of influence on subordinates do not bring sustainable positive results.

In order for the manager to find the best means of solving the managerial problem that has arisen before him, it is necessary to better understand what the level of performance discipline of their subordinates ultimately depends on and what means of influence can help to increase its level.

Among the reasons for the unsatisfactory level of performance discipline

are called like:

Low skill level of performers,

Low qualification level of managers,

Unsatisfactory quality of preparation by the head of the decision itself, on the basis of which the task is set for the performer,

Fuzzy setting before the executor of tasks that require execution,

Insufficient interest of the employee in solving the task,

Traditions and rules established in the organization negatively affect the attitude of employees to the performance of assigned work,

The unsatisfactory level of control that managers exercise over the work of performers,

The lack of resources at the disposal of the performers necessary for the quality performance of the work (time, information, equipment, human resources of the necessary qualifications and numbers, finances, etc.)

High Performance Factors

1. Selection of performers, the best way suitable for the job (experience, knowledge, motivation).

2. A thorough study of the problem to be solved is necessary (who is responsible for the performance of the work, performers, a clear definition of the task, deadlines, necessary resources, what assistance should be provided to the performer).

3. The manager needs to receive confirmation from the performer of how he understood the assignment, how ready he is for its implementation, what difficulties he sees in the way of performing the assigned work.

4. It is necessary to ensure the proper level of motivation of the performer. At the same time, it is important that positive incentives outweigh negative ones in terms of volume.

5. It is necessary to clearly indicate how control will be carried out, what forms of feedback are provided from the immediate supervisor.


Magura M.I. How to improve the level of performance discipline among subordinates? / Personnel Management. - No. 6, 1997

Stankin M. I. Algorithms of stimulation by punishment. / Personnel management. - N 8, 1996

The effectiveness of communication depends on whether he is able to speak with them in the language of leadership, which includes a range of verbal and non-verbal communication techniques. In particular, the leader is obliged to monitor his facial expressions and gestures, since in communication they mean no less than words. By sending negative non-verbal signals, the leader ceases to inspire and motivate subordinates. To give you a sense of calm power, control your communication behavior. Don't fuss and don't yawn. To show interest in a conversation, nod and lean towards the other person. The welcome handshake should not be too strong, but not sluggish. Try not to touch your nose, ears, or eyes while talking, as these gestures signal your insecurity. By scratching your head, you show confusion. Don't forget to smile.

The art of ordering. how to manage subordinates

A leader who does not advocate for his own enterprise will in any case infect the people who follow him with his indifference. Categories of management, techniques and tricks Despite the versatility, the practical psychology of managing people is divided into two categories:

  1. The path to success, sitting astride the neck of subordinates, or Techniques of an insensitive leader.
  2. The path to success as a winner is in the hands of subordinates, or the Power of inspiration.

The leader chooses the appropriate tactics - depending on personal qualities, his own experience and attitude towards people in general. The first category implies hidden control of a person: manipulation, fear, insult, guilt, resentment. Let's consider these methods in more detail. Manipulation Manipulation as a hidden control implies a clever, cunning, aimed at achieving one's own goals impact on a person.

Seven rules for communicating with subordinates

Veto "of the leader, or What should not be done Before you find the desired answer and an effective method of how to subjugate your subordinates, you should familiarize yourself with the list of prohibited actions, the violation of which will characterize you as an extremely unpleasant and ill-mannered tyrant boss:

  • Transition to personality. Analysis of the personal, unrelated qualities of an employee is a sure way to turn the team against yourself.
  • Raised tone, turning into a scream. Wild op will not frighten employees and force them to obey, moreover, by such behavior you will demonstrate your weakness and inability to restrain emotions, and therefore manage.
  • Regular self-praise and demonstration of self-importance.

How to behave with staff

Based on reading the book How To Say It for First-Time Managers: Winning Words and Strategies for Earning Your Team's Confidence Jack GriffinPrentice Hall Press © 2010 Talent and diligence, as well as the ability to communicate with subordinates, are important for an aspiring manager. A leader who can't get his message across to employees is like a fish that can't swim. So what should a manager who has just entered a new position do? The best way out is to read the wonderful book by Jack Griffin, which describes the most important techniques for establishing communication with subordinates.
The author skillfully tells what and how a manager should say at work, what words and gestures should be used, and which should be avoided. Those who do not know how to communicate cannot lead. Any leader must first of all be able to communicate with subordinates.

As a coach or mentor, encourage employees to set important goals for themselves, the achievement of which will require serious effort from them. In their vocabulary, the coach should use motivating words and phrases such as “start over,” “overcome,” and “take the initiative.” There are also phrases that he is better off avoiding, such as "just do what you're told" or "I'm your boss."


The importance of a positive attitude The leader must constantly radiate optimism, inspire subordinates with a cheerful attitude and faith in success. Try to look for everything positive sides. Get in the habit of saying “challenging” instead of “problem,” “opinion” instead of “criticize,” “investment” instead of “cost.” When discussing with employees the results of their work, show them that you appreciate their efforts, and save criticisms for later.

How to subjugate subordinates? psychology of people management

Because when a manager influences a subordinate from a closed position, how will the subordinate subconsciously appreciate it? In fact, like Stanislavsky: “I don’t believe!”. I don’t believe in menacingness, in authority, in powdering resources, I don’t believe in motivation. Here the main problem not an experienced leader, into the discrepancy between verbal and non-verbal.
In order not to experience discomfort every time, communicating in an open position, this position must be worked out. And to work it out in non-peak situations, just train yourself to be in an open position. Train, periodically catch yourself where your hands are.

Avoid all invariants: keep the pen in front of you, lock your hands, etc. TOP - 5 most important articles for a manager: 2. Proper Behavior leader with subordinates - how to work out? Example Sometimes it is very important to memorize the correct command, pattern, pattern. Which we easily customize ourselves.

9 principles on how to behave as a female leader with subordinates

You are under no obligation to look at it carefully. Attention is a completely unique emotion, it is absolutely neutral, the so-called transitional. You can carefully look at a person and kiss him, or you can look at him and hit him.


That is, it does not oblige you to anything. But your subordinate perceives attention as a positive factor. Because a person is accustomed to consider himself the crown of creation, and the navel of the earth. And your attention is strengthening his ego. What is generally good for us, let a person think that this is so.


Why are we doing this is our question. But if a person wants to think that we are raising the ego, let him think so. On the other hand, in order to get information, the manager sometimes needs to ask such neutral, informational questions. And this is done through attention. In fact, any communication of leadership takes place here and now, this second, every moment.

How to talk to subordinates

Leadership is not an easy job. Let's say you set up your business and recruited employees. Or you've been promoted to a management position. Much depends on how you properly build relationships with subordinates. Therefore, it is necessary to be ready for management and know how to behave with staff.
Types of Leadership There are two main systems for supervising subordinates. The first of them is called democratic, the second - command or authoritarian. The democratic system assumes a shorter distance between the leader and subordinates.

The leader mainly uses persuasion techniques. The authoritarian system involves the distribution of clear instructions to employees, which they are obliged to follow. In the first case, employees have initiatives, in the second they do not.

What is better to use - everyone chooses for himself. But we still propose to look for the golden mean.

The art of ordering: how to communicate with subordinates

To properly respond to a situation, you first need to understand it, and then react. Any preconceived opinion, firstly, alarms the interlocutor, that is, we immediately go to confrontation, where it is not necessary. And secondly, it deprives us of the opportunity to make the right decision.

Therefore, the first emotion is attention, which must be learned. And first, the leader in his behavior with subordinates, you just need to train the look. Get used to not being afraid of eye contact. Feel eye contact.

There is nothing frightening in this, just a certain state of information exchange is going on. Training second, learn attention, how to offer a person attention. I carefully look at this person, he is here and now, he is the most important for me at this moment. Not for life, not forever, but here and now.

Hr articles

So, with your knowledge and talents, you are really capable of running a business. And you shouldn't be afraid of mistakes. All the same, they will be - life is so unpredictable! It is better to spend your energy not on fear, but on finding ways to solve problems and mistakes! Watch your image Perhaps you will be surprised, but we are still met “by clothes”. The way you look, how you treat yourself, affects the attitude of your colleagues and subordinates towards you.

Your appearance must tell others that you are energetic and confident. Grow and let your employees develop What really makes the difference effective leader from a mediocre manager? Of course, the desire to learn and the willingness to regularly set aside time for this! By developing in the field of your business, you thereby inspire your subordinates to go forward.
In rare cases, the ultimate goals are good, but manipulation, by its nature, is nothing more than an act of influence on people, imperceptibly forcing them to make unfavorable decisions. Its main difference from voluntary submission is that a person is simply not left with a choice to choose a path other than the one imposed. In our case, the concept under consideration, depending on the nature of the leader, can be used to achieve their own selfish goals or for the benefit of the company. Management of subordinates on the principle of manipulation includes skillfully caused resentment, anger, fear, guilt. Resentment, anger Thrown casually or directly by the head of an unflattering phrase about the business qualities of an employee against the backdrop of detailed praise of another subordinate in 9 cases out of 10 reaches the goal, and all thanks to the inherent sense of rivalry in people.

Communication with subordinates

How to avoid mistakes when influencing a subordinate

The most common mistakes when influencing a subordinate include:

stereotyped reaction. Instead of comprehending the situation, the manager often uses stereotypical statements such as "It looks like you", "You can't rely on anyone else here".

A hasty decision under the influence of passion. The boss is so infuriated by the mistake of one of the employees that he is no longer able to reasonably weigh these or other ways of behavior. Try to keep a clear head during critical situations.

Making a decision without understanding the situation. Certain situations often evoke unpleasant associations (memories). In such cases, people react without understanding what's what. But the more accurately you comprehend the situation, the better you will be able to react to it.

Misjudgment of the value of the problem. How important a person considers this or that problem may depend on his mood, mood, unpleasant associations that this problem has already caused. Employees are especially dissatisfied if the manager evaluates the same problem differently at different times.

Insufficient error analysis. One of the employees performs a new task. The boss tells him: "Get together at last!" But at the same time, he did not really understand why this employee is slowly doing the work. Always try to find out the background of what is happening.

Insufficient consideration of various target settings. What goals are of decisive importance when taking measures by the manager: the goals of the enterprise, the personal goals of the manager, the goals of the team as a whole? Determine what goal you are going to achieve using special measures. Set priorities as needed.

Insufficient consideration of the consequences of the actions taken. When making decisions, the manager must constantly ask the question: "What undesirable side effects can this behavior have on my employees?"

Insufficient consideration of the different points of view of the manager and employees. It is known that a person is most willing to do what he decided on his own. Therefore, whenever possible, involve your subordinates in the decision-making process.

Unrealistic self-esteem. The subjective assessment of our own success is affected by the selectivity of perception, i.e. when evaluating our own success, we highlight the positive aspects and retouch the negative ones. We tend to justify our decisions in our own eyes afterwards. Based on this, the leader usually feels that his actions are confirmed, and therefore they manifest themselves with even greater force. Discuss from time to time with colleagues the measures that you resort to as a leader.

Schroeder G.A. Manage according to the situation:
Per. with him. - M .: JSC "Interexpert", 1994. - (Workshop of a business person

Barriers in the way of understanding by the boss of the subordinate

One of the problems that leaders face is the inability and ignorance of the ways of knowing another person. One of the simplest ways of understanding another is identification, likening oneself to another, that is, the desire to put oneself in his place. The study of a person becomes more complete when identification is reinforced by sympathy, sympathy. And not only compassion, which occurs relatively often, but also joyfulness, which happens much less frequently. It is not often that a leader is willing to actively intervene in a situation that is not related to work, a desire to help a subordinate at a difficult moment and sincerely rejoice with him in his success. Interest in the affairs of a subordinate is not idle curiosity, but a psychological connection, participation in normal human relationships.

Psychological connection requires the leader to be able to "read" the face of a subordinate.

With the help of intuition, imagination, an experienced leader captures the mood, attitude to work, the well-being of the subordinate, whether he has a tendency to engage in this activity or not, etc., according to the slightest nuances. Unfortunately, this does not happen often.

Not being able to correctly evaluate a person, identify the motives of his behavior, the leader often resorts to attribution - attributing the motives of behavior. This process is highly subjective. Quite common are cases when only negative motives of behavior and character traits are attributed to a "bad" employee, and only positive motives are attributed to a "good" employee. This approach to the subordinate in psychology is called the "halo effect". He can seriously let the leader down. Close to the "halo" effects of novelty and primacy. When perceiving a well-known person, the latest information about him plays an important role. And the previous information, often more significant, is ignored. When perceiving a stranger, a greater impression is left by previously received information about him. Such stereotypes lead to prejudice, when on the basis of limited information or past experience a wrong impression is created about a person, stereotypes become an obstacle to understanding people, establishing normal relationships with them.

In some cases, stereotypes are useful to the leader.

They facilitate the study of subordinates by classifying forms of behavior and interpreting their causes in terms of already known phenomena and facts. They are necessary not to drown in the endless sea of ​​information. However, we should not forget that the template characteristics contained in stereotypes ignore individual personality traits, they prevent us from seeing a person in all his fullness and diversity.

However, not only subordinates suffer from the prejudices of superiors. Managers, in turn, often face prejudice against them from employees. Subordinates most often have a biased attitude towards a new boss, changes in the organization of work, a change of job, a low assessment of their work and discipline.

Stankin M.I. Stereotyping or the main barrier in the way of understanding by the boss of the subordinate / Personnel management. - N 3, 1997

Is punishment effective?

Punishment is the most difficult way to activate a person, but some leaders believe that this is the best and easiest means of mobilizing labor efforts. Punishment is used to prevent misconduct in the future.

Basis for application of punishment - conflict situation. However, not every violation of discipline should punish subordinates. Often it is sufficient to confine oneself to a demand, a joke about violators of discipline, a stern look. The measure of punishment is always strictly individual, as are the individual and mental characteristics of people and the causes of their misconduct. Often, when punishing, leaders show rudeness and tactlessness: endless reproaches, threats and reminders of old misdeeds, strict demands to correct all shortcomings at once, poorly concealed antipathy towards subordinates who dare to have their own opinion. All these shortcomings disrupt the contact between the leader and subordinates.

When applying punishment, it is very important to show as much respect as possible for the subordinate and at the same time be as demanding as possible. This means that you can and should be angry with negligent performers, you can be indignant and indignant at one or another of their actions, but you can never vent evil, insult people. If the leader starts to get angry, scream, he must be ready for the response of the subordinate.

The severity of punishment depends on the relationship between the subordinate and the leader. Even a mild censure of an authoritative, respected boss is painful. Conversely, a well-deserved punishment from a low-authority leader is perceived as captiousness and injustice.

The constant use of one form of punishment blunts its power, unexpected, unusual punishment usually works better than the most severe, but habitual. It must be borne in mind that different workers for the same thing must be punished in different ways. At the same time, the level of their general culture, knowledge, and individual characteristics should be taken into account.

Unlike rewards, punishment is often announced not immediately after the offense has been committed, but after a while, in order to give the offender to calm down and think about his behavior. When imposing punishment, it is necessary to make specific remarks on a specific occasion.

But we should never forget that encouragement is a more significant measure of influence than punishment. Regular use of rewards prevents the need for punishment.

Stankin M. Algorithms of stimulation by punishment. / Personnel management. - N 8, 1996

What games do your subordinates play?

Recently, such a phenomenon as psychological games has been widely discussed in the literature. Individual members of the collective apply this method of a kind of self-defense, hoping to secure privileges for themselves in the collective, to receive certain benefits. Here are examples of the most common psychological games in a team:

"Kazan orphan":

Among several tricks of this way to make your life easier, the following should be highlighted - the subordinate avoids the boss, which, if necessary, allows him to declare that he was abandoned and was not led; provokes the elder to rudeness and illegal actions, and then takes the position of the offended. Often complains to the bosses of immediate supervisors; coquettishly declares that the assigned task is not feasible. At the same time, a person tries to look weak, incapable of serious work.

"I'm being torn apart"

Fans of this game strive to get as many social workloads as possible, without thinking about how they will cope with the increasing volume of administrative duties and social work. Overloading with affairs allows them, on the one hand, not to seriously fulfill any of their duties, and on the other hand, to refuse difficult tasks performed by most of their comrades, referring to employment.

"Holy simplicity"

Fans of this game demonstrate to others their naivety, inability to complete the work they have begun. The purpose of such a game is to arouse in others a natural desire to help, and, in the end, they try to shift their responsibilities to others. Unfortunately, not understanding the meaning of the game, this or that leader begins to sincerely support the subordinate, doing the lion's share of the work for him.

"Disabled Boss"

The employee refuses to lead a group of people created for a certain time to solve an urgent episodic task, motivating his refusal by the fact that he does not have the right to punish people who have temporarily fallen under his control, and without this it is allegedly impossible to lead.

There are fans of this game in almost every educational or labor collective. The clown seeks to prove that he is an eccentric, not of this world, science or work is given to him with difficulty, and he simply does not need it. He laughs, entertains everyone and harms no one. This gives him confidence, and he ceases to work fully, deriving satisfaction and joy from the revival of his comrades when he appears.

"Oh, how good I am"

In order to raise your authority, to arouse the respect of others, different versions of this game are used. It can be, as it were, a casually thrown phrase about their successes, the names of famous people who are supposedly close to the narrator are called. It is not uncommon to hear from an applicant of high authority about his broad awareness.

Most often, psychological games interfere with the establishment of good relations between people, hinder any business, and reduce the effectiveness of collective efforts. But people play them because they help maintain a certain level of self-respect, sometimes getting the right to be irresponsible.

How should the leader react to the game of subordinates? It is advisable, ignoring the position taken by the employee, to find the area of ​​activity where he is stronger than his colleagues, and show him sincere respect for real success.
There is a psychological recommendation - in order to influence others, you need to say what they want. Self-expression is the dominant need of human nature. So, talk sympathetically with the "Kazan orphan", convince her that the responsible assignment that is given to her is feasible for her. Give the highest possible recommendation to the "player", and he will justify it. Express confidence that he will cope with the task and succeed. Almost everyone makes an effort to uphold the reputation they are given.

Stankin M. I. Psychological games / Personnel management. - N4, 1997

Ten attributes of a good employee

I am often asked how to be a good manager, but much less frequently asked another important question, what makes an employee a good employee? There are ten qualities that I find "the best and brightest" in employees that need to be developed and preserved. If you have all of these attributes, you are probably an amazing employee.

First, you need to have a thorough curiosity about your company's or group's products or programs. You must be able to use the products or programs yourself. This does not apply only to the computer world. This also holds true in other knowledge-based areas where technology and practice are advancing so rapidly that it is essential to keep your knowledge and skills up to date. If you don't have it, you can fall behind and become ineffective pretty quickly.

Secondly, you need to have a genuine interest in getting customers to talk about how they use the products (programs) - what they like and what they don't find very attractive. You have to be a bit of a missionary with your customers, and at the same time be realistic about where your company's products (programs) are not effective but could be better.

Third, once you understand your customer's needs, you must think about how the product (program) can help. For example, if you work in the software industry, you might be asking yourself: “How can this product (program) make work more interesting? "

These first three points are related. Success comes from understanding and caring deeply about your products (programs), your technology, and your customers' needs.

Fourth, employees should focus on individual long-term goals such as developing their own skills and motivating the people they work with to do so. This kind of self-motivation requires discipline, but it can be very helpful. The system of material incentives, of course, is also a good incentive. If you're in sales, various allowances and bonuses are important performance management tools, but it's much better when employees rise above these incentives. If skyrocketing your next bonus or salary increase is all that motivates you, then you are probably out of group work and group development that creates genuine success in the long run.

Fifth, you need to have specialized knowledge and skills with a view to the future. Large companies, for example, recruit employees who can quickly absorb specialized knowledge. No one should rely on the expertise they have today to meet the needs of tomorrow, so willingness to learn is a very important trait.

Sixth, you must be flexible enough to take advantage of the various opportunities that may be of interest to you. At Microsoft, we offer a person a wide variety of career activities. Anyone interested in participating in management is encouraged to work with a variety of clients, even if that means moving to another branch within the organization or to another part of the world.

We have many people in our US division from other countries, and we have many US employees who work for affiliates in other countries. It helps us better understand global markets, and while we're doing a pretty good job of moving staff, it's still not as good as I'd like it to be.

Seventh, a good employee wants to know business economics. Why does the company do what it does? What are its business models? How does it make money?

I'm always surprised at a company that doesn't educate employees on the basics of financial knowledge in their industry.

Eighth, you must focus on your competitors. I like employees who think about what is happening in the market. What are our competitors doing, how interesting is it? What can we learn from them? How can we avoid their mistakes?

Ninth, you must use your head. Analyze problems, but don't become a paralytic analyst. Understand the implications of potential deals of all kinds, including deals with insufficient information.

Use your head for practical purposes as well. Use your time effectively. Think about what you can give good advice to other groups.

In conclusion, don't overlook obvious qualities such as honesty, ethics, and hard work. These important qualities go without explanation.

Bill Gates Founder and Chairman Microsoft Corp.

Why are subordinates not following your orders?

Many managers are concerned about the unsatisfactory level of performance discipline among subordinates, when work is either not done on time or not done properly. Leaders usually see the main means of influencing undisciplined subordinates in strengthening control and exactingness, in punishing the guilty. However, practice shows that these measures of influence on subordinates do not bring sustainable positive results.

In order for the manager to find the best means of solving the managerial problem that has arisen before him, it is necessary to better understand what the level of performance discipline of their subordinates ultimately depends on and what means of influence can help to increase its level.
Among the reasons for the unsatisfactory level of performing discipline are the following:

· low level of qualification of performers

Low qualification level of managers

unsatisfactory quality of preparation by the head of the decision itself, on the basis of which the task is set for the performer

fuzzy setting before the performer of tasks that require execution

Insufficient interest of the employee in solving the task

The traditions and rules established in the organization negatively affect the attitude of employees to the performance of the assigned work.

Unsatisfactory level of control that managers exercise over the work of performers

lack of resources at the disposal of the performers necessary for the quality performance of work (time, information, equipment, human resources of the necessary qualifications and numbers, finances, etc.)

In order to achieve a high level of performance of the assigned work, a number of conditions must be met:

1. Selection of performers best suited to perform the work (experience, knowledge, motivation).

2. A thorough study of the problem to be solved is necessary (who is responsible for the performance of the work, performers, a clear definition of the task, deadlines, necessary resources, what assistance should be provided to the performer).

3. The manager needs to receive confirmation from the performer of how he understood the assignment, how ready he is for its implementation, what difficulties he sees in the way of performing the assigned work.

4. It is necessary to ensure the proper level of motivation of the performer. At the same time, it is important that positive incentives outweigh negative ones in terms of volume.

5. It is necessary to clearly indicate how control will be carried out, what forms of feedback are provided from the immediate supervisor.

Magura M.I. How to improve the level of performance discipline among subordinates? / Personnel Management. - No. 6, 1997

The role of business culture and interaction between management and subordinates is currently playing a huge role. It is important not only to be able to competently perform their duties, but also to build relationships with employees correctly.

business relationship norm

Today, the culture of business relationships has reached great positions. This is due to the fact that in the process of official activities people are increasingly switching to formal relationships, and do not concentrate on personal sympathies and impressions about people. There are special requirements for communication between a leader and a subordinate.
The leader is always the most key figure in the work team. A lot depends on his behavior, the policy of rewards and punishments, as well as his attitude towards employees.
Experts believe that being a worthy leader, in many ways, means having good relationships with subordinates. Employees will work harder and produce better results if their boss manages them properly. With poor management, work turns into a hell that subordinates experience every day, as a result of which their interest fades and efficiency leaves much to be desired.

Leadership Rules

It must always be remembered that relationships are influenced by personal, cultural, social features individuals. The microclimate in the office and the relationship between employees of the organization depend on these and many other factors.
Patience and endurance are needed for success in any business, these factors, together with correctness, create a favorable business atmosphere in the team.
That is why you need to remember a few simple rules to build an adequate relationship between superiors and subordinates.

  • The leader must treat all employees equally and impartially, regardless of likes or dislikes.
  • In case of questions and initiatives, it is necessary to provide free access to the chief manager to discuss any problems and criticism from the management.
  • The head of the organization has the right to independently make responsible decisions, demand their implementation and delegate his duties to subordinates.
  • If the manager wants to improve the work of employees, he needs to constantly demand the fulfillment of relevant tasks.
  • Another rule is the use of profanity in the presence of subordinates. Unfortunately, not everyone has a good upbringing. The use of strong language is regarded by some as the acquisition of authority. We hasten to dissuade - this is not so. A person who allows himself to speak swear words in the office is not worthy of any respect. This applies equally to the commanding staff and to the acting employees.
  • The next rule of etiquette for a leader is intransigence to flattering remarks and compliments. Not better way to control a person and lull his vigilance than the use of flattery. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between showing respect and praising human virtues from outright and crude flattery. Such conversations and remarks, an experienced leader always suppresses.

The irresponsibility of the commanding staff disrupts the work of the office and leads to low productivity of subordinates.

Service etiquette in the relationship between a leader and a subordinate

The official etiquette of the leader makes it necessary to organize the course of work in such a way that the duties of all subordinates are clearly delineated. Official powers should be distributed evenly, regardless of the individual preferences of employees and the personal attitude of the boss.
No matter how much trust an employee enjoys, performance monitoring is always necessary. The behavior of employees will also depend on the general manager of the company. Do not repeat and explain tasks many times and "stand over the soul" of subordinates. Everyone is an adult and responsible employee, so competent assignment of duties should be combined with ongoing control.
A serious attitude to work can be flavored with the use of jokes and Have a good mood. However, when using humor, you need to be extremely careful. After all, too cheerful mood kills discipline, and sharp and offensive remarks can turn more than one person against you. It must be remembered that jokes with representatives of the older generation are inappropriate, this can be perceived as a violation of due respect and reverence for them. Corporate ethics must always be respected.

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Typical situations of interaction between a boss and an employee

Below, we present some of the situations that may arise when establishing personal relationships. Perhaps most leaders are able to adequately assess their behavior and character flaws. Therefore, if an overly quick temper affects relationships with people, try to get rid of them, or follow the following rules:

      • Observe initiation with whom and in what situations negative character traits appear;
      • Avoid such situations and minimize the time of communication with such people;
      • Warn people in advance of existing shortcomings;
      • Apologize immediately if you had to flare up or offend a person.

It happens that among subordinates there are people with a difficult character or negative behavior. They are difficult to communicate with and almost impossible to find. mutual language. In such cases, an effective and competent leader can:

      • Call the subordinate for a conversation and find out the reasons for his behavior. This may be enough for a person to reconsider his actions;
      • If the nature of the employee affects the performance of official duties in a significant way, it is worth warning him about sanctions for poor results;
      • To consider the situation as a whole, it is necessary to resolve the issue not alone, but with the involvement of experienced employees and reputable colleagues to influence the “problem” employee.

The manager was faced with the fact that with any employee he had established personal friendly relations. In this case, there are pros and cons of close communication:

      • The positive side is formed by the fact that there is trust between the subordinate and the boss, transparency on both sides and an open dialogue;
      • Negative factors include the inability of the manager to objectively assess the employee, his dependence on subordinates, and the derogation of the boss's respect.

The etiquette of the leader and subordinate plays a big role today. Good manners are based on the principle of the golden rule of morality “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” Relations between colleagues should be based on mutual respect, subordination and responsible attitude to the common cause.

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