The repetition of events in life how to understand. The most important events in a person's life. Feeling of deja vu, recurring events in a person's life

Helpful Hints 15.09.2018

Based on these important events and dates, a person’s life is built, his way of life is determined, and certain conclusions are drawn.
These include: the birth of a child, baptism, graduation from school, receiving the first wages, promotion, marriage, buying a car, buying a living space, getting a passport, pregnancy, retirement, military service, etc.
Each of the events in a person's life is a certain stage that requires a lot of strength, energy, aspiration and improvement.
Passing through each stage of life, a person acquires something, becomes wiser, more mature and acquires a certain status and significance.

Based on the results obtained in this study, we have empirical data indicating that there is no consistent grouping and theoretical meaning of the events lived in the study population. Each life event is also created by each, constituting a subjective experience, although it can be activated in the external environment. Thus, we are faced with the difficulty of constructing a scale that groups them into factors.

Thus, the question is asked whether to conduct some epidemiological studies based on the magnitude of events. In other cases, overall positive and negative ratings are obtained from the lists, regardless of specific events and subjective assessments of respondents regarding the perception of events.

All important events are stored in the memory of both the person himself and those close to him and those around him. They often happen only once in a person's life, so they are remembered and appreciated.

Absolutely every person has important events in life. He plans his life, and strives to have as many such events as possible in his history.
Each of us is pleased to go through certain life stages and thanks to these stages to be able to move on, confidently looking forward.

In addition, no scales have been identified in the literature that suggest simultaneous positive and negative evaluation of events. The results of the present study show that no event is negative or positive. In general, events were rated as more positive or more negative, varying the intensity of positive and negative assessments. However, for five of them there was no significant difference in the means of positive and negative ratings.

As limitations of the present study, we can cite the constitution of the sample for convenience and its broad age group, the fact that it was not assessed when events occurred, and the number of occurrences of events was not quantified. We suggest that future studies explore these variables.

The most unusual, most pleasant and most solemn event that can only happen is, of course, the birth of a new life and the birth of a person. It completely changes the lives of parents, and becomes the most important and significant date not only for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters, but also for the person who was born.

In future research, we propose to investigate the relationship between these phenomena, as well as to deepen the consequences of including positive and negative ratings separately for the same event. London: Bedford New College, University of London.

Stuttgart, Germany: Kohlhammer. Age variation in life events and their association with common mental disorders in the national survey population. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric and Epidemiological Journal, 611. Attitude of recalled life events, childhood relationship with parents, and meaning in life. Research on Education by Steiner, 1, 96.

Now a person needs to grow, develop and move forward, shaping his life, if I may say so in chapters. Movement through life forms new important life stages, which years later will form into a person's biography. And the life of the person himself will be judged by these important dates and events.

Life is so fleeting that after birth, further events come very quickly and just as quickly fly by, giving way to new ones.
Someone considers getting a job and moving up the career ladder the most significant event. For some, the most important thing is the wedding. Someone considers the purchase of real estate to be the most important. All people are different, everyone strives for something specific, everyone sets priorities for themselves. But, no matter how they are placed, and no matter what event is considered the most important and significant special events, there is still no way to avoid it. And a certain list will be accumulated for each person.

Brazilian version of Pikel's interview for recent life events. Brazilian Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, 4, 47. Stressful life events, protective factors, and depressive disorders in mid-adulthood. Rott, The Many Faces of Health, Competence, and Well-Being in Old Age: Integrating Epidemiological, Psychological, and Sociological Perspectives. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

According to the Law of Attraction, or any law, almost every passage of the day is a specific answer to my question, concern, or thought. One of the options is karma and uneducated lessons, the other is the power of my thoughts, which, despite my many attempts, due to my inadequate ability to control negative thoughts, cause only unwanted events. My question is: why do the same events in my personal and professional life keep repeating for about 5 years, for 2-3 years, which cause real chaos in both areas of my life?

It so happens that not everything that happens in life can be attributed to good events and festive. There are also bad ones that make you look at life from a new angle, change something in it, rethink something. Such events also remain for a long time in our memory, and perhaps change our lives completely. It is better not to concentrate all your attention on them. We must try to survive what happened and with bright and sound thoughts to move forward. Forming a bright life streak.

What approach do you propose to break this vicious circle? There is nothing on earth that happens randomly, everything follows a strict regularity that determines the event in people's lives. Those who think that life is luck are deeply blinded, because behind every success or failure is the path that came to the person who pushed him to the event. Both the good and the difficult moments of life are important and important for the soul, because they enrich it and make it learn new experiences that will help it move along the path of development.

Such an important event as a wedding makes a person move forward, forming a cell of society. And the wedding pulls a series of certain other important events. These are, such as the birth of a child, the purchase of real estate, career events, the acquisition of new friends, new anniversaries, new dates, new holidays.
There are so many important events in life. Try to protect yourself from the bad ones. Confidently look ahead, realize your wildest plans and dreams. And you will have something to remember, something to tell your friends and family, something to be proud of and something to admire.

That is why we came to earth to learn and cultivate, few people realize it and feel it in their hearts. Now the mass of people on earth accept life as an eternal delay, without thinking about the consequences of their actions, these people do not understand that sooner or later the day will come for the summit. If people follow their hearts, guided by the light and love in it, then there will be a happy moment on the day of reckoning for them, because they will receive many gifts. But if people have allowed evil to influence them, then they will pay the price for all the evil that they realized or did not do.

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