The most important events in life. Trials and troubles in your life. Why are they given ... why do they occur ...

Helpful Hints 19.04.2018
Helpful Hints

Any thought that has arisen in us sends out some oscillatory waves from itself that affect the whole world around us. Thought is a kind of matter, which is also capable of extremely strong action. Having comprehended the nature of this amazing force and the laws that govern it, we will be able to shape the events of our lives, subjugate thought to ourselves and make it our most powerful tool and excellent assistant.

How events are shaped in your life

In order to shape the events of your life, it is important to know that every thought that has arisen in us, be it low or high, good or bad, healthy or unhealthy, sends out certain oscillatory waves from itself, it is these waves that further influence one or another degrees on absolutely all those with whom we come into contact in one way or another or who accidentally find themselves in the circle of such oscillatory waves emanating from our thoughts.

On the other hand, all our thoughts, one way or another acting on other people, certainly affect us ourselves, and not only from time to time, but almost constantly.

In the thoughts inherent in any person, his "I" is found; precisely because of this, the well-known biblical expression - "what a person thinks in his heart, that is exactly what he is in reality" must be understood almost literally.

It is known that we are all products of our inner creativity. A thought systematically directed at one and the same object is well seen not only in the character, but sometimes even in the appearance of a person. To understand how you can shape the events of your life, just compare what you think about your work, appearance, personal life and compare with what you have. Isn't it the same thing?!

This is a completely proven fact: you just need to look around you to be convinced of this. You have probably already noticed how a person's occupation can be reflected in his appearance and general disposition.

If you have ever changed your labor activity, then your general disposition, as well as your appearance, followed the same change. Notice that your new business brought with it a completely new chain of thoughts, but they were already reflected later in matter.

Another very significant manifestation of a particular thought is its incredible attractive power. A similar property of thought works on the basis of a well-known law, which says that "like attracts like."

By placing certain thoughts in your mind, you thereby attract to yourself other thoughts and also beliefs of the same kind from a large environment of all kinds of thoughts around you, and though elusive, they are quite powerful: positive thoughts attract the following positive thoughts, bad ones are bad. We hope we have revealed the question of how to shape the events of your life.

How to shape the events of your life

Each of us creates our own life. We decide with whom we want to spend it and what to achieve, set goals and set priorities. In order to be able to do this correctly, it is important to know how to shape the events of your life and influence your own destiny.

The main methods created with the aim of influencing events and fate were compiled on the basis of ancient knowledge about people, the Universe and its structure. So, having become acquainted with this ancient knowledge, people can shape the events of their lives.

Below are some tips to remember if you decide to change something in your life.

First of all, consider whether your desire will harm the people around you, because when you dig a hole for another person, you will eventually fall into it yourself. So, if the event you thought out nevertheless brought harm or trouble to someone, then the negative reaction and energy will return to you with a vengeance.

Pay attention to what thoughts your head is occupied with and on your condition in general. In order to change at least some part of your life, to form an event in your life, you need to change yourself for the better. Think of positive, joyful events, let your ideas and thoughts be only bright and sincere.

Thinking that the whole world treats you negatively, then be prepared for the fact that most people from your environment will perceive you that way. Realize that changing anything is an achievable dream. Focus on yourself and act decisively. After all, constantly doubting, you will make everyone think of yourself as a person who is not confident enough in his abilities.

Don't aim for immediate results. By striving for this, you can achieve the exact opposite effect. By always thinking about your goal, not giving your thoughts a rest, negative emotions will gather faster. And this is the main obstacle in any case.

Thinking how to shape the events of your life, make sure once again whether they are really so necessary and important for you? There should be no doubt.

Remember those feelings that we experience in moments of the most sincere joy and happiness? Our thoughts are only the purest and kindest, we are calm and completely confident in ourselves. Every time, remember these feelings and try to strive for the same.

To shape the events of your life, tune your mind and subconscious to the fact that you will, without a doubt, get what you want, no matter how difficult it may be.

These recommendations are pretty simple. It is only necessary not to forget about them and to listen more often to the main adviser - to yourself. And only in this way, your life will be filled only with those events that will make it brighter and richer.

Everyone had memorable events in their lives: joyful and sad, long-awaited and unexpected, memorable and ordinary, public and private. What significance do they have for us? What is their role in our life?

The word "event" comes from the Old Slavonic "sbytisya", which appeared in Russian in the 11th century. Its meaning is obvious: it is "execution", "implementation". In other words, it is a fact that happened, happened. The synonyms of the word are: phenomenon, incident, fact, case, etc.

What is an event scientifically? Let's try to answer this question. The word "event" has different meanings:

  • this is a separate case;
  • psychobiographical, natural phenomenon;
  • a fact of historical, world significance.

as a separate case

What is an event? It is often treated as a separate case. Philosophy gives the following interpretation of this word: an event is considered to be any incident that has happened, has a uniqueness, is determined by some entity.

From a modern point of view, an event is a major fact, an incident in personal or public life. Such a phenomenon may be the anniversary of the mother, the opening of the exhibition famous artist etc.

What events happened in Europe in 2016? Important facts include: the Figure Skating Championship in Bratislava, the elections to the State Duma in Russia, the World Forum in Davos, etc.

Psychobiographical phenomenon

An event can be a psychobiographical phenomenon. What is this event? Philosophy gives a definition: a psychobiographical phenomenon is a systemic set of meaningful descriptions taken as a unit of analysis and study of a particular life path.

The modern interpretation of this word is as follows: a psychobiographical phenomenon is a set of cases that occur in the "history of life." This includes the study of the biography of famous personalities.

Important psychobiographical events in Europe in 2016 are: the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Romain Rolland in France, the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare in the UK, the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vyacheslav Ivanov in Russia, etc.

A natural phenomenon

What is an event? An event is considered a natural phenomenon. From a philosophical point of view, the unit of a natural phenomenon is the natural process. In nature, everything is a chain of events that interact and mutually limit each other.

In the modern interpretation, a natural phenomenon is the result of natural processes that in a certain way affect people, the economy, and the environment. It can be biological, geological, physical, cosmological, etc.

What kind important events that occurred in Europe in 2016, is it worth noting? To such natural phenomena include: the largest supermoon in the last 68 years in Belarus, an exploding meteorite over Lake Baikal in Russia, a total solar eclipse in Indonesia, etc.

Fact of historical significance

The event is often regarded as a fact of historical significance. What is a historical event? The philosophical point of view says that there is no real time. Facts should be considered as an area saturated with moments of the past and the future.

From a modern point of view, a historical fact is an incident that has great importance and influence the course of history. Such phenomena can be: presidential elections, signing of a decree of interstate significance, etc.

To the big ones historical facts that occurred in Europe in 2016, it is worth mentioning: an attempted military coup in Turkey, terrorist attacks in Europe, the UK referendum on leaving the EU, etc.

Fact of world significance

An event is considered to be a fact of world significance. What is a global event? The philosophical point of view defines some facts as phenomena that occur at some point and are considered as a process of changing the world.

The modern interpretation of this word is as follows: an event of world significance is a set of interconnected social facts that have changed the world. Catastrophes, epidemics, wars can be phenomena of this magnitude.

Such incidents in Europe in 2016 include: a plane crash in Rostov-on-Don, an earthquake in Italy. The armed conflict in Syria is the event of the century that took place in 2016.

Events occupy an important place in our lives. They are private and public. Some of them are forgotten, others are remembered. They make life diverse, rich, affect the plans of people. The course of history, economy, politics depends on some phenomena. Modern events are the engine of progress and evolution.

Today I suggest you to comprehend the article "Learning to understand what is happening" and I invite you take part in the seminar-mailing "Confidence"

You can and should change your life if you are not satisfied with at least a small part of it.

Indeed, every year, a small part increases and discontent grows, and with it irritability, apathy and the feeling that “something is wrong”. You will be able to change your life when you learn to understand and see those “chains” of events that take place in your life. After all, with all the uniqueness of each person on earth, there are certain patterns of everything that happens to you. If you understand what and how is happening in your life, then the opportunity to change something will not be a dream, but a reality. Each person has his own philosophy of life, each for himself determines the rules and norms by which he lives and what he believes in. However, thanks to my own life experience and experience professional activity, I can say that in life there are certain constant patterns. It doesn’t matter what kind of person, what he does, what he is looking for in life and what difficulties he has, these patterns (one might say constants) “work” in any case. Life is not a set of chaotic events, everything in life is interconnected, nothing happens just like that, each event “pulls” another event along with it. And this first rule: everything that happens in your life is not accidental, all events are a “chain”, where each previous link determines the next link. Do a little analysis of what is happening in your life, and you will see that the first pattern “works”. A vivid example is parting with a person or a sudden layoff at work, when something happened “suddenly” and you are trying to prevent these events, fighting with all your might, losing your Energy ... but ... what happened - happened ... and Life prod And in such an environment, it doesn’t even occur to me to think “why, why did this happen?”. You are worried and it seems that something terrible has happened!!! And only after some time you understand that without this event, another would not have happened! If you hadn’t been laid off, you would have worked in your old place, and would not have decided to take another job, and now you are satisfied with both the salary and the team, and you like yourself and the work ... :) If you hadn’t parted with the person, you could never know great happiness with another person who is actually “your person” - remember how in the movie “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears” ?. “I think it’s good that you didn’t marry me then! Because then I would not have met my most Beloved and dear person! Often you can hear from a person: “when we broke up, I was in despair, I was scary to live on, and today it becomes me scary that I could never meet my current husband and never know real happiness! There are many such events in our life, when through events that upset and upset us, we come to what we really need. It’s just that at the moment when we lose something or something doesn’t work out the way we would like, we don’t think “why did this happen?”, We try to “force” the circumstances to turn out the way we would like at that moment, rather than learn the "lesson" and maybe reconsider their true values. Therefore, if you want to change your life, you should not fall into despair, think about why this is happening and what new things are appearing in your life. AND ALWAYS REMEMBER - IF ONE DOOR CLOSES, ANOTHER DOES IMMEDIATELY OPEN :). Is it worth breaking into a closed one ???:) What else do you need to understand in order to change your life for the better? No matter how much you want to get something right today, remember that everything happens in its own time for you. And this second regularity : what needs to happen will happen when you are ready for it (i.e. ready to take a step into the “open door”-opportunity). Therefore, you should not think that you can just lie on the couch and wait for “the right time”, :) without your actions, nothing will happen at all, except for a hole on the couch :).

To change your life, you will have to make an effort (and learn from your own Life :)) and take a step. Show Love for yourself with an action, not a word :). The third important pattern , which I would note is the relationship of your attitude to the world and the world to you: “What is in me is outside”, like attracts like.

How you perceive the world around you is how the world relates to you. An irritated and negative-minded person will receive the same in return, i.e. and the bus will go out from under your nose and a passerby will push you, and you will run out of movie tickets...

With your insecurity and fears, you will attract even more fears and insecurities.

And Faith in oneself and Trust can work the same miracles as Faith in the Creator.

As soon as you wake up with a smile, learn to think positively, leaving the house you will rejoice at Life, every snowflake, the Ray of the Sun, and even in cloudy weather you will remember that the Sun shines all the same - it’s just cloudy today :) - and now the day has developed good luck and the World shone with new bright colors! :) - and people around smiled looking at you, and forces were added and favorable circumstances will be attracted :) - LUCK UNMISTAKE CHOOSE SMILE AND POSITIVE PEOPLE :) - analyze at least the "lucky ones" from your environment :) .

Beginning with today, I AM RECRUITTING A GROUP for the CONFIDENCE Seminar. With simple and understandable steps, we will go to confidence. The material will be sent to you by mail from me. Write to me at:

(I opened another box - this address will be for mailing lists, but also the former

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FORGIVENESS is our liberation. Forgiveness Techniques All grievances inflicted on us firmly settle in the subconscious and limit our path of movement through life and in the Universe. It has long been proven that grievances cause the formation of various diseases, including malignant tumors. Offended, a person comes into conflict with the Higher Mind, and this cannot be done. After all, responding to evil, we only strengthen it! Indeed, your offender is wrong, but you, analyzing and scrolling the situation over and over again in your thoughts, punish only yourself. It takes away a huge amount of vital energy from you. You should not harm yourself, it is better to forgive the offender and free yourself from the past. When the soul is tormented by resentment, you are specifically “attached” energetically to the offender, and this connection deprives you of vitality. Do you have a choice - to be offended or not? After all, it is not resentment that brings suffering, but your emotional reaction to it! Strive and develop in yourself a calm and confident feeling of the Divine Spirit, which does not depend on the opinions and criticism of others. Forgive everyone who offended you, by doing this you will improve your health and gain peace of mind. Improve your Divine protection in the world of subtle energies….

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PSYCHOLOGY and our life articles, practices You can and should change your life if you are not satisfied with at least a small part of it. Indeed, every year, a small part increases and discontent grows, and with it irritability, apathy and the feeling that “something is wrong”. You will be able to change your life when you learn to understand and see those “chains” of events that take place in your life. After all, with all the uniqueness of each person on earth, there are certain patterns of everything that happens to you. If you understand what and how is happening in your life, then the opportunity to change something will not be a dream, but a reality. Each person has his own philosophy of life, each for himself determines the rules and norms by which he lives and what he believes in. However, thanks to my own life experience and professional experience, I can say that there are certain constant patterns in life. It doesn’t matter what kind of person, what he does, what he is looking for in life and what difficulties he has, these patterns (one might say constants) “work” in any case ...

Your soul progresses and goes to mastery through trials. Trials in life help you, as a person, moderate your reactions and develop higher spiritual qualities, appearing in the form of incentives, disappointments, betrayals, frustrations, mistakes, losses, and even illnesses and injuries.

It is easy to believe that you are a Divine Immortal Being when everything is going the way you want and desire. However, it is much more difficult to remember the purpose and power of your Inner Being and remainor focused on it when life makes its tough demands on you. Only when you face all situations patiently, mercifully and with love can you gain strength and ultimate freedom and develop your ability to live in harmony with your Higher Consciousness.

Trials in life are not given to wear you down, but to push you towards soul mastery. They help you measure the extent of your spiritual understanding and mark the level of progress you have made. For example, in order to move from one class to another in a regular school, you must pass exams. In a similar way, your knowledge is assessed when receiving driving license: For your own safety and the safety of others, you must demonstrate your ability to cope with various situations on the road. In these situations, trial tasks are not given to you to torment or hurt you, but to make sure you haven't missed anything significant in the learning process. They are for your own benefit.

So it is on the path of knowledge. As you move from one class of life to another, you will face a series of tests designed to expand your Inner Wisdom. They are not given to threaten you, although they can certainly be perceived in this way, especially if you are in their very epicenter. These trials are nothing more than neutral help, allowing you to make sure of your own spiritual progress and achieve your goal. In this case, you will be able to understand the strengths and weak sides of your soul and start working on the development of those areas of life that need further growth.

Whatever happens, accept it into your life and see it as part of the Divine timetable drawn up for the development of your soul. When you are in the midst of life's storms, everything is perceived as personal to you. However, with proper distance and objectivity, you will begin to see more clearly and distinctly that trials only shape your soul.

A difficult experience or episode in your life does not mean at all that you failed the "exam" or deserve what is happening to you. Such an idea arises from the false belief that somewhere out there, somewhere, there is an angry Almighty God who is ready to punish you the very minute you make a mistake. This is just a vestige of patriarchal confusion and there is not a grain of truth in it.

God is love and only love, and you are always in the very center of it. The Creator will never leave or condemn you - you yourself leave and criticize yourself. You are like children playing hide and seek with God, believing that you can always leave and get rid of His Sacred Presence, when in fact you cannot. You are always surrounded and protected by the Boundless Spirit.

Trials in your life- this is not divine retribution from a jealous Creator who does not like you or something you have done. They simply indicate that you are actively moving along the path of life lessons. You should not see difficulties as a punishment, but as something that you attract to yourself as you reach the next level of understanding of your sacred nature.

May your actions towards others - including towards yourself - always be full of love and respect. The great teacher and avatar Jesus Christ expressed it the best way, saying: "What you do to your little brethren, you do to Me."

By rudely treating another person, you not only take away respect and hurt his Inner Being, but also harm and humiliate your own Being too. When you blaspheme someone or treat yourself contemptuously, it seems to you that you can always run away and get off easy, especially if no one sees you, but in doing so, for the sake of someone unknown, you compromise your honesty and sacrifice your mercy and dignity.

Every person has a shadow side - for example, "thief", "tyrant", "manipulator", "rapist" - which manifests itself when a person communicates with those whom he regards as higher or lower than himself. At the level of the soul, there is no hierarchy of ranks: all spirits are equal. Any other view is wrong and limits you. When you are tempted to judge or criticize another, see this as a target test given to you by your Higher Self as an opportunity to expand your awareness and perception of those with whom you share the same Divine Spirit.

This exam can take the most different forms: for example, a drunken bum comes up to you, living on the fact that he rents empty bottles, and asks for money; or you are cut off on the road by a young scorcher, swiftly rushing past; or in the store the seller is rude to you; or a messenger delivers the wrong order to you and asks for more money.

How do you meet these mental exams? Are you patient, kind and tolerant? Or impatient, rude and cruel? It doesn't matter if someone is watching you or not. You yourself know the truth.

Each of these situations is given to you along the path of life as a chance to practice even greater love and tenderness. Some of these tests are easier to bear than others. But the harder they are, the faster your soul comes to the next level. Accept mercifully and with dignity all annoying moments, knowing that they are trials and gifts of God.

When faced with an unpleasant situation, do not resist, do not resent, and do not allow fear into your heart, but simply recognize that this is evidence that your soul is preparing to take another step in its development. Courageously meet any trials and remember that you are never given something for which you are not yet ready. Moreover, never go through them alone. Call on spirit guides, angels and the Higher Self - they will help you cope with any difficulty that has arisen. Ask them for help and be open to receive it, for it can be given to you at any moment.

Big and small trials stand in your way every day. Some you can handle, others you can't, at least not at first. Don't get annoyed, as there will be other spiritual exams and other opportunities for soul growth. Their flow is unstoppable. It is for this reason that you have come to the earthly plane. Not better way than this one to become the master of your soul and fulfill its goals. What is important is not trials, but the benevolence with which you accept and perceive them. This is the main thing.

Now you can put this lesson into practice.

  • If you perceive any test in life or any trouble you encounter, personally at your own expense; if you are afraid that you fully deserve what is happening to you; if you behave appropriately only when you are looked at; if you allow your shadow qualities to rule your life; if most of the time you are annoyed and impatient, then you are new to this lesson.
  • If you overreact, panic, or get angry when faced with difficulties; if you become numb with fear or act in retaliation when things do not go as you planned; if you ask, "Why did this happen to me?" - when the Universe throws you the wrong ball; if you dwell on negative events for too long, then you are a student.
  • If you accept events as they are and calmly react to situations when they go awry; if you see a correspondence between what you preach and how you act, and strive to bring them into harmony; if you do good deeds, even when no one sees it; if you admit that it is not what happened to you that matters, but how you react to it, then you are an apprentice.
  • If you consider all events - both bad and good - as a gift from God, helping to develop your spirit; if you perceive each difficult situation as a sign that your soul is entering the next path of knowledge and experience; if you are calm about difficulties; if you watch your emotions and keep them under control, even when you are being subjected to a sensitive test, then you are on the way to mastery in this lesson.

If you are a beginner:

  • Pause and take a few deep breaths before reacting to a nuisance or challenge.
  • Do not take personally everything that happens to you, even if it seems to you that someone or something specifically catches you.
  • Think of each problem as an exam or test.
  • Remember that you are prepared for the exam you are facing.

If you are a student:

  • Turn your life over to your Higher Self every morning and ask it to be with you all day.
  • Focus on staying grounded and staying calm when facing any emotional, physical, or mental difficulties by doing deep breathing techniques, gymnastics, or prayer to that end.
  • Reveal the silver underside in ordeal past and look for positive aspects in the trials of the present.
  • Practice meditation and non-attachment daily so that when something hard happens, you can remain calm.

If you are an apprentice:

  • See trials as evidence that your soul is progressing.
  • Look for opportunities in every difficult situation or crisis.
  • Ask God that every day, at any moment, He will not leave you with His mercy.
  • Remind yourself that no matter how gloomy or dark this moment, he, too, passes, like everything else in life.

If you are on your way to mastery and complete mastery of this lesson:

  • Count how many times a day you and your spirit are tested.
  • Strive to pass each subsequent exam of the soul with greater calmness and spiritual generosity than the previous one.
  • Pray to the Creator that He would give you strength, clarity, patience and love, and you could meet new trials with courage and dignity.

Soul Lesson:

Through trials in life, the soul ascends to the heights of mastery.

Soul Purpose:

Calmly, creatively, with dignity and favorably respond to all life's trials.

based on materials from the book: Sonya Choquet - "The Soul, Its Lessons and Purpose."

It's never too early

Anna Boldyreva (24):

“I gave birth to a daughter at the age of 18. Being a young mother is difficult: you have just entered adulthood, and there is such a responsibility right away. But the child helped to prioritize. For a long time I could not decide on a specialty: I was torn between computer science, medical examination, and the Chinese language. Due to pregnancy, I had to take a break from my studies, and while I was at home with my child, I was able to understand what I was really interested in. With the advent of my daughter, I became much more feminine. As a mother of a girl, I feel a great responsibility for my behavior and appearance. Family is great, loved ones give me a sense of stability, confidence in the future. And of course they make me happy."

It's never too late

Nadezhda Aksenova (39):

“I believe that motherhood is the main purpose of a woman. Therefore, becoming a mother is good at any time. I gave birth at 38. I wanted a child for a long time, but somehow it didn’t work out, hope was replaced by despair, and vice versa. And then a daughter was born. Now it seems that my whole world revolves around her.

It is not difficult to give birth physically. Maybe my birth went well, because I was preparing for them: I went to special courses, studied. Of course, pregnancy is not a project, but it requires knowledge and preparation. I'm glad I gave birth at this age. A more mature attitude helps to better understand the child, give him more attention and enjoy the time spent together.

Find your favorite thing

It's never too early

Anna Stupenkova (23):

“For almost half of my life I was engaged in journalism and could not even imagine that I would switch to something else. But shortly before receiving my diploma, I heard from friends about the school of Yandex managers. At that moment, I was in charge of the site and thought that it would be nice to understand Internet technologies. After training, I successfully defended the project and was offered a job. I was wildly confused. On the one hand - a favorite profession, experience, a good position. On the other hand, it’s like I’m 15 years old again, and I don’t know anything at all, I’m starting from scratch. I was scared by the prospect of communicating with the team: incredibly smart and tech-savvy people. Mostly men older than me. And yet I decided to take a chance, because there will be no second chance.

I know that many graduates, having received a diploma and realizing that they are interested in something completely different, do not dare to send 5 years of their life down the drain. I am sure: education is education, but it will be more and more difficult to change a profession with age. Now I am enthusiastically mastering statistics and programming, learning to understand complex terminology, and my colleagues help me. This company has a special atmosphere: no matter how old you are, what gender and nationality you are. The main thing is to think and have a sense of humor. By the way, all my friends noticed that I have it when I announced my decision to change my specialty.

It's never too late

Alla Shakhova(44):

“I was a regional representative for the sale of cosmetics, a makeup artist. But one day I got bored of painting brides.

It wasn't easy. People living in the regions, like me, value stability and do not like to take risks. But the theater inspired me so much that I was not afraid of anything. And the last thing I cared about was my age.”

meet love

It's never too early

Larisa Surkova (36):

“My husband and I met on September 1 at the university. I was 17 and he was 9 older. The difference was tangible: I'm more of a teenager, and he is already an adult. But it was love at first sight, and we got married the following summer. A year later we were born eldest daughter. The husband was transferred to the correspondence department, but it was necessary to feed the family. Over the past 17 years, we both graduated, had a good career and had three more children.

At first, my parents were skeptical about our marriage. Especially my mother - it seemed to her that I could find a better prince. And I was a maximalist, to whom give love immediately and for life. It seems to me that the secret of our happiness is that my husband is older than me. He is wiser, calmer, always supports in difficult periods. And this is very important, for example, for a pregnant woman whose mood depends on hormones.

In general, it seems to me that everything depends not on age, but on two people. From how important it is for them to be together and love each other.

It's never too late

Ekaterina Goncharova(40):

“For the first time I got married right after graduation. You could say it didn't work out, but to be honest, it was a nightmare. After the divorce, I even moved to another city. I categorically did not want to repeat such an experience, so I got carried away with work. Of course, I wanted a family, children, but somehow I did not believe that this was possible.

This would have continued if one day I had not seen an interesting comment on the social network under the photo of my classmate. The man left him. I went to his page, we met and began to correspond. Somewhere in six months, we decided to meet on neutral territory, in St. Petersburg. For about a year, relations at a distance lasted: we periodically met in one city, then in another. Until a loved one proposes. I was 38, I did not want to get married, but I was also afraid of losing him. He is so wise, calm, reliable. Never rushed me. I doubted for a long time and asked the Universe to give me some kind of sign. When I saw two strips in a pregnancy test, I realized that this is it. It's funny, but later my husband told me that he was also looking for signs. And found! We lived in different cities in apartments with the same number - 26. My last name is Goncharova, and he lived in Moscow on a street with the same name. We got married and soon our son was born. And now I am sure that at the age of 40 the most interesting things are just beginning.”

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