From Instagram blogger to shipbuilding experts. What path did Liza Peskova go through and why does she have so many haters

Health 13.06.2019
Lisa Peskova is the daughter of Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of Vladimir Putin.

Childhood and family

Elizaveta Peskova was born on January 9, 1998 in Ankara, in the family of a diplomat and statesman Dmitry Peskov and his second wife Ekaterina Solotsinskaya. Both of Liza's grandfathers were also well-known diplomats and worked abroad. Elizabeth's parents met at the Russian Embassy in Ankara, where Peskov and Catherine's grandfather worked at that time.

Elizabeth has two siblings - Mika and Dani, as well as a half-brother Nikolai from his father's first marriage with Anastasia Budyonny and sister Nadezhda from his third marriage with Tatyana Navka.

Lisa has a good relationship with her stepmother: “She did a lot to please me and my brothers. She is not at all like an evil stepmother from a fairy tale, rather, like a friend. Tatyana gave me a lot useful tips relating to personal life". With the daughter of Navka Alexandra Zhulina, Liza also found a common language.

In 2012, after 20 years of marriage, Lisa Peskova's parents divorced. According to information available in the press, the reason was the betrayal of the presidential press secretary. Three years later, the girl's father married the Russian figure skater Tatyana Navka, and Lisa's mother stayed in a Paris apartment overlooking the Champs Elysees. In 2017, Peskova's mother headed Russian center Science and Culture (RCSC) in the capital of France.

FROM early years Lisa taught foreign languages. She was supported in learning languages ​​by her parents, who not only forced their daughter to learn several dozen foreign words every day, but also sent the girl to language camps in Scotland and France every summer.

On the this moment Peskov's daughter knows five languages: she is fluent in English and French, fluent in Turkish, Chinese and Arabic. By her age, Peskova managed to study at various educational institutions: a Moscow gymnasium, a boarding school in Normandy, the Ecole des Roches school in Paris, and the Moscow Institute of Asian and African Countries, where her father and grandfather once studied.

Lisa Peskova spoke a little about her childhood. It turns out that this blond beauty in school years had self-esteem issues. According to her, she was plump, had problematic skin and her boarding school mates teased her Pinocchio because of her big nose.

In the fall of 2015, Elizabeth decided to leave ISAA and return to Paris to her mother and her younger brothers. In the capital of France, Peskova entered a business school and began to study Oriental languages ​​closely.

Elizabeth is very categorical about the Russian education system. The girl considers it absurd on the part of teachers to “shove all the information that exists in this world into students” and keep children in fear. Peskova believes that the education system, established back in the years of the USSR, should be replaced so that the younger generation has a desire to acquire knowledge.

In early July 2017, Peskova announced that she had joined the "public support platform patriotic education and youth entrepreneurship in Russia”. For young businessmen who have interesting ideas for a startup, Lisa suggests contacting her and her colleagues. Earlier, the girl announced that she did not want to connect her life with politics, but, apparently, genes take their toll.

The hype in the media space was caused by Lisa's visit to a shipyard in the Crimea. A 19-year-old girl posted a photo on Instagram, in which she, dressed in a designer dress from Ramzan Kadyrov's daughter, is captured with workers.

Lisa Peskova: legal proceedings

Internet users called Lisa's visit to the plant "absurd": many were outraged that the girl did not see the difference between "judicial proceedings" and "shipbuilding", advising factory workers to "develop strategies for PR", absolutely not understanding the intricacies of the case. The contrast of a dress worth several hundred thousand rubles with tired workers in robes added fuel to the fire.

Personal life of Lisa Peskova

In 2016, on annual ball Debutantes Tatler in Moscow, Lisa came out with her boyfriend, a young businessman Yuri Meshcheryakov. At the event, the girl announced her engagement, but the wedding did not take place: Peskova and Meshcheryakov broke up shortly after Lisa's 18th birthday. What happened between the couple is unknown, but Lisa hurried to delete everything joint photos graphs from social networks.

Pretty soon, Elizabeth found a replacement for Yuri, presenting to the public her new young man– Mikhail Sinitsyn, education worker. The girl for some time posted on social networks a lot of joint photos, saying that between young people there is something much more than just friendship.

Lisa considers herself a creative person - she writes poetry, draws well and dreams of writing a book in the future. To questions about which city Lisa likes to live in the most, she replies that she, as a cosmopolitan, is comfortable everywhere, but she has no attachment to a particular place.

Liza Peskova now

In September 2017, Elizaveta Peskova was convicted of plagiarism. It's about about the article “Illusion of knowledge. Will new technologies kill traditional education”, which was published in Forbes on behalf of the girl. HSE Associate Professor Oksana Silantyeva "ran" the publication through Antiplagiarism [a program that searches for borrowings in the text - approx. Find out.rf] and found out that individual fragments from Peskova’s article were completely copied from materials from other publications - Mel, BBC, Passion. 9% of the text was copied from the 2012 Pedagogy abstract.

A couple of days after Silantieva's publication, Lisa Peskova's Instagram account was deleted. The press service of the girl said that she herself deactivated the profile so that nothing would distract her from her studies. She later recovered in social network.

One of the most popular personalities in recent times is Elizaveta Peskova. Photos, biography and interesting ones do not leave the pages of newspapers and online publications. What did the daughter of a high-ranking Russian official such popularity? Why so much criticism of her? These and other questions about Liza Peskova can be answered in our article.


The biography of Elizabeth Peskova originates in Moscow. The girl was born on January 9, 1998 in an elite family. Lisa's father, Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov, was a prominent political figure in the late 90s, he worked in the Russian embassy. Now - the press secretary of the head of the Russian state. The girl's mother is Ekaterina Solonitskaya, the second wife of Dmitry Peskov. He is a scholar in the field of philology.

The girl's parents divorced in 2012. Ekaterina Solonitskaya left for France, her daughter decided to go with her. Before the divorce of her parents, Lisa studied at a Moscow school and was fond of painting. Her father advised the girl to enroll in an art school. Today Lisa lives abroad, but often comes to Russia.

Girl's father

Why such close attention to the biography of Elizabeth Peskova? The reason is obvious: the girl is the daughter of a high-ranking official, an assistant to the main person in the country. Dmitry Peskov for a long time worked as a secretary at the Turkish Embassy of the Russian Federation. During the election of Vladimir Putin to the presidency, Dmitry Sergeevich headed the department for working with the media under the administration of the head of state. A little later, Peskov became deputy head of Putin's press service. In parallel, the official worked as a translator. In April 2004, Dmitry Sergeevich was appointed deputy press secretary of the president. His main duties were to provide information communication between the head of state and the executive branch.

In 2008, Peskov became the press secretary of the Prime Minister, who at that time was Vladimir Putin. In 2012, the official was again appointed deputy head of the presidential administration.

Thus, Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov is the most important official in the Russian state. The media pay close attention to this official, follow his personal life and family. whose biography is discussed in our article, today is the focus of many magazines, online publications and newspapers.

Relationship with parents

Elizabeth Peskova was 14 years old when her family broke up. The media began to especially exaggerate the topic of the personal life of the Russian press secretary. Newspapers tried to find out the attitude of the young Liza to the problem with her parents. Then the girl said that she loves both mom and dad equally strongly. The mother supports the girl in everything, talks to her on any topic and takes her for a walk around Paris. Lisa's father is her main defender and coach. Dmitry Sergeevich goes skiing and skating with his daughter, walks with her in the park and takes her to the movies. Moreover, Elizabeth receives hand-to-hand combat lessons from her father.

Lisa often expresses her rather eccentric opinion on certain issues. This allows us to assess the nature of the so-called "golden youth". Today, the girl has many fans and haters - Elizabeth is really popular.


What role does education play in the biography of Elizabeth Peskova? Where did the girl get knowledge? Until 2012, Lisa studied at a simple Moscow school. After the divorce of her parents, she entered the Norman boarding school. Getting the average general education, the girl entered the Paris School of Art, which is located in the Louvre. In parallel, Lisa becomes a student at the Moscow ISAA (Institute of African and Asian Countries). The girl did not stay at Moscow University. Having dropped out of training, our heroine returns to Paris. Elizaveta Peskova (see photo below) entered a business school there.

Lisa is disgusted by the Russian education system. In her social networks, the girl has repeatedly noted that domestic schools resemble hell. The daughter of a high-ranking official said that she was "sick" of a large number of academic disciplines, which, in her opinion, could not be useful in later life. Beauty actively advocates a global reformation of Russian education.

Language skills

Considering the biography of Dmitry Peskov's daughter, Elizabeth Peskova, one cannot fail to note that the girl has the talent of a polyglot. As a child, Lisa was intensively engaged in the study of foreign languages. In her own words, studying was difficult. The girl wanted to pay much more attention to painting, but her parents insisted on classical education. Soon Lisa herself understood the importance of education.

The girl learned a hundred foreign words every day. For every forgotten word, Lisa could be punished, and therefore had to work hard. A visit to language camps in Scotland and France also helped, where the girl studied for several months.

Today, Elizabeth travels actively. Knowledge of several languages ​​helps her in communicating with different people. The daughter of Dmitry Peskov is fluent in English and French and also studies Arabic, Chinese and Turkish.

Statements of Elizabeth Dmitrievna Peskova

The biography of the daughter of the Russian press secretary is filled with quite interesting moments. The girl often travels and looks at the Western way of life. That is why Lisa often compares Russian state with advanced European countries. Not everyone likes it. Many people find Peskova’s statements inappropriate, and sometimes completely Russophobic. It is worth giving a few examples.

In August 2016, the girl compared French and Russian medicine. Lisa made a very unexpected conclusion about the "worthlessness" of Western health care and the supposedly high quality of medicine in Russia.

On October 18, 2016, the girl expressed her opinion about the LGBT community. Elizabeth's position is moderately homophobic: she declared a neutral attitude towards gays and aversion to lesbians.

In her messages, the girl often uses rather rude and harsh expressions. I must say that not all subscribers like it. Most netizens find Elizabeth's statements stupid and meaningless.

Family of Elizabeth Peskova

Personal life in the biography of the heroine of our article occupies a special place. Today, the girl is trying to combine life in France and Russia, visiting either her mother or her father. The girl treats her parents with the same love.

Needless to say, Elizabeth only child in the family of Peskov and Solotsinskaya. The girl has younger brothers - Denis and Mika. Lisa often travels with them, helps in learning foreign languages ​​and instills a love of art. Often, a girl posts joint photos with her brothers on the Instagram social network.

Lisa treats the new marriage of Dmitry Peskov with the famous figure skater Tatyana Navka with some indignation. The girl was not present at her father's wedding, and called the celebration itself "an absurd show". The stepmother explained the behavior of her stepdaughter with strong emotional experiences. The position of the wife was supported by Dmitry Peskov.

Elizabeth's personal life

The biography of the daughter of a famous official is not yet complete enough, because the girl is only 20 years old. At the same time, Lisa managed to meet several boyfriends at once. at the annual Moscow Balu Tatler Lisa introduced her first boyfriend. It turned out to be a young businessman Yuri Meshcheryakov. Then the girl announced her engagement, but the wedding did not take place: Meshcheryakov and Peskova broke up shortly after Lisa came of age.

Peskova soon found a replacement for Yuri. It turned out to be a young worker in the field of education, Mikhail Sinitsyn. However, Lisa did not stay with him either. Already in the summer of 2017, the French businessman Louis Waldberg, the founder of a company producing electric lighters, became the girl's new lover.

Elizabeth today

Per Last year Several awkward situations happened to Lisa. In July 2017, the girl went to the Crimean shipyard, where she gave a lecture to the factory workers on the importance of shipbuilding. Many netizens found Peskova's visit absurd. For example, Elizabeth did not see the difference between "shipbuilding" and "legal proceedings." Some people resented the very fact that a young lady without higher education can give lectures to adults and experienced professionals.

At the end of September 2017, another embarrassment happened to Peskova. The girl wrote the article "The Illusion of Knowledge" for the famous Forbes magazine. As it turned out, the published text consisted of large unedited excerpts from various publications: BBC, Passion, Mel, etc. More than 10% of the article was taken from scientific work in Pedagogy 2012. As soon as the scandal began to gain momentum, the girl hastened to completely delete her profile from the Instagram social network.

Elizabeth Peskova was born on January 9, 1998 in Moscow in a family of hereditary Russian diplomats: both her grandfathers, Sergei Peskov(May 24, 1948 - May 27, 2014) and Vladimir Solotsinsky(25 September 1948) worked abroad.

Lisa's father Dmitry Peskov - well-known Russian statesman, member of the International Affairs Council of the Russian Federation, deputy head of the presidential administration of Russia, press secretary of Vladimir Putin (since May 2012).

With the future mother of Elizabeth, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, Peskov met in Ankara, where her father then worked at the embassy. There, after graduating from ISAA, he came Dmitry Peskov. 4 years later, in 1994, 18-year-old Katya and 27-year-old Dmitry, who by that time had already managed to terminate his first marriage, in which he had a son, got married. Ekaterina took her husband's surname and lived in marriage with him for almost 20 years, having given birth to three children: a daughter Lisa and two sons Mika and Dani.

Elizaveta Peskova and foreign languages

Almost from the cradle Elizabeth I started learning foreign languages. By the age of 17 daughter Dmitry Peskov changed several educational institutions, including a boarding school in Normandy, a prestigious school in Paris, the Institute of Asian and African Countries in Moscow. Having left ISAA, where the girl entered at the insistence of her father, in the fall of 2015 she returned to Paris to her mother and younger brothers.

There she entered a business school and began to study marketing, to study oriental languages ​​closely.

Lisa became interested in the latter while studying in Moscow. The daughter of a statesman knows five languages. She speaks fluent English and French, and improves her Turkish, Chinese and Arabic. On the page on Instagram, the girl shared how her parents taught her to cram foreign words every day.

As a cosmopolitan, I have always been very fond of new acquaintances. Now I am grateful to my parents, who at one time contributed to my development in the language field. At the age of 7, they began to force me to learn a certain amount of English and French words per day - from 10 to 100. I took them from foreign books. Then at the end of the day I was checked. If I didn’t teach them or made a mistake, they took away my phone for a week,” the girl wrote.

Lisa spent every summer in language camps, which turned out, according to the heiress Dmitry Peskov, much more effective than studying at her Moscow school.

Every year I was sent for a month in the summer to language camps in Scotland and France, where I began to speak English and French. Having received a base in practice, I began to read and watch films, series and TV only in English, even if at first I didn’t understand half of it. Well, at 12 I was sent to France, to a boarding school in Normandy, where I ended up living. I studied French for two years in special courses, and then I was transferred to a full-fledged education in a school. Thanks to traveling and studying at an international school in France, I made a lot of acquaintances and friends from all over the world, - shared Lisa.

In Paris, she became a graduate of the school Ecole des Roches. The teachers, by the way, insisted that Peskova, who draws well, enter the art school at the Louvre, but her father wanted a classical education in Russia for her daughter, so she moved to Moscow and entered ISAA where her grandfather and father once studied. At homeLisa missed her friends in Paris, her mother and brothers, and after studying for a year at a university in the capital, she returned to France and became a studentParis Business School.

But Elizabeth was not going to forget about Russia. She often visits her home. So, in the fall of 2015, Lisa lit up at the Debutante Ball Tatler, having come there accompanied by her 17-year-old boyfriend, a Muscovite Yuri Meshcheryakova and also a French friend Ekaterina Peskova count Jacques von Polier, Grandmothers and grandfathers - Galina Nikolaevna and Vladimir Dmitrievich Solotsinsky. And in In January 2016, Elizabeth celebrated her coming of age in one of the restaurants in Moscow, later writing thanks to her parents on the social network.

Elizabeth Peskov. Opinion about Russian education

In his Instagram in the spring of 2016, the daughter of the Russian press attache, said that the education system in the Russian Federation needs to be changed, sincethe redundant information obtained during schooling becomes unnecessary after the exam.

I was preparing for the marketing exam and remembered how I came to Russia (not the USSR) three years ago to pass two years and pass the exam. Honestly, it was hell. I think I'm not the only one who believes that the education system in Russia needs to be changed. (...) Excuse me, do they really think that it is useful to try to shove all the information that exists in this world into themselves, so that after the doomsday they can take and put two fingers in their mouths? Food should be properly distributed throughout the day and use utility in small portions. I perfectly understand that there are supergeniuses whose body quickly digests, but even they don’t need everything that people spend 11 years on, ”the girl said.

In Europe, according to Lisa, teachers, sitting on the table, tell everything as if the students are their grandchildren, and they are grandparents, who are delighted to share their stories! ATabout France, the politician's daughter gave an example, students are not used to cheating, unlike Russian students who are "kept under constant pressure."

It is really difficult to perceive and remember all the information in Russian schools and universities. To be honest, I learned more in a year at a French university than in a year at school and at Moscow State University in Russia. I recently discussed with my mother that children in Russia are under constant pressure, while in Europe everything is done under a cheerful, pleasant interesting game Lisa noted.

Peskova Jr. I am sure that it is possible and necessary to resurrect the “dead” education system in Russia, so that generation Z will regain the desire to acquire knowledge.

Many followers did not share Lisa's opinion, and the girl continued her discussion on this topic, noting that she respects a number of her friends who were educated in the Russian Federation, but with the change of society, the education system built in the USSR, she believes, is no longer relevant.

Do not think that I am pushing Europe ahead of Russia. And I went to school in Moscow. I give examples. We can follow them, or we can sometime, considering or not considering them, do better! (...) Of course, it all depends on the person and his desire to gain knowledge, to constantly learn something new. But I believe that educational establishments should at least arouse this desire. And it seems to me that teachers can awaken it first of all.

Elizaveta Peskova and divorce of parents

For divorce, Lisa's mother, Ekaterina Peskova, who moved to France after this event, filed, according to her, due to the infidelity of her husband-politician, who in August 2012 married Olympic champion Tatyana Navka. The couple have a daughter, Nadezhda.

Ekaterina Peskova: “I remember one moment. 2011. I am 35. I am sitting in my house on Rublyovka, three children, an expensive car, my own business, everyone loves and accepts me. I have achieved everything. It has reached. It wasn't handed to me on a silver platter. And I caught myself thinking: “Is this all? So I'm going to sit for the rest of my life?"

After parting with Dmitry Sergeevich, Catherine lived in France according to her own scenario, outside the framework of the Kremlin protocol. And the daughter of the statesman was at that time between two fires and even gave a series of interviews dedicated to the wedding of her father and figure skater Navka, thereby becoming a heroine of the media for the first time.

About what dad had new love, Lisa guessed, but her mother opened her eyes.

From an interview with Elizaveta to in August 2015: “Dad didn’t tell anything about Tanya at first, but at the same time he brought her to different places where we crossed paths with her, and he pretended that the meetings were an accident. Then my mother told me everything. At first I felt very bad. Mom was very worried about the divorce, but she did not lose heart and built her life. It was also difficult for me, as a child, to experience this situation. I love both dad and mom. Here it was, as it were, between two fires.

Meanwhile, the relationship between Tatyana and Lisa cannot be called strained. According to daughter Peskov, she communicates with Navka, who did a lot to please her stepdaughter and her younger brothers.

Tatyana gave me a lot of different advice that related to my personal life, she never put pressure on me, she was not like those evil stepmothers from fairy tales, on the contrary, she is like a friend to me. I also have a very warm and friendly relationship with my father. If he has free time we spend it together.

Elizabeth, understanding what position her father occupies, does not at all want his position to extend to her. The girl shared this with the press in 2015, noting also that she tries not to discuss political issues with her dad - different views.

I'm still more creative person: I write poetry, draw, I dream of writing a novel. (...) I want my future profession associated with a free lifestyle. I know for sure that my life will never be connected with politics.

Speaking about Russia, Lisa admitted that she doesn’t like the fact that in this country it’s great to live only in a wealthy family, but Europe is more suited for the life of ordinary people.

I feel better in a European environment. But if I'm leaving, it doesn't mean that I don't like Russia. I love the whole world, I love to travel and I am grateful that I have this opportunity. In general, I am a very cheerful person and I really want to be useful to people in the future. For example, I would like to do charity work. It is clear that in Russia I have much more opportunities for any of my projects, but I want to live where I grew up and achieve everything myself, and not thanks to Peskov's name.

Career of Elizabeth Peskova

Since 2017 Elizaveta has been a journalist Russian version Forbes magazine. Lisa got the opportunity to publicly express her opinion in a well-known publication at the age of 19. As the first topic for publication, she chose education and its development in the light of modern technologies.

Elizaveta Dmitrievna Peskova. She was born on January 9, 1998 in Ankara (Turkey). Russian media person, daughter of the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov.

Mother - Ekaterina Solotsinskaya (married - Peskova, born in 1976), worked as a cosmetologist. He lives in Paris, where he has his own apartment, does charity work, collaborates with the Franco-Russian Dialogue Foundation.

Lisa's parents met at the Soviet embassy in Ankara, they were married from 1994 to 2012. According to her mother, they divorced due to the betrayal of Dmitry Peskov.

Elizabeth has two siblings - Mick and Denis.

Has a brother (paternal) Nikolai (born 1990) - from the first marriage of Dmitry Peskov with Anastasia Budyonna (granddaughter of the Soviet Marshal). Nikolai leads a bohemian lifestyle in Moscow, according to some sources, lives under the name Choles.

Has a sister (paternal) Nadezhda (born 2014) - from the third marriage of Dmitry Peskov with a figure skater.

Paternal grandfather - Sergei Peskov (1948-2014), diplomat.

Maternal grandfather - Vladimir Solotsinsky (born 1948), diplomat.

Parents who are well versed foreign languages, from an early age developed Lisa's linguistic abilities. “At the age of 7, they began to force me to learn a certain number of English and French words a day - from 10 to 100. I took them from foreign books. Then at the end of the day I was checked. If I didn’t teach them or made a mistake, they took away my phone for a week,” she recalled.

She studied languages ​​in depth since childhood - she speaks fluent English and French, can explain herself in Turkish, Chinese and Arabic.

AT early age Lisa was sent every summer to specialized language camps in Scotland and France. “Every year I was sent for a month in the summer to language camps in Scotland and France, where I began to speak English and French. Having received a base in practice, I began to read and watch films, TV shows and TV only in English, even if at first I didn’t understand half of it, ”Lisa shared.

She studied at the Moscow gymnasium, boarding school in Normandy, Ecole des Roches school in Paris. As Elizabeth recalled, in her school years, her peers gave her the nickname Pinocchio - because of her large nose. By the way, French teachers noted that she draws well and advised her to enter the art school at the Louvre. But it didn't work out.

After school, she entered the Moscow Institute of Asian and African Countries (ISAA), which her father and both grandfathers graduated from. She went to ISAA at the insistence of her father. However, she did not study there - she quit.

In the fall of 2015, leaving ISAA, Lisa went to her mother in Paris. There she entered a business school, where she studied marketing, and also actively studied oriental languages.

Lisa Peskova. Interview with Ksenia Sobchak

She said about herself that she does not like to discuss politics. “After all, I am more of a creative person: I write poetry, draw, I dream of writing a novel ... I want my future profession to be associated with a free lifestyle. I know for sure that my life will never be connected with politics.”

Scandals of Lisa Peskova

In August 2015, Lisa's statement that she did not want to live or study in Russia provoked a violent reaction.

“I don’t like Russia, that it’s great to live here only when you live in a wealthy family. Europe is more adapted to the lives of ordinary people... I am close to the mentality of European youth, their attitude to life. In Europe, I feel more comfortable, but this does not mean that I do not like Russia, ”Peskova said.

“I am Peskova Elizaveta Dmitrievna, daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country, press secretary of the head of state. This is the first text I write myself. All others are ordered. A whole team of serfs plows, to whom I pay your money for the sake of PR. My diet consists of lobsters sprinkled with macadamia and saffron, littered with albino sturgeon caviar, and Devon crabs. In short, of everything you can't afford, since your slave pocket is my pocket, embroidered with 60 carats of diamonds," she wrote.

In the summer of 2017, Lisa visited a shipyard in the Crimea. At the same time, she published a photo from the trip on the Web: Lisa was dressed in a designer dress from Ramzan Kadyrov's daughter and was captured along with the workers. In the text itself, she confused "judicial proceedings" and "shipbuilding". At the same time, many were outraged that the girl starred in a dress worth several hundred thousand rubles against the backdrop of dirty and tired workers.

From July to August 2017, she worked as an adviser to the president of the Avanti company (Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism, created by Chechen entrepreneur and politician Umar Dzhabrailov) on youth entrepreneurship. At the end of August of the same year, she returned to France to study. At the same time, she deleted all posts about cooperation with Avanti from her Instagram account.

On September 12, 2017, she wrote a column on learning for Forbes magazine titled “Knowledge Illusion. Will new technologies kill traditional education? There she talked about the difficulties modern learning. But it turned out that the article was not completely unique. Users on the Web learned that the girl used quotes from several sources, passing them off as her own judgments. In this regard, a wave of criticism hit Lisa, to which she herself has not yet reacted in any way.

After borrowings from other articles were discovered, representatives of the publication hurried to put down links to sources.

Liza herself after the plagiarism scandal.

Since November 2018, she began to train in the European Parliament with a deputy from France. Among other things, her duties include preparing press reviews. Emeric Shoprad has always taken a pro-Russian position, in 2014 he was an observer at the referendum in Crimea on joining Russia and, contrary to the common position of the EU, recognized the referendum as justified.

The growth of Lisa Peskova: 155 centimeters.

Personal life of Lisa Peskova:

In 2015, she met with a young businessman Yuri Meshcheryakov. In October 2015, even, however, she clarified that she was not planning a wedding until the age of 22. However, their relationship ended and Lisa deleted all joint pictures from social networks.

In 2016, she presented to the public a new boyfriend - Mikhail Sinitsyn, according to some reports, he is an employee of the education sector. For some time, Lisa posted joint photos on social networks. But then this relationship ended.

In the summer of 2017, Lisa made it clear that she had, the founder of Tazer Lighter, a company specializing in the sale of electric lighters. They visited together the Cannes Film Festival and the dinner in honor of the first match of FC Akhmat in Grozny.

The girl will do youth policy and education of patriotism

The daughter of Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov got a job. Start labor activity 19-year-old Elizaveta Peskova turned out to be large-scale and promising. While her peers are agitating fellow citizens to buy a cherry pie in addition to dinner, the girl immediately began her career in politics.

Elizaveta Peskova said on her page on the social network that she had joined the team of "a public platform for the development and support of patriotic education and youth entrepreneurship in Russia." The girl burns with enthusiasm and offers to everyone who has interesting topics for startups, do not be afraid to contact her and colleagues and propose new projects.

"We will contact you and explain the details of the selection and further cooperation. The main thing now is your ideas," Elizaveta wrote.

Her followers on the social network took the news very ambiguously. Some began to taunt, advising not to give up beautiful life in Paris with expensive champagne, and on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival: "Baby, this is not yours." Others urged Elizabeth not to pay attention to spiteful critics and wished her good luck.

Most recently, Elizabeth Peskova. Not a deputy, however, but a member of the youth blog council. The youngest (21 years old) deputy Vasily Vlasov (LDPR) at the end of May took the initiative to create a separate body in the lower house, in which popular bloggers would sit and help mature people's deputies understand young people.

"I think we can find some direction, an expert council in the State Duma, which deals with the topics that are of interest to her," Vlasov said then.

Until now, posts on Elizabeth's Instagram have been devoted mainly to fashionable bows and all sorts of attributes of a luxurious lifestyle. But apparently, the girl is really interested in politics and patriotism.

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