Interesting questions about autumn. Intellectual quiz "Autumn gives miracles" for children of the middle group (4-5 years old)

Family and relationships 06.07.2019
Family and relationships

All quiz questions with answers.

Quiz for students from 9 to 14 years old on the topic: "Paints autumn "

Autumn quiz for schoolchildren

Autumn quiz questions

1. He is on a thick white leg,

In a bright tanned hat,

Who will find him in the forest

He sings for joy. (Porcini.)

2. Deftly knows how to hide,

Where there is a forest with a birch forest,

It turns black when dry

Though its break is white. (Boletus.)

3. Between aspen branches

With his red cap,

Like a berry is on fire

It's like "Here I am!" - He speaks.

And although it looks bright,

Cut off - it will instantly turn blue. (Boletus.)

4. This mushroom is deadly

And no less dangerous.

Pale, slightly greenish

And harbors the strongest poison. (Death cap.)

5. Behind the family, a family in pines,

Babies in adhesive films.

Shriveled into yellow lumps

Like little bumps. (Oil.)

6. They disguise themselves as moss,

Below is yellow and modest,

This mushroom isn't so bad

With blue on the break. (Mokhovik.)

7. Not a tiger cub, not a fox cub,

Round, thin plates,

From head to toe

Bright red boy. (Ryzhik.)

8. It turns yellow between greenery,

The name "cunning" has.

Even though it doesn't bite

It's called strange. (Fox.)

9. I am shriveled, I am a spring mushroom.

I meet at the clearings.

And from all my brethren

I look different. (Morel.)

10. Multi-colored berets -

Summer bright signs

Dispersed in the forest like a flock,

Miracle rainbow mushroom, (Russula.)

11. Either light or dark,

Crown edge.

Pinkish, slightly shaggy,

Funnel hats. (Waves.)

12. This strong Caballero

Wears a white sombrero

Under the leaves and needles

Hidden from view with the head

But when you get excited -

You will find a whole brood! (Bugs.)

13. Where do butterflies disappear in autumn? (Hide in a crack, under the bark of trees).

14. What bird secrets does leaf fall reveal? (nests).

15. Do birds stock up for the winter? (yes, owls and jays).

16. How do ants prepare for winter? (close the entrances and exits of the anthill).

17. Where do frogs disappear for the winter? (hide deep under stones or in silt).

18. When do the last ducks fly away from us? (when rivers freeze).

19. Which trees shed their green leaves? (alder and willow).

20. What garden flowers bloom before the first snow? (asters, chrysanthemums).

21. Leaves of which trees turn red in autumn? (aspen, mountain ash, maple).

22. Who picks apples with his back? (hedgehog).

23. Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel.)

Target: organization of extracurricular activities of younger students in the form of a quiz.
- Develop imagination, logical thinking;
- Develop the ability to work in a team;
- Expand children's horizons;
- Consolidate knowledge of children about the autumn months;
- Introduce proverbs about autumn;
- To consolidate students' knowledge about the characteristic signs of autumn;
- Instill a love for nature.
Event progress:


Good afternoon to all participants of the quiz dedicated to the golden season.

Dissolved autumn braids
Blazing fire.
More often frost, less often - dew,
Rain - cold silver.
Autumn bared her shoulders
In the neckline all the trees -
Soon the ball, farewell party...
The leaves are waltzing.
Chrysanthemums with marvelous fur
Decorate autumn outfit.
The wind is not a hindrance to the ball -
Louder music a hundred times!
Unleashed autumn braids,
The wind ruffles silk hair.
More often frost, less often - dew,
Sweeter is the smell of late roses.
Autumn in the dance is crying softly
Lips tremble in a whisper.
In puddles, sad eyes hide.
The birds are circling mournfully.
Holding out a leaf like a hand
Waving sad "Goodbye" ...
Autumn, feeling parted,
Whispers tearfully: "Remember ..."

Usually autumn, when nature fades, causes a feeling of melancholy and sadness. But when we see that the forest is dressed in bright golden colors, then beauty autumn nature evokes a joyful feeling, a wonderful mood. Autumn is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. Today we will hold a quiz where you show your knowledge about autumn, ingenuity and ingenuity.

1 competition "Representation of teams"

Each team has its own name and motto. (receive 2 points)

2 competition "Warm-up"

(Team representatives choose a card with riddles, read them and guess. For each correct answer 1 point)

1..Went through the meadows,
Through the forests, through the fields,
She prepared supplies for us,
She hid them in cellars, in bins,
She said: "Winter will come for me!" autumn)

2. All the darker face of nature -

Blackened vegetable gardens

The bear went into hibernation.

What month has come to us? (October)

3. Our school garden was empty,

Spider webs fly into the distance,

And to the south end of the earth

Cranes stretched out.

School doors opened.

What month came to you? (September)

4. The field has become black and white,

It rains, then it snows.

And it got colder

Ice bound the waters of the rivers.

The winter rye freezes in the field.

What month can you tell me. (november)

3 competition "Solve the crossword puzzle"

2. What is this trotter
Fell on the barrel?
Himself well-fed, salad.
That's right, kids...
5. A bee does not circle over him,
She is not friendly with him.
fragrant panicle
Salts are needed.
7. Round side, yellow side,
Sits in a garden bed.
Rooted firmly into the ground.
What is this?

1. Berries in the forest, on bumps,
Covered in leaves.
Everyone's blue tunic...
What are we looking for? ...
3. As in the garden under the leaf
The chump rolled up -
Zelenets remote,
Delicious little vegetable.
4. Although he did not see the ink,
Turned purple all of a sudden
And shines with praise
Very important…
6. Red mouse with a white tail
In a mink sits under a green bush.

2. zucchini
5. dill
7. turnip
1. blueberry
3. cucumber
4. eggplant
6. radish

4 competition " autumn signs»

(each team receives sheets of paper with half a phrase, you need to complete this phrase)

Damp summer and warm autumn -…………………. (to a long winter.)

Thunder in September portends …………… (warm autumn.)

If in the autumn the web spreads over the plants - …………… .. (this is to heat).

If in October the foliage from birch and oak does not fall cleanly - ... ... .. (get ready for a harsh winter)

If there are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - …………. (Autumn will be rainy, if not enough - dry.)

Many acorns were born on the oak - ……………… (by the fierce winter).

If the leaf fall passes soon, …………… .. (we must expect harsh winter.)

The appearance of mosquitoes late autumn- ………………… (to a mild winter.)

5 competition "Puzzles"

1 team

autumn month


autumn sign


What happens in autumn


2 team

autumn month


autumn sign

it is rainy

What happens in autumn


3 team

autumn month


autumn sign


What happens in autumn


4 team

autumn month


autumn sign

Mainly cloudy

What happens in autumn


6 competition "Theater of autumn miniatures"

Each team is invited to draw 2 cards on which the task is written, the plot of which you need to depict. The whole team can take part in the competition. And other teams will guess the plots. This competition evaluates resourcefulness and artistry.

1. The bear improves the lair and hibernates.

2. Hamster, collecting supplies for the winter.

3. A hedgehog piercing mushrooms and apples on needles.

4. Farewell dance of cranes.

7th contest "Black box"

(guess from the description what is in the black box)

It is good at the time of flowering, strewn with snow-white flowers; good in summer, in a green halo of fluttering foliage; but closer to autumn, when its thin branches bend under the weight of ruby ​​bunches of ripening berries, it becomes beautiful.

Once in the culture of many Slavic peoples, this widespread in middle lane the bush symbolized the young girlish beauty. Then it was an integral part of the wedding ceremony. While preparing the dowry, the future bride embroidered a towel with a pattern of viburnum leaves and berries - the time will come, and she will present it as a gift to the groom. Much later, already before the wedding, her branches decorated the room, tables with festive treats, wedding loaves ...

Side by side with joy in the image of this shrub created by folk legends, there is sadness. One of the legends tells about a girl in love who turned into a bush on the grave of her lover, and another says that bright red, like blood, fruits are the hearts of those who fell in battles with enemies.

Listen to another legend.

During the raids of the Tatar-Mongol horde, a widow lived. She had two daughters. beautiful girls born like Easter eggs. You can drink water from your face - as they say. And the masters! What only their skillful hands could not do - they sewed, spun, embroidered, grew flowers, mowed bread. Trouble came, enemies attacked the village, houses caught fire, children cried. The mother of the girls called: “Run, daughters, death is better than enemy captivity.”

The girls hid in the forest outside the village ...

The Tatars burned and robbed the village, leaving a conflagration behind them. The sisters returned to their mother's house, they found only ashes, coals, and charred walls. From the tears of girls that rolled down from wonderful faces, a bush grew there, and the girls named it in memory of their mother - ... The bush rages with the beauty of the bride in spring, the beauty of motherhood and maturity rages in the autumn. Throughout life, this plant accompanies a person - it gives happiness and fate, protects from troubles, like a mother's heart.

And how many sincere and tender songs have we composed about her, how many wise fairy tales have been created? From distant childhood, we carefully keep in our memory the magic (Kalinov) bridge, on which the Russian hero, Ivan, the peasant's son, defeated the 12-headed snake. For the Slavic peoples, she has always been a symbol of a bright holiday, kindness, beauty, love and family happiness, personified modesty and innocence.

It blooms profusely in late May with fragrant white clusters. And, like a bride in a white veil, you involuntarily admire her, from afar you catch the exciting aroma of her flowers. And the bees tirelessly circle over it, the nectar in the flowers is stored no less than that of a linden - a honey tree.

8 competition "Riddles"

1. Early in the morning in the yard
The ice has settled on the grass.
And the whole meadow became light blue.
Sparkling silver...

2. Here is an old woman from the gatehouse
Dirt spreads on the path.
Wet bast shoes stick in the swamp -
Everyone calls the old lady ...


3. Silver curtain
suddenly descended from the sky.
silver curtain
poured out in drops.
Dropped the curtain
cloud, can you imagine?
What a wonderful curtain
Can you guess?

4. What is this invisible
Slams the gate in the garden,
Leafing through a book on the table
The rustle scares the mouse,
I tore off my grandmother's scarf,
He rocked Dimka in the stroller,
Played with foliage, believe me!
Well, of course it is...

5. Autumn rain walked around the city,
The rain has lost its mirror.
The mirror lies on the asphalt,
The wind will blow - it will tremble.

6. Autumn came to visit us
And she brought with her...
What? Say random!
Well, of course...
(Leaf fall)

7. Turned green in spring,
Sunbathed in summer
put on in autumn
Red corals.

8. Here is a dome-mushroom on the leg,
It will protect you from the rain.
Pedestrian won't get wet
If you hide under ... (umbrella)

Leading: Our quiz is coming to an end. It's time to take stock.

Used Books:

Zhadanova K.Kh. Literary reading: Textbook for grade 4. Part 1.- Almaty: Almatykitap, 2015.

Kozlovsky E. The word boredom is unfamiliar to us. - M .: Young Guard, 1990.

Quiz with answers on the topic " Autumn time» for younger students

Malysheva Yulia Vladimirovna, educator of the extended day group, MBOU Gymnasium No. 3, Sharya, Kostroma region.

Description: This material is for students. elementary school. The material can be used in the lessons of the world around.

Target: generalize students' knowledge about the season - autumn.

to consolidate students' knowledge of the characteristic signs of autumn;
expand the horizons of students, develop logic, imagination;
instill a love for nature.

Autumn walks along the path
Wet her feet in puddles.
It's raining
And there is no light
Lost somewhere summer ..
Autumn walks, autumn wanders,
The wind blew the leaves off the maple tree.
New carpet underfoot
Yellow-pink maple.
V. Avdienko

Quiz questions:

Part 1
1. The most colorful time of the year.
2. Names of the Slavic autumn months.
"grass", "jelly", "serpen"
"frown", "dirty", "breast"
"cut", "lute", "pollen"
3. What are the names of hares that are born in autumn?

leaf fall

4. What birds come to us for the winter?
seagulls, swallows, swifts
crossbill, waxwings, tap dances
doves, tits, sparrow

5. What month does summer end and autumn begin?
6. What animal can turn into ice for the winter?

7. What is the name autumn phenomenon when the leaves fall?

leaf fall
8. A thick cloud that formed at the very surface of the earth.

9. What is the longest autumn month?
10. Which tree leaves fall green in autumn?
11. Where do butterflies disappear in autumn?
hiding in cracks, under the bark of trees
fly away to warmer climes
burrow into the ground

12. What are they called large groups formed by birds before flying to warmer climes?

13. What is the main change in inanimate nature in autumn?
Birds fly south
cooling is coming
leaf fall begins

14. Day of the autumnal equinox.

23 September
October 21
November 23

Part 2
1. Autumn time, when the weather is like summer? (Indian summer)
2. September smells like apples, October - ... (cabbage).
3. Which tree leaves turn red in autumn? (Leaves of mountain ash, aspen, maple).
4. What holiday is celebrated on the first day of autumn? (Knowledge day).
5. What is harvested in the fields in autumn? (harvest).
6. What color are the clothes on the trees in autumn? (yellow).
7. This month is the native grandson of September, the son of October and the father of winter. (november)
8. Formation of immobile ice on the surface of a reservoir or stream. (freeze)

Autumn is the time...when the world becomes brighter than ever!

Synopsis of the quiz game "Hello, Autumn!"

Material Description: quiz script can be used to organize class hour, extracurricular activities. The development will be useful for school teachers, teachers of additional education, teachers-organizers, counselors of children's camps.

Members: students in grades 2-3.
Target: generalize and expand children's knowledge about the season - Autumn.
to consolidate and develop the skill of collective communication and activity of children;
consolidate knowledge about the phenomena of living and inanimate nature autumn season;
create conditions for creative self-expression;
activate mental processes: memory, attention, perception, speech, imagination.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, projector and screen, speakers, answer sheets, drawing paper, dried leaves, PVA glue, scissors, colored paper, pencils, pens, signal cards (green and red).

Game progress:

The class is divided into 2 teams and answer the proposed questions. All questions are presented in the presentation and are divided into blocks: "Feathered friends", "Writer's Autumn", "Autumn holidays", "What is superfluous", "Autumn notes", "Draws Autumn".

Block "Feathered friends". On the screen are images of birds. The task of the teams is to remember their names and determine which category they belong to: “wintering” or “migratory”.
Score: for each correctly distributed bird - 1 point. Maximum score- 8. Children enter their answers in a table.
Answers: Wintering - sparrow, dove, tit, bullfinch. Migratory - cuckoo, crane, mallard, swift.
If it is difficult for children to determine the category for the bullfinch, then the presenter explains:
The bullfinch is a wintering bird. We constantly see bullfinches only in winter because in summer they live in forests where there is plenty of food. But in winter, when everything is covered with snow, there is no food in the forest. And the bullfinches begin to fly long distances from the forests, in search of food. In summer, bullfinches live only in forests that are located far from settlements with people. Bullfinches make nests in summer and breed chicks. And for this they need peace and quiet. So they hide in the forests. They especially like to make nests on the very tops of spruce trees, such as spruce or pine. The tops of these trees are high and it is difficult for people to see bullfinches there.

Block "Writer's Autumn". The slides are excerpts of poems and stories. Teams need to identify the author and/or from which work. Answers are written on separate sheets of paper and handed over for verification.
Score: for each correct answer - 2 points, maximum - 6.
1. Ice crunches under the foot,
I can not see anything. Darkness.
And the leaves rustle - invisible,

Flying from every bush ... (Evgenia Fyodorovna Trutneva)

2. Qua! - said the frog and immediately turned around to see if there were any friends here who could hear her and condemn her for croaking in the fall. She couldn't stop herself from croaking at least once.
- Take me with you!
- It's amazing to me! - exclaimed the duck. - How can we take you? You don't have wings. (Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin "The Traveler Frog")

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less
The day was getting shorter
Forests mysterious canopy
With a sad noise she was naked,
Fog fell on the fields
Noisy geese caravan
Stretched to the south: approaching
Pretty boring time;
November was already at the yard. (Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin)

Fizminutka: Children stand up and repeat the words and movements after the leader.

Suddenly the clouds covered the sky (We rise on our toes, raise our crossed arms up),
Prickly rain began to drip (Jumping on toes, hands on the belt).
For a long time the rain will cry
It will spread slush everywhere (Squat, hands on the belt.)
Mud and puddles on the road
Raise your legs higher (We walk in a circle with a high knee raise).

Block "Autumn holidays": On the slides of the names of the holidays, you must write the date. Answers are written on separate sheets of paper and handed over for verification.
Score: 1 point for each correct answer, maximum 4 points.
1 September is the day of knowledge;
October 5 - International Teacher's Day;
November 4 - National Unity Day;
November 18 - Father Frost's birthday;

Block "What is superfluous":

Pictures are presented on the slides, teams must choose the odd one and explain why. Teams raise signal cards and give an answer.
Score: 2 points for a correct answer (or 1 if the choice is correct but the explanation is wrong). Maximum - 6.
1. Apple, plum, pear, birch (answer: birch, because the rest of the trees have a fruit);
2. Maple leaf, poplar leaf, birch leaf ( Maple Leaf, because in the fall, it not only turns yellow, but also turns red).
3. Hare, squirrel, fox, weasel (fox, because it does not change the color of the fur coat depending on the season). Children can name the squirrel, because it lives in the hollows of trees, however, the weasel can also live in low-lying hollows.

Block "Autumn notes": The teams listen to the backing tracks of songs on the autumn theme, raise signal cards and give an answer.
1. "Forest Deer";
2. "Autumn knocked on our door";
3. "Natasha-first-grader."
The block "draws Autumn". The team creates a collage of autumn leaves. Equipment: drawing paper A3, dried leaves, colored paper, scissors, PVA glue. 5 points for collage.
All great fellows. (Calculate points) Team __________ won.

Presentation on the topic: Quiz game "Hello, Autumn!"

Natalia Kanushina
Intellectual quiz"Gives autumn miracles" for children middle group(4–5 years)

Target: the formation of ideas about autumn, based on familiarization with the essential features of the season; systematize knowledge children about autumn to learn changes in nature independently, to find them; consolidate knowledge about the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature autumn season.


1. Develop curiosity, creative imagination, coordination of movements with speech, auditory and visual perception, the ability to distinguish leaves different trees, dexterity.

2. Learn to understand the content of poetic texts, exercise in education different forms verbs, improvement of the grammatical structure of speech (formation of the plural of nouns, activation of enrichment vocabulary on this topic autumn.

3. Nurture with children emotional responsiveness to nature, interest and caring attitude to the plant world.

Hello guys! Today we will quiz, these are contests where you show your knowledge about autumn, ingenuity and ingenuity.

Team View: "Maple Leaves" and "Friendly Guys".

Let's start with a warm-up crazy:

"Say a word"

We guess riddles for each team in turn (answers in unison).

1. Wash the roof at the hut.

Take Misha to the lair,

Peasant labor will complete,

And then the leaves rustle.

We will quietly ask her:

Who are you? - Will we hear? (autumn)

2. Came without paints and without a brush,

And repainted all the leaves (autumn)

3. Walked lanky,

Stuck in the ground (rain).

4. It drips sadly from the sky.

Wet everywhere, damp everywhere.

It's easy to escape from it

Just get an umbrella (rain).

5. Autumn came to visit us

And she brought it with her.

What? Say random!

Well, of course. (Leaf fall)

6. Yellow leaves fly,

Falling, spinning

And under your feet just like that

How the carpet lay down!

What is yellow snow?

It's simple. (Leaf fall)

7. Clouds are catching up,

Howls, blows.

Roaring around the world,

Sings and whistles (wind)

8. It flies, not a bird,

Howling, not a beast (wind)

9. What is a creak? What's the crunch?

What is this bush?

How to be without a crunch,

If I (cabbage)

10. In the garden, he leaned on a barrel

Solid, rugged… (zucchini)

Leading: Well done! You did a good job, and you know the signs autumn? (Yes).

The game « autumn signs» .

When I call signs autumn, speak amicably "Yes". If signs refer to another season, speak in unison "No". You are ready? (Yes). Give me the right one answer:

Flowers bloom in autumn? (No).

Mushrooms grow in autumn? (Yes).

Clouds cover the sun? (Yes).

Does it often rain? (Yes).

mists sail in autumn? (Yes).

Well, do birds build nests? (No).

Animals mink close? (Yes).

Is everyone harvesting? (Yes).

Are the birds flying away? (Yes).

Is the sun very hot? (No).

Does everyone swim in the river? (No).

Can children sunbathe? (No).

Well, what should be done? Jackets, hats to wear? (Yes).

Boots for everyone? (Yes).

Well done! Do you know the omens autumn.

The game: « Autumn leaves»

On the floor in the hall autumn leaves(oak and maple). Each team collects certain leaves in bouquets. One team collects oak and the other maple leaves.

Proverbs and sayings about autumn:

3. Autumn fly bites more painfully.

4. Rainy summer, worse autumn.

5. Spring is rich in flowers, and autumn in sheaves.

6. Thunder in September portends a warm autumn.

7. The bee is small, and even that one works.

8. It will rain, there will be mushrooms.

Leading. Great! They did an excellent job.

Guys, look (at vegetables with trucks, what is it?. Right - "vegetables" What do you think we are going to do now? …. Of course we will play!

The game: “Who will transport the harvest from the field faster”.

Each team has 5-7 people. There is a truck on one side, vegetables on the other. At the signal of the leader, the players drive the trucks in the opposite direction, fill them with vegetables and drive them back. The winner is the one who transports the vegetables faster.

Okay, now let's test your ingenuity and attentiveness, take turns asking questions to the teams.

The host conducts a blitz interview: asks questions to each team in turn.

1. What animals eat mushrooms?

3. Who is called the orderly of the forest? (wolf)

4. Who is called a forest doctor? (woodpecker)

5. What is silent hunting? (collection of mushrooms)

6. Name the second autumn month.

7. List migratory birds.

8. Which of the animal world hibernates? (bears, hedgehogs, badgers, snakes, etc.)

9. Why autumn golden?

10. What is the name of the phenomenon with waltzing leaves? (leaf fall)

Now let's all play together.

mobile game: "Leaves" for all children.

Leaves autumn swirl quietly(circling in place, arms to the sides)

Leaves lie quietly under our feet (squat)

And rustle underfoot, rustle (movement of hands to the right - to the left)

As if they want to spin again (circling in place, on toes).

blew autumn the breeze and the leaves flew to the chairs and turned into children ...

The game "Jump over the puddles".

Children (each Group divided into two teams) jump over on signal "puddles" (blue paper). The team that was faster wins (you can't step on puddles) from one end of the hall will reach the other end of the hall.

Leading. We have one last task left.

Tasks in envelopes (Who will assemble the cut sheet faster)

Leading. And now we're dancing "Boogie Woogie".

Leading thanks the kids for a job well done.

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