How to clean a pomegranate? Step-by-step instruction. How to peel a pomegranate step by step instructions with a photo.

Helpful Hints 31.10.2017
Helpful Hints

How often do you pick up a pomegranate at the fruit stand and then put it away with a sigh? After all, butchering it is sheer torment! The grains flatten, flow, splashes stain clothes, fingers remain burgundy on for a long time. But I really want to enjoy this insanely delicious and useful fruit. Especially during the period of demi-season beriberi, when the body insistently requires replenishment of vitamin C. There are several simple tricks on how to properly clean pomegranates. By applying them, you will know true pleasure without unnecessary consequences.

How to peel a pomegranate at home

First of all, put on an apron. Proper cleaning of a pomegranate eliminates rivers of juice from crushed grains, but no one is immune from accidental splashes. Next, take a deep bowl, lay a large paper napkin under it. So you save the table from stains. Wash the fruit thoroughly and proceed. How to peel a pomegranate quickly and easily will be prompted by our instructions.

To keep him whole

  1. Before you begin to properly clean the pomegranate, you need to cut off the lid of it, trying not to touch the grains. This step is necessary for all methods of quick dissection of the fetus.
  2. We grope for hard edges, make long, shallow cuts on the skin.
  3. We hold the fruit in one hand, gently open it with the other.
  4. As a result, in your palm should be a "flower" of slices.

In water

  1. The tops are cut from the fruit. Further, along the white veins, the fruit is cut into slices.
  2. We lower the fruit into a deep bowl of water, separate the grains with our hands. Under their weight, they sink to the bottom, and the peel and pulp float to the surface.
  3. We remove all the husks from the bowl, and filter the grains through a colander. This method is handy for those who don't want to mess around with extra junk.


  1. First, cut off the crown and tail from the fruit so that the grains appear. If you touch them a little - no big deal!
  2. We make cuts along the white pulp, which should only touch the skin, be shallow.
  3. We take an ordinary tablespoon and with uniform movements we begin to tap the fruit around the circumference. The grains are separated from the peel and fall into a bowl.

How to properly cut a pomegranate

Exotic fruits for the Nordic countries have always been a mystery. Not every Russian knows how to properly cut a pomegranate so that the grains remain intact. To do this, you need to consider the structure of the fetus. The grains ripen in a tender pulp, protected from damage by a tough peel. To easily peel the fruit, some skill is needed. However, the above methods allow you to quickly cope with this task. How to open a fruit so as not to damage the grains? There is nothing easier - just cut through the pulp, which shows white streaks in the cut of the top.

Video: how to peel a pomegranate in 30 seconds

To see first hand the above methods, just watch this video. Here you will find the answer to the question of how to clean a pomegranate correctly and quickly. These simple ways will help you enjoy this delicious and insanely healthy fruit without soiled clothes and “stained” hands. With a little practice, you can show off these hacks to your friends and show off your skills.

How to quickly peel a pomegranate This question has interested me since childhood. Pomegranate is not only a delicious fruit, but also a whole vitamin and mineral complex. I have always loved pomegranate very much, but at the mere thought that it needs to be cleaned, I shuddered. AT modern world, finding information on any issue is quite easy, so by typing the phrase in a search engine: “how to quickly clean a pomegranate”, I found several ways. One of the most convenient and fastest I want to share with you.

How to quickly peel a pomegranate: step-by-step instruction.

1. It is necessary to wash the pomegranate. Despite the fact that we will not eat the pomegranate skin, it should still be thoroughly washed with warm water. I, for example, wash fruit with soap. Since in the modern world, in addition to the fact that there are so many bacteria on fruits, they are also covered with a special chemical solution so that they can be stored for a longer time and have an attractive appearance.

2. We prepare a cutting board and put on an apron. It is advisable to dress in home clothes beforehand, because pomegranate juice is very difficult to wash off afterwards. And despite the fact that we all think that “I’ll do everything carefully,” the pomegranate can splash its juice where we didn’t expect.

3. Put the pomegranate on the board and carefully cut off the top of the fruit. Pomegranate seeds should be visible, and, accordingly, white streaks, which everyone does not like to clean.

4. Along these white veins, cut the pomegranate lengthwise. We do not reach the end (butt) of the grenade, 1-2 centimeters. Be careful, as the pomegranate can get very juicy, as in my case, and when incised, you can drip the pomegranate juice past.

5. After the longitudinal lines have been made, the pomegranate should be turned upside down, after placing it in a deep cup or bowl. And gently, tap on the surface of the pomegranate with a spoon or some other heavy object. Of course, you can overdo it with tapping, but in the case of a pomegranate, it’s enough to be false. Therefore, we are not shy and knock with little force, so that the pomegranate seeds fall into the bowl.

As a result of 5 minutes of work, we got a bowl of very tasty and healthy pomegranate seeds, as well as a beautiful star-shaped skin.

Useful properties of pomegranate are quite extensive:

Pomegranate contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the full functioning of our body. The pomegranate contains 15 amino acids, 6 of which can only be found in meat, these amino acids are simply not replaceable for our body. So if you are a vegetarian, then pomegranate or pomegranate juice should be present in your diet daily. This fruit contains 4 vitamins: C, P, B6 and B12. These vitamins are essential for the proper functioning of our body. In addition to vitamins, pomegranate is rich in minerals such as potassium, iodine, calcium, iron and silicon. Among other things, pomegranate is an ideal fruit for. It contains only 62-79 kcal (100g), and juice 42-65 kcal (100ml).

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02 June 2017 383

Pomegranate is a tasty fruit, but there can be a lot of problems with cleaning it at home. The thing is that the grains of this product are firmly seated in the shell and it is not so easy to remove them from there.

Difficulties awaiting cleanup

Healthy fruit flaunts on a plate, and we are ready to start cleaning it. Let's not rush. We will immediately determine the difficulties that may await during the process, because forewarned means forearmed:

  1. With ignorance of fast and effective way cleaning can be laborious and time-consuming;
  2. Juicy grains will be crumpled and damaged;
  3. They will be strewn with the entire kitchen room, cleaning definitely cannot be avoided;
  4. Sticky and dirty floor in case of crushing of flying grains;
  5. Soiled clothes, which are then difficult to remove stains from pomegranate juice.

Ideal product: tips for choosing a pomegranate

Probably every second person got into such a situation: having suffered, we open the pomegranate, and the grains inside are white. Such a fruit, of course, can be eaten, it is simply not ripe. True, there is definitely no sweetness and juiciness in it. But it is because of them that we buy this delicious product. Therefore, before learning how to clean the "insidious" fruit, we will find out tips for choosing the right one:

  1. Pay attention to the size. Large fruits are often unripe and white inside. Give preference to a medium-sized grenade;
  2. Red on the outside doesn't mean it's the same under the skin. Don't go for brightness. The most delicious and juicy will be pomegranates with tender skin Pink colour;
  3. "Terrible" skin is a sign of the ripeness of the product;
  4. Dents and mold on the fruit are an indicator of the depravity of the pomegranate.

Popular cleaning methods: act quickly and accurately

In fact, cleaning a pomegranate is a simple matter. But only if you follow all the recommendations. There is not one, but several ways to quickly peel a pomegranate and get sweet grains safe and sound.

Method number 1

So, how to properly clean a pomegranate using this method? This method consists of a series of actions that we will consider step by step:

Please note: you can knock on the peel quite hard. Don't worry, the sweet grains will stay intact. The only negative will be only stains on clothes from splashes. But this can and should be taken care of in advance.

Method number 2

The second method is no less attractive than the first. Its implementation can be defined as follows:

  1. Prepare a ripe fruit by washing it thoroughly in hot water;
  2. Laying it on a flat plate, cut off the hat in a circle from the side where the tail is;
  3. Do the same manipulations with incisions along the white longitudinal stripes, as described above;
  4. Get a deep glass bowl;
  5. Fill it with drinking water at room temperature;
  6. Place a notched pomegranate inside this dish;
  7. Carefully remove the grains from the cuts made along the veins with your hands;
  8. Throw the removed grains into a colander or sieve so that excess liquid can drain;
  9. Start using.

Don't be surprised if the water turns reddish. This is just a natural coloration from the juice secreted by the pomegranate at the time of taking out the grains. The advantage of this method, if compared with the first, is the absence of splashes in the kitchen and clothes. They are definitely excluded. But the disadvantages cannot be avoided: the juice that has run out into the water will simply have to be poured out.

Those were the 2 fastest ways. Now let's move on to more complex ones.

Method number 3

The next method requires not only knowledge of the execution sequence, but also special equipment - a dumpling mold that looks like an iron circle with small holes, a silicone baking mold of any size, a culinary jackhammer. All these “tools” must be prepared in advance so that they are at hand during cleaning.

The beginning of the process of removing pomegranate grains of this method coincides with the previous two, namely, it consists of the following step-by-step actions:

  1. Rinse the pomegranate in hot water;
  2. Dry with a paper towel, removing drops from the peel;
  3. Put a clean fruit on a flat plate;
  4. With a sharp knife, cut off the hat with a tail in a circular motion;
  5. Make cuts exactly along the white veins that opened after the previous manipulation;
  6. Set a deep and wide bowl on the table;
  7. Put on top of it a form for modeling dumplings at home;
  8. Place the pomegranate on the iron circle so that the cut part is at the bottom;
  9. Cover the fruit on top with a silicone baking dish;
  10. Tap on top with a hammer, applying strong and intense blows.

This method is convenient in that the pomegranate can be adjusted and stacked as you like. And thanks to the form laid on top, the kitchen and apron will remain clean, without red spots and splashes.

But there are also disadvantages: silicone, of course, will protect the product, but still, due to intensive tapping, some grains may burst. True, all the juice from them will fall into the bowl, and you can safely drink it, and not pour it out, as the cleaning method in water dictates.

There is time: this method is for you!

There is another method for cleaning pomegranate seeds, only it will take much more time than all those described above. Therefore, if you have enough of it, feel free to get down to business. It consists in completing the entire procedure without incisions. Let's follow the algorithm step by step:

  1. Wash the fruit thoroughly under running hot water;
  2. Dry with a towel or paper towel;
  3. Pull part of the tail down until a white crack forms without a peel;
  4. Carefully pry off the fracture with a knife and remove part of the shell;
  5. Continue this cleaning with your hands until all the skin is removed from the pomegranate;
  6. Break into pieces;
  7. Remove films between grains.

In the case of such cleaning, the integrity of all grains is preserved. Yes, and it will not be possible to stain the whole room around and yourself. The efficiency of the method is high. But here it takes a lot of time. So prioritize and choose the one that's right for you.

So, lovers of sweet and tasty grains that can be enjoyed all year round should not worry that they will have to pick out the grains, breaking them and splashing everything around with red juice. Now the cleaning methods are clear and described. But to find your own method, it is better to try everything and then evaluate and choose.

Maria Soboleva

How to easily and quickly peel a pomegranate?

How to peel a pomegranate, not all lovers of this fruit of kings know. Some people find the process tedious. In fact, there is nothing complicated - we will talk about simple and quick ways to clean a pomegranate and the secrets of choosing it.

Healing pomegranate: what is its use?

You may not know all the intricacies of how to properly peel a pomegranate, but you have probably heard about the benefits of a wonderful fruit.

What is healing properties grenade:

  1. contains amino acids, some of them are found only in meat, so it is simply irreplaceable for vegetarians;
  2. able to increase hemoglobin - pomegranate juice or the fruit itself helps those suffering from anemia;
  3. has the ability to remove radiation;
  4. has an anti-inflammatory effect - it is useful to use for colds;
  5. contains many vitamins and minerals: iodine, potassium, silicon, iron, calcium;
  6. full of antioxidants - reduces the risk of developing cancer;
  7. has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect.

How to choose a pomegranate?

How to choose a pomegranate so that it turns out to be juicy, ripe, sweet, because we do not see what is inside it?

So, we will focus on external signs. So, what are the secrets of choosing a pomegranate:

  1. look at the peel: it has a bright saturated color, sometimes pink or orange. We do not take pomegranate with brown spots - this is a sign of the onset of decay;
  2. in a ripe fruit, the peel is dry, slightly stiff, it tightly fits the pomegranate, so that bulges from the grains are visible. If the crust is too dry - do not take such a fruit, it may be dried inside;
  3. smooth pomegranate - obviously not ripe, feel the fruit when choosing;
  4. ripe fruit is quite heavy - compare two pomegranates of the same size and take the one that weighs more, there are no voids in it, and the seeds are filled with juice;
  5. pomegranate should be dense and hard, softness suggests that before getting on the counter, the fruit could be frozen or beaten;
  6. the tail of the pomegranate, which looks like a crown, must be dry, without any green sprouts;
  7. if the seller offers to try the pomegranate, do not refuse - this way you will appreciate the taste of the grains, their sweetness. By the way, the grains can be pink, not necessarily bright red.

We clean the pomegranate carefully and quickly

How to easily and quickly peel a pomegranate- It turns out that this is not such a tricky task.

After practicing a few times, you will be able to clean like a pro, without the risk of splattering juice.

If the pomegranate is chosen correctly, it is juicy and ripe, then there should be no problems. We offer several ways to quickly clean a healthy fruit.

Method 1

Wash the pomegranate and wipe dry. We cut the peel around the crown of the fetus in a circle with a thin layer, we get a kind of cap.

Pull the tail and remove the lid - white streaks-partitions will be visible on the pomegranate, which are evenly spaced in a circle and go down the fruit.

With a sharp knife, cut the fruit into sectors, moving the knife blade from top to bottom along the partitions.

The grains can be separated from the peel without much difficulty. We do this: turn the pomegranate down with grains, preferably over a deep bowl. Tap the peel with a knife handle or a spoon, the grains will fall into the substituted container.

This is the result we get - a full bowl of whole, elastic, transparent grains and a peel in the form of an opened flower. By the way, it needs to be dried and used as a cure for various ailments: heart failure, helminthic invasion, chronic cough, diarrhea, tonsillitis, stomatitis.

Method 2

How to peel a pomegranate so that it remains whole? As in the previous version, we need to cut off the top of the fruit in the form of a cap with a sharp knife. Next, we will do without a knife:

  1. we need a bowl or a large salad bowl - the larger the capacity, the better;
  2. we will clean the fruit in water - with both hands we immerse it in a liquid;
  3. resting your thumbs on the core of the pomegranate, divide it in half;
  4. under water we will separate the grains from the skin, they will sink to the bottom, and the pieces of the skin are light and will remain floating, they can be immediately thrown away so as not to interfere with further cleaning of the pomegranate;
  5. then strain the contents of the container through a sieve or colander - the grains are ready for use;
  6. The advantage of this method is that splashes from a grenade do not threaten you and your hands will remain clean.

How to easily peel a pomegranate - the video will give you visual instructions. Try to repeat simple manipulations and the result will surely please you:

Method 3

How to quickly clean a pomegranate - you can do this with a simple home-made design:

  1. we take a small saucepan, put a dumpling on top of it, you can use a large sieve or any container with large slots;
  2. cut the fruit in half, put the grains down, cover with a silicone mold;
  3. with a kitchen hammer or any heavy object, knock on the mold, and the grains will easily begin to spill into the container;
  4. we will do the same actions with the second half of the pomegranate;
  5. this method is ideal if you want to clean the pomegranate gently and without splashing the juice.

How to store a peeled pomegranate?

In fact, pomegranate is not cleaned in order to expose it to long-term storage. They cleaned it and ate it with appetite, perhaps they decorated holiday dishes with grains of the fruit.

For more than a day, you should not store the grains even in an airtight container.

In a bag in the freezer, they will not deteriorate, but their optimal shelf life is 3 months.

Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice should be drunk immediately, but be sure to dilute it with water, concentrated juice is harmful.

How to quickly peel a pomegranate - video will reinforce our advice by demonstrating once again that there are different ways to clean, simple but effective:

Take it, tell your friends!

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Who doesn't love pomegranates? Most likely, there are no such people. After all, there are many ways to use it: just like that, and in salads, and with meat, and pomegranate juice can be made. In general, it all depends on your culinary skills and personal preferences.

Is it just tasty or even healthy?

Not everyone is aware of what useful properties has a pomegranate. It contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, potassium, iron, calcium, etc. The most commonly used pomegranate for the treatment of cardio-vascular system. Pomegranate helps to improve the strength of blood vessels, prevents cardiac diseases, and increases hemoglobin. Many doctors often advise their patients to drink pomegranate juice to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to various colds. It is especially important to drink pomegranate juice, and also to use it simply in the form of seeds for people living in places with high levels of radiation or people with malignant tumors. From all of the above, we can conclude that pomegranate and pomegranate juice are a very valuable product, and its use helps prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

Making the right choice

But here they also raise an important question: how to choose the right pomegranate? When choosing a pomegranate, you need to keep in mind that it is not always beautiful appearance corresponds internal content. Therefore, first you should learn how to choose a ripe and tasty pomegranate.

First, evaluate the pomegranate by weight. Ripe fruit should be heavy. Considering that there are different varieties of pomegranate, its color is of no fundamental importance. It can vary from light pink to bright red. In addition, the pomegranate peel should be dry. If you see that it is juicy, then you have an unripe fruit. In a ripe pomegranate, the skin is thin, dry, uneven and seems to fit the grains.

So how do you clean it up?

So, the pomegranate is bought, and it's time to think about how you are going to clean it. There are several quick ways How can you properly and easily peel a pomegranate.

To begin with, wash the pomegranate thoroughly. Then we put on clothes that we don’t mind getting dirty, or we tie ourselves an apron. And we take a fairly deep vessel, into which we will actually get the pomegranate seeds. If the dishes are small, then you yourself will get dirty. pomegranate juice and mess up the whole kitchen. Take the pomegranate in your hands and cut off its top (the part on which the “crown” of the pomegranate is located) so that you can see its grains and veins that are inside. Then, along these veins, make cuts throughout the pomegranate. They should get about 7-9 pieces. Turn the pomegranate cut side down over the prepared dishes. It is desirable that the cut is below the edges of the dishes so that the radius of spraying pomegranate juice does not go beyond the container. Then take an ordinary tablespoon (or you can take the knife with which the cuts were made) and knock on the grenade. The blows must be strong enough so that the grains themselves can pop out of the peel. Soon you will see that all the grains were in the container, and you only have an empty peel in your hands. That's actually all. Now you know how to properly and easily clean a pomegranate.

There is another way to quickly clean a pomegranate. To do this, you need to do the same preparatory work as for the first method, namely, wash the pomegranate, prepare the container, put on an apron. Then take the pomegranate in your hands and cut off the top and bottom of it. With a sharp knife, make a shallow incision from one cut top to another, but not directly, but in a spiral. After that, take the pomegranate by the slices with both hands, and turn them in different sides. The pomegranate will break along the incision made and you will get a twisted pomegranate ribbon. And all the grains will be easily accessible. And they can be manually collected in a prepared container.

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