Ecology of the Psekups River. Psekups River - a familiar stranger

diets 30.06.2019

It belongs to the ten largest rivers flowing in the Western Caucasus. Connects with another river, on the left side. The total length is 128 km, which is quite a lot for a river.
Psekups crosses the territory of two districts, Goryacheklyuchevsky with Tuapse, then crosses the border of the Republic of Adygea. The local river valley attracts guests with its mineral springs.

River history

Scientists have proven that many centuries ago, Psekups was nothing more than a mountain stream, even one of a dozen streams that ran down from the northern part of the Main Range. However, millions of years have given enough time for the stream to break through the mountains, moreover, from the stream to turn into a powerful stream, which in our time rushes to the plain. On the way, a dozen local streams and rivers join it.
Some believe that initially such strength and power was given to the stream by a spring that gushed at the source of the river millions of years ago. If you get there, you can see the remnants of greatness even today, but the fountain itself and the former full water of Psekups are not there.

Yes, judging by the sources of a hundred years ago, the river was more full-flowing. This is also stated in the guidebook of 1888. The water level remained until the 50s of the twentieth century, when they began to intensively cut down the forests around. The felled trees were then floated downstream.

character now

Psekups in our time is quite shallow, in some places it can be easily forded on foot, except for spring and autumn floods. However, it is not shallow in all areas, to the Abadzekh mountain near the Salvation Rock there are full-flowing areas up to 70 m wide.
Psekups is the Adyghe word, “blue water”, apparently the ancients still noticed the shade of water, which is given to it by sulphurous springs in the pool.
By its nature, Psekups is a typical mountain stream with its violent temper in the upper part, especially when it overcomes crevices and rocks.

Psekups- a river in Russia, flows in Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea, the left tributary of the Kuban River.

Length 146 km, basin area 1430 km². In the Psekups valley there is a resort town Goryachiy Klyuch.


The Psekups River is fed mainly precipitation and groundwater (mixed supply, with a predominance of rain). She's in flood mode. The water levels in the river and its flow rates vary greatly throughout the year (the average water flow is about 20 m³/s, the highest is about 1000 m³/s). The ice cover (freeze) of Psekups is unstable and short-lived. Other warm years freezing does not occur at all, and its usual duration is 1-2 months (sometimes about 20 days).

The water of the Psekupsa River near the outlets of sulfur sources into it has a characteristic muddy green color and smell for some distance, due to its enrichment with hydrogen sulfide and sulfur precipitation. The surroundings of Goryachiy Klyuch are exceptionally picturesque.

The river is floating.

Expedition "Psekups-88"

In June 1988, students of the correspondence department of the Faculty of Geography of the Kuban state university together with members of an amateur film studio in Goryachiy Klyuch, an expedition "Psekups-88" was organized, the main purpose of which was to identify anthropogenic factors adversely affecting the ecological state of the Psekups river basin.

Water registry data

Tributaries (km from mouth)

  • 43 km: Dysh river (Small Dysh, Dysh gap) (lv)
  • 68 km: Salt River (Lisitsina Shchel) (pr)
  • 88 km: Kaverze river (Kobza, Khoarze, Thamakhinskaya gap) (lv)
  • 96 km: river Orlova shchel (lv)
  • 102 km: Chepsy river (lv)
  • 104 km: Khatyps river (pr)
  • 117 km: Bolshaya Sobachka river (lv)
  • 133 km: Psif (Agoy) river (pr)


It originates on the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, on the northeastern slopes of Mount Lysaya (height 974 m). It collects water from an area of ​​​​1430 square meters. km and, having traveled 146 km, flows from the left into the Kuban River (into the Krasnodar reservoir), against the eastern outskirts of Krasnodar.

The Psekups valley in the mountainous part of the basin is quite narrow and covered dense forests. The flow of the river is fast. Before reaching the city of Goryachiy Klyuch, in a number of places the river valley expands, forming clearings. Having broken through the Wolf Gate between the kuest ridges of Kotkh and Pshaf, Psekups expands its valley and already smoothly, slowly flows past low hills covered with oak forests and tobacco plantations.

In the lower reaches, it flows along the plain in low, partially dredged banks.

Psekups receives numerous left-bank and right-bank tributaries in the form of small mountain rivers. Its most significant tributaries are the Chepsi and Kaverze rivers.


  • Psekups
  • Hot key
  • Saratov
  • Fanagoriyskaya (village)
  • Nameless (village)


Psekups- a rather large and fast mountain river of the Yekaterinodar department, Kuban region. It flows from the Main Caucasian Range near the Goyth Pass and flows into the Kuban about 12 versts above the city of Ekaterinodar. The length of the Psekups is 100 versts, the width is up to 10 fathoms. Almost continuous forests grow on the mountains surrounding the upper reaches of the Psekups. Almost the entire valley of the Psekups, as well as the valleys of its many tributaries, is distinguished by the same wooded character.

One of the most major rivers flowing in the territory of the Western Caucasus is called the Psekups River. It is a left tributary of the Kuban. The length of this river is 128 kilometers.

Psekups flows through the territory of several southern regions: Tuapse, Goryacheklyuchevsky, as well as on the lands of the Republic of Adygea. In the Psekups valley there are multiple springs of mineral water, which differ from each other in their chemical composition.

Scholars claim that Psekups was originally a small stream that ran down north side Main Caucasian Range. But after millions of years everything changed. This river has made its way through the mountains themselves to the Kuban Plain, now the waters of many streams and streams flow into it.

Presumably, Psekups in ancient times had a powerful spring at its very source. This spring, in addition to everything else, also gushed. Today, this spring is also quite powerful, but you will no longer see the former fountain.

Some researchers believe that during its million-year existence, the Psekups channel has changed greatly. Gradually, it began to repeat the structure of a tectonic fracture, which was due to a shift in geological layers. It is believed that this shift occurred at a very solid depth - more than 3000 meters. So, if Psekups really laid his channel along this break, it becomes clear where his power comes from.

Translated from the Adyghe language, "Psekups" means "a river full of water." So it was in the past. Until the middle of the 20th century, Psekups was a very full-flowing river. But with the beginning of active deforestation in this area, everything changed. By the way, in those years, cut logs were floated down the river. This made it possible to deliver wood to the place of its processing - to Goryachiy Klyuch.

In our time, Psekups is a shallow river, with the exception of spring days and periods of heavy rains. In some places, this river is not at all difficult to ford. And only in one place is Psekups still full of water - this is the foot of the Abadzekh (Key) mountain, not far from the Rock of Salvation. In this place, the width of the river is almost 70 meters.

Another translation of the name "Psekups" from the same Adyghe language is the phrase "blue water". By the way, in our time, this definition is the best fit for this river. The river is famous for its beautiful water color - it is greenish-blue. This is due to the fact that the waters of numerous sulfurous sources flow into Psekups.

There is another translation of the name of the river - it is quite strange. "Psekups" can be translated as "the river of the black maple beam".

Psekups originates on the slopes of the Main Caucasian Range, not far from the Khlebushko and Lysoy mountains. This is in Tuapse district. Nearby stretches the Kalachi mountain range, through which runs the longest railway tunnel leading to Tuapse and the Black Sea.

Basically, Psekups has left tributaries, which are narrow, seething mountain streams, as well as small rivers with waterfalls and other interesting places.

Its first tributary is named after Mount Psif. Another river-tributary of Psekups is Dirty. This is due to the fact that the soil of the valley of this river is easily washed away by rains.

Almost along the entire channel of the Psekups, a Railway, which leads from Krasnodar to Tuapse. In several places, the railway line crosses the river. But along the banks of the Psekups there are picturesque villages: Sadovoye and Afanasyevsky postik, Fanagoriyskoye and Bezymyannoye, as well as farms and villages of Zarechye and Razvilka, Saratovskoye and Prirechensky, Sorokin and Bakinskaya, Molkino. But the most basic locality, which is located on the banks of this great south river, this is a resort town Goryachiy Klyuch.

The lower reaches of the Psekups flow through flat terrain. Its shores in this place are sloping and low.

The river is fed mainly by rain. It is covered with ice for only 20 days a year.

One of the largest mountain rivers in the Western Caucasus. Left tributary of the Kuban. Length 128 km.

It flows through the Tuapse, Goryacheklyuchevsky districts and the territory of the Republic of Adygea. There are numerous mineral springs in the river valley.

It is proved that initially Psekups was one of the streams that ran from the northern slope of the Main Caucasian Range. But over millions of years of hydrological history, he managed to break through the mountains to the Kuban Plain, collecting dozens of other streams and rivers along the way.

It is assumed that such leadership was provided by a powerful (gushing in ancient times) spring at the source of this river. By the way, he still looks good today. But the fountain is no more, as well as the former full water of Psekups.

There is another theory of the historical power of this particular river. Its channel almost repeats the line of a tectonic break caused by the shift of geological layers, presumably at a depth of more than 3000 m. It is quite possible that Psekups simply took advantage of some subsidence of the earth's surface in the region of this tectonic break and laid the entire channel along this path not created by him.

Previously, Psekups was distinguished by full water. In the guide book of 1888 it is written that, translated from the Adyghe, Psekups is "a river abundant with water." This was the case until the middle of the 20th century, before the start of intensive deforestation. This allowed in the upper and middle reaches of the Psekups even to produce timber rafting. Thus, he entered the Goryachiy Klyuch for processing.

Currently, throughout (except spring days and days of heavy rains) Psekups is a shallow river. In places it can be easily forded. But in the area of ​​the Abadzekh mountain near the Rock of Salvation, Psekups is full of water. The width of the river in this section is about 70 meters.

There is another version of the translation from the Adyghe: Psekups is "blue water". This is more true today: the greenish-blue color gives the water the presence in the river basin a large number sulfur sources. According to the third hypothesis, Psekups is translated as "the river of the black maple beam".

Psekups originates from the slopes of the Main Caucasian Range, in the region of the Khlebushko (845 m) and Lysaya (976 m) mountains in the Tuapse region. This is not far from the Kalachi mountain range, inside which one of the longest railway tunnels is laid on the way to Tuapse, to the Black Sea. Psekups has mainly left tributaries. These are narrow "talkative", like all mountain streams, small rivers, on which there are many waterfalls and other interesting places.

The very first left tributary is called Mount Psif (873 m). But this rivulet itself starts from the more famous Mount Agoy (994 m). Another river that flows into Psekups at the very beginning of its journey is called Dirty. And the tract along which it flows is also called Dirty. The reason is the local soil, which is easily washed away by rains.

The largest tributaries of Psekups are Chepsi, Kaverze. Among others, Big and Small Dogs, Orlova Shchel, Tkhamashinka, Psif stand out. The right tributary, in fact, is one - the Khatyps River, which collects its waters on the slopes of the Kotkh ridge.

For almost the entire length of the Psekups along it, mainly along the right bank, there is a railway from Krasnodar to Tuapse, which crosses this river several times. On the banks of the Psekups there are the villages of Sadovoye, Afanasyevsky Postik, Fanagoriyskoye, Bezymyannoye, villages and farms of Zarechye, Razvilka, Saratovskoye, Prirechensky, Sorokin, Baku, Molkino. But, of course, the main settlement on this river is the city of regional subordination, the world-famous resort of Goryachiy Klyuch.

In the lower reaches, the Psekups flows through the plain, has low, partly sloping banks.

The rain supply of this river predominates (70% annual runoff). The ice on it does not last long (about 20 days a year). Psekups currently does not flow into the Kuban itself, but into the Kuban reservoir below the village of Vochepsi (Republic of Adygea). It is believed that Psekups has a certain impact on the climate of the resort. His "poise" is largely determined by this river.

The first people appeared here more than 300 thousand years ago. This is confirmed by archaeological excavations. Near the village of Saratovskaya, for example, hand axes were found. Near the villages of Imeretinskaya and Chernomorskaya there are objects from the Paleolithic period.

Stone tools and bones of ancient animals of the same distant era have been found in many places in the Psekups valley below the confluence of the Kaverze River.

Such an early settlement of the banks of Psekups is due to many advantages of these places, including the presence here of numerous outlets of Psekups mineral waters of various types. This was especially pronounced in the area of ​​the Abadzekh (Key) mountain, which led to the creation of the Goryachiy Klyuch resort here. The nature of this valley is beautiful. The forests are dominated by oak, beech and hornbeam. There are a lot of linden, maple, chestnut and ash trees here. There is a relic pine, juniper and yew - the oldest representative of the Tertiary era.

temperate warm climate mean annual temperature+ 20 °), a large number of sunny days (like in Anapa) and the absence of heat (wet easterly winds cool it) makes this area especially attractive for outdoor recreation.


Latitude: 44°38′0′′′N (44.633333)

Longitude: 39°8′0′′′E (39.133333)

Hot key- the city of living water, located in the Krasnodar Territory. Sheltered this beautiful, clean and quiet town on river Psekups. In its southern part, in a fabulous green wealth, there is a medical and preventive resort of the same name.

The balneological health resort of Goryachiy Klyuch was founded in 1864. Gradually ennobled and expanded the territory of the current park. For an interesting and comfortable walk, spacious alleys were built, equipped with carved benches and gazebos. Flower beds with bizarre figurines, various sculptures, small fountains are scattered everywhere.The entire park is surrounded endemic species plants and tall relict trees.

In total, there are about 160 historical monuments of nature and archeology in the Goryachiy Klyuch region.

The most popular hot-klyuchevo sites can be visited in one walking day, walking along the Health path.

The walk begins by crossing Happy Bridge the Psekups River, originating in the Western Caucasus, near the northwestern wall Bald Mountain(flows into the Krasnodar reservoir).

The path then goes through arch with lions erected for the 50th anniversary of the Goryachiy Klyuch sanatorium resort. The sculpture symbolizes the overcoming of diseases. In 2004, another architectural structure appeared at the entrance to the park, built for the 140th anniversary of Goryachiy Klyuch. Triumphal Arch"promises" guests a warm welcome in the territory of the mineral resort.

Not far from the entrance to the wooded area of ​​the Goryachiy Klyuch park there is a low Adyghe pillar. At first, it resembles an ordinary log, exposed in the middle of a clearing. It turns out that this is a cenotaph (symbolic tomb) of Khapach Lakshuk, a brave commander of the ancient Bzhedug (Circassians / Circassians) ethnic group. The Adyghe pillar was made from fragmentary fragments of a Byzantine column, texts were drawn in Arabic symbols on the entire surface of the pillar. They say that if you touch the pillar with your whole body, you can gain strength and energy.

In the central part of the Goryachiy Klyuch park there is Mineral meadow. In the old days, the most active underground springs were discovered here. Psekupskaya mineral water. Now a pipeline has been laid from here, stretching to drinking gallery Hydropathic baths, where you can drink plenty of healthy mineral water varied composition:

~ thermal (water temperature +60°C): sulfide chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium. Appointed for taking bath procedures for various disorders of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system, gynecological diseases.

~ chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium (containing hydrogen sulfide). For treatment digestive system water is used from sources under No. 21, 58, 104.

Some tourists take bottled water with them, although they say that in this case beneficial features water is quickly lost). And vacationers in a medical sanatorium come to the Drinking Gallery several times a day, at the time appointed by the doctor, and drink the water necessary for treatment.

Iverskaya chapel- a very unusual structure, as if elongated from the thickness of the rock mass Abadzekh (Key) mountains. The chapel was built on Mineralnaya Glade in honor of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God. Every Friday at 11 o'clock the rite of the church service is performed. Many visitors do not miss the opportunity to light a candle, pray to the holy icon and ask for health and prosperity.

On the right side of the church is located, immersed in a small domed arch, Iberian source. Now there is no water in it, only a memorable appearance remains.

To the left of the track is ferruginous source, in 1995 it was consecrated and named after the healer St. Panteleimon. The water in the spring is considered very useful, giving the body a rejuvenating effect. Every year, on August 9, a ceremony of consecration of water takes place at the source.

In 1914, on Mineralnaya Polyana, almost opposite the Iverskaya Chapel, a stele was erected dedicated to the healing mineral hot Klyuchevo water.

From Mineralnaya Polyana, Quiet Alley stretches towards the fabulous Dante Gorge, formed due to the division of the Abadzekh mountain into two parts. The name "Dante's Gorge" was fixed thanks to the written by the Italian poet Dante Alighieri " Divine Comedy”, which vividly describes the representation of hell and paradise, reminiscent of the place of the rocky gorge of the Hot Key. A mystical atmosphere reigns inside the gorge: darkness, humidity, coolness, surrounding walls covered with green moss, decorated with “patterns” carved into the soft texture of stone by impolite tourists. Inside the gorge there are comfortable steps carved directly into the stone, there are also railings.

The embankment alley leads to the river Psekups and adjacent to the western side of the Abadzekh mountain Rock Cockerel. The steep rock Cockerel has a height of only 28 meters. Appearance The cliff looks like a rooster's comb, hence the name. Previously, the rock was called the "Rock of Salvation". From the Goryachiy Klyuch park, you can go to the crest of the rock and admire the view of the Psekups River and the green foothills of the Pshaf mountain range. Nearby is located, built in the XIX century, the Royal gazebo. In clear and sunny weather, children often bathe under the Cockerel rock.

To the rock, the Cockerel stretches, cut in stone, the Ladder of Life. There are 2 caves on both sides. Salvation Cave- in ancient times, the grotto served as a hiding place for criminals sentenced to death. Cave Zvonkaya- Being inside this grotto, you can clearly hear the sounds coming from the other side of the Psekups River.

In the direction south of the city of Goryachiy Klyuch, a large number of attractions created by nature are dispersed:

~ Fortress (dolmen 15x4) Podavisla, built in the beginning. II millennium (Chepsi river, Kesuh waterfall);

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