23 mm aircraft gun MP 6. Vehicles equipped with this weapon

Career and finance 27.06.2019
Career and finance

The first cold autumn matinees give a signal to all representatives of the ichthyofauna that the time has come to prepare for harsh winter. Feels this moment and roach. The fish begins to actively feed, creating a reserve nutrients. Catching roach in the autumn attracts anglers because the fish caught on the hook has strong resistance, and its meat at this time is fatty and tasty. But the richness of the catch will depend on many factors.

Despite the fact that September has come, the fish does not immediately begin to fatten. Nature gives a start to active feeding. Therefore, the behavior of roach largely depends on the nature of the weather.

  • in September, often in many regions it is more like summer fishing. Fish continue to feed on plant and animal food, visiting both deep areas and shallows. In some reservoirs, roach pecks best at night, but somewhere it prefers morning and evening dawns. However, already in the first month of autumn, negative trends for the angler are outlined. If they are not caught in time, then the bite will worsen from fishing to fishing.

Attention! With the advent of autumn in the reservoirs, the water becomes transparent. Because of this, it is necessary to use a thinner fishing line and a small hook.

  • October is traditionally the most catchy month in autumn. By this time, the fish had already managed to feel the changes in nature. The roach moves vigorously in search of a large amount of food. But the fish are less interested in bait plant origin. Many anglers make a serious mistake by continuing to attract a flock of porridge as bait and steamed grains as bait. Most often, vegetable bait scares away fish. The fact is that there is more protein in animal food, which representatives of the ichthyofauna store for the winter. Therefore, roach fishing in October requires not only an elegant rod equipment, but also a balanced bait with the presence of animal components.
  • In the coldest period of autumn, roach activity drops noticeably. The flocks move to deep water areas, preparing themselves for the winter lifestyle. Fish becomes capricious in food. Most often, the appetite wakes up by noon, and sometimes the bite lasts only 1 hour. There is no need to talk about any stability in nutrition. Out of desperation, some anglers switch to tackle with a jig. Sometimes attempts to imitate the behavior of water beetles bear fruit. Due to the distant location of the pits where the fish settles, it becomes necessary to use a boat.

Where to look for fish

The tactics of searching for feeding roach in autumn differ significantly depending on the reservoir. Several salient points should be highlighted.

  1. Small ponds and lakes most often do not have deep holes where all representatives of the ichthyofauna could winter. First of all, the fish will live near the coastal zone, where it will find both plant and animal food in algae. Only late autumn flocks leave the coastal zone with dead grass and go to the middle of the reservoir. An important factor in small ponds is the search for oxygenated water. As you know, when rotting plant residues carbon dioxide is released. The roach immediately leaves such water areas.
  2. Large lakes and reservoirs provide more habitat for roach in autumn. In the first half of autumn, fish should be looked for on the borders of overgrown areas and clean water, on shallow plateaus, along riverbed ridges. Prudent roach in late autumn shifts to places where the flock will begin wintering. Knowing such points, you can successfully fish from a boat. Searches can be complicated by the fact that an active predator makes its own adjustments to the behavior of peaceful fish. It also feeds on fat, forcing flocks of roach to hide on the differences in depths or in snags.
  3. Certain difficulties arise for anglers in the fall and on the rivers. Trying to catch a silvery fish with red fins and orange eyes in small rivers is futile. There are few fish left in them and it feeds exclusively underwater inhabitants. Sometimes there are strange upstream rises from the lakes, but this happens spontaneously, which only local anglers can take advantage of. On medium and large rivers, roach can stand near the shore. If a pit is formed under a steep ravine, and a grassy spit is adjacent, then it is worth lingering at such a point. A flock can also concentrate in a snag, hiding from toothy and fanged predators. Roach lives in deep pits only when they are not there.

Photo 1. In the open spaces of the river.

Tackle for autumn fishing and catch lures

The reason for failures in autumn fishing is often rough tackle. Some anglers deliberately set up thick lines and massive hooks, secretly hoping to catch bream or carp. But if the task is to catch roaches, then you should prepare the appropriate fishing rod and suitable bait.

A few may come in handy for autumn fishing.

  1. Suitable for both fishing from the shore and for fishing from a boat. If, then it is ideal for river fishing. The length of the rod for these tackles is selected from the range of 4-6 m. Both rods are equipped with a reel and main line 0.12 ... 0.14 mm. For the manufacture of a leash, it should be 0.10 ... 0.12 mm thick and 20-30 cm long. A small hook No. 12 ... 16 is tied to the leash. The float is selected taking into account the casting distance, it is more important to load it correctly.

As for baits for autumn roach fishing, several popular baits and baits should be highlighted.

At the beginning of autumn, fish, semolina, respond well. Some anglers successfully hunt trophy fish with the help of green algae.

But already in October, insect larvae become more advantageous bait. In the arsenal of the angler must be present:

  • dung and earthworms;
  • shell meat.

Autumn bait

For autumn bait, fairly simple requirements should be presented. It should not saturate the fish, but at the same time, its task is to attract roach from nearby water areas. How can this be achieved?

The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made bait mix in a fishing store, trusting the experience of the manufacturer. But not always in our conditions, imported compounds work well. Therefore, experienced floaters and feeders make bait according to their own recipe.

  • First of all, all components must be turned into a fine powder. A sieve or fine mesh is suitable for this. For example, breadcrumbs and cake often become the basis of roach bait. When they enter the water, they should form a cloud or plume of turbidity, attracting a flock of feeding fish.
  • Depending on the fishing method, binders or loosening agents are added, as well as fillers in the form of clay or soil. And these components should be crushed and sieved.
  • Water for moistening is taken from the reservoir where roach will be caught. When it is possible to achieve the desired consistency, animal components are introduced into the finished mixture. These are most often small bloodworms, maggots and chopped worms.
  • Photo 3. Soil is always added to autumn bait.

    In the process of baiting, 4-5 orange-sized balls are first thrown. The first bites can begin in 0.5-1 hour. In the future, bait is added in small balls the size of a walnut.

For pike, perch and walleye, autumn is the most suitable time of the year for a good feeding of fat in anticipation of the upcoming winter. It got colder outside, the water in the rivers and lakes also became cool. The fish become more active and begin to eat heavily in order to survive the winter. Predators indiscriminately attack any suitable prey.

After numerous studies, it was found that pike and zander are most active at water temperatures in the range of 7-10 degrees Celsius. It is in such conditions that predators find food for themselves better. In keeping at a constant level, in the autumn days excellent fishing and peaceful fish. Fishermen take advantage of the quiet and warm days to indulge in their favorite hobby before moving on to ice fishing.

During warm autumn days and especially in the Indian summer, carp and carp come out to feed on the expanses of reservoirs. But close to the shore, they do not fit. Therefore, to catch carp, it is necessary to cast the bait as far as possible. It’s good to go through the pond with an echo sounder beforehand and find promising places. Large flocks of carp actively feed in autumn, and although many trophy catches of carp are not regular, nevertheless, carp are caught almost until freezing. Therefore, having fed carp in the same place in summer, you can catch it in this area until winter.

In flat reservoirs, where the depth is far from the coast, there is a reason to use a boat or a radio-controlled boat to deliver bait and bait to the fish feeding place. at this time, it is mainly at a depth, and rarely swims up to 2-3 meters. But it all depends on the specifics of the reservoir, typically carp places of depth, water barriers and fish trails.

The most commonly used baits at this time for catching carp, worms, corn and some types of boilies, most often with the smell of shrimp or crayfish. Sweet smells in autumn don't work very well. Again, I repeat, it is not bad to use attractants with pheromones or similar baits.


Autumn is the main time for catching spinning and circles. In November, perch is in its element. In autumn, grouped in numerous flocks, they scour the entire reservoir in search of food, chasing juvenile fish on their way. They do not disdain to dine with their own kind. The best for catching perch are small silicone lures 4-5 cm long.

For pike fishing, spinners No. 3 and No. 6 are used, as well as floating and sinking wobblers from 5 to 11 cm long and silicone bait. The color scheme of artificial lures used for pike fishing can be varied, but red must be present.

Sudaki also formed large flocks like themselves. Unfortunately, their numbers have dwindled last years, but there are still places where there are good stocks of this truly royal fish. Like perch, small to medium sized, zander are grouped in flocks in preparation for winter. They move and feed at depth, and you should look for them there. Pike perch is a typical nocturnal predator, but before winter it is also active during the daytime and, moving along the reservoir, attacks any suitable living creatures. It is important for you to know his constant paths.

I assume that we have figured out what kind of fish to catch in the fall, and following these tips, we will be able to fish well until winter, despite the fact that the weather is not the same anymore, and that many have already laid down their summer gear until the next summer fishing season.

We don’t feel sorry for the summer, but the golden leaf time has come, and with it the weather changes, which undoubtedly affects the habits and behavior of the fish, besides, winter follows autumn, and the fish need to prepare for it. Catching on a feeder in the fall requires us to use different tactics and techniques for catching aquatic inhabitants, which is often focused on fishing in cold water, although we will not forget to mention fishing in early autumn, when you can use fishing techniques.

Beginning of autumn (September)

As mentioned earlier, at the beginning of autumn, until the end Indian summer, the fish behaves in the same way as in the summer. But the summer heat is no longer there, and the nights become cool, so the water temperature drops, as a result of which the fish can be active throughout the day, and not only in the morning and evening hours, when there is still no sun. Irregularities and drops in the bottom, areas on the border of aquatic vegetation, snags, stones and tree trunks, areas with a reverse flow, exits from pits are considered promising places for fishing.

Feeder fishing in late autumn (October)

With a gradual cooling and a decrease in water temperature below + 15 - + 10 ° C, the habits of the fish begin to change. During this period, aquatic vegetation stops growing, as a result of which the water becomes cleaner and more transparent, and insect larvae, crustaceans and molluscs, leave shallow water and go to a depth of two to four meters or more. Fish naturally follow their food, so they can no longer be found in shallow bays. Due to the fact that the nights are now quite cold, then at shallow stakes and ponds, fish can begin to be caught not from dawn, but closer to 10-12 o'clock in the afternoon.

Special attention should be paid to the days when the weather is sunny and calm, at this time the fish can come closer to the shore on the shallows in order to bask in sunshine or rise to a distance of 20-30 cm from the bottom.

In October, white fish have a zhor, but it does not look like spring, when everything that gets in their eyes is attacked indiscriminately. Now the fish behaves more wary, but at the same time, most species are active throughout the day, so you should not forget about night fishing. Catching on a feeder in the fall is effective on medium rivers. As a rule, these are tributaries of large rivers, they are quite deep and have a moderate course. If the river is small, but rather deep, then here you can also count on catching roach, crucian carp, chub or bleak, since these types of fish, with the onset of cold weather, prefer to stay in place and not slide downstream. When fishing on the river, you should not look for fish in the rapids, they need to gain fat for wintering, and not waste their strength and reserves, so pay attention to deep-sea places where there is a reverse current or its speed slows down significantly (behind a wide bend or turn rivers, capes).

Arriving at the reservoir or big river, your task is to find a channel or a hole, this is where you will have the greatest chance of catching. The most promising area will be a gently sloping irrigation, located between two deep-water edges. Also, fish can stand near snags, trees and stones in the presence of this place sufficient depth.

In autumn, fish prefer not to stray into mixed shoals, as often happens in summer or spring, so before fishing, when choosing equipment and fishing places, it is advisable to focus on certain kind fish.

Also in this and more late period The three-point tactic works well. This is when you start fishing with three rods at three different distances. First, find a promising fishing spot at the first point (pit, curb) at a distance of 25-30 m from the shore, then choose the same place but at a distance of 45-55 m and the last point is the farthest 60-70 m or more. Catch and see where the activity of the fish is maximum, go to that point. Of course, it should be borne in mind that the closer the fishing distance, the more accurate your casts and the easier it is to catch, and in order to more or less accurately throw at a distance of 70 m, practice is needed.

When choosing a place to fish, it is also worth paying attention to the presence of an area where there are differences in depth, it is very good if the bottom in this place is soft, since there may be larvae there.


In November, when the water temperature drops to +2-+4 degrees, the activity of biting is significantly reduced. Fish accumulate near wintering pits and may not attack the bait at all. During this period, an active feeder is effective when you move along the reservoir and, like a spinner, catch various areas in search of fish accumulations. It should be borne in mind that the wintering pit will not always be the deepest point of the reservoir, smaller pits are suitable for these purposes, the main thing is that the depth difference, relative to the rest of the surface of the reservoir, be significant.

Fishing on the feeder in the fall does not stop until the winter freeze-up, the main thing is to know where to look for fish.

Bait for fishing with a feeder in autumn

In September, it is still possible to actively fish, both on plant and animal baits. With the onset of cold weather, the fish switches to protein foods. At the same time, various combinations of nozzles give greater efficiency, for example: worm and maggot, semolina and bloodworm, bloodworm, worm and dough. With a weak and changeable biting, it is better to switch purely to bloodworms. When using animal baits, it is worth remembering that they should not be lethargic and half-dead, fish react much worse to such baits. A bait that plays on the hook is more likely to grab the fish's attention and get them to take action. When buying a bloodworm, it is better to opt for dark than bright red, since dark-colored larvae are more tenacious and sit better on the hook.
Don't forget to experiment and diversify your bait arsenal with amphipods, bark beetle larvae, and various insect larvae that can be found in nuts, apples, or acorns. If you are fishing on the river, be sure to try the caddis larva - this can give a good result when fishing on the feeder in the fall. Some anglers spoke well of fishing with bacon soaked in garlic. Avid carp fishermen should try fishing with boilies that have a rich protein base.

Recipe for catchy boilies

  • Recipe #1: A cup of ground hemp or millet seeds, four cups fish meal, two cups of soy flour, one and a half cups of grains and eggs are necessary to make a normal dough.
  • Recipe number 2: we take one and a half glasses of fishmeal, two corn, a glass of soy, one glass of semolina and half a glass of seeds and salt.

If you still want to try herbal baits, then you should use their favorite treats. Crucian can bite on a mash of semolina and garlic, roach on barley and boiled wheat, carp on corn grains.

Fishing on the feeder in autumn bream, roach, carp, crucian carp


On warm September days, except at depth, bream can still be caught on the border of aquatic vegetation, only the bottom, here it should be muddy. Vegetable ingredients can be used as bait. The best time to fish is morning and evening before sunset. With the onset of October cold weather and until the beginning of November, the bream begins to migrate through the deep-water areas of the reservoir (channels, pits) at this time it is quite difficult to find it. Therefore, many fishermen feed the near and far point, while it is desirable that the bait for different points differed, for example, in bait, that ingredients such as millet and maggot will be included on the near side, and ground peas with chopped worm for the far side. In cold water, massive feeding is no longer required, this is also true for other types of fish. The feeder in the fall requires the use of dark-colored baits, so we add soil or clay to them. In November, the bream accumulates closer to the wintering pits and does not move far from them, while the bite is very weak (may even be absent altogether). During this period, it is necessary to look for areas with a depth of 13-15 m or more.
Feeding should contain more land and protein components. Read about the features of catching bream on a feeder.

Feeder fishing for roach in autumn

In September, the habits of roach are similar to those of summer. We still use plant and animal baits as well, and groundbaits are quite nutritious and include sweet flavors. With the onset of cold weather at the end of October, the roach gathers in flocks and moves closer to the wintering pits; it can also be found in deep riverbed areas. During this period, its fishing is more effective on rivers than in rates and lakes. First of all, you should pay attention to the pits, which are located in calm water or in places with reverse flow. The wintering pit should have a depth that is clearly expressed against the background of the rest of the bottom topography, and not be a simple hole 1 m deep, in summer in such a place you can expect to catch a flock. Often, the pits of interest to us can be found behind sandy spits, shallows or rifts. A sure sign of the presence of trophy roach will be pits or sections of the channel in which there are trees and snags fallen into the water. Successful fishing for roach in the fall on the feeder will be in areas where tributaries flow into the main river, as a rule, such places have a fairly large depth.


Even in the summer, he grows old to stick to the pits. With the advent of autumn, his preferences in this do not change, unless he chooses deeper pits with a soft bottom, where he extracts larvae and mollusks in the ground. At night, the chance to catch carp is quite high. In October, zhor begins at carp, at this time the most favorable for fishing are considered clear sunny days when a weak south or east breeze blows. On such days, in the morning it stands at a depth, but closer to lunch, when the sun warms up the water enough, it can appear in shallow water or rise to the upper layers. Now he still responds well to heavy feeding with nutritious bait, even more effective if you use a bait.

An ideal place for carp fishing is the lower part of a gentle descent into the depths. In November, the carp keeps near the wintering pits, now the bait should contain more protein elements (worm, maggot, bloodworm), diluted with earth to increase the mass of the bait and create a larger feeding spot. From plant components, you need to take only those that have little nutritional value (breadcrumbs, cake, ground seeds, bran)

Feeder fishing for crucian carp in autumn

The bite of crucian carp in autumn is divided into two stages, in the first half of autumn, in many reservoirs its activity can increase, due to the end of the summer heat, in the second half (from mid-October) due to the onset of cold weather, it gradually decreases, crucian carp less often than others fish are active. Until the Indian summer, while the weather is still quite warm, it can be found on bays, ponds and rivers in the coastal zone at the edge of aquatic vegetation, in areas where there are gentle depressions in depth and in places rich in folds and uneven bottoms. Now it is active around the clock, but fishing is most effective at dawn and 1-2 hours before sunset. With the onset of cooling (end of September-October), it rolls down to a depth of 3-5 m, closer to the pits and the riverbed. During this period, fishing for crucian carp on a feeder in the fall will be successful on quiet sunny days, especially if such weather lasts for several days in a row. Now it is worth switching to baits of animal origin and paying more and more attention to rivers and reservoirs, since at shallow rates its activity is much faster, and at this time it gradually leaves the bays. With the onset of the November cold weather, crucian carp accumulate near wintering pits; it is very difficult to catch it on the eve of winter cold weather, because, unlike the same roach, it ceases to be caught in most reservoirs.

In late autumn, before choosing a reservoir, you need to ask local fishermen where crucian carp is still active.

The choice of bait for the autumn feeder

Until the end of the Indian summer, we may not particularly worry that we can overfeed the fish, the exception may be small, shallow ponds, where it is initially not accustomed to abundant feeding. Bait for feeder fishing is no different and includes standard herbal ingredients designed to lure fish and keep them at the point of catching. All kinds of sweet aromas (banana, strawberry, tutti frutti, peanuts) are used as flavors.

Features of bait for cold water

With the onset of cold weather, our preferences in the choice of bait change significantly, the bait becomes inactive (the number of floating particles is minimal). In the summer, when you bought or made bream bait, and your plans changed, and you went for roach, in order to achieve better results, you needed to acquire bait ground for roach. Now, even for carp bait, roach and bream can be caught with equal success. The main thing is that it was designed for fishing in cold water. in the fall, should not have large ingredients, all its components should be finely ground, so that the fish will eat, but not be satiated. Also, the bait should not be nutritious, so it must be diluted with soil or clay, in cases of fishing in the current. The ratio of dry bait to the ground is 1:1, that is, for 1 kg of bait 1 kg of soil. In cases where we use clay to make the bait more viscous, the ratio will depend on how viscous the bait is.
If you put in too much clay, you can cement it in and it will sit like a dead weight in the feeder instead of being washed away by the current. It is imperative to add protein components to the bait (bloodworm, maggot or chopped worm), it is they who will make the fish linger at your point. Moreover, if you are catching maggot, then it is desirable that it be in the bait. For 1 kg of dry mix, you need about 100-150 grams of animal feed (depending on your budget and the number of other fishermen near you). With the gradual clarification of the water, the color of the bait will become more relevant, it must merge with the bottom, otherwise the fish against its background will be visible to predators and will not take risks and approach it. In most cases, our task is to darken the bait, for this purpose you can use earth, activated charcoal tablets or food coloring. It is worth remembering that the colder the weather gets, the less fishing on the feeder in the fall will depend on the bait, since the fish will roll closer to the wintering pits and will not move away from them to the smell of your bait. Therefore, it is so important to find places of its accumulation in late spring.

Flavors for the feeder in autumn

Summer fragrances do not work in autumn, in preference, spicy smells of cinnamon, pepper, cloves, while they do not have to be bought specifically in a fishing store. Often fish can be active to shrimp and crab smells.

In order to kill two birds with one stone, you can add fish or meat and bone meal to the bait. It will be both a flavoring and a protein supplement that will keep the fish at the point of fishing. The ratio of these components in the bait is 10-15%, of the volume of the entire bait. You can buy them at any pet store. Also in the pet store you can buy a variety of dried food for aquarium fish and use them as flavoring.

Home fragrance

After kneading the bait, we start feeding 10-12 throws with bait feeders. In autumn, the fish may not immediately respond to bait and come up after 1-2 hours. Therefore, at first it is better to feed, and only then equip your place for fishing. We do recasts no more than 1 time in 10 minutes, this is not summer.

Catching on a feeder in the fall recipes for homemade bait

Recipe 1

  • Breadcrumbs 500 grams;
  • cake 500 grams;
  • dry milk 100 grams;
  • bloodworm 150 grams;

Recipe 2

  • Sunflower cake - 300 grams;
  • Boiled millet - 300 grams;
  • Rye bran - 300 grams;
  • Ground coriander 2-3 teaspoons;
  • Bloodworm - 100-150 grams.

Recipe number 3

  • Breadcrumbs - 200 grams;
  • Makukha - 200 grams;
  • Rye bran - 200 grams;
  • Boiled rice - 200 grams;
  • Ground coriander - 2 teaspoons;
  • Pieces of unsalted fat (5X5 mm) - 100 grams;
  • Bloodworm 100 grams.

The choice of equipment for fishing with a feeder in the fall

Autumn feeder requires us to use thin and sensitive rigs. After all, fish in cold water is less active and does not show such brisk resistance as in summer, which means that we can put thinner habits and fishing line. In addition, the water brightens in autumn, and the fishing line becomes more noticeable in it, and the fish itself behaves more wary.

Until the end of the Indian summer, we can quite successfully fish in shallow bays and ponds with light picker tackle, where the weight of the feeder or load by weight does not exceed 20-25 grams. Accordingly, the thickness of our fishing line, in most cases, is limited only by the weight of the fish. And we don't need to take into account the possible critical load when casting a rig with a heavy feeder.

In autumn, we will have to fish at a considerable distance from the coast, often there will still be a current in this place, so we will need more powerful blanks of the Medium, Heavy and Extra Heavy classes so that we can cast quite heavy feeders, in some cases their weight will reach 120 grams. Therefore, it is not necessary to grind much with the thickness of the main line, otherwise the feeder may be shot during the cast. In length, long 3.6-4.2 m forms are welcome. The colder it is, the further the fish will roll into the pits, which is why it is more efficient to use blanks 3.9 m long or more on a wide river or reservoir.

In autumn, it is better to completely abandon the use of monofilament and switch to a braided line, since it has more sensitivity, which is important in conditions of reduced fish activity.

For the most distant casts, you need to use a bullet feeder, it has the best aerodynamic characteristics. When fishing on the current, metal cage feeders work well (they are triangular, square and cylindrical in shape, having a flat base). If fishing on a feeder in autumn takes place on a pond with a bottom covered with silt, then, so that the feeder does not burrow too much in it, use plastic feeders with ears, the ears create an additional plane.

Video fishing on the feeder for beginners

Do not forget that fishing on the feeder in the fall will take place in rain and wind conditions. Therefore, it is worth worrying about equipment that would keep you warm and protect you from bad weather.

How to successfully fish in the second half of autumn on the river? Everyone knows that autumn fishing brings significant results, incomparable with summer ones, both in terms of quantity and quality of fish caught. But creating an exciting fishing trip in late autumn is not so easy. the main problem in the fact that the fish left their summer feeding places, migrates through the reservoir. Where to find her, or rather, where will she eat on the river in autumn? The secondary question is when to eat, what kind of bait should be for her now ... Let's start with the main thing - where to look for fish and how to prepare gear for it? …

Finding a place

The angler is free in his choice of the place where he will fish, and the circumstances late autumn require him to use this freedom 100%, even if he does not want to look for something. If we do not find a point where the fish feeds, then there will definitely not be a catch. Is it far to search?

The water in the river becomes almost completely without fish, and only in a small volume are dense flocks of white fish, and a predator concentrates near them. Everyone knows that fish hide in the so-called wintering pits. It is also known that local anglers know all of them - where the fish hides in late autumn and winter. But only this knowledge is not enough to get a catch…. If you find fish with an echo sounder and try to catch between flocks, then in most cases you will not see bites in the fall. Why is this happening, and how to get it caught ....

Not only wintering pits

Not only channel deep holes at river turns become a refuge for masses of fish for the winter. Old riverbeds, backwaters, channels - old channels, as a rule, are characterized by considerable depth, interesting relief. They are full of fish, all year round. But the highest concentration in such places is observed precisely in the pre-winter period, during the period of migration and concentration on wintering grounds. As a rule, the oxbow lakes are adjacent to the new main channel of the river, and fish come out in them in winter, so fishing from the ice is also interesting there.

Attention to man-made water areas

The percentage of the volume of water that moves in artificially created channels is significant. Therefore, for pre-winter fishing, we can choose a similar object in almost any region.

  • Warm discharges from thermal power plants.
  • Pre-dam and post-dam sections of any dams, including reservoirs, hydroelectric power stations.
  • Canals adjacent to rivers
  • flooded quarries.

All these artificial floods are characterized by a deep ragged relief, with significant bottom drops, which the fish consider as a refuge, and the presence of fish in the pre-winter period in local depths or in warm water is obligatory.
How can all this be discovered while sitting at home in an armchair?

How to search for fish sites on maps

Nowadays, it is not a problem to calculate depths in all reservoirs using the Internet. Satellite photographs of reservoirs, or cartography posted on the Internet, give an idea of ​​the presence of sharp, prominent deep areas that can be seen by the contrast of the color of the water, or suggest the nature of the bottom from the bends of the channel and the presence of steep banks.
Consider an example.

A sharp turn of the river, a steep bank, indicate the presence of a deep pool at the turn, and the ability to easily get it off the cliff. But the main thing is the junction of the old woman in this place. A promising area for fishing - you can walk along the oxbow lake, fish from a cliff throwing equipment under your feet, or from the opposite bank of the river from a spit to check the site with a long cast.

Why is it not easy to catch fish in the wintering place

  • In the wintering whirlpool, the fish still stands locally, in separate places. And in the pre-winter period, it can generally be located on either side of the deepest place.
  • Secondly, the flock feeds on certain places that do not coincide with its place of permanent parking.

Where does the fish go to feed?
There are three options that anglers trying to survey the river in late autumn should check first.

Where do fish feed in late autumn?

In the river, attention should be paid primarily to such characteristic points

  • Coastal irrigation adjacent directly to the pool, and irrigation should be with dunes - undulating alluvium, between which, usually, there is a flock that went out to feed. Such a place is not uncommon; to catch it, you need to prepare a picker.
  • Run at the exit from the wintering pit downstream. In what place of the deep straight section at the exit from the turning pool the fish will concentrate should be determined by the anomalies at the bottom. Better explore with a marker. For fishing, you need a heavy feeder.
  • Any step, edge, plateau on any edge of the pit. The flocks move along the pool and at any exit they can bite, while at the same time, among the wintering fish found by the echo sounder, the angler will not see a single bite ...

When to catch

Morning dawn is of little interest to lovers of autumn fishing. The peak of activity, feeding is shifted to lunchtime, afternoon, and also evening-night.
Usually, anglers who have already got their hands on autumn fishing arrive at the reservoir early in the morning, but first of all they begin to feed the known exit points of the flocks. Or they are looking for new ones in order to create bait spots by dinner and keep flocks on them longer. And what to feed, and how to keep?

autumn feeding

Summer bait for the river - dense balls stuffed with large grains, as well as chopped worm and maggot, is absolutely not suitable. It is very easy to overfeed a sluggish fish, and therefore do not wait for bites. All cold water baits are composed of dust and have a weak aroma.
It is better to use branded powdered bait for not warm water. After the flock approaches the point, they also use the supply of a very small amount of bloodworms and small maggots. It is even better to mince this living creature with scissors in order to reduce nutritional value, but create more smell, which is very respected by bream and roach and carp.
We overcome all these difficulties because fishing in late autumn at the exits from wintering pits on the river is simply excellent. The concentration in the flocks is high, and some lethargy of movements is compensated by confident ingestion of food. Catches are excellent….

After a hot summer comes autumn. With her arrival, all the fish change their habits. In order not to be left without a catch at this time of the year, you need to know the behavior of a particular fish.

With the advent of autumn, catfish begins to catch worse. The water is getting colder, and this giant catches the eye less and less. The rudd, which frolicked all summer at the surface, now prefers to stay at depth. It can rise to the surface only on warm days.

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The bream also reduces its activity. Although it should be noted that in the fall there are such specimens that can be safely called record-breaking. The bream also depends on the temperature, and the lower it is, the worse it bites.

Carp is constantly on the move in autumn and will not go for bait. Earthworms should be used as bait. Worms should be as large as possible. You can also use cancer meat, only fresh. The traditional bait for carp - boilies does not lose its relevance. Oh, and don't forget about bread baits.

If we talk about a predator, then autumn is best season. For example, pike perch, leaving its place of summer feeding, begins to move to the depth, hoping to find prey. Pike perch chooses places where there is a small current. Pike perch is often located near the shore, so you can catch it with a float rod. It is better to use live bait for bait, and for small individuals you can take a fat worm. You can catch pike perch on any gear in the fall.

autumn also best time and for catching chub, grayling, ide and trout. Bait for them is best taken of animal origin. These baits are suitable not only for predators, but also for other fish that want to increase their fat before the cold winter.

When cold days come, then after them the pike zhor begins to appear. The best bait for this predator will be a dead fish impaled on a spinning rod. Pike goes well for circles. The predator can also be caught on a frog, approximately in the month of October, when colder days come. In the summer, such bait cannot attract fish, but in the fall, a frog is a delicacy from which neither pike, nor chub, nor ide, nor pike perch will refuse.

Donk is best suited for this, while the frog should be hooked on two hooks. Hooks can be replaced with twins. It happens that it is impossible to catch a donk. Then it can be replaced with a float rod. But for the best effect, you should use the wiring.


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