A conspiracy to make a guy love me alone. Rites for the guy to propose marriage as soon as possible

Career and finance 15.10.2019
Career and finance

Almost every girl dreams of hearing from her boyfriend an offer to marry him.

In her dreams, she imagines a white dress, a beautiful car, friendly guests and much more, which symbolizes the most significant day in her life - a wedding.

But it often happens that a young man is in no hurry to please his beloved with a long-awaited proposal. Then the girls ask themselves the question of how to get a man to marry.

And in addition to cunning and ingenuity, they often use unconventional methods to solve this problem.

conspiracy for marriage

If you decide to resort to magic and make a conspiracy to force a man to marry you, first study the consequences to which it can lead.

So, apart from the stamp in the passport and wedding ring you can purchase:

  • Mentally unstable husband.
  • Health problems, infertility.
  • Family curse.

1. Influence on the psyche

Any conspiracy carries energy violence against the human subconscious. Usually this process leads to mental deviations and imbalance.

Therefore, before you force a man to marry, think about what will become your husband nervous person, with periodic outbursts of anger in your direction.

Entering into an unconscious conflict with his psyche, such a man may soon begin to abuse alcohol, play gambling or get involved with other women.

2. Impact on health

If you are using a spell to get a man to marry, think about yourself as well. By wasting your energy on magic, you are putting your physical health at risk..

A conspiracy reduces the body's ability to resist negative energy. Therefore, do not be surprised when, after the wedding, you notice health problems that often lead to serious consequences, including infertility.

3. Impact on future generations

Also, the conspiracy can affect the future of your children.. Negative energy passing from mother to child is the basis of future problems in personal life.

Girls from birth can be crowned celibate, while boys are threatened with impotence after 20 years. Is your desire to get married as soon as possible worth such suffering? Can you forgive yourself for your children's tears?

If you value the health and well-being of loved ones, try to find The best way how to get a man to marry. For this, it is not necessary to use a conspiracy.

The best way to get married

Before going to any tricks to get your loved one to go down the aisle, talk to him sincerely. Ask how the man sees your future. Listen to him with respect.

Calmly say about your desire to have a strong and happy family with him. Your desires must match, otherwise, even forcing a man to marry, the dream of a happy family life it will remain a dream.

If your beloved also wants to have a loving and long-term relationship with you, but has not yet decided to propose, it is enough to find an external reason that would push your man to such an important decision.

Women's tricks

Knowing the character traits of your lover, choose for yourself the way that will surely make him marry you.

There are many ways to achieve what you want. But choosing one or another option, remember that you take responsibility for your action and possible consequences.

1. Get pregnant

This method has almost one hundred percent result, even if your pregnancy is a fiction. Convincing a man that you are expecting a child from him is not difficult at all.

The stronger sex is not particularly versed in tests. And when your beloved hears good news, it will be easier for you to get him to marry you.

This method is especially effective when a young man admits thoughts of marriage, but has not yet fully decided. Many men take fatherhood very seriously.

Therefore, having learned about your pregnancy, your loved one will certainly offer you a hand and heart. Agree that this method is much safer than a conspiracy.

Carefully! It remains possible that after such unexpected news, your loved one will simply disappear from your life.

2. Separate for a while

If you live together, but you can’t force a man to marry, offer him to live separately for a while. It is unlikely that he will want to miss the opportunity to always be with you.

Say that before the more serious phase of the relationship, you want to give him and yourself time to make an important decision. This will push your man to create a family.

3. Give an ultimatum

If you think such a method as a conspiracy is not acceptable, talk frankly with your lover. In a conversation, convey to him the idea that he will either have to marry you, or go all four ways.

Explain what is important to you official relations and you have been dreaming of a beautiful, unforgettable wedding since childhood. Only a truly loving man can be forced to marry in this way.

4. Enlist the support of his relatives

In order not to resort to the most extreme measures and not to use a conspiracy, try to please your parents young man. Thus, you will not try to force him to marry you alone, but with the help of people dear to him.

Make it a rule not to conflict with his mother, help her with the housework and arouse admiration from her father. It often happens that only his parents can persuade a young man to marry.

5. Make him jealous

Male psychology is arranged in such a way that when a man is afraid of losing his chosen one, he will do everything to keep her close. By imagining how his beloved spends time with others, he activates all his inner forces.

He begins to do things that prove his superiority over potential rivals. Getting a man to marry in this state is not difficult at all.

6. Become Self-Sufficient

This is the most complex method, which will require much more intelligence and imagination from you than conspiracy or manipulation. Its essence is that you stop constantly thinking about marriage.

Stop telling yourself that the most important thing in life is to get married. Switch to other things: go in for sports, volunteer, career, etc.

Then your beloved man will see in you not a whining, spineless lady begging for a stamp in her passport, but a bright, independent person. This will make the man decide to marry sooner.

Nothing helps

If you have tried all the traditional methods, but your loved one has not led you down the aisle, you should seriously think about the appropriateness of this relationship. When you are ready to start a family, and he wants to “walk a little more”, clearly decide whether you see an alliance with this man in the future.

At first, it will seem to you that if you could not get this man to marry, then others will also not want to start a family with you.

But soon, when you meet a congenial person, it will become clear to you that it is not at all necessary to force you to marry. He himself will make you an offer, and you will decide whether to accept it.

In order not to get hung up on the question of how to get a man to marry and, moreover, not to make a conspiracy, carefully listen to your inner voice.

If he firmly says that there is a reliable person next to you, loving person, then you will definitely hear from him the words: "Honey, become my wife."
Author: Vera Fractional

No matter how we talk about the fact that a woman should be independent and self-sufficient, anyway, each of us was created in order to meet a loved one, give birth to children from him, raise them, watch over the house, so that it would be cozy and good.

Nowadays, very often women lose themselves and then begin to " run around grandmothers and fortune tellers, look for the fifth corner", trying to save themselves with love spells. What is it connected with? Each girl has her own time, destined for her by fate, to become a woman, mother, mistress. And we can't wait, we're in a hurry. We do not understand that with our fuss we only spoil everything for ourselves. A girl grows up and thinks: “And when will I meet my love for life, rather, sooner.” And he looks around, wonders: is this one or not that one? And then she will look out for someone prettier and will convince herself that this is the person she needs. And then it’s clear that he will undertake to bewitch him and fasten him to himself, but he doesn’t really fasten, because he’s not a person in her life, she would still have to wait and wait for her own, but she is in a hurry. And if you hurry, you will always make people laugh. Her life is not going well, and neither is his. Even if they get married, they look at each other like wolves, what comfort is at home here, what a family. There is one misunderstanding.

So you girls, do not rush to tie the first person you meet. If you are so eager to meet your fate, to find a kind, caring, loving husband who will be the support and support, good father for children, ask God to see him soon. We offer you several conspiracies that allow you to bring the desired marriage closer. Not just to meet a betrothed, but to get married as soon as possible, to find a good, strong family. One conspiracy is especially for men who are also sometimes in a hurry to get married.

Conspiracy for quick marriage

Buy a new broom on Wednesday or Friday. When paying with the seller, do not take change. Bring the broom home. On the way, think about what your new folding broom is, okay, how great it will be for you to sweep the house with it, putting things in order. When the new moon comes, with this broom you need to sweep all the rubbish in the yard (or at the entrance), while all the dust must be collected in a yellow scoop. It can be plastic or wood painted yellow. While you are taking revenge, say:

I drive the good fellows to my house. Not lazy, not misers, not thieves. Come to me, grooms. From their own and other people's yards. Stone. Scissors. Paper. Amen. Amen. Amen.

This spell must be recited an odd number of times. The cleaner you sweep the yard (entrance), the more suitors you will have. When you have collected all the rubbish, take it to your home, carefully pour it into a small canvas bag, put it in a far corner and keep it there until the new moon. Be sure to read over it nine times "Our Father". Wait for the suitors soon, they will appear, and you will choose from them. And as soon as possible, take the rubbish away from the house and bury it in a hole so that no one can see.

Conspiracy on the shoes of the bride

You can wash the bride's shoes after the wedding: this should be done at night, in the moonlight on the street. In doing so, you must say:

Shoes, stomp, clap for me, so that I myself will quickly get married. Mouth to the castle, everything is silent. Amen.

This plot helps to get married in a few months.

Conspiracy for a quick marriage for men

Sometimes it happens that a guy wants to get married as soon as possible, but it doesn’t work out for him. Then the ritual for a quick marriage will help him. You need to plant flower seedlings near your house. Landing should be done on a new moon, early in the morning, while everyone is still sleeping. While planting, say:

I will go out, good fellow servant of God (name),
From the door of the house
From doors to gates.
I will look into the blue sky;
I'll look at the red sun.
So my bride would smile at me,
Hurry up with me to the crown was going.
How can my flowers bloom
So I can find a bride.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

After that, seven days you need to ensure that the seedlings do not die. Water it in the evening, read the Our Father nine times. As soon as the first flower blooms, meet your future wife. Do not delay with the proposal: it must be done before the last flower has faded. Pick it up, dry it and store it in a secret place. He will protect your family life from quarrels and disagreements.

For almost every person, the highest value is a happy family, a successful marriage, children. But in some cases, it is not always possible to find your soul mate so quickly. Help will come white magic. She will help you marry your lover. You can conspire so that a man makes an offer to read in the morning, this will help speed up the course of events, push his lover to take decisive action. Also, if the second half has not yet met on life path, prayer for marriage will become a stimulant for the desired turn of fate.

An effective ritual will help marry a man if he has not yet decided on such an important step. If the beloved does not want to tie the knot yet, the rites will be good helpers to achieve the desired goal. Most girls strive to become the legal wife of their chosen one. Ideally, after a certain period of meetings, a wedding occurs. But sometimes it happens that everything seems to be fine, the relationship develops harmoniously, there are no misunderstandings or disagreements in the relationship, but the beloved guy is in no hurry to make a marriage proposal.

A desperate lady is ready for anything, even resorting to magical rituals so that her chosen one does not hesitate to decide to legitimize the relationship. Before visiting folk healers or magicians' salons, you can try to attract an early marriage on your own using effective magical rituals.

Execution rules

To marry a man with the help of magic, you should follow certain recommendations of experts:

Mentally think about the only chosen one

  1. All words of conspiracies must be pronounced clearly, without a hitch.
  2. It's important to ask higher power for help sincerely, to believe in the successful outcome of the ritual being performed.
  3. All magical procedures must certainly be performed in solitude. No one and nothing should interfere and distract.
  4. With a strong desire for a quick marriage and a happy marriage, you should concentrate on a specific person, only if the opposite is not indicated in the instructions for the conspiracy. Clearly visualize the image of your beloved, think about how happy you will be together.
  5. During the pronunciation of texts, the name of the chosen one should be repeated as often as possible.
  6. You should never tell anyone about how you managed to get married so quickly. Otherwise, the effect will not come, there may be certain consequences.
  7. It is recommended to fast for three days before performing the procedure, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, do not have intimate relationships.
  8. All rituals to attract early marriage must be performed during the growing moon.

Don't ruin someone else's marriage

  1. No rituals are performed to destroy the marriage of a married man. As you know, you can't build your happiness on someone else's misfortune.
  2. Do not speak to anyone after the magical actions have been performed.
  3. Do not experiment with magical rites, do not use it just out of curiosity.

Effective rites

For a marriage proposal

How to marry yourself conspiracies will help in this matter. To make a guy propose as quickly as possible, there is a strong love spell. It is performed with cinnamon, two dolls, a white ribbon, a pen, valerian, cinnamon, frankincense, hops or grapevine, myrrh oil, consecrated water, a magnet and honey. Such a ritual contributes to an early marriage, as a result, the chosen one will offer his hand and heart very quickly.

Take two identical dolls, dress them as newlyweds. On the back of each write your name and the name of your loved one. Next, on a white ribbon, also write your names. Tie the ribbon into three knots. Tie the dolls facing each other. Mix frankincense, valerian and cinnamon, drip myrrh oil. Lower the dolls into the resulting substance, while saying the words for a quick marriage:

“I call to myself higher powers, angels, saints. Help my wish come true. I want to become a beloved wife and a happy mother. Let my beloved not hesitate with his decision, but kneel before me and ask me to become his lawful wife. We will share grief and joy in half, I will be a faithful, caring wife, I will honor my husband and listen in everything. May it be so".

Then take out the dolls, let them dry. Put them in a small box, sprinkle with holy water. Add honey to holy water, dip a magnet into this mixture. Next, put the magnet in the box for the dolls. Add vine shoot or hops there. Close the box tightly, hide it away in a hiding place. To keep secret the perfect magical actions, not to tell a single living soul about the perfect rite.

To hasten marriage

There are very strong rite, it is performed on Easter. Going to the temple, you need to take a handful of wheat. Hide it in your bosom. And upon arrival home, scatter grain in front of the threshold and say:

Must go to the temple

“As there are many lit lights in the church, so let there be so many suitors around me. As there are many grains of wheat in this handful, so let the same number of suitors knock on my house. May it be so".

At Baptism, an effective rite is also carried out for an early marriage. In the morning, braid the braid, tie a red ribbon on it. Before going to bed, they loosen their hair, set fire to the ribbon. She must burn to the ground. Collect the ashes, bury them on the street in a deserted place, while whispering this prayer:

“I’ll burn a magic candle, get rid of my girl’s ribbon. I will order my dear, marry me, I will become your faithful and beloved wife. Our happiness will be eternal. Neither the enemy, nor the envious, nor the rival, nor the magician, nor the sorcerer can destroy it. May everything that is said, that is conceived come true.

The next ritual is performed at the time of the wedding of another couple. In the temple, put a candle and read a prayer for a quick marriage:

“As a couple of lovers get married, betrothed with gold rings in the name of love and as a sign of fidelity, so may I and my betrothed soon stand in front of the altar of God, get married in the temple, exchange a ring. May it be so".

For a happy marriage

Such a ritual is suitable if the couple lives together, but they are not scheduled. The spell will provoke a man to a marriage proposal. To carry out a magical procedure for a quick and happy wedding, you will need the following attributes:

  • wedding card;
  • an insole from a lover's shoes;
  • a piece of pink paper;
  • a pen;
  • 5 needles;
  • red silk fabric;
  • yellow or golden thread;
  • candle.

Having prepared everything you need, you need to do the ceremony according to the following algorithm:

Cut out two hearts from pink paper

  1. Cut out two hearts from pink paper.
  2. Write your own names on each.
  3. Fold the hearts with names to each other, fix with needles.
  4. Wrap in heart cloth.
  5. Fasten the insoles together with a thread, inside there is a bundle made earlier.
  6. Hide the bundle under the bed mattress.
  7. For the next three weeks, you need to light a candle every evening, reading the Our Father prayer and asking higher powers for help in love affairs.

To get married soon, so that the guy gets married, there is effective ritual. It is held late at night, there should not be a moon in the sky. Light a candle, lower a silver ring into a container, fill it with water. Cross yourself three times, then say these words:

“As I throw this ring into the water, I whisper magical speeches. Let my dear, my betrothed (name) call me down the aisle. Let our wedding take place quickly, there will be no delay. Good deeds are ahead of us. There will be no separations and quarrels, despair and misunderstanding. Only love and understanding. May all that has been said come true."

After reading the magic words, sprinkle your crown with water, put the ring on the ring finger of your right hand.

To create faster happy marriage a simple ritual is performed on the guys. On the full moon, you need to take a new broom, bought the day before. Sweep the floor with them, collect the garbage in a cloth bag. While sweeping the floor, say the following words:

“I invite daring fellows to my house. Let them not be greedy, lazy, thievish, deceitful and walking. Let suitors come to me, fly in, run. Only let the daring guys come to my house, and I will also choose who I should marry. as I sweep the floor, I'll be in the morning enviable bride for the entire region. Let it be as it is said."

Light a candle daily and say a prayer

Hide the garbage in a secret place, store it so that no one will know. Light a candle every day and read the Lord's Prayer.

love spell

How to make a man marry you? There is fast way force the groom to propose. These are love spells that suppress the freedom of a man, direct his thoughts and motivations to the wedding. To perform the ritual, you will need the following attributes: 9 nails, a hammer. Buy nails, come home, drive them into the threshold of the house. Read the following words:

“On the road wide, bigger and brighter. Monks are marching, carrying an icon in their hands. And on it are three holy faces depicted. Jesus Christ was born, so the world around became different, bright, clean and filled with love. So become another one, my beloved (name), be as I wish. Turn to me with all your soul, all your heart. You will love me more than yourself. Do not close your eyes on a dark night, do not know peace. Not at night, not during the day, not in the evening. Not when the sun is clear, when the sunset is red. All your thoughts and thoughts are only about me. To be married with a crown, to be engaged with a ring. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Another version of the ceremony is held during the growing moon with the first rays of the sun. Put on a bright outfit, braid your hair in a braid. Wash yourself with spring water (you can take a well), go to the crossroads and say these words.

You - attractive woman, smart, interesting and already ready for marriage and responsibility for the consequences of marriage. Attempts to talk with a loved one, at best, end with a transfer of the conversation to another, more gentle topic for him. At worst - frank confession unwillingness to bind oneself with sacred bonds. In general, a well-known and for many unpleasant situation. Each woman tries to solve this problem in her own way. But what is she doing wrong if she is still not married?!

Dear girls and women, what are you doing to make your (!) dream come true as soon as possible? Most likely, what you can, but not what is necessary. So, how to painlessly bring your man to the day when he, with the greatest impatience, in a fit of passion and love, will offer you his hand and heart, but already officially? Follow some simple tips, and your wait will not be so painful and long.

1. It is important to understand that, since you are together, your man loves you for who you are. But that doesn't mean changes aren't needed. Realize that your real life did not bring results, which means that changes are inevitable.

2. You are a subtle psychologist. Conduct yourself accordingly in thought and deed. Try to watch yourself and your speech everywhere and always, especially in the presence of a loved one. Stop reminding him of your desire to get married. No hints, hints, accidents - while this topic is not interesting to you!

3. You are a wonderful woman. Take care of yourself, take care of yourself. A man should see that you are interesting not only to others, but also to yourself. You should be comfortable being alone. Appreciate and respect yourself. Only care should be constant, not isolated.

4. You are an adult. Read more - it's always nice to talk to a smart woman. Find what interests you, what you can always do with your leisure time. The man went to his friends, to football, went to his mother - you don’t have to cry all this time, but have a great time doing your favorite thing: to raise, draw, draw, take a walk with your girlfriends or with your dog.

5. You are an independent woman. It is advisable to get a job if you are not already working. financially independent woman- always a self-confident person. Being able to earn for yourself is a huge advantage for a woman. Spend money at your own discretion, without asking a man for ten - what could be better? The future husband must see that you can very well take care of yourself without his help.

6. You are a woman who attracts other men. I'm not suggesting lashing out at everyone you meet or making eyes, flirting to arouse jealousy or anger in your man - this will most likely cause a negative reaction. Learn to behave with dignity, to present in the right perspective. Being sexy and not vulgar is a great art - learn it. This skill will be needed for the rest of your happy life.

7. Share the interests and needs of your beloved - a person is always pleased with care, attention, sincere participation. Try to be the person you can turn to for advice and support at any time.

8. Pay attention to the little things - they are the head of everything. Do not offend a man for no reason, do not salt his brains only with your desires and problems. People most often live together to help and support each other.

9. Keep your home clean, but don't make cleaning your life. A nervous woman who always cleans her apartment is pure tediousness. But do not encourage laziness and "beer + TV" in a man - reasonable cooperation is essential.

10. Set your loved one free. Do not make a tragedy if friends drag him for a walk, drink beer, watch a movie, go fishing ... If you are dear to your chosen one, he will not secretly, and indeed, go for a walk. And since his friends respect you, they will not allow him anything extra, if anything - but this is an extreme case.

11. Do not scold your man in front of your girlfriends. Girlfriends are different.

12. Sincerely respect and love yours, for now, civil husband- he will never miss such an attitude and will draw the right conclusions.

13. Don't play on a person's nerves. The fact that you have been together for a long time does not mean that you are the same and think identically. Be wiser and more forgiving - everyone should have their own free time for leisure, hobbies, sports, sleep, Bad mood etc.

14. And most importantly - do not reproach your man for not wanting to get married. If you did everything right and followed my advice, the desired result will not be long in coming!

Be happy in marriage, and if you are not yet ready for such a responsible step, leave everything as it is until it fully matures. I would say "leave everything as it is - and be happy!"

To hasten marriage

You will need two dolls dressed as newlyweds. Write the names of the man and woman who are to be married on the backs of the dolls. Write their names on a long white ribbon as well. Tie three knots on the ribbon, as you call on the help of the Holy Trinity. Then use this ribbon to tie both dolls face to face at the waist. Make a herbal tea with valerian and cinnamon, add some frankincense and a few drops of myrrh oil. Dip the dolls in the liquid with the words:
- Three times for the Holy Virgin, three times for our Father.
Dry the dolls and put them in a shoe box. Spray them with holy water. Wash the magnet in holy water with honey and put it in a box with the dolls. Put a long shoot of a vine or hops there. Keep the box in a hidden place.

For marriage.

You need insoles from the shoes or boots of your loved one. How you get them is up to you. Maybe from that pair of shoes that he no longer wears.
Write your name on one piece of paper, his name on the other. You can use pink paper in the shape of a heart, you can use wedding cards. Fold both sheets of paper together so that the names are opposite each other. Using 5 new needles, fasten the sheets together. Wrap the sheets of paper in a red silk cloth and place them between the insoles of his shoes that you took out. Tie this sandwich tightly with yellow or gold thread. Put the bundle under the mattress of your bed. Light white and yellow candles for one hour for 5, 10 or 25 days of your choice to confirm your intention.

To marry the one you love

You will need: Lovers card, Strength card, Page of Cups card (in the old days it was interpreted as a quick marriage), Ten of Cups, red candle, golden candle.
The ritual lead to the full moon, before going to bed.
Set both candles on the table. Light a red candle and say:
- I light this candle to strengthen our love, removing all obstacles on the way.
Light a golden candle and say:
- I light this candle for the success of our union.
Now start laying out cards around the candles clockwise in the cardinal directions, starting from the east, in the following order: Strength, Lovers, Ten of Cups and Page of Cups. When the last card is laid out, imagine yourself together with your loved one, united by marriage. Say a spell:
- The power of love will overcome everything, our wedding will take place soon. With the power of all four elements and the ancient power of the Tarot, our love will be crowned with marriage. Let it be the way I want!
Leave the cards on the table until the candles burn out.

To find a husband.

The Egyptian goddess Hathor helps those who ask her to find a husband. The Goddess loves gold and turquoise so you will need a turquoise necklace or gold chain with turquoise pendant.
The ritual is performed on Friday night when the moon is waxing or full.
Decorate the altar like a love spell, using roses and a red tablecloth. You can put a figurine of Hathor or her image, if you have one.
Place the Emperor card from the Tarot deck in the center of the altar on the pentacle. Make a circle. Swing the turquoise chain over the card back and forth like a pendulum and say:
- Goddess, send me the Emperor - a good life partner. A man who will love me as a witch and as a wife. May he cherish me, give me a house and a family hearth. Goddess, send me the Emperor - a good life partner. A man who will love me as a witch and as a wife.
Repeat this seven times. Close the circle. Wear the turquoise chain more often for the spell to work.

For marriage

In the church, defend three weddings from beginning to end, putting a handkerchief in the bosom of the heart. When the priest speaks; the servant of God (name) is married to the servant of God (name), silently substitute your names.
Then wipe the shoes of a loved one with this handkerchief. Put the handkerchief in a bag with apples or gingerbread, take it to the church and put it on the memorial table. Put a candle for a memorial and say to yourself:
- Mother of God, Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, holy saints Nikola and Ilya, remember my girlhood in the kingdom of God, but send me a wedding wreath, this hour, this moment, now and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen.
The action of the rite during the month.

Spell for wedding candles.

This conspiracy is read if your loved one is in no hurry to marry you.
On Friday morning, buy two wedding candles in the church. Bring them home. Tie them with red thread and put them on a saucer. Light candles from one match. Read the plot:
- All the saints take the slave (the name of the beloved) by the hands, lead to the altar. At the crown of the slave (your name) stands looking at the saints. Lord, King of Heaven, crown your slave (the name of the beloved) with the slave (your name) for all eternity, do not separate until death. Amen.
Let the candles burn out.

For beer

Add 13 drops of your blood to beer or young red wine while reading the plot. Offer a drink to your loved one.
- I will go to a wide field, into the impenetrable distance, where I will meet a young servant of God (name) at a distance between three roads. I will give him a foamy swill, a drunken swill not with vines, but with my scarlet blood. He will take out an engagement ring from a handkerchief, but give me a pure heart, crystal bridges, a river of gold, a silver boat. There will be a time - the grass will come to life, unprecedented flowers will bloom, life will ripen on the field, the word is true, sealed with a seal, filled with red-hot iron, rolled with a stone. And so it will be forever and ever. Amen.

To attract suitors

Looking at the young month, turn on the heel of your right foot and say:
- Young month, twine around me suitors, as I twine around you. Amen.

For marriage

At the morning dawn, say a conspiracy three times on the water:
- There is a blacksmith from the forge, the blacksmith carries three hammers. Blacksmith, blacksmith, you forge me a crown, you forge me a crown and gold and new, from the remnants of a gold ring, from scraps a pin. I'm to get married in this crown, I'm to be engaged with that ring, I'm to stick the ubrus with that pin. Amen.
Wash with water.

On the rubbish from the street.

Unnoticed by everyone, sweep the rubbish from the street into a bag, bring it into the house, pour it at the threshold and sweep it into the front corner, saying:
- I drive into my hut fellows, not thieves, suitors come to me from other people's yards. Amen.

Conspiracy for kvass

For a loved one to marry you, give him some charmed kvass to drink.
- East and west, north and south, turn the servant of God (name) to the altar. Vlasy and Medosy, you tamed the evil snake in the cave, so tame the heart of the servant of God (name). So that he clutches at his heart, the hands of the servant of God (name) sought, she was drawn to the altar to get married. My word is strong. Amen.

Conspiracy for running water.

Early in the morning, when the sun has not yet risen, wash your face with running water and say a conspiracy:
- I will get up before the sun, wash myself from the well, go from the door to three doors, from the gate to three gates, to three forges. In those three forges there are three forges, one forges gold, another pours copper solder, the third melts silver. Work you blacksmiths, well done gold chains, copper solder, and silver knitting needles. To unite, solder and bind the souls, flesh and hearts of the servants of God (name) and (name) forever and ever, into marriage bonds. The key to my words and affirmation, and a strong fortress, and the power of heaven, from now until the end of time. Amen.

Spell to marry the one you want

On a piece of paper, write the name of the person you want to marry. Say a spell:
- On a thorny bush in green foliage, a dove with a dove sits, not like a guy with a girl, but like a young husband with a lawful wife, they sit cooing, having mercy on each other. And let me and the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) get married, we would all coo, together for centuries. Stone, tongue, castle. My word is strong. Amen.
Prick a leaf with a name on a hawthorn thorn. Top the spike with wax or sealing wax, or seal it with a piece of bread crumb, saying: I put a seal, no one can remove it, neither man, nor beast, nor bird, but only me!

A conspiracy for a girl to meet a rich groom.

In the spring, when sap is collected from birches, go to the forest, collect some birch sap in a jar, speak it and drink it:
- I milk a birch cow, I slander for birch milk. Birch, milk, share the milk, according to that milk to me, the servant of God (name), so that the groom flows smart-wise, noble-rich, single-unmarried. And I, a beautiful girl, a servant of God (name), would be waiting for him, trying on a wedding crown. Forever and ever and ever. Amen.

Source "Light Ray of Valentina"

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