How to become a strong and independent woman. 3 Ways to Be Independent - wikiHow

Health 24.09.2019

Independence is freedom from imposed stereotypes, from material problems and from psychological pressure from others.

Independents are not born, they are made, and, as a rule, at the cost of incredible efforts. Too much to break down and rebuild. And today we will talk about what needs to be done in order to be able to say: “I do not depend on anyone!”.

Step One: Learn to Make Your Own Decisions

We are told from childhood what to do, how to think, what to say, and so on. If, after reaching adulthood, you continue to live at the behest of parents, relatives and those who consider themselves "truth in last resort”, then independence can be forgotten forever. Only if you make independent decisions and defend them will you become a complete person.

Prove by your rational actions that you are an adult and that your actions must be reckoned with. However, at the same time, be prepared to take full responsibility for what happens to you. Give up the tempting prospect of shifting the consequences of your mistakes to relatives, do not expect help from them.

Step two: don't stop there

An independent person is always striving forward. He is looking for benefits in everything and the possibility of moving to the next social and personal level. You should not linger at the place of work, where there are no prospects for growth and a stable, regular salary increase. If no positive changes have occurred within three years, then there will be no further changes. Monitor companies in your profile, find out how they are doing with the promotion of employees, and move to a company where you are most likely to make a career or earn a larger amount.

And at the same time, continue to improve your professional skills and receive additional useful information. Independence comes to those who are constantly developing, who are considered a valuable employee, and for this you need to create a positive business reputation.

Step Three: Learn to Make YOUR Money

It is difficult, or rather unrealistic, to be independent if you do not have your own income or it is so small that you make all the basic purchases using the money of your parents or husband. Therefore, even if you are sitting at home and raising children, find the time and opportunity to earn money. Now there are a lot of companies where you can work remotely. Think back to everything you've ever been taught and consider what industry you're most likely to apply it to.

In addition, you should not give all the money you earn to family budget. You must certainly have your own personal bank account, the funds from which you can dispose of solely at your own discretion. Not to mention the fact that the amount you have accumulated will insure you against material problems in the event of a temporary loss of a source of income or parting with a person who is considered the main “earner” in the family.

In general, material independence is very important, since it is directly related to your self-esteem and the fact that, having your own stable income and some kind of savings, you can look into the future without fear.

Step four: get rid of phobias

It is unlikely that you will be able to become independent if you are prone to some kind of phobia. Your fears will hold you back, poisoning your existence and forcing you to constantly seek help from others. So don't be shy and tell your therapist or psychoanalyst about your problem. It may take a long time to fully heal, but it's really worth it.

Balance, the absence of psychological complexes, inner peace - all these are indispensable components of independence.

Step Five: Break Up With People Who Manipulate You

Independence implies freedom of action initiated by your own interests. The presence in your environment of people who force you to do things that are unfavorable to you deprives you of the opportunity to independently manage your life. Whoever imposes their decisions on you, communication with this person should be minimized or completely abandoned. Of course, you are unlikely to succeed in breaking off relations with parents or children, and this is not necessary. Just let them know that from now on you will do what you need, not them.

But from friends with similar inclinations and from men who immediately begin to dictate their conditions to you, you should get rid of immediately. Don't let others "live" your own life.

Step Six: Learn not to be bored

If a person has nothing to do with himself, he is looking for a permanent society in which he will be listened to, entertained, and pitied. And this is also a kind of addiction. Naturally, the individual is not able to live in a vacuum, refuse to communicate with friends, relatives and neighbors. However, in the event that you use these people in order to "dispel boredom", you very quickly begin to panic about loneliness. And then there can be no question of any independence.

Expand your horizons, find new exciting activities, acquire hobbies for which you do not need company. And leave communication with people close to you for those moments when you sincerely want to see them, and when they need you. In general, if you often impose your society on someone, then you will simply be avoided. So this will affect not only your self-esteem, but also your relationships with others.

Step Seven: Allow yourself what you really want

Independence is also expressed in the ability to indulge your desires. For example, you are tired, you dream of a vacation, and your relatives say that the money you set aside for vacation is better spent on apartment renovation (buying furniture, etc.). Perhaps this is rational, but if you follow the lead of your relatives, you will remain tired, and anger will also be added to the feeling of internal discomfort.

Know how to insist on your own, give yourself the right to take into account your desires, and not just the interests of others, even if what you are provoked to will ultimately benefit you. In the end, the same vacation is not a whim, but a necessity, because it will help you recuperate and allow you to continue to function in a productive mode.

Naturally, the above applies not only to recreation. Any unfulfilled desire leads to an internal feeling of dissatisfaction, a person ceases to enjoy life, he loses the incentive to move forward. Apathy comes, and with it such harmful thoughts: “Why make money if I can’t dispose of it at my own discretion?”, “Why want something if I won’t be allowed to realize it?” hope if I can't do it?" And you find yourself completely dependent on those around you, and on your inner feelings.

In general, independence is a good thing. It's better to have it than not to have it. However, it is worth remembering that relationships with people close to you will automatically cease to be convenient and comfortable, because the bulk of individuals strive for total control over their relatives, friends, and even just acquaintances. And as soon as you try to get rid of extraneous influence and pressure, you will face rejection and resentment.
So before you start sculpting an independent woman out of yourself, think about what is more important for you - peace and love of loved ones or your own ambitions.

Nadezhda Popova

How to become strong, confident, independent and happy woman in relationship. You don't have to be pretty to be feminine.

You don't have to be beautiful to have all the charming qualities of femininity. There are thousands of completely ordinary women with ugly features and an imperfect figure who have become attractive to men only because they are a model of femininity.

On the other hand, there are also thousands of women with beautiful face and a figure who, unable to overcome the masculine traits of character and rudeness of manners, are not able to make a positive impression on men.

If a woman is soft, tender, joyful, and if she treats the people around her with love, if she is pure and moral, who would look for traits of classical beauty in her? Regardless of her outward beauty or shape, for most men, she will seem like a model of femininity. She will be a written beauty for them!

Even if a woman is so nondescript that it is impossible to ignore this fact, men will still see attractiveness in her. Maybe they will not call her a beauty, but they will appreciate her liveliness, insight, charm, sophistication, pleasantness, cheerfulness and everything else that attracts men so much.

Often such women are especially charming and able to attract sane and mature men, for whom beauty without femininity does not make sense. Often it is from such a woman that a beautiful wife turns out, next to which any beauty becomes gray and unattractive.

So don't let your lack of beauty discourage you. But if you are beautiful, then this fact should not serve as a false reassurance for you. The presence or absence of beauty does not play a big role in finding true femininity.

Helen Andelin,
from the book "The Charm of Femininity"

win like a woman

Modern society has destroyed the concept of the power of a woman. Because female power has a secret nature. BUT modern society built on masculine principles. That is, male behavior is the basis for success.

Feminine behavior is not cultivated too much. Female strength is not cultivated, but female attractiveness, female seductiveness and all the rest are cultivated. But the strength of a woman is a little different.

The real strength of a woman is in a compliant approach. No one even knows what it is, people don't understand this idea now - a compliant approach. But this is the strength of a woman. A woman must understand that she is invincible.

A woman must firmly know that she is mentally invincible. The male psyche, compared to the female, is a very weak thing. Because the female psyche from the very beginning has great flexibility, and this flexibility is designed to control and manage the masculine.

But a woman must know the rules by which she must act, and from which she must not deviate. The first rule is that you should never press a man, that is, directly try to prove or explain something to him. It should never be influenced by force. This is absolute stupidity on the part of a woman.

And all women who will try to get something from men by force, they will receive only one problem in their life. But most women, since they do not know their feminine strength, continue, despite the existence of these problems, to climb into the embrasure. And they think "what an unfortunate fate I have." After all, it was possible to solve it all very simply.

The Vedas say that a woman has two weapons, and these weapons must be used correctly. The first weapon is reproaches addressed to you. The second is tears of despair about one's imperfection. The two weapons are absolutely invincible. And vice versa, the two weapons of a woman who always fail are reproaches against her husband and tears of despair at his injustice.

If a woman cries because her husband has treated her badly, it only infuriates him. If a woman reproaches a man, it only infuriates him. And there's nothing she can do about it. That is, she will only suffer.

Suppose a man acted badly, yelled at her, she cries. He says: "Why are you crying?" Her: "Because I can't help myself, I can't listen to you yell at me." That is, I am to blame, in fact, not you. Everything immediately relaxes him, he comes up and strokes his head, that is, he begins to repent. And then, when he repents, he will draw the conclusion himself. The one to be done.

A woman wins everything without a war. Vedic knowledge says that a woman is created in such a way that she can win only without war. But if she starts a war, she will always be defeated. Therefore, a woman should study her feminine power.

This is the absence of the knowledge that the Vedas give girls from the age of seven, from the age of seven they bring up how to win like a woman. This knowledge is essential for family life. This knowledge is completely lost in modern society.

Since she is not brought up to behave properly, she does not know her own strength. Since she doesn't know her powers, she doesn't know what to do in life. A woman who does everything according to the rules, she has self-esteem, she feels like worthy person. She is not humiliated, she does it herself. The humiliated is the person who is put in his place.

If a woman is driven into hysterics because she doesn't want to be a woman, then she becomes humiliated. And if a woman puts herself in her feminine place, then she controls the situation, she begins to move all the levers.

O. Torsunov

1. A woman who truly loves herself will not connect every breath and look of a man with herself. She does not fall into dependence on the state of a man.

2. A self-confident woman will not be offended and demand that a man pay more attention to her. She understands that she cannot occupy all 24 hours of a man's thoughts, provided that he is a normal average man. Only the infantile and who does not have his own affairs can devote himself entirely to a woman. A confident woman does not need this. A normal man cannot think about a woman every second. The exception is the time of falling in love.

3. It would never occur to a woman who loves herself that if a man did not call, forgot to warn about something, came home and, without talking, lay down to watch TV, does not like her.
A strong and self-confident woman, so self-confident and full of herself that she will find something to do with herself. She has a lot to do.

4. A self-confident woman will not worry about bad mood men and think that she did it wrong.

5. A woman who loves herself first of all takes care of her inner state and mood. She knows perfectly well that her inner mood has a very strong effect on loved ones. Taking care of herself, she takes care of her loved ones.

6. A woman who loves herself will not interfere unnecessarily in the lives of other people. She is interested in her life. But she is open to help, compassion and sympathy.

7. A confident woman feels her space and boundaries very well. She will not allow anyone to violate them without her will. She will also be respectful of the other person's boundaries.

8. If you truly love yourself, then you know yourself and are able to accept human shortcomings, and you understand that human nature is dual. Our virtues are an extension of our faults. Self-love is, first of all, knowing yourself and accepting who you are. It is knowing all your possibilities and potential.

10. A self-confident woman will not lose herself in a relationship with a man, but she will not live on her own wave either.

11. A woman who loves herself is open to love, capable of loving and accepting love.

12. A woman who loves herself will always take care of herself, even when others do not see her. Her feelings, emotions and her life will be in her hands, and therefore in the area of ​​her control. So she doesn't have to control others.

13. Self-love is the ability to experience and endure pain, accept suffering, without turning into a victim.

14. A confident woman knows how to wait. She will always take a pause to think before doing or saying anything.

15. A confident woman understands men. She will not mess with just anyone out of loneliness or a desire to feel loved. In a man, she will be primarily interested in his human qualities, abilities, opportunities and potential. She will look at a man not from the position of how he treats her, but whether she can love him.

16. A self-confident woman in relationships with men will build bridges, not walls, expecting from a man that he must certainly break her down and break through to her heart.
Women's grievances build walls of alienation.

17. A woman who loves herself knows how to forgive and not accumulate resentment. She knows how to talk and is not shy about talking about her desires. Not ashamed of his feelings.

18. A confident woman is at peace with herself. She knows what she can offer a man, but is in no hurry to do it too quickly.

19. A woman who loves herself is in no hurry to open her soul to an unfamiliar man. She does not get carried away until she gets to know the man better.

20. A self-confident woman will not, after meeting with a man, scroll through the details of their communication for the hundredth time in her head. Won't try to figure it out male secret and get into his soul. He will not try to build his guesses and assumptions why he did or said so.

21. A confident woman does not need a man to assert herself.

22. A woman who loves herself knows how to be happy without a man. Her mood does not depend on his presence in her life.

What kind of woman is FEMALE?

Four main components of femininity:

* Self confidence;

* Sexuality;

* Susceptibility;

* Responsiveness.

Do you consider yourself feminine?

To what extent do you have these qualities?

you know what in question or do you have any questions?

Most likely you are confident that you know what self-confidence is, and of course sexuality. It is highly likely that looking at Receptivity and Responsiveness, you are thinking.

Most of us do not know what self-confidence is and replace it with self-confidence. For most women, it becomes a real discovery to find out what it means "SELF-CONFIDENT WOMAN".

So let's compare.


Has no doubts that others want to take care of her

Asks for help

Knows that others can and want to help her, so she should not rely only on herself.

Behaves like an open woman, ready to accept help

I am sure that she will definitely get everything she needs. And if this man cannot give it to her, then there will definitely be one who can.

Inspires a man that he can make her happy, achieve her love. Some sense of success. She knows that men are result-oriented and they are excited by the thought of what he can achieve in the future.

Respect your needs, desires and beliefs. Don't sacrifice yourself for love. If a man does not show respect for her, she does not take it to heart, but simply stops communicating with him. She knows that she will definitely meet her man who will respect her needs.

She knows what she wants from a man and knows how to show it.

Takes an active part in the conversation, expresses his original opinion. She speaks in such a manner, as if she is sure that a man is interested in listening to her.

I am sure that she is a diamond, and a man is a setting for this diamond.

I am sure that it is a pleasure for a man to care for and conquer her.

I am confident in my feminine attractiveness. Winningly emphasizes its feminine nature. He looks good, dresses beautifully (in women's clothes), enjoys his nature.


Doubts that others want to take care of her

Counts only on himself

She is confident that she is able to do what she has planned, even if she has to do everything herself

She behaves in such a way that it would never even occur to anyone to help her, after which she has to rely only on herself

I am sure that if she cannot get everything she needs, then she will do without it.

I am sure that she will be able to achieve the location of any man she chooses and his love.

I am sure that she can earn the love of a man by putting his needs and desires above her own and trying to please him. I am sure that he will appreciate this and respond with mutual sacrifices on his part.

I am sure that everything will work out by itself and the man himself must guess about her desires, even if she denies them.

They ask a man a lot of questions and show exaggerated attention to a man.

I am sure that her man is a diamond, and she is a worthy frame for him.

I am sure that men are obliged to take care of a woman.

We are sure that they are good in any form, especially in natural and masculine.

Noticed the difference? And now re-read who such a confident woman is and try it on for yourself. If it fits, congratulations. Well, if not, it’s worth a little work on yourself, beloved, isn’t it?

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The psychology of love lies in the fact that a woman gives more, and a man takes more. If such a situation develops harmoniously and a man appreciates and takes care of his chosen one, then, as a rule, there are no problems. But when a woman begins to "dissolve" in a partner and forgets about herself, she loses confidence in her abilities. Then her psychology changes, and she thinks about how to become independent and self-sufficient.

Psychology of a woman: why do we need self-sufficiency?

Whatever the girl's psychology of love, if she is successful, then it immediately catches the eye. A self-sufficient woman knows how to win over those around her and establish contact with them. She enjoys life, is in harmony with herself and the world, and does not expect anything from other people.

Mind and beauty are, undoubtedly, the girl's trump cards. But as long as the ground leaves from under her feet and she is not confident in herself, she will not be able to use them. To fight your shortcomings and develop your strengths, you need to learn how to manage your own internal resources. A self-sufficient person can easily cope with jealousy, anger, resentment.

You need to fill the voids in your soul. Women who love themselves feel absolute peace of mind. Surrounding people feel such a psychology, therefore they respect and reckon with their opinion.

Self-sufficiency helps to overcome dependence on other people, to make decisions independently in any situation. The psychology of a woman who is confident in herself that she does not seek to live at the expense of other people's resources, and herself improves her life.

The psychology of self-love: where to start the change?

The very first step is overcoming emotional dependency. Attention must be concentrated on yourself, because people cannot express their love to you every second. You need to form your own rhythm of solitude and communication, peace and activity. The dislike of others should not destroy your inner world. Because of this, you can be a little sad, but you can’t run a “self-destruct program”.

The psychology of a self-sufficient woman is such that she does not create authority for herself. You need to understand that each person in a given period of time is on his own life stage. Comparing yourself to more successful people won't do you any good.

Pride and vanity get in the way of success. You need to learn how to show people that they are important to you, and you appreciate all the services they provide you.

The psychology of self-love is such that you can not look back into the past. It takes away positive energy and "steals" self-sufficiency. You don’t need to constantly think about your mistakes and think about how your life could have turned out. It is enough to draw conclusions, draw a final line and start building a happy future.

The psychology of a woman is that she loves to feel sorry for herself. But self-sufficient people do not feel sorry for themselves, they are proud of themselves and strive for new victories. When you dwell on pity, you close your internal reserve.

Another important rule- don't lie to yourself. Anyway, sooner or later the truth will win. You can convince yourself that you love "this" and not "that." But it is unlikely that you can be a successful and self-sufficient woman if you are engaged in an unloved business. You need to reveal your potential and look for a calling - then success will not keep you waiting. The ability to conduct sincere dialogues with one's "I" is the key to harmonious relations with the outside world.

Do not complicate life - this is the basis of the psychology of self-love. Limit communication with people that are unpleasant to you, change jobs that have ceased to bring pleasure. Then the feeling of a happy flight will return, which inspires.

Criteria and psychology of self-sufficiency

The main sign of a self-sufficient woman is that she knows how to recognize problems in time and solve them. Therefore, he always separates the important from the secondary, adequately assesses the essence of events.

A successful woman always has short and long term goals. They allow you to rationally allocate time and bring constructiveness. When there are goals in life, it is filled with meaning.

The psychology of self-sufficiency is that one cannot feel free when there is no material independence. Therefore, a successful woman must provide for herself. Efforts must be made to ensure that the financial plan was in full order. Then inner self-confidence will grow every day.

The psychology of a woman who is successful is such that she cannot afford to be a “dummy”. Therefore, you need to engage in self-education, develop. Knowledge helps to win. A well-groomed appearance and an inquisitive mind are a powerful "weapon" of a woman.

It is important to understand that self-sufficiency is not an innate quality, but an acquired one. Believe that you are a person and your inner resource is enough to succeed. The psychology of a woman who works on herself changes every day - she becomes self-confident and independent.

"How to become self-confident?" - this question is asked by many girls and women. Their desire to become such is quite understandable. The gait is flying, calm and confident. The posture is straight and proud. Movements are refined and honed. The head is held high. Everyone turns to such girls, looks at them, even involuntarily. So they look good!

Even though they are not always beautiful in the usual sense of the word, they simply shine with confidence that slips in every movement. This radiance attracts, attracts to itself, and not only male attention. The female half strives to be the same as these confident girls, achieve their friendship, try to be like them in everything, admire and envy: “How could I become like that!”. Men do their best to win their attention and the opportunity to meet: “I wish I had one!”

How to become a confident girl: three important points

To begin with, start by working on yourself, your character, habits. Let's say you are a person who is prone to shyness and gentleness. Don't get upset! After all, self-confidence is wonderfully combined with these qualities, it turns out very charming and nice girl. After all, confidence without such character traits makes a woman a bitch, prudent and cold. The attitude of others towards you may well be friendly and welcoming, and confidence is exactly the invisible strength that all women need.

However, you must be able to put your own assessment objectively and strive all the time to improve it. Also remember: self-respect is the first step to start respecting others. A girl who is self-confident will never say: “No one can need me, no one will ever pay attention to me!” And even if you don’t have a very high opinion of yourself now, we strongly advise you to forget about it, your path of building self-confidence will begin from this. Always tell yourself: “I deserve the best! And not because I'm special, but because I'm me!

  • Don't lower your own bar

Your own bar must always be set high, and the standards you set for yourself must also be high. Never relax or lower them. Of course, you need to love yourself under any circumstances, but, you see, how much more pleasant and easier it is to do it, when there really is something to love for. Try to be the best in everything you can - at work, in educational institution, while striving to always look "excellent" at the same time. If you have thought out every detail of your wardrobe, every highlight that makes up your image, then you can say with complete confidence: “I look stunning!”

Look at your reflection in the mirror every day.

Remember, maybe there is some very beautiful and expensive accessory that you have long wanted to have? Buy it soon! It has long been known that a new thing, even the smallest, in the form of a scarf or stockings, in the most wonderful way cheers up. For example, buying new shoes with a high stiletto heel will immediately make you feel much prettier and more desirable than, say, flat or platform shoes. The only thing to beware of is going overboard in an effort to look sexy and attractive, because if you clearly see that you feel much more comfortable in shoes, say, a few centimeters lower, it’s better not to risk it and buy just such shoes.

By setting high enough standards for yourself, and working hard to meet them, you can be sure that all the people around you will begin to treat you with no less respect, because you - the new one - deserve to be treated in the most noble way. Without a doubt, no one is immune from problems, mistakes and troubles. You need to learn to recognize lies, insincerity and not allow anyone, even the most best friends and close relatives to enjoy the fact that you treat them well. Only by interrupting any attempts to take advantage of you can you make others respect you. At the same time, you can be sure that such decisive actions make people remember this for a long time, and they will no longer try to do this to you.

  • Be active

You can't be proactive enough in work, in studies? Can't defend your opinion, express it in such a way as to make others listen to you? Or maybe those active girls who are always leaders in the team and do not hide their talents while performing in public make you jealous?

All your fears and fears need to be collected together and thrown away. How? There is a very good psychological reception: take a blank sheet of paper, write down all your experiences and fears, you can use the usual list, then take this sheet ... and burn it. During this kind of ritual, imagine that all your fears are burning along with the paper: fear that they may not understand you, not hear you, consider you funny, awkward, and so on.

Practice speaking in front of a team, in front of an audience. It is best to do this in front of a mirror, alone. Take a closer look at yourself, how you pronounce words, make certain gestures. Do you like yourself? If the answer is yes, then chances are others will like you too.

And the acquired ability to communicate, to be able to express your opinion, will instantly attract the attention of the team to you, and this will be especially noticeable if before that you gave your preference to a modest sitting in a corner. And then, the way you now know how to speak, express yourself will show you in the most favorable light, as a person who knows how to think in his own way and is a bright personality.

Do not be afraid to make a mistake, do not let it undermine the confidence that has begun to appear in you. Yes, you can learn from mistakes, this truth is not just beautiful words. Take any mistake as new lesson, very useful, let your smile not leave your lips, and feel free to move on, forward.

  • Do not doubt your abilities

But initially everyone has confidence, but all this confidence is taken for granted, they do not use it to the fullest. It is more convenient for many to pretend to be a loser, no matter how ridiculous it may look from the outside. This is how they try to relieve themselves of unnecessary responsibility: “What to take from me?”. Maybe this position in life is convenient for someone, but not for you, on your way of becoming your own confidence. Constantly remind yourself: “I can do it, I can do it! I believe in myself, I believe in my success!”

Even the most independent, confident and independent women have doubts. There are moments in everyone's life when faith in oneself and in one's strength is completely lost. Your task is to prevent such moments in your life, even if not for long. Strengthening self-confidence is what you can do best (or think that this is so), for example, sing your favorite song out loud. Isn't it true that you get everyone? See how this small victory will cheer you up and give you back your confidence.

And the last thing - do not change very abruptly, you should not radically, at one moment change your whole life, its usual way. It is very difficult to change a character that has developed over the years, and this must be done gradually, step by step. The standards that you have set for yourself, enter into your world organically, so that others get used to the new you. Then you yourself will eventually get used to a new image, image. The first changes will give you the first confidence - and then your transformation will happen by itself.

You often meet just such people on the street - as if flying above the ground, with a proud posture, head held high, radiating confidence and charm. Such girls attract like a magnet. Women want to be friends with them, men want to meet. They are eager to imitate, to get into their circle of friends. But how to become a confident woman?

Self-doubt is a dangerous quality that undermines not only self-esteem, affecting all deeds and accomplishments. Sometimes a person chooses the wrong path for himself only because he doubts own forces. And you need to deal with uncertainty by determining the causes of the problem, remembering the perpetrators and offenders.

As a rule, all the roots lie in childhood, when someone undermined the wrong influence. girl? To begin with, pull the memories of these offenders into the light of day and examine, make sure that they do not represent anything significant, and indeed they blatantly lied to you. And it is worth carrying out this procedure more often, because ghosts from the past have an unpleasant property to return.

How to become a confident woman? To begin with, use the technique of affirmations, they are also positive theses, in which it is simply impossible to doubt, which must be repeated as often as possible. There is a list of them in each. It is worth remembering it, and then every day in front of the mirror to convince yourself of your own beauty, charm and irresistibility. First you need to learn to trust yourself. It is difficult, but possible and worthwhile. After a month of hard training, self-hypnosis will begin to work.

The second weapon that those who want to know how to become a confident girl need is a sense of humor. You can’t let people offend you and unbalance you, and all studs should be treated with healthy irony, kindness and without drama, both at work and in relationships. helps to endure problems and difficulties more easily, laugh at one's own weaknesses and shortcomings, repel any attacks. Just be careful with jokes, so as not to make enemies with a mockery.

Self-sufficient ladies know how to become a self-confident girl: not to be afraid of their own weaknesses and shortcomings. Yes, there is always something you don't like in the mirror. Either there is too much, then there is not enough, then the legs are not so long, then the nose is snub-nosed. But after all, a stunning appearance does not always ensure success in everything. Few women are completely satisfied with their appearance, even famous actresses, whom everyone considers beauties, would like to change something in themselves. And that's okay. What to do? Go to the gym, change the style of clothes, look at everything from a positive point of view. Better such a body, but healthy, than crooked and sick, for example. Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses.

How to become a confident girl? Always be yourself. With everyone and always: at work, at home, in friendship and enmity. Betraying oneself is the hardest of all. Quite often, ladies want to seem better, to please, not to offend or harm, to please. And for this they suppress their own desires and aspirations, forget their interests and plans to please, for example, a man. And you can’t do this, it never ends with good. Even if someone doesn’t really like something in your character, these are his personal problems. Pretense ends sooner or later, you have to show your cards. So why pretend to be someone else if you still need to show your true face?

The main thing is to remember that a confident person does not need praise and confirmation from the outside. His own opinion should be higher and more important. And then the whole life will change beyond recognition!

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