Why Kabanov killed his wife. Interview with Alexei Kabanov, accused of murdering his wife

Recipes 19.06.2020

29-year-old Olga could help the murderer get rid of the dismembered body

The high-profile case of the murder of Irina Kabanova, which stirred up the whole of Moscow, is acquiring new details. Recall that after the remains of a 39-year-old journalist were found in the trunk of a car, her husband confessed that he strangled his wife during a quarrel. Investigators do not rule out that Alexei KABANOV was helped to cover his tracks by his mistress. It is known that the man asked her for a Skoda car and used it to hide fragments of his wife's body.

Over the past two days that have passed since the terrible discovery of the remains of Irina's dismembered body and the detention of her husband Andrei, investigators have found out what caused the quarrel in the Kabanov family. The husband dealt with the journalist after she found out about his adultery.

According to Alexei, scandals in his family in recent times became commonplace - not a single day passed without them. Irina, 39, a popular blogger who also worked on the radio, constantly fought with her husband - former founder known in the capital cafe "O.G.I" because of the eternal lack of money. Alexei burned out on restaurant business- the cafe he opened closed just two months after the start of work, and the house often did not even have money for food. A family with three small children lived in a rented "kopeck piece" that friends rented out to them, and was deeply in debt left over from the cafe failure. In addition, according to the couple's acquaintances, Irina and Alexei in Last year heavily abused alcohol - friends had the feeling that "they are drinking too much." Despite the lack of money, the children had a visiting nanny - Irina insisted on this. In addition to the bursting cafe, the family also lost a one-room apartment, which Kabanova presented biological father her eldest son (according to the couple's acquaintances, 6-year-old Ilya Irina gave birth to married man who works as a lawyer in a large international company). Irina and Aleksey sold the donated apartment - it was this money that became starting capital to open a cafe. The problems accumulated in the family constantly gave rise to quarrels ending in assault: on Facebook, Irina hinted more than once that her husband was beating her. In addition, as the couple’s friends say, Kabanov blackmailed her with children: Irina, who had Ukrainian citizenship, lived in Moscow without registration, and Alexei said more than once that if they dispersed, she would be “thrown out of the country”, and children, as citizens of Russia will leave him. However, as it turned out, the last straw was the betrayal of Kabanov, because of which there was a fatal quarrel.

On the evening of January 2, 2013, the head of the family bought food and alcohol, and then came home. So far, the operatives have no data that Alexey was preparing for the murder in advance, and he himself insists that he committed it in a state of passion. During the altercation, the attacker threw a wire from computer speakers around his wife's neck, tightening the noose until she lost consciousness.

At that moment, as Alexei himself said, Irina's eldest son, six-year-old Ilya, woke up. After a break for a few minutes, the father went into the nursery, put the child to bed, and then returned and completed the massacre with wire, hands and a knife.

The whole next day, Irina's corpse lay in the bathroom, and Alexei "distracted the children with games and cartoons so that they would not go into the bathroom." During this time, he dismembered his wife's body, packed it in bags and put it on the balcony.

When asked by the children about the absence of the mother, he said that she had left, - said Sergey Stukalov, a representative of the Moscow State Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

According to him, only on January 6 or 7, Kabanov took out one bag with body parts and threw it into a garbage container in a neighboring yard, “but he didn’t know what to do with the rest.”

As the investigation found out, the Kabanov family did not have a car. After the murder of his wife, Kabanov asked his mistress for a Skoda car for a while under the pretext of transporting children to school. It was in this car that he transported fragments of his wife's body to different districts of Moscow. According to Izvestia, the car belongs to 29-year-old Olga Ivshina. The operatives do not rule out that she knew that Kabanov had killed his wife and helped him cover his tracks. She is being interrogated as a witness.

The fate of the children left orphans is still unknown. At the moment, three kids (2-year-old Dasha, 4-year-old Taras and 6-year-old Ilya) are in the Tushino Children's Hospital in Moscow. The eldest son, Ilya, will be taken away by his father, who has already flown for his son from Israel. Irina's mother, Elena Nikolaevna Dukova, who lives in Donetsk, claims to be the guardianship of the younger ones. However, it is still unclear whether the court will agree to give the Russian children to their grandmother, a citizen of Ukraine. In this sense, the parents of Alexei Kabanov, who are Russians, may have more rights. True, the elderly spouses admitted to journalists that due to their advanced age and disability, they would not be able to take care of orphaned babies.

Usually in such cases, the court asks the children who they would like to live with, - says Vera Sagaydak, head of the Children's Affairs Service of the Donetsk Regional Administration. - But in this case the kids are too small. I would advise relatives from both sides to meet and calmly discuss where the children will be better.

MOSCOW, 30 December - RAPSI. The Golovinsky Court of Moscow on Monday sentenced Aleksey Kabanov to 14 years in prison, finding him guilty of murdering his wife, journalist Irina Kabanova, a RAPSI correspondent reports from the courtroom.

Kabanov will serve his term in a strict regime colony. As noted in the court verdict, Kabanov was not in a state of passion when he killed his wife.

Alexey Kabanov(from a speech during the court session, 12/18/2013): “There were a lot of debts. Then the new year happened, that night I worked. I arrived home in the morning, went to bed, leaving the kitchen in a state in which it was impossible to work. I planned to clean it up on the next day, but I slept for a day, and on the second I went to clean up and found out from the employer that the institution was closed. She took it painfully, she had a deep depression and a gloomy mood. I looked at things optimistically, on the 9th I was supposed to go to new job. Then it was a good evening, we baked cookies with the children, there was a magical family evening and we joked that in a few months we suddenly had such an idyll. This went on until ten in the evening, until the children went to bed. I remember that at some point I rushed at her with my fists. I think I hit her. Farther strange story, the memories are refuted by the materials of the case. I remember that I kept my hands on Ira's neck when she stood. Examination does not confirm this. I remember the knife in my hand, but there are no hits in my memory. The next clear clear picture of me sitting on a chair and smoking, although I have never smoked in the kitchen in my life. I looked at it as a picture that is being shown to me. There was a strange state when thoughts were separate and the body was separate. There were no bright emotions and explosions, I had a detached state."

"Maybe Ira found herself in an unusual situation" -

Aleksey Kabanov found guilty of premeditated murder and will serve time in a strict regime colony

The Golovinsky Court of Moscow today sentenced to 14 years in prison the chef of the ANB cafe, one of the founders of the OGI network Alexey Kabanov. He was convicted of the premeditated murder of his wife, Irina. This crime shocked the inhabitants of the capital. The “heartbroken” husband announced the loss of his wife, whom he himself cut into pieces, leaving three children without a mother.

The announcement of the verdict caused an unprecedented stir. The hall was attended by representatives of at least fifteen different television companies, not to mention the "writing" press.

“Kabanov committed premeditated murder, that is, infliction of death,” Judge Dmitry Arnaut began to read out the verdict. It took him less than an hour to announce the decision..

New Year's Eve Murder

The tragedy occurred last New Year's Eve in house number 4 in the 1st Novopodmoskovny Lane, where the Kabanovs rented an apartment. According to the case file, on the night of January 3 this year, they sat in the kitchen, drank, discussed their family life and prospects for divorce. A verbal skirmish led to the fact that the man could not restrain himself: he began to choke his wife with speaker wire and hands, and then inflicted at least nine blows with a large chef's knife. Later he took wife's body into the bathroom and dismembered it.

Trying to divert suspicion from himself, Kabanov wrote on his Facebook page that his wife left home and did not return. He also filed a missing persons report with the police. The incident attracted public attention: many joined in the search for a woman whose body Kabanov, as it turned out, packed in bags and hid almost all the holidays on the balcony, while there were three small children in the apartment. The man managed to throw two body fragments into trash cans in a neighboring yard. He then transferred the remaining parts to a car he borrowed from a friend. On the night of January 12, Kabanov was detained and confessed to the incident.

"Fantasy and Farce"

The restaurateur was charged with premeditated murder (part 1 of article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), for which a punishment of 6 to 15 years in prison is provided. However, during the trial, the defendant pleaded not guilty under this article. Kabanov called the accusation "a farce, which is the fruit of the investigation's fantasy", designed for the public and journalists. Without denying what he had done, he insisted that he committed the crime in a state of passion (Article 107 of the Criminal Code), since the wife threatened to take the children to herself after the divorce. This article provides for a sentence of up to 3 years.

Kabanov stated that he did not remember how he killed his wife, and perceived what happened as. The fact that he did not get rid of his wife's body, the defendant explained by the fact that he did not find the moral strength to do this.

There was no effect

However, the examination conducted at the Institute. Serbsky, found Kabanova sane, and the court did not find grounds for a re-examination, which the defendant insisted on. Announcing the verdict, the judge noted that the nature of the injuries inflicted on the woman indicates that Kabanov “was aware of the public danger his actions and wished for the consequences that followed. "His behavior was consistent, purposeful,"the court stated.

It is noteworthy that during the examination, doctors gave psychological picture the defendant, whose specialists found a hysterical personality disorder. It is not a mental illness. Experts noted that Kabanov has such qualities as egocentrism, overestimation of one's capabilities, ambitiousness and instability of emotional reactions.

AT During the process, the friend of the deceased, Elena Zaritovskaya, recalled that before her death, Irina looked “like a person with nervous exhaustion”, she “really wanted” a divorce, but she was stopped by numerous debts that the spouses could not repay.

“Lesha threatened that he would take the younger children and send her to Ukraine. It seemed to me that this promise struck her down, ”said the witness about the last conversation with Irina shortly before her death. It is noteworthy that the woman at one time sold the apartment that she had left from her first husband in order to open a cafe together with Kabanov. But the project failed.

Prosecutor Andrey Kuznetsov asked for 14 years in prison for the defendant. And the representative of the victim (the mother of the deceased Elena Dukova was recognized as her) lawyer Fyodor Kupriyanov suggested that Kabanov be given the maximum punishment under Part 1 of Art. 105 UK - 15 years. He was inclined to believe that the defendant, who did not repent of the murder and constantly insulted the participants in the process, should have been tried for murder with special cruelty (part 2 of article 105 of the Criminal Code), for which one faces up to 20 years in prison or life imprisonment. However, the investigating authorities were too lazy to investigate the case more thoroughly.

I must say that the defendant himself did not apologize to the victim. “I do not believe that Raskolnikov received forgiveness by going out to the world and repenting,Kabanov said at the final hearing.There are people I would like to talk to. But I don't have that option. Prison is a terrible bore."

Extenuating circumstances

When sentencing, the judge took into account as a mitigating circumstance the presence of two young children dependent on Kabanov. He gave the defendant exactly as much as the prosecutor asked for - 14 years in prison in a strict regime colony. At the same time, the judge fully satisfied the claim of the victim and recovered 1.5 million rubles from the convict as compensation for moral damage.

The investigator who solved the most notorious murder of the year is forced to resign from the authorities

Excuse me, how is Alexey Kabanov doing? Former famous restaurateur, a former blogger, a former oppositionist, a former philanthropist, but in fact a brutal killer, ripper and deceiver. In January of this year, he, after which he launched a stormy activity to find his wife, connecting social networks, volunteers, the media ... As a result, he was nevertheless exposed - thanks to the professionalism of the detectives and investigators. More precisely, one investigator, an employee of the Golovinsky Investigative Committee of the ICR in Moscow, Yevgeny Buchintsev. Kabanov ended up in prison, Buchintsev was among those awarded. The award was presented to him personally by the head of the TFR, Alexander Bastrykin. Many, including the chief of the Investigative Committee, were then surprised: wow, just a boy (24 years old), but he opened such a case.

Alas, history law enforcement knows many similar examples: today you are a hero, and tomorrow you are an outcast. Buchintsev unwittingly became another victim of Alexei Kabanov. Yevgeny was slandered and actually forced to leave the organs.

The now former investigator Yevgeny BUCHINTSEV told the MK special correspondent about the unknown details of the Kabanov case and the reasons for his dismissal.

Alexey Kabanov

“Kabanov himself forced himself to believe that he is an unhappy husband”

Eugene, why did the high-profile case of the disappearance of a well-known person in the blogosphere come to you? Still, you are one of the youngest, you are only 24 ...

I specialized specifically in the disappearances of people, including children. I found a lot of "lost things" (we call them that) in different cities. So when they brought the material, the manager immediately entrusted it to me. It was right after the holidays, January 9th. In the evening I already talked with Alexei Kabanov in my office. He was depressed, worried, twitching all over, but this did not arouse suspicion in me. This is normal - a man's wife disappeared, three children remained in his arms. He was ready to cooperate, connected to the search for colleagues, friends, the entire blogosphere. I then printed out a request for him, said - take it to the telecommunications services so that we can look at all her calls lately.

- Did you believe then that you would find the missing woman?

Yes, I told him so myself. He asked: how often do you find? I replied that in 99% we find, alive or. And he is on it - and what, you also find dead? I replied that there were such sad precedents in my practice.

- How did you search for Irina?

Contacted everyone with whom she spoke. I even called her friend in Bali (he was vacationing there), from whom Irina had to borrow money the day before. The family had big problems with money ... He said that they really agreed on a meeting, but she did not come.

Kabanov himself did not fall under suspicion in any way. Yes, there were quarrels in their family, but nothing foreshadowed such a sad end. And in principle, both about him and about her, people spoke positively. On January 11, Aleksey Kabanov voluntarily agreed to undergo a polygraph. The study was conducted at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. The operatives immediately called me back, they said that the polygraph examiner could not give an unambiguous answer, because Kabanov had a “zero” reaction. But in general it is believed that since “zero” means it’s not him.

Kabanov remembered all the details during the investigative experiment.

- And did you have such that the polygraph did not reveal the killer?

Neither I nor my colleagues have ever experienced this before. In principle, it is not easy to deceive a polygraph. You need to have certain skills for this. You can eat some pills, but now a technique has been developed that shows this too.

Later, after the arrest, I asked Kabanov: “How did you pass the polygraph? Share the secret." And he says: “I don’t know how it happened.” I then thought about this for a long time ... And you know what? In light of the fact that Kabanov portrayed an unhappy husband for too long, accused the authorities of inaction, raised everyone in search of a wife, perhaps he himself believed it. Or forced himself to believe for a while.

Alexey Kabanov behind bars only worries about children.

“I immediately realized that something was wrong with this car”

So that same evening, at 9 o'clock, I phoned the operatives (we interacted very well with them during the search for Irina). I wanted to wish you a good weekend. I talked to them and asked: “And now what are the plans? Maybe we’ll rush to visit Kabanov? Well, let's go. Me, two operas and experts with ultraviolet lamps(so that the washings of traces of blood can be seen).

- Why all of a sudden?

Honestly? Don't know! Sixth sense, if you will.

How did he receive you?

Calmly. We warned him about the visit for 10 minutes. But he did not try to hide or resist. Vice versa. "Come in, see what you want." At home, besides him, there was a nanny and children. She then put them to bed, so that they did not observe the whole procedure. We thoroughly examined the entire apartment, including the bath, the balcony. We found some slight traces of blood (ultraviolet showed), but in a house where there are small children, it could be anything: someone broke his nose, cut his finger, scratched it. We collected some rags, siphons for genetic examination, took knives.

And then we found the keys to the Skoda car on the top shelf of the kitchen. I asked the operative to carefully go out and see if there was any Skoda in the yard? He is back. He said, they say, yes, there are a couple of cars of this brand. But Kabanov's car, by the way, he did not notice, which is surprising - he was standing right next to my car. And by the way, even before that, information was received that Kabanov had in use vehicle.

- But he himself assured that he didn’t even know how to drive?

Yes, he said that he didn’t even have “rights”. And when we showed him the keys, he said that it was from the car of his friend - a family friend. But at the same time he refused to show the car itself. He said that he did not even know exactly where she was standing. Twisted-yulil. In general, I immediately realized that something was wrong with this machine. And in the end, I tell him - well, we're done, it remains only to see the car, and that's it. The time was already 12 noon. Nothing to do, he went to show. And the first thing that caught my eye was that the trunk was directly propped up against a snowdrift so that it was impossible to open it. I asked - drive away, please, the car. He absolutely calmly got behind the wheel, drove away. I thought later, after all, if he had just given gas, everything would have gone according to a completely different scenario. With the pursuit, with the search. Apparently, he hoped to the last that he would manage.

Irina, who died at the hands of her husband, sawed him for the lack of money in the family.

- What was in the trunk?

Huge bags. I ask - what is there? He is there the personal belongings of the owner of the car. We open one bag. Look, there really are things. But I pulled it on myself, and it is so heavy! He says to this that things are simply rammed. Then I asked him to pull out the bag completely so that I could examine all its contents. And for the first time he trembled. Said, "Don't touch." Me - why is that? He: "These are other people's personal things, you should not touch them." Well, I didn’t react to it in any way, I gave the command to pull it out. And before we had time to put it on the ground, he said: "This is it."

- Your reaction?

To be honest, we were all taken aback. I asked - what? He responded nervously: "What's incomprehensible, I'm telling you, it's SHE." And five seconds later he was lying on the ground twisted. It's funny, but no one was ready - no one had a weapon or handcuffs with him. But then it turned out that Kabanov was being monitored by officers of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (even I did not know about this), and then they ran up and helped.

- Didn't you dare to disassemble the bag completely?

No, they didn't. It was all obvious. We just looked a little further, made sure that there were plastic bags stuffed ... Kabanov, meanwhile, was calm as a boa constrictor, I apologize for the expression. It just shocked me.

- And how can this be explained, in your opinion?

I think he burned out, or something .... It happens that a person is afraid, afraid, and then once - and there are no feelings. No more emotions, nothing.

- But maybe he was mentally ill?

Nothing like this. He acted completely naturally. And then he spoke calmly about what had happened.

- And what did he say?

The family has been in trouble for a long time. They no longer simply did not love - all good feelings were erased. Quietly hated and everyone for it, and each other. There were many mutual claims. Alexei did not like that Irina did little with children and spent all her time on the Internet. She really, judging by the words of her friends, thought more about her blog.

Irina did not like that her husband was a failure in business, that there was no work, that there was not enough money all the time and she had to get out on her own. I think they would have divorced a long time ago if not for the children. And so they were forced to endure each other ... And both spouses, let's say, loved to drink. That day they drank alcohol together. We quarreled on a domestic basis.

- It turns out, a typical bytovuha?

Formally yes. Irina impartially expressed herself in his address (the argument turned to financial problems), he grabbed her and began to choke her. And then they moved to the floor, and he stabbed her 12 times. According to him, he did not understand what he was doing.

Was he that drunk?

I don't think it's just the alcohol. He said: "I've been wedged." Although at the crime scene he then showed the entire sequence of his actions. How he choked, how he struck blows, how he moved him to the bath. That is, in his mind all the details were recorded. And then he showed where her passport was hidden with the phone. He acted prudently, coolly, foreseeing all the nuances. How would a criminal preparing to kill in advance act.

- Did he really not have a drop of pity for the woman with whom he had lived for so many years?

I didn't see it. And there was not much remorse. That is, yes, of course, he regrets, but, rather, because he understands that he is facing a prison term, that he has lost everything.

“But why did he come up with the monstrous idea of ​​dismembering his wife?”

Everything is simple. It was the most safe way get rid of the body. He didn't want to go to jail. He says that he did not want to leave the children alone in the care of fate.

- That is, he relied on children ...

Yes, this is the main thing in his testimony. And by the way, if we hadn’t gone to see him that Friday, he probably would have managed to get rid of the body - he had already thrown out some of the body fragments by that time. He struck me when he talked about the dismemberment. Of course, I had to ask all the details - how, with what tools ... He talked about the process, as if about something natural: “I cut it with a knife. Ligaments, tendons... The human body is like a carcass of a ram. Nothing different. All the same". In my practice, there were several dismemberments (simply less resonant). And the killers themselves said that the most difficult thing is to cut off the head. That's why they either cut it off or don't touch it. And Kabanov calmly said that he tried with an ax, it didn’t work out, that it was easier to cut it off with a knife ... That is, he generally managed with one knife in just a few hours. Well, you know he was a butcher.

Evgeny Buchintsev receives an award for solving a brutal murder from the head of the TFR Bastrykin. He will have to retire soon.

"No need for comfort, no one touches me"

- They say that after this, the killer undergoes irreversible changes in the psyche ...

I think everyone has their own story. The previous similar murder that I investigated was committed by a drug addict who already had a mental disorder. By the way, he also killed his partner. The process of dismemberment clearly did not add to his mental health. But Kabanov is a completely different story. He was most worried about how much they would give him. He was worried that I would charge him with a heavier composition. And I appointed a forensic medical examination at the Serbsky Research Institute. He just passed it. In an oral conversation, they said that he was completely sane. But since I haven't seen the paper, I can't confirm.

- What requests were from him in the pre-trial detention center?

It mainly concerned children. He was worried - where are they, what will happen to them? He kept asking me about it.

- And what about the children?

Initially, when he was detained, juvenile affairs officers were called. The children were hospitalized. Because one had a serious bronchitis in an advanced stage, others had something else. Then the father of the older child came and took him away. The rest were taken by Irina's mother and taken to Ukraine. There was a question about depriving Alexei of parental rights. I wrote a corresponding letter to the court.

- Complained about something? Nevertheless, in the pre-trial detention center, those who mocked women are treated “in a special way” ...

As practice shows, all the horrors that are told about the pre-trial detention center are not true. In the isolation ward, there is no lawlessness that you, journalists, write about. If something is wrong, then the lawyer always comes up, says: can I be transferred to another cell? And you translate. Because if the prisoner feels uncomfortable in the cell, then the investigator does not need it either. So you can always find a compromise.

Kabanov sits in a cell, where there is only one person besides him. He said that he did not communicate with the cellmate at all. Reading books all day long. Philosophical mostly.

- There was a media report that he complained about the content...

There was some kind of provocation. He didn't complain about anything. I even offered to transfer him to a cell, where there are more people, where there is a radio or TV. He flatly refused. He said: “I don’t need comfort, I feel good here, no one touches me.”

He asked only to be allowed to meet with his parents. And the only time he shed a tear was when they were notified of his detention ...

He also asked Kabanov to distribute the property correctly. To whom to give. Laptops for kids.

Did he try to take his own life?

No. Although initially we assumed that he could do it, and there was close attention to him in the isolation ward. But then it became obvious that he loved himself too much. I thoroughly studied his entire biography. His lifestyle suggested that he was a narcissistic type. Parties are constant, bohemian companies. He never really bothered himself. In the pre-trial detention center, he lost weight, but this is from stress. He is not seriously ill.

“I was so pulled that I couldn’t work normally”

- Eugene, after solving a high-profile murder, did you expect your career to go uphill?

I didn't even think of anything like that. The awarding of the medal (and the award was good then) was announced to me the day before the event. I remember a curiosity came out with this. They said that we had to be at the event in a suit (we had not yet been given a new dress uniform by that time). I ran to the store, bought it for "premium". And in the morning they call - run to the warehouse, they brought a new uniform, pick it up. And the award ceremony is at 12 noon! The form, as usual, does not fit. Meryl-meryl ... then he grabbed the first one that came across and rushed to the nearest atelier. There shoulder straps were sewn on, stroked. Managed! I remember Bastrykin, when he shook hands, said that people like me are the future generation of investigators. I was very pleased.

- And how did you decide to quit after that?

I was forced to. I didn't expect it to turn out like this. After all, working as an investigator is a childhood dream.

- Why did this happen?

The reason was the story with the apartment. My family has been in a housing dispute since 2007. Once my grandmother looked after the paralyzed aunt. She herself begged her about it, because she had no one. Grandmother spent several years with her. Pampers, spoon-feeding… My aunt bequeathed her an apartment. But then the right to housing was presented by the husband of this relative, who left her long ago, lived with another family, but officially they were not divorced. And it so happened that the Kabanov case broke my career.

- That is?

Just imagine: it goes trial. And the litigator, seeing me on TV (TV channels showed the moment of my award), decided to write to the Investigative Committee. He said: they say, you are rewarding scammers, this Buchintsev and his whole family deceived the unfortunate pensioner.

Former investigator, now unemployed Yevgeny Buchinsky.

- And they believed him?

The complaint got to the internal security service. The service check against me lasted almost a month. All this time I was so pulled that I could not work normally. I explained that this was a civil law dispute and had nothing to do with my official activities. But unsuccessfully.

"Didn't anyone try to put in a word?"

Senior colleagues stood up for me. It was said that there were only three "workers" (that is, those who normally investigate cases) employees in the Golovinsky department. And the department, because of the vast territory, is the hardest - by the way, on our own "land" a fan of Sviridov was killed, because of which riots began on Manezhnaya Square.

- And intercession did not help you?

No. I was unpleasantly surprised that for some reason the security service believed more in the spouse of that deceased relative of ours, and not in me ... Trouble, as they say, does not come alone. I was also given a severe reprimand for the Kabanovs' case.

- Like this? For what exactly!

For my short comment about the lawyer Alexei Kabanov. He assured that his client was being beaten, that the investigation was putting pressure on him. But there was none of that! So I spoke to one online publication that, they say, the lawyer is lying. The management did not like the fact that I did not agree on my comment. But there was nothing criminal about it. As a result, my salary was reduced by half, and all bonuses were taken away.

And then several of my colleagues who were sitting in the same office were detained on suspicion of bribes (this was even before the Kabanov case. In early May last year, the investigator of the Golovinsky SO of the Investigative Committee Evgeny Klinnikov was detained for receiving 300 thousand rubles in exchange for not initiating a criminal affairs). The whole department began to be called corrupt because of this.

Did your boss directly order you to quit?

Not certainly in that way. Through colleagues, I was given a “higher” instruction: either I leave the disputed apartment, or I quit. I had to choose the second one - why on earth should I give up housing if the court may decide the dispute in favor of my family?

- And where do you work now?

So far, nowhere. But I myself clearly understand that the investigator is not a profession, but a way of life. Pulls ... It is no coincidence that many return.

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