Poisonous mushrooms: we determine the type and learn to distinguish from edible ones. False porcini mushroom: description and photo What is the name of the mushroom that turns pink after cooking

Tourism and rest 26.06.2019
Tourism and rest

Boletus boletus, which is found in our forests, is a healthy delicacy. There is no greater joy than to meet this colorful "local resident" in the forest yourself. Its name is associated with the invariable white color of the pulp on the break and during cooking.

Be careful with mushrooms!

The value of the white fungus lies in the fact that it contains a set of amino acids (22), including essential ones, and up to 80% of them are absorbed by the body. White mushrooms in different areas are also called others: boletus, boletus, oyster mushrooms. All of them are tasty and affordable products.

But are all white mushrooms harmless?

In our latitudes, there are many twin mushrooms, including the porcini mushroom. Such inedible, and even poisonous, counterparts as the satanic mushroom, gall mushroom (false boletus), beautiful boletus, speckled oak, are similar in appearance to white. They are very attractive, as they are rarely damaged by worms, insects and other forest dwellers due to their bitter taste.

Learn to Distinguish False Mushrooms

satanic mushroom belongs to the poisonous category. Distinguished from white appearance Pink colour broken or cut leg. Young mushrooms have a faint pleasant smell, old mushrooms have the smell of rotting onions or carrion. It has a bitter taste when cooked. To avoid poisoning, it is necessary to change the water several times when boiling mushrooms. Dangerous if eaten raw. The malaise will occur within 30 minutes after taking it.

false boletus(so-called gall fungus) is inedible. Just like satanic, it turns pink when broken, and tastes bitter. False boletus will "show itself" 2-3 hours after eating. When using a large amount, the clinic of intoxication can develop in 30-40 minutes.

Edible mushrooms are sometimes difficult to distinguish from non-edible ones.

Borovik is beautiful is a poisonous mushroom. Differs from white in blue when cut or broken, bitter taste. Poisonous only when raw. Symptoms of poisoning begin a few hours after consumption.

Boletus wolf(false satanic mushroom) - becomes edible after 15 minutes of cooking, although cases of poisoning by it are known, both raw and after cooking. When a fresh mushroom is damaged, the flesh becomes bluish.

Dubovik speckled- conditionally edible. Unlike false boletus, when cut, the flesh of its legs turns blue. Looks like white. May lead to irritable bowel syndrome if eaten raw or undercooked

When picking mushrooms, sometimes there are doubts about its edibility. Dangerous twins of the white fungus have a certain taste: sweetish, bitter. But never taste raw mushrooms - among them there are very poisonous ones. In the forest, you will not be able to get the help you need.

If, nevertheless, such mushrooms (false boletus, oak and others) ended up in your basket, they will spoil the entire crop with bitterness. When cooking, bitterness will warn you against eating mushrooms. But in canned form, flavor enhancers and preservatives will mask it, and when using such products, symptoms of poisoning may occur.

Do not taste the raw mushroom!

Particular care must be taken with dubious home preservation, which is sold in markets, on roads passing through villages, in spontaneous sales points.

What troubles can lie in wait?

When it enters the stomach, the toxins contained in the mushrooms are gradually absorbed into the bloodstream and enter the liver. Therefore, in case of poisoning, it is the liver cells that suffer first of all - hepatocytes, which try to neutralize toxic substances. If the liver tissue has not coped with the neutralization of the poison, the latter is carried by blood throughout the body. The most susceptible to toxins are the central nervous system and kidneys.

The brain reacts in the form of dizziness and nausea. Irritation of the subcortical nuclei leads to an increase in heart rate, respiration, a fall blood pressure, the urge to vomit. The second organ that tries to neutralize and remove toxic substances from the body is the kidney. Lower back pain, urinary disorders may develop.

Local toxic effect on the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract leads to spastic contractions of the stomach, and the occurrence of vomiting. Irritation of the intestinal wall leads to increased peristalsis, the release of a large amount of fluid and diarrhea. The toxic dose also depends on the fullness of the stomach until the poison enters the body. This is related to the time of onset of the first symptoms of poisoning.

Signs of mushroom poisoning

Dizziness, nausea, urge to vomit and vomiting, diarrhea (diarrhea) is a signal to start urgent measures. AT severe cases convulsions and loss of consciousness may occur. Continued vomiting and diarrhea lead to dehydration of the body, excretion of electrolytes. In this case, specialized medical care is needed, possibly even in a medical facility.

What should be done before the doctor arrives?

The first aid for mushroom poisoning is gastric lavage. The presence of other food will increase the residence time (slow down the passage) of toxins in the stomach, thereby contributing to the absorption of more of them into the blood.

It is necessary to drink 500-700 ml (2-3 glasses) of lightly salted water (2 tablespoons of salt per 5 liters of water) of body temperature and artificially induce vomiting. Repeat the procedure several times until the stomach is cleared of all food masses. Therefore, the washing solution must be prepared in advance (about 10 liters).

The first remedy for mushroom poisoning

After that, it is necessary to take intestinal sorbents for an hour every 15 minutes to prevent further entry of toxins into the blood. The most elementary drug that is available in every first aid kit, including an automobile one, is activated charcoal. From others medicines you can take "Sorbeks", "Polysorb", "Enterosgel" in accordance with the instructions indicated on the package.

Over the next day, it is desirable to starve, limited only to the intake of boiled water. Under normal conditions, the rate of water intake is 30 ml per kilogram of body weight; in case of intoxication, it is necessary to drink up to 35-40 ml per 1 kg. When blood is diluted with a liquid, the concentration of toxic slags decreases, and their excretion from the body is accelerated.

Limit physical activity. Stay in a temperature comfort zone. The body must conserve energy to fight internal danger. In the future, you can use pureed vegetable soups, slimy rice water, thin rice porridge, herbal teas. Until complete recovery, you should refrain from aggressive food: hot, spicy, sour, fried, alcohol.

It is impossible to deny yourself the pleasure of being on a "quiet hunt"!

Collect mushrooms wisely!

Mushroom picking is not only done by professionals. "Green tourism" is gaining momentum. Walking, hiking over rough terrain, the smell of pine needles - all this only strengthens your health. "Silent hunting" - interesting and useful activity. And if there are doubts about the edibility of your find, it is best not to cut it off, not to try it on the tongue. Moreover, you should not throw it in a basket and carry it home. Remember that there are false porcini mushrooms lookalikes. Poisoning them can lead to serious consequences.


Be sure to watch this video, learn a lot of valuable information about poisonous twin mushrooms.

Many mushrooms are not only inedible, but also poisonous, therefore, in order to avoid poisoning, it is necessary to know the main distinguishing characteristics of such fruiting bodies.

Dangerous poisonous mushrooms are distinguished by the presence of toxins, and known toxic components are represented by three main groups:

  • to the first group include toxins of local impact, which can provoke various disorders in the digestive system. This category includes species represented by russula, satanic mushroom, undercooked autumn mushrooms, variegated and yellow-skinned champignon, false raincoat and tiger row. In rare cases, death may occur;
  • the second group includes neurotropic toxins that have a pronounced effect on the human nervous system. The first symptoms of poisoning appear after about half an hour and may be presented by hallucinations, loss of consciousness and severe indigestion. The group includes fly agaric, some types of fibers, talkers, rows, russula vomit, some hebelomas and entoloms;
  • the third group includes toxins that have a pronounced plasma toxic effect. To this group poisonous mushrooms include lines and many lobes, as well as orange-red cobwebs.

If the mushroom is highly poisonous, then even timely treatment can not guarantee complete safety.

Gallery: poisonous mushrooms (25 photos)

Varieties of poisonous mushrooms (video)

Description of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world

To date, several dozen species of poisonous mushrooms are known, but only some of them are deadly. To recognize what poisonous mushrooms look like, the mushroom picker's memo allows, which gives a clear description of toxic fruiting bodies.

Omphalote olive

You can recognize this species by bioluminescence. Grows in forest areas, preferring rotten stumps, rotten trunks deciduous trees. Most often found on the territory of the Crimea. The structure is similar to an edible chanterelle.

Woolly fiber

Agaric with a conical, bell-shaped, pointed, whitish-cream cap and a white or slightly reddish cap. Grows in deciduous and coniferous forests, as well as in park areas. Contains muscarine and muscaridine, which cause M-cholinergic toxindrome.

Woolly fiber

Fly agaric panther

It grows in forest areas where coniferous and deciduous plants are present. Mushroom pulp contains muscarine and mycoatropine, which have a toxic effect on the central nervous system, and alkaloids provoke an upset stomach and intestines. White spots vary in size and shape, but are always present on the greenish-brown skin of the cap.

wrinkled foliotina

It grows in Europe, Asia and North America. The pulp contains a strong toxin amatoxins, which disrupts the liver and becomes the main cause lethal outcome. In appearance, it resembles Psilocybe blue.

Fly agaric panther

False honey agaric sulfur-yellow

Reminds appearance edible species of mushrooms. It is found everywhere in forest zones, except for the territory of Antarctica and Africa. Grows on old and decaying stumps. Eating causes severe and fatal poisoning, the first signs of which are abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and paralysis.

Fruiting bodies contain a significant amount of amatoxin and phallotoxin, which have a destructive effect on liver tissue. Distribution area is deadly poisonous mushroom represented by forest zones of Eurasia, as well as northern part America and the territory of Oceania.

Fibrous Patuillard

Mushroom pulp is characterized by an increased content of muscarine toxin, which causes disturbances in the activity of the central nervous system causing paralysis and rapid death. The main distribution area is beech forests in Europe.

Mushroom pulp contains cyanides, as well as nitrides, which have a toxic effect on respiratory system, as well as cells of the central nervous system. The main area of ​​growth are coniferous forests in Europe.

A species widespread in our country, which massively appears in forests, starting from early spring period. The pulp contains gyromitrin, which has a pronounced toxic effect on liver cells and often causes severe poisoning.

How to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous (video)

Why you can not destroy poisonous mushrooms

The destruction of fungi can cause significant damage to the ecosystem and disrupts the natural balance. Many spongy and lamellar species poisonous to humans are used for medicinal purposes by some large artiodactyls. Also, poisonous varieties are found purely practical use. Medicines and medicinal products based on them can cure rheumatism, various nervous disorders, lung diseases and oncology, as well as many other pathologies.

How to recognize a poisonous mushroom

You need to be very careful and careful when picking mushrooms.. Sometimes it can be quite difficult to determine which mushrooms are poisonous, due to the external similarity of many varieties. Currently, several methods are actively used, which, according to the inhabitants, are able to reliably distinguish poisonous specimens from edible species. However, many of these methods, to put it mildly, do not stand up to criticism and often cause severe poisoning.

How to identify poisonous mushrooms when cooking

It is generally accepted that a silver item dipped into water during the boiling process darkens in the presence of poison. However, darkening of the metal is often observed in the release of certain coloring substances by edible varieties. The same rule applies to the browning of onions and garlic. For the purpose of disinfection, it is impossible to boil fruiting bodies in solutions based on vinegar and salt or milk. This tool is completely incapable of making fatal dangerous species less poisonous.

How to externally distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible varieties

As practice shows, it is enough to adhere to a few simple recommendations that minimize the risk of getting poisoned:

  • varieties that are classified as deadly, in most cases belong to agaric mushrooms;
  • tubular subspecies can also be poisonous, but do not pose a mortal danger to humans;
  • mushrooms from the fly agaric family, including the pale grebe, which most often have thickenings at the base of the stem and are characterized by the presence of a ring under the cap, have the greatest toxicity;
  • mushroom-like varieties found in conifers forest plantations, belong to the category of poisonous;
  • if the mushroom pulp turns red on the cut, then the collection of such specimens should be discarded.

Popular folk methods for recognizing the toxicity of a mushroom

parent consultation and folk methods are not always a guarantee of the correct determination of the edibility of mushrooms. Inexperienced mushroom pickers very often in the process of picking mushrooms are guided by their smell, but poisonous specimens do not necessarily have a sharp and unpleasant or specific smell. For example, the smell of the pulp of a pale toadstool is almost indistinguishable from the aroma of an edible champignon.

The most poisonous mushrooms in Russia (video)

Signs of poisonous mushroom poisoning

Mechanisms of toxic effects on the body can be different, and symptoms vary depending on the type of toxin and its amount. . The most severe symptoms of poisoning include:

  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • disruptions in the heart rhythm;
  • violation of respiratory function;
  • pain in the abdomen and stomach;
  • fainting state;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • repeated vomiting and diarrhea leading to dehydration.

It's very important to remember that less pronounced symptoms may accompany irreversible changes in the body. Only a medical worker is able to correctly assess the general condition and severity of the poisoning of the victim. It is for this reason that it is important at the first signs of poisoning to definitely seek qualified help from a medical institution.

Gallery: poisonous mushrooms (40 photos)

The season for harvesting oil falls at the beginning of June and until the very beginning of the first frost, while the mark on the thermometer is kept within 15 degrees. These are small mushrooms of a dense structure, with a slight smell of herbs and moss.

All mushroom pickers love them, and the housewives come up with numerous recipes. They are canned, pickled, boiled, baked and dried.

Despite such positive characteristics, very many people are interested in the question, is it possible to get poisoned with oils? In order to enjoy a mushroom dinner and not expose yourself to the risk of poisoning, you need to know important rules collection, injury, processing and harvesting of these mushrooms.

Butter mushrooms are edible mushrooms belonging to the genus tubular. They got their name thanks to the hat, which is covered with a mucous adhesive substance. They grow in forests near coniferous and deciduous trees, as well as in cereal fields. Mostly boletus prevails in Siberia and the Far East.

Butter with a dense structure can be found more in pine forests. This is favored by the symbiosis of the mycelium of oil and the roots of coniferous trees.

Appearance of the oiler

You can distinguish butterflies by the following features:

  • small hat, can be convex or flat;
  • cap color - brownish-brown;
  • hat size - from 3 to 16 cm;
  • the surface of the cap is covered with an oily skin, which is removed in one piece;
  • under the cap there is a spongy layer;
  • leg height - no higher than 10 cm.

Types of oil

In nature, more than 50 species of these mushrooms are distinguished, in Russia you can most often find 3 of them.

Table number 1. Types of oil found in the forests of Russia:

Kind of butter Description

This mushroom is also called yellow. It is considered the most common variety of oil. Its growth starts from the end of spring and ends at the beginning of the first frosts.

People call it summer, as the peak of growth falls on hot July. The leg of the fungus is covered with a granular film, which is why it got its name in mycology.

It can be found in deciduous forest and cedar forest. A distinctive feature is the yellow-orange color of the hat. It is recommended to use it for diseases of the joints.

You can also distinguish the following types of oils:

  • white;
  • Siberian;
  • grey;
  • Bellini butter dish;
  • reddish-red;
  • notable;
  • motley.

The variegated look of oil is often confused with mossiness mushrooms, because of their similar external data. There is also an American oiler, which can be found under only one tree - this is the white oriental pine.

Interesting fact. Butterflies can be easily grown in a country house or farm. The main task is to create favorable conditions for growth. These mushrooms love dry, sandy soil and edificatory trees.

Doppelgänger oil

Butterflies are distinguished by specific external data, which is why it is simply impossible to confuse them with any poisonous mushrooms. If the mushroom picker doubts the authenticity of the butter dish, then if you turn the mushroom over, then a real butter dish will have a spongy layer that cannot be found in poisonous mushrooms. inedible mushrooms have a lamellar structure under the cap.

Attention. In nature, there is only one deadly dangerous mushroom with a spongy structure is satanic. Outwardly, it does not look like a butter dish at all, even an inexperienced mushroom picker will immediately distinguish it from a butter dish.

In spite of distinctive features butter, they still have their conditionally edible "twins". When they are eaten, there is no mortal danger to life, but with their toxic effects they can pose a serious threat to human health. In some cases, false oil poisoning causes the formation of chronic pathologies of the urinary system.

With such "twins" butter, you can cook dishes, but subject to prolonged heat treatment.

These types include:

  1. Goats, which high temperature take on a deep blue color.
  2. Butter, in which the pulp changes color when harvested.
  3. Mushrooms with butter-colored flesh.

Experienced "hunters" for mushrooms do not neglect these types of mushrooms, because they know the methods for their proper processing. But beginners should remove such species from their baskets, since the whole family can be poisoned by them.

What a huge variety of species of moss mushrooms.

How to learn to distinguish edible, delicious mushrooms from false bitters?

In this article, we will consider in detail almost all types of these delicious mushrooms, as well as analyze the features of collection, processing and storage.

Let's talk about the benefits and dangers of mushrooms of this type and what delicious things can be prepared from them.

In summer, walking in a coniferous forest, you can find a moss mushroom. And they called it that because of the place where it most often grows - moss.

Mokhovik is a mushroom from the genus of edible tubular mushrooms, the Boletov family. Previously, all species were part of the genus Mokhovik, but later some of them were assigned to the genera Borovik and Pseudobolt.

Mokhovik is considered a relative of the boletus. Variegated, green, Polish and red mossiness mushrooms are the most delicious.


The flywheel's hat is dry, slightly velvety. In rainy weather, the hat can become sticky and damp. With the growth and aging of the fungus, as well as in dry weather, the cap is covered with scales, they appear from the cracking of the cap.

The shape is semicircular and convex with smooth edges. The size can be reached from 4 to 20 centimeters in diameter. The pulp separates from the skin very poorly.

The color scheme of the flywheel cap is varied from light beige to dark brown, with many shades and tones.


Moss fly leg, most often lighter than the cap. In shape, it is diverse, it can be curved, thickening now from below, then in the center in some species even from above, closer to the hat.

The skin of the leg, depending on the type, is either smooth or ribbed, or mesh. In length it can reach 8 cm. Volvo and the ring on the leg are missing.


According to the consistency, the pulp of the flywheel is compacted with a cotton-like center. On the cut, the flesh has a yellowish-beige color, less often reddish. One of the important features of this fungus is the ability of the pulp to turn blue or black on the cut and when pressed with a finger.


The geminophore is tubular, it can be up to 2 cm long. The mouth and pores of the tubules, both small and large, depend on the type of fungus. The color is also varied from yellow-green to yellow-brown.

The hymenium is also located here - on which spore-forming cells develop. Powdered spores are olive and all shades of brown.

Moss fly's ability to turn blue

This feature cannot be attributed to signs indicating the toxicity of the fungus. Substances in the pulp of the flywheel react with oxygen, the process of oxidation of the open surface begins when cut or broken. The resulting dark film is the protection of the fungus from subsequent damage.

Moss fly habitat

The habitat of the flywheel is extensive and varied. It can be found in both coniferous and deciduous forests. Naturally, and in mixed forests it can also be found. The moss fly loves sandy soil among mosses, it can also grow on anthills.

Geography of distribution of flywheel: Russia, Australia, North Africa, Asia, North America. In forests temperate latitudes.

Varieties of flywheels

There are no poisonous mushrooms among mossiness mushrooms. The truth about some species is controversial. Fly mushrooms can be divided into several conditional groups: edible, false and poisonous mushrooms.

In Russia, only 7 varieties of flywheel can be found, in total there are 18 species in the genus.

For convenience, consider the main features of the flywheel varieties.

Edible mushrooms

polish mushroom

Cap: The cap of the Polish mushroom can grow up to 20 cm in diameter. The shape is similar to a pillow of a dark brown shade. The surface is sticky, but in hot weather it can be dry.

Leg: The leg reaches 10 - 12 cm in length and up to 4 cm in width. The color of the legs is brown, but always lighter than the cap.

Pulp: Pulp with a pronounced mushroom aroma, fleshy texture with a creamy yellow tint, darkens on the cut.

Tubular layer and spores: The tubular layer is golden in color, becoming yellowish-beige over time. Spores are ellipsoid, olive-brown.

Distribution: Find Polish fungus in conifers and deciduous forests. It is not very common, but there are fruitful years. You can collect from June to November, depending on the region.

Taste and preparation: Polish mushroom is considered one of the most delicious mushrooms in Europe, especially late mushrooms are good. You can cook it in a variety of ways, for the winter it is dried or pickled.

Flywheel fissured

Hat: The convex hat grows up to 10 cm in diameter. The surface of the cap, with the aging of the fungus, cracks. The color of the cap is brown, less often light brown. The texture is thick and fleshy. Red and white pulp can be seen in the cracks.

Leg: The leg is cylindrical, grows up to 9 cm in height with a maximum thickness of 1.5 cm.

Pulp: The pulp of a friable consistence on a break turns blue, later blackens. The pores are angular and wide.

Tubular layer and spores: While the flywheel is fissured, its small tubular layer yellow color, later becomes with a greenish tint, with wide angular pores.

Distribution: It is possible to collect the fissured flywheel from July to September, in coniferous and deciduous forests, it grows on loose acidic soils.

Taste and preparation: It is best to eat the fissured flywheel when young; in dishes it has a slimy texture. The mushroom can be boiled, fried, salted, dried, pickled.

Flywheel red

Hat: The color of the cap is red-brown, thanks to this coloring, the mushroom got its name. The hat is about 7 cm in diameter. Felt or velvety to the touch.

Leg: The leg is thin, not more than 1 cm thick and up to 10 cm long, red in color with yellowish spots.

Pulp: It has a dense pulp with a yellow tint, it quickly darkens when cut.

Tubular layer and spores: The tubular layer is dirty yellow with red-brown spores.

Distribution: It grows mainly in deciduous forests, most often in oak forests. You need to collect Mokhovik red from August to September.

Taste and preparation: It has a pleasant smell, it is better to eat immediately. Not suitable for long term storage.

Flywheel green

Hat: The hat of Mossiness green has a golden brown color. On average, it grows up to 15 cm in diameter. The shape is cylindrical, tapering towards the bottom. The velvety surface cracks with the aging of the fungus.

Stem: Cylindrical stem widens towards the base and has a yellowish-brown to reddish-brown hue. The height of the leg reaches 11 cm. The width is 1.5 cm.

Pulp: Oily pulp of white or cream color, slightly blue when broken.

Tubular layer and spores: The pores of the green flywheel are faceted with age, changing color from yellow to yellow-green. Spores spindle-shaped brown-olive color.

Distribution: Find the green boletus, most often in oak forests from mid-May to early October.

Taste and preparation: The taste of green flywheel is very pleasant with hints of fruity aftertaste. When dried, it sometimes has a sharp, unpleasant odor. Before cooking, it is better to remove the skin from the cap. Suitable for frying, boiling and marinating.

False flywheels, description, main features.

Mokhovik chestnut

The shape of the cap changes with the growth of the fungus. At first, it is convex, with time it becomes pillow-shaped. Can reach 8 cm in diameter. The skin is velvety, cracking in the process of aging.

The color is predominantly brown, less often red-brown or with a grayish tint. The leg is hollow, brownish in color. Cylindrical shape 3.5 by 3 cm. On the cut, the color does not change. The color is cream or white, does not darken on the cut. Has a bitter taste, non-toxic.

Very similar to the porcini mushroom, due to the massive strong leg. The hat is a spongy formation with a pinkish substance, it can reach 7 cm in diameter. It can also be easily confused with boletus and boletus. It has a very bitter taste, which is enhanced by heat treatment. Has no smell. Not poisonous.

poisonous mushrooms

wood moss

Hat from 4 to 8 cm in diameter. The shape is hemispherical red-brown. The stem reaches 10 cm and about 2 cm wide, the color is mostly the same as that of the cap. The flesh is yellow and very firm. The mushroom is poisonous.

pepper mushroom

Very similar to the red flywheel. The hat is convex in shape, about 7 cm in diameter. light brown. The pulp is of a loose consistency of a yellow tint, it turns red on the cut, in contrast to the blue of mossiness mushrooms. The leg can grow up to 8 cm long and 2 cm wide. The leg and tubular layer are red, more yellow towards the base. The mushroom is poisonous.

The benefits and harms of flywheels

To useful properties mossiness mushrooms can be attributed to its low calorie content, which is only 19 kcal. per 100 g. These mushrooms are actively used in dietary nutrition.

They are also a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The composition of these mushrooms includes vitamins A, B, C, D, PP, amino acids. Enzymes: amylase, lipase, oxidoreductase and proteinase.

Essential oils, minerals: potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, molybdenum, as well as proteins and carbohydrates. Another valuable useful quality of these mushrooms is the ability to treat infectious and colds because they are natural antibiotics.

There are practically no harmful properties of this type of mushroom. They are a heavy food and are contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. It is also not recommended to feed them to children under 3 years of age and allergy sufferers.

The main sign of an edible flywheel is its ability to turn blue or blacken on the cut and when we press on the body of the fungus.

Moss mushrooms can begin to be collected already at the beginning of summer and until the onset of cold weather, somewhere until mid-October. When picking mushrooms, you need to remember that if you damage the mycelium, there will no longer be mushrooms in this place. Only the body of the fungus is cut off, and the mycelium is left in the ground.

Mushrooms must be immediately sorted out, removing spoiled and wormy mushrooms.

Washed and peeled mushrooms must be immediately poured with water with the addition of citric acid and salt, since when in contact with air, the oxidation process begins and the mushrooms turn black.

It is advisable to cook the mushrooms immediately, but if necessary, they can be kept in the refrigerator for a couple of days in the marinade. Extra mushrooms are best frozen or dried immediately.

Mokhoviki are very good pickled and salted. The marinade is made on the basis of vinegar with the addition of various seasonings, but they can be salted both cold and hot.

Moss mushrooms are used for cooking great variety dishes. Mushrooms have a bright mushroom taste and aroma, they are used to prepare soups, salads, gravies, aspic, add to pizza and sauces.

A strong-looking adult fly mushroom is often confused with a boletus, a relative of the Boletov family, a young one with a boletus, or even false fly mushrooms are collected instead, but the edible mushroom has a significant difference, and lovers of "quiet hunting" need to know about it.

The moss fly got its name for its predominant habitat in mosses - in the forests of temperate latitudes of both hemispheres, on ravine slopes, in the tundra, in the alpine zone, even on stumps and trunks of trees that have fallen from the wind. It occurs under both coniferous and deciduous species, forming mycorrhiza with spruce, pine, oak, linden, beech, European chestnut.

Among mushroom pickers, the flywheel is considered a safe mushroom: belonging to tubular, with practically no relatives dangerous to human health, excludes the possibility of mistaking it for some kind of poisonous agaric mushroom.

Characteristic features of flywheels

Mokhovik has an easily recognizable hat: in young mushrooms it is round, with a light golden chocolate tint and a pale orange tubular layer; in older specimens, cushion-shaped or flat, cherry-brown, with a greenish-brown or yellow hymenophore. To the touch, the surface of the cap is pleasant and velvety, sometimes fissured, in wet weather it is sticky. The leg is smooth or slightly wrinkled, without rings and bedspreads. In those mushrooms that grow in dry moss, it is elongated, in those growing among juicy green moss curtains it is short and thick.

In the place of pressure on any part of the fungus or on the cut, the moss mushroom has a characteristic blue color, which distinguishes it from many other mushrooms.

Types of mushrooms

There are 18 species in the genus Mokhovik (Xerocomus), of which only seven are found in the vastness of Russia.

Polish mushroom (X. badius)

Photo of Polish mushroom

Reputed to be an excellent edible mushroom, one of the most delicious in Europe. He has quite large size: a brownish hat sometimes reaches 12–15 cm in circumference, and the leg rises 10–13 cm. Its flesh is fleshy, with a pleasant taste and a pronounced mushroom smell, whitish or slightly with a creamy yellow tint. The tubular layer is golden, later - olive-yellowish, the spores are light brown. In Russia, it grows more often in coniferous forests on sandy soils; it is found in the European part, in the North Caucasus, in Siberia and on the island of Kunashir.

good edible mushrooms are considered: flywheel red, flywheel green and flywheel variegated or fissured.

Red flywheel (X. rubellus)

Photo flywheel red

Medium-sized mushroom with a rich red hat up to 8 cm in circumference, velvety-felt to the touch. It rises on a thin, up to 1 cm thick, stalk about 10 cm high, at the base with a pinkish-salmon hue. The tubular layer is dull yellow, the spores are brick brown. The species is collected only in deciduous forests, more often in the oak forests of Europe, the Far East, the mushroom is also found in North Africa, but it is not called growing everywhere.

Flywheel green (X. subtomentosus)

Photo of green flywheel

A mushroom with an olive-brown or grayish cap up to 10 cm in diameter and a cylindrical, slightly narrowed downwards, smooth leg up to 2 cm thick and 4 to 10 cm high, white flesh and a yellowish hymenophore. It grows everywhere, both in deciduous and coniferous forests, it is found even on anthills. The area of ​​distribution is extensive.

Flywheel variegated or fissured (X. chrysenteron)

A mushroom with a characteristic network of cracks on a small (3–7 cm in diameter) hat, which differs in different shades: burgundy-cherry, olive-chocolate, terracotta red, ocher-gray. At the leg, which grows up to 10 cm, an unusual club-shaped shape is observed. Below the leg is reddish with barely noticeable grayish-fibrous bands. The hymenophore is large-pored, creamy yellow or light olive in color, the spores are yellow-brown. Distributed everywhere: in coniferous and mixed forests on loose sour soil throughout Europe and the European part of Russia, on Far East and the North Caucasus.

Conditionally edible include types of mossiness mushrooms:

  • blunt (X. truncatus),
  • chestnut (X. spadiceus),
  • powdered (X. pulverulentus),
  • tree (X. lignicola),
  • semi-golden (X. hemichrysus).

Collection period and rules

Mushroom mushrooms massively bear fruit from July to September inclusive, however, each species has its own start and end dates for ripening. So, the first fissured flywheels appear in the last ten days of June, and single specimens come across until the end of September, although they are collected in large quantities only from the second half of August until the tenth day of the first month of autumn.

Collection period Polish mushroom- from June to November, it is often met when the rest of the fungi are no longer found.

On the territory of Russia they are harvested from May to October, and red does not differ in abundant fruiting and falls into the baskets of mushroom pickers along the way with other flywheels in August and September.

When collecting mushrooms, they carefully monitor the appearance of blue on the cut or when pressing on the body of the fungus - the main sign of its edibility.

False flywheels and their photos

With their caps, mossiness mushrooms vaguely resemble the poisonous mushroom Panther Amanita (Amanita pantherina). They need to be carefully considered reverse side- in the fly agaric it is tubular, in the fly agaric it is lamellar, and on the outside the surface of the cap of the poisonous mushroom is distinguished by small white flakes that easily crumble.

The poisonous pepper mushroom (Chalciporus piperatus) looks like a red flywheel, having a cherry-reddish hue of the stem and tubular layer. On the cut, both the cap and the stem turn pink, in contrast to the moss blue.

Gall mushroom (Tylopilus felleus)

They are more often confused with young mushrooms and boletus than with flywheels, but there is still a chance of getting into the company of flywheels. Although the gall mushroom is not poisonous, its bitter taste that appears during heat treatment will spoil any mushroom dish.

The variegated flywheel also has an inedible counterpart - chestnut mushroom, or chestnut gyroporus (Gyroporus castaneus) with the same brownish hat, which changes shades during ripening and becomes covered with a fine mesh of cracks in dry weather. It is distinguished by a hollow brownish leg, does not change color on the cut, which cannot be said about its relative gyroporus blue(G. cyanescens), less similar to flywheel because of the grayish-brown or brownish-yellow cap. Both mushrooms are inedible and are very bitter in dishes.

Useful properties and contraindications

Mushrooms contain many healthy substances in their composition: enzymes that promote the digestion of food; natural sugars, thanks to which dishes from them are considered low-calorie and suitable for diet food; vitamins PP, D and B; trace elements, including molybdenum and calcium, according to the content of which flywheels occupy a leading position among fungi.

Mossiness mushrooms do not produce harmful effects on the body. Most mushrooms are perceived by the stomach as heavy food, so people with chronic diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract are advised to refrain from eating mushroom dishes in large quantities. However, mushrooms do not create such a pronounced effect of gravity for the stomach as other mushrooms. Still, you should not offer them to children under 3 years old and, of course, those who are allergic to mushrooms.

Cooking Recipes

After a “quiet hunt”, a novice mushroom picker has a “trouble”: how to cook appetizing moss mushrooms, despite their mediocre taste qualities declared in all culinary guides?

The main thing is to remember an important thing - from the interaction with air, the mushrooms immediately begin to darken, so fresh, peeled mushrooms are immediately immersed in water, adding 2 g of citric acid and a teaspoon of salt per 1 liter.

In salted and pickled form, mushrooms are excellent preparations for the winter, but they are extremely rare for drying - because of the same characteristic darkening. For cooking dishes from mushrooms, both hats and legs are used. Fly mushrooms do not have to be pre-boiled before frying or adding to soups, and the Polish mushroom is eaten and raw as the main accent of salads. Incredibly tasty salad "Awesome", although the mushrooms for it are still taken marinated.

Salad with Polish mushroom

Main Ingredients:

  • mushrooms - 0.5 l jar,
  • processed cheese - 100 g,
  • boiled potatoes - 5-6 pieces,
  • pickled cucumber - 2-3 pieces,
  • mayonnaise for dressing
  • greens to taste.

Experienced cooks advise using cucumbers for this salad from marinade on citric acid rather than vinegar. All components of the dish are crushed, mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise, greens are added at your discretion.

Moss mushrooms for this salad, and for many other dishes, are prepared for the winter as follows:

Pickled mushrooms

Mushrooms are cleaned and thoroughly washed, damaged and too large are sorted out, leaving no more than 5–6 cm in circumference with hats.

Put in a saucepan, pour water and bring to a boil, then boil for 10-15 minutes over low heat and pour the contents into a colander. The water is allowed to drain while the marinade is being prepared. For 1 liter of water, pour 1 tablespoon of salt and sugar, add 2 small bay leaves, a few cloves of garlic and quite a bit of cloves. After boiling, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar and transfer the mushrooms to the pan. Boil in the marinade for 5 minutes, then put in sterilized glass containers so that the liquid covers all the contents, and roll up.

Delicious mushrooms make soups, stewed or fried side dishes, and baked in sour cream, they can easily claim to be an exquisite culinary masterpiece.

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