Funny questions I believe it or not. The game "believe-not-believe"

the beauty 17.09.2019
the beauty


(additional questions)

Do you believe that...

1. Only the development of road transport in the United States has stabilized the population of house sparrows in cities.

Answer: Yes, because the main sources of food have disappeared - forage stores and manure. Until that time, the number of sparrows could not be reduced by any means.

2. According to the German philosopher Schopenhauer, in order to halve your rights and double your obligations, you need to put forward your candidacy in elections.

Answer: No, you need to get married.

3. “The story of two noble lovers” Luigi de Porto we know under the name “Anna Karenina”.

Answer: No, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.

4. In the fate of Mozart, not only Salieri, but also Casanova played a significant role.

Answer: Yes, Mozart invited him for consultations when creating the opera Don Giovanni.

5. The average Polish citizen spends more time shaving than brushing their teeth.

Answer: No, brushing your teeth, because women and children don't usually shave.

6. A dove is usually used as doping in carrier pigeon competition.

Answer: Yes, they are shown to pigeons.

7. To become the godmother of a ship, a woman must give it a name.

Answer: No, break a bottle of champagne on its stem.

8. The name of the British Minister of the Colonies can be found on the map of Nepal.

Answer: No, Sydney is a city in Australia.

9. Every female relative they dislike is called a cousin by the Egyptians.

Answer: No, mother-in-law.

10. One of the arguments against the death penalty in the US is its high cost.

Answer: Yes, two trials, not counting appeals, and other legal procedures - all this is estimated at no less than 3.2 million rubles. dollars.

11. One of the firms in Texas makes to order Wall Clock designs like the famous cuckoo clock. The only difference is that instead of a cuckoo, a hand with a revolver sticks out of the window and shoots according to the number of hours.

Answer: Truth.

12. More recently, in one of the cities in New Jersey, cats that were let out of the house by their owners had to have a collar with three bells to warn birds about their arrival.

Answer: Truth.

13. Galileo filled thermometers not with mercury or alcohol, but with wine. He sent one of these devices to his friend in England. Either the description of the device was lost, or the friend did not understand, but Galileo received such a message: “Thank God, your strange bottle arrived safely. The wine is really wonderful. More came."

Answer: Truth.

14. Parisians at the beginning of the century observed a strange type that at dusk ... barked furiously at mansions and rich villas. However, if a real dog barked in response, the person recorded the house number in a notebook.

Answer: Truth. It was a tax inspector checking the registration of dogs, because they had to pay tax, and some people forgot about it.

15. In the Middle Ages, the Pythagorean theorem was offered to anyone who took the exam for the title of master of mathematics.

Answer: Truth.

16. Once, divers cleaning the bottom of the Chesterfield Canal in one of the counties of England came across a massive cast-iron chain, which they were able to pull out by attaching the end of the chain to a tugboat. At its other end was a wooden cylinder of unknown purpose. Having pulled this strange structure ashore, the divers left for dinner. What was their surprise when, upon returning, they found that there was no water in the canal, and there was a gaping hole at the bottom.

Answer: Truth. As it turned out later, the hole It was provided for an emergency discharge of water from the canal into the neighboring river by the famous architect James Bridley, who built the canal more than 200 years ago.

17. In the tundra, mushrooms are higher than trees.

Answer: Yes.

18. You can eat the fruits of the sausage tree

Answer: No.

19. Is bamboo the tallest grass in the world?

Answer: Yes.

20. A leopard can attack a penguin.

Answer: Penguins are afraid of a fanged and spotted seal like a leopard - a sea leopard.

Target: to test students' knowledge in the field of natural history.


  • For the leader: a bag with kegs on which numbers from 1 to 8 are written; drawings depicting animals, images of bird silhouettes on 4 sheets; task cards;
  • For teams: pencils (simple);
  • For the jury: a stopwatch, a table for entering the results.

Lesson progress

I. opening speech host:

Good afternoon, children! We are with you on the game-quiz "Lucky case". We have to think together, think about this important issue as a conservationist. To protect nature, you need to know it well! We dedicate our game to this theme. I present the members of the jury.

II. The game is played by 4 teams. I offer each team the first task: to choose a captain and give a name to your team.

  • Team #1 is called Pathfinders;
  • Team number 2 - "Curious",
  • Team number 3 - "Lesovichki",
  • Team number 4 - "Know-it-alls".

III. Game 1. "Warm-up".

Questions for the Pathfinder team. 1 minute is given. 1 point is awarded for each correct answer. You need to answer quickly to score more points. (Jury members mark the time on the stopwatch and count the number of correct answers given by the team in 1 minute, the results of 1 game are entered in the table (see Appendix))

Questions for the teams “Inquisitive”, “Lesovichki”, “Know-it-alls”.

Game 1 questions:

  • Do hares make nests? (No, they sleep anywhere).
  • What is the name of a baby fox? (Puppy).
  • What color is a squirrel's coat? (In winter - gray, in summer - red).
  • Which animal is famous for building art? (Beavers).
  • Which animal curls up in a ball when threatened? (Hedgehog).
  • What animal digs entire galleries underground? (Mole).
  • What predatory animal loves raspberries? (Bear).
  • Is a penguin a bird? (Yes).
  • Who picks apples with his back? (Hedgehog).
  • The sweetest forest tree. (Linden).
  • Which berry is red, black, and white? (Currant).
  • Which tree has a white trunk? (Birch).
  • Which animals grow teeth every day? (Beavers, hares).
  • Will hares be born blind or sighted? (Sighted).
  • On the trail of which animals do not have claws? (Cats, lynxes).
  • Which animal sleeps upside down? (Bat).
  • What happens to a bee after it stings? (Dies).
  • Which tree in the spring waters the woodpecker? (Birch).
  • What bird lays eggs in other people's nests? (Cuckoo).
  • Bloodthirsty predator of our forests. (Wolf).
  • Before what weather do birds stop singing? (Before the rain).
  • When does a hedgehog not sting? (When just born).
  • Do birds hibernate in birdhouses? (No, it's cold).
  • What tree is the symbol of our Motherland? (Birch).
  • How many legs does a spider have? (8).
  • Does the hedgehog eat mushrooms? (Not).
  • Do ants swim? (Yes).
  • The most powerful predatory beast. (Polar bear).
  • Do mosquitoes have teeth? (There are many, 22).
  • Can tigers swim? (Yes, excellent swimmers).
  • brown bears eat fish? (Yes, they catch salmon themselves).
  • Do squirrels eat dry or raw mushrooms? (Dry).
  • The largest land animal. (Elephant).
  • Who is called a sea pike? (Shark).
  • Whose milk is the fattest - a whale or a cow? (A whale has 50% fat, a cow has up to 5%).
  • Who drinks with their feet? (Frog).
  • The largest bird on earth. (Ostrich).
  • The tiger hunts many animals: wild boar, deer, and who hunts the tiger? (None of the animals).
  • How many wings does a beetle have? (4)
  • Which animal has the loudest voice? (Crocodile).
  • What does a moose lose every winter? (Horns).

IV. Game 2. "Troubles from the barrel."

Each team is asked to solve two riddles. In turn, a keg with a number from 1 to 8 is taken out of the bag.


The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,
And in winter under a blizzard howl
Sleeping in a snow hut.


2. The crawler is crawling, the needles are carrying. (Hedgehog).

Not a farmer, not a blacksmith,
Not a carpenter, but the first worker in the village.


The yellow hostess came from the forest,
I counted all the chickens and took them with me.


In rich clothes, but he himself is blind,
Lives without a window, never seen the sun.


She lives in the reeds
Her house is among the marshes,
Where there are frogs.
Tsap! And there is not one wah.


This bird is not simple:
You won't see him during the day
From the hollow he flies
With the onset of darkness.


Standing in the meadow
In a red dress Tatyanka,
All in white dots.


V. Game 3. “Plus, minus”.

Each team receives a card with a task: mark with a “+” sign the names of those plants and animals that grow and live in the forest and with a “-” sign that you will not meet in the forest. You have 5 minutes to complete.

VI. Game 4. "Believe - do not believe."

Competition for captains. The host asks questions to the captains of the teams in turn, and the captains, after thinking, must answer “I believe” or “I do not believe”. For each correct answer, the team is awarded 1 point.


  1. Do you believe that the cuckoo calls without opening its beak? (Yes).
  2. Do you believe that the stork egg is the largest? (Not).
  3. Do you believe that birds have no memory? (Not).
  4. Do you believe that mosquitoes are beneficial? (Yes, since they pollinate plants, and fish and birds feed on mosquito larvae).
  5. Do you believe that some animals live for six months without food? (Yes, those that hibernate in winter).
  6. Do you believe that a horse gives milk? (Yes).
  7. Do you believe there is a scissorfish? (Not).
  8. Do you believe that in nature there are no knifefish and needlefish? (Not).
  9. Do you believe that a snake needs a tongue to smell? (Yes).

VII. Game 5. “Do you know birds?”.

Competition for the whole team. Task: identify the names of birds from the silhouettes and sign them.

(Use as you wish figure 1, 2 or 3. In figure 3, remove the bird names beforehand).

Picture 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Competition for the whole team. Assignment: to think and give a written answer to the question “How do birds and animals make sounds or give their voice?” For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

  1. Capercaillie. (current)
  2. Pigeon. (cooing)
  3. Fox. (Barks)
  4. Bear. (roars)
  5. Duck. (quacks)
  6. Owl. (whoops)
  7. Goat. (bleats)
  8. Goose. (cackling)
  9. Horse. (neighing)
  10. Pig. (grunts)

IX. Summing up the quiz.


And so our meeting came to an end.
You, man, loving nature,
Feel sorry for her sometimes.
On fun trips
Do not trample its fields.
Don't burn it down
And do not exhaust to the bottom,
And remember the simple truth:
There are many of us - but she is one!

The floor for summing up is given to a distinguished jury.

(The jury reads out the results of the whole game and names the winning team).

The winning team receives a certificate for 1st place and prizes (chocolates-medals). All participants receive prizes - chocolates and gratitude for participation.

Unfortunately, today children are reading less and less. And know less. Only a few on the Internet find something really interesting and useful... Therefore, it is our task class teacher I see not only education, but also the comprehensive development of my students.



Game for studentsYes or no? Or I BELIEVE - I DON'T BELIEVE "

  1. Woodpeckers die of concussions
  2. In a tadpole, the front legs grow earlier than the hind legs.
  3. AT southern countries cockroaches reach the size of a mouse
  4. There are worms on earth that reach a length of 30 meters - yes
  5. Egyptian Sphinx - one of the Wonders of the World - no
  6. Butterflies live on Earth, the wingspan of which is 25 cm - yes - in India

7 Some Birds Have Teeth - No

8 Eucalyptus - the tallest and fastest growing tree in the world - yes, up to 100m high

9 The Great Wall of China is visible from space - yes, its length is 6000 km

10 There are 3 times as many sheep in Australia as people.

11 Asian elephants less African - yes

12 Some types of bamboo can grow 90 cm a day.

13 Ancient Romans instead of teeth. pastes used powder from mouse brains - yes

14 Octopuses, squids and cuttlefish are all molluscs - yes

15 Disneyland Park in Florida, USA is 111 sq. km = the area of ​​Manchester - yes

16 The energy inside the tornado is such that it could light all the light bulbs in America - yes

17 In a huge bag under the beak of a pelican, more food is placed than in the stomach -

18 Hares living in the tundra are the smallest - no - they are the largest up to 6 kg

19 The Sahara is the largest and hot desert in the world yes

20 Snakes are deaf creatures - yes

21 A rhinoceros can turn a car over with its horn - yes

22 The centipede has 40 legs - no, different types from 30 to 100 in different ways

23 The homeland of tulips is Holland, no, Turkey in the 16th century, merchants brought them to The Hague

24 there was a time when they went to the opera with their own chair, yes

25 bulls are irritated by the red color - no, they do not distinguish colors, their r. jerky movements

26 polar bears sleep in winter - no, they behave the same in summer and winter

27 In water with ice cubes, flowers stay fresh longer - yes

28 Egyptian pyramids were built by prisoners of war - no, Egyptian peasants = fellahs

29 yurt is the home of an Indian = no, the Indians have a wigwam, a yurt is the Kyrgyz, Kalmyks and other nomadic peoples

30 The Statue of Liberty was designed by French engineer Alexander Gustav Eifelda

31 Polaris is the brightest in the constellation Ursa Major = no, Minor

32 The word "alibi" is Greek and means "it was not me" = no, Latin "elsewhere"

33 V Ancient Egypt believed that the first man was created from clay by the god Khanum. With the head of what animal was he depicted? - with the head of a ram

34 which wild and domestic animals are not afraid of being bitten by pig snakes

35 paws of which animals in ancient Egypt were decorated with gold crocodile bracelets

36 what was the name of the first sound film - in 1926 in the USA Don Juan

37 when the first system for recording sound on film appeared - in 1912 in Great Britain

38 what kind of doll is national symbol Russian matryoshka

39 what are puppets on strings called puppets all over the world

40 which doll coped with the whole army of the mouse Nutcracker King

41 name the most famous wooden doll in the world - Pinocchio or Pinocchio

42 what is the name of the doll that is burned on the wires of winter - Maslenitsa

Board and card games are great way fun and interesting to spend time with friends and family. One of these games is "I believe I do not believe." She has very simple rules, which even children can understand by strength. In this article, we will take a closer look at the rules of the card and board games for children and adults "I believe I do not believe", we will present the options for questions and answers that can be used in this game.

To begin with, let's deal with the rules that apply in all variations of this card game:

  1. The first thing to do is to distribute the cards to all participants so that everyone has an equal number of cards.
  2. The one who dealt the cards must go first. In the next game, the one who lost in the previous game should deal cards and make the first move.
  3. The main goal of the game is to get rid of all the cards. Whoever has them in their hands will be considered the loser.
  4. The participant who makes the first move puts several cards on the table (their number can be any). All cards must be placed with their backs facing up. At the same time, the participant must name several main advantages of the cards that he laid out on the table. For example, he can say that before the eyes of the participants are all the cards of ten.
  5. The next clockwise participant can do this:
  • He can also lay out several cards on the table and say that all of them are also, for example, dozens (the number of cards is not exactly determined, the participant himself decides how many cards to place on the table). If the participant decides to do so, then automatically his turn is transferred to the one who sits next in a clockwise direction.
  • Say the word "I believe." If he guessed right (the cards really turned out to be dozens), then all the cards, no matter how many of them are on the table, go to the end. If the participant did not guess correctly, then he takes all the cards that are on the table into his deck.
  • Say the word "I do not believe." If he guesses (that is, the cards are really not dozens), then all the cards that are on the table are taken by the participant who wanted to cheat. So he is punished for cheating. If the participant did not guess, did not believe, and the cards really turned out to be dozens, then he takes everything that lies on the table into his deck. So the participant is punished for being overly suspicious.
  1. If the cards are discarded, then the next move is made by the participant who chose the correct solution.
  2. If the cards were taken by one of the participants in their deck, then the move is made by the one who sits next in a clockwise direction.
  3. If a player has only a few cards left and decides to put them all on the table, then he will be considered out of the game only if his cards are covered or checked.

Additional game rules

There are several rules that are observed only in certain variations of the card game "I believe it or not."

In principle, they can be introduced into any kind of game, if all participants agree to this:

  • Participants can agree that, in addition to the three options for answering the move, which we named above, they can still pass. In other words, the participant will not say anything, add cards, he will simply pass the move to the next participant. If all the participants in a circle decide to fold, then all the cards that were laid out on the table go unopened to the end.
  • Participants may decide that if during the game they have cards of the same value in the deck (for example, all aces), then he can show them to the participants and discard them.
  • When all participants have several cards left in their hands, it is possible to complicate the course of their ejection in this way: one participant puts several cards on the table, the rest of the participants also put several cards on top without the words “I believe”, “I do not believe”, “Pass”. The turn must reach the player who made the move first. He says "I believe" or "I don't believe". If he guesses correctly, then all the cards go to waste, if not, then he takes all the cards into his deck.

Board game I believe I do not believe the rules of the board game

No difference rules board game"I believe I do not believe" from the card do not have. Just not used in the board game regular cards but thematic. For example, these can be cards with drawings, images of animals, some objects, plants, flags. It can be anything.

If you wish, you can come up with some special rules of the game that will be suitable specifically for your case.

There is a variant of the board game "I believe I do not believe", which is aimed purely at the development of intelligence. For example, you can make special cards with questions and answer options. The game will look like this:

  1. The facilitator reads out the question written on one of the cards and immediately offers several possible answers. At the same time, each participant must have plates with the numbers of answer options.
  2. The participant must decide within a few minutes which answer option he chooses and raise the number that corresponds to his decision.
  3. If the participant does right choice, then he remains in the game, if not, he leaves.

The game I believe I do not believe - the essence of the game

The main goal of the game "I believe it or not" is to quickly discard all the cards that are in hand. However, this entertainment also has a psychological idea - to teach, for example, a child to understand when another person is telling the truth, and when he is lying.

In addition, this game contributes to the development of human attention and memory. If you keep a close eye on the course of the game, you will see how many of which cards come out of the game. For example, you will see that all the cards with the image of elephants left the game at the very beginning, and suddenly one of the participants, making a move, says that he has put all the elephants on the table. Here you can immediately make a winning move by declaring that you do not believe.

Game believe do not believe questions answers:

  1. Question: Do I need to get a special permit in Italy to grow tomatoes?

Answer: Not.

  1. Question: The very first soup that was cooked by cooks was made from hippopotamus meat.

Answer: No.

  1. Question: Carrots were originally not orange, but purple.

Answer: Scientists have found that carrots were originally purple.

  1. Question: Walnuts can cause hallucinations in humans.

Answer: Truth.

  1. Question: Ketchup can be used as a remedy that can cure diarrhea.

Answer: Truth.

  1. Question: Mosquitoes are very attracted to the aroma that comes from the smell of bananas.

Answer: This is true, because bananas contain a lot of potassium, and it is this substance that attracts mosquitoes.

  1. Question: People eat bread more often than any other food for breakfast.

Answer: Not.

  1. Question: In Japan, they began to produce ice cream that tastes like horse meat, which has not undergone heat treatment.

Answer: Yes. This sweet is even very popular among the Japanese.

  1. Question: Napoleon has a cocked hat on his head.

Answer: This is right.

  1. Question: If you tie a frying pan to the tail of a cat, then it will not hear the sound of the roar of dishes on the ground if it runs at a speed of 60 km / h.

Answer: It is not true. The only time she won't hear a sound is if she doesn't move at all.

  1. Question: The most poisonous animal in the world is the Japanese leech.

Answer: Not. The most poisonous Australian box jellyfish.

  1. Question: Andrey Bely's real name is Mikhail Sergeevich.

Answer: Not. His name is Boris Nikolaevich.

  1. Question: The Chinese call red eye disease envy.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: Griboyedov is the author of the work "Onion Woe".

Answer: Not. The poem is called "Woe from Wit".

  1. Question: Julius Caesar wore a wreath on his head to hide the fact that he had a bald head.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: A person's hair can be used to determine their age, race and gender.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: Hair of people who are naturally blond grows faster.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: On one hair, you can withstand any object that weighs 3 kg.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: Blue-eyed people have the lowest pain threshold.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: A person can sneeze without closing their eyes.

Answer: Not.

  1. Question: The eye contains air.

Answer: There is fluid inside the eye.

  1. Question: Rainbow can be seen even after midnight.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: The Madagascar queen executed all subjects if they appeared to her in a dream, but she did not know about it in advance.

Answer: This is true.

  1. Question: When the moon is at its zenith, a person's weight becomes less.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: Einstein's parents thought their child was retarded when he was 9 years old.

Answer: Yes, because he could not speak quickly, like all people.

  1. Question: Women can blink several times more often and faster than men.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: Women can learn much faster foreign languages, in comparison with men.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: Men are much better versed in mathematics and any exact sciences than women.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: The human brain is 80% water.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: The average human head weighs 5 kg.

Answer: Not. To be precise, the human head weighs 3.6 kg.

  1. Question: Men's brains begin to shrivel after they turn 30.

Answer: Yes. After 60 years, as a rule, the brain of men dries up by 30%.

  1. Question: The writer Hans Christian Andersen could not write a single word correctly on his own.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: Married women live 8 years less than single women, and vice versa for men.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: When a person turns 60, 50% of their sense of taste disappears.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: A person completely disappears the feeling of hunger if he eats a piece of bread, exactly after 21 minutes.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: If you eat a few leaves of a plant that grows in India and is called Kalir-Kanda, then you can eat for the whole week in advance.

Answer: This is true despite the fact that this plant does not contain any nutrients.

  1. Question: When a person blushes, the color of his stomach also becomes red.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: People in the 15th century deliberately dressed in red because they believed it had healing properties.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: A caterpillar has a lot more muscles than a human.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: 70% of the dust that appears in the house is discharged from human skin.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: Warriors of Sparta sprayed their hair with perfume before going into battle.

Answer: Yes, because this is the only luxury allowed for the bottom.

  1. Question: On Mondays, people have a lot more heart attacks.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: Of the 7 thefts that occur every day in the world, investigators can only solve 1.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: Some people still wash not with water, but with olive oil.

Answer A: Yes, it happens because there is simply not much water in their country.

  1. Question: You can end your life because of coffee if you drink 100 cups in a row at once.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: High heels are considered the most common cause of female death in Japan.

Answer: Yes. In 1995, 200 Japanese women died for this very reason.

  1. Question: The Egyptians thought that apricots were sun eggs.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Question: Korean crocodiles can waltz. They were trained by professional trainers.

Answer: Not.

  1. Question: Elephants meet strangers by placing their trunks in their mouths.

Answer: Yes.

  1. Questions: Eskimos eat dry capelin instead of bread.

Answer: Yes.

second option (50 + 50)

      1. Question: To make mayonnaise, you need to use egg whites for this.

Answer: No, you need to use yolks.

      1. Question: In Russia, in order to keep milk longer, they put a frog in it.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: In some countries, firefly beetles are used as lighting fixtures.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Polar bears actually have black skin.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Silk is a fabric of vegetable origin.

Answer: Natural silk is not made from plants, but from animals.

      1. Question: A titmouse in one day can eat as many insects by weight as it weighs itself.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: An elephant will feel when it is bitten by the smallest insect.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The Great Wall of China can be seen from space.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Cockroaches have been living on Earth for more than 300 years. Their appearance has never undergone any changes.

Answer: Yes

      1. Question: If you give a person a new pen, the first thing he writes with it is his name.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: No peanuts are used in the production of dynamite.

Answer: False, it applies.

      1. Question: In Mexico in 1941, soap was as valuable as money. You could buy a lot for it.

Answer: Yes, because people experienced a shortage of this household product.

      1. Question: Hot water can put out a fire much faster than using cold water.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Kuklachev trains cats with a gun.

Answer: Yes, only he uses a water gun.

      1. Question: Japanese students use chalk to write on the blackboard.

Answer: Not. They use special inks.

      1. Question: Was the death penalty for corruption introduced in Russia by Ivan the Terrible?

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: We drink water that contains a water molecule that has been in the body of a dinosaur.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: U earthworm no heart.

Answer: This is not true, since the earthworm has 5 hearts.

      1. Question: Honey is a product that never spoils, no matter how many years it is stored.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: There are diamond rains on Saturn and Jupiter.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: If you climb to the top of Everest, then from there you can call a mobile phone.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: 14 years before the tragedy that happened to the Titanic, a novel was written in which the ship actually sank.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: 600 years in a row, the British at one time spoke French.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: A butterfly has 12,000 eyes.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Dalmatian dogs are born without spots.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: A person, if he swears, he can get rid of the pain that torments him.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Laziness is inherited.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: White bread is much more nutritious than black bread.

Answer: No, the number of calories in both breads is the same.

      1. Question: From potatoes you can get better.

Answer: No, if you eat it with green vegetables and do not fill it with plenty of butter.

      1. Question: The chicken, after being decapitated, can still live for 2 minutes.

Answer: Truth.

      1. Question: If you drop a coin from a skyscraper, then it will kill a person in this way.

Answer: This is fiction.

      1. Question: Chicken broth can cure colds.

Answer: Yes, because it contains anti-inflammatory substances.

      1. Question: After a person dies, his nails and hair continue to grow.

Answer: This is a lie, because with the onset of death, all processes in the body cease to function in a person.

      1. Question: If you run during the rain, and not walk at a calm pace, then you can get wet much less.

Answer: This is true.

      1. Question A: Is to swallow chewing gum, then it will be digested in the human stomach 7 years.

Answer: This is not true, which was invented by adults to scare their children in this way.

      1. Question: The chameleon can rotate its eyes in different ways.

Answer: Yes. At the same time, he may not turn his head at all, but see everything that is happening around him.

      1. Question: After the praying mantis mates, the female eats the male's head.

Answer: Not. This is just a myth.

      1. Question: A crocodile, eating a caught victim, cries in the process.

Answer: This is true. Crocodiles, of course, do not feel sorry for the prey, they just have lacrimal glands near their throats.

      1. Question: If you take one worm and cut it into two parts, you get 2 worms.

Answer: It is not true.

      1. Question: Bulls are very annoyed by the color red, so they rush at him.

Answer: This is not true, because these animals cannot distinguish colors. They rush not at the red color, but at the rag they are waving.

      1. Question: Dolphins close only one eye during sleep.

Answer: This is true, because during sleep in dolphins one hemisphere of the brain continues to work.

      1. Question: The bee will die anyway after losing its stinger.

Answer: This only applies to one species of bee, so it cannot be argued that this is the correct idea.

      1. Question: Tigers not only have a beautiful striped coat, they have the same skin.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The base color of the zebra is black, not white.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Ostriches really hide their heads in the sand at the sight of something dangerous to themselves.

Answer: It is a myth. Ostriches would suffocate if they hid their heads in the sand. They just hide their eggs in the sand, which they sometimes turn over with their beak, as if diving into the sand.

      1. Question: Bra clasp was patented by Mark Twain.

Answer: Truth.

      1. Question: The Eiffel Tower is 15 cm taller during the summer season.

Answer: This is true, because the structure is made of steel with temperature compensators.

      1. Question: Rasket is the space between the eyebrows.

Answer: Not. A fold on the wrist is called a fold.

      1. Question: The acceleration speed of a flea is faster than that of a space shuttle.

Answer: This is true.

      1. Question A: Banana and human DNA are 90% similar.

Answer: It's a lie.

third option (50+50)

      1. Question: A person cannot inhale and sip at the same time.

Answer: This is true.

      1. Question: The octopus has several hearts.

Answer: This is true. The octopus has 3 hearts.

      1. Question: If a person, being in open space, cries, then tears will stick to his face.

Answer: This is true.

      1. Question: Lightning cannot strike the same place multiple times.

Answer: It is not true. Lightning can strike the same place multiple times.

      1. Question: Ketchup was invented by the British in the 19th century.

Answer: This is not true, its creators are the Chinese who lived in the 17th century.

      1. Question: IN THE USA more libraries than fast food restaurants.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Hundreds of bridges have been built across the Amazon River.

Answer: This is a lie, because there is not a single bridge that has been built across this river.

      1. Question: The human brain is 60% fat cells.

Answer: This is true. If you do not eat fatty foods, then your brain starts to work much worse.

      1. Question A: Between Russia and the United States, the distance is only 4 km.

Answer: This is true.

      1. Question: Koalas have the same fingerprints as humans.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Lipstick contains fish scales.

Answer: Truth.

      1. Question: Strawberry is a berry.

Answer: Not. The real fruits of strawberries are small nuts on its surface.

      1. Question: The Canary Islands were named after the canary birds that lived here.

Answer: Not. Canary Islands, if translated this phrase, means "dog islands".

      1. Question: Caesar salad is named after the famous Roman emperor.

Answer: Not. The name "Caesar" was given to the salad in honor of its author, Caesar Cardini.

      1. Question: The year on the bottle of wine indicates the date the grapes were harvested for the wine.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The first selfie photo was taken in the 19th century.

Answer: Yes. This photo was taken by photographer Robert Cornelius.

      1. Question: Most lakes in the world are located in Russia.

Answer: This is not true, because most of the lakes are located in Canada.

      1. Question: There is land at the North Pole.

Answer: No, the entire surface is made of ice.

      1. Question: The Dutch police have a teddy bear in every car.

Answer: Yes. This is provided for those cases if you have to save a child from an unpleasant situation.

      1. Question: The lighter was invented before there were matches.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The milk given by the hippopotamus is pink in color.

Answer: Yes. Because in the process of its development, the hippopotamus produces hipposudoric acid.

      1. Question: Pure gold is very hard in structure.

Answer: This is a lie, because real gold, which does not contain impurities, is so soft that it can be crushed by hand.

      1. Question: Hair that has been curly for a long time can become straight.

Answer: Yes. This can occur due to hormonal imbalance.

      1. Question: It is impossible to extract energy from the cold.

Answer: That's not true, because cold is also energy, it just doesn't have much power.

      1. Question: Grapes never have worms.

Answer: This is true, because grapes contain a lot of juice, which would not allow insect larvae to breathe.

      1. Question: Adult cats love milk as much as kittens.

Answer: This is true, because they have the corresponding mutations in the body.

      1. Question: Missiles are called ballistic because most of the flight is driven by inertia.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The paws of birds can freeze.

Answer: Not.

      1. Question: Mosquitoes can infect humans with HIV infection.

Answer: This is a lie, because the virus, getting into a mosquito, immediately dies in it.

      1. Question: Hare and rabbit can interbreed.

Answer: No, because they have completely different chromosome sets.

      1. Question: A broken mercury thermometer is very great danger for human life.

Answer: Not.

      1. Question: Dogs and cats sweat with their tongues.

Answer: No, because they only have sweat glands on the pads of their paws.

      1. Question: It is impossible to breathe in a vacuum.

Answer: This is true.

      1. Question: Plants can be grown on Mars.

Answer: Yes, but only those that do not need organic feeding.

      1. Question: The candle starts to crackle during burning, because the paraffin contains a lot of water.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Spiders weave their webs because instinct dictates.

Answer: Yes, because they can spin webs even where there are no flies.

      1. Question: Yeast dough will never rise if it is exposed to noise.

Answer: Not. The dough can only be affected by a long and very loud sound.

      1. Question: A man needs a Adam's apple for protection thyroid gland from external influence.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Dolphins are capable of attacking humans.

Answer: Yes. There are many known cases.

      1. Question: Insects do not shatter when dropped from a height.

Answer A: Yes, because they are light in weight and the low air resistance minimizes the chance of them breaking.

      1. Question: When a person yawns, he begins to hear much worse.

Answer: Yes, because the tone of the tympanic membrane decreases.

      1. Question: Children have more bones than adults.

Answer: Yes. It's just that newborns have a lot of small bones. This is provided by nature to make it easier for them to pass through the birth canal. Then these small bones grow together.

      1. Question: Venus is a planet that rotates clockwise. No other planet can do this anymore.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Birds are not poisonous.

Answer: Not. Pitohu and kovaldi are poisonous birds.

      1. Question: Sugar is the most dry place that exists on planet earth.

Answer: Not. Antarctica is such a place because it almost never rains.

      1. Question: Turtles can cry.

Answer: Yes, but they do it so that extra grains of sand flow out of their eyes.

      1. Question: Crabs can rise to the surface of the water, perched on dolphins.

Answer: Not. They can't even climb a dolphin.

      1. Question: The swordfish kills when bitten by the arsenic contained in its sword.

Answer: It is not true. This fish cannot harm a person.

      1. Question: If a child eats green potatoes, he may die.

Answer: Yes. Green potatoes contain a lot of corned beef, which is dangerous for children.

      1. Question: Roses blue color grow only in China.

Answer: No, because there are such roses in pure form doesn't exist at all.

The game I believe I do not believe for children the rules of the game

It is very interesting to play such a game with children who are just starting to learn numbers, letters, foreign words, colors or geometric figures. You can make such a game yourself, you can buy it in a store specifically for children.

The rules for children in this game are quite simple, they are the same as in the game intended for an adult audience. Depending on the goal of the game, the rules may differ. In this case, you just need to carefully read the instructions.

Questions and answers for children game I believe I do not believe:

first option (50 questions 50 answers)

      1. Question: 2+2=5

Answer: No, 4.

      1. Question: The word "BABY" is spelled correctly.

Answer: Not. The correct spelling is "YOUNG".

      1. Question: The capital of Russia is St. Petersburg.

Answer: No, Moscow.

      1. Question: Little Red Riding Hood has forgotten the safety rule associated with communicating with strangers.

Answer: Yes. She shouldn't have talked to the wolf.

      1. Question: If on the street one of the adults asked for your help, you need help.

Answer: Not. It is necessary to tell the person asking that it is better for him to turn to one of the adults.

      1. Question: To stop the bleeding of their small wound, you need to attach plantain.

Answer: No, you need to use peroxide.

      1. Question: Any fire must be extinguished with water.

Answer: Not. If the fire occurred due to a short circuit in the wiring, then water cannot be used to extinguish.

      1. Question: If the water is taken from a spring, then it can be drunk in its pure form.

Answer: No, it should still be boiled.

      1. Question: If a friend's nose tip turns white in winter, this is a sign of frostbite.

Answer A: Yes, you need to provide first aid.

      1. Question: Tsar Saltan married a third girl, because she promised to give birth to his son.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: There are trees that do not change the color of the leaves even in autumn.

Answer: Yes. For example, alder.

      1. Question: Cheburashka lived on the street before he met the crocodile Gena.

Answer: No, he lived in a telephone booth.

      1. Question: All residents of the Emerald City were required to wear green glasses.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The king from the tale of A.S. Pushkin's "Golden Cockerel" was called Dadon.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Grandmother from Kolobok scraped flour in the barn and barrels.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Carlson liked to eat honey more than anything else.

Answer: No, raspberry jam.

      1. Question: The Fox freed Bunny's Bast Hut when the Bear came.

Answer: No, when the Cockerel came.

      1. Question: The owl from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh gave Eeyore a pot of honey for his birthday.

Answer: No, she gave him a tail.

      1. Question: Aibolit treated animals that lived in Africa.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The witch took away the beauty of the Little Mermaid in exchange for her legs.

Answer: No, the witch took away her voice.

      1. Question: Doctor Pilyulkin treated Dunno with castor oil and iodine.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Shapoklyak had a rat that liked to sit on her shoulder.

Answer A: No, she was sitting in her bag.

      1. Question: Turtle Tortilla gave Pinocchio a golden key.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: In winter, Thumbelina lived in a nutshell.

Answer: No, there are mice in the hole.

      1. Question: Grandmother Bee gave Honey to Fly-Tsokotukha.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Ivanushka the Fool caught a pike in a well.

Answer: No, in the hole.

      1. Question: The witch gave Snow White a poisonous apple, after which she died.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The Snow Queen lived in Lapland.

Answer: No, she lived at the North Pole.

      1. Question: The old man at the goldfish asked for boots for the second time.

Answer: No, he asked for a hut.

      1. Question: The goats opened the door for the wolf after he ate their goat mother.

Answer: No, after he sang in the voice of a mother goat.

      1. Question: Cinderella lost glass slipper when she fled from the ball in the palace.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Most big ocean on the planet - Indian.

Answer: No, Quiet.

      1. Question: The science that studies plants is called botany.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Prometheus stole fire from the gods of Olympus.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: A speedometer is a device that measures distance.

Answer: No, this device measures the speed.

      1. Question: The Leaning Tower is located in Paris.

Answer: No, it is located in the city of Pisa.

      1. Question: Snow is promised if a flock of swans flies by.

Answer: No, geese.

      1. Question: Raisins are made from grapes.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Duremar worked in the market.

Answer: No, he was a pharmacist.

      1. Question: The words ice cream and frost are the same root.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: 02 is the phone number that calls the gas service.

Answer: No, the police are called on this phone.

      1. Question: Chocolate is made from the seeds of the cocoa tree.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: A microscope is an electrical instrument.

Answer: Not.

      1. Question: A numismatist is a person who collects coins.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: A crab has 10 legs.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: A mallet is a hammer made of wood.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The dove is a symbol of peace.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: A polyglot is a person who is good at mathematics.

Answer: No, that's what they call a person who knows many foreign languages.

      1. Question: Elephants are most afraid of mice.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: June 1 is Children's Day.

Answer: Yes.

second option (50+50)

      1. Question: We write in Arabic numerals.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Damn dozen is 15.

Answer: No, 13.

      1. Question: Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Antarctica is the only continent on which there are no rivers.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Geneva is the capital of Sweden.

Answer: No, Switzerland.

      1. Question: The deepest lake in the world is Lake Baikal.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The Limpopo River really exists.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Debut is the very first performance of an artist.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Silver is more valuable than gold.

Answer A: No, gold is more expensive than silver.

      1. Question: Leonov is the first cosmonaut who walked in outer space.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Petersburg was founded by Catherine the Great.

Answer: No, Peter the Great.

      1. Question: If a person is drowning, he needs to wave his arms.

Answer: No, he needs to throw a lifeline.

      1. Question: March is the first month of the year.

Answer: No, January.

      1. Question: The creator of the periodic system of chemical elements is Mendeleev.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: There are 10 wonders of the world in the world.

Answer A: No, there are 7 of them.

      1. Question: The equator is a line that horizontally divides the Earth in half.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The wolves raised a boy in their pack, whose name was Mowgli.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: In America, children call Santa Claus Santa Claus.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: There is a special book that lists animal species that may disappear from the face of the Earth.

Answer: Yes, it is called the Red Book.

      1. Question: A human has 64 teeth.

Answer: No, only 32 teeth in humans.

      1. Question: There are 48 hours in a day.

Answer A: No, there are 24 hours in a day.

      1. Question: April is followed by the month of August.

Answer: No, April is followed by May.

      1. Question: If there is a fire, then you need to call the number "01".

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Carlson lived on a tree.

Answer: No, Carlson is a character who lived on the roof.

      1. Question: On the green color traffic lights to cross the road.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The only country on the planet that does not border anyone is the United States.

Answer A: No, this is Australia.

      1. Question: The fairy tale "Flower-Semitsvetik" was written by A. Pushkin.
      1. Question: Crocodiles, escaping from enemies, pretend that they are logs.

Answer: Not.

      1. Question A: Australia is the largest continent on the planet.

Answer: No, the most big mainland on Earth it is Eurasia.

      1. Question: Pancakes can only be baked on rye flour.

Answer: No, you can use any flour, but wheat is most often used.

      1. Question: 97% of the water on Earth is salt water.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Clay is used to make glass.

Answer A: No, you need to apply sand.

      1. Question: Archaeologists are people who build buildings.

Answer: No, these are the people who are excavating.

      1. Question: The inventors of paper are the Japanese.

Answer: No, the Chinese invented paper.

      1. Question: If chickens bathe in mud, then you need to wait for good weather.

Answer: No, this is a sign that indicates that you need to wait for rain.

      1. Question: If you mix red with green, you can get brown color.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: There are only 6 vowels in Russian.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Karabas-Barabas was the director of the market.

Answer: No, he was the director of the puppet theater.

      1. Question: The stepdaughter from the fairy tale "12 months" collected lilies of the valley.

Answer: No, she collected snowdrops.

      1. Question: Little Red Riding Hood was given to the girl by her mother.

Answer A: No, grandma.

      1. Question: Uncle Fyodor bought a tractor with the money he found when he dug up the treasure.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The girl was named Cinderella by her mother at birth.

Answer: No, that's the name of the girl youngest daughter stepmothers.

      1. Question: Gulliver is a giant who visited the country of the Lilliputians.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Dunno lived in the Green City.

Answer: No, in Flower.

      1. Question: The bear cub, who knew how to compose poetry, was called Umka.

Answer: No, his name was Winnie the Pooh.

      1. Question: Perch fulfilled the desires of Emelya in the fairy tale "By the command of the pike."

Answer: No, it was a pike.

      1. Question: Kashchei the Immortal turned Elena the Beautiful into the Frog Princess.

Answer: No, the girl's name was Vasilisa the Wise.

      1. Question: Grandfather Frost gave the daughter of the Snow Maiden to the elderly.

Answer: No, the old people themselves blinded it from the snow.

      1. Question: Buckingham Palace located in Italy.

Answer A: No, it's in the UK.

      1. Question: Sakura grows in Turkey.

Answer A: No, she grows up in Japan.

third option (50+50)

      1. Question: A pack is a pack of dogs that hunt.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Plasticine is made on the basis of clay.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The director directs the orchestra.

Answer: No, the conductor leads the orchestra.

      1. Question: The celebration of the New Year was laid by the Italians.

Answer: No, this holiday was invented by the Chinese.

      1. Question: Sugar is made from candy.

Answer: No, this product is extracted from sugar beets.

      1. Question: A painting that depicts fruits is called a landscape.

Answer: No, that's what they call a still life.

      1. Question: Hedgehogs sleep at night.

Answer A: No, they hunt.

      1. Question: The third planet away from the Sun is Venus.

Answer: No, such a planet is the Earth.

      1. Question: The deepest ocean on Earth is the Atlantic.

Answer: No, Quiet.

      1. Question: The Sargasso Sea has no shores.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: With a thermometer, you can measure the humidity of the air.

Answer: No, this instrument can measure air temperature.

      1. Question: Geography is a science that studies flora.

Answer: No, flora is studied by a botanist.

      1. Question: Most salty sea is considered to be Okhotsk.

Answer: No, Dead.

      1. Question: The picture "Black Square" was painted by Aivazosovsky.

Answer: No, Malevich.

      1. Question: Balda from Pushkin's fairy tale received a salary in coins.

Answer: No, clicks on the forehead.

      1. Question: A dune is a moving sand hill.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The dance of ancient people with tambourines in their hands caused snow.

Answer: No, it's raining.

      1. Question: The Chinese in ancient times made silk from plants.

Answer: No, from silkworms.

      1. Question: Cobra venom is contained in its teeth.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Eskimos kiss each other when they meet.

Answer: No, they rub their noses.

      1. Question: Papyrus was placed in the pharaoh's tomb.

Answer: No, jewelry, so that he also lived richly in the afterlife.

      1. Question: Kubrick is the place on the ship where the sailors live.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Corals form in oyster shells.

Answer: No, pearls.

      1. Question: The Japanese in ancient times paid not with money, but with rice.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Water appears blue due to algae.

Answer: No, because it reflects the sky.

      1. Question: Palm tree tolerates drought better than all plants.

Answer: No, only a cactus can endure the greatest drought.

      1. Question: On the night of Ivan Kupala, you need to look for a fern.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The Indians clapped their hands in reconciliation.

Answer: No, they were burying the hatchet.

      1. Question: The only place in the desert where there is water and vegetation is the Oasis.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The bat has the sharpest hearing.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Columbus named the Indians that because he thought he had sailed to India.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The turtle lays its eggs at the bottom of the ocean.

Answer: No, in the sand on the shore.

      1. Question: Piranhas can eat a large animal in minutes.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Gold is formed at the depth of the lake.

Answer: No, peat.

      1. Question: The first airplanes were made of rubber.

Answer: No, made of wood.

      1. Question: A cook on a ship is called a cook.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The Marquise de Pampadour invented stilts to appear taller.

Answer: No, heels.

      1. Question: Sailors impregnated their clothes with resin so that they would not tear.

Answer: No, so that it does not let water through.

      1. Question: Most high mountains in the world are in America.

Answer A: No, in Asia.

      1. Question: Mozart started composing music when he was 7 years old.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: In China, brides wear a white dress to a wedding.

Answer: No, red.

      1. Question: A spinning top and a spinning top are one and the same.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Winter starts in January.

Answer A: No, in December.

      1. Question: The cuckoo never builds nests.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Papa Carlo gave Pinocchio the ABC with money from the sale of the jacket.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The ugly duckling has turned into a swan.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Ivanushka the Fool rode on the stove.

Answer: No, Emelya.

      1. Question: Alice lived in the Looking Glass.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: The postman from the village of Prostokvashino was called Pechkin.

Answer: Yes.

      1. Question: Most short month the year is February.

Answer: Yes.

Questions can be any, they can be invented from literature, educational programs. If you want to have fun in the company of adults, then add a sense of humor and you will have a great time.

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