Secrets of the character of the Taurus man. What kind of women do Taurus men like?

Design and interior 03.07.2020
Design and interior

A fixed sign of the earth element, creator and gourmet, Taurus embodies the principle of love for life and its benefits, and also has the qualities of perseverance and practicality. Taurus knows how and loves to work, patiently creates comfortable living conditions for himself. Able to wait a long time and patiently for the maturation of suitable conditions. The patience of Taurus is amazing, it is difficult for him to learn something new and adapt to unfamiliar conditions. Very receptive to everything beautiful, has a strong intuition, tends to analyze the situation before doing things. The gift of Taurus is to make beautiful dreams come true.

The nature of the mark

Taurus is a somewhat passive sign that waits for the right opportunity rather than actively hunting for opportunities. Able to work long and hard, the most hardworking sign of the zodiac, if he finds a suitable way of self-expression. He loves beautiful things, evaluates everything according to high criteria, even actions can be considered ugly. Pronounced practicality and worldly wisdom, slowness makes Taurus a solid householder. Taurus is sociable, musically gifted, self-confident and attractive to the opposite sex. He chooses professions in the field of art, finance, real estate, where he can ensure his enjoyment of life. Conservative, not chasing ghostly dreams.

Almost always makes a good impression, charming, but at heart he is a skeptic and misanthrope, has strong nerves, a good sense of humor, loves to make fun of himself. They appreciate the feeling of security, they love guarantees, they get sick in an uncomfortable environment. Has the gift of empathy, accumulates the power of nature, can become a medium, psychoanalyst or healer, if he develops a sense of empathy. Needs sexual balance, looking for a partner who will satisfy sensual expectations. He does not like changes, he is surprisingly patient in family problems.

Strengths and weaknesses of the sign

Laziness, love of pleasure, stubbornness - weak sides nature of Taurus. Poorly tolerates unpleasant events and bad companies. Keeps external calm, but at the same time restrains internal aggression. Cannot do anything, endlessly complains to loved ones until circumstances change in better side. Angry and jealous. Taurus will not immediately show that he was hurt vulnerable spot, will check for a long time whether it seemed to him that the rules or decency were violated. Restrained anger can erupt in the form of an ugly scandal, a showdown over a trifle. But Taurus always shows only the tip of the iceberg of true motives. Can save for the sake of hoarding, be greedy, limited by material interests and inert in thinking. A developed Taurus is unusually sensitive and receptive to others, a capable psychologist. Having accumulated a sufficient amount of knowledge and information, Taurus can foresee the future with the help of his intuition. He is a philosopher and mystic at heart.

Taurus Man

Self-confident, calm, inspires reliability. Sometimes too lazy, but shows miracles of attention, if in love. A practical romantic, it is good with him both on a journey and at the hearth. He loves and knows how to cook. He does not tolerate criticism, disagreements and protracted scandals. If a Taurus man loses his temper, he does not feel any boundaries. Taurus quickly cools down after a quarrel, but remembers well all grievances. In love - the owner, jealous, but will prove to be a caring husband and father. Appreciates external attractiveness, talent and sensuality. For a long-term union, it is important how sensually Satisfied Taurus is.

Taurus Woman

One of the most attractive female types zodiac. The Taurus woman is intelligent and sociable, relies on common sense in life. She is attracted by the beautiful comfortable environment, flowers, the beauty of nature, romance. Caring, with a cheerful disposition and a good sense of humor, she gravitates towards prosperity and savings, not only material, but also spiritual. The Taurus woman is a good educator, but she herself can get stuck at the level of maternal and worldly care, without going beyond family affairs. Needs a constant stream of sensual pleasures, prone to corpulence due to weakness for sweets. In love, she seeks constancy, if she has found sexual harmony with a partner, then she forgives him many shortcomings. Like no one else, can support in difficult times.

Taurus Child

Sensitive and gentle, the Taurus child needs affection and touch. Tactile care can improve mood, relieve stress. Massage promotes a sense of wholeness and affects the sense of security on a subconscious level. Taurus learns with difficulty, but the acquired knowledge remains with him forever. He needs to accumulate a sufficient amount of heterogeneous information, master the learning process itself, and only at the end of the training will Taurus show a high result. Talented and musical, writes well, sociable, endowed with a cheerful disposition.

Sign health

Vulnerable place - throat, neck. They often catch colds, are prone to nervous breakdowns due to overload. Prone to overweight due to overeating, prone to disease thyroid gland, disruption of hormonal balance when in an aggressive environment. You need to chew your food slowly.

Interesting countries: Ukraine, Switzerland, Belarus, Ireland, the Cyclades, about. Cyprus, about. Madeira, Asia Minor, Sweden, Rhodes, Greek islands in the Aegean

Significant cities: Moscow, Parma, Palermo, Zurich, Dublin, Leipzig

Celebrities born under the sign of Taurus: James McAvoy, Iggy Pop, Jack Nicholson, Vladimir Nabokov, Vladimir Lenin, Immanuel Kant, William Shakespeare, Rene Zellweger, Barbra Streisand, Al Pacino, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Stas Mikhailov, Penelope Cruz, Uma Thurman, Philip Kirkorov, Dwayne Johnson, David Beckham , Mikhail Prokhorov, Audrey Hepburn, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, George Clooney, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Salvador Dali, Victoria Daineko, Alina Kabaeva, Mark Zuckerberg, Megan Fox, Lera Kudryavtseva, Gosha Kutsenko, Cher, Danila Kozlovsky

Taurus rules the zodiac from April 20 to May 21. Under this sign, kind, passionate and purposeful men are born who know what they want to achieve in life. The symbol of the Ox accurately reflects the essence of this sign.

To achieve the goals, the Taurus man uses physical strength and spiritual power.

In the ancient epic, the image of Taurus is reflected in the myth of the son of Zeus Dionysus. He is depicted as a young man of a violent temper with a bull's head crowned with ivy and grapes. He was usually depicted playing the lyre in a chariot drawn by tigers and centaurs.

The element of Taurus is Earth. The earthly firmament in astrology embodies stability and reliability. Earth is responsible for such qualities of the Taurus man as endurance, practicality, diligence, and duty. This element gives him excellent organizational skills and responsibility. Earthly Taurus needs guarantees for the future just like solid ground under their feet.

The ruling planet is Venus. As a representative of Venus, the Taurus man is attracted to beauty, comfort and wealth. It is thanks to the patron planet that material wealth plays a significant role in the life of Taurus.

Favorable colors: shades of green, yellow, blue. Unfavorable color: red. Talisman stones: agate, quartz, alexandrite, jade, coral. “Golden” luck for Taurus will be brought by minerals of green shades. Auspicious numbers: 2, 4, 6 and all digits that are multiples of 6.


In general, Taurus can be described as a kind and intelligent man who uses only his own strength and capabilities to realize his undertakings. He is usually patient and calm. But when the endurance of Taurus comes to an end, you run the risk of facing an angry bull. His anger is violent, but short-lived.

The stubbornness inherent in this sign can be regarded simultaneously as a positive and negative quality. If such a man, with the tenacity of a bull, achieves family well-being, this is a definite plus. If he stubbornly indulges bad habits - an absolute minus.

The desire for comfort makes such a man a real sybarite: he loves delicious food, five-star hotels and clothes of famous brands. With the same heightened criteria, he evaluates works of art. Only the best pictures, books and films get into his personal rating.

To reach mutual understanding with Taurus, it is necessary to find an individual approach to it. Knowing the characteristic virtues and shortcomings will help to do this.


  • Constancy. The Taurus man is true to his principles in everything: in work, love and friendship. Combined with diligence, this quality allows him to satisfy the highest ambitions.

  • Creative skills. Taurus are friends with many muses: painting, music, performing arts. If they purposefully develop creative inclinations, then they easily achieve recognition in this field.

  • Realism. Representatives of this sign are not prone to pink illusions and fantasies: they live in the present, confidently building a bridge to a better future.

  • Charisma. Taurus men have the gift of winning over people. Their natural magnetism is based on the original appearance and sociability.


  • Waywardness. Stubbornness in its negative aspect can acquire pathological proportions in Taurus. When such a man, as they say, "rested his horn", he does not learn not only from strangers, but also from his own mistakes.

  • Avarice. A typical Taurus cannot be called a complete miser. He is prudent and spends money wisely. In certain situations, frugality is useful, as long as it does not go beyond reasonable limits.

  • Stealth. Secrecy in male Taurus is manifested in its classical form. Sometimes they do not realize why they hide their personal lives from their loved ones, but they continue to do it out of inner intuition.

What qualities should be developed

Astrologers advise Taurus to try to pacify the main negative aspects in themselves: excessive perseverance and irascibility. The fight against astrological shortcomings is quite difficult, but the perseverance of Taurus men will help them overcome any obstacles. Work should be carried out in two directions. First, be aware of the devastating consequences of being stubborn and explosive. Secondly, to cultivate antagonistic qualities in oneself: tolerance, compassion, peacefulness, loyalty, which Taurus sometimes lacks so much.

What does a Taurus man love?

Representatives of this sign prefer passive rest to active pastime. Hectic activity at work is replaced by a calm evening on their favorite sofa. AT free time the Taurus man will be happy to listen to his favorite music or play a computer game.

Another favorite pastime is a delicious meal with friends. Taurus gourmets make high demands on food, even a simple dish must be decorated and served. Many men of this sign are not indifferent to cooking and know how to cook original dishes.

As a hobby, they choose creative activities: singing, dancing, drawing. They like to engage in meditative oriental practices (yoga, wushu, qigong), which promote relaxation and eliminate excessive excitability. Equally important for them is a good sleep, they usually spend much more time in the arms of Morpheus than other signs.

What a Taurus Man Doesn't Like

The representatives of the stronger sex, born under this sign, carefully select their surroundings. They cannot stand gossipers, liars, and individuals who abuse alcohol. In the company of a straightforward Taurus, you will not meet envious, frankly narrow-minded and empty people. The Taurus boy is a rare guest at parties. He is annoyed by the loudly yelling audience, so he is reluctant to leave the comfortable home chair to go to a nightclub or to a show.

Taurus do not like scandals and family scenes, especially in raised tones.

They do not like untidy appearance, because they themselves are always dressed with a needle, flaunt a creative haircut and smell of expensive perfume.

In a team, the Taurus man cannot stand intrigues, evasions, gossip and undercover fuss. In girls, he does not tolerate bitchiness and windiness, putting such persons on the black list.

How to Win a Taurus Man

Such young man I like serious and smart girls. Temporary relationships attract him little, so he bypasses windy loving persons. Before you strategize how to win over a Taurus man, consider whether you want to start a family with him. Only if the answer is positive, you can resort to the following recommendations of astrologers:
  • Dress tastefully. Only stylish and elegant girls can hope to find their way to the heart of a Taurus.

  • On a date with such a man, do not smoke or drink alcohol, then your chances of liking him will greatly increase.

  • Keep up the conversation on smart themes. Set aside conversations about TV shows and ladies' novels, relationships with the opposite sex for meetings with girlfriends.

  • Don't rush things. If you exchanged phone numbers, wait at least a week before calling first. Taurus are rather slow and think for a long time before taking concrete actions.

Love and family

If you ask a Taurus: “Does love at first sight exist?”, Most likely, he will answer in the negative. This does not mean that he does not believe in love as such, just that his feeling is of a slightly different kind. His passion does not arise suddenly, but grows gradually, becoming only stronger with time. The Taurus man is an ideal family man and loving father. His idea of ​​marriage is somewhat old-fashioned. Oaths of love and fidelity to the grave, given before the altar for him, are not empty words, but sincere promises. He will raise his chosen one to an inaccessible pedestal, surround him with care and attention.

Taurus are having a hard time breaking up relationships. The infidelity of a beloved woman can cause long-term depression and disappointment in life. Taurus is married for life. Divorces in such families are rare, mainly at the initiative of the wife.

Work and career

Promotion interests Taurus only as a means to achieve the necessary prosperity. The requests of such men are rather big, so unstable work will not satisfy him. His unsurpassed perseverance allows him to achieve highest heights in a career. AT recent history representatives of this sign managed to accumulate solid capital. The "Golden Calf" clearly patronizes its namesakes. So, in the Russian rating of Forbes magazine for 2011, the top positions were occupied exclusively by Taurus men.

Suitable profession

Taurus love to work not only with their heads, but also with their hands. This sign of the Zodiac is suitable for areas of activity related to agriculture, animal husbandry, cooking, and the restaurant business.

Thanks to pedantry and perseverance, the Taurus man is able to succeed as a businessman. He has significant chances to take a high post in the field of economics and stock exchange operations.

As a Venusian, specialties related to construction, architecture and fashion are suitable for him. Creatively gifted Taurus have established themselves as called teachers and writers.


The stubbornness of Taurus negatively affects his health. Usually, the stronger sex does not like to go to the doctor and be treated, and Taurus men tend to run diseases to a greater extent than other signs.

Their weak point is the throat and related respiratory diseases. Most often they turn to the ENT for chronic tonsillitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. Also vulnerable in Taurus are the legs and back, which should be protected from excessive stress. The lack of movement in non-sports-loving Taurus often leads to poor circulation and vascular problems. Daily walks, outdoor work, running and swimming will help to avoid this.

How to Raise a Taurus Child Boy

Little Taurus are calm and reasonable children, usually they do not cause trouble for parents and teachers. The main thing for the Taurus boy is that he grows up in a comfortable environment. Due to his increased sensitivity, he must be protected from conflicts, family dramas and other stresses.

The main question that arises in the parents of such a boy is: “How to deal with his stubbornness?”

Indeed, in early age It is difficult for Taurus to realize the origins of his stubborn nature. Valuable advice would be not to try to "break" the little stubborn, but to wait until he grows up a little. Only thanks to self-development and the sensitive attitude of parents, he will be able to overcome his astrological predisposition.

You can always distinguish him from the crowd by his strong silent behavior. Until you get to know each other better, he will give the impression of a silent person. His movements, manner of speaking are measured, they are not wordy. Few disturb his peace. His decisions are immutable.

Taurus rarely get into a rage, they want to be left alone. Don't push him or he will become stubborn. If you go too far, he will become angry. He can show amazing self-control for months and years, ignoring everything that can cause a nervous breakdown in others. And then all of a sudden he starts digging the ground. Get out of his way as soon as possible in this case.

His temperament is rarely impulsive, but when he is irritated, he can crush everything in his path. Sorry, “crush” is not the right word, “demoralize” is a better word. But fortunately, this rarely happens. It is better to remember that Taurus is not a little annoyed, most likely he just falls into a rage.

Taurus is very attracted to the opposite sex, but it is not in their nature to aggressively pursue their chosen one. He prefers to attract people to him. His typical behavior is passivity. Taurus are rather hospitable hosts than lovers of visiting. They themselves do not seek popularity. He can pick up the idea of ​​friendship or romance and always knows what to do with it, which is not given to many other people.

Taurus are rarely in a restless state, they are almost never nervous. Basically, they are solid. They accept things as they are. As a rule, these are people at home. They are very fond of their home, their comfortable chair, familiar surroundings. Changes in the environment make them discouraged. They always dream of their own home. They are very close to the earth, love nature, flowers. fast rhythm modern life exhausts them, so he must definitely leave the city.

Usually, Taurus are remarkably healthy, although if they get sick, they slowly recover, due to their stubborn unwillingness to obey doctors. One of his characteristic features- disbelief in optimism, which also does not contribute to a quick recovery. The most sensitive areas for diseases are the throat, neck, legs, and back. Any colds often turn into sore throats. They often have poor circulation, resulting in diseased veins and other chronic diseases. However, most May people remain healthier than the rest. But if he gets fat, he may lose his health. One of the main reasons for his illnesses is the lack of fresh air and movement.

Speaking of stubbornness, it is useless to talk about this. They believe that they are only patient and firm. But they are really stubborn to the extent that it is even possible. However, we must pay tribute, the Taurus has an exceptionally lot of patience. They can carry the physical and emotional burden for years, silently, without complaining, and without anyone blaming it.

And the more trouble Taurus has, the more strength they find to endure them. Their loyalty and devotion to family and friends is often beyond comprehension. They deserve a gold medal for the courage that they show under the blows of fate and which would have broken other signs long ago. Their humor is warm and earthy. They are rarely cruel or vindictive.

Now as to money. Taurus and money always go together. Among the unemployed you will not meet Taurus. They are building their empire slowly but surely. Always start with a solid foundation, building your business floor by floor. They like to accumulate power just like money, but usually for the pleasure of possessing it. They often allow their subordinates to act. The mere consciousness that power and money are in their hands completely satisfies them. Let Capricorns and Cancers work, and he will sniff the forget-me-not and look into the eyes of a beautiful woman. Sooner or later money will come to Taurus. He is proud of his property, but not greedy.

Taurus excites painting and music. His thoughts are always reasonable and clear. There is nothing petty about them, including their capacity for lasting love. They are full of love for luxury, for what they have. But money is not wasted. His home is his castle. They are as patient as time itself. You can always rely on their strength, but they are very stubborn, do not be surprised that I repeat this so often: this is their main character trait.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign

This is an earthly sensual person. You can also note his slowness and caution. But for all that, this is a rather romantic sign. It takes him a long time for you to become his wife or just a woman. He doesn't want to dive into the pool of romance and discover along the way that they forgot to fill it with water.

But if he decided that you suit him and decided to conquer you, then he will surpass any man. This is a sensitive, practical, slow person, able to send you flowers until he gets his way, i.e. you. He can be very gentle and considerate. It will react to your perfume, the smoothness of your skin, the softness of your hair.

He may not speak openly to you, but he will find a way to show that he notes it all. He has developed a sense of touch and touch. But he is full of contradictions in love. He likes to see you beautifully dressed, he reacts very easily to music, it gives him a loving mood. He probably has a favorite song that reminds him of you. A typical Taurus will give you gifts, may offer a walk in the moonlight and others.

As a father, Taurus is perfection itself. He treats his daughters with special tenderness. He is firm in discipline. Generously treats the whims of his wife, gives her the opportunity not to deny herself expensive things: perfume and other little things that are important for a woman. He rarely spares money and yet always thinks about tomorrow. He works a lot, so he needs rest. Being tired, he can be unbearable. At home, he is lazy, do not scold him for this. It cannot be pushed or rushed.

Taurus prefers large companies of acquaintances, very hospitable. His house should be calm, comfortable, quiet. Be his woman and you will find a better man. His love is simple and honest. His loving nature and attention will give you loyalty. Indeed, he is stubborn, but it can also be called patience. Take care of him and everything will be fine.

When he is courting you, he will not look around. He will not forget the day you met or your other anniversary. But he will not promise you castles in the air. Most likely, he will immediately bring the project of the house, where he will introduce you as a hostess. This man is the epitome of a businessman. When Taurus brings you into the house, you can be sure that he has the opportunity to feed you. This man is for a woman who appreciates true values.

This is a calm, stable nature. He always plans for tomorrow. As a rule, this is a business person who knows how to make money. But Taurus has flaws. First of all, you need to polish your behavior as a woman. Not one Taurus will not reconcile with a woman who has a loud voice or a woman who resembles a man in her manners. If you have an opinion on something, do not try to hammer it into Taurus in public.

Deep inside, he respects a woman with intelligence, although he puts simple common sense first. But at the same time, you are better off leaving it in bright light and not overshadowing it. An emancipated woman does not suit him, he can have two reactions to such women: a primitive Taurus (and there are many of them, by the way) can shake you up and hit you, a more wise Taurus will simply object to you in front of everyone and become a stone block, spoiling the rest of the evening.

Your friends will also be in a difficult position, this situation cannot be corrected until the Taurus "walks away" on its own. If you want to return it to normal, leave it alone. He can be brought to anger if you try to calm him down. But for all that, Taurus will never leave a woman alone, no matter how angry he is. I advise you to apologize to him. I do not advise you to complain about it.

A woman should always calm the Taurus man and keep her mouth shut. He should not be humiliated or jokes addressed to him. He is extremely patient, but he can't stand it. But you don't have to stick to it like a grapevine. He is too practical and loves his freedom to allow a woman to encroach on him. He does not object to the female individuality, but he is intrigued and balanced by his own stability of nature.

No one can be kinder, gentler and more tolerant than Taurus when his manhood is safe. He does everything for the woman he loves. Except for one thing, he wouldn't let her act like a man. Taurus will look at you for a very long time. With a swoop, he will never begin a serious courtship. It may be surprising: too long courtship and no action. He needs time to understand that he needs you.

The typical Taurus is usually blind to any warnings about the incompatibility of characters, and the more friends tell him about it, the more he resists. Consequently, Taurus often make mistakes in their choice of a partner. But they go through a divorce for a long time and hard, and even longer they are looking for a new girlfriend.

The financial side of life with a Taurus is excellent. He loves the countryside, fishing, nature. He prefers to read books about the heroes of the past, biographies of great people. The Taurus man embodies masculine qualities more than others. Therefore, it must be fed hearty, at home.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign

This is a sublime woman. She is the salt of the earth, a combination of all the wonderful qualities that a man seeks and rarely finds. She can infuriate and scare even the strongest man. But she does this only when she has enough reason. She is usually calm and surprisingly reserved. Her honesty is combined with the usual female whims and tears.

The Taurus woman has more emotional courage than the man. But at the same time, she feels like a woman to the extent that you also feel like a man. If you are not strong enough, then she can take the lead in her own hands. But she didn't want it to be the other way around. She needs a real man, although she is a real woman and proud of it.

It doesn't take you long to realize that she has a mind of her own, strong enough to resort to flirtatiousness to achieve her goal. It has a lot of self-control, a lot of hidden will. Men usually appreciate her tendency to take people for who they are.

She is equally at ease with different people. If she does not like someone, she does not offend him, but will simply avoid him. The Taurus woman shows complete indifference to her enemies, but if you are her friend, she is always faithful to you, but she expects the same good attitude from you. As for jealousy, it manifests itself in a peculiar way.

Unlike Lioness and Aries, she will not blush with anger if you admire someone in front of her. In order to arouse her jealousy, you must cross the legal limits of courtship. And you must test her patience for a long time. She is not interested in abstract thinking. Practical common sense is what matters to her. This is not a very intellectual sign, her practical mind does not strive for mental pursuits. She stands firmly on the ground, she has no wings.

She is rarely restless, her head is always in order, her goals remain direct and clear. She has pronounced physical interests, not intellectual ones. She should always feel satisfied, no matter what she does, no matter what she does. You rarely see dried or artificial flowers in her vases, she is very responsive to good smells: the smell of fresh bread, cut grass. You should use a good cologne and aftershave.

She has a good sense of harmony in everything. She cooks well - a real trap for men. She is talented in art appreciation. A rare Taurus woman does not like the village, the earth attracts her. She can tell you that your sweater is prickly: fabrics should not irritate her, they should be soft.

She prefers sportswear, no finesse, dresses comfortably, it's very Strong woman, rarely demanding. The exception is the requirement of your loyalty. People tend to like her directness. Communication with her gives you a feeling of relaxation in a warm bath. She does not like being objected to, especially in front of strangers, but why do this? The Taurus woman likes to do everything slowly, you can’t push her, but you shouldn’t influence her.

She is very good at motherhood. She can be strict with teenagers, requires strict discipline, does not tolerate disobedience and sloppiness. This drives her crazy. She is more of a friend to her children than a mother.

This woman rarely complains, she will always support her husband, especially during financial crises. She is not lazy, although she needs periods of rest. She rarely tries to surpass a man in something.

The Taurus woman does not like weakness in any form. Her tolerance for pain and emotional stress is simply magical. She is not weepy.

The Taurus woman likes to make a good impression on people, she is very hospitable. She is always a good friend to her husband, reliable in everything, she is really a great woman.

Taurus. Sexual horoscope

Taurus treats sex, like everything else, with taste. He believes that sex should be a lot and of good quality. Taurus is a solid, unhurried sign, therefore it approaches sex from the same side. He values ​​comfort. The main thing is to be full, warm and soft. Preferably in the usual home environment, but outside the home will not refuse. Wherever this action takes place, Taurus will be able to furnish everything with maximum comfort for cash conditions.

It is unlikely, of course, that he will engage in this sacrament, which for Taurus is sex, on an ice floe in hummocks (oddly enough, Cancer is capable of this, he loves extremes in this matter). But Taurus uses any more or less convenient place "for the good of the business."

It is unlikely that he will start the “case” in time pressure. Taurus loves to stretch the pleasure. For him, tactile sensations are very important, he loves love play, caresses, stroking, gentle pinching, purring, in a word. This Taurus came up with all sorts of things, like jam, ice cream and everything that can be licked from your beloved body. And so on and so forth, read all this in sex newspapers, where some Gemini-type Taurus share recipes for erotic nutrition. All this takes a lot of time, so Aries sex with a swoop of Taurus does not suit.

Moreover, the Taurus man loves when he is caressed and is waiting for this. If he comes across a woman who does not do this, then no matter how “delicious” this woman may be, Taurus will be disappointed and is unlikely to continue the affair. Those who have the Moon or Venus in Taurus also have the same desire.

Male Taurus or with the Moon in Taurus love "pumpkins", thin women are not about them. They love to eat, so a woman should be an appetizing ruddy bun right from the heat. Alluring, supple, soft, affectionate. Cavalier girls can march past.

Taurus women, just like men, love warm, cozy, comfortable sex. They are tireless, able to do it for a long time. A sprinter won't suit them. They swing slowly, then do not stop. Men who don't attach of great importance preliminary game, they have little chance of continuing the novel.

The same men who are able to satisfy the needs of Telchikha both sexually and materially have no chance at all to escape from her arms. Yes, actually, and not very torn. As for cheating, Taurus are faithful husbands and wives, in the sense that they practically do not get divorced. But they can have novels on the side. So that the sweet tooth Taurus doesn’t even regale, especially if everything is arranged in a way ?! Tell me about this. And I will write here about him in big letters. The country must know its heroes.

Taurus man (April 21 - May 21) - an earthly, simple, sensual and very stubborn creature. Against the background of the rest of the signs of the horoscope, it looks like a real rock, it was not for nothing that Taurus was previously depicted as half grown into the ground.

The constellation, after which the sign is named, consists of 216 stars visible to the naked eye, and really resembles a bull with its outlines. According to ancient Greek mythology, Taurus is the same bull that Zeus once turned into in order to kidnap Europa, the princess of Phoenicia. Europe, famous for its beauty and good disposition, became the beloved of Zeus and gave him three sons.

The bull has always been considered the personification of perseverance, diligence, a combination of calm strength, wild fury and incredible tenderness. A powerful bull with a quick temper, but with a rational outlook on life, a sign of expedient, decisive strength. Bull - very exact character for the male Taurus, to achieve the goal using strength and pressure.

It is difficult to find people more practical and romantic at the same time than those born under the constellation Taurus. The Taurus man is an open book for a wise woman, this is a dream man, the very wall behind which it is safe, cozy and calm. It may be a little boring with him, but is it so important for a happy family life?

Under the constellation Taurus, such outstanding and boring people were born! personalities like William Shakespeare, Niccolo Machiavelli, Immanuel Kant, Ivan Kulibin, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Sigmund Freud, Honore de Balzac, Sergei Prokofiev, Boris Akunin, Al Pacino and many others.


The element of Taurus is Earth. Basically, these are earthly, practical, even mundane people who do not build any stunning plans, who are used to calling a spade a spade. The element of Earth is the personification physical strength, stability, material well-being, fertility in the broadest sense of the word.

The element of the earth conceals incalculable riches, since the Earth itself is the main treasure. The main property of the Earth is the ability to firmly and thoroughly hold a form, a clear structure. Earth is the basis of everything stable and unchanging. Therefore, all the signs of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are practical, rational and full of common sense. They instinctively know how to use the means at hand to achieve the end result.

The Earthly Taurus Man perceives the world through his physical sensations, high endurance and tolerance helps him find a way out of the most critical situations. But the breadth of views is not included in the list of his virtues, as well as imagination. The element of the Earth endowed him with conservatism, constancy and a tendency to pessimism.

The best compatibility of "earthly" people is the element of Water. Seething Water will feed the Earth, give it life, and the Earth, in turn, will become a reliable support for Water. Representatives of these two elements are literally meant for each other. The union of two "earthly" people will also be quite harmonious - they can become reliable partners to each other both in life and in business.

The worst compatibility among "earthly" people with the elements of Fire and Air. They are completely polar to each other, and such unions are usually short-lived. But, there are exceptions to any rule, and there are many such examples.

Any person born under the constellation Taurus will feel comfortable closer to his element - the Earth. This will give him a sense of security and stability, which is a priority for him. He is recommended to live either in a private house or on low floors. The higher the floor of residence, the more restless a person will feel, he will be uncomfortable.

The Taurus man is very closely connected with nature, so in the countryside, on his land, he will always feel more comfortable than in an urban environment. Even living in the city, he needs to merge with nature from time to time, to be able to walk barefoot on the ground, to breathe the air. In the house of Taurus, there must be a lot of indoor flowers and a pet.


The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus, the patroness of love and the emotional sphere of human life. Venus gives Taurus an aesthetic perception of form, including thought forms. “Beautiful” and “ugly” for him are not just words, but a way of feeling the world, a way of perceiving actions and behavior. If Taurus does not like something, then it seems to him ugly, although the matter may not concern an aesthetic moment at all.

Venus not least manifests itself through the desire to possess material goods, in the pursuit of luxury and comfort. The planet endows a person with love for the earth, tact and elegance. The diocese of Venus is feelings, not reason. Her most valuable gift is the ability to feel happy and the ability to love.

"Low" Taurus can be lazy, passive, aesthetically undeveloped, but even he is usually unusually capricious in terms of beauty at his level of understanding of it, and of course, like all Taurus, unusually stubborn. Such Taurus has a highly developed self-flow to their instincts, promiscuity, consumer attitude - all this is also a strong influence of the struck Venus.

Another, no less influential ruler of Taurus is Chiron. This invisible planet brings human consciousness one step above the socially mastered level, endows it with incredible flair and insight. Taurus, in whose horoscope Chiron is strong, have extrasensory abilities, the ability to heal, predict the future, and the ability to influence human consciousness. He is characterized by paradoxical behavior, an unusual vision of the world, the ability to get used to someone else's image.

Weak Chiron means the absence of a pronounced impact on a person's life, but does not set any boundaries for him. The weakness of Chiron is perceived rather positively than negatively: a person will have fewer situations that confuse him, it will be easier for him to look at the world. Perhaps he will lack originality and freshness of views a little, but he will be quite understandable. Sometimes a weak Chiron makes a person go to extremes, weave intrigues, play a double game, become a traitor.

Talisman Stone

The main mascot for the Taurus man is the emerald. When worn continuously gem helps to improve the mood in life, make the character softer and more docile, make a man more cheerful, give him hope for the future. Emerald is able to protect not only its owner, but also his home. He will preserve peace and harmony in the family, give mutual understanding.

Dressed at night, the stone will keep good dreams, relieve nightmares and insomnia, relieve stress. Emerald is the key to peace, success and happiness. It is simply necessary for people who are naturally gloomy, laconic, modest - in a word, Taurus.

Another important talisman for the Taurus man is agate, which is also called the “happy mineral”. He helps his master to cope with negative character traits, and most importantly, improves the financial condition of a person, which is important for all Taurus.

Agate protects a man from energy vampirism, helps him open up spiritually, reveals the instinct of self-preservation, and warns of dangers. It is difficult to overestimate the ability of this stone as an amulet-amulet for people. dangerous professions and those involved in extreme sports.

Sapphire - helps to concentrate, direct thoughts in the right direction, moderates anger, strengthens willpower. A talisman made of sapphire encourages noble deeds, repels enemies, protects from anger, fear and envy. In his presence, black magic loses its power. But there is one caveat - you can not wear a sapphire if it has visible defects, large scratches or cracks. Such a stone will only bring misfortune.

There are also stones that Taurus is categorically not recommended to wear - these are amber, topaz, ruby ​​and amethyst. In any case, when choosing jewelry with a stone, the Taurus man needs to listen to his inner voice - if when looking at a gem, a feeling of warmth appears in the soul, then this is his stone.


All those born under the sign of Taurus are recommended to have any object with the image of their bull symbol - a figurine, a brooch, a drawing, or any other object. It's great if the bull is made of precious metal, because Taurus is a sign of the zodiac, personifying material well-being, wealth.

But most Taurus men are concerned not only with their material condition, but also with their social status. Therefore, another successful talisman for them will be an elephant, which helps to gain a stable authority in the eyes of others. The natural grandeur and calmness of this animal has a beneficial effect on the psyche of a man, making him more wise and calm. An elephant figurine can be made of any material except ivory, otherwise the talisman will not help, but harm.

The horse for Taurus is a symbol of success and efficiency. If a man has a figurine or drawing depicting a horse on his desktop, then his career will quickly go uphill. A small golden horse in the form of a golden pendant or pendant will bring good luck to a man, protection from illnesses and overwork. You should pay attention to how the horse is depicted. A peacefully grazing animal will help to tame the obstinate temper and assist in reaching a compromise, while a rearing horse, on the contrary, activates the energy of the leader, gives courage and determination.


The typical Taurus man is usually short, stocky and stocky. He has a “broad bone”, so even a thin man looks more solid and impressive than people with a “thin bone”. Looking at such a person, it immediately becomes clear that he stands firmly and confidently on the ground.

Taurus men usually have a short, "bull" neck, a rounded face, but not puffy, a wide large nose-potato, plump sensual lips, plump cheeks. The eyes are large, bulging, often drooping, framed by fluffy eyelashes. Hair can be of any color, most often thin and not too thick.

In general, Taurus men are distinguished by a rather pretty appearance, although they tend to be overweight. Even if in his youth a man is distinguished by slenderness, with age he invariably gains excess weight. For Taurus men with the negative influence of Venus, a certain effeminate figure is characteristic.

Character traits

The main character traits of a typical Taurus man are patience, perseverance, and the ability to make long-term efforts. He is distinguished by constancy in his habits and beliefs, he is suspicious of everything new, he feels uncomfortable in an unfamiliar company. Positive side slowness of Taurus - prudence and prudence. Such a person knows how to inspire trust, and completely justified. His motto is "said - done!". The Taurus man does not tend to hover in the clouds, so he never gives out empty promises.

The energy of Taurus does not splash over the edge and does not rush out, as, for example, in Gemini, its energy is even and purposeful. This explains the incredible physical and moral endurance of people born under this sign. A typical Taurus spends his energy moderately, without overexertion, so he knows how to work in one direction. for a long time. He is stubborn enough to fight for a lost cause, but rarely does anything for others for nothing.

In addition, Taurus has a remarkable ability to abstract from the outside world, not to be distracted by external stimuli. This ability is closely related to the Taurus' need for a comfortable and harmonious existence. Unwillingness to delve into other people's problems, a negative attitude towards any changes is connected precisely with the unwillingness to lose peace of mind and peace.

For the most part, Taurus men are not too talkative, close ties and a trusting relationship with them are possible only after a long time. The element of the Earth does not allow these people to easily understand someone else's point of view, moreover, it makes them incredible owners and tyrants. However, the infinite patience that distinguishes all Taurus allows them to maintain friendly relations with others. A man can carry for years a huge emotional and physical activity and people around you won't even know it. But behind the facade of equanimity, hidden grievances, irritation and discontent can be hidden, which sooner or later will break out. The anger of Taurus is terrible, he practically ceases to control himself.

Astrologers distinguish three types of men born under the sign of Taurus:

  • Harmonious Taurus- a person down to earth, calm, extremely clear and simple. He lives in a clear world, in harmony with himself and nature. Does not hover in the clouds, does not build castles in the air, does not give impossible promises. A harmonious Taurus clearly follows the set task, achieves everything with the help of cold pragmatism and his own talent. Harmonious Taurus of the lower octave can be represented by a person who is lazy, stubborn, inclined to indulge his instincts.
  • Amazed Taurus- a person is incredibly hardy and stress-resistant, but he will have to live a difficult life, full of difficulties and trials. To achieve the success to which he so strives, the struck Taurus will have to work three times as hard as other people, and more than once he will have a feeling of an insurmountable obstacle. It may happen that even the most patient male Taurus cannot withstand the stress of life and turns into a real angry bull. Fortunately, such outbursts of anger are infrequent and do not last long. A severely affected Taurus can experience extreme greed and jealousy for someone else's success, low spiritual and mental development. Excessive attachment to money savings and pleasures can lead Taurus to serious psychosomatic illnesses.
  • Primitive Taurus type occurs infrequently. He is ruthless, cruel and destructive, but like all Taurus, he can be very devoted to his ideas and life beliefs. Such people can make an ideal servant or a typical bureaucrat. Service does not humiliate them, since it is devoid of slavish overtones.


Taurus men do not get sick often, but for a long time and hard, many problems are hidden. A person recovers slowly and difficultly, he consults a doctor only as a last resort. But if, nevertheless, he crosses the threshold of the doctor's office, then with the stubbornness of the bull he will strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations, and all the inconveniences and pain will be endured courageously and without whims. I must say that Taurus have great reserves for restoring health even after the most serious illnesses.

The vulnerabilities of the Taurus man are the throat, esophagus, hearing organs, and lymphatic system. He has a low metabolism, which leads to the gradual accumulation of fat in the body, gastritis, constipation, and even diabetes. Despite physical strength, a man often catches a cold, suffers from infectious diseases.

Indulgence in your own weaknesses and vices can lead to problems such as overeating and alcoholism. Most Taurus men smoke, which also does not add to their health. They hardly follow a diet, do not like exercise and any restrictions. Going beyond purely selfish, earthly needs can significantly improve the health of any Taurus. If a person follows his own weaknesses, then even the huge internal reserves donated to Taurus by nature will quickly be depleted and his health will deteriorate.


Taurus will be indispensable in professions that require perseverance and patience, he will not object to some routine, repetition, physical labor will never scare him either. Whatever profession he is engaged in, a man will always strive hard for success, and difficulties will never scare him. Taurus is a sign of expedient determination and strength, called upon to deal with material affairs, mastering them.

The best use of Taurus is anything that provides worthy reward, sense gratification - from farming to banking. Representatives of this know a lot about everything that can grow - from domestic chickens and garden apples, to stock quotes and the dollar.

Tauruses feel great about money, so any activity related to finance will be good for them: an economist, an accountant, a trade worker, a businessman. They also make excellent business executives, and the work of a planner, supplier, accountant, auditor is suitable for them. The hands of male Taurus usually grow from the right place, so among them there are many craftsmen, plumbers, carpenters, turners, production workers, people of working professions. Thanks to the ruling planet Venus, there are many creatively gifted personalities among Taurus: architects, artists, singers, sculptors, artists, writers, directors.

The Taurus man treats work like his own child, it occupies almost the main place in his life. He is a workaholic by nature, very attentive to detail, focused on results. If the work has no prospects or is poorly paid, then the man will not stay on it for a long time. He has every chance of becoming a successful person, but on the condition that he is able to overcome his natural laziness and stubbornness. Another trait that can prevent a Taurus man from quickly climbing the corporate ladder is slowness and conservatism.

financial well-being

Most Taurus men have an innate sense of money, they are able to make it literally out of thin air. Money is the essence of this sign, from where it draws its vital energy. For the sake of money, Taurus are capable of the hardest work, they strive to earn a lot in order to satisfy their need for comfort, to look significant in their own eyes and in the eyes of others. We can say that Taurus is programmed to earn and accumulate money.

Taurus prefers to materialize money in convenience and "eternal values", that is, in something that will help save capital. The man is practical, sometimes stingy, money never burns his pocket. But he rarely saves on himself, loves to spend on his personal pleasures and needs.

Taurus, like no one else, understands that money must work and generate income, constantly be in motion. Stagnation of money for him means a loss, so he rarely keeps his finances “in a stocking”. It rarely happens that the love of money goes beyond the bounds of reason, and then hoarding becomes the only goal of a person.

Even if the Taurus man is rich like Croesus, he will never advertise his financial well-being, on the contrary, in the eyes of those around him, he will try to downplay it. Among Taurus, there are rarely scammers and lovers of easy money, usually all representatives of this sign achieve a stable financial position solely through hard work and perseverance.


Thanks to the ruling planet Venus, the Taurus man loves and appreciates carnal pleasures like no other. Sensuality is the main characteristic of Taurus, this is the most sensual sign of all the signs of the horoscope. Living under the auspices of Venus, these people are born for physical love, affection and the most exquisite carnal pleasures.

However, the horoscope claims that the sexuality of the Taurus man is directly related to his financial well-being. If things with money are not going very well, that he can compensate for failures with numerous love affairs, even become a gigolo, since Venus endowed him with remarkable sexual stamina. good physical form a man is able to save to a ripe old age.

The Taurus man, as a rule, is very hardy in bed, but even here his conservatism can manifest itself. The lack of sophistication, ingenuity and willingness to experiment can compensate for his openness and sincerity in relationships. He will never allow himself to be rude or incorrect towards a woman. But the partner must be prepared for the fact that meetings can take place according to the same scenario, and beautiful words and compliments will not flow like water. He has a primitive approach to sex, and nothing can be done about it.

Taurus love to indulge in passions with comfort, the environment for them is no less important than the sexual act itself. No intercourse on hastily”, only when he himself feels that the moment has come. A man is very sensitive to smells, so his partner should smell pleasant, but not harsh. It is unlikely that he will be able to lead his partner in unknown ways, but she will certainly be satisfied with him, as a man will be able to compensate for his lack of imagination with his tirelessness. In many ways, the Taurus man is the perfect lover, his great advantage is strength.

Love and marriage

Dreams of love begin to excite the sensual Taurus man quite early, but love at first sight is not about him. Feelings of Taurus are formed gradually, but they will be simple and understandable. Among them there are many monogamists who can carry their feelings through their whole lives. He will never promise golden mountains to his beloved woman, but will surround her with care and attention, make her feel like the only one loved. Having achieved reciprocity, Taurus will consider the woman his property, with all the ensuing consequences. A woman must always remember that in anger he is terrible, so she should not give even the slightest reason for jealousy.

Taurus' passion is complete - he will follow his beloved woman to the end, regardless of whether this end is sweet or bitter. If a man is in love, no one and nothing can stop him: neither criticism, nor the opinion of others, nor inconvenience and discomfort, although in other respects he is quite practical.

Taurus spouse is one of the most valuable acquisitions for any woman with traditional views on family life. But here's the paradox, despite its absolute reliability and stability, the Taurus man can physically cheat on his wife, while believing that marriage is sacred. He can afford betrayal, but God forbid his wife even just smile at another man.

The main drawback and at the same time the dignity of the Taurus man is predictability. A smart woman will be able to manage him, but this cannot be done openly, so as not to hurt his pride in any way. He should feel like the head of the family, the master of the situation. Taurus will always take care of the family nest, his motto is - all in the house! Having a weakness for a comfortable life, the Taurus man will do everything to make his home comfortable and secure.

The surest way to live with a Taurus husband in happy marriage- remember about the peculiarities of his nature and, if possible, adapt to them. This is the case when a woman can proudly say "I live like behind a stone wall."

Compatibility Horoscope

Taurus-Aries- this relationship is unstable, as both partners are stubborn and active. Such an alliance can quickly tire them out, but if they manage to adapt to each other, then the Aries woman will become the most reliable, decisive and faithful partner for the Taurus man. The more the Aries woman boils, the calmer the Taurus man should be, this is the key to their family happiness.

taurus taurus- this is the union of two business executives who can live in perfect harmony. The similarity of their interests is so obvious that it immediately catches the eye. This couple, like a reliable bank, will accumulate and increase their capital, which will only strengthen their family union.

Taurus Gemini- a rather unsuccessful marriage union, but a love union can be ideal. The Gemini woman is a rather windy creature, and the Taurus man can never fully trust her. Sooner or later, this will lead to the collapse of the family, as quarrels and scandals will be constant companions of this couple.

Taurus Cancer- the union of these people can be strong and durable, since both expect about the same thing from marriage: reliability and stability, home comfort and prosperity. The Cancer woman, like no one else, needs a reliable and strong partner, which is the Taurus man.

Taurus Leo- it will be a very difficult, but quite common alliance. They both want the same thing from life: wealth and prosperity, but the struggle for leadership and mutual jealousy can interfere. Despite the fact that the couple has perfect sexual compatibility, it will not be easy for them to live together.

Taurus Virgo- one of the most successful marriage unions, in which there will be no place for passions and scandals. Calm and peace will reign in the family, and views on life will always coincide. But the question is - how quickly will love turn into a habit?

Taurus-Libra- it will be a union of two aesthetes and gourmets, united by love for comfort and pleasure. In this pair, everything will contribute to the creation of a strong and long-term relationship, but how quickly will the airy, intellectual Libra woman become bored with the down-to-earth Taurus man?

Taurus Scorpio- a fairly common union of two strong personalities. Their marriage should be built on mutual respect and complete trust, then it will be almost perfect. The Scorpio woman does not tolerate henpecked, so she will calmly give the reins to the calm and practical Taurus.

Taurus Sagittarius- this union will not see family happiness, the boiling of passions and emotions will be too great. The Taurus man will always strive for a traditional house-building, and she will never allow her freedom of communication to be limited. The success of this marriage will depend on the patience of the partners and the desire to be together.

Taurus-Capricorn- a very strong and very common union of two "earth" signs. Their common features are patience, practicality, purposefulness, love of nature. They have everything that comes under the definition of "perfect marriage".

Taurus Aquarius- a rather restless union, especially for a man. The Aquarius woman is always in perpetual motion, and the Taurus man appreciates peace and tranquility like no one else. The conservatism of Taurus will always hold Aquarius back, forcing her to go against her nature. He will never be able to understand her sublime nature.

Taurus Pisces- one of the most successful unions, where both partners can completely suit each other. The Pisces woman does not mind living in an aquarium that the Taurus man will equip for her. She will gladly give him the place of the head of the family, and she herself will become the keeper of the hearth, obeying her husband in everything.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Taurus guy characteristic - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The Taurus man is slow and rather pedantic. He has an analytical mindset and looks completely different from a person who can express his emotions.

But all these are just qualities that are noticed by everyone who surrounds him. At heart, he is a true romantic who is looking for a sincere and beautiful relationship.

The representative of this zodiac sign is not in a hurry to choose a soulmate, and when he finds that one, he becomes the most attentive life partner. It is this man who remembers all significant dates and gives expensive gifts.

The character of the Taurus man is such that he is self-confident, calm and always achieves his goal. Despite the fact of independence, this man can be overly passive and stubborn.

Taurus man: characteristic

The man of the zodiac sign Taurus takes excellent care of his children, educates them with patience and love. He will not scold his child for a bad grade, but he will begin to study with him in order to improve his knowledge.

Taurus is a representative of the earth element, but this does not prevent him from being a romantic who will invite his soul mate to concerts, exhibitions, and sometimes will take him out into nature.

The representative of this zodiac sign is distinguished by a pedantic character and does not tolerate chaos in his home. His wife should always be ready to keep the house completely clean and cook well.

This man loves to give luxurious gifts, and if his lady can become his ideal and forgive him for his little flaws, she will receive not only his attention and affection, but also financial prosperity.

Taurus man personality

The Taurus man does not tolerate criticism and objections to his decisions. In his view, a man should lead in relationships, earn money, solve the most important issues, and his lady will have to agree with him in everything and in no case criticize.

Despite the calm nature, Taurus can get angry in earnest and then can say a lot of offensive things. However, remember that his anger passes very quickly and then his conscience will begin to torment him.

Things are worse if he himself is offended by his soul mate. Taurus can remember insults for a very long time, and this sediment will undoubtedly reflect badly on future relationships.

If a lady wants to keep this man close, she must remain not only feminine and mysterious, but also delicate and tactful, because Taurus loves girls with a twist.

Taurus: characteristics and description

Find out all the most interesting things about Taurus. This information will help you succeed in relationships with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

Taurus guy - characteristic

What is the characteristic of a guy - Taurus? He tries to take from life everything that is possible, and enjoy all earthly joys and pleasures, paying a moderate price for this. “Money is the engine of everything!” is the motto of Taurus. And he learns this from early childhood, and then this knowledge will become his worldview. And usually he believes only in facts and things that can be really touched, touched - and this includes love.

Taurus guy - his characteristic

The Taurus woman becomes his property and often turns into an inventory of love. The main hopes, goals and desires are money, property, land, a passbook, and often something intoxicated too.

The Taurus guy is unlike the others - you will always recognize by this quality: they tend to eat a lot. They are very fond of food. The love of food translates into the fact that among the Taurus there are many chefs, owners or employees of restaurants. The Taurus guy is a very charming, attentive and caring person, with a great sense of responsibility and duty.

In communication, it evokes a feeling of reliability and strength, which is expected from others. He is gentle, affectionate, sometimes sentimental. In family life, he occupies a leadership position. If you agree with him and do what he thinks is right, you will find peace and harmony. But if he encounters your resistance, beware.

What is the personality of a Taurus guy

The cornerstone in his psyche is an unshakable confidence in his manhood. He does not need to confirm this either for himself or for others. He also does not feel the need to emphasize his manhood with questionable methods, such as alcohol abuse, gambling, mock rudeness and rigidity, lust for power and dominance.

Nature rewarded the guy - Taurus with a very hardy nervous system, but nevertheless, in order for this system to be stable, he needs money - this is the main condition for his stability and material confidence. He needs money, material security. Money often saves Taurus from work: they are lazy, they do not really like to work.

And quite a lot of money enables him to spend his life in festivity. Taurus is not a groundless dreamer, like Aquarius, not a heartthrob, like Leo, and not a creator of castles in the air in pink clouds - Aries. Having chosen you as his wife, he will first submit to you for approval the plan of the house in which you will live. This house will not look like an Aries castle, but it will be real, solid and reliably insured.

If the Taurus guy becomes your husband, you won’t have to worry about anything, your future will fall into reliable hands, and how many years later, laughing, you yourself will remember castles in the air and passionate sighs under the moon of your former fans. Husband - Taurus is a reliable acquisition, and you will never regret it in your life.

Taurus man: horoscope and characteristics

Sex in his life

Taurus men love comfort and attach great importance to the environment during sex. If possible, they will give preference to luxurious apartments or a wild beach in a sunset haze.

  • Zodiac sign Taurus: male

    Taurus is a strong, good and calm person. This is how he seems to others and is the same in real life. Add also strong-willed character and confidence. It may seem that this is an ideal companion, but it is not without flaws. There is no hurry in his movements, he is not in a hurry. The zodiac looks stocky. The man has a beautiful figure, although the body is devoid of cubes adored by girls. Taurus can only spoil their appearance with a tendency to overeat. He seemed to be commanded from above to love to eat. And round and soft features in a male appearance are a gift from Venus.

    They try to seduce, so they get tight jeans and do not fasten the top buttons on their shirts. Also not averse to trump and demonstrate their material status. Taurus often wears gold chains, expensive watches and rings.

    Taurus: characteristic behavior

    He is used to being silent, and therefore in an unfamiliar company does not show his essence in any way. But if he is among relatives with whom he has communicated more than once, then he becomes the soul of the company. Likes to joke and have fun. However, he likes to spend his free time only with trusted people, which includes his whole family. Children and wife are the main values. By the appearance of Taurus, you can understand how things are going on the personal front and with relatives. After all, it is from their well-being that he draws his spiritual strength.

    It's always complex issue, because each has its own level and the limit of eccentricity. So you can't generalize. But Taurus is not prone to such behavior. Although ... he has a couple of trump cards that will pleasantly surprise you.

    The zodiac feels comfortable in a rhythm that many will find too slow. There should not be any turmoil and noise around. Do not even try to speed it up or push it to some kind of decision. The sign just sticks. Because of this, many people think they are lazy.

    Personality Traits and Characteristics

    Sexy, funny and down to earth, Taurus is perfect for those looking for a level-headed and "real" partner. Reliable, patient, reasonable and knows how to dilute all this with sensuality and humor.

    Avoids risk and represents a reliable, tolerant and whole person, for whom honor is not an empty word. He is a practical and stable person with common sense.

    Values ​​traditions, fidelity and stability. Experiencing sentimental feelings for loved ones and beloved property. It is not surprising that he does not like change and it is extremely difficult to break himself! The best way– give him a few months of preparation and do everything gradually. Subsequently, the idea of ​​change will become stable and not seem so intimidating.

    Taurus literally feels money, so he understands financial matters and can be too economical. But this is not greed, but the desire for security and confidence in the future. This is a safety net, therefore it is the protection factor that appreciates, and not the possession itself. If there is an abundance of funds, then he will gladly share with friends and family. Moreover, it can be extravagantly generous.

    Most men are incredibly diligent, so they successfully cope with tasks that others find extremely boring or difficult. Believe me, these qualities will play a positive role when you want to start a family.

    In his spare time he prefers to be outdoors. He loves the garden, in which he applies all his skills (patience, care, practicality, consistency).

    Career and compatibility with other characters

    Even in the office, the sign is not going to pick up the pace. But their productivity and performance exceeds all expectations. Their energy reserve is enough to conquer the mountains. Although even in a working environment, they remain calm. They have an entrepreneurial streak, so there are many owners among them own business or successful professionals.

    He can choose among many professions and in any he will prove himself at his best. Periodically, the zodiac needs rest. Stops in places remote from city noise. It is better not to interfere with his vacation, as he gets very angry if he is not allowed to replenish his strength.

    Sign compatibility will be with Pisces and Gemini. Moreover, he will receive reciprocal sympathy, as it guarantees stability. Two Taurus will work together perfectly, but they will not be able to take a walk at their wedding. A bright romance will happen with Capricorn, and expect a strong marriage with Cancer.

    Taurus in love

    This man is down to earth and does not fly in the clouds, but at the same time he is one of the most romantic representatives of the horoscope. If they decide to conquer the heart of a charming lady, they will go to the end, showing tremendous patience. True, sometimes they do not understand that there is no chance and for a long time they beat the threshold in vain. You need to understand how to communicate with such a partner. After all by sign You can't say he's not determined. However, it is not in his nature to make the first movements. And it won't even affect compatibility. He will demonstrate the feeling and will wait for your actions.

    Taurus in sexual terms is quite simple. Not particularly interested in fantasy, role-playing or dirty talk. Why? Yes, because he does not need all these stimulations! This is the most sensual zodiac, which is able to open the doors to the world of pleasure for you.

    Of course, the words "sensuality" and "quality" do not add passion. But what would you choose: fast food or an expensive dish in a chic restaurant? It will do without a glossy picture. This is an affectionate and gentle lover. He is often shy about experimenting, which is even more fun if you convince him to try.

    Taurus is a great choice in terms of marriage. He is only interested in stability. He is pleasant in communication, loyal, balanced and treats girls with great respect. The zodiac tries to make everyone happy. Such a man will rarely commit adultery, and all because he hates change.

    Knowing mark description, you will understand that such an alliance will last a long time. Although the bonds are strong, this does not mean that everything will be so simple. The sign will never allow itself to be humiliated, and the wife should remember this. Men are jealous and sometimes reach the point of absurdity. Yes, and change their habits and inclinations is almost impossible.

    This is a romantic and devoted person who will share all the joys and sorrows with her lover and will go to extreme measures to maintain the relationship and make her partner happy. This is a homebody, a wonderful parent and an excellent cook. In adolescence, you do not see anything attractive in this, but in marriage, these are irreplaceable qualities.

    However, he is so strongly attached to security that he shows the manners of the owner. Can bring to hysterics with his jealousy. But, if you are sensitive, then next to him you will always feel protected and needed.

    Taurus are homebodies. For them, the house is really a fortress that they build and then fiercely protect. He will try to bring prosperity to the atmosphere. Trust me, you won't go hungry with it. If there is no need, they will try not to go out. They would rather call their friends over than go on their own. Don't think what this is means some sort of closure. He just idolizes comfort and familiar surroundings.

    This is a born father and without children, he simply does not see the meaning of existence. With all their hearts they rejoice more at the birth of girls and pamper them with gifts. At the same time, they demand the implementation of established rules. They pass on all their skills and abilities to the younger generation.

    This is one of the most devoted zodiacs. If you were looking for constancy and want to be confident in a partner, then this is your option! Why do you need a bad boy if you have support and protection? Will become great choice for single mothers.

    As a stone and a talisman, black agate is suitable for him, which contributes to the concentration of abilities. Amazonite will bring material well-being, and sardonyx stone will develop the gift of persuasion in conversations with the fair sex.

    Zodiac sign Taurus (male): characteristics, compatibility

    The Taurus male zodiac sign is very interesting person with a unique character. He has a lot of his personal characteristics, which sometimes seem strange to some people. But not all representatives of the sign have equally extraordinary characters. It all depends on the decade in which the person was born.

    Taurus of the first decade

    So, these personalities were born in the period from April 20 to 30. Taurus born during this time period have all the characteristics of this zodiac sign in in its purest form. These are individuals whose interests are directed to the material world. In principle, any guy whose zodiac sign is Taurus strives for prosperity. A man born in this decade is distinguished by business acumen and always tries to benefit, no matter what it concerns. Material wealth is very important to them. Plus, the coziness and comfort in their home matters. Although, to be honest, they begin to improve their lives after twenty years. Before that, they prefer to have fun and have fun to the fullest, without thinking about the future. And then they begin to combine the pleasant with the useful, like all normal people.

    Taurus of the second decade

    These people were born in the period from the first to the tenth day of May. An intellectual mindset, a rather stingy emotional component and a not quite stable mood - that's what can be said about a guy whose zodiac sign is Taurus. A man born during this period seems to pass all his feelings through the brain. His goals often change, as do priorities, but he always tries to fulfill them. These are quite talented people who can succeed in almost all areas, from literature to jurisprudence.

    Taurus born at the end of the month

    From May 11 to May 20, people are also born whose zodiac sign is Taurus. A man born on these days is distinguished by restraint and a strict, rational character. He is very ambitious, but only in terms of a career, he is very stingy with emotions. Of all the Taurus, these are the most reserved and reasonable. They think exclusively with their heads: they do not trust feelings. They make excellent careerists, and what is there to hide - this is what they need.

    Relationships and zodiac sign

    The Taurus man, whose characterization is quite rich and original, is a very passionate lover and devoted partner. He takes relationships seriously. Taurus do not change girls like gloves, they are looking for the very one with whom they would like to spend their whole lives. By the way, they have a very well developed flair in this regard. Even if there is a chance to start a relationship with an insanely beautiful girl, in case of a bad premonition, they will not use it.

    They give themselves to relationships completely, without a trace, and demand the same in return. It is important for them that the chosen one belongs entirely to him. This is the sign of the Zodiac Taurus. A man whose characteristic tells about the different qualities of this personality is very jealous. Sometimes he goes too far because of his principle. Jealousy is especially strong at the beginning of a relationship. But then he begins to trust his chosen one and becomes calmer. She just needs to endure this period and, of course, not give reasons for jealousy. Although sometimes such attacks happen for no reason.

    Taurus as a person

    So, the first thing to say about these guys is that they are reliable. And also faithful. They make wonderful friends who will come to the rescue at any time of the day, good caring husbands and, of course, business partners.

    It should be noted that these people have golden hands. They can fix almost anything: they have a lot of abilities. If they take on what they are really interested in, success is guaranteed.

    In ordinary friendly communication, Taurus appears to be the soul of the company. He tells interesting stories, jokes, has fun. And when necessary, he shows his intellectual abilities, which is impossible not to be surprised. Taurus will never shine with his knowledge just like that - he does not need it. However, in those moments where it is necessary, it is mandatory. He will share his knowledge, tell a lot of interesting things. Communication with this person is not only entertaining, it is also useful.

    Zodiac sign Taurus male: compatibility with women

    So, these guys have pretty sophisticated taste in girls. It is important for them that she be beautiful, kind, understanding, economic, faithful and, of course, love him, believe and tell absolutely everything that happens to her. Many demands, but they find their love. Zodiac signs suitable for a male Taurus are Libra, Pisces, Cancer and sometimes Scorpio. It is these girls who can endure the ambiguous nature of their chosen one, find a compromise and wait for harmony in the relationship. With the rest it will be difficult, especially with freedom-loving Aquarius, quick-tempered Aries and proud Lionesses.

    About Taurus women

    Well, finally, it is worth saying a few words about the fair sex. Compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac female Taurus and Male Libra - this is what is really an ideal relationship. They have everything: passion, love, tenderness, mutual understanding. This is achieved, however, after a while, because first they need to get used to each other.

    Secrets of the character of the Taurus man

    To those around them, they sometimes seem incredibly closed, callous, indifferent, but emotions are a huge secret hidden deep inside. This characteristic is determined by the strong, in exaltation, Moon, the planet of experiences, sensations, romance. The vulnerable Taurus man considers it most dangerous to really open up to a person who is not yet trustworthy enough. Its secret, the hidden emotional world, is vaguely guessed only by the elite.

    Appearance and health

    Any guy Taurus is gifted with a strong element of the Earth with excellent health, courageous beauty, and a strong body. With age, due to the love of pleasure and some excesses, combined with excessive zeal in work, obesity, chronic fatigue, diabetes, and depression may appear. The weak position of Uranus, Mars, Pluto makes blood extremely vulnerable, nervous system, vessels, which leads to problems with blood pressure, varicose veins, mental illness. The sign is distinguished by an inability to openly express one's own feelings, which increases the likelihood of sore throats and throat problems.

    Usually the Taurus man is beautifully built, Venus gives his lips fullness and sensuality. The earth sign of the Zodiac is also expressed in a certain squatness of the stocky figure of its representative.

    Broad shoulders, chest, narrow pelvis are common features of his figure.

    These people often have curly coarse hair, a fairly round face, huge expressive eyes. Powerful legs confidently step and stand firmly on the ground. The movements are quite slow, smooth, measured.

    Career and wealth

    A practical Taurus man really knows how to make money. He is pragmatic enough to soberly assess his own capabilities and knows perfectly well when you can benefit from the situation. Moreover, the sign of the Zodiac under the auspices of Venus is always distinguished by a favorable characteristic of the state of finances. By the way, in working with other people's money in banking or accounting, Taurus often have great success.

    Slowly, but thoroughly, they confidently build their own well-being. At work tend to hold on to a good place, and diligence, reliability, responsibility make the prospect of building a career the most likely. Taurus feel a deep connection with nature, they really like working with animals, plants, and hard physical labor does not scare at all. The people of the earth element make excellent designers of dishes, furniture, they are very shown professions associated with material forms - engineer, architect, builder.

    Excessive responsibility, diligence and some fanaticism in achieving a stable financial position lead to severe overwork, but the Taurus man will stubbornly continue to move towards success. Difficulties only make him look for new solutions. The sign of the Zodiac in a career is distinguished by an incredible will, ambition, the power of which eliminates obstacles, gives the ability to pave the way forward with one's own hands.

    Taurus bosses are characterized by extreme external patience, but you should not think at all that they do not notice blunders and oversights. It is not recommended to test the endurance of such a leader; it usually ends in a sudden dismissal.

    Love, relationship, sex

    Friendship with a representative of the sign of the Zodiac, the main characteristic of which is constancy, will be incredibly long, but to achieve trust, to really get closer to the real essence, is an extremely difficult task. Any relationship is very difficult for him at first.

    The cautious Taurus guy is also serious about finding a girl. He is not at all interested in the frequent change of partners in sex, a girlfriend can be sure of reliability, constancy, fidelity, if she managed to achieve close relationships. He really appreciates individuality and will not encroach on the independence of his companion - a mature personality is needed for effective interaction of characters. Taurus really know how to charm. The sign of the Zodiac is distinguished by remarkable qualities - incredible sensitivity, attentiveness, tenderness, caring.

    In sex, the main characteristics are confidence, delicacy. The earth sign of Venus does not have the special qualities that promise diversity and a clear tendency to experiment, but, of course, pleasure is guaranteed for both. The Taurus man is oriented in sex more to the feelings of his partner, his own feelings are secondary to him.

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