Write a story about autumn using folk signs. Autumn signs and superstitions: we notice the non-obvious

Family and relationships 24.07.2019
Family and relationships

Autumn is perhaps the most mysterious and romantic time of the year; it is not for nothing that poets and artists of different eras dedicated their numerous works to this golden time. Only autumn first bestows a harvest on a person, and then plunges all nature into sleep. The folk calendar is full of a huge number of autumn ones, which were based on observations of natural patterns and their connection with certain events. Centuries ago, when people were not yet familiar with science, only signs and beliefs that our ancestors fully trusted could predict and explain certain phenomena.

Folk omens autumn could tell in detail about the upcoming weather, about what winter and spring will be like, whether the next year will bring a good harvest or not.

Many people to this day predict the weather, based only on ancient beliefs. Let's try to find out which signs of autumn can most accurately tell us about the upcoming weather changes.

What are the signs of early autumn?

As everyone knows, according to the calendar, this time of year begins on September 1, and the first signs of autumn are associated with leaf fall and departure of birds. So, if the leaves begin to fall off early, then winter will not keep itself waiting. severe cold and harsh winter promised fast and late leaf fall.

If at the end of September the aspens and birches lost all their leaves, then the coming year will be fertile. But if an apple tree bloomed in the fall, then the omen does not bode well, because. this portends the imminent death of a person whose house is not far from this tree.

Migratory birds fly high, so wait great weather. And if birds fly close to the ground at this time of the year, it will be cold.

Signs of the weather in autumn

The following beliefs can warn about rainy days:

  1. The acorns have formed a thick peel, which means that severe cooling is coming.
  2. The leaves on the birch turned yellow - frosts are approaching.
  3. If the stars twinkle in the sky in November, the weather will deteriorate sharply and the wind will increase.
  4. If there are a lot of berries on the mountain ash, autumn will be very rainy.
  5. In September, low clouds - there will be prolonged rains and cold.
  6. If you see a flying swan - this is to the snow, and a flying goose - to the rain.
  7. After sunset, a large white cloud appears - strong bad weather will come for several weeks.

Good weather can be predicted by the following signs:

  1. If sunset, then autumn will not be rainy.
  2. In the early morning the sky is clear, without clouds - the coming days will be sunny and dry.
  3. October in the sky bright stars- expect a sunny and warm day.
  4. If thunder rumbles in September, then autumn promises to be long and warm.
  5. Hoarfrost at this time of the year predicts the onset of warm sunny days.

Folk signs of autumn, portending a warm winter:

  1. Until the leaves fall from the cherries, the snow will not fall, and the frosts will not strike.
  2. At the end of autumn, mosquitoes appeared, which means that the winter will be mild.
  3. Early hens begin to molt - the winter is expected to be warm.
  4. If in the morning on the holiday of the winter Matrona (November 9) there is heavy fog, then in December it will be warm.

Folk signs of autumn, portending a harsh winter:

To believe or not in folk signs is a personal matter for everyone. Beliefs exist because people have been observing and noting certain patterns in nature, in the behavior of animals, etc. for centuries. contribution to human life.

As you know, calendar autumn begins on September 1, and astronomical - on the day autumn equinox i.e. September 22.

In folk omens, the beginning of autumn is associated with the departure of birds, leaf fall, and frosts. For centuries, people have observed, analyzed, compared natural phenomena, as a result of which autumn signs appeared. For some hallmarks, without resorting to the help of weather forecasters, who still did not exist, our ancestors learned to predict a lot. For example, even in the spring they knew what summer would be like and what to expect from autumn. Even in winter, they decided what they would do with the future harvest and what they would sow in the fall.

autumn signs came to the rescue if people were preparing for the holidays. It is very convenient - to plan events, knowing what the weather will be on a given day. Our great-grandfathers managed to make signs of autumn for almost all calendar days from the end of August to the end of November. Yes, yes, there are signs for September 1,2,5,6,8,9,10,11,13, etc.! The same - with October, November and all other months of the year! And many of these signs will be much more accurate than weather forecasts!

1. There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - autumn will be rainy, few - dry.

2. If the cranes fly high, slowly and "talk", it will be a good autumn.

3. Thunder in September portends a warm autumn.

4. Until the leaf from the cherries has fallen off, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.

5. Rare clouds - it will be clear and cold.

6. If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.

7. If birches turn yellow from the top in autumn, the next spring will be early, and if from below, then late.

8. Warm autumn - to a long winter.

9. In autumn, the morning is gray, so wait for the red day.

10. A lot of acorns on oak in September - for a fierce winter.

11. Migratory birds fly high in autumn, so there will be a lot of snow, and low - there will be little snow.

12. Thunder in September portends a warm autumn.

13. A lot of cobwebs for Indian summer - for a clear autumn and cold winter.

14. Cobwebs spread over plants - to heat.

15. If the first day Indian summer clear and warm, then the whole autumn is clear and warm, and vice versa.

16. The appearance of mosquitoes late autumn- to a mild winter.

17. Until the cherry leaf has fallen cleanly, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.

18. If in autumn the birch leaves begin to turn yellow from the top, then the next spring will be early, and if from below, then late.

20. Autumn frost - to dry and sunny weather, to a bucket, to warmth.

21. There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - autumn will be rainy, if not enough - dry.

22. If there is a lot of dogwood, there will be a cold winter.

23. If cobwebs fly in autumn, Indian summer has come.

24. If migratory birds fly high in autumn, there will be a lot of snow, and low - there will be little snow.

25. Aspen leaves lie face up - for a cold winter, upside down - the winter will be mild, and if on both sides - the winter will be average.

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Autumn has its signs. And what? Interesting? Let's study the signs of autumn for children - in pictures, poems and cartoons.

We will find out what periods autumn is divided into, what kind of heating is in the hedgehog's house, why the trees turn yellow, what birds consider our lands to be warm, we will watch interesting cartoons on the theme of autumn, and much more interesting!

Signs early autumn: September

1. The first yellow leaves

Early Autumn is like Summer! So sunny, warm and green! Only in some places, here and there in the foliage, yellow leaves begin to appear, like sunbeams - this is Autumn trying its brush.

The mornings are piercingly cold.
It's autumn, and seriously.
But you don't have to worry about
So said the September apricot.
This is how the cicadas sing on a warm evening,
After all, as in summer, the night is shorter than the day.
The rains are not in a hurry to meet,
Like the birds catch up with the summer.
Summer did not close, like doors,
Behind a distant horizon.
And believe me, all is not lost
It's not time to spread the umbrella yet.
In September, in love with summer,
Because he is waving a branch to me
Apricot, summer green,
All playing in the sunshine.

2. Harvest autumn fruits

In September, apples, grapes, pears ripen - a generous harvest - a tasty and bright sign of autumn!

3. Chestnuts, acorns, nuts!

Inedible, but no less interesting things are also ripening - chestnuts, for example.

And acorns, and mountain ash, and ... cones! Of all these autumn gifts, it's great to make a variety of crafts: acorns, rowan beads. And nuts can be used both for food (very useful, by the way!), And for crafts.

Signs of Golden Autumn: October

Amber world - the sun and leaves,
And the soul is filled with amber.
He is in the sky, on the ground, in the trees -
It's like we're living in a fairy tale!

4. Golden autumn

The most beautiful autumn time! All yards, parks and squares turn into fabulous Golden Lands. That's when you need to run outside with a camera and rustle, wander, wallow in fragrant sunny heaps with the whole family! Arrange photo shoots and play!

You can start a weather calendar and record observations of nature there. If you look closely, every day the tree on the way home becomes more and more yellow. You stand under a tree on a cloudy morning - and it turns into a sunny one! I’ll tell you a secret that, probably, then the leaves turn yellow - with such amazing luminous trees on gloomy autumn days, we will still be sunny!

And here is scientific explanation, why the trees turn yellow and shed their leaves - it is very accessible and fascinatingly told, it will be clear even to small children, and it is interesting even for adults!

Not only for children, but also for me information about red, orange, yellow coloring pigments in the foliage was new and very interesting.

Look - from multi-colored autumn leaves you can make a rainbow!

Please note that the trees do not turn yellow all at once, they change color in turn. The first - those who first woke up in the spring. And the longest stubbornly green are those whose leaves bloom late. Just like "owls" and "larks", there are also among the trees.

Autumn boat in cozy gray
Guiding with a silent oar,
Only the tree glows festively
Behind the cold autumn glass.
Still turning green
Only this maple did not want to wait:
Blazed like the sun, but early
He flew south like the Firebird.

Here you have one more sign of Autumn - the birds fly away to warm lands. Do you remember how swift swallows swarmed over the yards all summer from dawn to sunset?

A. Fet
The swallows are gone
And yesterday dawn
All the rooks flew
Yes, like a network, flickered
Over that mountain...

Now these nice birds are on their way to the southern seas, and they will return in the spring, on the first warm days. Figure it out with the kids, which other birds are migratory, and which ones remain with us? (migratory - swallows, nightingales, storks, cranes, rooks. Sedentary - sparrows, crows, pigeons, tits).

5. Migratory birds

And bullfinches, on the contrary, fly to us from their northern regions! We have warm snow lands. It's great to see these cute birds with bright, like lights, breasts among the snowy branches in winter!

A very nice sign of Autumn is a titmouse, round like a yellow bun, who flew in to check what and how in those places where she was treated to seeds last winter. Titmouse have an excellent memory. And when it starts to get colder, they fly in from the forests, where they spent the whole summer, for reconnaissance. Wait a minute, chicks! Soon there will be the first snow, and we will definitely hang a feeder on the balcony so that you have more fun during the winter.

6. Animals are preparing for winter

An interesting sign of autumn, which is difficult to see in the city, but you can see it in a park or in a forest - how all living creatures prepare for winter. Hedgehogs carry fallen leaves on needles into their nests. Do you think they make a bed? Nope. This is their heating! Leaves prey and emit heat, this is such an interesting battery for a hedgehog.

Squirrels store food for the winter: they string mushrooms on branches, bury acorns and cones. And the memory of squirrels is excellent, no worse than that of tits - the squirrel easily finds its pantries under the snow in the middle of winter.

Well, let's remember with the children: who sleeps in winter, who does not sleep? (Sleep - bears, hedgehogs, fish, frogs, insects, Moomintrolls; do not sleep - squirrels, hares, wolves, foxes).

7. Leaf fall

The trees in sunny, fiery outfits have adorned themselves, and the leaf fall begins. An amazing, magical time, when it's so great to wander under the trees in heaps of foliage, to catch a leaf that suddenly fell off a branch, like a meteor of a summer starfall - what if it sits right in your hands? And make a wish!

You can collect chic bouquets of leaves, admire them, make them out of them or!

For some reason we dreamed of summer
Though it's been autumn for a long time,
And the wind ruffled the trees all night,
Cutting off wet leaves.
Thinned solar maples,
You can see the blue through the crowns.
And the trees stand in surprise
And they drop the gold into the grass.
Maybe they also dreamed of summer ...
Only really - autumn in reality
Scatter generously like coins
Golden underfoot foliage.

Another sign of Autumn is a surprisingly blue, high sky, even bluer and higher than in summer.

Signs late autumn: November

So the leaves flew around, not without reason in Ukrainian the third month of autumn is called Leaf fall. The trees see summer in their dreams, and in order to make it more comfortable for them to doze with bare branches, in the morning they are enveloped in thick autumn fog.

Sometimes the fog turns into a fine drizzle, or even into a rain. In the puddles float, like boats, belated, the most persistent leaves. And you must admit that autumn rain and fog are good and pleasant in their own way. This is the time of fragrant teas and hot chocolate, beautiful poems and music, cozy evenings and philosophical reflections. By the way, you can philosophize with 4-5 year old kids. You will see, they will surprise you with their reasoning.

Soon the rain will give way to the first snow, and one November morning the world will be white, fresh and wonderfully new. And not far from there New Year! But this will be a new story.

And what signs of Autumn will you name?

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All seasons are good in their own way, but the bright and varied colors and mystery are inherent only in autumn. Autumn has its own unusual smell, and early twilight evokes a romantic mood. All sorts of autumn signs are another remarkable property of an amazing time.

About the weather for all superstitious

According to the calendar, autumn comes on the day when children go to school for the first time. At this time, birds gather to the south, and leaves fly from the trees. So what are they, signs about autumn?

  • Rainy summers and warm autumn days portend a long winter.
  • If there is heavy winter precipitation in early autumn, spring will be early.
  • Hoarfrost in autumn - expect sunny and dry weather.
  • The dim glow of the stars - to rain, and the clear - to good weather.
  • If there are a lot of cobwebs on the days of Indian summer, the autumn will be sunny and warm, and the winter will be cold.
  • Autumn starfall warns of a bad harvest next year.
  • The web spreads low - the winter will be cold and snowy.
  • If mosquitoes suddenly come to life in late autumn, the winter will be warm.

Signs of autumn for schoolchildren

In autumn, children, together with teachers, go to the forest to study nature not from textbooks, but in natural environment. In such an environment, it is easier for the teacher to explain to the students the main natural phenomena, and the children learn the material better.

  • If snow covers the ground and leaves are still hanging on the trees, then it will soon melt.
  • Low clouds portend the proximity of rain and cold.
  • Thunder struck in the autumn - it means that the heat will stay for a long time.
  • A mild winter can be identified by the late departure of migratory birds.
  • We saw a mushroom in late autumn - it will not snow soon.
  • Rare clouds promise clear but cold days.
  • Late leaf fall testifies to the cold next year.
  • Birches turn yellow from below - late spring, from above - early.
  • Ants pour huge heaps - the winter will be cold.
  • about harsh and snowy winter can be judged by the abundance of nuts and the lack of mushrooms.
  • If the birds fly away together, then the winter is fast and cold.
  • In the midst of prolonged rains, birds suddenly began to sing - warm days are coming.
  • O warm winter testifies to the behavior of the bees that leave the notch open. If they cover the opening of the hive with wax, the winter will be cold.
  • Thunder in October - there will be a lot of snow in winter.
  • The hares have changed their gray fur to white - they are expecting an early winter.
  • Oak covered with acorns - expect a harsh winter.
  • Fallen leaves lie face up - the harvest will be poor and vice versa.
  • Squirrels are intensively stocking up on nuts - by the harsh winter.

Like any other time of the year, autumn also has its many. They are used and successfully used for the development of babies from the very beginning. early age. After all, the wisdom and knowledge of our ancestors is an invaluable wealth that should be valued and learned from it.

Folk signs of autumn for children are very diverse and with the help of them children can learn a lot of interesting and useful things for their children. inner peace and intellectual development. But it is necessary to distinguish between the information provided, so that it corresponds to each age group. After all, the child must understand what is at stake.

Signs of autumn for children 3-4 years old

They are the simplest. What we, adults, sometimes do not even pay attention to, is of great cognitive importance for kids. It is worth starting the study of this time of year from looking at the leaves on the trees in the park, from changing their color from green to yellow, red, brown.

It will be very visual to conduct an excursion to the vegetable market in order to talk about the gifts of gardens and orchards that autumn presents us. These are very informative, because in parallel you can learn the names of vegetables and fruits.

You can consolidate your knowledge already at home by reading a book on this topic, learning poems, and, of course, studying adapted signs of early autumn for children:

  • warm autumn - to a long winter;
  • leaves fell early - soon frosts, by early winter;
  • birds sit on the roof - to bad weather.

Signs of autumn for children 4-5 years old

For children a year older, the information is not much different, but still it becomes more diverse, and the kids themselves are already more attentive to nature, which means that they can already independently find a connection between a sign and its display in reality:

  • poultry hides its head under the wing - to be cold;
  • squirrels make large stocks - for a long winter;
  • if there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be long and cold.

Signs of autumn for children 5-6 years old

Children who will soon graduate from kindergarten and go to first grade can already memorize signs and voice them at thematic classes or the autumn festival, which is held in October-November in all kindergartens. Information that children kindergarten receive now, is basic and serves as a good help when the baby is already a first grader:

  • rare clouds - there will be cold clear weather;
  • a lot of mountain ash - by a rainy autumn; little - to dry;
  • a lot of cobwebs in Indian summer - to warm autumn.

Usually at this age, children go to the first school class. Here, more stringent requirements are already imposed on their knowledge, which means that the information provided becomes more extensive and informative, and the information that was received earlier is also consolidated.

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