Guard dog for the apartment. Choosing a dog breed for guarding a house in the suburbs.

Family and relationships 12.02.2018
Family and relationships

Dogs have always been considered best friends and helpers of man. They faithfully served him, guarded the house, protected from the attacks of wild animals. In our time, despite the development of modern technologies in the field of security, dogs have remained the most reliable watchmen of dwellings.

Dogs for guarding a private house: what are they?

Any dog ​​can work as a sentry, regardless of its size and breed. Even a small animal can scare away uninvited guests loud bark. What can we say about the big one, which with just one roar will instill fear in every lover to profit from someone else's good?

Dogs for the protection of a private house: who is better suited?

Now there are a lot of people who have innate obedience, attentiveness and distrust of strangers. When making a choice, you need to take into account your character, the aggressiveness of the animal, as well as the presence of other pets in order to avoid problems in the future. There are breeds that do not tolerate children, it is clear that such an animal cannot be started where there is a child.

Dogs to guard a private home: be careful

With such an animal, one must be very vigilant, as this animal has an explosive nature. It goes from calm to aggressive very easily. In addition, these dogs obey only one person, while others are simply condescending. This breed is suitable for people who have an iron will and a firm hand. Only proper training will make an excellent guard out of a Caucasian.

German Shepherds are good watchdogs

These dogs have excellent working qualities and physical data. Many representatives of the breed work on the border, in prisons, and also in the police. They are smart, intelligent, hardworking, friendly, loyal, easy to train. The German Shepherd is the best home guard dog. They can also be safely trusted with children or a car.

Dogs for the protection of a private house - Rottweilers and Dobermans

Excellent watchdog, have a calm and balanced character. If the owner shows weakness during the upbringing period, then they will try in every possible way to show their leadership skills, and everything can be used: both teeth and claws. Note that the dogs of these breeds are very vindictive, at any opportunity they will remind you of unjustified aggression towards themselves.

Canne Corso - loyal and strong

These dogs have excellent watchdog qualities. If suddenly someone unfamiliar got into the territory guarded by such a dog, then the animal will do everything to detain the criminal. Its owner must be both physically and psychologically, as the Canne Corso will test its owner in every possible way for strength. As you understand, they have well-developed dominant qualities.

When choosing a dog to guard the house, in no case should you act quickly and blindly. Be sure to learn about the ancestors of the animal, about the history and characteristics of the breed you have chosen. This information will help you avoid trouble in the future, as well as make the right decision about the dog.

The vast majority of people prefer to keep a large breed dog in the private sector. This can be understood - the very sight of a four-legged "bodyguard" will stop even the very thought of encroaching on your property. It seems that what difficulties can be - I bought a puppy of a large breed, put him on a chain or in an aviary, and the job is done! However, not all so simple…

Here are the main mistakes that are made when choosing and keeping guard dogs.

1. There are breeds that are absolutely unsuitable for protection. For example:

— Husky. The dog initially has absolutely no aggression towards humans. She is friendly to everyone without exception, cordially welcomes both the owner and strangers at home. It will never react to the appearance of thieves and will not be able to protect the owner when attacking him. Attempts to educate guards from husky lead to complete loosening nervous system in this dog, it becomes dangerous to others.

- Mastino Neapolitan. It is considered prestigious in "elite" circles to start such a beautiful, powerful and dear dog, but one thing is not taken into account - the mastino is completely unsuitable for the role of a house guard. The dog is very smart, kind to the owner and to the whole family, but very distrustful of strangers by default. Calm and good-natured until she was angry, but scary in anger! It is strongly not recommended to bring up aggression in her even towards strangers who suddenly appear, she can become uncontrollable.

- Hunting dogs are not suitable for this role (with rare exceptions) and, of course, small decorative ones.

2. It is not recommended to keep the dog constantly on a chain or in an aviary. This can be done only temporarily, most of the time the dog should move freely around the yard. It is also simply unacceptable from puppyhood to artificially arouse anger in her! Instead of a reliable friend who loves you, your family and is ready to stand up for you if necessary, you will get an uncontrollable beast that attacks all living things.

3. If there is a large yard, then you think that you don’t need to walk the dog. This is a mistake, your pet still needs to walk, even if he does not live in a cramped apartment. Important point in the upbringing of a guard dog - socialization. The concept of socialization includes accustoming to a calm response to various stimuli - to strangers, to other dogs, to cars. This does not mean that you should walk in crowded places and let everyone cuddle your dog. You just need to visit different territories and acquaint him with a variety of environments.

4. It is impossible to expand the circle of communication of the animal too much. The dog must clearly know from a young age that there are you and your family, whom he must obey and protect. In the social circle, you can include visiting relatives and close friends. It is also undesirable for your guests to caress and feed the puppy violently, from which you are going to raise a guard dog.

5. For some reason, it is often believed that any dog ​​should love all family members by default. Alas, this is not so, far from all breeds and individually dogs have a “blind” love for all the people around them. It is not enough to choose the right dog - you need to be prepared enough to instill in your pet respect for everyone living in the house without exception. If you have no experience at all, you don’t have much time and desire to deal with a dog, especially if there are elderly and children in the family, it’s better to set an alarm ...

6. Wrong opinion - the complete dominance of the owner over the dog. The principle of instilling a sense of victory in a dog will seem unexpected to you. While the dog is a puppy, with the help of special games, you need to instill in him self-confidence, the desire to fight and win. Consult with a cynologist who specializes in training guard dogs specifically, he will tell you the games at the end of which your dog will come out the winner. You should not be afraid that the dog will “sit on your neck”, it is much worse if the dog suppressed by you cannot protect you later.

7. Now a small review of breeds that, according to professionals, are well suited for home protection.

- German Shepherd. The most daring and smartest, according to experienced dog breeders. It lends itself well to learning, prone to "self-education", obedient, distrustful of strangers.
— Rottweiler. Balanced, calm, well brought up. Shows aggression towards strangers, if only he sees a danger in relation to the owner.
— Doberman Pinscher. The dog is smart, but impulsive, can become very aggressive with the wrong upbringing, so it needs an energetic and knowledgeable owner. They say that there are no bad Dobermans - there are stupid owners ... These animals are very energetic, they need long active walks.
- Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Unpretentious, independent, fearless. But it can be persistent to the point of stubbornness ... The advantage of this breed is adaptability to any, even the most severe conditions. Well trained, but obeys only one owner.
— Georgian Shorthair Mountain. The breed has not yet been recognized internationally, but I would like to note these dogs in particular. "Georgians" have a massive physique and large size, unusually hardy, adapt to any conditions, endure terrible heat and severe cold. They are distrustful of strangers, tenderly love the owner and family, especially children, can look after them in the absence of adults. Initially used to guard the herd, in our time they have earned a reputation as a magnificent "home guard".

Are you ready to raise a friend and a guard in one person? Agree to spend time and effort so that the dog loves you and can protect your home and family if necessary? Then everything is in your hands!

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If for a city dweller a dog is, first of all, a friend and companion, then for rural residents a dog is, first of all, a guard of the yard and property of its owners.

Which dog to choose to guard a private home, and what qualities it should have

The ideal dog for guarding the yard is large or medium-large in size, distrustful of strangers, unpretentious in keeping, well trained, with a coat that allows you to live outside all year round, and indifferent to other animals.

So, these dogs are NOT suitable for guarding a private house:

  1. Hunting (huskies, cops, hounds, greyhounds, burrows, hunting terriers). At the genetic level, they have indifference and friendliness to humans. In addition, almost all representatives of hunting breeds have a pronounced hunting instinct. And for a farm that contains, for example, a bird or other living creatures, this is a very undesirable quality.
  2. Dogs of the so-called "fighting" breeds (Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Pit Bull Terriers). The fact is that these breeds were bred for baiting other animals, but such dogs are usually friendly to humans.
  3. Dogs for the protection of a private house that do not have an undercoat (Dobermans, Boxers, Cane Corso and other "bald" breeds) are also not suitable. Such dogs need to be kept warm in winter. If your plans do not include taking the animal into the house in the cold, choose a breed with a thicker coat.
  4. Rescue dogs (St. Bernard, Labrador, Golden Retriever, Newfoundland). Such breeds were created to help people, so they have a completely good-natured disposition. A good-natured bumpkin like a Newfoundland can only scare away your neighbor, who will go into the yard to borrow matches without asking, but such a dog is unlikely to stop real intruders.

So what breed of dog to choose so that it is not scary for your household? We recommend the following five, with them you can not be afraid of anything.

German Shepherd

The most popular and truly versatile dog breed. Smart, sensitive, distrustful of strangers, unpretentious in content, perfectly trainable German Shepherd- A great option for a dog to guard the house.

With proper upbringing, they can be vigilant reliable watchmen and at the same time companionable family dogs. It is not in vain that we stipulate the condition “with proper upbringing”. There is an opinion that the German Shepherd does not need education, because it is already smart from birth. This common misconception of inexperienced dog breeders can lead to disastrous results. Training, at least the initial one, is absolutely necessary for any dog!

Caucasian Shepherd Dog and Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

Representatives of these breeds are reliable protection for any object. These dogs have a pronounced territorial instinct, so you probably won’t have to specially train them for protection. By choosing this breed of dog, you will be absolutely calm about your property.

The only thing is that you will have to seriously work on obedience. Caucasians and Alabai are very prone to independence and self-will, and with their strength and size, this can create many problems. If you decide to buy a puppy of these breeds, be sure to consult with a breeder or dog handler and start working on raising a baby literally from his very first days in your home.

A relatively young domestic breed, which has many fans. Such dogs for the protection of a private home will be a worthy option. And this is well deserved - the "Muscovites" are very strong physically, unpretentious in care, quite vicious towards strangers. They have a "softer" disposition in comparison with the Caucasian or Central Asian Shepherd Dogs. They need regular physical activity and movement - keeping on a short chain is contraindicated for them.
With the right approach to education, they surprisingly combine the qualities of both a reliable and fearless guard and a gentle friend for all family members.

Despite the fact that the Rottweiler is a smooth-haired dog breed, it has a well-developed undercoat, so if you do not live in extreme cold conditions, the Rottweiler may well be suitable for the role of a private yard guard. This is a very reliable watchman - vigilant, attentive, distrustful. When educating Special attention obedience must be given. Rottweilers tend to claim leadership, and they can also be very stubborn. When raising a Rottweiler puppy, immediately stop whatever you want to see in an adult dog - if the Rottweiler concludes that something is possible for him, then it will not be easy to wean him from this.

The black terrier was bred in the territory former USSR when there was a need for a strong, vicious and tireless dog. The reputation of the "blackies" as unsurpassed guards at one time was so high that they were even given romantic names like "black lightning". Now the character of the black terrier has become softer, and he may well be a family dog, while remaining a reliable watchman. Temperamental and energetic black terrier is always ready to keep your children company in their games and attack intruders. The coat of the black terrier needs care - it needs to be regularly, at least twice a year, plucked (trimmed) and trimmed.

Well, now you are aware and know which dogs are suitable for guarding a private house, and which breeds are best left for entertainment to city dwellers. What breed of dog guards your property? For example, we have a mixture of a shepherd dog and a Moscow watchdog - a smart, affectionate and wonderful guard.

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If you're considering getting a four-legged friend and you've already managed to get your family's consent, you're probably wondering how to choose the right dog. No wonder, because it is not difficult to get lost in a sea of ​​wet noses and prying eyes.

It has been known since childhood that a dog is a man's best friend. The dog is the first animal that was tamed by man. The dog is an eternal helper and companion, personifying selfless love and devotion.

In this article, you will learn what considerations should be taken into account when choosing a dog.

We select the breed of dog for ourselves and the child

Many people are guided by the breed when choosing a dog. They push character into the background. An expensive dog is part of the image along with an expensive car, a chic mansion and clothes of a famous brand. This approach to choosing a four-legged friend is wrong.

  1. Before buying a dog, consider whether there is enough time to raise a pet. Do not disregard the organization of living conditions for keeping a dog.
  2. Aboriginal breeds are popular - Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, Huskies and Samoyeds. Undoubtedly, the plastic psyche of an animal is able to adapt to a new environment, but living in a city apartment is not suitable for these breeds.
  3. When choosing a dog, keep in mind that the treatment and maintenance of the animal is fraught with financial costs.
  4. When choosing, consider temperament and character. If a person is choleric, you should refuse to buy a Dalmatian, dachshund or fox terrier. It is better to choose a spaniel or a retriever.
  5. Fighting dog breeds need proper training and a strong hand. Otherwise, the dog will become uncontrollable and dangerous. There are many stories with fighting dogs that ended tragically.
  6. A pet will limit your freedom of choice in the field of recreation and travel. If you are going to go on vacation, someone should look after the dog.
  7. After the appearance of the dog in the house, you will have to clean it more often. It is necessary to prepare in advance for the fight against wool, which will appear on upholstered furniture and carpets.

Getting a pet is not difficult, but remember the responsibility to the animal. Otherwise, the four-legged friend will become unnecessary and end up on the street or in a shelter.

Breed selection

The best breeds for a child

If a child asks to buy him a puppy, do not be afraid of puddles on the floor and slippers eaten. Puppies behave this way only at first.

The child will become a harmonious personality. A shaggy companion will protect you from loneliness. A child, having become attached to a dog, will get rid of the complexes that often arise during communication with peers.

With a dog, children share secrets. The dog will listen carefully, understand and sincerely sympathize. In infantile children, the puppy contributes to the development of responsibility. A dog can entertain a child regardless of age. Communication with a puppy has a positive effect on the discipline and vital interests of the child.

When choosing an animal, be guided by character, temperament and personal qualities. Prepare for the fact that the child will refuse to raise and train the dog, and the solution to this problem will fall on the parent's shoulders.

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I offer a list of breeds that get along great with children.

  1. Collie. Kind, soft and calm. Treat children with respect.
  2. Poodle. Unpretentious in content, suitable for active and temperamental children.
  3. Beagle. Small, intelligent and friendly dogs, perfectly trained.
  4. Golden retriever. Tolerant of children's pranks. Companionable and friendly.
  5. Yorkshire Terrier . A small dog with an amazing temperament. Perfect for a girl.

If a child insistently asks for a puppy, forget about the principles and do it. I can say with confidence that such a New Year's gift or a birthday surprise will change the life of a child, making it active, fun and eventful.

Home Guard Dogs

Guard dogs differ significantly from guard dogs. They not only warn the owner about a stranger on the territory of a suburban area, but also attack an uninvited guest.

Remarkable protective qualities in Giant Schnauzers, Black Terriers, Shepherd Dogs and Rottweilers.

I will describe in detail the listed breeds.

  1. Sheepdogs are classic home protectors . Suitable for the protection of vast territories and perfectly amenable to training. The owner should teach, shepherd dogs do not trust strangers. When an outsider enters the protected area, the shepherd shows protective qualities. If guests come, it is better to close the dog in the aviary.
  2. The Black Terrier is a specially bred breed for guard and service functions.. Such a dog is strongly attached to the owner, often does not recognize relatives and relatives. Black Terrier needs socialization with early age. The dog is active and loves to play.
  3. Giant Schnauzer - used in the guard industry since the beginning of the last century. Security features are excellent. The dog is family friendly. Needs special care due to long hair.
  4. Rottweiler - police dog. Guard and watchdog instincts are excellently developed. The Rottweiler has an unflappable temperament and is able to respond with an assertive attack. Although the dog's coat is short, the harsh Russian winters are not terrible.

Small dogs are not suitable for home protection. They are focused on aesthetic pleasure, protective functions are too tough for them. Representatives of small breeds bark loudly, but they will not be able to frighten off an uninvited guest.

How to choose a puppy

Let's talk about places where you can go for a puppy.

  1. Nursery. On the Internet there are contacts of the nursery of the breed you are interested in. I can say with confidence that there are many such establishments in the vicinity of your city. Remember, a dog with a pedigree is not cheap.
  2. Shelter. By visiting the shelter, you will pick up a puppy that, with proper training, will become an excellent protector. True, the protective qualities of a dog directly depend on training, physical activity and nutrition.
  3. Market. You can buy a dog in the market, but on good result don't count, unless you're lucky. The owners of the animal strive to make money by selling the puppy, they are not interested in other moments.

Let's focus on the choice.

  1. If you buy a puppy from a kennel, you have made the right decision. Be sure to ask to see photos of the puppy's parents, and tell a little about them.
  2. Ask about the diet of the puppy's parents. Nutrition and appearance dogs will tell a lot about his future.
  3. If you have chosen a shelter, talk to its representatives and ask for help in choosing.

Nurseries are distinguished by breeding and care about the preservation of certain qualities and health. The nursery provides ample opportunities in the information field, will provide full information about the puppy and the pedigree of the parents.

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If you adopt a puppy from a shelter, you are a noble person. Here you can find a good animal, characterized by the desire to protect new family.

Rules for choosing Yorkie puppies

The choice of York is a serious task, the solution of which should be approached as responsibly as possible. If at the time of purchase you take into account all the little things, the pet will never disappoint.

Before choosing, find a serious breeder, visit several kennels and chat with the owners of Yorkies.

During the conversation, ask about the age of the puppies, the pedigrees of the parents, the quality of nutrition and maintenance. If the shelter or breeder's house has dirty floors and smells bad, and the coat is disheveled and the puppies are kept in cages, it is better to refuse cooperation. For sure, they will not provide dog metrics and veterinary passports.

Consider the points that should not be ignored.

  1. Rounded paws and straight limbs testify to the health of York. Movements should not be constrained and coordinated. If the puppy is lame or has a hump on its back, do not take it.
  2. Carefully inspect the puppy, taking it in your arms. The nose should be cold, black and damp. Nose warm only after sleep. Along the edge of the nose there should be no uncharacteristic discharge and a white border.
  3. Be sure to inspect the oral cavity. A healthy dog ​​has gums Pink colour. Each jaw with two fangs and six incisors. The bite is pincer or scissor.
  4. A three-month-old Yorkie should have a closed fontanel. It is determined by probing the crown. If the ears are not worth it, you should not be afraid. With age, they will take a normal stance.
  5. If you choose a curly-coated Yorkie, remember that the coat will not straighten with age.
  6. Do not deprive the tail of the Yorkshire Terrier. It should be smooth, without creases and thickenings.

Labradors are grown in nurseries. If you like dogs with a balanced character, it is better to buy a thoroughbred animal in such an institution. Age must be at least 45 days.

Labradors are friendly, fearless and inquisitive dogs. At a young age, they are highly active and do not show aggression. Labrador puppies react calmly to separation from sisters and brothers.

  1. When choosing a Labrador, pay attention to nutrition. A healthy puppy is plump and agile, with a pleasant smell and a shiny coat.
  2. If there are acne and scratches on the skin, it itches all the time, the nose is dry, and the eyes are watery, you should not buy.
  3. An important point is the exterior. Regardless of age, the dog must have a powerful head, strong and wide bones, strong paws. Often the choice is made difficult by the non-standard growth of the animal. Do not be discouraged, the formation of the Labrador ends at 1 year.
  4. Look at the tail. The dog is a true protector, it never pinches its tail between its paws.
  5. By the expression of the muzzle, you can determine the state of the puppy. The breed is not characterized by sad eyes. The typical Labrador always greets people with a warm and friendly look.
  6. Color - yellow, black or chocolate.

Choosing a German Shepherd puppy

The German Shepherd is a versatile companion. There is no dog job she won't do.

First, decide why you need such a dog. If you plan to become a breeder, choose a girl. Female shepherds are easier to train and have a more flexible psyche.

Keep in mind, breeding puppies is hard work. If there is little time, no patience, or you just need a four-legged friend, get a male. It's a lot less of a hassle.

  1. It is better to take a shepherd dog in a country nursery, where puppies stay in the fresh air. They are more hardened and stronger.
  2. Sometimes a kennel offers many identical-looking puppies. To do right choice each should be carefully examined.
  3. The bite of the puppy should be strictly scissor. Fur color is black. The real color of the German Shepherd acquires with age.
  4. Until the age of three months, the ears of the puppies lie. If they got up earlier, this indicates certain problems.
  5. Examine the muzzle. If it is sharp, then everything is in order.
  6. A healthy puppy has thick and strong paws, straight back, strong and long neck. Ideally, he resembles a well-fed bear cub.
  7. If the puppies look the same, study their behavior. You can call the puppies to you. Whoever comes running first is the leader and very active.

When the puppy grows up, he will need a lot of space. If you have a city apartment, I do not recommend buying a puppy of this breed. So you ruin the life of yourself and the dog. If there is Vacation home, a better solution than a German Shepherd cannot be found.

The article focuses on one of the most pressing questions that are asked when choosing a puppy for a house or apartment, because the protective qualities of any breed always come first in the list of frequently asked questions.

If you want to get no less useful information on various difficulties that you can meet under certain conditions or understand how to feed a dog and how to train it correctly, you should pay attention to the articles available on the site or search for answers to questions through a custom search system on this site.

The best guard dog breeds price, where to buy

the best guard breeds dogs for private households from the street are considered German and Caucasian shepherds, giant schnauzers, Moscow watchdogs and alabai.

In a house or apartment, the boxer, Rottweiler, Doberman and Cane Corso will be the best guard.

It is best to purchase any breed of dog in a specialized kennel. The price of the puppy you like is also negotiated there.

Which dog is better for guarding a private house and children, an apartment

The best protective qualities and careful attitude German Shepherd, Boxer and Doberman combine to children of their owners.

Dogs for the protection of the apartment and family are the best breeds

Boxers, Dobermans, Bull Terriers and American Staffordshire Terriers are considered the best breeds for guarding an apartment and family.

The German Shepherd also copes well with this task, but it is too “shaggy” for an apartment, which, unfortunately, is noticeable not only during molting, but also every day.

Dog for the protection of a country house of medium size, small, small sizes

Medium-sized breeds of dogs such as the Akita Inu, Bullmastiff, Boxer, American Bulldog and their smaller relatives such as the Miniature Pinscher and Boston Terrier are most suitable for guarding a country house.

Dogs for the protection of the house, which can live on the street in a chain, cottage, enterprise

The best dog that can cope with the functions of protection and can live in the fresh air and be kept on a chain is the German Shepherd. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is also famous for its unpretentiousness and intelligence.

Of the new breeds, the Georgian Shorthair Mountain should be singled out. This massive and hardy dog ​​can perfectly adapt to life in any conditions and is an excellent guard.

How to develop and nurture guard qualities in a dog

For the development of protective qualities in a dog, cynologists recommend adhering to the following rules:
- reduce the animal's social circle to a minimum;
- to teach the dog to calmly perceive the stimuli of the surrounding space - people, other dogs or cats, cars, etc. ;
- develop a sense of dominance in the dog;
- accustom the animal to trouble-free handling.

Dog for the protection of a large area and guard dogs of large breeds

Recognized guard dogs large area are such dogs large breeds like a German or Caucasian Shepherd and Moscow watchdogs. The Doberman Pinscher has also proven itself well, but it is not so frost-hardy.

Dogs to protect sheep from wolves, dogs, herds of sheep

Shepherd dogs bred specifically to protect sheep and rams from wolves are the Australian Kelpie, the American Canadian Shepherd White, the Bernese Mountain Dog, the Border Collie, the Moody, the Welsh Corgi, and the less exotic commoner German Shepherd.

Dog for the protection of the elderly

Guard breeds of dogs - shepherd dogs and terriers for an elderly person will be too burdensome, since they need to be seriously dealt with and walked for a long time in the fresh air. In addition, large animals strive for dominance and may not obey their master, having seen slack in his advanced age.

Dogs of small breeds - Maltese, Pekingese and Pomeranian - can combine the qualities of a guard and be easy for the elderly.

Small guard dogs of small size and stature

Small dogs with excellent watchdog qualities are Australian Terriers, West Highland White Terriers and Miniature Pinschers. Despite their small stature, these dog breeds are renowned for their quick wit and reckless courage.

How much is a Moscow guard dog puppy

Moscow guard dog puppies on OLX sell for $100-$300. The price for a baby from a nursery is from $250 and up.

Guard dog boy or girl

Some sources claim that males have the best security qualities, but most dog breeders agree that it all depends on the temperament of the animal itself and its proper upbringing. So it is not so important to choose a dog or a bitch as a guard. Choose a new pet for yourself, guided by the impulses of your heart and you will not regret it.

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