Natural areas of France and their features. natural areas

Technique and Internet 24.07.2019
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One of the most amazing countries Europe is France. It is located between mediterranean sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Thanks to this, the climate there is extremely pleasant and ideal for tourism. Now we will take a closer look at the natural areas of France, climatic features countries and weather conditions in certain regions at different times of the year.

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Brief geographical overview

On the territory of France, snow-capped alpine peaks, and azure Mediterranean shores, and huge steppes dotted with wheat and other cultivated plants flaunt. The geographical data of this country are very diverse, each is special in its own way. France cannot be described in a nutshell, each of the latitudes requires its own story. In total, we can say that the country lies in the continental climate zone, and only in the south does it turn into a subtropical, milder and warmer one. Another characteristic climatic feature of the country is that winds are a rare phenomenon here. France is reliably protected by rocks and mountains from continental and oceanic cyclones, therefore, from a seismic point of view, it is always safe here.

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Steppe France

What natural zone in this country is the most significant and occupies the largest area? Let's try to figure it out. Since the country lies predominantly in a flat area, and the climate here is continental, close to the south, then, logically, the largest percentage is given to the steppes. More than half of the territory of the state is fields. Some of them are sown with cultivated plants, among which there are wheat, corn, sunflowers, flax and many others. In the outlying provinces, wild steppe areas can be found, as well as small areas of forest-steppe. We also note that this natural area is more typical for the north of the country - it is there that picturesque lawns stretch for hundreds of miles, which in summer are an inspiration for many photographers and artists.

Northern and southern forests

Forest natural areas in France can be divided into two categories. The first will include broadleaf nature reserves located in the center and east of the country. In the second, we include forests with tropical thickets, which are typical for the Mediterranean coast and for the southwestern part of France, which is washed by. In total, forests occupy about 27% of the state's territory. This natural area is recognized as a reserve and protected by UNESCO. By the way, it is among the green thicket that tourists find stunning architectural monuments - palaces, temples, fortresses, which were built in different centuries. So a walk through such an area will be very interesting and exciting.

Altitudinal zones

Describing the natural areas of France, it is impossible to lose sight of the mountain ranges, which, although located in continental climate, but still differ in their special weather conditions. Altitudinal zonality in this country can be traced in two places - in the Alps and in the Pyrenees. The former are located in the east of the state, the latter slightly affect the southern border. So, at an altitude of up to 800 meters there are oak and chestnut forests. A little higher, the mountains are covered with coniferous thickets, beech and fern. Altitudes of 1800-2300 meters above sea level are characterized by subalpine vegetation. These are low-growing spruces and pines, shrubs and tall-grass lawns. The higher we climb, the fewer plants we meet. At imposing heights, only low-grass meadows and rocky cliffs can be traced.

mediterranean coast

We examined which natural areas in France can be found in most of the territory. Now let's pay attention to small plots of land, which, however, are no less attractive for their natural features than those described above. So, subtropical mediterranean climate characteristic of two administrative regions - Languedoc-Roussillon and Provence. It is here that the famous Cote d'Azur is located, as well as many other resorts that are considered national reserves countries. The region is distinguished by the fact that weather, winds and fogs are extremely rare here. The sun shines almost all year round, the air temperature does not fall below +5 ... + 7 ° C even in winter months. In summer it is hot and humid here, so most tourists prefer to spend their holidays here.


We briefly reviewed what natural areas of France exist, how they are characteristic and in what percentage they coexist. Some experts distinguish additional climatic and seismic zones, among which one can single out the oceanic, forest-steppe, as well as many so-called "transitional" zones that occur at the junction of all of the above.

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The geographical location of France is incredibly fortunate. This European power is located between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, and is reliably protected from cold cyclones by mountains and rocks. natural areas France are very diverse, and are represented by subtropics, steppes, forests and a zone of altitudinal zonation.

mediterranean coast

The coastal regions have a subtropical Mediterranean climate. There is rarely cloudy or foggy weather, there are practically no strong cold winds. Sunny weather reigns throughout the year, and even in winter the air temperature rarely drops below + 5-7 Celsius. summer months hot and humid.

Rice. 1. Mediterranean coast.

On the coast grow eucalyptus, olive, various types of palms, fig trees, plane trees, arborvitae. Marmots, lizards, cicadas, alpine sheep, Greek partridges, and vultures live here.

forest zone

The center and east of the country are dominated by broadleaf forests, which occupy almost 1/3 of the territory of France. Beech and oak forests are rich, in which hornbeam, birch and alder are found. The undergrowth consists of ivy, heather, holly.

Protected areas have been created to protect the forest zone and its inhabitants. It is there, in the conditions wildlife, you can meet brown bears, foxes, wolves, badgers, squirrels, hares, roe deer, red deer, wild boars.

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steppe zone

The predominant zone in France is the steppe zone. This was facilitated by the flat relief and continental climate, as close as possible to the south.

It should be noted that the steppe zone is more typical for the northern regions of France. It is there that fields sown with wheat, sunflowers, corn and other useful crops stretch for many kilometers.

Rice. 2. steppe zone France devoted to agriculture.

At present, with great difficulty, it is possible to find areas of the wild steppe area, since almost all of its lands have long been given over to the needs of agriculture.

Altitudinal zones

Mountain ranges are also located in the continental climate zone, however, due to the altitudinal zonality, their nature differs from the flat terrain.

Altitude zonality is represented in France in the Pyrenees, located on the southern border, as well as in the Alps in the east of the country. In the foothills and at an altitude of up to 800 m, chestnut and oak forests grow, which, as they climb, are replaced by coniferous trees and ferns.

In the Alps, on the border with Italy, is the very first French national park- Vanoise. It was created to preserve wildlife and, in particular, to protect rare mountain chamois and goats.

Rice. 3. Alpine meadows.

At an altitude of about 2000 m above sea level, subalpine vegetation enters its possession: undersized pines and spruces, tall grass meadows, and shrubs.

There is much less vegetation on the mountain peaks. Here you can find only low-grass meadows and rocky cliffs.

What have we learned?

The nature of France is very diverse, since several natural zones are located on the territory of the country at once. At present, the animal and plant world is very depleted economic activity person, however protected areas can still be found in natural environment wildlife habitats and unique plants.

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France is one of the most amazing countries in Europe. It is located between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Thanks to this, the climate there is extremely pleasant and ideal for tourism. Now we will take a closer look at the natural zones of France, the climatic features of the country and the weather conditions in certain regions at different times of the year.

Brief geographical overview

On the territory of France, snow-capped alpine peaks, and azure Mediterranean shores, and huge steppes dotted with wheat and other cultivated plants flaunt. The geographical data of this country are very diverse, each is special in its own way. France cannot be described in a nutshell, each of the latitudes requires its own story. In total, we can say that the country lies in the continental climate zone, and only in the south does it turn into a subtropical, milder and warmer one. Another characteristic climatic feature of the country is that winds are a rare phenomenon here. France is reliably protected by rocks and mountains from continental and oceanic cyclones, therefore, from a seismic point of view, it is always safe here.

Steppe France

What natural zone in this country is the most significant and occupies the largest area? Let's try to figure it out. Since the country lies predominantly in a flat area, and the climate here is continental, close to the south, then, logically, the largest percentage is given to the steppes. More than half of the state's territory is fields. Some of them are sown with cultivated plants, among which there are wheat, corn, sunflowers, flax and many others. In the outlying provinces, wild steppe areas can be found, as well as small areas of forest-steppe. We also note that this natural area is more typical for the north of the country - it is there that picturesque lawns stretch for hundreds of miles, which in summer are an inspiration for many photographers and artists.

Northern and southern forests

Forest natural areas in France can be divided into two categories. The first will include broad-leaved natural reserves, which are located in the center and east of the country. In the second, we include forests with tropical thickets, which are typical for the Mediterranean coast and for the southwestern part of France, which is washed by. In total, forests occupy about 27% of the state's territory. This natural area is recognized as a reserve and protected by UNESCO. By the way, it is among the green thicket that tourists find stunning architectural monuments - palaces, temples, fortresses, which were built in different centuries. So a walk through such an area will be very interesting and exciting.

Altitudinal zones

Describing the natural areas of France, it is impossible to lose sight of the mountain ranges, which, although located in a continental climate, are still distinguished by their special weather conditions. Altitudinal zonality in this country can be traced in two places - in the Alps and in the Pyrenees. The former are located in the east of the state, the latter slightly affect the southern border. So, at an altitude of up to 800 meters there are oak and chestnut forests. A little higher, the mountains are covered with coniferous thickets, beech and fern. Altitudes of 1800-2300 meters above sea level are characterized by subalpine vegetation. These are low-growing spruces and pines, shrubs and tall-grass lawns. The higher we climb, the fewer plants we meet. At imposing heights, only low-grass meadows and rocky cliffs can be traced.

mediterranean coast

We examined which natural areas in France can be found in most of the territory. Now let's pay attention to small plots of land, which, however, are no less attractive for their natural features than those described above. So, the subtropical Mediterranean climate is typical for two administrative regions - Languedoc-Roussillon and Provence. It is here that the famous Cote d'Azur is located, as well as many other resorts that are considered national reserves of the country. The region is distinguished by the fact that weather, winds and fogs are extremely rare here. The sun shines almost the whole year, the air temperature does not fall below +5...+7 o C even in the winter months. In summer it is hot and humid here, so most tourists prefer to spend their holidays here.


We briefly reviewed what natural areas of France exist, how they are characteristic and in what percentage they coexist. Some experts distinguish additional climatic and seismic zones, among which one can single out the oceanic, forest-steppe, as well as many so-called "transitional" zones that occur at the junction of all of the above.

The largest country in Western Europe European Union- France. It borders Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Monaco, Italy, Spain and Andorra.

France is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the North, Mediterranean, Ligurian seas, as well as various straits.

France is very popular among tourists. This country is rich in sights, both modern and historical. The Eiffel Tower, Versailles and a huge number of castles, catacombs, ancient cathedrals and temples - all this attracts tourists and people living in nearby areas.

Flora of France

The north and west of France are mostly plains and lowlands. The central and eastern regions are medium-altitude mountains.

The snowy areas of the mountain peaks are practically bare and lifeless, occasionally mosses and lichens can be found there. Here you can see wetlands and peat bogs.

Alpine meadows unfolded under the mountain peaks. They grow ordinary daisies, bluebells and other flowers. You can also find wild carrots, angelica, meadowsweet. In the French Alpine meadows, many useful and medicinal plants. Arnica helps relieve sore muscles, curly lily was used as food until it became a protected species. Wild orchid helps in the treatment of gastritis. Brewers used to use gentian to give drinks a specific flavor. Smolevka is used by French and Italian chefs to prepare various dishes.

Under the alpine meadows, a forest zone begins, which is coniferous forests. They grow pines, larch, fir, spruce.

Coniferous lane replaces broadleaf zone. These forests are rich in oaks, chestnuts and beech.

However, there are quite a few forests left in France, because these lands began to be used by man for growing cultivated plant species.

The Mediterranean coast of France is suitable only for plant species that are hardy. This happened because people exterminated the rocks growing there, and the rains contributed to the exposure of the earth cover. Therefore, most often there are low trees and bushes - olives, cork oaks, alpine pines, juniper, myrtle and oleander. Also, these territories are rich in exotic plant species - eucalyptus, palm trees and agaves.

Animal world of France

Human activity has had a detrimental effect on the animal world. To date, many individuals have been exterminated or listed in the Red Book. But in local reserves you can meet a considerable number of Central European, Mediterranean and Alpine representatives of the animal world, for example, brown bears, chamois and stone goats.

But still, some species of animals have survived and live in their natural environment. Predatory representatives of these animals are: foxes, badgers, genets. From small rodents there are squirrels, mice and rats.

Hares and bats. Also in the shade of trees found their refuge red deer, roe deer, wild boar and beaver. Moufflons live in the mountains of Corsica.

The feathered world is more diverse than the animal world. In the Pyrenees, rising to mountain peaks, you can hear the sounds made by the willow warbler. You can also see a bullfinch, a pika, a meadow chaser. Everywhere you can hear the trills of the song thrush. Forest areas are divided by: capercaillie, rattle warblers, woodcocks, red-winged wall climbers, white-throated thrushes, alpine jackdaws, gray and tundra partridges and alpine finches. Birds of prey also inhabit the French territories. The main representatives of birds of prey are: bearded vulture, griffon vulture, vultures, eagles and sea eagles.

The water world of France is not rich. Basically, there is trout, artificially grown by man. And only in the bays you can find sardine, flounder, herring. Representatives of marine and ocean living creatures are: lobsters, shrimps and various shellfish.

On the territory of France, about 10 reserves have been created, in which a large number of rare species animals and plants.

France is a country of Central and Western Europe, surpassing all other states of this region in its territorial scope.

Geographical position

Geographically, France is approximately equal to one of the largest states of the United States of America - California, and even surpasses it.

The borders of France in the west extend as far as the Atlantic Ocean; in the east, France collides with the territories of Germany and part of Switzerland; in the north, the country shares its borders with Belgium and Luxembourg; in the southwest and southeast, France touches Spain and Italy, respectively.

Also in the north-west, France is separated from the territory of Great Britain by a natural water barrier - the strait English Channel.

Thus, in total, not counting the former colonies, France legally borders on 6 European states, not counting Great Britain, located on the western side of the English Channel.

The territory of France is divided into the main - "Metropolis" and accessory - "overseas colonies". Overseas territories were historically assigned to France as a result of its colonial policy of conquest, which reached its zenith in the 18th century.

The main territory of the French state consists of 22 administrative regions and 96 departments.

The following regions are distinguished: Pas De Calais, Picardy, Lorraine, Alsace, Franche-Comte, Ile-de-France, Normandy, Loire, Loire Valley, Brittany, Champagne, Burgundy, Poitou-Charentes, Limousin, Auvergne, Aquitaine, Center - Pyrenees, Languedoc, Provence, Corsica, Cote d'Azur, Savoy.

Natural complexes of France

If speak about natural complexes France, we can distinguish their great diversity. The plains cover largest area countries, approximately 70% of the whole of France.

There are mountain ranges - the chains of the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Massif Central, the Vosges, the Ardennes and the Jura mountains. The French Alps are famous for the fact that it is in their mountain ranges that the most high point Western Europe - top Mont Blanc, having a height above sea level of 4808 m.

Security of France water resources is sufficient. Basically, most of the major French rivers, such as the Loire, Rhone, Seine, Garona, originate high in the mountains, and then descend to the plains. The most major river- this is Loire, which has a length of 1012 km and originates from the Central Massif mountain range and ends, flowing into the Atlantic Ocean.

Flora and fauna

Forests cover about 30% of the entire territory of France. The predominant tree species are birches, oaks and conifers (mainly pine). Also in the country there are many scattered marsh complexes.

Forests and wetlands are the main habitat for fauna such as the Iberian ibex, stork, Corsican deer, wolf, Brown bear, swamp otter, chamois, beaver, vulture.

Climatic conditions

The climate of France can be defined as temperate. Winter time days are mostly warm with temperatures not dropping below -8 -10 degrees Celsius, although lower temperatures are possible in mountainous areas.

Big impact on the climate western territories France has the Atlantic Ocean. high humidity, strong gusty winds, heavy rainfall - these are the features of this part of France.

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