Preparing for the work of the mine detector imp. How to work with a mine detector Military mine detector

Health 02.09.2019

When installing a mine detector, the search element must be located at a distance of 1 m from the soil, and within a radius of 1-1.5 m there should not be any metal objects and mine detectors working nearby would not be closer than 6 m.

By turning both knobs of the compensator, one by one achieves a gradual decrease in the volume of the control background, which is heard in phones, and then its complete disappearance. At the same time, only a weak sound of a higher frequency than the main control one can be heard in the telephones of the masses.

To check, you need to bring the search element to a metal object. If the main background sound with increased volume appears in the phones, the mine detector is set up correctly, and if the sound in the phones is weak at first, and then its volume starts to grow, the mine detector settings are incorrect.

When setting 1MP, you should achieve the lowest volume of the control sound in phones.

With the help of a mine detector, IMPs detect:

Anti-tank mines with metal cases, installed in the ground at a depth of up to 40 cm, in water - up to 1.2 m;

Mines with wooden, fabric and plastic cases and metal fuses are found in the soil at a depth of up to 12 cm;

Anti-personnel high-explosive mines with metal fuses - up to 8 cm.

When searching for mines with a mine detector, the search element is continuously and smoothly mixed in a horizontal plane parallel to the ground at a height of 5-7 cm in a strip 1.5 m wide (in the "standing" position and up to 1 m (in the "lying" position).

In the case of a search element over a mine (metal object), changes in the tone of the sound are heard in the headphones (it rises). In this case, the soldier must stop, clarify the place, nature and position of the found object using a probe.

Rice. 39. Search for mines with a mine detector IMP:

a- IMP mine detector; b- search for mines in the "standing" position; in- search for mines in the "lying" position; 1 - rod; 2 - search element; 3 - main telephone; 4 - gain block

Sets of means of reconnaissance and demining KR-I, KR-V designed to detect, mark and remove With anti-tank installation sites, anti-personnel mines and booby traps.

Table 17

Composition of demining kits KR-I and KR-0

Assembly probe designed to search for mines installed in the ground at a depth of 10-15 cm, which are used in reconnaissance of mine-explosive obstacles, making passages in them and during continuous demining of the area.

The prefabricated probe consists of a steel pointed tip 310 mm long, 5 mm in diameter and a handle, which is assembled from three separate links. Probes can be made in the army in the form of a handle and a metal tip attached to it with a diameter of 5-7 mm. To search for mines in the "standing" position, probes are made 1.5-2 m long, and to search for mines in the "lying" position - 0.8 m.

When working in the "standing" position, the probe is held at an angle of 20-45 ° to the ground surface, and they gently pierce the soil to a depth of 10-15 cm every 10-20 cm. When working in the "lying" position, the probe is held almost parallel to the ground surface.

If the probe touches a solid object in the event of a ground puncture, then its contour is clarified with additional punctures. If a mine is found, its location is indicated by a flag or other sign.

Four-legged cat with a rope 30 m long is used to remove identified mines from the installation site, to destroy tension mines, as well as to move mined objects from their place.

Rice. 40. Four-legged cat

1 - cord; 2 - paws, consisting

The cat has a rod, four folding legs and a shaped nut to secure the legs in the folded position. A ring for tying a rope is attached to the cat's rod. The weight of the cat is 580 g.

To remove the mine from the place of installation, it is grabbed by the cat by the most convenient and safe part (for example, the handle of the mine) and carefully from the shelter or "lying" position at a distance of at least 30 m from the mine is moved from the place of installation.

For reconnaissance or destruction of anti-personnel mines of tension action, the cat is taken in the hand so that the paws (claws) are pressed against the rod, but the shaped nut is released and does not hold them. After the cat is thrown, the paws open freely and, in the case of pulling it up with a rope, they hook on the stretched wire min. The presence of mines is determined by their explosions.

black and white ribbon made of cotton fabric with a length of 100 m is designed to mark the passage to minefields. Tape width 43 mm. The black and white sections of the tape are each 0.5 m long. In addition, every 5 m, the tape has marks 5, 10, 15, 20, etc., according to the distance in meters from the beginning of the tape.

The tape is wound on a special reel and carried in a tarpaulin case. During operation, the spool of tape is attached to the sapper's waist belt, and the free end of the tape is fixed to the ground with a wire pin. The tape is unwound from the reel as the sapper moves.

Checkboxes designed to indicate discovered mines.

Flags are metal (plastic), triangular in shape, red in color, with a white convex letter "M".

The metal rods of the flags have two brackets for building them up if they are installed in high vegetation. Flags are carried in tarpaulin covers of 10 pcs. in everyone.

Wire shears used when making passages in wire fences.

To work out the passage manually, departments are appointed with search tools, equipment for neutralizing (destroying) mines and marking the passage.

Rice. 41. Working out a passage in a minefield by a squad that is equipped with mine detectors (dimensions in mm)

1-6 - numbers of calculation with mine detectors; 7 - squad leader; 8 - black and white ribbon; 9 - one-way sign to mark the passage

Anti-personnel weapons can be placed in anti-tank minefields. fragmentation mines with stretch marks. For their trawling / and 6 the rooms have a cat with a rope 30 meters long. Only after sweeping anti-personnel mines in the zone of the intended passage to a depth of 10-15 meters, the calculation begins to search for anti-tank mines. The operation is repeated until the end of the passage through the entire depth of the minefield.

The department is deployed by speaking to the left or right. The first number, maintaining the marked direction along the intended reference point (azimuth), moves forward, searches for mines with a mine detector and marks the left (right) border of the passage with a black and white tape.

By performing to the right (left) of the 1st number at a distance of 10-15 meters from each other, other numbers advance. They are guided by the ends of a black and white ribbon (15 m long) attached to the waist belt of each number. The last, 6th number, to indicate the right (left) border of the passage, entails a black and white tape, which is unwound from the reel. The first number, having completed the search, remains to guard the passage; The 2nd and 3rd numbers return to the starting line, guided by a black and white ribbon stretched by the 1st number, take signs and mark the borders of the passage with them: the 2nd - on the left, the 3rd - on the right.

Equipped with mine detectors and probes The department is divided into three calculations, two rooms each.

Rice. 42. Working out a passage in a minefield by a squad that has mine detectors and probes (dimensions in m):

1 - numbers of calculation on probes, 2 - numbers of calculations with mine detectors; FROM- part-commander; 4 - black and white tape; 5 - one-way sign to mark the passage

In the event of entering the minefield, the 1st calculation, maintaining a given direction, searches for mines in a strip 2.5-3 m wide (the first numbers with probes, the others with mine detectors). Each number of the 1st calculation entails a 15 m long black and white ribbon attached to the waist belt. The first number of the 2nd calculation and the 2nd number of the 3rd calculation attract black and white ribbons, unwind from reels, with these ribbons marking the boundaries of the passage.

Anti-personnel fragmentation mines with trip wires can be placed in anti-tank minefields. For their trawling, two people with cats are appointed. Only after sweeping anti-personnel mines in the zone of the intended passage to a depth of 15-20 m, the crews begin to search for anti-tank mines. The operations are repeated until the end of the passage through the entire depth of the minefield.

Detected mines are either removed and removed outside the passage, or marked for the purpose of their subsequent collection by cats or destruction on the spot with overhead charges.

Passages in minefields in front of the forward edge are marked with one-sided signs, they must be sufficiently visible from the side of our troops and imperceptible from the side of the enemy.

Rice. 43. Designation of passages one-sided with light signals (dimensions in cm):

1 - light signal; 2 - one-sided sign (30 * 30 cm); 3 - pass

To ensure the passage of troops through the aisles, a commandant's service is organized.

Passages are marked with signs with the same numbers as the paths that approach them. For every three to six passages, a commandant is appointed.

The commandant performs the following actions in advance:

Establishes communication with the commanders of units and subunits, for the need for which passages have been made

Sets up curfews;

Sets a task for senior posts;

Organizes and controls their activities;

Distributes funds for the distribution of passages, their designation and closing.

Rice. 44. Scheme of commandant service on the aisles:

1-12 - regulators, 13-14 - department commanders, 15 - platoon commander; 16- signs to mark passages; 11 - signs to indicate the exit paths to the aisles

Each pass is assigned curfew consisting of 2-3 people. The senior post organizes the regulation of the movement of troops along the aisle, placing regulators at the beginning and end of the aisle, meets the subunits, approaches the aisle and ensures their passage.

Commandant's posts are provided with signal means for traffic control.

The organization of the commandant's service on the aisles is usually entrusted to the units of the engineering troops.

TOPIC:Funds engineering intelligence and clearance

TIME: 2 hours



1. To give an understanding of the means of engineering reconnaissance and demining

2. Teach personnel order of deployment and work with engineering reconnaissance means.


4. MMP mine detector. Purpose, performance characteristics, composition, procedure for working with a mine detector.

Lesson progress:


According to estimates, from 5 to 10 million mines are produced annually in the world. To date, approximately 110 million of them have been installed in 64 countries and remain in combat position. Up to 10 million mines have been installed in Afghanistan alone. About 2 million of them are installed on the territory of Bosnia, and taking into account the territory of Croatia and Serbia, this number increases to 3.7 million. According to the International Red Cross, in Mozambique, all major roads pose a danger to movement, since 2 million mines were planted on them during the 18-year civil war.

According to a UN report, 26,000 people are killed by mines worldwide every year and approximately the same number are injured. The victims are mostly civilians, up to half of whom are children.

Demining is a very slow and labor intensive process. The removal of an anti-personnel mine, which costs US$3 to produce, costs US$300-1000. During the year, no more than 200-300 thousand mines are removed all over the world, and more than a million new mines are re-installed. On average, every 5,000 mines are cleared, 1 sapper is killed and 2 are injured. Even assuming that no mines are laid, the cost of complete demining in all countries would be $33 billion and would take 500 years to complete at the current pace of work.

The experience of military operations in Afghanistan and Chechnya shows that the success of the tasks of searching for mines and land mines, as well as weapons depots, fully depends on whether there are specialists in the engineering troops unit who have studied the unmasking signs of search objects to the subtlety and skillfully use reconnaissance equipment. . So, for example, while providing combat operations in the green zone of the province of Parvan in February 1984, the composition of the search group using the IMB finder discovered a warehouse with weapons and ammunition at a depth of 2 m. The warehouse was discovered by junior sergeant R. Kumurzin, who was fluent in this device. On the territory of Chechnya, as of September 05, 1996, the forces of units and subunits of the engineering troops completed the following volumes of tasks:

1. Explored and demined:

- terrain - 54 thousand hectares,

- buildings and structures - 1060 thousand hectares,

including residential buildings - 317,

schools - 47,

hospitals - 32,

kindergartens - 10,

objects - 793,

lines of power lines - 780 km,

roads - 775 km.

2. In total, 470,000 explosive objects were discovered and destroyed. Including:

- engineering mines - 11600,

- artillery shells - 99200,

Mortar mines - 75400,


Pomegranate - 86560,

Air bombs - 195,

Other VOP-195925.

I.MINO DETECTOR IMP. PURPOSE, performance characteristics, COMPOSITION, ORDER OF WORK - 25 min

Mine detector IMP.

Semiconductor induction mine detector (IMP) is used to search for metal objects in the ground.

Principle of operation

The search element contains two receiving coils and one transmitter coil. The generator coil radiates electromagnetic waves received by the receiving coils - the total EMF in them is zero. When metal objects are brought into the field, waves are reflected from them - an unbalance signal appears, which is heard in phones.

Detection depth not less than (cm): - PTM




Search width, zone (cm): - PTM




Power supply (E 373) (pcs)


Time of continuous work (hour)


Search engine weight (kg)


Mine detector weight (kg)


Rice. oneMine detector IMP.1-head phones; 2-amplifying unit; 3-search element; 4-bar.

Operating procedure

1. Assemble a bar from aluminum knees;

2. Connect to the amplifying block of the headphone plug and the connecting cable of the search element;

3. Put on phones, while one of the shells should not cover the ear in order to listen to orders;

4. Move the toggle switch to the "ON" position and check the operability (squeak, setting the tone and sensitivity);

5. Continuously moving right and left in front of you, move forward, holding the element 5 - 7 centimeters from the ground.

As the signal increases, there is more metal.

Product PR - 507 is designed to search and detect metal and metal-containing objects in the ground, water and snow.

II.MINO DETECTOR IMP-2. PURPOSE, performance characteristics, COMPOSITION, ORDER OF WORK - 25 min

Mine detector IMP - 2

Main performance characteristics

Detection depth in the ground, not more than (cm): type TM - 62M

Type PMN - 2

Minimum distance between two mine detectors (m)...

Power supply (8РЦ83) (pcs)………………………………….

Time of continuous operation (hour)………………………………...

Weight of products in a packing case (kg)……………………..

Rice. 2.Mine detector IMP - 2.1-packing portable box; 2-piece aluminum probe; 3-search element; 4-telescopic rod; 5-power supply; 6-block signal processing; 7-head phones.

Operating principle induction mine detector is based on fixing the secondary field of eddy currents that occur in metal objects under the influence of a primary pulsed electro magnetic field.


MMP mine detector.

Main performance characteristics

Depth of detection of mines (cm): - PTM in a metal case

PTM in non-metal cases……………………………….

PPM in cases of any material……………………………

Up to 50

Up to 15

Up to 7

Continuous operation time (hour)…………………………………..

Multi-channel (radio wave, induction, combined) semiconductor portable mine detector is designed to search for anti-tank and anti-personnel mines in housings made of any metals and materials.

Rice.3. MMP mine detector:1-search element; 2-probe; 3-rod; 4-block signal processing; 5-head phones

The principle of operation of MMP is based on a combination of two methods:

1. Radio wave - sounding signals are emitted by transmitting antennas, reflected from the ground surface, received by receiving antennas and detected.

2. Induction - a reflected electromagnetic wave is captured with characteristics characteristic of Me (amplitude, phase).

Operating procedure

When reconnaissance of the area, the search element of the mine detector is moved with a sweep to the left - to the right parallel to the ground surface at a height of 10 centimeters at a speed of 0.6 - 0.9 m / s (2 - 3 km / h). After each stroke, the search element is moved forward 1/3 of its length. The appearance of a short signal indicates the presence of a foreign object.


Mine detector RVM - 2.

Main performance characteristics

Depth of mine detection (cm): - PTM……………….


to 10

up to 5

Detection zone width (cm): - PTM………………


up to 20

up to 15

Mass of the mine detector (kg)………………………………...

Mass of the search part (kg)……………………………..

Time of continuous operation (hour)……………………….

Temperature Range applications (O C)……………

+50 to -50

Calculation (people)……………………………………………….

The RVM-2 mine detector is designed to search for anti-tank and anti-personnel mines with hulls made of any materials.

Rice.4 . Mine detector RVM - 2:1-search element; 2-holder; 3-telescopic rod; 4-collet clamp; 5-block signal processing; 6-head phones.

The principle of operation is based on fixing the difference in the dielectric permittivity of explosives, the material of the mine body and the environment in which the mine is installed. Sounding signals are emitted by transmitting antennas, reflected from the ground surface, received by receiving antennas and detected. When moving the search element over the mine, a sound signal appears in the phones.

Preparation for work

1. Assemble the mine detector;

2. Connect headphones to the signal processing unit;

3. Insert power supplies;

4. Check functionality.

Operating procedure

The search for mines, depending on the state of the soil, is carried out in one of two search modes: I " or "P". Mode " I " is used to search for mines, in the snow, as well as under a layer of water, and the "P" mode in other cases.

Moving in a given direction, move the search element parallel to the ground at a height of 3-7 centimeters with smooth strokes, making sure that there are no unexplored areas left. When a signal appears on the phones, stop and clarify the location of the object


I summarize the lessons, answer the questions posed, give the task for self-preparation.

Synopsis - Means of engineering reconnaissance and demining

Russia, 2000 - 7 p.

Discipline - Engineering training

Mine detector IMP. Purpose, performance characteristics, composition, procedure for working with a mine detector.

Mine detector IMP-2. Purpose, performance characteristics, composition, procedure for working with a mine detector.

MMP mine detector. Purpose, performance characteristics, composition, procedure for working with a mine detector.

MMP mine detector. Purpose, performance characteristics, composition, procedure for working with a mine detector.

The latest mine detectors, a multifunctional knife, a modernized demining kit, and simply a sapper suit, all this was seen by Defend Russia correspondents at the anniversary of the Research Testing Institute of Engineering Troops. New developments are just beginning to enter the troops, and we can tell you about them right now.

October 6 Central Research and Testing Institute of Engineering Troops of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation celebrated its 95th anniversary. Over the years of its existence, the institute has created thousands of unique engineering weapons. At the anniversary, the guests were shown the latest developments. Here is some of them.

Each set includes: 6 suits-protective sets of the Sokol sapper, 6 protective helmets LSHZ-2DTM. Each suit has two transport bags and two sets of thermal underwear - summer and winter. Each costume also comes with a Swipe-3 combat knife and a flashlight.

The new set is unique. Similar elements are found, but there are no kits in the same assembly.

Combined-arms demining kit OVR-2. Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

The suit is much lighter than its predecessor and weighs about eight kg. This significantly increases the duration of the work of sappers. Titanium protective panels have been replaced with extruded polyethylene, which also reduces the weight of the suit. In addition, the protection of the collar zone and vital organs has been strengthened.

This set retains protective properties when hit from 5 meters with a PM pistol and a TT pistol (bullet 5.45, bullet 7.62).

The cost of the kit is quite low for such equipment and is about 1 million rubles.

Since the beginning of this year, the kit has been actively used by engineering troops during the continuous demining of the area on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

The device is designed to search for wired control lines for explosive devices. The portable finder is capable of detecting a 20-meter SPP-2 type wire at a distance of 4 meters from either end and at a depth of 30 centimeters in the ground.

It consists of an electronics unit with remote control of the indication, a carrier frame of three telescopic rods, a generator coil and a receiving coil. Manufactured using modern composite materials, modern electronic base. The portable finder can be easily folded and placed in a transport case.

There is nothing complicated in working with the device. When turned on, the device is immediately ready to work - to search. The presence of a wire or a wired line is indicated by an LED scale.

This is a completely domestic development. The portable seeker was created with the participation of specialists from the engineering intelligence department of the institute. The price of the device is comparable to the prices of foreign analogues and is about three hundred thousand rubles.

The portable finder was accepted for supply in 2013 and has already proven itself with positive side. The device was used in the preparation and conduction Olympic Games in Sochi.

Portable finder of wired lines for controlling explosive devices PIPL. Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

Designed to replace the current IMP mine detectors in service today. The device is designed to detect anti-personnel and anti-tank mines, the body, fuses and parts of which are made of metal.

Currently, mine detectors are routinely purchased and delivered to the subdivisions.

Portable mine detector IMP-S2 is made using modern materials and modern radio-electronic base. The use of plastic helped to significantly reduce the weight of the device.

Portable induction selective mine detector IMP-S2. Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

Portable detector of non-contact explosive devices INVU-3 M

Designed for remote detection of mine-explosive devices with electronic fuses - radio-electronic components, circuits and transistors. The antenna unit and the radar unit with the control panel are located in front, in the hands of the sapper. To reduce the mass of that part of the mine detector, which is in the hands of the military, the electronics unit and the battery are placed on the back of the sapper.

TOPIC:Means of engineering reconnaissance and demining

TIME: 2 hours



1. To give an understanding of the means of engineering reconnaissance and demining

2. Teach personnel how to deploy and work with engineering reconnaissance equipment.


4. MMP mine detector. Purpose, performance characteristics, composition, procedure for working with a mine detector.

Lesson progress:


According to estimates, from 5 to 10 million mines are produced annually in the world. To date, approximately 110 million of them have been installed in 64 countries and remain in combat position. Up to 10 million mines have been installed in Afghanistan alone. About 2 million of them are installed on the territory of Bosnia, and taking into account the territory of Croatia and Serbia, this number increases to 3.7 million. According to the International Red Cross, in Mozambique, all major roads pose a danger to movement, since 2 million mines were planted on them during the 18-year civil war.

According to a UN report, 26,000 people are killed by mines worldwide every year and approximately the same number are injured. The victims are mostly civilians, up to half of whom are children.

Demining is a very slow and labor intensive process. The removal of an anti-personnel mine, which costs US$3 to produce, costs US$300-1000. During the year, no more than 200-300 thousand mines are removed all over the world, and more than a million new mines are re-installed. On average, every 5,000 mines are cleared, 1 sapper is killed and 2 are injured. Even assuming that no mines are laid, the cost of complete demining in all countries would be $33 billion and would take 500 years to complete at the current pace of work.

The experience of military operations in Afghanistan and Chechnya shows that the success of the tasks of searching for mines and land mines, as well as weapons depots, fully depends on whether there are specialists in the engineering troops unit who have studied the unmasking signs of search objects to the subtlety and skillfully use reconnaissance equipment. . So, for example, while providing combat operations in the green zone of the province of Parvan in February 1984, the composition of the search group using the IMB finder discovered a warehouse with weapons and ammunition at a depth of 2 m. The warehouse was discovered by junior sergeant R. Kumurzin, who was fluent in this device. On the territory of Chechnya, as of September 05, 1996, the forces of units and subunits of the engineering troops completed the following volumes of tasks:

1. Explored and demined:

- terrain - 54 thousand hectares,

- buildings and structures - 1060 thousand hectares,

including residential buildings - 317,

schools - 47,

hospitals - 32,

kindergartens - 10,

objects - 793,

lines of power lines - 780 km,

roads - 775 km.

2. In total, 470,000 explosive objects were discovered and destroyed. Including:

- engineering mines - 11600,

- artillery shells - 99200,

Mortar mines - 75400,


Pomegranate - 86560,

Air bombs - 195,

Other VOP-195925.

I.MINO DETECTOR IMP. PURPOSE, performance characteristics, COMPOSITION, ORDER OF WORK - 25 min

Mine detector IMP.

Semiconductor induction mine detector (IMP) is used to search for metal objects in the ground.

Principle of operation

The search element contains two receiving coils and one transmitter coil. The generator coil radiates electromagnetic waves received by the receiving coils - the total EMF in them is zero. When metal objects are brought into the field, waves are reflected from them - an unbalance signal appears, which is heard in phones.

Detection depth not less than (cm): - PTM




Search width, zone (cm): - PTM




Power supply (E 373) (pcs)


Time of continuous work (hour)


Search engine weight (kg)


Mine detector weight (kg)


Rice. oneMine detector IMP.1-head phones; 2-amplifying unit; 3-search element; 4-bar.

Operating procedure

1. Assemble a bar from aluminum knees;

2. Connect to the amplifying block of the headphone plug and the connecting cable of the search element;

3. Put on phones, while one of the shells should not cover the ear in order to listen to orders;

4. Move the toggle switch to the "ON" position and check the operability (squeak, setting the tone and sensitivity);

5. Continuously moving right and left in front of you, move forward, holding the element 5 - 7 centimeters from the ground.

As the signal increases, there is more metal.

Product PR - 507 is designed to search and detect metal and metal-containing objects in the ground, water and snow.

II.MINO DETECTOR IMP-2. PURPOSE, performance characteristics, COMPOSITION, ORDER OF WORK - 25 min

Mine detector IMP - 2

Main performance characteristics

Detection depth in the ground, not more than (cm): type TM - 62M

Type PMN - 2

Minimum distance between two mine detectors (m)...

Power supply (8РЦ83) (pcs)………………………………….

Time of continuous operation (hour)………………………………...

Weight of products in a packing case (kg)……………………..

Rice. 2.Mine detector IMP - 2.1-packing portable box; 2-piece aluminum probe; 3-search element; 4-telescopic rod; 5-power supply; 6-block signal processing; 7-head phones.

The principle of operation of an induction mine detector is based on fixing the secondary field of eddy currents that occur in metal objects under the influence of a primary pulsed electromagnetic field.


MMP mine detector.

Main performance characteristics

Depth of detection of mines (cm): - PTM in a metal case

PTM in non-metal cases……………………………….

PPM in cases of any material……………………………

Up to 50

Up to 15

Up to 7

Continuous operation time (hour)…………………………………..

Multi-channel (radio wave, induction, combined) semiconductor portable mine detector is designed to search for anti-tank and anti-personnel mines in housings made of any metals and materials.

Rice.3. MMP mine detector:1-search element; 2-probe; 3-rod; 4-block signal processing; 5-head phones

The principle of operation of MMP is based on a combination of two methods:

1. Radio wave - sounding signals are emitted by transmitting antennas, reflected from the ground surface, received by receiving antennas and detected.

2. Induction - a reflected electromagnetic wave is captured with characteristics characteristic of Me (amplitude, phase).

Operating procedure

When reconnaissance of the area, the search element of the mine detector is moved with a sweep to the left - to the right parallel to the ground surface at a height of 10 centimeters at a speed of 0.6 - 0.9 m / s (2 - 3 km / h). After each stroke, the search element is moved forward 1/3 of its length. The appearance of a short signal indicates the presence of a foreign object.


Mine detector RVM - 2.

Main performance characteristics

Depth of mine detection (cm): - PTM……………….


to 10

up to 5

Detection zone width (cm): - PTM………………


up to 20

up to 15

Mass of the mine detector (kg)………………………………...

Mass of the search part (kg)……………………………..

Time of continuous operation (hour)……………………….

Temperature range of application (O C)……………

+50 to -50

Calculation (people)……………………………………………….

The RVM-2 mine detector is designed to search for anti-tank and anti-personnel mines with hulls made of any materials.

Rice.4 . Mine detector RVM - 2:1-search element; 2-holder; 3-telescopic rod; 4-collet clamp; 5-block signal processing; 6-head phones.

The principle of operation is based on fixing the difference in the dielectric permittivity of explosives, the material of the mine body and the environment in which the mine is installed. Sounding signals are emitted by transmitting antennas, reflected from the ground surface, received by receiving antennas and detected. When moving the search element over the mine, a sound signal appears in the phones.

Preparation for work

1. Assemble the mine detector;

2. Connect headphones to the signal processing unit;

3. Insert power supplies;

4. Check functionality.

Operating procedure

The search for mines, depending on the state of the soil, is carried out in one of two search modes: I " or "P". Mode " I " is used to search for mines, in the snow, as well as under a layer of water, and the "P" mode in other cases.

Moving in a given direction, move the search element parallel to the ground at a height of 3-7 centimeters with smooth strokes, making sure that there are no unexplored areas left. When a signal appears on the phones, stop and clarify the location of the object


I summarize the lessons, answer the questions posed, give the task for self-preparation.

Synopsis - Means of engineering reconnaissance and demining

Russia, 2000 - 7 p.

Discipline - Engineering Training

Mine detector IMP. Purpose, performance characteristics, composition, procedure for working with a mine detector.

Mine detector IMP-2. Purpose, performance characteristics, composition, procedure for working with a mine detector.

MMP mine detector. Purpose, performance characteristics, composition, procedure for working with a mine detector.

MMP mine detector. Purpose, performance characteristics, composition, procedure for working with a mine detector.

The operation of the IMP mine detector is based on the principle of inductive (or induction) balance. The basis of the induction balance is several inductors, one transmitting and one or two receiving, forming an inductive sensor. All coils are placed in space in such a way that the signal from the transmitting coil, in the absence of metal objects nearby, would not be induced to the receiving ones (or induced, but the signal induced in one coil would be subtracted from the signal of the other coil), that is, the entire system would be balanced and the output would be zero. If now a metal object appears near the sensor, the balance will be disturbed and an error signal will appear at the output, which can be amplified. The principle of induction balance is described in more detail in the article History of metal detectors.

The IMP mine detector uses a cylindrical sensor containing three coils - a transmitting TX located in the center of the sensor, and two receiving RX (Fig. 1.). All coils are located in the same plane, both receiving coils are placed symmetrically with respect to the transmitting one. At that moment, when the current in the transmitting coil is directed clockwise, the currents in the receiving coils will be directed in the opposite direction. This is due to the fact that current pickups between the nearest parts of the turns of two adjacent coils will be stronger than between the more distant parts of the turns of the coils.

Rice. 1. Scheme of the location of the coils in the IMP mine detector sensor

In order to get a zero signal, the signals from the receiving coils should be applied to the adder, as shown in Figure 2. Here, both receiving coils are turned on in antiphase - the beginning of one coil and the end of the other are connected to a common wire, so antiphase signals are fed to the summing resistor , which are mutually compensated. At the slightest violation of the balance of the system, a mismatch signal appears on the adder, this signal is amplified by a resonant amplifier and fed to headphones.

Rice. 2. A simplified diagram of a metal detector, explaining the principle of induction balance.

AT real scheme IMP mine detector (Fig. 3.) uses a slightly different principle of residual signal compensation. Here, a transformer is used instead of a summing resistor, and a small part of the signal from the master oscillator is mixed into the residual signal. The magnitude and phase of the signal coming from the master oscillator can be adjusted by variable resistors so that this signal is equal in amplitude and opposite in phase to the residual signal, so that a zero signal is set at the system output.

Rice. 3. Simplified diagram of the IMP mine detector

This method allows you to compensate not only the imbalance of the coils, but also the pickup of the master oscillator on the input circuits of the amplifier.

Electronic circuit mine detector IMP

The operating frequency of the IMP mine detector is 1.5 kHz. Consumed current - no more than 28 mA. Supply voltage - from 5.0 to 6.2 V (4 elements 373). Time of continuous operation from one set of fresh batteries - 100 hours.

Figure 4 shows circuit diagram mine detector. It consists of an oscillator producing a frequency of 1.5 kHz, a compensation device and a resonant amplifier with an operating frequency of 1.5 kHz and a voltage gain of about 1000 times.

The generator is made according to a push-pull scheme on two transistors T1 and T2 of the MP15 type. The generator coil is partially included in the collector circuits of transistors. The inductance of the transmitting coil is 45 mH, the number of turns is 970 PEV-0.33 wires, the taps are made from about a quarter of the turns, counting from each side. Winding resistance - 13 Ohm. The coil has a steel core. The operating frequency of the generator depends on the inductance of this coil and the capacitance of the capacitor C1.

The receiving coils have an inductance of 400 mH, they contain 3500 turns of PEV-0.1 wire wound on a frame with a diameter of approximately 35 mm.

The use of a push-pull generator in the IMP mine detector circuit is due to several reasons - firstly, at the time when this mine detector was being developed, only transistors of the same structure were available - p-n-p. Secondly, to power the push-pull generator circuit on transistors of the same structure, a lower voltage will be required compared to other generator circuits.

The compensation circuit is made on resistors R1 - R8 and capacitors C1 and C2. Variable resistors R5, R8 carry out coarse adjustment of the amplitude and phase, and resistors R2, R7 - smooth.

An alternating voltage enters the compensation circuit from one of the generator coil taps.

Fig 4. Schematic diagram of the IMP mine detector:
PC - receiving coil - 400 mH; GK - generator coils - 45 mH each; T1, T2 - MP15; T3..T5 - MP13B;
R1, R3 - 39k; R2 - 22k; R4, R6 - 4.7 mΩ; R5 - 100k; R7, R8 - 47k; R9 - 3k; R10 - 6.2k; R11 - 2.2k; R12-240; R13 - 5.6k;
R14 - 4.3k; R15 - 10k; R16-120; R17, R18 - 8.2k; R19 - 4.3k; R20, R29 - 82; R21, R26 - 4.7k;
R22, R27 - 1k; R23-270; R24 - 2.7k; R25-39; R28-120;
C1 - 5.1pF; C2 - 27pF; C3,C4 - 3.3nF; C5 - 10nF; C6 - 25uF; C7,C9 - 680pF; C8,C10,C13 - 0.25uF; C12 - 3.3nF;
Tf - Headphones TA-56M

On transistors T3..T5 type MP13B, a resonant amplifier is made. The signal to its input comes from the secondary winding of the step-down transformer Tr, the transformation ratio of which is approximately 3:1. Since the input impedance of the first stage of the amplifier, made on the transistor T1, is relatively low, the use of a step-down transformer makes it possible to match the low-resistance input of the amplifier with the high output impedance of the receiving coils. Other stages are also coordinated - transformers with a transformation ratio of 1: 8 are used here, the primary windings of which are partially included in the collector circuits of transistors T4, T5. Such partial inclusion (1/4 of the turns is included) avoids the deterioration of the quality factor. Together with capacitors C7, C9, the primary windings of both transformers form resonant circuits tuned to a frequency of 1.5 kHz. Headphones TA-56M, included in the collector circuit of the transistor T5, together with the capacitor C12, form a resonant circuit tuned to the same frequency, which makes it possible to increase the sound volume in the headphones.

When the supply voltage is applied to the circuit, the master oscillator is started, and an alternating magnetic field is formed around the generator coil. This field is induced in both receiving coils, as a result of which an alternating current begins to flow in them. The receiving coils are connected in such a way that the currents flowing in them are mutually compensated and the system is balanced. Due to technical difficulties that do not allow to manufacture a search element with a perfectly correct mutual arrangement receiving coils and due to the spread of inductance values, there will always be some kind of residual signal in the oppositely connected coils. To suppress it, a compensation scheme is applied.

If there are no metal objects near the mine detector sensor and the residual signal is suppressed by the compensation system, then there will be no signal at the input of the resonant amplifier. If now a metal object appears near the search sensor, then due to the perturbation of the magnetic field, the system will be unbalanced, and a signal will appear at the amplifier input, which can be heard in the headphones.

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